HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-10, Page 1r
Phone No. 32.
6HrJtffl OooJ Galore
Shop Early and Often
VVe can wait on you Xmas week but can do much
better now when the crowds are not so large.
This is Christmas month; The glad time of the year.
It makes us think of our friends and wonder what we
can buy them for a Xmas or New Years present. Make
this Store your headquarters to do your holiday shop-
ping and you will find us well prepared to supply your
Dainty New Collars
The most beautiful lot we
have ever shown. All the
newest creations in Ladies'
are shown here in
all the New Dainty Colors.
From 25c. up to $1 each.
Over 100 dozen of the nicest
range have ever shown.
From 5c. up to 50c. each.
Silk Scarfs and Fas-
We are showing some very
nice Scarfs and Fascinators
for Xmas. Nothing prettier
for a present.
Swell New Belts
In Leather. Elastic, Metalic
and Brochette. These belts
have all
arrived and d are
the very newest thing out for
Xmas. From 25c. up to 75c.
New White Waists
A nice lot of New white
\Vaists for the Xmas trade.
To see theta is to like then,
all prices.
Ladies Gloves
Always in demand for this
time of the year. Kid, Cash-
mere, Suede, and Wool in
Lnng;and Short lengths,
Big Millinery Clearance
It will surprise you the big discounts we are giving on
all our Millinery. Everything in the Millinery line must
be cleared out and if cutting the prices will do it, you will
certainly get some bargains. It all must go at some price.
So you will get the benifits of our losses, We are not
counting how much we loose, as long an we clear it out.
Do Not Forget the Boys for Christmas
We have a swell lot of new ties. Some in nice separate
boxes; New Mufflers from 25c to $1.110; New Suspenders in
fancy Sox, New Kid
and CapsMocha and everythingloves ' they ma1 to y
rs! Furs! Furs!
Don't forget that we are Ileadquartess for Furs, and
there is nothing better or more useful for a Xmas present,.
We have a big stock of fur lined Coats, Ruffs, Muffs, Caps.
Come and see the big discount we are giving on our Fur
Lined Coats. They are real beauties at the prices.
ones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N••••••••••••••••
Ws have a tarots amount of private funds
OW On farm and village properties at lowrete
Barristers Solicitors. Main St -Mutter
• 2I
EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 10th 1908, $I.00 per year in advance
Union Evangelical
The union n on
�ervices Numbers are ,Arcady manifesting
which began a week ago under the their desires for a new and Christ
direction of Revs. Crossley and Run- like life.
ter arc increasing in interest and We would urge all who havo a_ ny
deepening in spiritual power. 'The inclination towards that which -is
meetings of Sunday were of special good, to make the best use of the
interest, particularly the evening grand opportunity for decision.
meeting, the James Street church be- At the committee meeting on Fri-
ing filled. Parties were here from day evening in connection with the
St. Marys, ILucan, Hensel!, Centralia Crossley and Hunter meetings, Mr.
Kirkton and other places. Tho meet- Going .was appoirit.d chairman and
ing of Monday evening was of great Mr. 11. E. Ruston sedretary. The
power. Mr. Hunter's Getting Gun finance committee +tvere n'fgointed,
addresses are delivered with telling IMr. R. N. Rowe, Mr. Senior and Mr.
effect on the large audiences, and McCallum. Mr. Prior was appointed
he who remains untouched by any as chief usher and Mr. A. J. Ford
of the sharp shots sent flying at ran- assistant.
• , dom. either keeps well out of range
2 • or has so encased himself in (bullet
proof armour that there is very lit-
tle hope for ever piercing it.
•• While Mr. Crossley's song and ser -
2 neon thrills the heart of the listen-
* and awakens in him a desire for
• • iZ
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
! University.
Dental Surgeon
Office over (Madman & Stanbury's
Main street -EXETER.
at CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur
Successor to A. it. Ram- W. BROWNiN(i M. D.. M. 0
ter► . 8. Treats ,all domestic ani- Js +
aha on most approved principals. P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
Spe al attention to dentistry. Office Iraborstory. Exeoffice ter. �sldeoeace. Dominion
at Rnrnsay's old stand on Main street. Associate Coroner of Huron.
Night call at Peter Mawden's residence
Main street.
