HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-17, Page 81'1±h E XETER T MES DEC. 1Tth 190s
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heist inns will soon be here. Are you getting ready. We
ale ready with the most varied and hest assorted stock
ruitable for Xmas that you'll find in this section. China
and (3Iaebtvare make lovely Xmas boxes. Conte and see the
beautiful block we are showing.
$5.00 for English China Tea
Set 10 pekes, pure white
body, with moss rose decor-
aticns and traced with gold.
57.25 for Austrian China. Tea
Set, thin white body with
small pink rose decorations
and stippled with gold, this
is our Bridal Rose Set.
$12.50 for the daint;est Jap.
anese hand painted Tea Set
that we have ever 'offered,
610011 mauve floral decora-
tion genuine hand painted.
311.:35. 50, 911.00, up to $2.50
for a range of fancy China
Jardinerete that will make
) ou wonder some, Lovely
for Xmas presents.
25. 35, 50, 75, up to $1.75 for a
range of China Cake Plates
best we have ever shown, -
e es they are a lovely lot,"
30, 35, 40. 50, up to $1.75 for a
range of Salad and Fruit
dishes, that for effect and
value are simply unbeatable
50, 83, $1.00, 1.25. and 1.50 for
a swell lot of Fancy China
Cream and Sugars. -"Yes
they aro lovely."
$2.00, 2 25, 3.00, up to 0,50 for
the nicest lot of Toilet Sets
you'll see in Exeter, 40 dis-
tinct styles to pick from.
$7,(h), 8,00, 0.00, up to 15.00
the set for our 108 peice
Dinner Set the better seta
are truly works of art and
controlled by ourselves for
30, 35, 50, 60, and 75c., for the
daintiest lot of fancy China
Spoon Trays in town.
15. 50, 75c„ up to $1.25 for a
lovely range of Cellery and
Roll frays they are beauties
$1.25 up to 0.00 for the moat
beautiful lot of fancy Parlor
and table Lamps we have
seen every Lamp a bargain.
"Now Liston
ff near-
ly all
our China and fancy Glass
ware comes to us direct from
the makers, that meats a big
saving to our customers.
$40.50 up to 58.50 for a lot of
Ladies fur -lined coats, lined
with marmot and Canadian
rat trimmed with Isabella
Sable ,American Sable and
real Alaska Sable collars
the equal of which for qual-
ity and value cannot be
$75. for Cent's swell fur -lined
coat prime Rat lining with
rich Ottor collar. -a beauty
$5.50, 0.50, 7.00, 10.00 and 15.00
for a range of Ladies neck
furs. that will tickle the
strings of any money bag.
$12. for white Thibhett Lamb
set long throw and large
pillow Muff.
$17 for a lovely Grey Squirrel
Fur set long full throw and
large pillow Muff. They're
83.75 for a lovely lot of new
net waists Silk lined and
trimmed with fancy Fillet
lace and insertion.
$22.50, 23.00 and 30.00 for a
showing of Velvet Room
Rugs. for richness, style
and quantity they cannot
be beaten, seamless and very
50c. for Ladies fancy Collars
"Beautiful" that is what we
say of them. Come, give
us your say.
35, 50 and OOc. for a range of
Ladies Tan, Brown, and
Black Leather Belts that
are certainly big values,
50c. Men's, Ladle's and Gent's
new Phoenix shaped neck
Mufflers -they are dandies.
25, 35, and 50c. for the finest
range of men's nrty Neck
Ties you'll bee in Exeter, to
see them, will make you
want then(.
$1.00, 1.25, and 1.50 for 3 spec-
ial lines in men's Kid gloves
very suitable for Xmas gifts
Just Mother Word
Buy your Xmas Groceries
from us we can save you some
good money, our groceries
are choice, clean and fresh,
we sell Redpath grandulated
sugar and no other its best
by test.
