HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-10, Page 5THE EXETER 'TIMES, DEC. 1OthlOos CREDITON NEWS December Month Special Sale! Crediton N. S.unbrook. L. Me\lurray, 11. (tau. i It. Wolfe. Class I1,r.- !donors, C. i O,•streichcr, B. Kin„, I. Wolfe, E. ! Wuerth : pass, V. hill, 11, Finkbtiu- er. W. Guises. Class ll1I,jr- lion- I er, W. Geiser. Class III;. jr- lion- I ee___ __- _ - - _--- -- --- -- ----- ________ - ______ __ • ors, V. Metz H. Fiakbeiner, A. Bed- DASHWOOD NEWS AT ZWICKER'S, CREDI'rON Do Your Christmas Shopping With Us and Savo Money. ofjP1We wish to increase our Bales over any previous December and in order to do so will make special drives in many tinge. FURS FURS FURS We have just received another shipment of Furs and owing to the mild season purchased them at re- duced prices. We offer our whole stock of Furs at bargain prices. Wo have a beau- tiful lot of Dark Canadian !Coon Coats :well furred which eve offer Cheap. Regular $50 to.$75 coats at 1-4 off. Just received several ,nice dark 3Vallaby Coats which we offer cheap. We have a few Russian Calf coats with Astrachan Collars also China Dog Coats, good quality, regular $20 to $25. Sale price $15 each. 1Ve •bevc n gradid assortemnt of Ruffs. !Stuffs. eto in Natural Sable, Fox. Grey Lamb. Mink,'Astrachan, Electric Seal. Nentria &o.,' any of which would make a suitable Xmas gift. Fur Caps in Astrachan, Electric Seal, Grey Lamb &c., suitable for ladies and children at the very clos- est Prices. See our grey lamb caps. regular $4.00 equality ,for $2.50 each. We would suggest something in the fur line for Xmas. presents. .We have a nice stock of Ladies' Fur Jackets in Persian Lanib, Elec- tric Seal, Astrachan with Sable Col- lar and Reveres, Muskrat and Fur - lined Coats. It will pay you to look over our stock before purchasing. Children and Misses Coats We have a range of nice coats Which eve have reduced to one-half the regular price. infants and Small Childrens Coats We have a number of white and colored .Dear cloth coats. some with silk ,tics, medallions, etc., regular $3.00 io $4.00 for $1.50 eaoh. 'The quolity of cloth used in these coats is ithe very best, worth from $2.00 to $3.00 per yard. Now is the time to secure a bargain for the baby. Call early. our stock is limited. Gents Furnishings ht this department you will find the very nattiest style purchased for the Xmas trade. A complete asaort- ment of the latest neckwear, silk mufflers, elovcs..handkerchiefs, col- lars, fur collars. fancy vests, etc., also a complete line of up to'date overcoats, suits. etc., made up With :'ale and tuality which will suit you. MILLINERY The balance of our stock at hat' prices, $1.00 hats for $2.00; $3.00 for $1.50. etc. Will clear regardless of cost. LADIES WEAR Our stock is well assorted for the Xmas season. having just opened a new line of Silk Waists, Fancy Col- lars. Melts,_ Ruchings, Gloves. Golf Coats. etc. Just the line to make a nice selection for Xmas gifts. China, Glassware, Etc. Our Xmas stock of China, ,,Cut Glass, Glassware, etc. has arrived. The 'patterns are exquisite. We have never shown a better range ''than this season's. We have made a care- ful selection of up to date goods for Xmas trade and will bo 'pleased to show you our line. Groceries, Fruits, Etc. We have paid special attention to our grocery department and have the choicest stook of Raisins, Figs, Dates Prunes, Peels, Nuts, Extracts, Or- anges. Lemons, ell., all ready at :lose prices for your Xmas require- ments. DRESSED POULTRY WANTED 20,000 lbs. of Turkeys, Geese and Ducks between Deo. 1st and 18th We twill pay the highest market pr ices in cash or trade. We are open to buy Clover and Timothy seed. White Beans, Onions. Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples at fall tnarket value in cash or trade. A Call Solicited Co ZWICKER Ready with Xmas. Goods YOU PAY LESS HERE Brown' S You will Got many a Special Nero this Month We are well equipped to meet every demand of the holi- day:season. If you will take our advice you will do your gipping now. By purchasing now you will not only avoid ti rush of the last few days but you will have the advantage of selection from complete stock. We call your attention to a few of the many things we are showing. Xmas. Presents for Men. Men's fine Silk Neckwear in all the latest Novelties 25c to 75c. en's Fancy Suspenders 25 to 50 en's Silk Mufflers 5oc to $1.50 en's Lined and Unlined Gloves ocha, Tan, Grey and Brown e to $2.5o. Cashmere Bose fine quality in Black, Fancy �I3lack, Mroon, ete. 25c to 50e. pweater Coats in all colors, all wool, with or without collar, $t.50 to $3 5o. Suits and Overcoat: a Specialty Fur and Fur -lined Coats at right prices. Miscellaneous goods such as Razors, Strops, Shaving Sets, Knives, Mouth Organs, etc. Hats, Caps and Handker- - chiefs in big Variety. oYs Xmas. Gifts for Ladies HANDKERCHIEFS Fine Swiss Embroidered Hem- stitched and scalloped edge from 5c to 25c and a big range of others. Gloves of Every Description Golf Coats in all Colors Clouds dt Shawls from 25 to $2.5o Furs and Mantles Silk and Waisting in the new colors. Just received a Paris cream net especially for waist. Ask to see it. Ruchings, Fancy Combs, Brushes, Silverware, Perfumes.&c. A Linen Table Cover with one doz. Napkins to match in a box makes a nice gift. And so we could go on but space is limited. Everybody come end inspect our Toy Counter. You will see Teddy (dears, Dolls from i,e to $1 50, Mechanical Toys, Drums !flocks, 'Pool Seta. (Guns, little Brooms and Shovels. Balls, Toy irons, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Etc. HINAk?' OU DISPLAY ST This year the variety is greater than ever. Showing China at is very cheap, and have two other lines that arc the Royal russian china and of finest Austrian ware. Fhcy arc the genuine good] and designed most beautifully. Also received a number of nice Dinner Setts and Toilet Setts. Groceries! Burets of Seeds, Poultry aid :111 I. lulls Of I's 0(1u -c for whit h the Wettest mark's:. price will he paid. Always Fresh and Prices the Lowest S. BROWNIE CR)1TON. den, 1 . *Smith, G. Guenther. E. Treitz I Sexamith • • pass. re Hilist, II. Shenk, it. English, i The Seasith Anniversary ss is held The TIMES from now lilt January M.. Boltzmann, L. Weiner,iner, 1'. Bing, , wur a eek ago Sunday and W•te very It.. alotz. Ave,rage attendance. 35. ' preached in the morning an I after - 1910 for One Do111r. If your neigh.. successful. Rev. Fair of Elimville tors or friends are not now getting the TIMES, kindly tell them of tbi excellent offer BaRlee.mmember Zwicker's big December Mr. Newton Clark, of Mt. LCarmel, has purchased one of the old flax barns on the north side of the street and is taking it down and moving it to his farm where he will rebuild it. Mrs. \Vut. -Fritz, of (:rand fiend, spent a few days last week visiting friends in the village. Miss Robinson, of Exeter, renew- ed ac. uaintanc-es in the village Sun- day last. The Misses. Kuhn, Myrtle Clark, and Vivian 'Beaver spent a few days in London D-: M. Wentzei /who Lad the mis- fortune to have the small finger of h,, right hand amputated is speedily w rit M.. - . 4'. Eilber is busy putting up the posts for the street lighting Our village 'will have quite a town appearanc-e svhen the streets are all lighted up. Mr. Ira Brown and Ed. Mahon visi- ted in !London on Thursday of last week. The stores in our village are now putting en the Xtnas appearance. The windows are (being tastely decorated with articles suitable for gifts. Mr. and Mrs. August Bill spent Sunday in Zurich. Council meeting was held in 'tho town hall on bIonllay last. