HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-17, Page 4SHE EXETER TIMES, DEC. lith 1908.
Holiday Cifts
Call and sec our large
stock of l'erfumes, l'ur-
ses, Bill Books, Satchels
Pouches, Case Pipes,
Hair and Cloth Brushes,
Mirrors, Pocket Mirrors,
Pocket Combs. Books
and Stationery. A11 suit-
able for Xmas presents.
Brownings Drug Store
.Editor Times.—Dear Sir : As the
tiiue hal arrived for the citizens of
Ezetcr-to consider municipal mat-
ters with a view to the choice of
Reeve anti Council for 1609, a word
here might not be out of place.
inuring the coming year a number
of important subjects should be
dealt with and good men are needed.
Winne is the waterworks system. some
thing must be done at least for pro-
tection in base of fires. The pres-
ent 'tanks are played out and either
new ones must be constructed or
some other system adopted. ' r\
standpipe has been suggested. The
council of 10.09 should be level head-
ed men, who can deal with these mat-
ters without blundering. They'
should as well be men, who will if
necessary sacrifice a little of their
time in the interests of the town.
I have in my mind, Mr. Editor, such
a council. Perhaps others of your
readers will suggest other names.
I would propose for Reeve, W. J.
Seaman or iA. E. Fake. because they
have served their apprenticeship in
council well and I t maintain the
Ueeve should be taken from the
ranks of the council, if possible.
For council, Well Johns, J. J,
%Knight. :Chris Luker and • J. LA,,
Stewart. These men I believe would
give us a year of good govetnment.
Russia wants to borrow $250,000-
000. Nicho:us will have to look to
Cobalt mine owners, Pullman por-
ters and plumbers to find anyone
with enough dough to negotiate the
Astronomers say that n comet is
going to hit the earth. After pass-
ing through two elections, we are
kind of accustomed to gas and may
be able to sustain the atmosphere
without much discomfort.
The Calgary Eye Opener ryes a
paper which might have proven n
great power for good. But Editor
Edwards believes in tnixine, peanut
politics 'with bar -room filth. with the
result that his chances of 'contained
publication look hind of hazy.
The funeral of the late 'Mrs. Wm.
Coats took place at Clinton on Thurs-
day. Fifty years aro the decease3
went to Clinton a bride, the wife
Of Wm. Coats, one of the first mer-
chants to do business in %Clinton.
Until a few months aro she resided
ill Clinton. and intended snaking her
home with her daughter, Mrs. Dr.
McCallum. of Crestline, Ohio, where
she died.
Mr. 'Peter Lamont, who has been
reeve of the township of Hay for
several years. will likely be a can-
didate for the Wardenship of the
county of Huron for 111Oa. "Pete"
as he is familiarly termed by those
who know hits best. a:thou-eh a
bachelor, would make a trusted and
eel -vitae Warden, and a much worse
choice might be made. !lis corning
fellow councillors can well afford
with n:l dile dignity to abundantly -
bless I'ctcr Lamont. Ile would, to
say the least, do honor to the pos-
ition. '
Con table Gundy, or Goderich, was
investigating a strange case in the
north end of the county last week.
nothing :east frightful than a mur-
der ease. The information came from
a girl of nine years, who toll with
much detail of the Murder, of which
she said she had been n witness,
The child's foster father and his
brother were the persons she charg-
ed with the deer!. and the victim.
according to their tale was their
father. Investigation. !ewe ver, re-
eu'ted in the discovery of the man
alleged to have been murdered, in
jell at Toronto. committed for var.-
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it--Aycr's Nair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp -medicine.
it quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhe::Ithy scalp becomes
healthy. Thc dandruff disap-
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you --healthy hair, no dan-
druff,no pimples, no eruptions.
The best kind of a testimon:r.1 -
"Sold to over sixty yec,,.."
Aer: • by J. C. Ayer Co . Low••.tt, t a,s.
At•o m,onrect_•rera . .
i slRscA...i:.
ttlLhitY PFt.i^R/.I..
Mr. l'erry Doupe purchased a lair
of prize winning rose comb Minor-
can at the Guelph show.
