Exeter Times, 1908-12-03, Page 8'i'li!;J 1✓ X :TER 'L'1Dd1 S DEC. 3rd 1:lUS
le++•}+++++++++++++++++++++++, ++++++++++++++++fir•
C11FstuIas will coon be here. Are you getting ready. We
are ready with the most varied and best assorted stock
suitable for Xmas that you'll find in this section. China
and Glassware snake lovely Xmas poxes. Corrie and hes the
h•'aut:fol stock we are showing.
lf5.0I for English China Tea
Sea 10 pekes, pure white
body, with 111066 rose decor-
atious and traced with gold.
*7.25 for Austrian China Tea
Bet, thin %''bite body with
small pink rose decorations
and stippled with gold, this
is our Bridal Rose Set.
$12.50 for the daintiest Jap-
anese hand painted Tea Set
that we have ever 'offered,
small mauve floral decora-
tion genuine hand painted.
30. 35, 50, it 1.00, up to $2.50
for a range of fancy China
Jardineree, that will make
you wonder some, Lovely
for Xmas presents.
25, :35, 50, 73, up to $1,75 for a
range of China Cake Plates
hest we have ever shown,—
"Yes they are a lovely lot."
30, 35, 40, 5(1. up to $1.75 for a
range of Salad and Fruit
tfiishes, that for effect and
value are simply unbeatable
50. W. $1.O0, 1.25. and 1.50 for
a swell lot of Fancy China
Cream and Sugars.—"Yes
they are lovely."
$2.00, 2.25, 3.00, up to 0,50 for
the nicest lot of Toilet Sets
you'll see in Exeter, 40 dis-
tinct styles to pick from.
$7.00, 8,00, 9.00, up to 15.00
the set for our 108 peice
Dinner Set the better sets
are truly works of art and
controlled by ourselves for
:30, 35, 50, 60, and 75c., for the
daintiest lot of fancy China
Spoon Trays in town.
15, 50, 75c„ up to $1.25 for a
lovely range of Cellery and
Roll Trays they are beauties
81 25 up to 6.00 for the most
bestitifui lot of fancy Parlor
and table Lamps we have
seen every Lamp a bargain.
Now Liston"
our China and farcy Glass
ware comes to us direct from
the makers, that (means a big
saving to our customers.
$40.50 up to 5$.5(1 for a lot of
Ladies fur -lined coat, lined
with marmot and Canadian
rat trimmed with Isabella
Sable ,American Sable and
reat Alaska Sable collars
the equal of which for qual-
ity and value cannot be
$75. for Gent's swell fur -lined
coat. crime Rat lining with
rich prime
collar,—a beauty
$5.50, 0.50, 7.00, 10.00 and 15.00
for a range of Ladies neck
furs. that will tickle the
strings of any money bag.
$12. for white Thibbett Lamb
set long throw and large
pillow Muff.
$17 for a lovely Grey Squirrel
Fur set long full throw and
large pillow Muff. They're
$3.75 for a lovely 1Qt of new
net waists Silk lined and
trimmed with fancy Fillet
lace and insertion.
$2.2.50, 25.00 and 30.00 for a
showing of Volvet Room
Rugs, for richness, style
and quantity they cannot
be beaten, seamless and very
50c. for Ladies fancy Collars
"Beautiful" that is what we
say of them. Colne, give
us your say.
35, 50 and (IOc. for a range of
Ladies Tan, Brown, and
Black Leather Belts tbat
are certainly big values.
50c. Men's, Ladie's and Gent's
new Phoenix shaped neck
Mufflers—they are dandies.
25, 35, and 50c. for the finest
range of men's r,: w Neck
Ties you'll bee in Exeter, to
see them, will make you
want them.
$1,00, 1.25, and 1.50 for 3 spec-
ial Linea in men's Kid gloves
Very suitable for Xmas gifts
Just &other word
Buy your Xmas Groceries
from us we can save you some
good money, our groceries
are choice, clean and fresh,
we sell Redpath grandulated
sugar and no other its hest
by test.