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hoist and family of Elkton, (Mich., are spending .the holidays with friends and relatives in the village. It is rumored that one of our town boys will take a wife unto himself, and we understand that more twill follow Mr. . Oscar 'Wolf spent Sunday 'near Centralia. Mr. llopper of Hensel! spent Mon- day in the village an business. A large number of Foresters turn ed out on Sunday to attend'the fun- eral of the late Moses 'Kestle. Mr. Toe (Lawson, contractor, has about finished the big ditch In (Js - borne. The river is frozen over and skat- ing is now the order of the day. Last week 'while Mr. Wm. Smith was driving itis traction engine and on turning in at the gateway of the farm of Mr. C. Heist ran into a post and shifted the boiler on :the front axle. Ittook a few hours to get it back in place afterwhich Mr. Smith was able to continue his journey. Everyone is enjoying the good sleighing. Mr. Chris. Dinnen succeeded in shooting 29 rabbits on Saturday. lle will show some of the expert shoot- ers how to shoot at the next shoot- cleared the land where Roy's oeme- ing snatch at the Royal before long. !rry now is. In 1850 he moved to Just two weeks till Christmas. I iI bbert to the farms, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. !Lawson visitedh.s stn. 'The (next year he married Mr. Robt. Mawhinney, Goshen tine' Miss Ann Stewart. Their marriage on Sunday last. I was a happy one. and was bless - Get your Xmas cigars et the (Royal ed with three children, Mrs. James Hotel. Mr. 1I. Clark tho genial pro- Gardiner, Mrs. John Dow and David. prjetor has just received a tine assort Mrs. Christie preceded him to the meat of first class cigars in tens, happy Land by some fourteen years. twenty[ -fives and fifties ranging in In politics Mr. Christie was a Lib - Price from 90o to $5. 0 eral in in religion n Presbyterian. The Methodist Sunday School will The funeral oil Wednesday to Roy's hold their entertainment on Monday, cemetery, was followed by a large Dec. 21. number of sorrowing friends, show•- C1tEDITON SCHOOL REPORT. ing the esteem in which he .was held Required to pass 60 per cent : hon- by all .two knew hit/. s Division :i -Class •11I -honors, R. noon and the Elimville choir fur - Redden. E. Kilalzle, 11. Shenk, 1'. wished the music. The proceeds were Fahner, M. Clark ;pass, O. Metz. M. about $30. Winer. G. ;Benedict, E. Geiser.: Class -t-- IV,_ho»ors. 1, Ilodgins, M. Wenzel, Shipka L. Ocstreicber, Dass, L. Brown. F. Hill. T. 'Finkbeiner, K. Boltzmann, The TIMES from now till January E. Mutat, in. Boltzmann, E. (lean. 1010 for One Dollar. If your neigh- Averase attendance L'5. Miss Dun- boss or friends are not now getting lop. Teacher. the TIMES, kindly 'tell thein of this execllent offer Mr. 'Phos. Synch shipped two oar - loads of eat ; • 10 Toronto urea week. Mr. J. A. Preen was in ILonion last week on 'business. The people in :4e village are 'busy carrying ,beater facing to the dry season. Mr. Otto, of Baden. called 'lion Mrs. L. Wing cast Sunday. Mr. J. Ilophy is on the sick list. ARE YOU 'GOING 'TO GUELPH? If ',o, take advantage of 'the re- duced rates offered by the Grand Trunk Railway system, account of the "Ontario :Provincial Fair''. Re- turn tickets at Single Fare 'from all stations in Ontario West of King- ston. 'Good going ('.ally until Dec. 11th. Return limit Dec. 14th. Secure tickets from (Grand Trunk Agents. The report of the Continuation classes for the present term will be given at the close of the school. Moses Kes(le, son of the late Jos. Kestic died at his home Concession 8 Stephen. on Friday, Dec. 4th. aged 46 years, 4 months end 8 days, .af- ter a lingering illness from lung trouble. The deceased was born in Stephen, where lie resided most of his life. For fifteen years he con- ducted a harness shop in Zurich and Later went to Crediton, where No worked for James Clark in the same line of (business. Last. March he went to the northwest where be contracted 'Lagrippe, /which develop- ed into lung trouble and he was com- pelled to return home. Three months ego the dread dis- ease had BO weakened bi►n that he was compelled to take to his bed. (lis wife died about nine years ago. Besides a son aline years of age, he leaves to mourn their loss a mother, and several brothers caul sisters. Nelson, of Exeter_ Bert, \V;II[am ;end Lytle on the old homestead. Mrs. T, Trevethick, erudite'', Mrs. G. Brod- erick. Hay and Mrs. Johnson, Lon- don. In religion Mr. ICestle was a Methodist end in politics