HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-24, Page 5THE EXETER TIME DEC. 24th 190S
11908 at 1 p. m. All members ;very
present. The minutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read and adopted.
Bond. signed by Jacob Kelleruraun
regarding the certain portion of I
December Month Special ditch in Willett Award No. 1. be
p Sale! Crediton returned to hint by the Township
Ct k"�
AT ZWICKE •f'r • Carried.
R ' ('�U(-iDi �`OAi The trim, swishes its readers a SANDERS-YEAitLE•:1" "That !ly
o Your Christmas �/a`a.a ! ■ave 1,Money. hibit,ou of shooting at live birds at
the Ai:se Crag shooting tournament
We wish to increase our sales over any previoue December and in order I this Thursday afternoon.
to do so will make special drives in many lines. J Mr. and Mrs. 1)ttn. •Mcisaac attend-
ed the funeral of the former's rieioe
at Dashwoo+l on Monday.
Merry Christmas. aw No. 12 of 1908, being a b4-I:t,r
With US and S Mz-. 1'red herr WI1I give an ea-
Ars'? We have just received another
shipment of Furs and owing .to the
mild season purchased them at re-
duced prices. -
r -Offer our whole stock of Furs
at (bargain prices. We have a beau-
tiful Jot of Dark Canadian Coon
Coats well furred which we offer
Cheap. (Regular $50 to $75 coats at
1-4 off.
Just !received several nice dark
Wallaby Coats which we offer cheap.
We ,have a few Russian Calf coats
with %Astrachan Collars also China
Dog Coats, good quality, regular $20
to $25. Sale price $15 each.
We have a grand assortemnt of
Ruffs. Muffs, etc in Natural Sable,
For, Grey Lamb, „link. Astrapham
Eleetrio Seal, Neutria &c., y of
which would' crake a suitalare Jamas
Fur Caps in Astrachan, Electric
Seal, Grey Lamb &c., suitable for
lathes and children at the very otos- , tars Belts Ruchings, Gloves, "Golf
est 'prices. See our g'•ey lamb caps. laysetc. Just the lino to make
regular 84.00 quality for $2.50 each.
e "would suggest sc•nethina in the a nice selection for Xmas gifts.
fur line for Xmas• presents. China, Glassware, Etc.
;uality of cloth used Ia tbcso coats
is (the very best, worth from $2.00 to
83.00 per yard. Now is the time to
secure a bargain for the baby. Call
early, our stock is l}utited.
Gents Furnishings
In this department you will Sind
the very rip'ttiest style purchased for
the Xmas trade. A complete assort-
ment of the latest neckwear, silk
snufflers, cloves...handkerchiefs, col-
lars, fur collars, fanny vests, etc.,
also a complete line of up to data
orerconts, suits, etc., made up With
...ele and eualitY ;Odell will suit you.
The ;balance of our stock at half
prices, $4.00 hats for $2.00 ; $3.00 1 or
81.50, etc. Will clear regardless u.
Our stock is well assorted for the
Xmas season. having just opened a
new line of Silk Waists, Fancy Col -
We 'have a nice stock of Ladies'
ur Jap! -,,:s in Persian Lauib, Elec-
ic Beal, Astrachan with Sable Col-
ar and Reveres, Muskrat and Fur -
ailed Coats. It will pay you to look
ver our stock
be[or chas'
n .
[ 1
.e Children and Misses Coats
We have a range of nice coats
hick eve have reduced to one-half
hc regular price.
Infants and Small Chitdrens Coats
We have a number of white and
colored tear cloth coats, some With
I fi silk .ties, medallions, etc., regular
$3.0Q to $4.00 for $1.50 cash. Mlle
Our Xmas stock of China, ,Cut
Glass, Glassware, etc. has arrived.
The patterns are ozluisite. We have
never shown a better range 'than
this season's. We have made a care-
ful selection of up to date goods for
Xmas trade and will be (pleased to
show you our line.
Groceries, Fruits, Etc.
We have paid special attention to
our grocery department and have the
choicest stock of Raisins, Figs., Dates
Prunes, Peels, Nuts, Extracts, Or-
anges. Lemons, etc., all ready at
:lose prices for your Xmas re;uire-
ments. ,
20,000 lbs. of Turkeys, Geese and Ducks between Dec. 1st and 18th
We will pay the highest market pr lees in cash or trade.
We are open to buy Clove: and Timothy seed. White Beans, 'Onions,
Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples at f ill market value in cash or trade.