We want all kinds of Farre Produce; it is just as good as
cash; Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans. Poultry, etc., etc.
d +++++++++++++++4- +++++++•1••i•' +++•i••t +++++++++++++•t••f•i-++•P++
+++++++++++++++++++++++++'i' •+++++++++++++4'+++
Perfect in
Positive in
We again call attention to
our grade of WATCHES
Good Material, Fine Finish,
end Accurate Adjustment are
all combined in our High
Grade Watches.
Our aim is not
a question of price, but qual-
ity, like anything else it is al-
ways cheapest in the end.
If you want a good
reliable watch call on
Wedding Rings a Specialty,
Christmas and New
Market Report. -The followlug is
the report of Exeter eaarLets, cor-
rected up to le c. tuber 17t1.
Wheat 91 to !et cents.
Oats, 1 to ;;7 cents.
Peas, 75 to F•2 cents.
Marley. 44 to 50 cents.
Shorts, $23.
Bran, $20.
I3lendel Flour, STAIt, $2.75.
Feed Flour e1.40 to $1.45.
Clover seed, $8 to $18 per bushel.
1 :t ter L'r cents per pound.
Eggs 25e a dozen.
Hoge, liveweight. t'5.65.
Hogs. tires-( d. $7.65 to e8.00.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 1-2 cents.
Turkeys. alive 12c ; dressed 14e.
11(•119. alive 5c; dressed 7c.
Chicks. alive ec. ; dressed 10e.
Geese, dressed 10e.
Ducks, dressed llo.
L cents a pound less for cash.
• lilt. (WENS EYE AND EAI( SUR-)
.eon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
Gleam' properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Negt visit Saturday, December 19th.
•••••••• H•••••••
One week till Christmas.
Get your Xmas fruits at Follick's
Mr. Norman Howard, of London, is
visiting relatives in town.
E. A. Follick makes a specialty of
making or ;baking Xmas cakes.
Mr. Dan Davis is confined to his
house on account of illness, •
Stathanl's Xmas cakes are good.
Try one.
Mr. Wm. Davis, of Exeter North,
was in London a few days last week.
All kinds of nuts and dandies at
E. A. Follick',?.
Mr. W. 11. Harvey, of Crystal
City. Man.. is visiting relatives in
I)cering's Bazaar is head quarters
for Chrishnae decorations.
Joseph Case is I:tnrlyiug operating
tvith his brother Nelson at Clande-
Nothing nicer for an Xmas pres-
ent than a plant. A good choice at
1lowey's Drug Store for Lowney's
and lluy:ers chocolates t he best that
are made.
Mr. A:mer itotwcliffe who has been
working in London, is ' visiting
friends in town.
took for our orange local next
week. W. J. Statham.
Go to llowey's ])rug Store for
Music !toll!. 11111 Books, .l'urses of
all kinds. Squaw .and Chatelene
Ebony Goods (root ,the best French
mnnufacturers consisting of ]lair
Brushes. Bonnet •Brushes, Mirrors
and Clothes Brushes nt Hon'ey's
Drug Store.
SUITINGS Year Excursions
In all the latest Shades and
at reasonable prices
ee the New Fashion Plates for
Present Season. Good going Del... 21st to Dec. 25th,' Ott,
returning until Jan. 5th. 11100. Also
Igood goin Dec. lith, 1908 to Jan. 1st
. W TABIAN I009, Tettt�ting until Jan. 5th. 100.
J. J./KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
Merchant Tailor. or writ J. D. MCi)ONAI.D, (]hies
TEit, ONTARIO ot. Toronto. Oat.
Between all statior.s in Canaan, also
to Detroit, Pert Huron, Mich.,iinffalo
Black Rock. Niagara Falls and Sus-
pension bridge, N. Y.
At Single Fare
Good going Dee. 21th and telt h, 1908.
Returning until Dec. 'L'3th. Woe, also
good going Dec. Mat. 1008. and Jan.