Accounts Collected
It 0\F:Y to son at lowest rates.
lrl North West Land., for Sale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
R. 'bight. M. D., M.C. 'I'. and
•S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity, two years resident physidian
Royal .tl
� Alexandra Hospital, etc. Ot13ce
and residence, I)r. Amos' old stand
:Andrew Street, Exeter.
B ( 11.I.1 PS, EXETER, I.I(:
• eAuctioneer. Sales can Mdrtln
ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable sased son
Orders can he left ath �
t e TI.fhN)
( f17ce
Are offering some big Bar -
Licenee(1 Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in all }.arts, Terms 'rational)!and satisfaction guaranteed f •
Sewing Machines
Pianos, Organs,
We have nnllmIted private tands for love..
teti"nt opO niasers•;.. ofarm or •111(yte rpertp at 'owes
of l
InciCte.ON a: C'ARLIN()
ON & CARLi? G,
•t►7ere. Mall tritons, Notaries, Conrel_tincts
Comtnla.l•,nors, Solicitors tar the Molsoas
Hank. Etc.
boner to loan at lowest tete.; of Interest.
R OARL+tr• a A. L. U. itioneo■
'� Lewis Thoi»as& Nutter
They have in stock one Dominion
Piano mohogany finish, This i'iaro 7
has I vet) in use about eight months k
regular pr ice $'rill 00 sale trice $175.00 I
call and see this instrument as it is the (
best value they have ever offered.
Also big bargains in Fountain Pens,
Sleighs, Doll Carriages, Hymn honks, I
Bibles etc. 1
Hear Mr. Crossley sing in the meet-
Rev. J. E. Hunter will he in the
Main Street church Sunday morning
There will hen meeting for mein
only in the Main Street church next
Sunday afternoon at 3.45. Addresses
by Revs. Crossley and Hunter.
School Reports Gladinan 67; SfatlleY McFalls 61.
enrolled 33; 'Average attendance 31.
HIGH SCHOOL t'i41'ARTDfE`T Jr. Ii. -Marguerite Pickard 71:
Fornl In. -Donors. liaise Collins Mary Day 67; Edna Johns 55: Russen Marshall f,0: Jack Ilurdon 47,.
82; Eddie Willis, 78; Lulu Martin. 78
Tom. Sanders, 70; I ass, Alva Mc- Tr. i't. II,-\lilton Kidd May Pat-
terson, Harold Iloyle, Grace Carling
McMahon, 13; Beat tic Martin, 71: '-rr
John Oestreicher, 70; liathlecu Stow'_
art, 70 • 'Lillian Snell, 69: Loney
Heywood, 69 ; Alma McPherson, 65;
Ida stow', 65 ; Ida Marchand, ' 65;
l•:ll:u+t lIsa ,'ert of ; Eddie Jones. 62;
A•1 i t '',w, 61 • \Villin "limey, 61 :
I••.ne Ilentifetr; 61 ; Earl Copeland
1 Nt.. ce veal 29. Daily overage 27.
tV. 11. 1VE11,ENIIAMMEIt,
Form H. -Honors. \Villi:t Monteith
84. Torn I'enhnle 76. Pass, iGladys
JCestle 71, Ethel Case 70, Charley
Dunsford 68, Loftus Iiern 68, Arthur
Coleman 67. marry Treibner 67, Vic-
tor Sweet 66; Iiarry Carling 160, Hub-
ert Jones 6:1. itoswell Douga1162, Jean
Grassick 02. Gladys Ford 62. No. on
on roll 21. Daily average 20.
8. 1.. G1tEGOit Y, Teacher,
Form 1 and Commerical. -Com-
merical 1 Honore. G. ltissett 81, O.
Wood 76, :Pass F. Beaver 73, I':. or et t h the end othe sec-
ond Wood 68. Commercial t: Honors. II. the standing of 8. S. No. 13. Hay. and finger, rougon the left hand. The
Pope 85, F. hunter 83, Pass L. Hand_ for the month of November. Names lone was smashed. He had to drive
ford 70. Commercial 3. Pass B. Boyle l'faff :itr Sr oflll.t Annie rGrcyn, Horace
to lirucefield to have the att,un,I
7' . F. Handford 03. Form 1 Honors. (Ir •sv 1
Ladies doing their Xwas shopping
can rest and have lunch at all hours
at Foll;ek's restaurant.
