HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-03, Page 7CARTZaS ITTLE�+ IVCR PI!.L $. CURE Rich needs^he at:d rc:Levo :.:1 th • tronblsa Ine'4 de' t to a t•:ua state ca l to ty.tdla. .arch aa Dtr,ir:e.•, a, 1/roweu.r:A. I)latrees altar e atlnl(, 1• the $Lie, tea while their ru. at 'Per wkrileaucceaabas1.:eushownhasurf'.$ SICK IQeadsehe yet Carter's Little Liver Fills $!e e qually rel• Able In Conetlpate•tl. tiring old pre- veuttug t!t:a annoyingromplaint.wblle they also tomer t alldisurdere of llaextuntarkAtia,Inista the liver and regulate the boweis. Even 11Wry' only cued Ache 'bey wnu Id Le almost priceless to tboae who au der fromtlals.limtnsalugc plaint; but fortu- Lately tbeirg•.tdneesdensnotttulbera and those who once try tl . ru e , ll and theee Mite pills ralu- Ablelusornany wa�•Ihstthey will not be wil- llag to do wattx,nt tt,.•.o. but after all ruck hea4 ACHE latbebaueor ao fl ...V Lt ^i t'..t here la telae -al :re tuake our great boast. Our a. 0.1 : rure 11 w.i:Ie otters do not. Carter". Llai. Liver Piiia aro very small and very eeeytot.d.e. One or tiroq Illemr...osd..sa. They ale .tnoltyvegetable mina de nv•t gr.n,, o'F purge. but Ly their gantla'totem i.ecae all who rise them. C.iUZ3 YSDI:fti CO.. !UV TOLL all alt Small Dm kali Pei:at TABLEAUX AS AKGU' UNT 11"f E A('STR :irl.i N St'F- es FBAGEITES ARE DOING. Interesting Exhibit of i.icing Pie- "' tures of 1Vo: k of Women��� Given at Melbourne. Living pictures of the work of -\\Nsti women in the home, the workshop, rid the State were given as an,ar- uulent for votes for women at an tertainnnent in Melbourne. Tho large audience, including male sup- }•orters, varied the evening's pro- gramme with suffrage songs. Vice-, burgh to the Antarctic," an inter- turian women are not enfranchised i esting account of the capturing of fur the State elections, a'though,an emperor -penguin. That great they have a vote fur the Federal !bird of the cold regions showed its elections. royal blood in its quiet but firm re - Miss Vida Goldstein, the privet I sistance to deposition. The descrip- pal speaker, explained that the suf- I tion makes one feel that man is too e frage tableaux display was the first petty and trifling a being to inter OF fr'1?lil:'LtIt1.1:S. most bottle the meals are trettled SENSE OF for at once, not put down in the RESPONSIBILITYL:' re Nan) of These In Daily rise hotel bill. if put down in the a:;e 11 ere First Gruen. bill you may give your favorite The potatce, which was already Halter 50 pfennigs. cultivated in America when the con - ter chambermaid who looked af- tiuent was (;;_covered, is spontane- ous ter your bedroom may have 50 DEC. G. ous in Chile. It was introduced to pfennigs too. Then there is the Europe in 1530 and lti�5 by the hoots who, has fetched down your Spaniards, and almost at the same luggage and is standing at t.,.• time by the English, w11., brought druselike door. He gets 50 pfet►tis. Oh that I had wings like a dove, We roust expect the hour of de- it from Virginia, where it had ap- for then would I fly away and be at pressing mood, wnen we will long reared about I!50. to escape from the monotony, the The sweet potato and the Jeru- The Source of Restfulness Is Within -- Chi ist as the Cure. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, re_r.--I'sallns iv. O. The writer of the text was a poet, and we know ) i kn + the poet to be given to swift changes of mood, flashes of --- +.-- a1 \111'I•:'S OBEDIENCE. • Lesson X. Solon!on ('hooses Wis- dom. Golden Text, Prov. 9. 10. care, tne task. 'Allem artichoke are also supposed \erso 4. (,(boon -Identified by But. how often we are disappoint- t.. come from America. scholars with the modern sixillsge of ed when circumstances pero.it of ' Salsify is found in a wild statenorriage Cereluuney ('ledge, ci J:b, obis!' lies rive ur uear- ulternating pessimism and optim- (cur trying to escape to tly away. .n (;reeee, Dalmatia. Italy and Al- A private bill has been intuduc lies tical of Jerusalem. In ear ism. To -day thrills with the joy The care and burden and sense of eria. According to Oliver de her- Plien times a was nue of the priuci K 6 eu •into the French Chamber of De. pal Hit its cii.es, and one of a t -f lit i.ig; to -more iw•y he would es- responsibility go with us. \Ve can-' res, it has been cultivated in the Jetties to abolish Article 213 of the throughch tion had cape from the burden of life. l rot get away from ourselves. And south of France since the sixteenth trench civil code, which rends :-- t fgfec ed aileaguewi h Joshua (Josh. I often the source of dissatisfaction century. "The husband must protect his wife uthereby escaping While the feeling that inspired! !is in our souls rather ti:an the cir-; Turnips and radishes came oro and the wife must }obey her liub- , of 3-17),i nd Jericho. Itwasafter- the words I Ithiinke t upon occasion r tit : s changees in of our ourselvesok or lives. It ginailoot and the beet, ral Europe. ich have hand." At all Marriages in France ward allotted to Benjamin and comes to one. All of us at Ithe Mayor reads out this article to made a Levitical town. For a time sone time everyhave felt the longingto et rather than change in our work Leen greatly improved by cultiva- tli,, couples about to be married. the tabernacle had rested here, and someescape, to fly away and be at rest. I and environment. \VC think that