HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-24, Page 1HURON& MIDDLESEX GAZET 111 THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR -NO 1838 dime EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 24th 1908, $1.00 per year in advance • JONES &. CLARK*' Phone No. 325 We wish all our Customers end Friends --A/Merry Merry Christmas And don't forget our Great Fur Sale for the Next Week. ALL FUR LINED COATS NECK RUFFS MUFFS CAPS Sold at a Big Reduction this Coming Week. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 if 11 s EXETER COUNCIL. Council met in the Town Hall. Tues- day Dec, 15 as per Statutes, All the members present. Minutes of meeting held Dec. 4, read and approved. A re- port from the Fence Viewers re sward between Messrs. Marlyn and Davis was read, charging assessment against each $3. The same was ordered filed. Mr. Abraham Dearing, Sr., waited on the council regarding labor on drain, atonic ISimcoe :and :Edward/ streets. Having paid out $I3 in wages he wish- ed a refund. Per Heaman-Johns- thaat Mr. Dearing be paid the sum of $I0 for work as performed on Siincoe street drain. --Carried. The committee appointed at last meeting of the coun- cil, regarding electric lights, report having visited the different points and would recommend that the matter of placing lights at these corners be left with the incoming council, and at the corner of Simcoe and Edward streets 2 a railing be placed on each side of the walk over culvert. Per Fuke-Knight that the recommendation of the com- mittee be sustained. The commission- er being instructed to place the railing for the safety of the public, -Carried Mr.IS. Sanders waited on the Council asking an increase of $10 00 in salary as Treasurer. -No action. Per Johns-Fuke Charity Mrs. Sut- ton $10 90; S. Baskerville 9 00. -Car- ried. Per Fuke-Knight that L. C. Flem- ing be refunded 0 00 taxes on income Assessment. -Carried. The following accounts were read and orders drawn in payment: -Fred Kerr, tile 55 60; Ross Taylor Co. Ltd.. Lumber ac., 55 cts.; Frank Wood meat per S. Baskerville, 1 05; W. J. Bissett, Gasoline, 1 20; Geo. Sanders, hauling Z tile, 1 7E; John T. Wood, Loan of tim- espie, cartage freight, 1 81; Jae. Beer, bers at water tank 1907, 1 (K); W. Gill- ! aerial;labor at door of clerk office, 1 25; Harvey Bros., Flour per S. Bas- kerville, 2 75; Jno. Gill. Fence viewers award, 0 00; 'Ven. Treble. Labor at Z water tanks and hauling tile, 0 75; T. 1 Brock 300, Geo. Cudmore 200, Snow- plowing; J. H. Scott, Testing milk 1 00 Dr. J. W. Browning, Medical Health Officer, 5 00; J. Senior. Secretary local • hoard of Health, 5 00; Jas. Connor quer •• salary Librarian, 25 00; %V. J. Bissett, • Glass and putty, :30 Ute.; Jno. Hawk- ahaw, as per deed of land from Robert iGillies, 50 81; Chas. Knight. as per deed of land, 25 00; D. Br•aund, Supplies and , labor, 12 (ki; Mrs. W. Hawkshaw 1 00, Mrs. Jas. Pickard, 100, Mrs. Thos. 1 it Association. Mr. 