HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-10, Page 41
HE EXETER TIMES, DEC. 10th 1908.
A New Lot of Goods
Just Arrived
}lair 13t•nslles, Cloth Brushes
Shaving Brushes, Tooth and
Nail Brushes, Whisks, Mir-
rors,Pocket Mirrors, Dressing
Combs, I'ocket Combs and
other Toilet articles.
Brownings Drug Store
The hirktonCanadian Club met
last Thursday night and all exper-
ienced a good time. Dr. C. A. Camp-
bell gave an interesting as 4vo11 as
itlstructive talk on Rudyard Kipling,
LWbich was listened to with minute
attention. John N. Hazelwood de -
'livered an address on "nowt to fat-
ten cattle". We heard several re -
Marks to the effect, that tho On-
'tario Agricultural College would do
IWel1 if they could procure his ser-
;vioe as a member of tbo travelling
lecturers for the Farmer's ansti-
;totes. Ilia convincin3 'arguments
and logical reasoning showed a mind
:thoroughly acouainted with the sub-
ject, and also had the ring ,of ex-
perience rather than a student of
` ;the Farmer's Advocate or any of the
standard authorities on Agriculture.
Mr. Wtn. Dawson has been in the
.vicinity negotiating with the var-
ious milling •companies, with a view
of disposing of his bush on his farm
occupied by W. A. Kirk, Boundary.
We regret to learn that Mr. Thos.
Walker was unsuccessful in his ap-
4lioaliott as teacher of the i\Ielfort
%public school, Saskatchewan. "If at
first you don't stteceed, try, ' try
try again."
Our sympathy is tendered 'to Mr.
Robt. Fletcher, with our best wish-
es for the restoration to health and
strength of his 'wife, whom. Ivo un-
derstand is very low.
Dire Abner Fuller's sale passed off
,very satisfactorily last Wednesday,
although the weather was anything
but favorable. Everything realized
'good prices, pork and beef being be -
:beyond the means of an ordinary cit-
Th • I:it kton Milling Company who
have b.,en subjected to disparaging
remarks, can now afford to smile. On
'the reinstallment of their eng'Tne
they guarantee to grind your grain
to suit you.
The -,weather in this vicinity heeds
no introduction we presume as it 'has
been here before, but despite the
*winery aspects of the past 'week, our
local prophets have had dreams and
see t tin ahead.
Dr. 61cDonagh preached tho anni-
versary sermons at the Anderson
b!ethodist church last Sunday.
\\'e have received a long and inter-
est.ng le:ter from Dr. Carr which
:we are unable to publish this ;reek
on account of overflow of copy. II
oval be published in next *week's is-
f The old fashioned way of dosing a
weak stomach, or stimulating the
heart or kidneys is all 'wrong. Dr.
Shoop first pointed out Ibis error.
This is why his prescription - Dr.
Bump's Restorative -is directed en-
tirely to the cause of these ailments
-the weak inside or controlling ner-
ves. it isn't So difficult, Flys .Dr.
Shoop. to strengthen a weak stom-
ach. heart or kidneys, if ono goes at
It correctly. Each inside organ has
Its controlling c: inside nerve.
(When theje nerves fa:1. then
those organs must surely fal-
ter. fThcse vital truths are
leading druggists everywhere •to
dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop'e
Restorative. '!'est it a few days. ant:
see Improvement will promptly and
surety follow. bold by W. S. Howey.
List Soto -day while Geo. Ileywood
w as as- '-r:tie Jlr. Itobt. • Robinson
.tie was trying to put a
Tope .n ite mouth. wlh,rs it bit him
on the. first finger taking off the
For that
here is one thing that r.'ii}
cure it-Ayer's Hair Viltor.
ft is a regular scalp-mediria_.
it quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease. t,
The unhealthy scalp hcccf':..
healthy. The dandruff
pears, had to disappear. A
healthyscalp means a grect..leel
to you -healthy hair, no (..ii-
druff,no pimples, no erupt:Q::u.
