HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-17, Page 1seter HURON& MIDDLESEX GAZETTE THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR -NO 1837 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 17th 1908, disurs. $1.00 per year in advance •••••••••N••••NNN•N•.•••••••••••••N•N• jouteht. a *00 • • •• ***MIN •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Plso,ie No. 32. Xmas. Tidins for You Only 7 Days More to do Your Xmas, Shopping This will be our busiest week in the whole year. Do not leaye your shopping until the last big rush. Come in the mornings when we will show you all the Beautiful things we have for the Holiday Gifts. Make this store your shopping place for the next week as we are headquarters for the Christmas Trade, From Fancy Handkerchiefs Fancy Collars Fancy Belts Fancy Gloves Kid Gloves Neck Scarfs Fascinators Cushion Tops Frillings Fancy Combs Fancy Towels Underwear Here are a Few of the Many Useful Articles From $1 to $2 Fancy Collars Silk Scarfs Silk Shawls Silk Fascinators Kid Gloves Silk lined Gloves U4 Cushion Tops 1-4 White Waists Fancy Linen Drapes E -t Linen Centre Pieces Battenberg Work ti) Fancy fable Covers You Can Rely on a Fur=Lined Coat Bought at Jones & Clark's. This is one of the best and most useful of presents. Do not, miss the great opportunity we are giving you* in Fur -Lined Coats. We are clearing them all out by Christmas and to do so are offering very "Special" prices. Every Coat must go regard- less of cost. So if you want a flrst-class Fur -Lined Coat at a small price, this is the place to get it. Suitable Gifts for the Men and Boys They are Very Important People at Xmas. Time. Fancy Neck Ties Fancy Neck Scarfs Fancy Shirts Fancy handkerchiefs Silk Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs Collars and Cuffs Cuff Buttons C 0 Y 0 Fancy Suspenders Fancy Sox Kid Gloves Mocha Gloves Gauntlets Hats and Caps Fur Caps Umbrellas Millinery! Millinery! .. Only a few hats left but all to clear at less than half price. Every person get busy now and m tke this the best Christ- mas you have over enjoyed. JJones & Clark rheadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. �••••N••••••••••••N•••••• •••••••N•••••••••• •••••••••••••NN•• ••••••••••N••t••••NN•••• IL Subscribe Now FOR THE IkQQU 'daily Ath'erti ser Best Daily Paper Printed in Western Ontario Q All the news from all over. Q The latest Telegraphic and General News. Q Correct Market Quotations and all the Local News worth printing. A >Z SPECIAL OFFER Send us $1.50 for The Advertiser for Fourteen Months Q This offer must be accepted before January 1, 1909, after which the price will be $2.00 Per Year in Advance. Remittances Must be seat direct to London Advertiser Co. LONDON • - CANADA CHURCH UNION ASSURED The Committee on Church Union representine the Methodist, Pres- byterian , and Con eregalionalist Churches of Canada, which was in session in Toronto last week, le - sided on Friday .evening that there was no obstacle in the way of church union. The finding of the committee %will now be submitted to the su- trreme courts of the churches con- eeerned by 1).t n' to the lower courts and by the better to the individual congregations who will the asked to vote upon ie. The hope was express- ed that Iiy the close of 1910 or the beeie ling of 1911 this process would b, completed, ant. the organic union of the three churches would be an accomplished fact. In order to place all the churches upon an equal foot- ing, it was considered advisable that the voting upon the question of un- ion should take simultaneously in the three churches, and as the gen- eral conference of the Methodist church will not tneet till September 1010. it 'was agreed to recommend that the different churches should express their opinion upon this im- portant subject in the autumn of that year. Centralia - The Anniversary of the Methodist Sunday School will be held next Sunday and Monday. On Sunday