1st, 1009. Returning until Jan. 4111. ee)
At Fare and One Third
For S. B. No. R, leownship of Step-
hen. State qualification and exper-
ience and s:Very wanted. Make ap- for everything.
plication e10 Alex. Ravelle, Trustee,
Grand Bend. •Ont.
PHOHE No. 22
We have a large assortment of nice Xmas Gifts
For Ladies and Girls
Nice Xmas gifts for Ladies and Girls in nice fancy
Handkerchiefs from 5c. to 5oc.; Back Combs from loc. to
$3 oo very, fancy; Fancy Belts: Swell Collars from 25c. to
$1.00; Nice neck Lace from 15c. u:; Lace Tics; Cushion
Covers; Gloves in all color.,; Nice Fur Ruffs from $4 0o tc
$25 oo; Muffs from $4 0o to $15 00; 2 Fur lined Jackets
left $50 00 and $65 0o perfect beauties; Nice box of fril-
ling 25c ; Fancy slippers at a lore price; and lots_of other
nice things very suitable for Xmas presents.
For Men and Boys
Fancy Braces; Fancy Ties; Mufflers; Gloves; Cuff'
Links and cuff and tie sets very pretty; Fur Caps and cloth
Caps; Nice Suits at big bargains; Fancy Handkerchiefs;
Fancy Slippers and all the rest of it.
Come in and see what we have. Our Groceries are the best
we can buy. Bring along all your produce we pay highest price
LCBT.-Goel watch in Exeter. A Oae door North of Post -Office.
suiiable reward given if returned to
the 'rimes Office.
Mrs. Geo. Beaman, of Regina,
arrived in town Saturday night and
(via remain some time with relatives
and friends.
All kinds of Christmas (rops.
Fruits. Candies and China at Deer-
ing's Bazaar.
llowey's ]rue Store dor Perfumes
and Sachet 'Powders, a big assort-
ment. Ask to see 'the 'new style
Perfume sprayers.
Mr. J. 11. Brickwood. who for some
years conducted a grocery store at
the north end Last week disposed of Leather Goods
his stock to Mr. D. Cobbledick. Ladies see our Hand
Owing to the regular nicht of Bags well selected col-
Exel.er !Court 123, (1.O.fF, coming lection. Not a selected
on Christmas, the regular meeting lerc among them. Prices
will be held next Friday evenin,. that make them ce-
Dec. 18the when the election of of- sirable. A line for
ricers and other important business- iris. Sold new sight for
will be ter le'1 ..Sc. each. Coin purses
Rcmculbcr your onbofriends with r are ideal for boys spec-
heautifnl box of bon -bons, either
Cowan's or Ihowney's. From 25e. to ial line 50c. each. Alar -
$1.50 at t3tatharn's. ge collection of ladies
At the lust regular meeting of purges 25c. to $200.
i b 1' t Lodge, -e .- 133 A .Bill folds -something
Christmas Goods
We are offering big Inducements for the next two
weeks Look here for eye openers.
Very special line of Flannelette in stripe, light and dark colors,
full yard wide. 11 yards for $ t.00. Extra English Flannels'
g yards for $1,
Stripe Cottonade A 1 quality, 23C per yard.
Apron Gingham regular price 15 now 12%c
Flannel in fancy check, suitable for Men's Shirts and Child-
ren,s underwear, regular 35c and 45c clearing for 20c
Odd ends of Flannelette, Flannel Sheeting, 2 yds, at your own
price. These prices are real and are goods you need every day,
and at bargains you do not get every day.
11) Mens Suits in tweed patterns, regular $10, $8.50, $7.00. to clear $5.00
' 11 Ideas Suits, black and blue worsted serge regular $12.50, $11.00, and
$10, to clear at $8.25.
13 Mens Blaek Suits. regular $8 50 and $7.50, to clear $5.00.
18 Youths Suits in tweed patterns, regular price $4.00 to $7.00, to clear $3
11 Boys Salta In tweed patterns, regular $3.00 to $0.00 to clear 81.50.
17 Boys Suite, 3 piece. suitable for boys from 3 to 7 years, regular price
82.50 to $3.75, to clear $1.50.