The best kind of a tc••atacr.:«1-
"Bold f..r over ti: -'1 )rr.:s."
Wads bvJ.0 Ac -r ,r•.l,tso
A.10 aiaanf-.:,..e. e . .
..,,.•? I ..). le s ,:. .,. 1 :.:::.4.....
-....-..-n ar la:.,
Messrs. Thos. Dell and John DS -
bridge left Tuesday morning to at-
tend the assiscs at Goderich.
Thos. Cower(' ant Leslie Robinson
were in London Tuesday on business.
The auction sale of Mr. Thos. Dur -
elle yesterday was lar, el)• attended'.
Mr. and Mrs. Durdle intend moving
into Fenton Brown's house in the
MIL Frank Durdle, of Brussels. O
visiting at the home of Mr. area Mrs.
Quite a number went to Y
Sunday evening to attend the Cross-
ley and Hunter meeting.
To slop nuts 1 :n iu eo minute!,
take one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets. Ste formula on the Los.
Ask your Doctor or Druggist about
:this formula. It can't be bettered.
Womanly pi:us. head pains, any
pain gets Instant relief. Box twenty
Pink 'Pain 1':,blets, 25 c. Sold by W.
S. Jlowey.
Our bur; ;was quite lively Satur-
day, being council meeting day. Lots
of peop',,; came in to pay their taxes.
Mr. Jos. Hawkins Saturday morn-
ing returned from Goderich, where
he spent the week attending county
council meeting.
Mr. Walter Vern. ex -merchant of
Elianville paid a v:sit to the village
on Saturday.
Some of the young mcn of our
village aro attending the !Crossley
and Hunter meetings in Exeter.
The ditchers on the Pym drain are
nearly through and some of the men
have zone house. The weather was
remarkably fine for the job.
The C. 0. C. F. held their annual
meeting last Friday night and elect-
ed officers for the cousin,: year.
A couple of our young .men. while
turn:'„ a short corner ut Winchel-
sea, one night last week, had the
misfortune to upset their buggy,
breaking the top of it. Be more
careful boys. .
Miss 'Laura Wood returned home
Friday evening from f er
spending a couple of weeks with her
Mr. Dr. tl1od;son is visiting ber sis-
ter, Mrs. Robert Skinner.
Preventics, the new Candy : Cold
Cure Tablets are said by druggists
to have four special specific advan-
tages over all other remedies for a
cold. First -They contain no quin-
ine. nothing harsh or sickening. -
Second -They give almost instant re-
lief. Third -pleasant to the taste.
!Ike candy. Fourth -A large box. 48
Pi'cv(ntic1-at 25 cents. Also line
for feverish children. Sold by W.S.
Mr. W. R. Elliott last week ship-
ped a carload of horses to Montreal.
A number from here took in the
evanzelistic meeting in Exeter Sun-
day evening last.
, Mrs. John Colw-ill, who bas been
suffering from inflammatory rheu-
matism for the past month, is now
on the mend.
'Mrs. W. Abbott, of Sturgeon Pt.
near L''enstou falls, is visiting her
brother, Thos. Oliver.
Miss Sarah Neil has been re-engag
ed as pianist of the Methodist churoh
n position m•hich she has held for a
number of years with much faithful
ness on ,her part and to the great
satisfaction of the congregation.
The anniversary services of the
Methodist Sunday School will be held
on the t'0th of this month. Special
sermons will be Riven on Sunday and
on Monday evening a tea meeting will
be given and a program by the
scholars. . '
The Woman's Missionary Society
of the Methodist church here, have
hale of good:, to the Deacon-
ess' Home, Toronto. for distribution
among the poor.
The annual mooting of the Sunday
School Hoard was held Lest Wednes-
day evening, 'when the following of-
ficers were elected for the t✓nsuing
year. Supt., '\Vat. Anderson ; Asst.