We wish our many customers and friends a
Merry Christmas
A Call Solicited
y with Xmas. Goods
You will Pet many a Special Here this
We are well equipped to meet every demand of the holi-
day season. If you will take our advice you will do your
pshop4g now. By purchasing now you will not only avoid
a the .Ch of the last few days but you will have the advantage
of selection from complete stock. We call your attention
a few of the many things we are showing.
Everybody come and inspect our Toy
Counter. You will see TeddyBears, Dolls
front 5c
TO Drums
Blocks, Tool Sets, (Tuns, littleBBr•ooms
and Shovels.iBalls. Toy Irone, Christmas
Tree Ornaments, Etc.
This year the variety is greater than ever. Showing China
that is very cheap, and have two other lines that are the Royal
Prussian china and of finest Austrian ware. They are the genuine
goods and designed most beautifully. Also received a number of
nice Dinner Setts and Toilet Setts.
r • eries!
Always Fresh and
Prices the Lowest.
se:ect Deputy -returning, Offic-
ers, Poll -clerks and select Polling
Booths, having been read the third
time, be passed and signed by the
Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the
Corporation attached there to." Car-
Several attended the Crossley and; YEARLEY-KEi:LF1t MANN •'Tbat
Hunter meetings at Exeter last the Police village of Crediton he paid
week. $00, and the Police village of Dash -
Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Clark spent I wood 05. as the Township Grant
Saturday in Exeter. , for the year 1008." (Carried,
Mr. Harry Stanley is cutting wood SANDERS-WIJERTH That Gott -
for Klumpp and Fahner in the (lay lob Brown, the collector of taxes,
swamp. is hereby authorized and instructed
Dir. \Vi:frid Appleton is spending to continue the Levy and collection
his holidays in Detroit. 1 of taxes in the manner and with the
Mr. Il, C. Clark, of the 1'Itosal 1 powers provided by law for the gen_
hotel intends holding a big shooting era} levy and collection of taxes."
tournament about the 30th. Moroi Carried.
cu:•ars next week. i Orders to the amount of $1336.23
hristmas is about here and don't 1 were passed. A detailed statement
fothat dl. C. Clark, of the ltoy- will appear in the Treasurer's F
alhotel keeps a •frost supply of nanciat Statement.o:etirs. The Coutci adjourned sini die.
at r t cigars in neat 'boxes henry Ei!,ber, Tp. Clerk.'
ranee .a price from 90c to $5.00 _____.e...._____
Don't fell to have a look at them.
Herbert can show the neatest Christ-
.Ui is trimmings of the year. Oyst-
ers stewed or raw at all hours. -
Mr. Barney Cunnigham, of Khiva
spent a few days in town last week.
Mrs. John Schweitzer is spending
Another line of telephone is being
constructed along the Tenth, froiu Ab-
ner Fuller's to John Routty's.
DIr•, T. Carntua nd Mrs. Paul Straf-
fon, of Crosswell, Mich., arrived Mon-
tt few clays of this week visiting re- 1 day and are visiting Messrs. Comm.
latives in London. I Hugh Berry, who:bas been quite ill
Arthutu M. IIoltzmann, who is at- with appendicitis, is getting along as
tending the Northwestern College, at well as can be expected,
Napierville, Ills., is spending the A Christmas entertainment will be,
holidays under the r
parental roof. jgiven Christmas night in Sunshine'
, Mr. T. Wurm and II. Ruby of Zur- Church by the Sunday School. An ex-
ich, paid Etl. Wurtu a flying visit cellent program is being arranged by
last Sunday, 1 the children. Miss Hart, elocutionist
'1'he Christmas cntcrtainuu•rlt ill; of Ilensall and two soloists from (len-
'/•ion Evangeaca1 church this Thurs. ; salt, will take part; Miss Cora Was -
day evening promises to sur- ; burn will give a violin solo. Mr. Silas
anything ever 'given in this church; Shier will entertain with hisgraphoue,
in the line of a mime d - program. ! Admission 25c. Everybody come.
Don't fail to be present. The pro- I Doors open at 7 program at 8.
gram promises to be of a very hi;h' The home of Mrs. .Geo. Upshall
order, some of tae princ'.pel features i w Is the scene of n quiet wedding on
of which will be the organized mail 1 1Vet:ri,•siley Dee., 16th. when her
chorus, three selections ; junior male daughter •llerthn was unite,} in mar -
chorus of 25 voices. The choir will I riage to Dfr. Bert O'Brien, f Hay.