ndherred to 'Liberalism. The funeral, which was a large one, was held Sunday from his late residence to the Exee ter cemetery and was in charge of the Foresters, of which lodge he was a remember. Tho well known strengthening properties of iron combined with other tonics and a most perfect nor - vine. are found in Carter's Iron Pills which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and Farquhar The TIMES from now till Januar; 1910 for One Dollar. If your neigh.. boys or friends are not now getting the TIMES, kindly tell then[ of this excellent offer One of tho oldest residents of Hib- bert passed sway on Sunday night last in the person of David Christie, aged 88 [years. Mr. Christie vas horn in Argyleshire, Scotland in the year 1820, and when but a lad of 11 years, came to this country, then a forest, settling sneer St. Catherines He served in the Mackenzie Rebel- lion pf '37. At the age of twenty four he moved to Fullerton town- ship and settled on the Dow farm on the Thames Road. lie chopped and ors 75 per cent. Mr. V. rn. Stewart was in Cit. Marys Division I, class A. -N. Geiser, L. on Monday en business. Eilber, W. FJnell.!L. Redden, L. Fink- Mr. and Airs. J. A. Kirkby, off twiner, 'Leland Redden. Jr. pt. 1- Illanshard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bea- t. Sambrook, ft. Brown, V. hill, W. vers here en Friday. Appleton, -0. [Weiner, E. Hill. Sr. Mr. John Esser,' was in the village pt. 1-M. King. D. English, W. Bean on Monday. M. 'Benedict, l9. i4i►ns, .1. Sims. Pit. Bee the handsome and useful tlis- 21.-Ilonors, C. dlaist, it. Ilaist, E. 1 nkb•in.'r. 1i. fledden: pass. M. 'Lawson, 0. Medford. Junior 11 - E. Itchier), rM, 'Guenther. R. Fink- beiner. Sr. II -Honors, 1,. itaist, K. Swett set.. 'G. Q,amiort, L. Bean, A. play of Xmas gifts at 13. W. F. Hea- vers. . • - Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas spent Sunday in Exeter with friends. The merry sleigh bells are ringing again. Geiser, G. dlinrtt ; pass, V. Kestle. Miss 'Louise !Hackney is visiting M. Nicholson. Al. )frown. 'Averaao her sister, Mrs. \V. Leigh at Kirk - attend -sic: 38. Mss Hartleib, Teach- tori. er. Mr. Thos. tlliggs leaves on the Division II -Part I1-I1onors, V. 121h for England. Iioffmann, It. Clark, L. heaver. A. Mrs. John trucker intends Virg Finkbeiner ; -pass ft. Hill. Jr. I1,- her sister in Illinois soon. ''!! Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags %Ve have just received a shipment of the above [ices, and as it is nearing the holiday season when you will be taking a trip. and will need a Trunk. Valise, or Travelling (lag, We would invite you to call row and inspect our stock. \\'e w 111 b., pleased to show then[ to you whether you buy or not the prier's b•re right. • Trunks from *2.50 to $7.50 \ alit Cases from $1.15 to *7.00 Rcrnetnbcr we have a large stock of Mitts ane full line of tlankets and (farness. R. iV. >C LA RK, harness iiltlkt'r, ( Gloves also •rediton. a Riou, Bds6 Burners dna t1_ _ --- 6aters \Ve carry a full line ef the deferent makes in the above lines .and Invite you to visit our store and get our prices. In General Hardware Our stock is complete in :all lines. We have a full line of Tinware. Eavetroughing and Hoof- ing a specialty. FURNACES if von ere thinking of put.tir'g in a new furnace let us talk it Over with yen, we can seve you meney. \Ve carry a full stock of the celebrated .Sher- win \\'iliums paint. YOUNG r3Ras General Hardware, Crediton. EASY '1'O MIN TIIIS What will appear very interee9- ing to many people here is the article taken from a New York daily paper. giving a simple prescription, which is said to be •t positive remedy for backache or kidney or bladder de- rangements, if taken :before the stage of Bright's disease : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one -halt ounce : Compound hargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake theil in a bot 1 le and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and again at bedtime. A well-known druggist here at home when Asked regarding this