HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-17, Page 3WH -1-1-11-11-1$11-I1
ht : t i l IF I ii•_!
Fash ion
Irate are nearly all dark.
Skirts are lung, narrow, and high
�ltto hipless girl is the height of
The vest is an important feature
this winter.
Bodices aro aLsolutcly flat and Ppected here, gives all the credit
They Cured His Lumbago of Twenty
Yenrs Standing, and Made lila SENTENCE SERMONS.
Fed Twenty Years Younger.
Friendship cannot live cavo in
Fortune Harbor, Nfld., Dec. 7.- freeduni.
(Special.- Sixty years cif ago but Liberality is the saving grace in
bale and hearty aad with all the frugality.
vigor of a young man, Mr. Richard It is better to bo gracious than
Quirk. Hell known and highly re- to be graceful.
You can get fine work only from
close fitting. fur his good health to Dodd's laid- free hearts.
Hairpins with the open arched DO' 1'i.lis. Makers of criticism never are
tops are most stylish. "I sutiered for over twenty years good takers thereof.
Children's white fur hats sound from Lumbago and Kidney Dis- No man can long be a bigot who
a wide range of style. ease,' Mr. Quirk says, "and after tries to be a brothe-r.
Lines are for the most part lou cuusluting doctors and taking their Cheerful sinners may work less
g, medicines, made up my mind 1 was harm than the sour saints.
Where a family can afford it, a
girl usually is accompanied by an
alt! aurae who gives her good words
of counsel as the lazy mule trudges
along leisurely. Before she leaves
the girl, whom she has cared for
since the bride was a child, she
whispers :-"Take courage; you
need not fear. He cannot help but
live you; yuu are sweet, good, and
and fiat, and straight. incurxlde. I was unable to work IIs counts for most in prayer who
The slipper is colored to match when I was persuaded to buy a box counts himself last of all.
or cuutradl with the gown. of Dedd's Kidney Pills. To lay- }Tactical pity for men is the best
White fur of every sort and kind great and happy surprise I had nut
will bo much Wul-11 the cutting win- taken half a box when I experiene- kind of piety toward (,ods
ter.(ed great relief. Seven boxes cured They who accuse others often are
Plaids reem to be the favoritef me. That was in lf00 and I ant owe' excusing themselves.
No heart is more sick than the
wear fur bchoulgivls, both large and; still cured. 1 would net bo without
sinal! one that always nurses itself.
Dill's Kidney Pills for any meiltey•
The fashion of bloomers for the' I ate twenty years younger than "Strength" may be the way that
mai/ girl is an increasingly popular. before I took them." heaven spells our word struggle.
oral+.Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the No man can live a whole life with -
Kidneys. healthy Kidneys strain
all the impurities out of the blood.
That's why they euro Rheumatism,
Sciatica and other diseases caused
by the presence of uric acid in the
An entire crown representing a'
great rose is one of the novelties,
.ncouatered among hats.
Braided cheviot and serge have
retained their popularity fur sep-
arate coats and suits.), blood.
Black satin, inessaline, or Fatin
faced crepe is exceedingly stylish;
in colored dresses.
Sleeves reach to the wrist and
mold the arni with a somewhat un-
flattering faithfulness.
For shopping, street, or general
service the skirt is usually plain
and in clearing length.
Tiny wreaths of flowers made of
ribbon achieve the daintiest kind
of decoration for girls' frocks.
In fur coats one finds a survival
of the kimono sleeve, fitted into the
arm and made into a coat sleeve.
Large revers and the standing
consulate collar aro emphatic fea- Tho Chinese along with the Turks,
tures of the season's styles in cants. believe that a girl is far better off
Winter cloaks are much lunger dead than unmarried. Though they
and the backs are even straighter are exceedingly anxious to have
and flatter than they were three their daughters married, they bo -
months ago. lieve it is beneath their dignity to
One of the recent touches on the carry on these negotiations them -
ready -made white net waists is a solves, but leave this work to a pro-
fessional matchmaker. The go-bo-
tween visits the different homes
alone, where she takes note of tho
age, education, social position, and
wealth of the different girls. She
then gives a lung ani accurate ac-
count above tae normal waist- count to the girl's family. One is
retainngtheir ve hold upon in )o alar selected from this number, and if
'or. and the bodice ouldd be in
both parties are satisfied the affair
with the skirt of this char- is handed over to the necromancer.