The Crossley and Hunter revival
meetings in the James Street Meth-
odist Church, are being attended by
large audiences. The evangelists
who were here nearly twenty years
ago, have not Lost any of their old
time vigor and are doing good relig-
ious work.
Santa Claus has his head quarters
at Deerinfs's Bazaar. Merlin wool at
atcents an ounce.
The first real winter weather of
the season arrived on Monday. Tho
day was stormy and blustery. The
sleighing at present is not bad, but
many .farmers and others would like
(lo have 'rain. Many wells went dry
during the past fall and there was
not sufficient rain to keep up the
When buying your Xmas candies,
remember Statham has a full var-
iety'. •
The friends of Miss Margaret
Marie Moir, eldest daughter of the
late George Moir, formerly of this
place, have received the ttnnouncc-
nient of ther marriage, Saturday,
Nov. 28th. So Dr. Wm. Dick Cutter
of New York at El Paso, Texas. Miss
Moir was superintendent of one of
the largo hospitals in New York.
Rev. A. H. Going. 'B. A., 'pastor of
the James Street Methodist chureli,
has -been tendered the unanimous in-
vitation from the Zion 'Tabernacle
Methodist church, Hamilton, at a
salary of $1,400 a year. Rev. Goinghas given the matter serious consid-
eration and has accepted the Call to
take effect next June 'at the close
of the General Conference year.
In speaking of the lineup for a
hockey team to represent London in
the O. ill. A. this 'winter, the sport-
ing editor of the London Free Press
speaks of a husky man attending the
business college for cover point. Ile,
probably refers to our own Sandy
Bawden. who is attending n. busi-
ness college in London, and there
is no doubt but that Sandy will de-
liver the goods if ho is a memner
of the Learn.
BEDARD-At Zurich on Nov. 29th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, a
80 (1.
ItADER-At the Goshen Line. Hayon the 1st. to Mr. and Mrs. E.
ilfred Rendle, Cloy Norsworthy, Rader, a son,
Vera Marshall. Priscilla Collingwood SARAItAS-In flay. Goshen Line. on • No. on roll: Ave'V..e.attendanco 35. the 2nd. Int. to :lir. and r• s•Novelties for XmF. 1V. 110\\'AP.D. Sararas, a daughtr.as Gifts
Jr. II,- Honors. Alice Taylor 62 CUNDY 8TATLIAM-At the home of
Rhoda Cornish 89. Pass. Violet Welsh the Ibridc's parents, 'London Road The problem of what to give can be solved by E;Xatllln-
i73: Drew ICnight. 72; Mervin Rus- so„th Wednesda7. DeaQnd. by itev.
sen 71: 7[c rbert hector 71; iliilrlred A. Ii. Going, Gertrude Statham to ing Cllr stock, A wealth Of suggestions for attractive
'lardy 63. Sr. alkPt. IL Millie Wal- Mr. 11. Cundy.DIBD Christmas Gifts, unusual, novel, pleasing articles that a )-
ker 82 ; Lillie Walker 81 ; Willie Jae -
'77; 'Vass, Irene Easterbrook 74: CHRISTiE-In 1libbert on Sunday. deal to people of taste, are to be had at prices that ai'8 with -
Walter Harness 72 ; Jr. Pt. II, Clif- Dee. 61b. David Christie aged 88. in the reach of everyone.
ford Mallet 00; George Kelly, 87; Al- ICF.STLE-In StephenIiestle, aged (16;
, on December
vin Cornish 85 ; Czar harness 73, r
Pass, Vera Sweet 73; Milton Fled -d- 4th, 1908 'Moses
ford 72; (Leos' Dearing 09: °Clarenco years, 4 months and 8 Clays. Imported Perfumes Manicure Sets
Morley 68. No. on roll 38 : Average French and American in a verset
attendance 31. On Ii ridaY. Thos.\Vi �' For My Ladies Dresser
,rrinten. of of odors pleasing to the most fast'.
1 Tne very hest French Ebony
cat. He was at Klppen putting up a 'handles.
S. N. No. 1:1, HAY. plower mill for pumping_ Purposes. Merry Widow Bags i
Ebony Military Brush Sets.