'Craig, of Toronto who was converted at one of the Crossley and hunter meeting Force seventeen years ago, .was here last week. assisting in the work by giv- ing au acccount of his conversion. Ladies doing their Xmas shopping can rest and have lunch at all hours at Follick's restaurant. The wttrriage of Miss Loretta fourth (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gtt•pery of this to%vn to Mr. Harry Crosby Cotter. of Toedo, Ohio. took pace quietly at eleven o'clock Wednesday morning, Dec.23 ltev. W. M. Martin officiating. The bride wore a suit of ivory siciliau with pale blue satin lint, and was unattended. Mr. and Mrs. ?Cotter left on the everting train for Toledo, and other points, the going away costume being golden brown broad- cloth, with felt hat to match. After a week's visit 1n Toledo, they will leave for their future home in Frank ;fort, find., where Mr. Cotter holds responsible position with the Clover Leaf, Alton Railway system. Mrs. Cotter took a Uturse training course its •Ihe hospital at Toledo and during the seven years she 'vas there ske received 'promotions until she was made assistant superintendent, All kinds of Christmas Toys, Fruits, Candies and China at Deer- ing's Bazaar. A meeting of officers and direct- ors of the South Huron Farmers' In- stitute was held at Ilensall on Fri- day December 11th. The regular In- stitute meetings will be held at Brucefield and Exeter on the Ilth and 12th of January, respectively. There will be an afternoon and even- ing hneetins at each place. The speakers from the Agricultural De- partment are Mr. W. F. Byrd, of Simcoe, and Mr. W. C. Shearer, of Bright. the former will have as his afternoon subject. "Am 1 raising the most profitable horse?" and his evening subject will he "Dropped Stitches." Mr. Shearer will have ns his afternoon subject "Rotation of crops and selection of seed," and as his evening subject "Seccessful Ag- riculture." In addition to these Mr. \V. D. Sanders, of Stephen. will speak nt Brucefield and Mr. Il. Il. McLean, of Kippen, nt the Exeter meeting. The suppletnentary meet- ings will be held at Farquhar ; Strong's Hall, Tuckersmith ; ,Bay- field. and Grand Bend, commencing at •Farquhar on :February 20th and closing at Grand Bend on the 24th. Hatter 100. Jno, C Snell 100 error in The speakers at each of these meet - Taxes. togs will be I3, G. Recd. V,8., of Amounting in all to $212 70 passed Georgetown, and A. E. Cainan, o[ on motion of Johne and Fuke.-Car- Allisonviile. In addition to these llr. tried. Thomas Fraser, of Stanley, will The Reeve advised the Council that speak at the Farquhar meeting: •Mr. Robert Gardiner, of Ushorne, at the Tuckersmith meeting; ,Mr. A. Innis, of ?Stanley. at Bayfield. nod Mr. Henry Smith, ?lay, nt Grand Bend. he had written away asking for fig- ures regarding a Stand pipe reported • • that the water tanks were played nut • and would suggest that a voice of the ♦ rate payers be taken provideing that • they could get the necessary informat- • ion to submit by the January Election • S Adj. by Knight. • Z 1 2 Subscribe Now FOR THE london 'fail advertiser Best Daily Paper Printed in Western Ontario Q All the news from all over. Q The latest Telegraphic and General News. 41, Correct Market Quotations and all the Local News worth printing. 