morning the pulpit will be occupied by the pastor. Sunday afternoon there will be a mass meeting and in the evening Mr. Geo. Stanley, of Lu - can will give a talk to the young people. On Monday evening an ex- cellent tea will be given after which a programme will be rendered by the school, consisting of choruses, dia- logues. tableaux, etc. Don't fail to at tend. Farquhar Mr. Loyd who spent a couple of weeks with friends here, returned tof his honk at Bayfield on Wednesday. Miss Jessie A. Hamilton, of Moth- erwell, is visiting Miss Helen Mon- teith. Mr. Illnro:d Brown is under the doctor's care, the cause being an air cess on the hip. Mr. C. Gowans oer worthy teach- er, is preparing the pupils for a concert on Monday [tight, Dec. 21st. Mrs. Box, of Stratford, is visiting her son Mr. Jas. Box, here. The last meeting this year e: the Board of Directors of the U ,borne & Hibbert 'Mutual Fire Ins. Co., will be 'bell on 'Monday night. Snaps, Listen 515 Gramophone and ti records, 511) cash ; t'r8 Guitar, Zither. $5 cash. Framed Pictures, Fancy Calendars, Fancy Perfume, Soaps, Stationery, etc., Air Gusts, Stearn Engines, all at 500 Men Wanted Grand Bond It has turned some; milder and we loose what sleighing we have. It is rumored we are to be the proud possessors of a lock up, as the County Council have taken the mat - up. So beware all ye evildoers. be- ware. Albert I'ollock received n very painful injury to his eye on Saturday while driving to 'Crediton. On touch- ing the horse with the whip tit sprang forward throwing n ball of ice which took Ab. fair in the eye. .As he is under the doctor's care no doubt he will soon be around again. Louis Ilavelle %vas in Crediton on Monday. Mr. holtzmann, Zurich, visited our town one day last week. Mrs. Wm. Patterson, sr., who died on Tuesday morning, the 8th, after a week's illness was buried in Grand Bend cemetery on Thursday. Our loss is her gain. Donald Patterson and his son De 2 \Vit, of Ellsworth, Mich., are visit- t' ing their brothers of this place af- ter attending the funeral of his Donald was formerly an old resident of Grand Bend. Mrs. Wm. Jackson, of Lancaster, also Mrs. ltaeburn, of Port Frank. attended the funeral of their mother Mrs. Patterson, on Thursday. Don't forget the Xmas. tree enter- tainment its the Methodist church on Friday evening, December 18th. Ad - Meeting in Main Street Church may Sunday at 3.3o p. m. Messrs. Crossley & lIunter 590 men "wanted for' the tneeting in Main Street church Sunday afternoon at 3.30 addressed by jtev. Crossley evangelist subject "Mysteries" Rev. Hunter will address a meeting for women only in James Street at 3.30 subject "The model 'Woman." Mass meeting Sunday eventing in James Street church. Mr. (Hunter will be in the James St. in the morn- ing and Mr. Crossley in the Main Street. Come one conte all The revival neetinxs under Cross- ley and Hunter are growing in in- terest and in crowds. On Sabbath evening .the James Street church was packed, many Standing and some turned away. A great work is be- ing done in the village and surround- ing country and Exeter is witness- ing its f;reatest revive:e • Already nearly 1250 persons have sought sal - ration at the altar. Three church- es are united in the work anti great spiritual interest is being aroused. Word was received hero on Mon- day of the death in Hamiota, Man., of Edward Caves. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Caves, of that place. The little fellow was sick for some months past with diabetes and although everything was done to re- lieve his sufferings the little fellow passed away Sunday. December 6th. He was aged i years. He with his parents visited friends around here for three months last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Caves were former resi- dents of this township end have many friends here who extend to thein their heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of their sad bereave- ment. Winchelsea Those who were jurors at Code - rich last week, returned home Sat- urday night. There is a well defined rumor that the postoffice will be taken from 'the present location and placed in Coward's store. 