HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-24, Page 4J.HE E X E T E h' .T I M ES, DEC. 24tb 1908.
Noliday Gifts
Call and see our large
stock of Perfumes, Pur-
ses, Bill Books, Satchels
Pouches, Case Pipes,
Hair and Cloth Brushes,
Mirrors, Pocket Mirrors,
Pocket Combs. Books
and Stationery. All suit-
able for Xmas presents
Brownings Drug Store
Mr. Andrew Butt, of Albert Col-
lege, Melte vale, is spending itis
Christmas Holidays at home.
'The anniversary of the Methodist
iday school was unc of the best
aces 'held. On Sunday morning the
lOastor, Itev. W. B. Butt, preached to
dents on "Family Religion". an
-the 'evening Mr. Geo. Stanley, of
EUCan preached an able and eloquent
sermon to the young people. A
ltegemocting goes field on Monday
eVoning when a most excellent pro-
Q'I'amtuLi uses rendered by the bun-
ydase school and all Mere (delighted
[with the solos. 'recitations. marches
Mr. W. H. ,Butt, of the Medical
College, Toronto, is spending his holi-
days under the parental roof.
She tclosing exercises of the public
hehool took place on Tuesday after-
noon. when a lengtby and varied
.varied program was given by the
scholars. Rev. W. 11. Butt occupied
Ute chair and short speeches were
delivered by Mesar=. Sam. and Sid
Davis. Tho teaCt T, ME Swan, bad
a good year and bath parents` and
children are pleased at the good re-
The dtIfferai of the late John T.
:oyes. 'took place Monday afternoon
to the Fairfield 'cemetery. The de-
peased, who was a brother of Jas.
'Rohr•$, was 62 ;pears of age and made
bis home 'w' b his brother. He was
for n c plc• of weeks, suffering
oil -b. a. trouble. Tho funeral
• services .were conducted by Rev. W.
If. Butt. A large number 'were pre-
sent to show their esteem and re-
spect for the deceased.
Miss Gladys Essery is Spending her
holidays with her parents.
The well known strengthening
_ properties of iron combined with
otter tonics and a most perfect ner-
vine. are found in Carter's Iron Pills
which strengthen the nerves and
body. and improve the blood and
A little stranger came to tho house
of Mr. and Mra. John Park a week
ago• Congratulations Jack.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Hart, of \Volsc-
Ie;. Sask., intend spending the win -
(ter with their friends and parents
Iu t his vicinity
Mr. an 1 Mrs. Ab. Thompson, of
Hickson. were the guests of Mr. and
Mr'. Mark Cark on Wednesday.
Mrs. Wm. Hanson and family have
moved to their new home in Mitch-
ell. We regret to lose such estim-
able neighbors,
Mrs. A. 1Uodgert was presented by
the 'President of the H. L. and F. A.
Society 'with nn address and hand-
some present in recognition of her
services of judge in ladies' fancywork
for 4he last four years.
The annual special services and X-
m..- •tree of Mt. Pleasant Methodist
church swill he held on the 27tb and
cath tinst.
Mr. John Gill. of OA River. Man.
is visiting friends its this vicinity.
Itusseldale tCouncil. No. 100, C. 0.
C.F.. at their regular annual meet -
Ing on Thursday evenin; elected of-
ficers for the ensuing_ year as fol-
loa s. V. C., C.: Harris ; V. C., 1). Dow ;
Treas.. •3. Cole ; .Roc. A. Jlodgert ;
As'st. Rec., A. Wiley ; Prelate. Mrs.
A. Iloagert : Marshall, Arch Clod-ert
\Var'len. rt bit r Cole; Guard. fico.
Melville; tient ry, Wm. Russell; step.
to Iran I council. 0. Harris and A.
There is no ono article In the line
of medicine that gives so largo a re-
turn for the money as a good por-
ous strengthening plaster, such as
Carter's Smart Wee'I and Relladoona
The Time• wishes its many readers
A 'Merry Christmas.
D1r. tiatnuel Gunning and Jim (V -
Why Referi
to Doctors
Because we make medicines
for them. We tell them all
about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and they prescribe it for!'
coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- r
•umption. They trust it. Th
you can afford to trust it.