Chas. Fairball ; Secretary, 'Rebecca
McCoy ; Treas., t1'hos. Boyce ; L:hrar-
:•tn. ,;eo. 'Baynham; Organist, Tiede
It iker ; (Teachers, Pritnary class Mrs.
It. slicks; Asst., Mrs. Evans; Inter-
mediate classes Misses Flo. Essery.
A11ie lucks and Annabel) Swann ;
Bible class, Mrs. Ilutt, with Mrs. R.
11:eks find Miss 'Laura Ilutt as assist-
Coughs that me tight, or distress-
ing tickling eoliths, get .luick and
certain help from Ur. Shoop's Cough
Remedy. On th:s account druggists
everywhere are fivoring Ur. Shoop's
Cough Remedy. And it is entirely
free from opium. chlornfortn, or any
other !stupefying drug. The tender
leaves of a harmless lung, healing
mountainous i bntb give to Shoop's
cough ltcmtdy its curative proper-
ties. Those leaves have the power to
c.tltu the most distressing, cough. nod
to soothe and be:11 the moat sensitive
bronch;al tnetnbrene. Mealier" should
for sa►vfy's o-.•al:e alone. •tlways de-
mand Ur. Shoop'e. it can with per-
fect freedom be g: Von 10 even the
youngest baba.. '!'est it once your-
self, and See I Sold by W. 8. !limey.
Follow:ne is 11. r. port of S. 8. No.
12. Ilsborne for the month of Nov.
t.'(:.•s \ .-('.0 n 'M, Iry '51 • ell •!.
1V.. f.r.-V,•ra 11odA.o11 181 ; Willie
ilorlgson 178: Oro. Arkeey 170; •Ve: a
n fR '1c(orti:y it. ,11:res
(:, int n 1i 13'1: Myrtle Squire 139;
!Ole( iV. •ia --II 11on Ogden, 162 ;
Flo I c 15 t. ("l eel 111. F , - Tess:e
16. ; 'h,lip aleGce. the lit-
ter exttninttion. Clan i1I
jr.-("•, allorl,•y 1713; Err'1 110dr-
eon 1G(: ':e;•.nn Silt: re 151 ; A: thur
McC-iri by 1 15 ; .Slclvill • •'Gnnnit .
130; John knoles 31. (less 11.- J.
\Vhelihut IRs ; Vivi in Brook. 109..
1'. it. 1leNeu^hton. Teaches.
Mr. and :Mrs. .Tibet Short. \Vest-
ntinatcr. visited tt:ih the litter's
brother. .1. V. NT;Il•on on Friday,
'Ih • M e s Andrew. o! Gr.-n•o,, are
School annual meeting still be held
I•'riday evening.
There is no one article in the line
of medicine that gives so large a re-
turn for the money as u good por-
ousster such as
re •Lenin •
st nt,t b plaster,
Carter's Smart Weed and 13e11adouna
Mrs. Herbert E. Axt, of Exeter,
tldt ate
(lays her mother
Mrs. 1'. Mender last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Justus Demuth. of
Ashland, Wis. arrived here on Alen -
day of last week to visit relatives
and friends. They were former re-
sidents of (Zurich, and their many
friends will be pleased to sec them.
The smoke stack at the grist mill
blew down on Monday afternoon of
last week during the heavy ,wind.
The roof of the dynamo annex mos
punctured and the stack is a wreck
It is only 3 years since it noes put
up and was of very heavy iron, but
the use of soft coal is very bard on
John L. Gelber, of the Bronson
Line spent part of last 'week itt
Waterloo County.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. \Vilhelm, of
Baden, are visiting the latter's par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. David Sararas,
, Bauble (Line.
Rev. S. ell. Mauch, of Stratford.
and Rev. E. II. Bean, of Crediton as-
sisted Rev. 'A. D. Gischler in the
Evangelstic meetings at the 19th
Con. last /week. •
There will be tett more telephones
installed on ,the rural line. The
wire is up and the rest of the work
will be done as soon as the phones
come to band. There aro now thirty
four subscribers on the new line,
and es 'many more will likely be ad-
ded next season. Every farmer will
want a telephone in the next few
•, The young son of Dr. and ''sirs.