John 'Moore Las purchased the
(Bailey property, neer .the atone
church and will Move it to the vil-
:aze using it as an addition to his
Mrs. Richard Sells, who was trick
during the past several months at
the home of her parents near \Voud-
lruu, returned home friday.
l'erry Doupe and John O'Brien
were in Lon,lo:i last week uu busi-
The Children of the Methodist
church are preparing tot (heir big
Xmas tree.
John Hanna Iast week cold a nice
team of horses to \\'m. Cudmore, of
Douglas •Wardlaw, V. 8. has left
us 'with true 'British pluck •to write
his name on 'the scroll of fame end
build a reputation for himself in the
village of Ethel. We wish him every
success and congratulate the town on
its social acquisition.
Join Nixon entertained a party or
friends 'last Tuesday evening. All re-
port u good time until 4 a. in., ex-
cept the fiddler.
Some .high spirited (young friends i
from the Eighth Line paid Mr. Ira •
Marshall a visit last Wednesday l
Special attention is called to E. IC/
Shier's ad. in these colutn.ns. Ile has
some 'rattling good .bargains and it
%%ill be •worth ;your while to call and
inspect them.
A steigh load of Kirktonites went
to Exeter \Ionlay evening to hear
Crossley and [Metter.
Mr. -James More and P. E. Doupe
have returned trent the Fat Stook
show and report everything in per-
fect condition. Two steers at two
years okd welshed 1890 pounds each,
and sold for 10e. per pound to local
butchers. Mr. Doupe secured a snap
in a pair of rose comb Miuorcas at
Mr. and tars. t3. II. Tufts attended
the opening of the mew 'Brucefield
Presbyterian church.
Miss Ruth Elliott has resigned her
position as assistant at the telephone
office and is succeeded by Arthur
Mack and 'Flora drown.
Friday Ryas a busy day in •town.
The tax collector was here and all
seemed anxious to see him.
George Farthing Chas returned
from the west looking as well as
ever, but with a new bight in his
Miss dli:da ;Hoskin is visiting sick
relatives in London.
The trustees of our school aro pro-
ceeding very cauwti'y in the selection
of another teacher.
1t. 'Il. 'Copeland took n sleigh load
to Exeter to bear Crossley and Hun-
ter. Some' from the village went also.
Miss Effie Cornish is home again.
Mr. Weather continues to wear a
wintry aspect, and the sleighing is
certainly very !tine, but the skating
Is poor. '
The children of the hirkton pub-
lic school last Thursday afternoon
were entertained with an interesting
review of the social and moral status
of the Kirkton and vicinity church-
es and congregations thereof. This
we could endure if it came from art
individual, stand:air on the impreg-
nable rock of justice, encased in an
invulnerable armour of morality
practically unassailable by ply
human agency in any human form,
but, delivered by a person. whose
very existence would compare most
unfavorably with the characters he
molt mctcit,essly reviled, we resent
it as if it were a direct insult to all
the finer feelin•rs of manhood a per-
son possesses. If it had only been
bad ta:tc, we would pass it by, but
when it affects not 01e4 Men who
are somewhat hardened. but strikes
at the root of our children's succuss
in both spiritual and temporal life,
%weakens their intellect and charac-
ter by engaging in uncharitable n'td
unwholesome thoughts, annihilates
the doctrine in:rrnined itt them by
their hardworking parents and has
it general demoralizing effect on their
impressionable young lives, we would
cry stop 1 forbear 1 1 begone 1 1 1, for
in pursuing'; 'this it leaches an utter
disregard for the church as nn in-
stitution, I•essens and decreases their
respect for their parents and event-
ually speaks r .. Furthermore we
are surprised, nay, astounded that
living so many years among tis, as
the person referred to has, and whom"
:ife ant! actions have been so exem-
plary, that 'he has not succeeded in
elevating by his cffervesoctnt Wahl -
'once, the moral tone of this com-
tattnily, at lrnst a little higher that:
that at 'which he gauges it, iustcl.l
of driving us deeper into the tnire ia1
which he supposes tis to wallow,
"Thou hypocrite. first cast. out the
bean out of thine eon eye, and then
thou stmt see clearly to cist out
the mote that at in thy brother's
eye." We, 'however. 9 rust that tiva
younger generation will continue to
support the church which their fath-
ers nntl ntochers founded mat
tin ougit whose channels of grace they
11'v: received such inapirat:on. coin -
,ort and real help and entdeavot' to
::ft it to n higher plane 'than it has
h,•rto nttnined, remembering the
or and finisher of our faith.