Ie se.str.r, appropriate anthems I 1
Dashwood wo wish our Custonn t, ttnd Friends a Merry Christiinas,
The ,Times wishes its readers a
Gerry Christmas.
d ttois, Christmas'ite Fred Rojo he it akespeare, visited sriends (n the vilag: for a
few days ass week.
\Vur. Moncur, of 'Exeter, seas in t
the village on 'business on Monday.
Eithil,ta, the only daughter of Mr. Every department is filled with presents suitable
and tars. 1'. Mcisaac died on Friday pfor a1
of last week. after an illness of over We heard it said
that Siebert's
three months from of ages, She Claus. We are ready for big sellingisJusttas ready as are �e
was only nine wears of age and was advantage of our prices. Now Mr. Husband, if you think of
attending school when she took sick, a present for your wife (which you should do) here a.ve suitableegifts
and although every care: and attend very acceptable. R
Hon ,%vas g ven ler, she i;radua4ly ' A nice Dinner Set
grew worse. pasiuil away 011 Friday. ' A fine Set of Furs,
1'hr funeral: took place on Tuesday
A nice Toilet Set
for 'interment in Jit. Carmel cone -A Linen Table Cloth
tery. The synitelhy of 'the 1'com- A nice I�anglIl� Lamp
I and Napkins to Match
mutat/ is eztend.d rte DTr, and Mrs. and a lot of othor suitable gifts. These are all articles
acIsauo iu this their hour of be- r buy for the house, Why not Ker th You mast
reawelnurt t.
Mr. John Jlclsaac and 'Mr
.Sirs. At Bell, of Detroit, attended
the durtera1 of the little daughter •f
Mr. and Sirs. V. Dlclsaac on Tuesday
Mr. 'Arthur ]it:dermawn, /who has
been attending co:deg:. at Napier -
41135 return -d 'home dor the hol-
present: And now Mr. Young Man if you have a sweethee an call it arChristmas
please both you and your girl with a fine lot of Christmas presents.
For Children we have an endless variety of Toys, which will surely
please the children. IVe have also made a special purchase of fine
Braces, Ties, Handkerchiefs that are very nifty.
Come and see our collection of Candies from the ordinary mixture
to the fine creams. In nuts we have Filberts, (ireenobie, Walnuts,
Almonds, Brazils and Peanuts. Alt new Goods. When we say new
nuts, we mean new nuts and not old cold storage goods which are not
Mr. tI?d• Wehin, of Berlin. is visit- pt fit to use,
ing at his tlromc herr for a tow dais.!
We will also give special prices on Ladies Coats and Men's
Stores oil be closed all day Friday data during the holiday season, Over -
Christmas .lay. Now bringalong Dlr. -J, G. p\Ve:•tin sold two also- your produce oral see what we can do for you.
line engines last +'week to farmers
near .}tete. The engines are to be
Siebertused dor pumping seater and othet. ,716,
work en the 'Linn. HartleCo.
c tion of the Sunday school
officers .was helit in the Evangeli-
cal church un Sunday last.
Christmas service %wia he held in
the IF; van getical church on Friday
morning at ten o'clock. Rev. Dar.
Eidt will preach appropriate sermon.
The •annna1 Christmas entertain-
ment .in corirtectlou ',illi the Sunday
school of the 1;v::ngelic:tl Church was
last. evening.
Dfr. Fred Bader purchased a dandy
Edison phonograph outfit from W.
Powe: •. the agent at Exeter last
wcck. .
rendercr o t
be sure to hear and see the 1 Rev. tdi, J.mlair in weey performedrfortneei by ' (ir wishes
s lis
beautiful. exercises and motion! the immediate relatives. pi Mr. emence ofnd . The limes wishes its a'eaders a
songs by children, who have 'ben, Mrs. 'O'Brien will reside on their Site- e are having fine s: i
drilled for this occasion and the 3_.- 1 farce an flay township. 'tow. e ;hind just
corations which will be the work of , Mr. Les Robinson is spending the A very successful entertainment
.the two organized adult Mole class -1 holidays in Cobourg and Port Hope. was Ilett in the public school hereon
es of young ni ri and wonlOn. They i Mr. Enos. Cook and two sons, Chas, Wednesday afternoo:i Dec. 16th, con -
are sparing no pain; to make thein i and Guy, of Virden, Alan., are here silting of recitations, dialogues and
very elaborate. Small admission at ' on ret visit.