Ask your own doctor.
The best kind of a testimonial -
"Bold for over sixty y'Rr.:."
awstas•.,asr = -, z' :
A .� t.auu:wtur r
Brien are having a large quantity
of gravel hauled from Kirktou for
the erection of a foundation under
their thorn next summer
Mr. (Hector Stinson, accompanied by
Miss Dann, of Bryanston visited in
London on Saturday.
Miss Lulu Mitis, of \Voodham, vis-
ited her friends here :tet week.
Mrs. David Hodgson. who is home
from the west is visiting relatives
around there.
A number from around here at-
tended the Crossley & !Hunter meet-
ings in Exeter on Sunday.
Mr. 'and 'Mrs. J. Wright and 11;
Milson attended the 'wedd:ug parte
given 'hy Wm. Rowccliffe in honor
of 'his son W. J. and bride.
Miss Minnie Morley is the guest
of Mrs. %larding hear Exeter for tho
Christmas holidays.
Owing Ito the ubsenee of our or-
ganist, 'Miss Minnie Morley, Miss V
Squires very.nbly filled the position
on Sunday],
Mrs. Sutherby and neice Miss Ve'1'-
da Morley are visiting friends in
A very sad accident happened in
Goderich township on Tuesday which
resulted in the death of Donald As
Mackenzie of the first concession. Dir.
Picot and Mr. Mackenzie were sawing
a fallen tree against the roots of which
sapling:and a another partly fallen
tree had lodged. \Vben they finished
the cut the roots dropped and in a
twinkling the second tree crashed
down and caught the unfortunate man
between the two. crushing him to
death instantly. His ribs and jaw
were all broken.
Public notice is hereby given that
a meeting of the Electors of the
Township of Usborne will be held in
the Town Hall, Elimville on
At the tour of one o'clock in the
For the purpose of making and re-
ceiving Nominations for Reeve and
Councilmen, Further notice is here-
by given that in the event t,f more
Candidates being proposed fol any
particular office than requiret to be
elected the proceedings 'will be ad- foot freedom be given to even the
journed until Monday, January 4th, ; oungest babes. Test it once your-
. D3 1909, when polls will be opened :elf, and ace 1 Sold by W. S. Howey.
K irkton
The (Times wishes its readers a
Merry Christmas.
Mr. A. 11. 1)oupe is visiting in Tor-
Leslie 'Bentley has moved into the
house lately vacated by John Kens
on the farm of Mr. Alex Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. tAlbert Spencer paid
a visit to (Stratford on tiaturday.
Mr. II'l, N. Shier has u new, clerk:. IOCper pound.
Last night's Christmas tree pass-
ed off successfully and all report a
high time. Messrs. W. T. Roadhouse
and F. Stinson were the recepients
of useful and substantial presents.
and (We are sure no other persons
deserve 'them as well as they and
we wish them many happy L.hrist-
mas days to enjoy thent.
Miss 'Ella IDoupe and Miss Annie CHRISTMAS TOYS and everything for Santa Claus pre-
Doupe are home for Xmas.
Mr. llfugh Hazlewood is recupgr- sents in stock.
ating ,after a strenuous term at the 35C worth of Sewing Needles for the housewife at 15c.
Victoria University, Toronto.
Miss Dorothy Dickenson purposes ; Call and Inspect for yourselves at
spending Christmas with friends in KIRKTON
Arkona. N.SHIER,
Mr. Jack Moore a stable has sprung NI SO
up like a mushroom. The magi's*.
wand was manipulated by the John
Elliot Co.
Mr. E. N. Shier was in London on
business last week.
The alternate weekly meeting of
the Kirkton Canadian Club was held
last Thursday evening and although
our slumbers were not large, wo had
n proportionate time. Mr. T. Wal-
ker gave an instructive address on
ventilation, and Mr. Geo. Willson an
interesting discourse on fencing and
Argombo's Finest Selected Raisins
28 Ib. boxes for $t.Gs
Best English Lemon Peeler -Special
Two pounds of the best Walnuts for 25c.
Something Now to the Trade
NO AL FLAVORING EXTRACTS 25c per tube, worth $2.50
of the regular liquid extracts.