t hing we regret is that our vor-
r. .1r hay been totally inadequate
.o express our inmost thoughts re-
:;ar.fing 'this theme, but we (trust
that this simple fatherly advice from
en old than will receive the consider -
,:ion it deserves. \V- leave the re -
halter hurls.
The 'TIMES from now 1i11 January
1910 for One Dollar. If your neigh.
Lars or friends ore not how gottit.g
the TIMES, k:n fly tell them of this
excellent offer
Coughs :hat r,re tight, or - tiiatress-
:icklin3 oct;ghs. get pack end
e e help from Dr. Shoop's Cough
R. reals, On this account druggist•
everywhere ore favoring. I)r. Shoop's
Cough Itemedy• •\nd i t is entirely
free from op:unn. eh lot oform, or any
other stupefying drug. The tender
leaves of n harmless lung heal:ng
mountainous shrub give to Shoop
Cough Remedy its cltr.11iv' proper-
ties. Tbose leaves Ileac the power to
calm the most distressing; tongh.at;.i
lo font;he and heel the most sensitive
bronchi.l1 Inetnbr: lee. blethers aho:ltd
for safety's Crake nlone. alw'ay's de -
m. fid Dr. Shoop's. It can with per-
t t freedom the given to even t'
ngest babe•• Test it once gout
f, and see 1 Bold by W. Howe
�o Ioleresliog teller Irom 01. Carr
Los. Angeles, Calif, Nov. Gini,
'10 the Editor of the Tittles ;—
Hawing promised to bend a-ou a
ebort report of my trip and my first
01191issians of Los Angeles, I %till
cudeavur to do eo. I left St. burrs
ou Tuesday, with scow all around
and got to Chicago nest morning at
9,30 aha left in 20 minutes for Los
Angeles. The land through the
first 200 mite: w'as good sad very
level: similer around Streator, with
black clay loom, also chocolate color ;
houses fair, Varus poor, all corn
seemed to be the crop. They take
the cob off in the field then turn
in the stock and let theta harvest
the rest. 1 t%ould think silos would
be .good here. I noticed all thud
roads. Galesburg; was the next atop.
It is a very pretty city of 30,000 pop-
ulation, a forest city with lots of
trees all through it. Stili growing
corn all along through this section.
.,orae wheat has been :own, ant it is
just through the ground. IIad a
sleep and arrived at Kansas City, a
large city, but very windy, every one
having to keep their hats tied on to
prevent them blowing away. There
is lots of Buffalo and tumble grass,
and running' along you would ima-
gine it was w•clves rutting along
the fields. The country is very much
like Saskatchewan, only more dry.
Irrigation all over this part. All
the •hand along the railroad is irri-
gated. They grow alfalfa and sugar
beets, on toot it is nearly all sugar
beets, 'with I•arge factories all along
and the prairie cattle are .fattened
on 'the pulp, alfalfa and chop and I
ata (informed they do 'welt. They
hire Mexicans to do their 'work. •It
looked lonesome, 'with houses '.!far
apart. The Mexicans live in small
tents •and wheat the beets am off
t hey move back into the villares.
If there were rain in plenty here it
would make an %Eden, as the land is
eery rich. but lack of rain, and the
hot winds and 'winds -galore, make
it bad. 'It is said of Kansas, especi-
ally tithe 'western part of 'it, that it
is a land of sunshine and sunflowers.
a land of wind and irrigation ditches
u land of veterans and sons, not of
the good old Loyalist stock, but of
the rebel 'portion. The Arkansas riv-
er supplies the ditches and you would
really think it was on fire to see the
smoke, or which ;troves to be sand,
a:owing off the sides of the river.