Campbell died on Friday last aged
8 'months. The remains were inter-
red in the Hensel! oetuetery on Sun-
'tanked among the best Commer-
cial Schools of the Province, is the
Clinton Business College. The suc-
cess of its graduates has not been
excelled. The new advertisement of
this excellent school is to be found
on page eight. Wo understand that
any young people who are laboring
under the false impression that they
can do better in a city school, will
be given free transportation to the
great Electrio City of C'eterboro,
which stands sixth among the cities
of the Dominion as to manufacturing
output. While attending the Peter -
boot Business College, which - was
founded n "barter century ago. they
will be given free tickets to the
city Y. tot. C. A.. Y. W. C. A. or
T. A. 'A.
W. E. Stanley was in Cobalt last
week in the interests of the Cana-
dian J3ag Co.
Owing to a pressure of business at
(tome E. Tennant, V. B. of this place.
was unable to accept tho position of
veterinary inspector teudered him
by the Dominion Govermnent.
G. W. itay, d'.11. G. 8.of Brazil.lectured to a small audience in the
Stanley Opera spouse Friday night.
The interest of the Audience wus
maintained by hundreds of curious
weapons used by the natives of Bra-
sil. JJis subject, "Life and Adven-
tures Among the Savages of South
America;' was handled in a manner
that 'trowel nn Intellectual treat.
'1'Ite 'Masonic brethren of this place
tendered a farewell baneuet to C.C.
Halgiits at their lodge :rooms on
Thursday night.
In order to lesson the work of
their clergyman, 'who has been itt ill -
health. .the [Presbyterian congrega-
tion of this place has decided to dis-
continue for a time ,the evening
Those unhappy persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia
should use Carter's Little Nerve
Pills, which are made expressly for
sleepless. nervous dyspeptic. suffer-
ers. Price 25c.
No .newspaper or magazine in this
country pretends to rival the Family
Herald and Weekly Star of 6lontreal.
11 is in a class entirely by itself.
It is the greatest family and from
taper printed to -day. It is simply
marvellous what value one gets dur-
ing the year in that great weekly.
A. dollar invested for 1909 will be
the hest dollar you ever 'pent.
Mr. Robert Higgins list week pur-
chased the Ilcneoll l-un►dry from G.
Mr. Wm. Bell. one of the pioneers
of this section, is very ill nt his home
itt the village.
j\Ir. Robert Dalrymple' is coufiped
to ha bed on account of illness.,
Rev. \V. M. Martin, of Exeteir will
del. ver preparatory sermoni/�at Cer-
met church on Friday ,t, ternoon,
1); e. I8.
1V1r. Iiernard Thomson wins very ill
during. -the Vast week, .tuf is consi,i-
erably improved.
Miss Mnrgaret Mom 111.0 , it in
Wroxeter visiting her Bauer,, Mrs. C.
1). Simpson.
The fowl supper and ca, t held
under the nuspict•s of t tdies'
Aid of Carmel church, 0..'\' ..r �tnd-
♦ets's Day. on Monday evening fast,
WAS a Great siteeeis in everyi.•''-
vect. (be svac:ons • ichurch *eyes
Mrs. It. 11. (bilin!, of Exeter, is as
;it 11,0 village last week spending
couple of days with relatives art
frit Pill M.
Reeve Petty was iu Goderielt 115 .
week offending the county connct -
Mr. \1't;;. filonetnen has been fa -
thet' imp:ovine the nppear.troce y`
ha new: dwelling property sty tf`c
erection of a neat line fence.
