HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-24, Page 3ASO1UTErypqp SAN IINPABBONABLE CRIME 11. Preacher Wants Cynics and Pessimists Ccnulno carterIs iIttIe Liver Pills. Must gear St;;naturo of hes Fec.Siatlto t'.•tr;per Cciow. Very sssan sad *Assay tit Salt* aa TQC iii~".'u►�CH II >1t:1lkt;r=3 114 tILIQG$Ri8S. tr)[i iv'~riD MFR. 4 CCd$T17ATit)R. 41.1811( uses t l;;wttMPLSJlO'i11 r COME r-,)r)K `4naCI•iE. PLAGUE FIGIITINfe CATS. reducett Into India by the Sal - Sent to Sanitarium. Because an exce'lctit spirit was in hien.-Daniel ti. 3. An excellent spirit in a man is of more importance than anything else. The men of sl'irit use the men who do thiugs. It is an old story, but it will al- ways be true, that the honest - hearted with sling and pebbles will slay the giant where strong men in ponderous armor quail and flee. An excellent spirit is thu best ar- mor. Even the golden rule avails little ,:'loss it is applied in the "golden spirit." The spirit may become diseased as well as the Lody. The cynic and pessimist, unlike the poet, are made, not born. The sweet spirit of the child is twisted and warped and knotted until at length ho is turned loose among men, LIKE SAMSON'S FOXES, with brands at their tails, doing harm wherever they go. This is noshing lees than an unpardrnable crime. 'We have institutions for the criminnl and the insane and the sick ; why not have them for ration Army. the men of glove) and despondency and sourness? Let such be sub - !A fen' months ago a small but de- jected to fcercible though kindly termin!,d attachment cf British treatment trete' the maladies of ate sailed for Ind'a to wage war the spirit ate corrected. kgainst the rats which are regarded Tho curt of the spirit is pc=; .I' lo. as constituting ono of the most ser- The thoyghts we dwell upon aro mus features in the spreading of the food and medicine of the spirit. Dwell on the failings, injustices and infelicities of life and you will have a despondent, critical and sour spirit. Dwell on the noble, the gond, the true, and your spirit will the plague in that country. It was the Salvation Army that made the experiment, and now the first sat- isfactory results have become known. Colonel Kitching, of the army's headqonly a comparatively etatsores) that although) TH + c S only a com rativel • small number l� of cats have been sent out it cer- tainly kooks as if tho scheme would be a great success. Commissioner Booth -Tucker re- ports that already every branch cf the Salvation Army has been pro- vided with cats, and individual members havo been instructed to distribute the animals among the Lesson \til. Quarterly review. native population. he inspector -general cf hospit- Rea(I Prove 4. Golden the Punjah has stated that Text, Prov. 4. 23. 'tan Government views the eriment with great sat- ught he added: "We yetourselves to this. st be fought by every take on buoyancy and elasticity o AN OLD-TIME SEXTON. Was the Doorkeeper in Brought; Place Church, Edinburgh., ROM MINER'S LOG CABIN' 1N MERRY OLD ENGLAND Jeerns was a geuine (;iliisti: n, TO .1 E.ILI. IN BUCKINGHAM but "like all complete n:c1i" he had a g`ft of humor, kit:illy althoz!gh uncouth. One day two strangers in the Broughton Place Church made The Triumph of as Amer teen Wo;.ta_r themselves over to Jeering t,, be f -1r -I Still iu the Heyde). of IIce f niched with scats. Motioning Clem! Pe uly. "'u of ole- to follow, ho walked majestically to these things and the 1) ours. the farthest corner, where he half Erten the pots and pans and rated thoughts" will be )' decreed that they shorld s`t. ( washtub of a miner's log cabin in ".dy mind to me a kingdom is" trill The couple, meantime, had found+the Lock Mountains to the triumph not only pass for good rhetoric, but seats near the door, and stopped it aenstitutes a splendid rncticalof a specially invited guest at King p P ipso them, leaving Jeems to n,arc►t Edward's state ball in Buckingham working basis for ovary ambitious ahead alone, while the whole con- Palace seems a lung road for an spirit. \Vhen the farmer's fields d., gregation watched him with some American 8 girl