Following is the correct report of when in some manner a gas pipe was Well made, strong and pleasing in ---.1.-
f e 1 h appearance. Each $2,25 to $SMo.
Art Garland Baseburners
from $34.00 to $45.00 with oven.
Art Souvenirs with oven
Art Huron Baseburner
.$3 2.50.
Jewell Baseburner
Coal and Wood Heaters
$5.00 to $22.00
Carpet Sweepers
Special Xmas prices 15 cents to $1.r)I). A most acceptable Xmas (sift.
Kawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc.
We make a specialty of liavetroughing, Roof-
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and bo convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town
M. V. MARTIN. Clinton. met twith n painful ( ••cid- dious, at prices to suit everyone.
G. Hooper 80. C. Copeland 80. W. Sit -
Ivry 80, W. Wcisniiller 79. C. Wood
76, I'ass, \V, Stewart 74. A. Bissett
71, M. Elston 71. 11. Sweet 72,11. Deere
ing 72. 11. Puke 71, 7.. Stacey 09,
M. Frayne 68. V. Iloggarth 89. 11.
Iiauton 60. No. on roll 41, Cornmer-
cial 12. Fora, 1 32. Daily Average 42.
ItOUM 1V, port of the standing or the pupils of\
Sr. 4-ifonors, Reginald Ilissett E6, H. N. No. 1. Stephen.. for the month 4. 1. putting tt off, often through
Clarence lleyenod 84, Ethel Brick- of .November. Names are in order of 'fotlletfulncss. These little amounts
wood 80. Pass �I'reston Dearing 70, merit ;- 1V, (llerbie Kraft, harry however, aggregate a large sum
David Hall 60, Machell harrows 115, Schwartz, Willie Schwartz, Alvin X1'10' cost of keeping 1111 a weekly ie
Mary Davisa 's
t t Go May Jewell ,
y c ,II 63. ,1• •r•
r. Cornish, 'nt. a 'n
of h C ( ( s' 1•
is Clarence I cn t Lilher, Arva I►rok- 3 every Year. ' Workmen
1. -Honors. ltuhy Wood 111, Madeline enshire. Lorne .\lorlock, Otto Brown nnost. he 'paid, manufacturers of the
Carling 88, Lulu Snell 8;1, Jean Rel- w ;le paper will not wait. rent. in -
11( Goxenrth lu-
st' ince and taxes must be p:ompt-
ly '1tended 10, and the subscription
lis is looked upon 'is one of the
"ou es from %spiel► thirty or forty
tier ut of the cost may he drawn.
What. yr 'thanks are due those who
have par up, end in a special man-
ner to ill who have paid a year
or Iwo in runner, there are very
many others n would like to thank
personally or I letter ou receipt
of admittance. �_
Auto Strop Safety Razors. Tho very'
Leather Hand hags. best safety razor Made.
ool,c r ; .Sr. ii (Lena Stacey, Jessie c" °i ' _____ Sterling Silver Sewing Sets. 1 Morocco 73111 Books.
Carrick ; Jr. Ii, Clance Ilooper, W.
Ilooper. ;Sr, pt. iI, Norman Carrick, ltnrr
Alice Pfaff : Jr. pt. II Cora •'ord; Sr.
Id. I, Mandie McDonald, Alma Dear-
ing. Ethel Carrick.
I. 11. Armstrong. Teacher.
The following is the collect re -
The pt•eaent year has been n very
hard one in which to collect mousy
W. S. HOWEY Phm. B.
and the newspaper Ulan is frequent- Ask to see the Squeaky Beat's.
ly among .the last to be paid. The
debt is usually for subscriptions to
the paper for one or two year* and ---
not he,::g 1c'y large, the debtor
don 83. Stella Sonlhcott 80,ircne Div-
ers 79. Willie Heideman 78, Irene Isar
dy 75. Pass. Ariel Beverley 72. Leon
Treble, 72: 1'lorry Dinney, 70: Greta
'Ijssel t, 69; Mary Achoa,m, 03; Rus-
sell Balkwill 68; Nellie Jortes 67; F.
I h •r.
c .ol G• \
1 G n
Walker 60 ; Velma 1 Eason et brook 1160.