the door. son,•= 4}• :he set:o:r� and speeches
A meeting of the: electors and rate- 1 De brridget'willf be friends
to kern that our ora by s tieaehrr %for t he e w, tyt ever is du;
payers of the Police Village of Cre- ; she will be laid up with pleurisy of passed off so emoothiy• At close
iton, will be tela ill tht, Town Hall 1 the lungs. \Ve hoe,. to hear of her of t he social titne :Jr)address and
Crediton on Monday evening, Dec. 1 speedy recovery, the act-.
n r �
th, 1.1p.
at eight t ire
t, t o'clock for the Mr. and Mrs. Thos. DurdIc }eft er nsnfollows. as made to the teach -
purpose of making and recclvin; 1 Tuesday ,for an extended visit to To •bliss Jennie Mills.
nominations for the office of Police Bothwell and other points,
It i'trustees, In the event of more canMr. .anti Mrs. Francis Durdle af- upilss haves learneddeep that that your
didates being proposed for this par-; ter a week's visit here. left Sltur- abort to sever your connection with
ticulnr office than required to be, el- day for their lore in ilrussels. us as scholars and also our school,
feet ed, the proceedings will be ad- 1 Last (Sunday was the anniversary end a11hough we may riot at all
journed until Monday, January 4th of •the Sunshine church. Itov. •Robt. limes lave ,lone our very best at
1909, whet' a poll wilt be opens'' in flicks, of Crediton, preached ttwo
the Town Hall, Crediton at !1 a. m i w rY hxcelJrnl sermons to lar gestin_, up our lessons. you have
Rev. Fair, of ElicnviIle, preached cun;ti'c;gat}ons. g been very patient and painstaking in
morning and evenin • in the Metho•' 1IJ3 tin;nt; the ditferete t problems
dist church on Sunday last. The ser- Pres'entics, tilt new Cant that we have• fauna too diffienle for
vices were well wt tended. Rev. •Mr, Cure `Tablets are said by druggists s us, and no matter where yet may
Hicks preached Sunday School enni-; to have four special specific i s nyoit.%%it. i t�1wsysai,do o r know that
versary services in the E:iniville ! tagc•s over all other remedies for a oar loss •.will bt theiyour
gain, rind now
church. colli• First -They contain no ,;Bin- ae the time will soon corse that we
Hiss Dunlop 1trd 'Miss roily left !Ile. nothing harsh o; sickening. - c.mu•eet see each other face• to face,
0n Wednesday for their (tomes in, Second -They Rive almost instant re- we •wot:d ask
Godcrich ,to spend the holidays. ' l.ef. Third -pleasant to the taste. bracelet as 3 tebti010 ia1a of tour taps
:Miss lfartleib left 'his week for' I•de candy. Fourth --A large box, 43 predation of your true efforts to -
her home in ;Dashwoo'I to spend the l';'t;trlt;rs-at 25 cents. Also "Sine wards us, not /for its intrirrsle value
Christmas holiday., , ,or fee( rish children. Sub! by W. S. but ae an es
Our eclair)! coed on Tuesday for . liotwcv• pression of the sprit
the ho'irlays [tial
:Mr. IL Few :et- en 1 .Mr. II. Janne i
of the Bank of Commerce leave to-' Siitpka
day for their respective horses for
Mr. and Sirs. Baumgarten, of Mei-
a few r :
e e tr rA
lay, visit. .Inn..
are v;siting; at thrix home
Mr. \V. Wenzel arr,i Mr, C. Either' here,
!cave to day for t vial. with the for-' Mr. \Varner Finkb%•iner, of Iiillar-
tner's daughter Jirs. 'Behnke, of De- ley• man.. and formerly of this bars
fro}t. i Is visiting hero.
Dfr. W. .W, Lewis, of Crandall, • Mr. Ace- r:,.,._..,. , ,.
:Lon., after an absence of seven .,•ars
is ;:siting his father, Mr. ,Wm,
Miss ,Agnes Yot:n; :eft •fursday to
visit her sister Mrs. Couch at Strat-
Messrs. .11. 1), '1'nrribn:t 'Intl \V. A,
Gardiner, of St. Si irys, are spe•n,i-
ing the holidays at their homes here.
.lir. Gowans left on lVerinevday List
for his Lome :n flienshard to spend'
the holidays.