. If the stars say the young people
A shirtwaist of French flannel - aro selected wisely, the betrothal is
having a small polka dot un a white announced.
ground, is attractive with a neck- RUSSIAN CEREMONIAL.
tic and bolt the color of the polka
Tunics of Greek inspiration, only natural and rational destiny
draped now from the shoulders and for a woman. Confident that Cupid
e in from the hips, are to be seen is foolish and erratic boy whose
eRa it on evening and on afternoon judgment is not always the wisest,
gowns. they make use of a matchmaker,
Many of the Benson's chats have cnlltd a svacsha. She is a most
sashes corning from beneath the important personage, and when her
vest or from the edges of the con- judgment, which is excellent, fails
sulfite collar, either one adding a her she can call the stars, dia-
sty'lish tou::he monde, hearts and clubs to her aid.
Tho deep, narrow yoke is an iasis- But the marriage ceremonials are
tent feature of this season's merles even more complicated. On the
and is in perfect harmony with the
day before the wedding the bride
tendency toward tall, sleuder of is conducted to her bath. Thcae
feet s. her friends spend long hours comb -
Fur is used not only for collars ing her hair, and while away the
and cuffs but around the bottom of time sin i•1 and talkie of what
coats of various lengths, especially her daily K '1 fe will be after she is
the lung and the three-quarter y
length coats. married. Tho ceremony is perform-
Not only are Fkirts sheath fitting; ed with the rites of the eastern
bub all petticoats aro made in ex- , church and takes place eight days
wise it 1 before the marriage. Tho service
in the is divided into three parts. The
first is eliero the gold rings are
exchanged. Then the bride and
bridegroom are crowned with
crowns of silver filigree, and lastly
comes the dissolution of the crowns.
\( rt. hgiris
are exceedingly fond
of pretty clothes and plenty of
handsome jewelry, so their fros-
senux are often wonderfully elab-
orate. On her wedding day a pro-
fessional woman from the town is
ernpleyed to dross the bride. She
paints her face, comhs out her heir.
and arranges the jewels. Not much
before r;ttnne t does the bridegrelydll
send the - c hbox in which the bride
is to be conducted on a mule to his
Tho Chinese Believe That a Girl
fe Better Dead Than to
be Unmarried.
black cord around the lower edge
of the collar.
Fish nets continue to be much
used for blouses and many beau-
tiful models aro made over a chif-
fun cloth or mousseline lining.
The princess and directoiro skirts
Tho Russians aro another people
who believe that marriage is the
actly w•ay. Oth
would he i' ' ajblc to at
desired veru t in awns.
To make tea too strung is a sign
Of new friends.
• make it. too weak, then
11 yeti myou l
will lube friends.
To forget to put coffee in the
toffee pot is a sign of a corning gift.
1f a cork pops out of a Little
suddenly, beware of an unknown
A quarrel is coming if you allow
a cooking stove to get red on top.
In washing dis1les, if yuu forget
an article you will seen hear •
If a girl who is kneading dough ( house. Before she gees to his house
eltt••hes a lads fate hell never sl►e drives all ahout tui' 0. In some
prow a heard parts when the bride enters her
Why:. bread, cnke or pie still new home the bridegroom walks
;n spite of you, y'onr hu land i backwards holding a dagger in his
t, r is angry nith y,,,, hand, and she follows luno touch -
.1 while opening n tin -I fruit, or ing the paint of the blade with the
n; thing similar, thr juice should , tip of her finger.
happen to spurt up in the oper-
ator's face, it is a sign of some com-
�gl eo.•d
S. 11. .Anil it you place tors mural
ire;ght in these omens you are sire -
ply looking fur trouble.