11 ea. 1'. r1. lleDonrll t. r,•:t•ed
Tuesday of East week the rad ::i;•_
•,s:1 et,; r 11 .1. lint! ltre. John Ilodg- 1 I f;eneo of the death of her (yrothc
1011'!r� :1141%v. r. \Valle: n, of forest. wet
11 v. i r roach h. -re 11•x; 1:.twI)
had only Owen :11 :i coli els of '11
`tenet'. /AV e'nil Iefl for I'bremt, int;••;':; r tw7
Thr sham tie r monde')' , lser hushan•I. 1h• mune even 1117.
meet :1 t ifte. neon at Vl (. regret to .1110 1:11t ‘1rs. i11111..
• h'e Sundny I is and hes t •)Mite serionaly itt
Stop That Cold
To cheek early colds or'.rlpro with "Preventici'
treat It sura driest for 1'ncumunia. To stop a cold
with l'reveulties is alter than to tet it rem and be
obliged to cure it afterwards. To be sure. Pro.
v,•utics will cure even a deeply seated cold, but
taken early -at the sneeze stage -that' break. or
head ort these curly colds. That's surely totter.
'!hat's why they are 4-411,41 Prereutics.
Perryeud;x• 1tttle Candy
Cold Cures. NoQuin-
uo physic. nothing sickening. Nice for the
children -and thoroughly sale too. If you feel
chitty. it you sneeze. If you ache all over. think of
[seventies. Promo tiw.t may also sato half your
penal sickness. Anil don't forget your child. It
Ntery Is feverishness. night or day. herein prob.
13 Lly Iles 1'n•yrntic; greatest efficiency. Sold is
Loses for the pocket. also in 2`e treses of 48
revcutics. lusts' on your drutggisis giri111 you
for the past week or so.
Mrs. A. 11. Carroll, of Carroll,
Manitoba. ,who spent the past two
weekswith her sister, Mrs. J. Suth-
erland. is t►ow visiting relatives in
Mitchell, Out intends returning ;to
Hensall 'before leaving for her home
in -the 'west.
Messrs. McMartin & Johnston, but-
chers, suffered the loss by fire of
their slaughter house, west of the
village on (Tuesday night of last
Mrs. M. J. Hurley has returned
to her home in 'Goldfield, Nevada,
after spending Fix weeks with her
%father, 3Ir, 'Bernard Thomson.
bliss E. M. MoCaffrey-of Brandon.
Manitoba, is spending a few weeks
Clearing Auction Sale : �
FARM, FA1ili STOCK AND f'd- es
Mr. Jos. -\\'h' a a brat instruct -
o tt h s t
ed to sell by Public Auction on
LOt 11, CON. 12. 1;SBORNE •
Commencing at One o'clock, the
IIO S : -
R FS O r draught
uware four
years old, in foal to Luffness, eli-
gible for registration ; One draught
horse rising five years ; One draught
gelding rising three years: draught
colt sired by Luffness ; ' Farmer's
driver rising six years ; ' Carriage
mare rising two years.
CATTLE -Four cows supposed t0 be
in calf ; one farrow cow; two steers
rising .three !years ; five steers and
two Leiters wising two years; four
PIGS -11 young pigs aril 75 bens.
IMPLEMENTS.- Binder, Maxwell
mower, Massey-Ilarris, horse rake,
seed drill, cultivator, walking plow,
two 2 -furrow plows: set harrows,
roller ; fanning mill; hay rack ; grav-
el box: wagon and box and stock
tack ; Democrat ; single buggy, root
pulpc•r ; dog and dog power; cutter :
hay fork, rope slangs, pulleys and
car ; sap pan and 130 pails and spites
large kettle, forks, hoes, etc., a}so
some household effects.
The farm consists of 100 acres Stith
good frame house, two bank barns, •
well fenced: six acres of hardwood
bush ; good 'wells. In good state of
cultivation. Fall plowing done and
nine acres of fall wheat in.
The terms of the fart! evil! be
made known on day of sale. •
All Bunts of SS and ander, casb ;
with her friend, Miss M. A. [Thomson. over tbat amount 10 months' credit
Our Sabbath Schools are arrant- will he given on funrishing approv-
ing for Christmas entertainments. ed Joint notes. A discount of 6 per
cent per annum will be nllowed for
cash on credit amounts.