pre- scription stated that the ingredients are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good pre- scription pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if asked to do so. He (further stated that while this prescription is often prescribed to rheumatic afflictions with splendid results, he could see no renson why it would not he n splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troubles and backache. as it has a peculiar ac- tion upon the kidney et•uclru•c, cleaning these moal irnpertant organs and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the foul aciis and waste matter which cause sick( ncss and suffering. '''hose. of our readers who suffer can make 'no mistake in giving jt a trial Mr. William Somerville, of Sea - forth, [net with n painful accident in it very simple way on Tuesday night• ile was in attendance on the night train with express matter and while drawing .the loaded truck along the station platform his feet slippal and he fell forward, his face striking an the boards and fractur- ing his cheek (bone. The injury is quite painful. 'LAM -I1111: AS A Ct'RE FOR PILES IMPRESSIVE CURi•:3 .OF WOMi FEN SUFFERERS. OIJIR IREADEiRS 81101"Lt) NOTE 'l'IIESE CASES Wherever there ;s suffering from piles, 7.ntn-rick should be applied 1 There are lots of reasons for this, but one of the best Is that in practi- cally all rases or plies Where the use of gam -Hak is perscrvcred with com- plete cure -not rnere relief -is the result.. lMrslt..Win. 'Hughes. of 253 'Nebel(' ga Street, 'Ifochrlaga. ,Montreal, saYs :-"I have suffered from blind itch- ing and 'protruding piles for Dears. Sometimes they avere so bad I could hardly bear to move about. The in. flemma tion. the burning smarting pa:rt, the throbbing, the aching. the overpowering feelings Of dullness, and Clark despair t-- this ailment brings. the ahootint, . , Isms of agony -all were so terrible that only suf- ferers from this awful ailment can tnderstand 1." Dad as this case was Zatn-Bok tri- rnphed. and Jlrs. Hughes suffers tlo onger. It needed a little perscvcr- nce with Zam•Huk certainly, but in he end it cured! ' Mrs. E. Maxon. of Scott Street. Bt. ��hornaa. says: -•'For months with - 1'•• 1 resat ou I t edured ,;rent pain from ,bleed:ii piles. For as many :Ir,ultbs I 1r;. d everything [which I thotigbt would give ire ease, but in 1he end, (lispirited and still suffering i ave in,,, "hen it reaps she heard of Zam-Ruk and she adds .-"Although i feared Zam-Bok won't 1 be like the ordinary remedies-uselc s -I ant glad it was not. It soon pr ved itself to b, very different. It r, pidly gave me relief and after it 1, to corgi me comple- tely. I would .ke to let nil suffer- efrom pile knisow," what n grand rsr:n;t Zam- Ik Ao (Inc 141 ao on quoting case nfler case nil it is by working such cures t [w'Lam-iluk has earned for itself 1 great ielm talion. Now f 'sou suffer from this ter- ribly laful ailment just b; fluid - the forego -rig cases! *Sternal piles melt a little end ihorout;hly roast a toad clea n, but old 1: nen. Then the pit,. If the pies are .t 11 o„ I. appl;ctt,mi Of Zara -Flak is illg. Nate eimpI •. Do i't iiirOn t'et.r- isfied, (•zt morning you will be sat- 7.am sores• uk is a cure also for cold - n.1 chapped cracked hands. , r festering 'ores, tlool poison- senlp f ltd ing.-ingtworm, skin di res, burns, scalds and all Ali .1 ^aces and injuries. Bak Iain To, or \'e'1 eh :to ed 1,y Par •ZatieTI Hind* 01,11:y x .