We want all kinds of
cash; Butter, Eggs, Dried
Farm Produce; it is just as good as
Apples, Beane, Poultry, etc., etc.
.4.44 •+++++++++++•!•++++++++++++•1•+++•1•+++++++++ +++.1-1++4 ++4 •++++•1•++-1•+++++++++ ' .0
Perfect in
Positive in
We again call attention to
our grade of WATCHES
Goofs Material, Fine Finish,
Ind Accurate Adjustment are
all combined in our High
Grade Watches.
Our aim is not
a question
of price,bu
ity, like anything else it is al-
ways cheapest in the end.
If you want a good
reliable watch call on
Wedding Mops Spectsity.
•••••••• •
Only one month more in this year.
Mrs. A. (:vans, of London. is visit -
int: tf rierr(Is in town.
The county couneii meeting cote-
mcnces at Godcrioh to -day,
Mrs. \Vat. Statham and Mrs. 1Vm.
Wilson are visiting in Cargill.
Miss Ronthron is spending a few
days with relatives in Hensel!.
Mr. James 'Bonthron, of Toronto,
visited his hinter flitting the pas
Miss Vera Campbell lias been em-
ployed as saleslady with Snell &
During the severe (windstorm last
week the smokestack of the Gillis
will was blown over,
Mr. J. G. Slanbury was {n Toron-
to during the past week in connect.
Lion !with some legal tnatters.
Mrs. Joseph Snell and daughter
left (Thursday for Roston where
they .will remain for sometirtae.
Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Creech return-
ed home last Thursday after, spend-
ing their honeymoon in Detroit.
Mr. and 'lira. U. Itowcliffe , and
daughter Elva. •,f Granton, visited
friends in town Sunday and Monday.
Mr. 'L, C. Pluming, of Clutton, tens
in town elonday looking after the
interests of the local branch Y. M.
C. A.
Messrs. Fred Kerr, John Triebncr
and (Dan ilartleib took in the shoot-
'ttee.'.ournamcnt at Parkhill last
'Ti.. bachelors and •benediets la -
t, nd giving( an assembly in Mc.
Done •1
( J, s hall thin Thursday :even-
Uongias Stewart is epen(ling the
week .will► friends in llensall, file is
rapidly recovering from his recent
i 11 nes,,,
Mr. and Mrs. T..7. Wilson return.
ed last week from their honeymoon
trip .and have taken up their resi-
cnee on Himcoe street.
The mild weather during the hast
Guth his been hard on winter
pples, many comply:ping that gaan-
ties are rotting. especially the
The Old
cure a
Way to
The New Way
"Cure a
26 eta. Box.
weys Drug Store
Market Report.—The following to
the report of Exeter markets, eor-
rectcd up .tO Nur. Leith
Wheat '92 cents.
Oats 37 to 3M cents.
Peas, 75 to f2 cents.
Marley, 48 to 52 cents.
Shorts, *2'J.
Gran, $20.
Mendel Flour, 13TAIt, *2.75.
Feed Flour $1.4u to $1.45.
Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel.
Vetter e3e. per pound.
Eggs 23e. per dozen.
Boas. liveweight *5.7e.
(logs, dressed, S7.50 •to
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Dried A1'ples 6 1-2 cents.
Those wishing furs repaired or re-
modelled should bring them in this
month 'M, IJALK\V1LL, Andrew at.
geon. will be at the Commercial
Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. In. to 4.30 p.
,n. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of ewe ear and nose treated.
Neat visit Saturday. December 19th.
Call alt the new Barber shop north
of the Metropolitan hotel for a clean
shave and a good hair out ; also
clothes cleaned and pressed at rea-
sonable Yates. MACK !VINCENT,
Collector W. J. 1lissett will he at
the Town Hall every Friday until
Friday, Dec. 11th and also on Satur-
day, Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 12, 14
and 15.
Physical Culture Class. — Young
men and boys wishing to join Serge.
Major (lector's Physical Culture
class for three months will leave
their naives at the "Times" office.