It looks just like smoke. The river
has no banks, but just runs aloe~
in the snnel. We are. now in Colora-
do. The 'first part looks fair, with
irregular hills and valleys, and irri-
gation is carried on here. 'Alfalfa
looked rood, also lots of beets, 'out.iit-
tie grass. The cattle looked very thin
and small. Lots of alkali in spots.
Going farther the land gets rougher
with :ots of grazing. Ilere we just
pass' through the corner of the state
then pass into New Mexico. •Imight
say here that 'I travelled by the
Santa Fe Route. The country looks
very broken and 'hiay, mostly graz-
ing country, aatd mot very good at
that. The mountains start at 'Ra-
ton, a very pretty place, the moun-
lnins towering 'high over our heads
We go 'through the Raton Pass. it
takes three engines 10 pull and push
us n :ong in circles, through tunnels
etc. Trinidad is a mining town we
passed through. They get lots of
coal 'here, in fact 4 think the Rooky
mountains are large deeds of '.Cool
These mountains are called the Na-
t•ago mountains and arc a portion of
the ilockies. We are at a very high
altitude, the mountain being 13.000
feet above sea :eyed. with snow on
lop of the peaks. There are 'lots of
level places, where cattle sheep and
goats are pastured, but I think they
should be Christian ficientists, fol-
lowers of 'Mrs. (Eddy, and have the
animals believe 'there twits grass. .for
I coital 'not see any. We are mow in
Arizona and it has them all beaten
even from (Fort William to Kenora,
fox mountains and for desert• it beats
Dont Swift Current to Medicine Ilal.
After you get out of the mountains
it is a huge desert. The sand drifts
in Maks just like our snow. What
teurprised rue most, in every mile or
so yon see cattle. also once in a while
n '\lex.can hut. they being about ten
miles apart. The cattle aro all Here-
fords. In fact nil along it is Here-
fords. I often wondered where they
came from. but now d know, right
from 'here. It seems to be , their
Loin •. They cut steak oft their neck
and shoulder, as there is hardly
enough grass here to develop Moir
hindquarters. The Mittritneut never
gets back that far. in font when the
wino blows, you can sec them Teter
ing on their front legs. Their pale
Noce shine out like monuments on
the prairie, and 1 hey need them as 1
havc seen hundreds of carcasses ou
prairie. 1t is so dry here that weheu
they drink water, they soddenly
take acute dropsy and die in a fe
hours. We ore now at Wins:ot
with fifteen minutes for ':notch
some of you people know' my n tt�
to eat fast, and .here I was p .yinz
clear for it, so did not tarn
it being on It heEuroperi
.'They were :oading c.tttle•' nndl this
r, f,•'a minutes to see their ' I mooted
were both thin and swa1'' large as
they were not Alen r:y .idly thosee
our \weStebll cat i:e•, •sp' yO ovr
lit 'Alberta. They %would n tette most.
S or IA hundred pounds at to
'They Cava ,not encu;h (oda.r
vc:op th.•rn. It is toe dry. would
ore at:l Herefords. 1 'thiolI,,•
g'uoll p:.act.' for ,toe itff{
anti 'get another anima:. as rs
them well bred, and i think by t
look of them here. he could het the
bred back far enough to get the%
s': n lard bred. and if lie tt ants them
bred back any further. just go farth-
er back amon„ the hills. i did not set
nay 'rural telephones here. Lotsgo
ele,:,l Oat Cc, ro surely they have
V.`; here. \\'e are in tIre nlotntnlYll
• ,rain, at F:agstaff, n divas:octal leo .1,1
ou C111 see snow at the mount
tops and lots of pine caul large s
mills. There 13 here apron henllhv
sort for consumptives, nn•I it
want 10 get Oho (1ise1se. jast cc
here ns ,yon can catch it on the ti
env time. They are coughing t 1
spt:in;; a:1 the rime. 1 ons sl'
had it"•'s'
last :three or fed r
it �t oftr n%vful the tray p t,
rte' - consumptive. on
the same g:gases
Ind some in the
disease. In fast
t be
Clearing Auction Sale""'""'�"44N�4N4NN4NNd•�NNNN�4N4444��
train before us four died Oil the rho
tut, of the first inouit :tits. They
could not shoed the light air and —OF—
their %earns gave out. It is a sad
sight to see t pr people trying FAR51, EARN! STOCK AND 1JI- I
to find a haven to give them relief 1 LEJIlrN'Tti
if trot u cure. 1Iott' hopeful they Mr. Jos. White has teed tu_ttuet-
., 'o reef.