Coughs that are tight, or distress-
ing tickling, ocughs, get quick and
certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough
Remedy. On this account druggists
everywhere are favoring. Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy. And it is entirely
free from opium, chloroform. or any
other stupefying drug. The tender
leaves of a harmless lung healing
mountainous shrub give to Shoop's
Cough Remedy its curative proper-
ties. Those leaves have the power to
calm the most distressing cough, and
to soothe and heal the most sensitive
bronchial membrane. Mothers should
for safety's sake alone, always de-
mand Dr. Shoop's. It can with—per-
nt S 11. m. nt the toiiot:ing places,
as fixed by Township By-law, vit.
Div. No. 4, Township Hall, Elim- tletisall.
ville, Sidney Andrew, D.R.O. ; Geo. The (Times wishes its readers a
Kellett, Poll Clerk. Div. No. 2, Geo. Merry Christmas.
Cornish's house, lot 6, N. T. R. Jno. Harburn's tPrimroses makes suit -
W. 'Homey, D.R.O.; Dan Dew, Poll able New Years gifts. Sure to please.
Clerk. Div. No. 3, W. Penwarden's A very interesting event occur -
house, S1-2 3. Con. 10, Thos Wash- red in Chicago on Monday evening,
burn, D.R;O. ; Hugh Berry. 'Poll December 14th, when Nellie R., eld-
Clerk. Div. No. 4, Public Hall, Far-
quhar. John Duncan, jr., D. 111 0.:
Silas N. Shier, Poll Clerk.
And all electors are hereby re-
quested to take notice and govern
themselves accordingly.
Returning Officer
W. have r •eer,t•t We pu' I
he formula• or es enr eneate'ee.. i
otsm-etas$*.t. !
• greatly aid tho there;
breaking up a cols.
I'ublic notice is hereby given that
a meeting of the Electors of the
Village of Exeter will be held in the
Town Hall, Exeter, on
For the 'purpose of making and re-
ceiving Notninations for Reeve and
Councillors and Public School Trus-
tees. And further notice ;s hereby
given that in the event of more can-
didates being proposed for any office
than required to be elected, the
meeting will be adjourned until Mon-
day, January 4th, A. 1). 1909. when
polls will be opened at 9 a. m. clos-
ing at 5 p. m., at the fol•lowin, plac-
es. as fixed by Village By -Law,• viz.
l'olling Sub -Division No. 1 at Silas
!landlord's residence. Main street by
Edward Treble. D. It. 0. and Iier-
bert Ford. Poll Clerk. Polling Hub
Division No. 2. Weekes' Bros Mar-
ble Works, Main Street .by W. D.
Weekes. 1). 1t. D. and James Weekell
Poll Clerk. (Polling Sub -Division No.
3. at. E. 41. Fish's residence, Main
Street by Richard G. 13eldon. DIM).
and Alex. G. Dyer. Poll Clerk. Poll
ing Sub -Division No. 4. at the Town
Hall by Jos. Davis. D.R.O. and It.
N. Taylor. Toll Clerk.
And all electors are hereby re-
quested to take notice and govern
themselves accordingly.
Returning Officer
Exeter. December 12th. 1908.
r ,.rel, .r. 110.,
No. 1
Some day shaving is forced epee
every scan. At first it docs cit
matter what sort of razor is used—
father's pet Carbo @fagoetic or ,
w eather's fond birthday `in of an
expensive safety with its constant
tax of new Llade s—jest w it
The beard eccn stiffens and than
the real, vital question arise:: "Wey
doesn't a rasor hold 1ta edge cni-
formly from beck to ::.ad without
boring or grinding?" Saving has
now become a necessity—but the
ccrfort and $steatiticn of a daily,
cool, c! -an !hall is viay seldom cb-
tain-d. l'• L:a.- 4''d is the
usual o.acor.e of the eL'at, whether
yea shave yru:s•Af Cr gave it done
iu scar lateriteba'trer's chair. You
p-rs,tteotly ask, "Why?" "The
temper of the blade Is not tnifotr,,
nuktrg periodical hcaing a::'
fag a necessity." is our answer.