2 2 SPECIAL OFFER Send us $1.50 for The Advertiser for Fourteen Months Q This offer must be accepted before January 1, 1909, after which the price will be $2.00 Per Year in Advance. Remittances Most be seat direct to London Advertiser Co. LO:#DONIII • • Locals. Mr. Fred Barris. svife and child of Saskatchewan, are visiting at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pym. It is likely the race for the reeve - ship 'will be between two old contest- ants for the office, both of whom have graced the chair, Messrs. Thos. If. iIcCallum and 'William Iiatvuen. Councillor W. .1. tllcatnan's halite has been frtquently mentioned, but he will no doubt stick to his old seat that of Councillor. !Many were the glad hearts 'Tues- day when the school closed for the hoadays. As is customary, ti num- ber of the rooms held closing pro- grams. One of the special features of that of room V was the presen- tation of :i beautiful inkstand and a gold nlorto;raut hat pin, by the boys and girls to their teacher. Miss Mc- Callum. who is leaving after Ne"v Yer rs to teach in London. The gift w::= accompanied by an addrei tell - in,: of the appreciation amt love of the scholars toward their teacher. A resident of the Thames Roid had an exciting lime last Sunday ni,rht at the corner of John and Andrews streets. •till he. his ,vife and child were Telilrnittg hotne after rtt,•nd- ing the revival meeting. Wile. near the corner 1Iie horse shied and be- couting unmanageable ran over the tt a'k and jumped J. A. Stewart s iron Inc.e.The cutter struck the ?tats iii l stopped its progress. As- ter tome littl,i 'trouble the animal was again started homeward. The Num as a Farm journal is writ - tea Ia. 'h.• pirctlea! every day fat wet. It is not filled with long Iessays or doubtful theories. but gives in plain, every day langua,;e. a host of helpful suttsestions to +tillers of the toil. Lt this par tic- a:ar the Sun is without an equal. IYou ought to read it regularly. When renewing for the Times order the \Week:y Sun. the Farmer's busi- ness paper. both papers one year. only $I.POi At troll 111,1. 1at,.. an interesting event look place nn December 1G at the rrsid, nee of the bride's pats- itt 8. When May. eldest daughter of fir. and 'Mrs. .1. J. Pickard. formerly- of Eset er, was nlarri,ti to Mr. Robert Il. itarr. of Winnipeg. The torr - Imon)!tt•a. very quietly celebrated in the presrnee of relatives rand a few 1, intitnate friend. by the Rev. M. 1:. i Wiggins. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Barr left for Chicago Ind jrpnitlls its eastern C-llrn,la. til E v:lige:is,s Crossley enti liunter leave to -day to spend Christmas avith 1rien•ls and on Saturday will return to conr'uue their r•vange:istic work here, fi •hing up Tuesday night. They It .,n ?rave for Toronto to spend t'Years. after which they mill at ging. Migb' to hold a aerie a after •!113 Itetnember Statham has the largest variety of Christmas candies in town to choose from. Give him a call. The following is taken from the Thessaloti Advocate and refers to a former resident of this section. "Probably never before in the history of Thessalon has a death pro- duced such a sad interest in the community as that of .Mr. 13en.. C. Case, which occurred on Sunday last Mr. Case had been til for some six weeks. but a fatal result was not ex- pected until a few days before the end. The many friends of the de- ceased and his family heard the news on Sunday with the most pro- found regret, and the cordial sym- pathy of all was freely extended to the bereaved ones. Mr. Case was the son of John Cise ant Elizabeth Hoskins. of the Cotttlty Wicklow Ire'.anll. m•ho carne to this country in 1838, settling in Huron county near Exeter. Ths pioneers raised n family of fire slaughters and two sons. of whotn Thomas, only brother of the deceased is the sole survivor. 