A number of Mens Heavy Freeze Overcoats, regular price $5.00 to $7.00
to clear $3 00.
The snaps are Heavy, Warm and Durable. Outside of
this sale we have a splendid assortment of Xmas Goods.
We pay as high as any of our neighbors for produce.
"Do Drop In"
The kind that brings cheer to the heart of the one who
gives as well as the one who receives.
c anon 'ores 0l
F. & A: M. the following officers for father -nothing bet -
lucre elected for the ensuing term ;-
I3ro. 1). \V. Collins. W. M.; I3ro. R.
N. !Creech, S. W.: Fred Kerr, J. W.:
Bro. \Vn1. Sweet, Chap.; Wor. Bro,
Jos. Davis. Chap.; Wor. Bro. C. II.
Settlers. Sec'y. ; Ilio. Satn'l Sweet,
Tyler: Y. Wor. dlro. Beaman and
\\"o-. Bro. Ca ren g, Auditors.
Gct pour Xmas holly and mistletoe
Fell ek's.
T'.e annual meeting of the Exe-
t . r Curling Club was held last Fri-
• evening. when the following
o ricers were elected': Hon. Pres. J. Hair, hat, bonnet and
W. Broderick : Pres. It. 0. Beldon ; tooth Brushes. Pow•
\'ice I'res. Alf Taylor; Chap. Rev. (der boxes, Buffers and
Collins : Secy. Treas.. Geo. E. .An- I nail files in sets or Bold
Berson. The Bleb has secured the ( separately. We are a -
use of the rink for Tuesday. Thurs-e ble to make any assort -
day and Saturday evenings and every; ment. Give us a trial.
afternoon. excepting Saturday after•
ilefore purchasing elsewhere take
a look at Follick's bon -bons.
Xmas Boxes- Pape-
teries. The Cream of
the market. Every box
a select value. Stylish
and popular presents.
See them. 25c. to$1.00
Our 50c. line is a leader.
Ebony Goods
Everything in ebony.
Fannin; ise.a business which re-
quires access to practical business
information. This is supplied in the
columns of The Weekly Bun. The
secret of (he growing popularity of
this paper lies in its untiring de-
votion to the interests of the Fann-
er. The memory of the good it has
(lone will remain long after the
subscription price has been forgotten.
To be vested a Fanner must read the
Sun. If you have not been a reader
of the Sun try it for 19(10.
Santa Claus has his held quarters
at 1)eering's Ilaz1.ar. Berlin wool nt
el cents nu ounce. _
The 11.03 Christmas number of the
Farther'! Advocate is at hand 811(1 three gears. He was especially in- Mrs. holder left last week for Iluf-
it is truly n credit to the paper and tcrested in the erection of the pre- fn:o, .where she intends residing.
to the greet interest it represents. sent church, helping both with per- Remember Htathnnt has the. largest
There nrt' many nrtic:es of general conal work and finance. They were variety of Christmas candies in town
interest from the pens of 'tending blessed with a family of eight child- to choose from. Give him n ca:i.
Canadian authorities 1retain ; a ren. one dying in Kingston, I11., and S8nta Claus is wondering whet h-
aleasing variety of topioi in a cora- four are buried in Pane. the three er he will stick to the reindeers. or
preliensive manner. The pages nre surviving ones are. 1. G. McLeod, whether the time has yet come when
replete with particularly pleasin.0 of Blackfoot, Idaho. Mrs. T. 8. Kee- he can with safety trust his cargo
i:lust rat ion', n liberal proportion of logg. of elinneapelis, :Minn. Mrs. F. to the care of mates latest invention
which have been printed in double E. .DeKay. of Illackfoot. Idaho. the nerop:nne. 110 could ,ret at thc
tone ink. produoine n rich, soft sepia Brother McLeod was called to his chimneys much easier with an air -
effect. Subscribers to the Farmer's heavenly home Dee. 3rd, 1908, after ship.