LIQUID :1111.
I)r. Maxim Boyd states that the
first 11.1t of liquid air tt hich Pro-
fessor Dewar made cost about *1.-
000. nit! was the largest quantity
then made. To -day, eight year. af-
ter, it is possible to manufacture
one litre (nearly two pints) for
1 \tout 33 va•i&
10C. The latest
�� The big
black plug
chewing tobacco.
out sumo ser:so of the Life of all
The angels never have time to
talk to the man who leaves his work
to listen for them.
Ho who thinks twice before he
speai.s increases the worth of his
words twenty times.
When dignity is without founda-
tion in character yuu may expect a
man to fret over it.
Some men are preparing for a
prosperous eternity by laying up
treasure in heaven at the rate of a
nickel a week.
Cut This Out and Keep It Where A farmer was troubled by boys
1t Will Be Coincident.
Ulccl+" and Sores Defied all Trcatmeot.
Lobbing his orchard, so one even-
ing he lay in wait bellied the hedge
Two heaping spoonfuls of sugar Zalai•Bek hes Norkrd Complete Cure. to catch them.
equal one heaping tablespuut'ftil' Miraculous indeed is the cure which After waiting seine time, a bey's
One heaping tablespoonful equals Zan -lick has wo,ktd iu the case of Strs. head appeared through the hedge,
one ounce. Jane firers, of L'tMenai (Ont.). "I began the boy creeping through an upeu-
Two level coffeecupfuls powdered to sutler," she srys, "from ulcers ami skin• ing.
sores. Tne.e bcuke out ou my 1st•. and "Where are you going, lad I '
d;tler.nt Parts of my be>.ty, and sp:e d 111 an raid the farrier e ho thought lie lead
alarming event, cawing rue great pain' caught the culprit."I hey defies! all rrnie,iil�
. I ap�ieJ to try and Instantly tains. the reply
heal them, and rtwtival suppurating open "Back again, mister," and the
wt•LLn ua.
Owe medical roan after another gave boy disappeared.
my case up, until l had consulted rive
didercnt motto[:, .,nil they were all bold -d by
my care. Then 1 went into hospital and was
there fie moatti', and cantelaway very little
tettr. Ile soles were so extensive and 1
was so weakened that I had to walk with a
suck and a crutch. This was my rendition
when first I began to use nor -flak. 1 applied
It to the sores, and in a few days 1 thought 1
saw an improvement. I persevered with the
balm and, to cut s long story short, the
wonderful balm did what all the doctu rs had
tailed to do—healed my ulcers. 1 have nosy
put away my stick ard crutch, the ulcers and
sores ate healed, and 1 take this opportunity
of strongly advising all who sutler from 'cies,
ulcers, or oven wounds to give Zam-ltuk s
pro[ er truJ "
It is by affecting such imeressive cures as
this that Zam-fluk has eseaklished its world.
wide reputation. In every country to which
it has been iatrrxluced it has become the
leading family balm and emb °cation. Tlds
surely is proof rd exceptional merit 1
Purely herbal is nature it supples
housewife with a handy and effective cure for
the hundred -and -one injuries to which :.he ur
the children or the husband are li tile.
Zom•ttuk is also a sure cure for eczema,
rir,kaoitn. scalp -sores, cold -sores, chapped
hand., sores due to blood -poisoning, }ilei,
cuts, burns, bruises, and all akin injures and
diseases. All druggists and stores sept at 5oc.
a box, or post free from Zam-flak Co.,
equal one pound.
Two level ccffeecupfuls granulated
equal one pound.
Two heaping cupfuls (A coffee)
equal one pound.
Ono pint of granulated equals
fourteen ounces.
One quart broken loaf equals one
One quart of either equals four
One quart of powdered equals
one pound seven ounces.
Two saltspoonsfuls of spice equals
one coffeesrounful.