The blade of the Cubo Marvttic
razor is finished hya secret prcess
cf ftnotrlo Tempering that
positively t::erges (very particle of
e rbon (the life cf •trel) into the
metal --g •in;: a e1ansonrl-fiko
ka, slnoss unitsrn:ty t`.rcuct4:t
the blade—somethicg ebsclute!y ia.•
possible with fire -tempered eft.: csed
in making alt other rasor blades.
But tett this rtes Aonfngt, no
f,.IndIng, a%conditionatl; guaran-
teed razor in your owe ho-e—cr
here year barber use 1. o, you.
Drop us a postal, cr tt:ter yet
came to and see u% end we w,i1 rig.
you our etw propnutioa for having
these razors tested withoa: oblige -
ties to purchase, together
),111es Seeks.. " Hiats ea Sha •1•"
W. S. Cole, ,Druggist
The lVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL >i'3 374,000.00
RESERVE FUND $3,374.000.00
I Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities to the World. t
M' ■ W ■ i r ■ r■ W W ififi� \I
Oranges 20c, 35c and 5oc a doz; Figs 15c; Dates toe; Nuts 20C
Candies—a fine assortment to choose from at Ioc to 5oc a lb.
See our assortment of pretty and useful dishes at from
. lee to $1.25.
Our space is too small to tell you all the good things we have. Come and see.
Don't forget to send the children on Christmas eve to
see Sauta Claus and the Xmas tree at the store at
7.30 p.m , .
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
Mr. Arnold McArthur, .of Ottawa, years old and one of the first set -
Is visiting his parents. tiers in the township. He is sur -
Mr. And. Johnston and (daughters, vived by tour daughters and two
Mrs. Emma amd Miss Mary, were in sons.
Woodstock during •the past rweek,1 Miss (Etta E. Stanley 'has been
attending the funeral of an infant engaged as teacher In the Essex pub -
child of Mrs. Sjhortt, Mr. Johnston's lic school and Miss Holly Martin will
daughter. teach at Fargo Ont., after the New
Miss A. Carlisle returned last week Year.
from !Belgrave, where she has been A quiet :but pretty 'wedding took
spending a few weeks with her place nt the home of Mr. Alexander
brother. MoFalls 'at 6 o'clock on Wednesday
Mr. Charles Manus is here from evening 'when his eldest daughter,
the west on a visit. Miss 'E. Ida bicFails, was married to
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- Cambridge W. Ilawkshaw, reeve of
per $vas observed observed in Car- the village. The ceremony twas per -
mel church on Sunday. Preparal formed by the Rev. III. B. Stevenson,
tory services Friday afternoon was of the Presbyterian Church, in the
conducted by ltev. Mr. Martin, presence of the immediate relatives
of (Exeter. , only. Miss thlcFalls has been organ -
Quite a large number from Mete ist of the Presbyterian Church here
sail and vicinity are attending thei tor the past 13 years and on Tues -
revival services at Exeter, con- day evening the members of the con -
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D, L.
Anderson, formerly of •Seaforth, ducted by Revs. Crosley and Hunter,' gregation made 'Ser a presentation
was united in marriage to Mr. Geo- the well known evangelists. I of a cut glass neater set, a dozen
Dick, at lIensall.
Another shipment of fine horses
arrived at Mr. T. J. Berry's stable
here on Monday. The shipment com-
prised four valuable stallions and
one marc. They were purchased by
Mr. Berry from Mr. John Kerr, of
Red Hall, Wigton, Cumberland, and
although they were in transit over
two 'weeks they landed in (food con- ncsday attending the wedding of ber
Clition, and are as fine a .looking brother.
lot as has been brought to this Mrs. Wellington Hodgins, Dick
country. Mr. 'Berry's long cxperi- Hodgins, John Rollins, Lucan and Dr.
once in the importing of high-class Lieber J. iflodgins, of Beaforth, left
stock puts him in a position to get on Friday for Toronto to attend the
the best stock that money can buy. wedding of Miss Belle Neil, elJcst
Mr. lArthur Dignan and his sister, daughter of John Neil, to Chas. Her -
Miss tEmma, of 'DIarquis, Sask., re- bert Parker, barrister at law .both
turned home last week after spend- of Toronto.
ing the summer in the west. Mr:
Dignan will spent the winter months
with his parents and other friends
here and will return again to his
western home in the spring.