Advocate are presented Hwit9 this a tnotlth's serious illness. Till than The many (riemis here of Mrs.
number in lieu of a regular issue. enjoying in n remarkable degree the Geo. Manton (nee Florence Verity)
To :ton suhscrieers tee price Is 50 privileges of church services. being of Brantford. will be Alined to learn
cents per copy. New subscriners an active elder for 8 period of (wen- of her death which occureil nt R
twill receive it as n premium while ty-fivo years. end a trustee of the o'clock Tuesday evenin; after nn
the su v lasts.
ppl church for n tourer period. Brother illness of ten days from pneumonia.
We sell the hest. Try our select McLeod kept up his keen interest itt Last Sunday her condition became so
oysters. E. A. Follick. the world's events and in his friends serious that an operation wee resort -
both old and young to the 11=t ed to. in order to prolong life. ani
Dave Kirk, n well known char- aahough the operation w(as perfotned
Hetet around town. and who tiles \Vhen buying your Xmas candies. it gave her no relief and she passed
in 1'sborne neer the Eden church. remember Statham has a full ver- away ns nbove stated conscious to the
was the victim of nn unfortunate joy,.
Mrs. 'f, 11. Carling and Mrs.
neeident lost Friday evenin;, when IiAT.I'' I'itiC['. SALE of !loots and It. E. Pickerel on learning of her ill -
le• hnd one of his legs broken in two
11089 lett for her b•dr•ide. the form, r
1 lees below the knee. caused by shoes end a 101 ee scale! tat the on Saturday and the latter on ltou-
I • :lin; on the sidewalk. Kirk was 1%xcicr Bargain Blore. \Ve tom day. The deceased was well and fav-
: diced by several passers by. who Inerts today Thursday. 17th Decem ornb:y known in Exeter. hnvinz
on ;ht he was in 1 drunken step- her a six days ha.f price !110 of all been torn, railed and macre d here
er, and wns n.11st Mf to a sit till; the Boots, !Igoe! 811(1 eca:es 111 the 1114 1111r n, her l and life 1V1 .1 0110
I.osllt re. Each time he would lie Store nt half price. This means '` of the social fa varuse of the town
down. until elev. it. H. Going ne genuine half price (ale. no humbtle awl always takin z est office inter -
Geed him. Iie saw (lent the elan. be- or nonsense. We meen jest ha:f the est in matters 1ters n•riainint to church
regular .rice!. This Cracking Cheap Ilan being intoxicated. was in pain I work. She was the third !liter
nnti carried him Hilo Treble & Bak- Sne• will continue until Christmas of the lute Wm. Verity. the tweil
er's office and sent for Dr. Bright. day. :lust think you can buy any known plow manufacturer. She was
Dr. Bright upon examination found pair of shoes or settee; in the store about fifty n
years of age :r.l ellen(
1pewee.. leg broken in two ples and at half price. The •hop furniture. twenty six yearage was mlrried
bled the injured man tnkcn to his one ',i:cnl snlcamnn, one show elle to her now sorrowing' husband. who
(('illi liable. one e1.11 register. One
office, 'where he (could properly nt- nt nue time wane nssociate'l here with
lend to the fraotures. About eleven iron enfe. one stove, two counter Ilia brother in business.
o'clock the some nirrht Chief Bissett sells., one Inrge store window blind.
shop sloe.e and throe paper cutter•. i.Ides doing their tms shopp:na
and others secured n sleigh and re- Al'go for Half ]'rice. The store is can rest and have lunch 1t all hours
moved rs Kirk to his borne. We to lot give at rollick's restaurant.