No. on roll 31; At ernge attendance,
Gordon Col Wish :Nista('
Clinton Eillt,•r, Jr. 111. Ewer Itoe..
zh•r, Edna Amy, 11:1 Eill>,'r, Lewis
8nmi111. Sr. 11 Eddie Cornish. Clinton
Morleck and Joseph Schwartz even
Joey Ilrokenshire. Mervin Coxworth,
Emerson Wein. Annie Aukin. Jr. 11,
Conic Sel reoder, Clara Morlock,
Olive Cornish. Adeline \V0:11. I't. I1.
Hazel Ptesrcator and Mary \Wilds
even. I't. 1. Stella Cornish. Niel vitt
C. VOSI'E1:. \", :,t, Elgin •1%ilbcr.
Maid(' C. .Tenr,sott. Teacher.
Sr. VI. Bonors.-Linden ltarr,:y
Muriel .16,nee. 91 ; Hari y S;;,•!1 1.l'MLEV SC1iQO1• REPORT
: Lola T;lylof 87; Blanche Qu ince
S7 ; Irmo Bn,1et 87; limpet Hese y Following is the repo: t of S. B.
aa; Oliver Irodgert 83; Mita Rowe No. 10 ('shorne for the month of
9; Oscar Anderson 78; itruce Will- November Names are in order of
se 76. I'a'. "I Ittoft fear 73; M. merit. 1'. Mary M .cQ,:• en. Sr. IV.
Ilatcliford 62. .I•. 111.-. 'donors, M. Honors At chit Mot is in. 1'ass Il!oesom
'nr,• so; 1t, r; r 1 e , Ilo,lt;c: t se; 1•alu Aliderson. May •110; ton, Earl Treffry.
1 1 Ielt 86; 1:10i. rice 'tows. 86; star- Jr. 11', ''ern Whit L( 'c. and Myra
ter Rivets 85 ; .10-. I'ollick 81: wit- Mornnn a pin! n',,,n
,e Manson 83; 1'::';. 1 Day 81 ; Anna ('nil'. .1r. II, ,11 n,,,,_. (•.,nn. 7forlton
l�.11 70. Pn.s \\•rlfrid Dlaek 73; M. McDougall. Johh ,N°.;
1 1 1
leywood 73; ).illi. Marchand 70;
Russell Flynn 09 ; Maurits. Senior 69;
Alberta lin gilt 6't; Labelle Handford
"t; Edgar Ilorney 69; Anne Day 117
Eddie Anderson 02 ; Efts(' Itnwcy 01;
live McDonald 69. No. on roll 4R.
verage 43.
From 13 cents a box to $1.75 the
largest stuck in town.
Civil Engineer a Architect Call and get ane of their Artistic \
(Late Department et Putlio Works, ('ana,ta.) Calendars. i
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County I
Work, Merit*. railroads, Sewerage anti 't•aterworts
(hewn Wharves, Bridges and Re enforce,' Concrete 8. 11. No. 5, t'SBOItN E I
hone 4120 London Ontario Folloiviri'r is lb, report of R. II. No. i
5. 1'shorn,' for ,h.• month of Nov.
V. elate, honors. Myrtle Moodie t;2; i
DR. G. F. ROULNTON. L. D. N. Intel llis•ctt, 75. Sr. IV class, pass C
L1). D. S.. Dentist. Member of Elva 1'or,l 73; 'ern Moodie 62; Xi'. o
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor lie lterieek 60. Jr. IV, Blanche Ford 8
Oreduate of Toronto University. 6-,. ilei' boner.. Mise:e Moodie,
OiviCK:-Over Dickenn & ('arling's ;a. 1a. II, Orby Keetl• 72; ',I'hel-
'Law Offlce. in Dr. Anderson's former 111:1 Ford G1. 1 claee. honors. Gordon
ental parloro. Perkin• 80: vase. Charlie front 70.
Miss L. Robinson, Teacher.
1?t.Stt: M. SfcCALI.tiM.
1100M VI.