to ng road el, reachingn not yield satisfactorily he plows 1•elish and alarm. He got to his that royal destination, too, while deeper and releases the pent -Up destination, opened the pew door still in the heyday of her beauty. powers of the soil. Then the bar- and stood aside.; nobody apezared. vests come in fulness. He looked sharply around, and Yet that is the outline of the ro- then gave a look of general wrath mantic history sef Mrs. Samuel \1'e need some mighty thought to go down deep into the subsoil of "at lairgc." No one doubted his Newhouse, famous London hostess, our spirit and release the impris- 1; ictory. His keen, deep-set grey wearer of the finest and costliest oned powers of our being. The eyes fell, or seemed to fall, on the string of rearls in existence, mis- multitude of ordinary thoughts on- two culprits, pulled them out in- tress of multi -millions, who has ly scrape the surface, and etantly, and hurried them to their lately returned to her native coun- appointed place. Jeems showed try for a brief visit. them slowly in, and gave thein a There is one thing that sets this Tho greatest thought ever present- parting look they were not likely American woman quite apart fro.n ed to the mind of man is the thought to misunderstand or forget. the majority of her countrywomen of the Father working out through On another occasion a parishion- who have established themselves in sacrifice the redemption of human c put a crown piece into the plate in the best European society. She spirits. This thought comes seek- instead of a penny, and starting at is not ashamed of her humble be- ing entrance to the human mind. itswhite and precious face, asked ginnings. •'Pehold I stand at the door and to have it back; but was refused. knock," it f'ays. It is the king of In once, in forever," said SHE I9 A GREAT BEAUTY, all thoughts, yet it comes as quiet JeeAw•eel, sweet," grunted the par- slender, delicate, with the bearing as a peasant might come. Once ishioner, "I'11 get credit fur it in of a duchess. Yet she seems to wel- lygranted admittance to the mind, heaven!" come opportunities to recall to the the true kingliness ofdeclare it are “Na., na," said Jeerns, "you'll minds of her aristocratic friends and all other thoughts et credit only for the penny !" the fact that she has cooked her themselves its subject:_. Then new t± At that time the crowds and the husband's dinners and washed his thoughts and energies make them -.poor ventilation mad, fainting a shirts. selves felt. common occurrence in Broughton In telling her history, Mrs. New - Such amen reaches out a restful, Place, especially among the young house, said : kindly hand to the world, and when servant girls. Tho young doctor "I was only sixteen, hut we were an explanation is sought for the had taught Jeems the philosophy of married, and off we went as gay beneficent influence of his life men fainting fits, and had instructed him as larks to the top of a Colorado cause an excellent spirit was in laying the sufferers quite flat on cast up the accounts and say, "be- especially as to the propriety of Mountain, where ham thought his I presence with a pick and bhovol him." the floor of the lobby, with the head; would do some good. Rev. A. MacDonald Reoch. " PALACE. THE YIELD IS SCANT. L. . LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DEC. 27. I worthy of remark that in Coy where the plague is un- known, cats arc to bo found in practically every household. ithe maierity of the colontc's are The Salvation Army is now ink F. The 'birth of Christ. iLuke 2: doubtful blessings to He'land, ing steps to form ant breeding h -2t► draining her of resources which she farms throughout India. S. Solomon anointed !King. •1 cannot afford. .Kings 1 :tel 40. Furiit^r, the goverstrnont°rf some Black bears aro rapidly going the whole establishment. I was only a 'rwayof the duxes, and to -day it.eosta Su. Solomon chooses w isdom. 1 of these. places leaves something to sli cif a girl, but that work didn't Lf G THE USE OF OUR LEGS Kings 3:4-15. be desired. Therefore, the sugges- a woman $150 or more for a good 'hurt P A French journal gloomilyprog-The lessons of the quartos extend, tion,i•s made that they •should bo sot of blsu:k furs, while a few.)