Oysters and oyster em's of the envfor Ceato or to rent. i t t
, ant; {:Ieistmas presents or \ew One of the roost esteemed 111.1 w:t:-
f:n• at 1n11itp nt Statham's. Yeats .trifle but have nrraneed n !ted residents of the north end lee) n
I ,, ells- 19 reline expelishes n week or so
The fo:bwina is taken from a Pawl e.rackittt[ client) Via,,• for 111 oc:r I
ill.. piper. Ind refers to a blether of teener'. . W. •111tODEitiMe. aeo. and one tthieh he never 1%i'.1
M r. ( IA, K. McLeod. "Mr. 1). C. forget. end had i1 not been for elle
Mcl..•od watt torn in I'ictclu. Nova' Dir. T. McCallum attended the continued drou;tit tt hich l•retzai:ed
ycotin. May 12th, 18;7. Ile came to County C. •111ce meetlne of the during the past fall Le might not
Illinois in The early fifties. Ile Y.M.(!.A. n 'linton Tuesday even- now he alive 40 (ell of hie v7tper-
Itnited by letter with the old fres•' int. There l eooel attendance knee. This same gent!, man believes
by (ellen church in Hann, Bev. (tor- and eterlthi .wn• Tonne in good in getting his supp:y et tnilk fresh
den twine pastor. Brother Mel ed eon•lition. lir, es halve been 09- from the sow and line nn ob:i,fitee
amt vi(e are b.•t,t attics mud part• of the ncizhbor. eho�tMss "t)1\.. is the
fici, is being Ilona. very freshest e • ee-
byte th tug. rasion nt-
Comb & Brush
Sets •
Nothing is more desir•
able than a handsome
brush comb and mirror.
Extra values. A large
assortment to choose
from. Now is the time
to see them.
$1.00 to $1.00
All the popular odors
in bulk. Your choice.
In fancy boxes we have
the largest assortment
ever shown in Exeter.
Here we certainly plea-
se the rnost fastidious.
I)o not fail to see our
beautiful lines.
25c. to $3.00
Toilet and
Manicure Sets
On these we can save
you money. Always
acceptable. A tip to
gentlemen. Make an
early choice. Our $2,00
line is a leader. Sell -
Ing fast.
$1.50 to $5.00
Toilet Soaps
The largest assort-
ment in town from the
largest tnd best manu-
25c. a box.
Highly perfumed 25c. a
These retake the best
of Xmas presents. Last
forever. Bargain pri-
ces, Fancy hand mir-
rors all sizes in rose and
ebony wood. $1 to $3
Nickle plated framentir-
rors 25c. to $2.50
Shaving mirrors for
men, A tip to ladies.
See them before you
buy him a present.
Shaving Outfits
In cases or otherwise.
Shaving thugs 15c. -50c
„ brushes 10c -75c
, strops special;
the best on the market
for the amall price 50c.
No honing no grind-
ing. Carba magnetic
razors $2.00 Once used
always in favor. Anv
assortment of the above
make useful prebents.
Pipes & Cigars
Suitable presents for
smokers. A large and
seleected stock of amber
pipes in beautiful cases.
Easy to choose here.
See our special $2 genu-
ine briar & amber line.
Cigars all the popular
brands in boxes of 25,
50 or 100 at wholesale
Cigar cases 50c to $2.
Post Card
For the children these
a r e vet'y desirable.
Children prize them.
Large assortment from
lye to $1.00.
Xmas Cards and
Christmas Post Cards
are more beautiful this
year than ever. The
largest stock in town.
Fancy Booklets and
Calendars are selling
fast. See them now.
'Headquarters for Beautiful Christmas Gifts
Exceedingly Low l'rices Will Surprise You.
W. S. COLE, Phm. B., Exeter
Everything New for Xmas.
At the New Grocery and Confectionery Store
Fresh Groceries, Confectionery, Oranges, Nuts, Bananas. Grapes,
Cigars, Etc. Everything suitable for Christmas and New Years.
We always carry a fresh supply of Oysters and sell as you like them.
Special attention paid to patties.
Central Hotel.
Wilson Bros.