Miss Smith has added to the ap. illness of Mrs. Carrigan s father, Restorative. Test it a few dap, and
pearance of her store front by tho Gren Sullivan, of Iiiildulph. Mrs sec 1 Improvement will promptly end
erection of a neat balcony. Sullivan, who has since died was 87 surely follow. Sold by W. B. Howey•
solid silver apooft3 and a gold plated
sugar shell. The 'groom is a mem-
ber of the Wray & Hawkshaw Mill-
Lucan ling 'Company and has been reeve of
A. Hawkshaw, of Vancouver, and the village for three years.
Miss Violet Carter, of Toronto, are
home for the Christmas holidays.
Miss 'Edith Ilawkshaw, of Central
avenue, London, 'vas hero on Wed-
' The old fashioned way of dosing a
weak stomach, or stimulating the
heart or kidneys is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop .first pointed out this error.
This is why his prescriptiotr — Dr.
Shoop's Restorative—is directed en-
tirely to the cause of these ailments
—the weak inside or controlling ner-
ves. It isn't so difficult. says Dr.
Shoop, to strengthen a weak stom-
ach, heart or kidneys, if ono goes at
it correctly. Each inside organ has
Edward 'Carrigan re resentin� -the its controlling c: inside nerve.
P When these nerves fail. then
International harvester Company, those organs must surely fal-
of Chicago. at Edmonton, arrived ter. (These vital truths are
here with his family on Monday last. leading druggists everywhere to
They were tailed home owing to the dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's
General Banking Business Transacted.
= Savings Bank Department
you would soon get rid of a servant
who did only half the work in
double the time of a capable one.
Then why continue using a flour
that gives half the nourishment a
double the work to digest?
Royal Ihniseliold
is made from s
a wheat th.
is the W
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dlckeon & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
A. 3. WALKER, President
AM. LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00Q
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
COUNTRY BUSINESS E others ilirythfforded tori n t
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for cpl}lllection..
BANKING BY MAIL Ac monies ts may
po itedeordwthd awn tat
this way with equal facility. lees
Exeter Branch—G.W. Harrison, Manager
Branch ciao at Crediton.
MHN, you become disheartened
when you feel the symptoms of
Nervous Debility and decline stealing
upon you. You haven't the nerve or
ambition you used to have. You
feel you are not the man you ought
to be. You feel like giving up in
despair. You get nervous and weak,
have little ambition, pain in the
back over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer
to be alone, distrustful, variable
appetite, looseness of hair, poor cir-
culation—you have Nervous
Debility. Our New Method
Treatment Is your refuge. It
will strengthen all weak organs.
vitalize the nervous system, purity
the blood and restore you to a man-
ly condition.
Pay When Cured.
READER Are you a •Ictim? Have you lost hope? Aro you intending to
marry? 1fas your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness?
Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for hundreds of
others. it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated
you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS
FREE—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men.
C. 0. D. No names on boxes oe onvokmes. Everytitss coafd.ntiaL Question
li.t and coat of Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
MAIL CONTRACT S II0pls 01 Me Wolin Noilti west.
SEALED TENDERS addressed (01 Any person who is the sole head
the Postmaster General will be re- of a family, or any male over 15
reeved at Ottawa until Noon, of Fri- years old may homestead a quartek
day, the 13th January, 1909 for the
conveyance of Ilis Majesty's Mails on
a proposed contract for four years.
4 and 4 times 'per week each way be-
tween GitANTON and 'METROI'OL-
front it. Postmaster General's plea-
sure. I't inted notic, s containing fur-
ther information as to coutditionsof
proposed contract may be seen and
blank forms of tender may b' ob-
tained nt the 1'ost Office of Granton
Metroi'o.itan and Whalen, and al
the 0 the I'ostoffice In -
sectoni of available Dominion land 10
31aititoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear its person
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub-agen':y for the district. Entry by,
proxy tnay be had at the agency, on •
certain conditions, by father, mother
son. daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties :—`fix. months residence upon -
and cultivation of the land in eaob
of three years. A homesteader tnay
live within nine miles of his home-
stead on a tfarm of at least 80 acres •
'e • owned and occupied b im or