A large crowd attetele) the schon11
concert Monday evening. A 'good
program was liven and rill .eemed
to enjoy the different se:ect;071+ giv-
en ib) the chi:dr.: t. The proceeds
amounted to 1w -lily om• do lar-.
Mr. r.n.l Mrs. llcl%aig. of Crotn-'
visited Mr. ana Mrs, James 0.
.bell Gardiner. who leis
g the wpiversify at
••i home nn Mord ,y
(1 Toren-
Sunday elf tris brother Jamie).
1 51r. frank Fahncr, of Revelstoke
11. C., is spending the holidays at his
If home hero.
The Misses tiarah and Lydia Baum-
garten. of Battle ,Creek, ore spend-
ing the holidays at their horn- here.
Mr. and Mrs. Aweld, of Elgerton,
Slide. ,ire spending their honey-
moon wit h Mr. .lack Geiser.
Mr. Ezr t Brenner sp;nt a few,
(lay's with relatives in Zurich.
51r. J. D. •Mannon was in 1,011 ion
i.Ist Werk 011 business.
A 'number from Stere attenled the
Grand Stead eilri4t1111; 'tree last
Mrs. .lames Hann to sr.. is spenl-
in)~ her Christmas holidays w'i.h re-
latives in Merrill, Aitch.
Jlr. Wo,. Schrader, of 1.ondol, is
visiting his pwaits here,
We are ready to sup)yoursre��
things to crake you happy for he holiday seasonondi9longdnfterward a good
invite you to call and let us show you the good things we have to offer.
Dress Goods all the latest shades and Cloths at prices to suit everybody.
Ladies Coats and Jackets.
We have the best and at the very lowest mires. Specutl Bargains will be
offered in Ladies Fur Coats and Cloth Jackets to clear.
Fur Ruffs.
We have a large assortment in Aloetin Sable, Isabella Sable, American
Sable, Isabella Oppoeuru, etc., etc. at special pt•icea.
Bargains will he offered for the balance of the season as we do not intend to
carry over everything in this line if a price will sell theta. (.`till early and geb
some of the bargains.
.A large assortment of Fancy Handkerchiefs in plain and fancy, white
and colored Fancy Embroidered. from 5ct. tip. They will please you.
Boot & Shoe Department
Out Shoe Store is full of all the needs for winter comfort in Ru
Cardigans, ons Rubbers, r9
R .Hub Oyer -
shoes, Boots, Felt Shoes. Fancy Eelt Shoes and Sl,
11180 all kinds of I3oote and Shoes in leather for Ladies and Men. Our Slippers,
you will find as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Just received a coneig China
Xmas Presence. A large assortmenof Jardinereg, Base I' m pss,,aRanging
Lamps, Fancy Plates., Cups and Saucers, Dinner Sete, Toilet Sete, etc., etc,
Xmas Groceries
Our stock is all fresh and new, New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels,
New Figs, Dates, Shelled Almonds, Shelled Walnuts and everything you re-
quire to make your Xmas Cakes. AU sold at close price.
W91 wish our many customers and friends a
Merry Christmas
Highest prices p id for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
animates the givers and if ee 0
are WOE. permitted .o meet aga:u iii
bili; oily we
nil meet its that Christm as Goods *
e:ch p -•t..
g as we
here. have � Sign -
on b: a if of thecnoo!, Jennie
U:<jprd nln, Gladys This store is ready to serve you with the best and biggest
G: Patterson, useful goods which we have ever shown for Christmas. This y of
1 1.1% Christmas tree held in t ht.r
especially useful gifts will be sought after more than ev er, ndwe are
ti'g'ht tact two; a grams success,
Met hodist church hers, on Friday prepared to show you a large collection of useful articles suitable for
the church Ming crowdrd to its fu:- Xmas presents. Is there not some thing in the followin su
which will help you to choose? R ggesLiona
lest •capacity• Proceeds $31.
The Presbyterian church here
held their annual tntertainrne•,t on
Tuesday might, w henr farm crowd Razors and Razor Strops
filled the church to overflowing. The
proceeds air not known at present, See our whRe granite Childs Sets, Fancy
i,udt art.