e l to • b l'ublio Auction on
t, l 1 b h
.oak, it urine the feel bad. .Well wv I 9
go to sleep again and wake tip cross- \vF:14NESDAY, DECF:JSIBER 23, 1908
ing 'the Rockies. It is a very ro-
mantic sight, but 'I cannot see tuueb
beauty in the rocks and hills, '1
would 'rather see good farms any
flute. \\'e pass down the mountain
and ore in the orange groves. Thu
oranges are greed now, as they do
not ripen till December orJ:uluary.
There are lemon orchards. ,walnut
orchards, strawberries, figs and 1
can't tell you what else yet. I had
strawberries for tea. One vineyard
aa,1 over 300 acres of ,;;rapes and was
fenced 'with 'talar :trees, 'geraniums
and cacti. We can eat cacti galore
el 1 like lots of potatoes and treat
with tht•in.
\Vt•ll II ant in Los Angeles and bare
driven around the town some. 11
was never with zAdant in the garden
Eden. have tncver had the privilege
of going there and forget just where
it is, but think it must have been
here. If so he should never havo
eaten of the forbidden fruit, for I'm
sure there was a sufficient quantity
of every other kited. This is a city
of beautiful homes, all built so art-
istic and I am sure they must get
paint cheap as it is liberally used.
The lawns and genitals are simply
beyond description, such varieties of
plants and flowers. 'It is quite cool
here now and Too :need as touch Coy-
er on your 'bed as over in Canada,
but it is comfortable, with no frost.
They do trot have any stoves, only
gas stoves and 'heat their :rooms
with gas jets, if necessary. It is a
city 'that 'has grown very fast -lately
and has a population of 300,000, so
it is no small place and is growing.
Strange to say the .people do not
know me, but 'I expect they wi1i itt
a week or so and when I get• :appeal WM. !!RANCH JO►S. WHITE
thoroughly acquainted, I will write Prop. Auct•
you again and deet you know what 1
think of them. At present I am in
a large room by myself wondering
what brought me here. I must say early riser. There are things (ret
the farmers that farm hero are just about Itlanshard and Ustorne that
sowing 'their barley and oats and makes me think. If they have not
reap lin May and June, so asto get the palms, cacti and geraniums for
the benefit of the present rainy sea- fences, they 'have lots of other things
son 'to promote growth, so here 11 that more than balance. They do
am baying two springs in one year, not have to irrigate to get crops,
but best of all 'I can sleep three and shave the finest looking country
hours longer in the tnorning than in the world. Yours sincerelytt
you can and then be considered an CA RR.
lean 11. CON. 12, .1;SIIORNI:
Conunencaig at ,One o'clock, the
HORSES—One draught mare four
years obi, in feel to Luffuess, eli-
gible for registration ; One draught
horse rising five years; One draught
gelding rising three years ; draught
colt sired by Luffness ; Farmer's
driver rising Rix scars; ' ,Carriage
marc rising .two years.
CATTLE -Four cows supposed to be
in calf; ouc farrow cow; two steers
rising ,three, years; five steers and
two heifers rising two years; four
PIGS -11 young pigs and 75 hens.
IMPLEMENTS,— Binder, Maxwell
mower, Massey -Barris, horse rake,
seed drill, cultivator, walking plow,
two 2 -furrow plows: .set harrows,
roller ; fanning mill; hay rack ; grav-
el box ; ;wagon and box and stock
rack ;'Democrat ; single buggy, root
pulper ; dog and dog power ; cutter ;
hay fork, rope sings, pulleys and
oar ; sap.pan and 150 pails a►td spites
large kettle, forks, hoes, etc., also
some household effects.