Two coffee spoonfuls equal one
A dash of pepper is one-quarter
Two cupfuls of unsifted flog
equals one pound.
Three and ono -half cupfuls corn-
meal equal 000 pound.
One quart sifted flour equals one
One tablespoonful soft butter
equals one ounce.
Two teacupfuls packed soft but-
ter equal one pound.
One and one-half cupfuls firm!
butter equals one pound.
Eight large or ten medium sized
eggs equal ono pound.
Four heaping tablespoonfuls soft;
butter equal ono cupful Toronto, fur trice. Beware of cheap and
One pint well packed soft butter harmful imitations sometimes offered as "just
as good„
equals one pound.
One white of egg equals one
One yolk of egg equals one ounce.
The manufacturers of Orange
Meat (which is a high class whole
wheat flaked fond, every (lake being' eddy came scarlet. Dark grey, blue,
rich in proteids) are rewarding and green followed in order give 1
their patrons with a very generous In target practice scarlet preys•l
gift. lite sum of seven hundred the must difTicult to hit. Tho ''t,,i,i
dollars in cash or a life annuity of red line of heroes" is thus p+acti' treatment free for trial, with refer -
In thousands of homes Bnbv'» fifty -tiro dollars, eve.] to one dol- ally vindicated. It is found un ler encee from your own Locality if
Own Tablets is the only medicine lar per week, will be paid to the the violet tinge of the electric li;_!it requested. Immediate relief and
used when children are ailing, and ttinuer of the prize contest. Get green is the best color to escape de- permanent cure assured. Send no
the mother who keeps this medicine fall particulars on u prisato post tection, which gives a suggestion money, but tell others of this offer.
Write to -day to Mrs. M. Summers,
Box 100, Windsor, Ottt.
The colors of military uniforms
have been subjected to practical
tests in Germany. 1t was fauni
that light grey was the color first
lost to sight; then most une:xpec:
for agents selling our toilet soaps.
Lots making $6.00 a clay. Writs at
otter for full particulars to the
SOAP SWPPLY SO., Sox 331, Toronto
wa:TS /•r
Palos lire
wrIt• f.,r catalog. Oo,de mit to any federate ea
r.nipt of pries. Mosey r.taraa,l 0 rut satiaiao
xC3). S add TM= CA b 00.
EMAIL,. 77 51110 ST, tat, TORONTO. la:a
Of nervous prostration we hear
much no.vadays, and it is comfort- 63-31 SCOTT STREIT, TORONTO,
ing to know that there are places' Stook Brokers & Finanolal Agants
specially equipped and located for
combating this phase cf modern
life. On the main line of the Grand ae'deopendenrwsia.oke 1.1.. hs Orersmayeb•w4,4°614
'Trunk Railway System, et St. (lath- te.sasaeaaw
urines, Ottavio, are located the'
curative Saline Splines known as`
the "St. Catharines Well." Con -I, fa0312gak, LT
neeted with the Springs is "'Tho I net•[ adt•rtise xcept whoa t have •gees
\� ellantl," where treat-mefur ` !bine 7b•se•e anoto.lc ley advice last year rad
nervous prostration, rheumatism, butt ramlalanis; mad.5 fur •nry 1t 1a»et-
est' N .w 1 Lars aa.,th.r ``uud tktat• amt Duly s ik
etc., are given by skilled attend-, a percentage ul your groats aft.[ you have Sade
ants in charge of a resident phy-fur m7 prnposisten; a casts a.•t'sing.
sician. .1. .1. WARD. Cobalt.
St. Catharines is the mildest
point in (•nnada during the winter
months. For further information
and all particulars apply to J. 1).
McDonald, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto. f` i , ARE
Ostend -Pa, what kind of ships
are courtships 1
Pa -Soft ships, my son.
Ostend --And what kind of ships
rail the sea of matrimony 1
Pa--IIard ships, my son.
By Nme Absorption MAct•tod.