Terms, young men $2.00 for course.
boys ($1.00; course to commence Dec
As a special inducement to nem
subscribers the Times will be sent
to any address in Canada tram now
until Jan. 1 1908 for one dollar.
DOG 'LOST.—On 'Tuesday. Nov. 24
bound, spotted, white and • black,
with little tan on right front shout.
der ; scar on Left thigh. Answers to
the name Brannigan. Suitable re-
ward given if :eturnei to Ea.
For S. S. No. 8, (Township. of Step-
hen. State qualification and exper-
ience and salary wanted. Make ap-
plication 'to Alex. J3avclle, Trustee,
(:rand tl)end, Ont. -
An 11:ili:111 Car WWI the auto race
last Thursday and Dot•audo (von rhe
the disputed marathon race from t
American. It's tercet weather for
the .Dagos.
There were a number of Usborne
taxpayers in town Saturday, 'the
lull nship 1 censurer and collector be-
ing here to receive the annual a•-
v. Sanders, of 'Lucknow, wilt
charge of the services in the
:.vitt Memorial church next Sun -
ay. Rev. Collins will go to Luck -
not. for the day.
Mr. Barry Morris. of 1Vinghatn, D
D. G. \1., AI O. 15. %V, Evill 4u' her
Friday .night to pay the local lodg
an official visit. All the member
are re:Nested to attend.
Look! Stewart is paying to
choice turkeys 14e; Choic
geese 10e; Choice ducks 11c
Butter, prints or rolls 24c;
eggs 25c; Dried apples (i4c.
Go to Stewarts.
So far nothing has been done re-
garding the voting on a local Option
by-law in Exeter at the coming mun-
icipal elections, and it is not likely
the matter will be tried here this
A little clean in Philadelphia, "hose
father is a prominent merchant and
ns such, clever loses nn opportunity
to descant upon the virtues of adver-
tising, one day asked his mother;
"May edict' and I play at keeping
store in the front room?" 't es,"
assented 'the mother ; "hut you must
b very,
c'med." 1
1 u "All 1 ri •h
6 Rnlt
l rho
youngster "we'll pretend we don't
Evangelists Crossley and (Monter
did not commence their seriv, of
meetings Sunday as expected. being
detained in Toronto until Tuesday,
Mrs. Russell. wife of Evangelist Rus.
sell, however came in their pisco
Saturday and lectured in the ,Pres-
byterian church Sunday morning and
in the Jame% Street church in the
evening. Revs. 13oing and Fear ex-
changed pulpits in the ihorning.
Mrs. Russell held evangelistic
vices in Ole James Street chu ai
Monday evening and on Toe. ;kJ
Croswork,l.ley and llunlcr commencecommencedfb'
it'iiv"�'7�`71r:" iti ti :e -W li
fp,5�r. 4.1.• OA •Twp!:
Big Discount on all Mantles, Fur Coats, ?t
Lined (oats. Furs, Boots and Shoes.
We have a large stock to choose from.
Colne and get some of the bargains while
they last'
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce.
PHONE No. 22
One door North of Post•Oftice.
We sell good rubbers the Dainty mode.
re see.
see see es. see A A tr8
A visit to our store cannot fail to offer many valuable
suggestions in solving the perplexing questions "What to
buy for a Christmas gift at a moderate cost that will
combine all the essentials of elegance, practibility and ap-
Hair Brushes
With out question our
line is large and com-
plete. Prices that make
them desireable.
25c. — *3.00.
inspect Then
Ebony Goods
Everything in Ebony
including choice Toilet
and Manicure sets.
These make beautiful
presents for a lady.
Choose Early
Choice Gifts
Imported Perfumes,
Leather Goods, Post
Card Albums, Xmas.
Stationery, Xmas and
New Year Cards, Cal-
endars and Booklets,
Shaving outfits; Glove
and Handkerchief boxes
25c -- $5.00
Buy Now
Save Your Money by Buying Here.