51r. Kase was Horn nn the homy farts in tAugust 1859 and educated 'n the county schools. 11e cline to Algoma when a young ratan and taught school in this district for some ?tarty years. Shore:y after coming to the North Shore he married bliss .irs sig McE:inchy. who survive hitn. The f uni:v consists of three daughters and two sons whose ages range frorr. 11 to 21. Mr. Case has bort almost ron,t 'tit:y in the public eye during t esidencc in the district. having been principal of 'fhessalon public -choo's for totne %ears. clerk of the town council and prominently identi- fied with the Ind. -pendent Order of 0,1,1re:lows. 11e w;ts of a kindly and genial disposit:on and those with whorl tie came its contact with 11silies% or socia; intercourse rea,i- i:� bec•.me friends. The interment Rich took p:ace• at Little itapids ee •tc t11Ctr' t t 1 aS•. g in charge of the 1. O. D. F. of Thessa:on of which deceased was a charter nt unbar." Mr. Thos. (',se, of Exeter. it a brother of the .t,cet s41. Santa Claus has his head quarters ,1 D,eering's Bazaar. Berlin wool at $ cents an ounce. f. S. NO. 6. 1.81'011NE The following is the correct fe- sort of S. 8. No. 6, tt.torne for the rnnllri ill , l moot hs of November Inti 1). c •nib; r : V-Nella 11,-y wood 95. Sr. IV.-ltay Fletcher 71, Lillis God - holt 6:1. Jr. 1V -Emma 11.•V\cooil 77. Sr. III -Jean Ctmpbell GR. Earl Coward 61. Jr. III -Edward Kellett k• r 71; \Wille Jacobi i5: inn Eas- ter 'Harness '0: \Wi:1,r Davis GR : \Val - fines. ry i6. ?toy Goulding '•ilarness 67: Mary •M1or'nrk G1. 1?+1,tic CowaCrrerd G1. f3r. I1.- D a Co'r- nish 90. llardwicke Cornish 94. int •Ir. pt. 11. :"iffor I Tallrt 89: George Heywood 79. Mny Clarke 77. .tr. II. Kelly 99; Leon Waring 95: Czar Gordon Dnnc,tl P4. Gordon ' Wash- 1larnrs: 83: Vera Sweet 80; Alvin horn 7P. 1)lvi•t Crec•ry 77. mow l Cornish 80: C:arenc' Morley 74 : H. lobo, 72. 1't. TM-Myrtl•• \Washhoi.tt Bedford 70: ('.lady. L'+rter G8; \Wm. e3. Peel lIco•erooa el, M. rryn \\-i''snn ilrntyn G1 ; Cecil Jla.krrville 60. - �6, i.oui. Cnrn�.h 75, pl ;rlricina 1 t. i. Vinn`e i:niQhf AOf 1'ri•eilla Brown 70. t 1't. 1 : -Will Rout iv Cornish ;n; JVilhsrt Gilles, a i8: 1. Davis 75; Verde Atli 75: de Uea- S7. Allen Cre ilv c 71. 13. Gordon t. man 73; Esti �� ,r oscphine hetmine • 69.average N. Religious Meetings Eldon Reception service in James street (Sunday morning at 10.30. '''here twill be n reception service, a baptismal service and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be admin- istered. An invitation to all. There will 1be no service in Main street in itt tthe morning. The Union mass meeting will be held in James street Sunday after- noon ,at 3.30. lit the evening at double header will be held. In the Main street at seven 'and James . street at seven. Itev. Crossley will be in Main street Rev. Hunter itt James street. ' bteetings will be held Monday and Tuesday evening. Monday avenin z the subject will be "The Dance and the rTheatre. Tuesday will he the farewell. The Evangelists • leave Wednesday morning. School Reports EXETER SCHOOL +REPORTS FOlt DECEMBER 11. S. DEPARTMENT FORb1 III Honors- Katie Collins, 80: ;sEd- Willis. 80; Lizzie Sanders. 77. ?'ass. Alva McMahon. 