The farm consists of 100 acres nvith
good frame house, two bank barns,
well fenced ; six acres of hartlw ood
bush ; good wells. In good state of
cultivation. Fall plowing done and
nine acres of fall wheat in.
The terms of the farm will be
made known on day of sale. •
All sums of NE and under, cash:
over that amount 10 months' credit
} will be given on funrishing approv-
ed joint notes. A discount of 6 per
cent per annum will be allowed for
cash on credit amounts.
Argombo's Finest Selected Raisins
28 Ib boxes for $1.65
Best English Lemon Peel—Special
toe per pound.
Two pounds of the best Walnuts for 25c.
Something New to the Trade
NO -AL FLAVORING EXTRACTS 25c per tube, worth $2.50
of the regular liquid extracts.
CHRISTMAS TOYS and everything for Santa Claus pre-
sents in stock,
35c worth of Sewing Needles for the housewife at 15c.
Call and Inspect for yourselves at
Oranges 2oc, 35c and 50c a doz; Figs i5c; Dates toe; Nuts 20c
Candies—a fine assortment to chose from at roc to Sec a lb.
Chinaware: Selite tr, gour 1av2;ortent of ptetty and titian' dishes at from
e snt
Our space is ton small to tell you all the good things we have. Come ani see.
Don't forget to send the children on Christmas eve to
see Sauta Claus and the Xmas tree at the store at
7.30 p. rn
More than one 'best ?
When you ask your grt e -r to send
you the bc:;t Hour, h: sends you—
his best. When you know the hest
iloul and order by the name, the
choice is not lett to the grocer.
's'Iany grocers handle
Royal Household Flour
as their leader. They have found it
tyle safest flour to recommend because
its results arc sure and its purity is
unquestioned. 11 your grocer's hest
is not Royal Household, insist on his
getting it for you. The benefit will
b:. I1;l.tthtl.
Obi:vcoa :la:ir Asitia Co., Lfil.
MO:+I ill:lt- tab
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1 ""
CAPITAL •••• .... 83 374.000 00
Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and C orrebpondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson At Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, slanager
B. S. WALKSY, President
AIME. LAIRD, General Manager
IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more
persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the
number or by the survivor. 114
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
suoe[ssons to
Drs. Kennedy & Kergan
Owing to Dr. Ker-
gan being deceased,
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
has associated with
him Dr. Kennedy Jr.
who has been with
the firm for several
years, so hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept
to a premature grave through EARLY INDISCRBTION8,
followingsymptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the
eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita-
ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses serif -
Intent in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks
careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change-
able moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone Was, hair
loose. sore throat etc,
Blood Poisons
are the moot
prevalent an most serious di They sap the very life
blood of the victitn, and unless entire!y eradicated from the
system say affect the future generation. Beware of mercury. storey suppresses the
nymptoms—OUR NEW UETEOD cures them.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone can core you, and mate•
nus or you. Under Its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all
pimples, blotches, att.t ulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that ner-
vossness, bashfulness and despondencyvanish. the eye becomes bright, tete face toll and
clear, energy returns to the body. and the moral, physical, and vital systems are invig-
orated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system, Dont let quacks and fakirs
rob you of your bard earned dollars. Wo will slurs you er no pay.
READER "° tn.teerwtlo bas treated you, write ter an honest oppinion pre*
of Charge. BOOBS FREE—"The Golders monitor" (iNustrated)
Question List for Home Treatment Sent en Request.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, - DETROIT, MICH.
Syoopls 01 ine C000dioo Nofln Wes!
Any person who is the sole head
SEALED TENDERS addressed to of a 'rotate, or any male over 18
the Postmaster General will b; re-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon, of Fri- years old may homestead a qunrtek
day, the 13th January, IOfl9 for ar the Isectoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
conveyance o: ills Majesty's Maier on The applicant tnust appear in person
a proposed contract for tette years. at .the Dominion Lands Agency or a
14 and 4 times per week each sway be-
• "' (i 1 'TON J1hTRO:['OL•-
' front the Postmaster General's plea-
sure. Print, d notices containing fur-
ther information as to conditions of
proposed contract toss' be seen and
blank fortes of tender may be ob-
tained tit the 'Post Office of Grantor?