•r11 Christmas Shopping AT SIEBERT'S Every department is tilled with presents suitable for all, We heard it said that Siebert's is truly headquarters for Santa Claus, We are ready for big selling -Just as ready as you are to take advantage of our pr,ces. Now Mr. Husband, if you think ef getting a present for your wife (which you should do) here aro suit tide gifts very acceptable. A nice Dinner Set A fins' Set of Furs, A nice Toilet Set A Linen Table Cloth A nice hanging Lamp and Napkins to Match and a lot of othor suitable gifts. These are all articles you must buy for the house. Why not get them now and call it a Christmas present? And now Mr. Young Man if you have a sweetheart we can please both you and your girl with a tine lot of Christmas presents. For Children we have an endless variety of Toys, which will surely please the children. We have also tnade a special purchase of tine Braces, Ties, Handkerchiefs that are very nifty. Come and see our collection of Candles from the ordinlu-v mixture to the tine creates. In nuts we have Filberts, (ireenoble, Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils and Peanuts. Ml new Goode. When we say new nuts, we mean new nuts and not old cold storage goods which are not fit to use. We can supply your wants for the Christmas Cakes in all the hest new Fruits and Peels at the lowest prices, IWe will also give special prices on Ladies Coats and Men's Over- coats during the holiday season, Now bring along your produce and see what we can do for you. Siebert & Co. Hartleib Block. DASHWOOD. CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE We are ready to supply your wants, our store is tilled with all the good things to make you happy for the holiday season and long afterwards, We invite you to call and let us show you the good things we have to offer. Dress.Goods all the latest shades and Cloths at prices to suit everybody. Ladies Coats and Jackets. We have the best and at the very lowest prices. Special Bargains will be offered in Ladies Fur Coats and Cloth Jackets to clear. Fur Ruffs. We have a large assortment in Alesaa Sable, Isabella Sable, American Sable, Isabella Opposum, etc., etc. at special prices. Millinery Bargains will be offered for the balance of the season as the do not intend to carry over everything in this line if a price will sell them. Call early and get some of the bargains. A large assortment of Fancy Handkerchiefs in plain and fancy, white and colored Fancy Embroidered. front Set. up. They will please you. Boot & Shoe Department Out Shoe Store is full of all the needs for winter comfort, it) Rubbers, Over- shoes, Cardigans, Rubber Boots, Felt Shoes. Fancy Eelt Shoes and Slippers, also all kinds of Boots and Shoes in leather for Ladies and Men. Our prices you will find as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed. Christmas China Just received a consignment of the fittest French China. These make lovely Xmas Presents. A large assorttnent of Jardineres, Baso I.antpe, Hanging Lamps, Fancy Plater, Cups and Saucers, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sate, etc., etc, Xmas Groceries Our stock is all fresh and new, New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels. New Figs, Dates. Shelled Almonds. Shelled Walnuts and everything you re- quire to make your Xmas Cakes. All sold at close price. Everybody is invited to call and take a look through our large and well assorted stock. It will do you good and do us good to see you. Highest prices phid for Farm Produce. TIEDIAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, - - • DASHWOOD Come and see our Suberb Favorite Steel range it's a beauty. We also keep the Pandora Peninsular, Ladies Aid, Oak and Base burners. Guarantee Prices right. All kinds of repair work done. Eggs and Butter taken. Come and see us before you buy. Hardware D. TI E_MAN, Dashwood THINKING OF CHRISTMAS! Our Christmas goods are a choice lot, and are the useful kind! nothing trashy in our stock. Our Christmas Post Cards Are the rnost beautiful we have ever shown. See Our New Granitware Given as premiums with Art Baking Powder. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar YOUR XMAS SUIT Do you anticipate getting a Suit for the holiday's if so Here's a Tip it will pay you to come here and see how sw we can you ' - a to fit MODEST COST. We will certainly put forth our every efit,,t make you satisfied in every paiticular. uagiats and stores eel! Dam- I tsl r box. or may eb-' J. H. HOLTZMA N, CREDITON pnsf fr, o fro n 7,am•Iiuk Co. 0. for t,; c,. ; :t 1 ox," for Ot.25 re wetne,l. however nd dnngerotis itnif8 sa bein.r. lest TIMES from no till Jan ISoar, gettln