Are offering some big Bar-
gains in
Pianos, Organs,
Sewing Machines
Martln & Soll
They have in stock one Dominion
Piano mohogany finish, This Piano
has been in use about eightmonths
regular price $250.00 sale price $175.00
call and see this instrument as it is the
beet value they have ever offered.
Also big bargains in Fountain Pens,
Sleighs, Doll Carriages, Hymn Books,
Bibles etc.
From 15 cents a box to $1.75 the
largest stock in town.
Call and get one of their Artistic
House and Lot For
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mrs. Eliza Ilodgert and is tieing
offered by sale by the executors to
close up the estate. On the premises
are a substantial brick house, storey
and a halt, good frame stable and
bare( ; few fruit trees; good Iwell and
2-5 of aa more of land.
For terms and particulars apply to
\Vm. Ilodgert, Farquhar. or Alex
Ilodgert, Itusseldale.
Farm for Sale
This farm consists of 122 ncres situ-
ate at the vill tge of Elimville on the
St. Marys gravel road, convenient to
general store. blacksmith shop and
n few minutes walk from the Meth-
odist church, one mile from public
school. One part consists of 100
aures, (with (wick hostse. large be,n
with basement, drive she.!, orchard.
10 ncres bush, abundance of water.
The other part consists of 22 acres.
veneer house, fraise stables. orchard
2 (cells. All gena land in good atatc
of cultivation. (Possession given
March 1909. For terms and other
particular. npplv nn the premiaelu.
to his :leek alone towards tiusk.
n nti snot noticint an old cistern with
n weak coverinz, !+tepped on it, and
down she went about eizltt feet into
several inches of (tater, tool it wasn't
warm tt that. There twee no one in
tee vicini:v at the: time. so it 1V1s
a:se'e�s •to innkc nny outcry. itis
first thought wax to measure the
depth of water in the cistern. and
finding it not ton deep. made prepar-
ations (or his escape. The old fable
of the fox feed the tont leashed
across his Mind. lett there wnsn't any
,coat 10 be hnd. Like Victor llugo's
'.ientt Vnl dean" he Irt,l in his early
dais learned to sole tw all. with alac-
rity anti his enr:y 1rain'ne stood Lion
awe:1 in this test. With his back
braced n.ainst the side of the well
he ',tette his way up until he could
reaO!l n projection at the top. cn 1
throe in his ieg ermine another pro•
jeclion near the top tnlde his exit.
n edge wet bot mighty tired. lir
.lid tacit feel any bad efttet. from
his experience. big tthc!( froing •for
milk niter thnt, the cistern wee
given a twirls 1 3'4J
GhrIstlllas BdKIilQ
You may have been us-
ing some other flour and
you may have had pretty
good results but now for
Christmas Baking
you want
Harveys Star
for bread and
for your Cakes and Pies.
Nothing better made. Goods de-
livered to all parts of the town. Leave
your meter at the mill.
Winter Term Opens
Van. 4th
This school is one of the larg
est in the province. It is noted
for'the thoroughness of its work
and the success of its students.
I Three departments -
2 Our graduates are in demand
Iae Business College teachers as
well as office nseistante, Get our
magnificent catalogue, it is free.
Traine.t by our management theft
other In Toronto, t:neat demand to
geminate• a. 1Intli.ese College Teachers.
%ate S crt terie., (Mire A.a.tant., etc.
embodiment of the mot revert, Mode
System known In Ita•ineet W .epee 11', In•
rite cnmperlaon. Three Department*. Man•
nett hl ,kllle,l in•tnuotora.
(jail •v„r... in ail 11:•'int.•a lbllex, nn 1
rli,;h hot,1 •ub;e. tr.
f! igloo Busioess Colne
l • ea SPOTTON, Pt incipnl.
•••• 4••••••••••••••••••••
The TIMES f:o^e now till Jenuere
1910 ter One Dollar. If your neigh=
born ur frien.la are not now getting
the ?iMES, kindly tell them of this
excellent offer