'tern next week. Lamps, Skate:
Ware'O,A%•,•r. jr.. ' ft nit Tuesday Also have a Good Cheer Base Burner. Has been uscd a short time spend his Chr.si:. holidays with
his grr.ndpareiit8 at btElmira.. Marys ant a snap for some one.
si:itton 11111! Mitchell ,tail a few We wish you all a Merry Christmas.
null help there to pull out the 4th
c'Ising from 1111- 'lwr:l they put 'town Hardware E.
for lista. i'carson, of :McGillivray. It (� • TIEMAN, •
was a sad sight to sots.• i,resent to
set' it he ca -}ng come 0111. a= Eggs and Butter taken.
the well (erne and see us before you buy,
was ,ren:ly no goo} them. but any-
thine thr (tend boys It ;ko to - _ - - - _ -- -
do, they do ft, even if it does spoil
Donald .l'attcrson and son return Y FENCE
to stop , rn p cd 'rem,. to Is:ls%v0, Ili, Itch., \Vedas+
1 } pen in t.0 min;:::-. day 16th. MANCI..2.CTi RED BY THE
t ik,• ane of Dr. ala o s Pink Pain OWEN SOUND WIRE FENCE CO.
T•tlpl<'ts• deo formula on the box. ------'--. _ Limited.
ask your (lector or Diu 4t abort A. S No. 4, STEPHEN' OWEN SOUND, ONT.
KR:• rhe (o;lewinq is the co rent 1
th s fot in 1. 11 can't the bettered. port •f the standing of the putn:s1
woneinly pens. ]lead piins, tiny of t,, ;•I. X I
!eon te•ts instant relief. }fox twenty of December. lNarrl•s'}are infororder �olf
1' nk Pain 'Tablets. 25 c. Sold by W. merit. Fourth Marry Schwartz. L.
S. (low ey,
-- 5for:oek. ;Aryl llrokenshire. Alvin
Cornish. ",:-n- Schvirtz, t;). Brown
C:1renc,• Either, (Tinton Brown, 0.
Il mat I's f1iI ('ern} -h, )ferbir Kraft, .Mervin 11ro.
kenshire, ((wear Corn;slr, Jr. i1i,E, i
Itoesz',•r. Edo 1, Anise dl;t Eithne 1,.
,tnitle Sr. 11, Joey Jlroketiehire. 1,
Schwartz, Clinton 1lorloek,
Cornish. Merv:n (bxlcorth, f: 1nt'•h-
snn n Write Jr. 11, ('rrr;e• Schroeder
Cat re ;Mor!ork. Adeline \Vein, O.
Cor nigh, 1't. D. :Mary t\Vials, Ilaz-
e1 :'r'szcator, 1't. I, Stelf:r Cornish+
Niel vin Wein, Elgin Either. II
Meted C. Jenn1900, 'reacher.'
The council met on Tuesday the
13th. bring the as in,i-up meatin; of
the year. All members were pr..
sent. The minutes of the Ant meet-
ing were read and adopted. The
following are the Ponta( places,
)epnty returning officer'( and poll
rks. \u 1 8. House. No 3 John
A Nice Line of Silver and Nickleware
Boys Rifles and lir Buns
-1 and teite4 cum for Rhctr•
•. 17 that will stride/awl the
-otos stipple's. nor tug, coni+
a in. Thst Is 1rn :tube.
11 tho Patna and t.sntta of
herald fn the Clty of
8rt M(rrdlent with
Reme.lr ws. made
rlptiori. trichina
Invited many
at last, Rent-
s her.'tof.•r-
'rn /rune/sr
(sty as
• ater.
Thi- is n very popular fence and
is not only used by the majority of
farmers but by the C. P. R. railroad.
who built some 8000 miles list sum-
mer. The C. 1'. (t, bas used a num-
ber of other makes of wire fennrt but
have found the Dillon to give the
hest satisfaction and as a resit
will ase tin other.
i am agent for this fence in this section also their Lawn Fencing at •1
handle all Bizet; of (sates and Fence Tools. 1 will be ple•ised to talk Fe) ' -
ing with you and quote prices. See me before placing your order.
B. M. FRANCIS, Winchelsea P.C.
it,,w, kin=, J. McMahon. No 2 W Snell. NO 7 A Neuse No 3 J I The time
?e' \a it. 1). nnrnC. W I) 111 gin. I Troyer. No s of the collector for col-
N'o 3 Town /felt. A 1' -rt re. ft Spencer, F Duo , kering unpaid taxes dvz, extended to
Hess. Toe
4 Town '*erten .v.w 9 a . esrta` t the 1st of Fchruar A number of
• I: Sterner. ' n arerai'.e.„� !►'•` �iA �k0 tax e
masa!, ;n r �,>"� t ort ants were ort• red to be paid the
'�1 en. d icu'nr, of which 'will nppnsr in