'rhe Inspector was here sotne time ago and no doubt advocated the change. There is a possibility that John Delbridge will again he an aspirant for 'the reevesbip. Ile 'has been ask- ed to allow his name to go before the rock bottom prices. Stock is no .food selectors again and will no doubt do after Xmas. We want the money. so. Come early end save money. THE I'UIRITY TOWNSl1II' OF USBORNE NOIIISATiON AND ELECTION I'ublic notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of (laborite will be held in the 'Town Hall. Elimville on MONDAY. DECEMBER t18tb, 11'133 At the hour of on" o'clock in the afternoon. For the purpose of snaking and re- ceiving Nominat:ons for peeve and Councilmen. Further notice is here- by given that in the event of more Candidates being proposed for any particular office than required to be elected the proceedings will be ad- journed until Monday, January 4th. A. D: 1009, when polls will be opened at 9 a. in. nt the following places. as fixed by Township Ity-law, viz. Div. No. 4, Township 11:t11. Elint- vi:le, Sidney Andrew, D.I1:O.: Geo. Kellett. I'oll Clerk. Div. No. 2, Geo. Corninh's house, lot 0. N. T. H. .1110. W. Homey, D.11.0.; Dan Dew, I'oll Clerk. Div. No. 3, W. Penwarden's house. 51-2 3. Con. 10, '['hos \Yash_ burn. 1).11O.; Hugh Berry. roll Clerk. Div. No. 4, Public 11.11 Far - Iq'thnr. John Duncan, jr., D. Ilk O.: Silas N. Shier, Moll Clerk. And all electors are hereby re- quested to take notice and govern themselteal accordingly. FRANCIS MORLEY Returning Officer Whalen, dee. 15th, 19081 VILLAGE Or EXnTRIt NO\1iN \TION AND FLECTION BORN IIA\W!KS11A\V.-lu Toronto Friday, Dec. 11 th. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Han kshnw, of Exeter, n son. VIIO�OMAN-In Harrisburg. on Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. E. 1i. Vrooe man. (nee Gcrtie Anderson) a son. MARRIED REGIEII-At the Goshen Line, Ilay, on the 3rd inst. to Mr. and i♦trs. Joseph Regier, (twins) two boys. DEltl"S-At the Babylon Line, slay, on the 7t1 inst, to Mr. and Mrs, Louis Derive n son. LAP'ORTE-At the Saub'.e Line. Ilny, oi► the 801 inst. to Mr. and :firs. John Laporte, a daughter• a i'LANTE-At St. Joseph. on the 10tb inst. to ,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Plante, a daughter. DIED BANTO'..-In Brantford, Dec. kith. Mrs. Geo. Renton. . ' M11. ItOOSEVEl.T•a AFRICAN Tull' The excursive magazine and book rights in whatever Mr. itoosevc. t ►nay write about his forthcoming Trip to Africa have been secured b Messrs. Charles etcrihucr's Sons'. Not only lovers of outdoor life, bit all who appreciate the literatur of adventures. will be engerly in terested in these articles. They will appear in Scbibner's Magazine. possib.y one or two ft. -ticks in the issue of 100e. A fuller announce- ment of the project is reserved. . GOOD IiOME 11ECIP1•:. c . Oct from any prescription phanua- 1'ab:t'• notice is hereby given that clot the (allowing: a nicking of the Electors of t he Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half Village of Exeter will be held in the ounce ; Compound hergmi one ounce Town lla'l. Exeter. on Compound Syrup Sarsiparilla three MONDAY. "DECEMBER 2Pth. ilvs Diners. For the purpose of making and re- Shako well in a II•nttle end take `eeiving "aminal:ons for Reeve and a'te.nspoonful /dose Niter end' ureal Councillors and Public School Trus- and at Ik'dtitne. 'tees. Anil tet rt her notice a hereby The above is considered as one o! given that in the event or ,flare cap- Ihn Ingot 'ertnin pidere prions ever dilates b,'ing proposed for any ()Mee written to retie%'e Ilacknche. I:id- than required to be elected. the hey 'rro,tble, weak Bladders and all meeting "ill be adjourned until Mnn [orui o[ t•rt„Sly di[fiCult:es, Phis viz uric acid and other f,:l,• day. .1annary 4th, A. 1). 