73; Beattie Martin, 73; Tom Sanders, 71: John Oestrech er. 69; ;Ears Copeland, 65; Kathlettn Stewart, 61; Willie Birney 64 ; Anna Dow 63. FORM lI lIonors, .Willie 'Monteith, 80; Kestle 80. Pass, Sarah Petty 71: L. Hern 79; Gladys Ford 65; Jean Gras - sick 62: harry Triebner 62 ; John Putt 61. No. on roll 21; Daily average. 199 S. L. GREGOILY, Teacher. COMMERCIAL Honors. IT. Pope 77. Pass G. Bis- sett 70; E. Wood 67 ; F: Beaver 66. Form 1, Ilonors, II. Enke 78; C. Wood 77 ; W. 8illery 76 ; B. Ilogsarth 76. ?'ass, 0. Atkinson 72: L. Grieve 71 ; C. Copeland 71 : R. Dearing 70; A. Bissett 69. W. Stewart 69, L. Boyle 67, G. Hooper 65, R1 Knight 64, G. Passmore GI, Mi Jewell 61. L. Steacy 61, W. Weisntiller 60. No. on roll 45. daily average 43. A. M. JOHNSTON, Teacher. ROOM IV Sr. IV.. Honors, Reg. Bissett 88; Clarence Heywood 80 : Ethel Brick - wood 75. Pass Maybcll Barrows 69; Preston Dearing 66: Mary Davis 63. Jr. IV. honors. iiuby Wooed 96: M. Carling SS: Mary Acheson 8:3; Irene Itivers 81; Lulu Snell 79; Leon Tre- ble 7S; Nelson hill 77 : Jean Seldon 76; Stella Southcott 75. .''ass F. McPherson 73; _Irene Hardy 69; 72Gret`. Jones 71; Ariel Leverley a llissett 69: Flory Dinney 65 Russell Balkwill C5: James Walker 64; Vel- ma Easterbrook 62; Viola Itowe 60. No. on roll 31. average attemlance 33. C. \"OSPER, Teacher. ItOOM IV Sr. Ills lIonors, O. Hodgert, 98; L. Harvey 97; II. Snell 90: M. Jones 89 : 0. 'Anderson 99 ; 13. Quante 87; F. Illa rvey 84; L. 'Taylor P2; L. Kes- tle 92; }5. Hector, F2 ; T. Sweet 7191.; F. (till 79. Pass. M. 131 ttr:,fntrt. Jr. HI -Honors. F. Ito••, • in L. Marchand S8; E Day 87 ; A Knight Mattson 84; 11 Itivers 81; E. 1lorney 77 ; M Case 7 i ; G Richard- son 76. A Ile:l 76; L [landlord. 75. ''ass. M. Senior 73: W. Byrd 69 .1. Bricks ood 69; ,V K not t 65; M Knott 62. No. on toll 49. average 43. E. A. McCALi.I'M, Teacher. ROOM VI Sr. 11. -Honors. Marjorie Huston 90, Florence Wood 83, Alin t Mack 94, Ings Hastings 80. Edith Davis 77. Harry (Parsons 75. ('earl .1•tckson 71 Esti Cookson 72. M:>•rjorie Seldon 72. .los. l'ergu:on 71: Silas Bei,' 70. Jos. Craig 67. 'rhos. Clarke 61, 51aald ?licks 61. Jenne Russel 62. Jr. i1.-1lonors, Marvin V 91 Melville GI+dntan 88. Lila 'I•uefle 80, Bertha ,Ilorney 93, Allen Carter 8:3. Dora ilo•t:den 92. Gerald Fit ton S1, Gordon Ford 90. Gordon Wells 76, Stanley Mcl'alls 71. Amy Jnitns 71. Dorothy Kunz 71. Dorothy White Gs Emily D.nney 63. Gen. Ortw,•ih 60. Number s tlro:1 11 39. avera4 • at- tendance 37. 11. M. KINSMAN. 'fetcher. It00:.t \`1i I'ronlo:ion Exttes. Jr. I1-1Ionors Edna Johns 91. Mary Day P't. Marguerite ,l':ckard 71. Russell Mar- sha:l 70. Jack dlurdon 60. To Jr. Ii Ml:ton K},1,1, Grace C _ arling. May Patterson. To 'Sr. Pt. dl.- Harold iiol':e. Wilfred i endlr. 'Priscilla Col- 'inguood, Vera 'Slat -shill. To .Jr. i't. 11.-De:ern Charlton. Bruce !fivers. Bea Gould. Wray iledden, Mary i:asterbrooke. To c:ass IV. - Gor- don Jones. .lames Smith. \li:drtitl llartleib, Trane %uefi', 911.1 n to Lloyd Tu c:ass 111. Norman \orgy'. Viola .letter. Charlie ford. Eddie 'Taylor. M 11 id, ny ::ertha Jackson. Gladys Ilarve_ . llildre,t Marchand. 7'n 11 rsass. Mildred Wood Tlarnl,l Kuntz Kelvin tlledden. Ernest \Nell I'h'I ippa Harness. May 'VeItst r. \\rills• \‘', hoer. Beattie McDonald. Jessie ilo' ey. No. on ro:l. overage atten- dance 37. F. W. HOWARD. itOOM \'111 .1r. 11-ithoda Cornish 97: A';ce Taylor '2; Mildred Hardy 70: 1)tew GR er \W r f, r1 t \' T Knightfitt. Violet slab Hector 69: Mervin Itnssrll 60. Sr. pt. 1T. Millie Walker 99; T.illi • \Wal - Every Home should have a Carpet Sweeper. • Could you please Mother or Sister better? Carpet Sweepers for Sister 45 to 50c.; Carpet Sweepers for Mother 413,00 to $4.00. Remember these are the GENUINE BII SE LL Carpet Sweeper. 