If you suffer from bleeding, itch-
ing, blind or protruding Piles, seed
we your address, and I will tell
you how to cure yourself at hone
by the absorption treatment; and
will also send some of this home
on hand may feel as safe as though card to bo found in every package
there was a doctor constantly in of Orange Meat.
the home. Baby's Own Tablets
cure all stomach and bowel "I suppose you did not sec the
troubles, break up colds, expel lovely r,ttnrise this morning l" said
worms, and make teething easy. lir. 1 arlybird to Mr. Nightowl.
The mother has the guarantee of "Of course not," was the letter's
a government nnalyst that this
medicine contains no opiate or
poisurlorts soothing stuff. Mrs. IT.
H. Bennyman, Matta!!, K.S., says:
-"I have tired Baby's Own Tab -
for naval men, whose ships are to be
exposed to the searchlights of the
Tt is the Farmer's Friend. --The
fartrer will find in 1)r. Thomas'
Electric Oil a patent remedy for
reply, in a rebuking tone. "I was wounds or pains in the body or for
abed long before that. 1'uu should affections of toe respiratory organs
cultivate butter hours, Sir." and for household use generally.
He will also find it a convenient
The Demon Dyspepsia.-Tn olden friend in treating injured horses,
lets for my little girl while teeth- times it was a popular belief that cattle, etc., or relieving thein when
ing and for constipation, and think demons moved invisibly through attacked by colds, coughs or any
there is no medicine can equal the ambient air, seeking to enter kindred ailments to which they are
them." Sold by medicine dealers into men and trouble them. At subject.
or by mail at 25 cents a box fromthe present day tho demon, dys- ---
Tile I)r. Williams' Medicine Co,, pepsin, is at large in the same way, "It's easy enough to make
Brockville, Ont. seeking habitation in those who by' friends," said Spenders, bitterly,
careless or unwise living invite- "but pretty hard to keep them."
him. And once he enters a man it ''Oh, I don't know," replied Lend -
is difficult to dislodge him. lie that ers. "I've got a nunoher of friends
finds himself 80 possessed\ should who scent perfectly willing to let
know that a valiant friend to do Uue keep theme"
battle for him with the unseen Inc
is I'armelee's Vegetable Pills,
which are ever ready fur the triol.
"I pay RR I go "' declared the
pompous citieen. ''NOt while I am 111d'llar)' disturbances. The speedy
running these apartments," de
Oared the landlord. "you'll pay as
you move in :,r
"As I understand it, nn X-ray
will go straight through a man's
head. There is nothing quite so
penetrating, is there I" "Oh, I
don't know. Did you ever hear uty
daughter sing 1"
Mleelonerlee M 51) leets are frtenis of Pafs•
NI'er. nu.itrefe of lettere testify to the fart.
Po, accident+ sod awl leo emer,tencles. sorb ere
,praius, eta.. and brutiee they had It Invaluable.
Ar,d•1 sub,titutea there h but one "Painkiller
—Ferry Uavl+'- -Sae ami Sue
"Tho man I marry mast bo Vieth
hrave and clever," said the sweet
girl. "When wo were out sailing,"
returned the adoring youth, "and
"The first elan who made a de-
claratien of love to Inc said that if
I did not marry hien he would shoot
himself before my very eyes."
"Good heavens' the man must have
been crazy. Why did you not have
a watch put over him i" "I did. I
married him."
Worms cause feverishness, moan-
ing and restlessness during sleep.
Mother Craves' Worm Extermin-
ator is pleasant, sure and effectual.
If your druggist has none in stuck,
get him to procure it for yuu.
Send for our Free
Catalogue No. 7S.
The Bell Plano & Oroan Co., ud.. mini, 01
Maksla 0 Roll Pianos, tell Organs and
AYtonsla P,aysr Plano*.
—A Cup of
—Is good for children,
—good for the invalid,
--good for all.
—There is no better
tonic and pick-ine-up.