•aars 'hari�)me a bit. In fact, I was truly nosti: ates that we sall have losst over a period of 31 years They are sold. back farmers and woodmen hardly ,' PI wasn't the least bit lonely. the use of our legs in a generation. all concerned with the life and Tho idea is that erne of:the Great thought et worth their time to akin or two. The tendency of the age words of Das id and Solomon. A Powers would buy k'liem, but this is the bears they shot,unless Y. hey Literally, there on top of the monn,- y g ' doubtful, and the probability is wanted the hides fur home use. Now tato, l had all the world at my is to invent menus by which human profitable ret few could Ire conduct- the fortlmate hunter who traps or 'feet Sam and I were asjollyas beings are conveyed from lace to cd alongthe line of what the les- that a good price tdffered�fy a roil -p' persons could be sry- plare as quickly) and cheaply as I sons teach about God. Another lionaire would purchase enough f hoots a iLlark bear is in pocket 'two young possible. People certainly walk far would be to study dos teaching territory to make u fine.kingdom, , anywhere from 875 to $12i,+ not where together. g' less now than they did twenty-five: about sin, its consequen(tes and par- and` that the whole Of •(h k colonial j coltnting theca value of the for sportsmen s in"1 spentpit he days sac poking, prim- wnsh- ears ago ; they will walk still less! don. Material for such neviews call possessions of lie `Netherlands could be disposed of inldt:ts. I huuti►rg.in the north woods to trium- :ttive way, too. Why my cook stove tr fifty years time. When a co our of found in the ici lin. Still an P ble across the remains of old dead- was so near the dining table that tory has passed, perhaps, as I ether review would he 1M get east, He.TC is a magnificent • oppor+unity falls mode fur the kdlirg of Lear- I •could reach aver for table wi.!,h- French contemporary suggests, we t member of the cines to give the sen for . the roan orsirest itened with are hundreds of tdtem scat- ,out til ren my sent ! shall altogether have forgotten how j tial teaching of the lessen. A num tcetkittl ; he could ireitte ;a dynasty There ttthrough the woody, shnscat- "'Then after the day's work was to walk. and our descendants will' her of opinions will be *wen abut' nith .eery little trenlilc. wing "Ph•• territories rrpntiowed are, as how reaontlessly hunters are spur•' done, there was the big reward. hop like birds when they are on the' the teaching in each 1Me=on. flit a rh:r, fertile, an41 wodbd produce suing the few bears that still •re Snm and I used to sit out in front level and ily whenever they get the following are given siutyly as ell[' la huge ievenue if .prcgrnH looked, tonin. Htlll there are few things of the cabin and R'nteh the sun go ( their l . Rat. what will become of t estione : after The cost of tefinml'nt would more interesting than the setting clown. In the twilight he would their liccrst And how are the poor Lesson I. The neceFeq-' o[ acesg" i 01 a h' deadfall and many sy'Rrts tell •me about the mine and about things ever to enjoy the delights ing Coil in the precise way His' he era MIS'reduced i1f matters were mon find more excitement and tun . taken in hand in a'ousiness-like in ull the beautiful things he was of looking at the shops? Word instructs• fasllio i by a man •1t(+ intended to� catef'ing a bear in this wa)• titan going to give me when he made his ,I, Lesson II. God s snpe+rtl'evunduii( loukrn'ter things oa the •spot. The; in 81'otntg it. fortune. And I bclive 1 was hap WONDERFUL AFRICA- •grao , U) 'd p pored no buil neighboring race', would hey f Somer. l e -e ise the dephs of the Pier in those anticipations than bit KINGDOMS FOR SALE. Row a Millionaire Might Become a Monarcb. For some time past, writers in the serious Dutch monthly reviews have been discussing the value to Holland of her colonial possessions. as low as the rest of the body. Ash "'You see,' Sam said, there A Swede was fined $100 or three many of these cases were owing to�mountairs don't shoot out rich ole months, at bus finedton, for stow what Jeems called "that bitter 1 for you to pick out at your leisure. in himself on the Kildonan Cas - words, " of their bodices, -in other You're got to dig for it, or watch ,tie during the voyage from the words, tight lacing, -ho and thel others dg. I've got to steer up'. Cape doctor lost no time in relieving the there, waiting and watching, till 1' victims bycuttingtheir staylaces, . ' 1 After seven years evading arrest find what I'm looking for. forpoaching, Richard Dawson, of which ran before the knife, and "At first he wasn't kern about! King'sr Lynn, was recentlyDsent of "cracked like a bowstring,'' as my going with him int") such a prison for fourteen days in default One day a voting woman who had: Jeems said. wilderness, but I insis(i d. It was! oP • a two -days' ride on 7. burro from of paying a fine. the last mining camp on the route. A milk dealer named Thomas, of In this way we had to carry our' Kingston, Herefordshire, was tossed clothing, camp ot,tftt, provisions and and gored to death by a bull. His mining tools up the mountain. 1 clothing was torn to rags and his "It was a rough journey, as you body fearfully mangled. The Bishop of Manchester says can imagine, but I was with my the depressed trade and unctrploy- hupLand. Iwas as happy as a bird. 1 meat had not greatly affected the NEWS Ilk' MALI. ABOUT JOU- BULL AND MS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Laid That Ueigus Supreme in the Com- mercial 11'orld. Nearly 1,200 applications for old age pensions have been received iu the Isle of Wight. A rough estimate of the number of visitors to the Franco -British Exhibition is 15,000,000. Considerable alarm has been cre- ated in Liverpool by the announce- ment of a second death from plague. From four to ten years, Mr. As- quith states, is the length of a Cab- inet Minister's se:Nice to qualify fur a pension. For the first time for several months there are signs of a revival in the shipbuilding trade at Stock- ton and Thornaby. Saving the British Museum, the House of Commons, London, has the most cnmplcte political library in the country. A young married woman, a Mrs. Grist, living at East Finchley, strangled, her baby boy and then hanged herself. Last year a return shows as many as 10-1 new London streets, having a total approximate length of 81/. miles, were made. Sergeant Roff, Burton -on -Trent, winner of a $15,000 lottery, has received nearly 1,000 applications for money from strangers. A fire caused the loss of over $150,000 at the corn mills and stores of Messrs. Henry Leethan & Sons, West Bute Dock, Cardiff. Edmund Coxhead, farmer, of Ivy rarm, Bickerstaff, near Ormskirk, Lancashire, was recently found frozen to death in one of his fields. These possessions comprise Java fainted was slowly coming to. Jeems }Arts of Sumatra, Celebes and calve round to the doctor with his' Borneo, Bali, Lombok, part of the open gully (knife) in his hand. Moluccas (or Spice Islands), Cure- "Wull I riper up noo V' he whis- coa, Dutch Galena (Surinam), and pered. ninny other islands in the East and It happened not to be a case for Weill Indies. They cover an area "ripping up" ; and thanks to an in- HOMTi READINGS. sixt3-four tames as largo as Hot - HOME itself. M. God's ,}romisc to Daz.td. l 'The queittion is: Are these colon- Chron. 17 a. tis. fes, or moo's of them, more trouble T The joy -of forgiveness. Psa. 33. ;than they are worthl Of course, W. David :grieves fur Ab 'lom. tZ c'}linion:is divided on this question Sam. 18 :24-33. .as it is ot. all others, batt thou ap- Th. The Lord our Shephmd. Psa. :pears to 'be a growing feeling that 23. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINESYRUP Is A Remedy Without An Equal For COUGHS, COLDS, And All Affections Of The THROAT and LUNGS. Coughs and Golds do not call for a inlaid* recital of symptoms u they are known to everyone, but their dangers are not understood so well. All the moat serious affections of the throat, the lungs and the bronchial tubes, are, in the begin- ning, but coughs and colds. Too much stress canuot be laid upon the admonition to all persons affected by the insidious earlier stages of throat and lung disease, as failure to take held at once will cause many years of suffering, and in the end that terrible scourge of "Consump- tion." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 1s not Sold as a Cure for Consumption but for affections tributary to, sad that result in, that disease. It combines all the lung healing virtues of the Norway pine tree with other absorbent, expectorant and soothing medicines of recognized worth, and is absolutely harmless, prompt and safe. So great has been the sucoosa of this wonderful remedy, it is only natural that numerous persons have triad to imitate it. butDo"t D . humbugged into taking up is a anything w wrappers three pine trees the trade murk; price 26 cent.. creasing knowledge of physiology, every year there were fewer oppor- tunities of administering the whole- some lesson. TEMPLE TO LI DUNG CIIANG. To Afford Chance for Adoration of Statesman's Spirit. A singular inoident has happen- ed at the city of Lu Chou Fu, a famous spot 140 miles up the Yang- tse from Nanking. This important city was the home of the celebrated Li Hung Chang, whose visit to Eu- rope and then to America created such great interest a few years since, says the Pall Mall Gazette. Within its walls is a find school, to which is attached a great hospital, both built with funds left by him for the purpose. By the side of these two establishments now stands a new and splendid temple, one of the finest ever erected in China. It has been built in accordance with the universal custom of ances- tor worship, but further in order to afford opportunity for the adora- tion of the spirit of the great states- man, not only by his own relatives, When we reached the peak we two ,collections in aid of church funds but. by the public generally. Li were alone in the world, up among Hung Chang has been proclaimed the clouds. '«'C lived in a tiny hut in the Manchester diocese. n deity, and the one more has been The custom of ringing the cur added to the countless gods in the Chinese pantheon. This temple is 400 feet long and 75 feet wide. A series of open courts, surrounded by columns, lead back to the sanctuary. The cost of the structure was £40,000. But the tomb of Li Hung Chang is not here, for ho was buried five miles away from the city, and close by the sepulchre is another fine an-• cestral temple. A few miles still further on is yet another large tem- ple belonging to another branch of the sante immensely wealthy fam- ily. It is said that the several branch- es of the family have at least a quarter of a million sterling in- vested in an'estral temples. They own two-thirds of the land twenty- five miles east of the city. WOMEN CHIMNEY -SWEEPS. The vocations to which our lat- ter-day women arc devoting their energies are increasing in number, and realms unthought of before are being invaded. A guild or union of women chimney -sweeps has been started in St. Petersburg and Mos- cow. Its founder is the widow of a sweep blessed with six daughters. All seven belong to the guild and e realizations are active members. No woman "-'`ever mind clear,' he used to has P g 1 I 1 chimney -sweep is to be less than fourteen years old or more the, thirty-five, but girl assistants rosy be admitted at eight years. As soon as a sweep marries she must leave the guild. All must sign the temperance pledge and be members of the Orthodox (Creek) ('hutch. of ,cogs, where I was few bell stall survives to Ilawnrden 'I` - TIII✓ ONLY WOMAN. parish, the bell being rung at eight o'clock each evening, excepting SETTING -FRE BEAR TRAP. ^>,Iy hu'band was doing a man's Sundays, from All Souls' Day to work. In a mining camp it man Candlemas. IIoty the Woodman Scenics Isis dues that work with his hands. So Tho head teacher of an Exeter Black Skin Uninjured. j:1 diel a woman's work. I was school has invested in a small stock housekeeper, cook, laundress -the of boots and can supply a boy who has only one pair with the loan of a pair while his own