Forni 11. 8r hint -Honore. Alma
Tack 80 ; Florence Wood 83: Maud
lick. 83: fears Jackson 91: Marjorie 5• \o. 15 Stephen for the month of
lueton 80; Edith Davis 79; harry Noveinhc•r, Names ale in order of
'arsons 77. Pass. Jennie 11ussell, 74 merit. 'Sr. IV, r•reirl t L+ehroeJ
.alit li;(-''her. 69: ,ins. is, rguson 08; Hilda hailer. Jr. iV. Willie 5chroe•
G,.. Cra•:_ 67 ; I: it s C'nokeon 66: 8. der. int. 111, ItoseltR Rader, Claris
1-•:d 06: \n• mini Mackey 65; frhoe. 11. ' rlinr. Jr. 111. ;Gladys Turn•
terke 02. l'or,, ii, Junior. Hon- be 1l. bells Fischer. Vet a Luther.
re. Lila '/.0 •fie 87: Marvin Vine.•nt Itoy Btanlake. Mr. Li, ileatrice Turn -
3; Amy doling 77: Gerald Pit ton 76; bull, Erlich 11,eknrsnn, ,Jane Char-
)ora ',wilder' 7.i. Pass. 1)o;othy M.
r,(t,, Fred Rhutrt. t•:then t)) ver.
White 73; (rcorg(' Ort Wein G7: (nor- Jr. I1. Itosebcllt Pfaff, John Heck-
mann. 1't. 1, Alb, rt Tischer. Adolph
Keller, Roll attend Ince a7.
Ethel M. 1Ccllermann, Teaeher.
Joy Whitlock. .tr,l;,nv to,tees 8e.A
ii. Beta ('-,n,,. \ 31 '.\n,l,•rso,L
Blanche Cann, _.1 ,t.1. .\• i1. Willie
Horton. Byron rI•,- flry. l't. 1. Ar-
thur Treffry. Lloyd Morton, Hazel
liern;ck, Robert ileath.
J. V. Miners, treachcr.
t R. S. NO. 15 STEPHEN
Thr toltotv:ntr ie the report of R.
don Ford 69; Gordon 11 r lin T3; Al-
len Carter 69; Bertha Horner 68;
Karl \Veidenhammer 6S: Mt Dille
"Fi.ol'1t 11?I•:STION"
Its just a .lite sti n of yes! or no !
I)o you want coin 111 [lour an.l car
Christrns Matinee.
, im a'.:• ijla, 1 A..
i' 1
1 1 IU�QI.jt�l , ► ,e
t •J
v �{,�
I � T JJ �►:y., ��, � 't 11
• ,
111011 results. or ( 0 you want Snow I !•-'�'�r+• -�%iw�
i :YAC c{� `
�`�t♦"dab'�..��1':-c^r{-++„;o's_m.'_�� 3? /. +:S'l'
r im 1 loin and very superior re-
sults' lis a sin Ie question. but
on' 1hnt Inean •eat (kat ;n your
We have area no cx)x'nse in
canipp.I g our ttilire mill, most suit-
able for ah., production of family
Have youu \ tried our Snow- Drift
n(tch h/nhpe,•(h:oat to.luaalllityotherr.t
the soars' . Bep n m
'rhe,, you. 1.stWeewill'i not disind-
Our tical
ilia the (a; hopp:n,r plant is pleas-
li, hers. i ie among the gifts. it is something that will
)OOK EONS & CO. K give 'bean more real, whole-
some pleasure for a long time than anything else you can buy.
Christman means more to the Chihli en than to anyone else. THIS
CHRISTMAS wi11 mean more than any that have parsed if ,1n
Mensa 11. Flour 51:1:e.
Bring the Children in to hear the Phonograph and let there decide. A
The sail - full line of instrunl('nts and all the new Records.
.! LaRiven thc t 1 1 1 RA•
one whie f rY 1 luestion lino been
CO(Itle, p o int y
for some Iliis
cords play four minuted and cost sac., Standard Records play
two minutes and cost Plc. Cat (loguce etc. for the asking. Hold at
ron some trouble
ncytime, owing- to the
Tt r •ti f applications frons thin,
:0ial.,, other officials at var-
of the eon and at the last ec.lion
n careful it was decided to make
at the 'felon of the 8111r�a o
I'rmnno je1Als and ►H;little They •sleeted
A comms a periodto of „ • ti clod
n Saul, sated ant
i'a:d itt
in oth
J. '%'illi'+