She --"Po you remember that!
thirty years ago you proposed to
1110, and that I refused yell 1" He' 1
-"Oh, yes. That's tine of the most
treasured recollections of my
!Sane usually weak longs, and as Month After Menlh a cal et'ete,ling eeemstn a
disease usually assails 1}1e w^ake'al leuhul.s is y,nr (!.vst. Are y��o aware Ih..l
point, these persons inc CIintitltatly l I,en a stubb .rn a•i l I..n; nejlercted cold to cured
exposed to attacks of cold and pill- with Ali. n'1 Lung 13alaa,nt
The Lady -"Generally speaking,
4.0) of Iltckle s Arai -Consumptive tcumen are---" The Cynic ---"Yes,
t:y rap will be found a preventive thee, are." The Lady ---"Arc what 1"
and a protection, strengthening the The Cynic -"Generally speaking."
organs so that they are not so liable -----
to derangement from exposure c r Is there anything more annoying
abrupt nttuospherie changes. Bre- then having your corn stepped up -
Fred - ",Miss- Budding certainly 0 t1thaCon getting
Cure will doi it. t 1 Hol-
has a taking way." Bert -"dim- it arid be convinced.
"A Cray. yard dough" Is th• cry of torture4
nate for mere,. rl,II, them mnrey is tb• f•,rru ,.f
Ansa'. Irina a.*am, wbfrh Is a1•.1 with ,nrh
Upset, I saved yon from a watery teel effect even hr 0,neuinption's early sts,;el.
Nliter asa1I•C$ a c.,uAh.
grave." "That was brave, I ad-
mit, but it was not clever." 'Yes,
it was; I upset the boat on pur-
Father -"You can't have him !"
Daughter --"Oh, papa, you once
said you could deny ine nothing !"
Pother ---"\Fell, he comes as near
being 'nothing' as anything I know
Would \\ ul ac
lvou like etoh ca sam-
ple copy of The Farmer's Ad-
vocate and Home Magazine:
A f
en t51e American Continent.
No pr. gressire farther can *f-
iord tithe without it. l'u1!ish-
ed1 .
1 w
1, 1., (1
t.. it iperyear.
n 1F
Drop p..:1 carrf for free sample
copy'. Agri is Wanted. Address:
Mention this paper.
London Ont.
Several men were talking about
how they happened to marry. "I
„ „ yes; she. has even promised to take
married my wife, said one, be- I tris, name."
cause she was different from any,
other woman I had ever milt."( A'IwerwsnRaewwhatl*tstnh*vsHol•ntpate
''How was that 1' chorused t I,C some tate en., ll.int aid . me a. Char. Ira, ad
others. 'She was the onlywen); i' flea is tr plan "The U S L'• Meuth- l Plast.
MIT the •est ,•f the ps+n ; it *Mao more to the
I stet who would have rite 1' yuu coatott than anything.
- - t
A Magic Pill. ---Dyspepsia is a
foo with which men are constantly
grappling but cannot exterminate.
"So I hear you've made a lot of
money on the Stuck Exchange 1"
Subdued, end to all appearances, said the young mat's uncle.
vanquished in one, it makes its np•i1 "Yes, air."
pcaranre in another direction. Int "That shows how one may, with
many the digestive apparntus is as � proper pluck and promptness, sue -
delicate as the mechanism of a sed if he will only take advantage
wateh or ecientifc instrument in ' if his opportunities."
which even a breath of err will ' ;Flat I lost that and several
C i t h. u `r.
' n. )
' to c - : tl a to -lay.
oinks A n'nr1R I r t o and more t
sons disorders ui the : tenni!► c r, i 'ing man, how. often hare i
nue from the most trivial cauw's and rot Po. hat ..1. , .., ,t...,. n
cease much ,.uffering. Te these
Parmelee's Vegetable fills are.
recommended as mild and sure.