Prop. Auct.
Grand Bend
We etre (having a little run of
sleighing just slow Hope it stays
Oliver on --Mr. and Mrs. Joe
d at W. I3. Oliver's on Sunday.t-
Reeve Webb returned from County
council on 'Fritlay.-Mrs. Wm. Pat-
terson is lying seriously at the home
of Iter daughter, Mrs. Robert Pol-
lock, and owing to her advanced age
her recovery is very doubtful. -Mr.
Revelle having got matters straight-
ened up, intends starting up again
in IBrenncr's Hall for the winter,
and no doubt in the r,pring .he will
build a snore commodious store.
The Central Business College, of
Stratford, has proven itself to be the
great practical training school of
Western Ontario. They havo three
departments, Commercial. .,ohorthand
and Telegraphy, and the courses giv-
en aro thorough and praotioal. ILhelr
graduates aro in demand. The man-
agement are extensive -advertisers.
being firm believers in the use of
printer's ink. See their card else-
where in our columns.
All flour is made from wheat.
But there arc different kinds of
wheat and several ways of milling.
When you select
Royal Household Flour
you get the nutritious properties of
the best hard wheat in its finest and
Purest form. It always produces
uniformly light, wholesome brcad
or pastry because its quality never
varies. If your grocer does not
carry Royal Household Flour, he
will get it for you.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
Do von want things to be just so? '1 he n we'd like you for A
customer. We've promised yeti eetisfnet10n-premised you
that s tyle. lit end price will please you -we'll keep our promise.
Our best Ada. etc satisfied cu'tcturis. (Sone bete for your next
Suit or Overcoat.
We Cary Suit You
Merchant Tailor Exeter,
T}18 lVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL • • • • $3 374.000.00
RESERVE FUND -••• -••• -••- $3.374,000.001
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the;
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
Dicksont all Urevche^^ Interest allowed at highest current rote.^'^_'
at Branches. Interest allowed at current tate.
Dickdt: Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager t
D. Z. WALKER, President
ALSx. LAIRD, General let
IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,090
Reserve Fund, 5,000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries,
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager
i Branob' also at Crediton.
Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years.
He was surprised at how the
sores head-If
alk yuli taw
M,riton TREATMleENT'• 1 forta serlooutr 11l.M1
disease with which I had been inflicted
for twelve years. I had consulted escorts
of physicians. taken all kinds of blood
medicine, visited Hot Springs and other
tuineral water resorts, but only got tem-
porary relief. They would help hoe for a
time, but after d(seontinuing the medi-
etnes the moms break out
wbloouldtches r7tcum-
, atic pains, looseness of the hair, swellings
of the glands, palms of the hands scaling,
aL/OR[ TNLATM[NT itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomach.
etc. 11tad given up in despair when a
friend advised me to consult you, as you had cured him of n similar disease 8 years ago.
1 had no hope, but took his advice. In three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up
and 1 became encouraged. 1 continued the Naw METHOD TREATsrNT for four months and
at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared. 1 was cured 7 years ago and no
signs of any disease since. My boy, three years old, is sound and healthy. 1 certainly
can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to tuo
privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish." W. H. S.
of We and Women
DEADER Are you a victim! Ilavo ou lost hope! Are you intending to marry' ITas
your blutxl (teen digs+aft tlavo you guy weaknesr Our Naw METaon
a[ATSSF$T will cure you. What It has done for others it will do for you. Consultation
Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge.
Charges reasonable. Books Free -"The Holden Monitor,"tBlest nttedioaDiseases ofMen. t
Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
torr Rot 1 •;,
No. 6
Hite you ever whittled a mil?
Steel to stand arch A test r..0:t
possess unusual quality. But almost
every high grade knife will do
just as any high grade razor will
whittle a hair. Cutting hairs, how-
ever, is a msre difficult problem than
whittling nails, or hair. A higher
grade s.eei,'sore Evenly tempered,
perfectly grour.•1 and sharpened nee
some of the essentials Lr a L:ci
cutting edge for hair.