are being mended. A man in the East End of Lon- don got out of bed to pacify his noisy children, struck his elbow on a latch of the door, cut the skin, and contracted blond -poisoning, from which he has died. Two children who were called as witnesses at Tower Bridge Court against their father, who was chargc.l with neglecting to main- tain his family, were unable to identify him, it was so long since they had seen him. A large fox which had f.trayed in- to a farmhouse garden near Com- mondale (North Yorkshire) was at- tacked by a tom -cat with such force as to bowl him over. After a few minutes the fox ran off, leaving the cat master of the situation. Mrs. Amelia Fidgett, of Nuatley, I Essex. celebrates her one hundred i and third birthday this month. She been hot<► raphed with a daughter aged '73, granddaughter aug Iter aged 4g, and several great and •great, -great -grand -granddaughters. At a tlerkenwell inquest on Jos- eph Mcnc arini, a printer, it was stnte.d that for six years he suffer- ed from mysterious complaint, causing dizzincfs. it was found that in the left frontal lobe of the brain there was a hole sufficiently large to hold a Tangerine orange. e art ur 08 ' ' 1 ' while the s obit et s of the ; erect, u Ie f is signs ofInc ,ear til'have made me have been found, the hunter cuts down a tree and strips its butt of any, `some, day you shall have love all branches for 20 or 30 feet. In I dresses, (diamonds and everything the work that follows he must have on 'went.' And his curds harehelp. A strong sapling is bent over some true." until its top reaches the ground, and there at is fastened. Then the butt of the itree is raised almost to the top of fie bow formed by the sapling, ant.I so fastened there that a slight movement on the part of COIILII NOTCO Tthe other wools!send it crashing to I the ground. And that is just what happens when a bear comes lumbering along. In his big head the bruto nes not reasa.n that there is nny- ,eculiar about the obstacles would us.delett•and well advantage (if proper under a 'whltiwan. might IIP regarded R9 e retell go .steadily herne. awe lu t he 'ars the noantries d awaken 'to the take file new very eartious- o WOR BACK WAS SO WEAN. 1ivkacl►e is Si.. primary rause of kidney trouble. . 1\ Len the back aches or been:nes upei :hint to approach in weak it ie a wa•: ing il,at tho kidneys aro v •wlien he smells the liable to bewlae atTected. ltd. This piece of gleed the warning; chock the iTarkarbe the head of the and dispose of ally chances of further the bear gets trouble. he is stand - know you don't, serious cnmplicatione aro vy butt very apt to arise and the first thing yon know •o't w,11 have Dropsy, 1)iabetce nr Bright s i►eease, the throe most deadly forms of Ki,lney Trouble. tile. ,Tames Bryant, Ari hat, N.S., w•aa ubled with his buck and used I)oan's rills, ho writes: -" I cannot ray about the benefit 1 rr,-rive.t after rtes of 1)nnr,'s Kidney fills ublal w.th an aching }win y back. 1 could not ek was so weak I t wougo y wayld a retuawarn. elite Pill. • me." he f•r on 11 4. VODKA BANE OF RUSSIA. It is well known that the Russian people are extremely slow in all their movements, which has been attributed to many causes. The latest writer on the subject places the blame on the national intox- cant, todka. asserting that it pro- duces a la'ting and ingrowing drunk ; and, Fhould the tippler be ugh roplip be- forenfrat a we"ortunatek bas enoupassedto, there slight.- est rapid Imo ement wilt reproduce an excellent duplicate of the orig- inal. As the Russian government derives n large revenue from the sale of todka, there is a stringent law against getting twice drunk on one sprre, and as a consequence citizens 1nu•t exercise caution. The famous Human i:aths vele con- structed at a great expense both for punitive menet' is- alt a men 04 of putting Owtromcr again in the ranks. yap '0iuo,ol. 'Pa)1.111•I oy a�u4lSlt .1. 441. "So Jtl +clg vet :,.fel ,i$CJS sJllo,i rou 0A!ie ao+q •ley 10.1 pinosi 1 '0111.1 4.110N pu. 11g11 •; 0:11,.1 •Ill( .In/ uoJq 1011 P I 1 1 J! •Mfrs. 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