Metropoatan and Whalen. awl at.
I ,
the Of[:o_ of the I oatoftice in-
spector at London.
G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent.
Fon off'.o2 Dcpartm•�nt, Mail Ser-
vic.. Ilrancb. Ottawa. '26th November
1110a. 12 17 3
Weak Kidneys
Sub -age ay for thcdist ract. Elates by
[ween t. \ and
Wsnta Kidneys, snrclp point to weak iodine
Nerves. The Kidneys. like the :Rea rt, and th•1
Stomach, and their weakn-;s, not in the orr!an
Itself, but in the nervei that control and golds
and st-.•ngthen thein. Dr. shoo('+ K' tomltvs it
a ta•di: n1., ct*rcitically pn'par•.1 to r:mch thes.t
M„tmll,l T nerves. To doctor the Kidneys sponte,
1, , eu. l e.
t fs a
osteo of t n • n
t I -. n d of tt:cuo air
Plea. y
11 your leak nch'r or Ie wmk, 1f the tirtne
scalds, or ladark and+tmng. Itu l awe a) ❑tttr+rn,
of Blights or other dtatrec,ing or dangerous eel.
ney'Meese. try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month—
Tablets or Liquid—amt see what It can and w10 -
do for you. Lruggtat recommend and sell
Dr. Shoop'
proxy n rte had nt the nye• "!• on
certain ditions, by mother
i ori s:t,.
son, dal. ter, itoerk, •, r of
10tondinu "ho„"• eadt•r•
Lutics;� F o/nthw r
n,,I cultt.•,til/!of the land n
of three seat+. A homesteader tray
toe -
live within aloe miles of his ho
stead on a %farm of at least FO acres
so:cls owned and occupied by hits or
his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain district+ a homestea.lor
in good standing tnny pre-cmpt a
quarter section alongside his home..
sterol. Price R3. per acre. Uutier—
Must res:de six months ineach of si:
years from date of homestead entry
including the time rt•.tuired In earn
homestead patent) and cu:tivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homestea,ier who hits exhausted
�1lomestend r:gl:t end
t 1 pre-emption may tnke n1rr_ t
chnae,l hntne,to•'ttl in ccrtn:n distracts
3. per nore. Ihntiee.—Mast *``
resale s't t;.r;alta in each of three •
• a e '
w:nr>• ca:tiw1t:• fifty .ere� ml tt •e
;o'I.;e worth $1100,0;%
w, w•, CORY,
Repots thMoof 1nteio
r:,-- t'ns a I rlof'c Ie pot Ik ister tion ofthe ted+ adv%
merit will not be paid inn
Ur. Smith and Chnrhs Fergo
attended the fowl supper at Vri
I on Monday evt•nntg :1st.
Mr. John Cameron returned 1,ime
, from Alvinston where he was fore--
1 man over an evaporator gang nl
Mr. Wm. Ferguson end wife visi-
t e 1 frien•ls tit Seeforth :net 'week.
Mr. Wm. Weston is tail up at pre-
sent with Typhoid Fever and is do-
ing is well as can be expected.
Btlyflelri. Mr. deers nil wife visited friend,.
at Goderich on Monday.
Too :ate for ast week Messrs George Erwin and Wen.
f:r. Santee. reeve nttetded thn Jowett are jurymen at the n•sizee
c mat r council a Goderich ase week. at Goderich this week.
Meear* Jobe noel Charles Ferguson Mr. Thos. Brandon returned home
after !wend MG the waren sailing on last week after spending the summer
the lakes returned home nst we;ack. at Itelgrnve.
Mr. Chat :es Regan. of A pens, The young' men have etarted a
Mich., visited friends here the peat club and reading room in Mr. 'earner -
week and returned house on Tuesday. oil's shop next to the hnrneee shop.