A rarer edge is a s-ile- c; i. it.
irregular teeth. Dull razors ere tn..se
which have the teeth t cicen
turned -broken, on brittle raze::.--
tcrned, on soft ones.
Razor steel is (ran fro: frcr., -. •,
dirt and foreign partici:s !safe•:y
fused with carbon. Carbcngivca bre,
tenacity and toughness to these
teeth. To get a high percentage of
ft perfectly fused :s impossible by ire
tempering. Fire, with it: varying
d:grees of heat, consumes the carb-n
-the more carbon the quicker the
Consumption - result, britt': a::1
crumbly steel teeth.
A way baa been found to (.se ;i•.
greatest per cent. of carbon ever
known by a secret process of electri:
heat properly applied and accurately
measured. Because of the added
toughness of this recaraor.ited steel
the teeth of Carbo Magnetic razors
will neither bend nor break and are
esconditionatly guarantees.
Bat teat this uwwor•.dlffonsrlly
gorarairatertel razor ::1 your c Vin
some -of have los$ h:rber oar it on
tea -for thirty days
Drop ■s a postal, er butter yet,
come in and see us and we wi:l give
you our new propositicn for having
these razors tested without oldies.
Ilion to purchase, together with our
tet booklet " Hints ea Sharing."
srnopls 01 1110 Condit;
Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or any male over 111
years old may homestead a quartets',
scctoni of available Dominion land is
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant trust appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub -agency for the district. Entry bit
proxy may be had at the ngenoy, on
certain conditions, by father, mother
sots. daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties :--Six nentiss residence upon
and cuittrgtion of the land in eaoh
of tin. yese'+• A houraday
live within nine miles of esteleiser bomrne
stead 011 a !farm of at least 80 acres
o'cly owned and necnpied by him er
tis father, tnotLer, son, daughter.
brother or sister.
In certain districts n hotnestcaJor
in good standing tiny pre-ompt a
quarter section alongside his homer
stead, Price pc'r nonemDutics•r
DTust reside six3• mouths ineach of six.
years from date of homestead entry
rinoluding the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who hos exhausted
lilt night si cannot ob-
tain haotpec-emptiesteadron may take ipur-
chneed homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. Unties. -Must
reside six months in moi of three
housewoirthe fifty rcres and erect
W. w. ('onY,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N. it,-Unauthorhed pnblicallon of this adverting
mens will not be paid for 1
Toe Usborne and Hibbert
W. S. Cole, Druggist Earner's Mutual Fire Insur-
gg anon Gompanu
--- Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
A largely -signed petition has been I'resid•'nt-J. 1. It(!8,SELL.
(1 111(1 by Ile A+bfleld '1'ownsllii, Vier'.I'residcnt-\V, II, 1'ASBMORA
I council in favor of a local option DIRECTORS
by-law. The petition has been fives- \VM. Roy, 13rittvtint.N P. 0
ably received by the Township (att.- WM. Bnock %VINC'I/I/IAEA P, O.
crs. who have deeded to gran t Le T, HTAN, DunLIN P. 01
repttcst ns yelled in the f)etrticrn. IIOiiFltT NORRIS, Steffe,
Conse.luently a vote will to talc( •1
in Ashfield a: the tnunie;pal clec- A(lf;ti'r`3,
toile in Jinn try to decide whether JOHN F.SSEItV, Exeter, 'threat fest
I tor license, are to issued her. • Usborno and hiddutph.
after in thSt Township or rel. OLIVER IHAIIITIS, Minns. a,re•at
There are at present four !sews•••, for Ilibt,ort, Fullerton and Logen.
places in Ashfield two in Dungannon.
Ontartt ono at T'ort Albert and one nt Kei-
Seov•Treas. Farquhar.
GLADMAN d 8TAN131'11\. 'b.li,:itere