W. S. COLE, Phm. B., Exeter
The Ladies Guild will hold their
0011101 bazaar on Friday afternoon
and evening, Dec. 4th, in the. Town
Hall. Admission 106. A good pro-
•, 1 grant provided. Mrs. 1Veideuham-
o 1 mer will recite; Rev. Arthur Car-
e lis)(', of Lucan, twill sing, a'eso good
s local talent.
✓ Enjoynte Tooth Paste 10c n tube
e 'Mr. James Northcott returned Sat-
; urday sight from the eVorthweet.
this !week. Cole's •Drug Store.
in spite of the sunimer''-^e tveatli.
er,1hg People
r. cal, niter r is re r
sof4he approach of C tetmas, and
Christmas buying is Arend: began.
Exeter merchants
ere displayin,t
Christmas goods anal it is hardly
n. cessary to point out t he ndren-
t 'res of buying cs I�• when ,focus
full and salespt0P )l8vs rtl0 n
,le 10 t up0►1 \thet o rush co-im.
i ticY tt'ill have twhctt
nirnce:. The arirertisi�R volums of
eel n t
T b
t JP o[
re T'
,mss indicate
th and Fhrcwd
the holiday .canon
buyers will Scan tilocarefir1ly for
announcements of the roods they
wish to purchase.
Miss (;ertrude E. 1, (son, dough.
ter of James Lawson. o[ well Sound,
was urarricd on Novembe fish to
Walker D. 113%s -den, of lila town
and formerly of Exeter. In 'a leng-
thy account of she event (F1 Owen 1
Sound Tinter says; "An re remote
pretty wedding rook pi le,' t: yes'
terday. the ('ontinefine paI.1•. �- 1
ing Miss Gertrude 1:. L;r,.en • g -
hie and granite dealer, and
1). :tlawden, son of the late
1latwden. of Eze'cr. The ser
was held in the home of th.
wh.eh was beautifailty decorat
the occasion with fern., pelt
cream roses. The )tippy roup)
in front of a greet bank of
lovely flowers, while the Rev.
Rodger conducted the tierviee,
THOUSANDS of • pretty Xmas
Cards now on sale at THE .PURITY
Miss Mabel Taylor entertained a
number of friends on Tuesday even-
Another Pioneer At Rest,—It is our
sad duty to chronicle this week the
death at his home in this village of
one of the Lost widely and favorably
known pioneer farmers in this part of
the country, in the person of Mr.
William Horton, er, Deceased was born
near Brockville in the county of Leeds
('APA bring me a Phonograph. Jattained lthe ear ripe and
gge consequently
You get them ab the PURITY. r the time of his death. When quite a
Mr. L. Bennett, of Deseronto, young man he came west and settled
visited his cousin, Mrs. J. A. Stew- in the county of Perth, on lot 5, con-
artvis last Friday. cession 14, township of Hibbert, which
`.1.. and ells. 1).uald DlcInn;s at that time was in its primeval con-
turtred Saturday froman c xt n••r ditioo. Being blessed with an e:ce
S. e ' e t.ionally strong constitution, which
trap to caster U. points, • qualification, supplemented by ambi
House and Lot For
Price vs Cost
Price of Merchandise is nothing. G t
price plus servicebility is Everything.'
Which do you want, low price or low
cast, extravagance or economy? If you
want low cost our goods will interest
you otherwise; they will not. Now is the
time to buy your winter stock. We
Dever carried a better or more complete
stock than we do at present.
SURE—EN UF—it is wonderful
g r a p h s
make desir-
able Xmas
gifts. Call
and hear
them a n d
get our
prices. A
number of
New Discs
half -p rice
needles and
It repro-
duces music
and human
voice 60
Each re-
cord plays
over four
GREATEST VARIETY of Fancy Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Ar-
ticles, Xmas and New Years Cards ever shown in Exeter.
Watch our window,
Can. Exp, Bid. THE P U R I T YJ.
t _
Times from now until January 1910
for $1.00
House and Lots for Sale
Large brick bouae, with every con-
venience, hard and soft water, also
two lots, with brick stable and drive
house. Ylpply at Times Office.