1"09, whet ing Ihe11 1mixture acts promptly oil rlimtt i polls will be opened nt 9. a. m. clos atilt tissues of the Kidneys, enab'r itri;; at 5 p. m., nt the following plat t, r nit,' strnin the ,.. as fixed by Village Ity-Law, ewnslo matte•sn Polling Sub•Divis'on No. 1 at Silas from the h.00d %able" coimcs ithe,,. !landlord's resident,, slain street by matistn. Edward Treble. 1). R. 0. and tier- Malik` person to suffer with rho bort Forel. Poll Clerk. I'olline Rub afflictions may net feel inclined to Division No. 2. Weekes' ilros Mar- to waste much confidence ,in this h b'e Warks. Tin Street by W. 1). simple nnixtttre, yet those unto here hi Weekes. 1). R. 0. and James \Veekcb to ltd it say the results arc simply! tit roll Clerk. Polling Sub•Dlvis:on No. surprising, the tette( being effected t cr. 3. at E. 11. t'ish's residence. Main %without the slightest injury to the so' Street by itichard 0. Se:don. 1):11.4), stomach or other organs. and Alex. G. Dyer. Poll Clerk. 1'0ll Mix yams' and give ita tr:a.. it n d•d c1 11 l comes h' hl rC .m C certainly cmc ing Sub•Diyi+ion No. 1, at the Town eft inly R Y Hall by .to. d)avia, 11.11.0. and it. It is the prescription of an em:nft►t N. Taylor. loll Clerk. authority, .whose entire rr1tntation Anil all t loctors aro hereby re- it is Knit', tins established by it. quested to lake notice aiid govern A druggist here at hone. te11,01 themselves accordingly. asked. r.teted (ha t he could either J0S. SF.NIOlt s•al'p'y the ingredients or tale the Returuine ()Meer prescription for our renders. also tre- Exeter, December 12tb, It/OP. commends it as harmless. mission 15 and 10 cants. A first class programme nwill be rendered. The Presbyterian church intend holding their Sunday school en- tertainment an 'Tuesday eve, Dec. 2-_nd. A ;good programme is being put on .by the children and others. From all accounts there will soon be some more suckers, to half drown in a mud hole some place on the Bee Line, as the fishermen are bus- ily engaged now and as nothing .but soft fish are caught this time of the year they must be destroyed at ouec. Oranges! Oranges! Oranges! beau- tiful oranges from 150, to 60c. per dozen. -W. J. Statham. Mr. Orville Southcott has been con- fined to the house for a few days on account of illness. Announcements are out for the wedding of Mr. Edward G. Hooper, of Winnipeg, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Violet, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Elliott, of Winnipeg, on Thursday, December 24th. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which aro made expressly for sleepless, nervous dyspeptic suffer- ers. Price 25c. Hensall. Mr. 11. Busch. sr., who recently injured his arm through falling, is now getting aloft„ nicely. Mr. and Mrs. 'D. Shirray and son visited friends in 'Exeter last Sun- day[. The nt'" drain on Richmond street is fast nearing cotnple:-:on. to face .►1 '.he very unfavorable ••:rather. The sacrament of the Lord's sup- per will be dispensed in Carmel church next Sunday and Itev. Mar- lin. of Exeter will conduct the pre- p Irmo:), services on Friday after- noon. The curlers have organized for the coming season. Miss Mabel Sparks has been en - :r +g el es teacher of t h' school near ltannie's Mills on .the 'Babylon line for the coining year. Mr. Nelson lllatchford and his sis- ter returned home last .week from the west. [where 'tltby spent the past 4111/liner. Our Sabbath Schools ere prcpariu; for their their Chr'stmas entertain- ments. At the Fa, :Mock Show in Guelph last week. Mr. 