Blind men seldom si-oke. Those
who were inveterate smokers in
n • their sighted days and that after
luring their sight a pipe or a cigar
--- - ha, no attraction for there. The
COTTAc1: OF W'IIALEBONE. 011111 who )Iia no ,yes to watch tLc
Not very lung ago there was on sr""kei curl nricl drift shout his head
the Lancashire coast a cottage and apparently Lag no use fur a ci;lar.
boathouse that were made almost smoking to the nLaolutely blind i9
something different from smoking in
entirely from the remains of a score
or SO of whale) that had been driven the dark. Besides, few prrsorrq
eshi,re some years before. The smoke in total darkness. L'su1111v
framework of the diftce consisted there is starlight or firelight enough
to enable a man to keep track of
the smoke. When deprived of that
fascinating pnstitne the cigar loses
it charm, and the men who is blind
resigns himself to a smokeless old
wholly of whnlchonc, and the dried
skins of the huge creatures were
neatly and efrengly fastened as a
cot ering for walls and roofs.
There is another building of ex-
actly the same kind in Scotland,
and in this case the skulls of the
shale and some of the heavier
beees are used with great effect as
outside ornaments.
it is wrier, cheaper and gener-
ally pleasanter to get married than
it is to get unmarried.
merely gah';lling, and that you aro
Soret!! to scorns grief sooner Or
intdabble Cr ifyou in them 1 "
Ilnstess--'r� 31st [onion of tho
chicken ttol=ltl yon like, 3iminiel"
if angry \'l ; ngster--"Oh, half of it
will 1'0 pl ty, thank you."
"Come on, Ilill," whispered the
old burglar in disgust. "It's no
urn wasting time here." "Don't
yuu think those lovers will get off
the teps soon 1" queried the new
f 1 "\ I t heard him
The Hospital for
Sick Children
REMEMBER That Every Sick Child
in Ontario Whc•se Parente Cannot
Afford to Pay for Treatment
is Treated Free.
The llo•pital is
not a local matt.
tution, but pre.
rincisl. The sick
child from any
place in Ontario,
who can't pay, has
the same pry(•
leges as tie child
• living In Toronto..
i The Ifospital
burgnr• o. 311° i bad last year fa
Fay that was the last kiss, they'll' nett SVT ►cos xttot.acran.lis bu s rod oohs
be an hour yet." 1,245 patients -3e5 of they. were fn m 24L
places outside of 'Toronto. Sovent) five pelf
cent. were children
of poor people who
cold,' not aRurd to
Don't believe rheums -
i b
fie can •b. c trord rad
Sing liniment or nit no
:It sore spot.. The dio-
cesecannot nnot be reached in
that way. It must be
driven nut of the system.
Only l'e'ery Sing wilt do
thle outekly. 2.1 cents, at rut
dealers orb, mad. 8. C. Well. t Co., Toron to
Eb►r• 01111001111...
gymba Mae y«fe.tly err ear Pried' Preemie Try N
.\17,.11 AMSa15AM.1rt1N. et.
tltlrt0'tWUi tOauSTN. OrrAwe ' QUEnte
p5 .
This Charity ap
peals to fathers and
mother, of Ontario
for funds to main-
tain the hundreds of
sick children that it
nurses every vicar.
Since its fuiinds-
tion the Institution t <
hes treated 14,458 - - - .-- - --t
arl`Y wtl' I >t"11" an
children. lO,k00 of N
these were unatae to pay and were treated
ba%1/11r. arra).
There were 61 esees of club feet treated
last sear.
if you know of any e}Iild in your neigh.
botbo•.d who is sick, or has any defct m-
its•, send t6•
parent's n a m•
to Secretary.
The Ifoapital'a
Cry is not for
Tteetf. bet for
the Children, at
your Dollars go
not to the hoe.
vital but to the
or ,
Ship early and abate highest gheetialm
as a trial shipment, Glalegee en spent -sties.
Reference', the Uatslslee Sae) mid Comeau
dal agenoles.
A. ilA 1. PIEROt • 00.,
'YNtt It 70011 HOWL"
Plias Send Con tog button, to J. Row
Robertson. Chairmen, or to Douala,
Davidson. S•e.-Tress.. Th• Hosptt&)
lig for Oka Children. ColJlop Oa,, t rota slka