House to Rent
On 'Andrew St. north of the Metho-
dist parsonage, furnace in house,
bath, and in good state of repair
Apply to John 'Broderick, Sarept.a.
Property for Sale
Choice property in the village of
Exeter, tit teribed as follows.—the
easterly 25 acres of lot 16 in the lst
Concession of the Township of Us -
borne. This is choice property, is
well situated with two good spring
wells, all seeded to grass. Will be
offered for sale by .public Auction on
December 11th, at 2 o'clock, 'p. m.
at the Central hotel, Exeter, 'The
property twill be sold in part of bulk
to suit purchaser. Wm- \Vestcott,
proprietor. Terms made known on
day of sale or 'by applying to Thos.
Cameron, Auctioneer, Far _when
Mrs. (Geo. Beaman, of Regina. is tion and rare business tact and MAI -
expected here 'neat week to visit her
father, 'Mr. Robt. Frayne and other
friends and relatives.
It Chas 'been stated that Lorne Mc-
Taggart, who was wonted in connec-
tion with the wreck near Toronto,
has been heard from, being located in
Dr Art.
Ramsay, who
nr c
tr , .1
to his mother's house during the past
two tw,•,k, r,ufferitig. from it severe
attack of bronchitis, is able to get
nut and rxpcets to (cave for Ing.-_r-
,oll in a coeliac of days.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute will he bred no Fri-
day. 1)ecernber 4th, at 3 o'clock in
8 cn. :o
r a hall. Members are re locat-
ed to bring their Christmns frpresent
and suggestions.-- 'Mrs. Cobblediek,
The Big iiankrupt Stock Sale nt
the Exeter Bargain Store will con-
tinua anotu,•r week and to -day Thurs
tiny, another lot of Dry Goods will
ppLree,t on the Bargain Tables.
All the stock will be offered at Rat -
fleet -Itis Bargains. A'LL MUST GO
All I 1
shop r fr ature will also
offered nt half price. The store for
Lois or to rent. also a lot of first
class scales. All go for hill price.
.1. W. nitol)Ei ICK,
Mr. Thomas Bradley Pletcher, for-
merly of Holy food, Ont., died 00
the loth day of November, 1908. at
the home of his sort in tato, Malcolm
...lees. of lite firer of M. (:;Mies se
Co.. Barwick, Ont:n io. at the age of
73 }ears. 11 months a '16
Mr. Fletcher had Ken ailing for two
and a half year., and Dr. Gordon.
of Luck now. had beet treating hint
for catarrh of the stomach. The de-
ceased came to Canada from Hutton.
Cranswick, Vol kshirc, England In
the year 1856. iodating in Perth Co.,
where he retnaincd twelve ,wears.
From there he moved to Wills.. Tp.
)nice County, and settled at. Holy.
rood, 'where he res;lied for 1:9 years,
when 1:- moved to Ilurot1 Comity,
bene• ,o Barwick. Ontati0, where
le fleet after an illness of 5 months.
Mr. Fletcher tens a widower f0t• 18
cars and helves 7 grown up chit -
ren. four sous and three daughters
o rnotrrn his loss. 13,' went west
n ,tune of this year. thinking to
egain his benne. tie 1195 n p•itientEnd
offerer 'through hili illness :
Ent peacefully le r�cot. his tiod.
le wits a member of Zion aMetho-
ist ehureh at Holy! one for twenty
et daughter of ,lames i.itw.ott mar.
.alte: r' y
or r
attd s
51004 it
these 1
• A. el
sty, he soon cleared and so improved
his farm as to make it one of the
finest homes in the country, at the
same time acquiring a competency
which served him well in his last days.