'Wm. E. Ilot:trth car- ried off hit )i honors in the poultry ins. his whi•e rock cockerel tak:n,r first prize. There is no one article In the line of medicine that gives so largo a rte - turn for tlto money ea a good por- ous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Wend and Flelladoona Zurich 0Mr. Jams Ditchnrme. one of the on l'•' csidents of the Hauble Linc died boric. Ondav of last %week and was • on \\•ed11esday. ETingt ids, pgratn committee of the church is being kept the children for the rtainmcnt. neetit►;s which were the 14th Evangelical to an end Inst week. r:.' t. do ne. busy train` Christmas t. The revive being held i church cant The w proper!' other t vine w ho \_e Stoves& anges Art Garland Baseburners from .$31.00 to $15,00 with oven. Art Souvenirs with oven $46.00. Art Huron Baseburner $32.50. Jewell Baseburner $35.00. Coal and Wood Heaters $15.00 to $22.00 Carpet Sweepers Special Xmas prices 15 cents to $1.0). A most acceptable XMAS Gift. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE T. Kawkins & Soi Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof- ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convince3 that it is the cheapest spot in town T. HAWKINS & SON known strengthening of iron combined %with len and a most perfect ner- tuttnd in Carter's iron fills iirengthen 1 he nerves and and improve the blood and %ELLEIt'S VALU-AiILE FIND. ravelling on the 1.C.11.. Mr fry Towers. St. I'euls street. St. 1 in. N. 11.. fontel n box of %atn- wuk. the great skin -healer. 11e is suffering irotn badly chapped ills nt the time so applied the in. ile says :-"Rain-itiik e:1si't pain mil sinartittg. healed the cks. and made my howls quite a oth. Finding it Fo good. i kept 9'1 'o,pp!v handy. and have sine,' prov It it a ready tvonderful healer 'y 'fres cuts. sorra or h'irns (eun!- :' . 11,t.l 1 wcul•l not like now to •,t t%el:ur,t a supply. t 1r. 'Leers is only one of thous %girds %%Pa are ,r:nd th• heard oT it in-Iluk. There is r„ sense fa will not relieve it to is spreading eve ••-•*'"•.rcaariled ns .Christmas Matinee_ 9 464. °Z':' FDISON ri i�i'trh►.. t� i' ! '•.-� The Edison Phonograph a Christmas Gift for the Whole Family from the Children Up. When you make the Edison Phonograph the home gift. no member of the family is neglected. For the baby it is a lasting diversion; for the young folks, wholesome and educational entettainniant; for grow•ups a pleasure that never loses ite popularity. The Phonograph makes the home the most attractive spot on earth. it is a hand, an orchestra, a concert, a soloist or a monologue artist as you wish. It is more than a Christmas gift for all; it is for all time. Before you decide what the present will be, come in and hear the pitono. graph. Seven models. 1$141.50 to 571.50. Can. Exp. Bid. THE PURITY J. Willis Powell ARE YOU PARTICULAR? 1)o you want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for it customer. We've promised you satisfaction --promised you that style, flt and price twill please you -we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied custoutere. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. We Can Suit You W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontaric **first-aid" 411 workshops, on the farm. or in the home. No traveller s1,ou:.1 bo without it. Every home should have its box always r' •ly for use. A little lam -lick rubhe•1 re- gitlarly on the han'is and 1..0e de - fore retiring each night will keep from chaps, s... skin soft end free ro chp , cold -sores. or disenee. if you have n eat. n limier, or vo'n irritation sk'n di• •ante which lee; defied all ordinary remade.' app:y 7nm-Buk. it first cleanses n wound by ki)line off tt11 hnrmft eteria. Then it hei:rltt by ne '1 by cell -just as 1 b gayer ro'v after roe of bricks. Theft it covers the %%mind hitt' viea', heal- thy skirt. and the cure is effected1 %nut-Iluk is 11''0 a care for piles. it ,rives speedy r.+lief and ,'rids the throbbing, burning .pains. $kin- diseamea, ouch' as eczt•nto, itch, nit cern. barbers rarh, rashes dn.' to blood poison, etc., canttot resist its powerful healing virtues. Purely vegetable. it is 1n idnal Combina- tion of power an.l perity. '50c. n hoz Of all .lntggisls tied •cores, or post tree ftotn %am•Buk Co.. Toronto, for Rejcet cheap. harmful ar>ld Ore.