100, Discount on all Baseburnt'rs until Jan Ist, 1909. Anything in Cutlery makes acceptable Xmas Gifts Pocket Knives from 5c. to 1.00. Scissors from 25c. to 3.00. Razors from 75e. to 5.00. Carvers in pr. or cases 50e, to 4.00. Silver Butter Knives, Berry Spoo Cold Meat Forks, 1847 Tea Desert an. Table Spoons. Every Boy and Girl should have Skates Spring Skates 50c. to 1.00 Hockey Skates N. P. 1.00 to 4.00 Hockey Sticks 10c. to i;'0c. Hockey Pucks 10c. • A pair of straps given away with every pair of skates from now till Jan. 1st. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Hawkins & Soi Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof- ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convince3 that it is the cheapest spot in town T. KAWKINS & 801 ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Do yon want things to he just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. %Ve've promised you satisfaction -promised you thatstyle, fit vnd price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our beat ads. are satisfied customers. Conte here for your next Suit or Overcoat. We Can Suit You mr. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'S We have started a great slaughter sale com- prising every article of furniture in our large stock :It a special discount of 20 per cent. oft' regular prices for cash. Note some of the great bargains we are offering and what. it means to Furniture buyere. Bedroom Suites to 1 cut oak finish with large Bevel Plate Mirror regular price $111.00: .Sidelxtarde. regular price $13 (Mt Coaches, regular price $`i 50 Mattresses, regular price $3 53.. discount Bale price $13.00, discrnlntsale prire $10.00 discount sale price $0.(10 discount sale price $2.50 Everything else in proportion. A CR11 will convince intending purchasers that this is the greatest Bargain Sale ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Hntne Fnrnisherm and Funeral Directors. BORN CI'it\MORE-On ;Monday Der. 14th. to Mr. tend Mrs. Hama •I Codmore tt R011. itinkert.-in Dashwood on Friday. Dec. 18th to 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ttinkert. a son. iialrmeister.-In Dashwood on Friday Dec. 18th. to 'Mr. and Mrs ehri•. Burmeister. a son. MARR1F.1) (i 11It1EN 1'T'f4HALL--At the resid. mother Mrs. ellen, on Wetl- y ilev. 11. .1. all to II, r: eller, of tits brill Gro. 1'pshall. Win ne.dnv. Dec. 16th ''air. Bertha Up. t)'llrien. of Illy. Mc('LT'NE ,tiM11.LF.R- at the residence ofI son. Calgary. bir Contractor. Cn' artn Miss Jessie e Harvey Miller daughter of David Miller. V. H. formerly of Exeter. ('ot syr -Gregory.-in Ex, ter, De"-. 23 by It, v. W. M. Martin, Loretta. fourth /11ugttter of Mr. and Mrs. Tho (irrgory to Mr. ITtrry C. Cott. r. of Toledo. Ohio. DIED Ms18AAC. - At Itt.hwood, Friday. Dee. IR,- E.itI:da. ,Iaughter of Mr. rind Mrs. P. t\1c1s1 .c. aged 9 /ears. Th, •• enhalpy person. sslie frorr nersnugneiss and fly 9th is.; 510111.1 uv Carter's Little Pater- Pills. tt hich ore made eapre. k, of sleeplee•, nervous dys. ,.,,,,,..es. Price 25e. a