He sold his farm about fifteen years
ago and purchased a residence in Ex-
eter, where he continued to live until
the time of his death. He was an
man. being strictly honorable up-
his dealings with his fellow men. Al-
though he encountered and endured
the many hardships incident to pio-
neer life, he retained his faculties to
a remarkable degree to the last and
being of a jocose and lively disposi-
tion, will be greatly missed by a large
circle of relatives and friends, upon
whom he frequently called during his
years of retirement, and in whose
omes his nature way almost a house-
hold word. Mr. Horton was twice
married, both wives having predceae-
ed him many years, the first being
Margaret (filen, eldest daughter ot the
late John Glen, of the township of Us -
borne and the second was Mr9. Sarah
Stone, of Ingersoll. He leaven to
mourn the loss of a kind and loving'
father, four urd
aughters, Mrs. Robert
Cole. of the township of Hay; Mrs.
John Beattie, of Varna; Mrs, Hugh
Mc Dougal on the old homestead and
Mrs. J. 1) Atkinson, of letterer. In re-
ligion lie was an Episcopalian and the
Impressive service at the largely at-
tended funeral, on Saturday, was con-
ducted by (Rev. W. D. Collins, rector
of Trivitt Mpmoral church. The re-
mains were interred in the family plot
in McTaggart's cemetery,
ADVERTISER, $2 per year.
The hest metropolitian paper in
Western Ontario.
Contsinn latest market quotations
and all general and local ne.vs worth
Send $1-50 for the LONDON
ADYERTISER for 14 months.
Remittances mast he received be -
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mrs. Mira Ilodgert and is teeing
offered by Fate by the executors to
close up the estate. On the (premises
are a substantial brick house. storey
and n a
frame rams stable
harn t few fruit trees; good 1weli and
2-5 of an acre ot lead.
For terms and particulars apply to
Wm. Ifodgert, Farquhar, or Alex
Ifodgert, Itusseldale.
Farm for Sale
This farm consists of 122 acres elta-
ate at the village of Elimvillc on the
St. Marys gravel road, convenient to
general store. blacksmith shop and
a few minutes walk from the Meth-
odist church, one mile from public
school. One part consists of 100
acres, with brick house. inrgc ba'n
with basement, drive shed, orchard,
10 acres 1)13511. nbundnncc of (water.
The other part consists of 22 sere..
veneer house, frame stables, orchard
2 wells.
Ig tHoll
1111(l 1 '
usod state
of cultivation. tl'ossession
March 1909, For terms and other
particulars apply nn the •premiseit.
JOSHUA JOHNS, 'Proprietor.
Chicago and return $12.55 from nee.
ter ,
r acre 1
int of t
1, e
Stork lixposition, good going Nov, 211,
30, Dec. 1, 2. 3, 1, return limit Dee, 12,
Mandolin, Saskatchewan and Alber•
ta. the attraclive tome et via Chicago
and St Pends, Minneapolis or Duluth.
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD. Unios
Depot, Toronto Ont.
From Now until January tet. 1910
fore 1st Jan„ MIN, 1 -of $1.6o.
Are you aware that 75 per
cent, of the flour used in Tor-
onto is blended flour, no won-
der that Sfar Flour is in de-
mand, as it is made frollehe
best Western Wheat and -the
best Ontario, mixed half-and-
Lalf. It is second tc none
or bread making. If you are
not wing it, give it a trialand
be convinced.
Clinton Business College
Most modern and popular Busi-
ness ,shoot in western Ontario.
Widely experienced broadly tee
fleeted, sympathetic, attentive
staff. The synonym of success.
Graduates eminently succeestul.
The very essence or modern, [h-
int business eJ,te-ms,
Stenography, Telegra-.
phy and Commercial
Preparatory course '- flog•
whose ed '• .ny sub(f
4b to etudMat
telh•1dua1 instruction.
Enter any day, write for pat ticulars
(JRO. SPOTTON, Principal,
es Our graduates are in dem
as Business College teachers as
well as office assistants. Get our
e magnificent catalogue, it is free.
Principals. / •
Winter Term Opens
Jan. 4th
*u J
Thisschool is one of the larg-
est in the province. It la noted
for the thoroughness of its work
and the success of its students.
Three depnrtinents—
o, Don't Monkey
with that Cough
White Pine & Tar
d'' 25 it., Bottle
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.