tion, are considered as the same The pranu,ter. of the bill assert! from Jer. 41. iti, it 6Cculs that of if we could only get into new scenes specees by botanists. The beet.' that this "old-fashioned and out : 1 think it is oat ul al, w hen day of ± . • ter the destruction iofb Jerusalem by Ler day, year after year, we rise' `e would find rest and peace. If only the stalk of which is eaten,' et -date article constitutes a real in-' we could only exchange places with grows wild in the Mediterranean, justice to women" and is "a bar- � Aebuch a sezyar (-been again bo to the same task, must take up the, some one we think very fortunate Persia and Babylor'ia• justice conception whish clues not Ica the seat of the government. same round of drudgery, that there and happy we wuutd no longer have Garlic, onions, shalots and leeks 1 The great high plsce-Une of the sooner or later conies a feeling of cause fur unrest. But the change, have long been cultivated in almost ocf th de with the present equality'ten opal centres ut worship for the rebellion, when the spirit will craveof the sexes. The promoters ar, tett tribes. Onlygradually the new scenes, a better knowledge all countries, and their origin is nu►rried men. • entrwas the insistently for some change, some worship of Israel centralized at escape, some rest. of the envied one, only convince us very uncertain. That of the seal -1 • Deputies who are prepared to op Jerusalem. (t,f the groundless -less of our griev- lion is better know -i. 1t grows'rose the bill point out that, in! offer - The wish is one impossible of fol- r.::ce; that the trouble is only with spontaneously in Siberia. One finds •rose at all events,the families' • Burnt offerings -=the burnt fitment in flight. If we are to ad- ourselves and not with our work (Lives in a wild state throughoutlog was one in which the entire vic- vsnce in life, if we are to develop and environment. l the \orthern Hemisphere, in which the wife is really -by her rim consumed upon the altar. It secret influence --the head of the symbolized the entire surrender to in the higher sphere of living, we I think there is but one sure an -1 flse radish, greatly modified by Guily, constitute at least half the. God of the individual or the con - will find that tenet we call burdens swcr to this longing and unrest and cultivation, probably had its ori-. marr• ied population of the land. Thane circle of activities,is will increase. it havethat seine really tott. know. C heist, n we (hat wild ton peciescrate itZisederivedfrom is 1 The proposal to suppress the Theg animals prescribed fore this may be, will widen, will make more re will have corse into a spirit that, not exactly known. t&.phaFeher as to the wife's obedience lamb,ico were a young bullock, a demands; our influence will be more, will make such radical changes in' The lettuce appears to be deriv- lc Isar husband is not new, for as or goat (always a turtle d, or es r l far hawk as 18.18 a Freno•h Femin- ill cases of potent, our life .fuller and if we cur way o. thinking of our work, ed front the endive, which is found poverty,nldoves ist Club presented a petition to the are to be brave and faithful we c•ur life, our responsibility, that we wild in temperate and southern En- Revolutionary Government, then or young pigeons (Lev. 1. 3, 10, cannot hope to escape burdens and trill eo:no into that rest whieh rope,in the Canaries Algeria, 14). The ritual of this sacrifice is responsibilities. We will have to He alone can offer. „ If we havo Abssinia and temperate western/ sitting at the Paris (.'ity Hall, de- described in part in Lev. 1. 14-17, I ntanding that the article in the code and 7.8. make up our minds to many color- come to Him ve will find our yoke Asia. should be abolished. M. Paul Her - less days, to many a thankless task, 1 easy, our burden light. R`ild succory is spontaneous +fell, the distinguished member of El. As he walked before thee in to many :_n unappreciated effort. Rev. Guy Arthur Jamieson. thruildhout Europe, even in Swed -truth, and in righteousness -Solo- r the French Academy, wanted re• loon did not fail to trace the pros - en, in Asia Minor, Persia, the Can- re►ill.• to change Article 212: ''Mar- a cases Afghanistan and Siberia, perity of his father, David, to the A EMPEROR PENGUIN. them. Funny, the ship's dog, tried reed couples owe to each other mu- fact that the latter had been a to play with I►inl, and danced about 'Cultivated, succoris probably a teal fidelity, succor, and assist- Remarkable Streng- th of the Great him. it., first •the penguin foot of endive which •is thought to taitt►ful servant of Jehovah p g paid no have had its origin in India. Bird. 'attention; then the hard beak calve Corn salad is found wild through - Mr. W. G. Burn Murdock gives out with a flash. Off went Fanny, cut Europe, Asia Minor and Ja- in his book entitled "From Edin in no end of a hurry, and never came near again. -- _.1,________ French Proposed to 11emnve Mare MARRIAGE MARKETS. Curious Custom Which Prevails in Some Countries. In several of the more remote anco." M. Ifervieu wished to add A son to sit on his throne -The the word "love," but his proposal, perpetuation of the Davidic dynas- wRs much ridiculed. ty was accounted the greatest of pan.M. Camille Pelletan, the ex -Min- all blessings. Cabbage, like all vegetables which ester, says it is all a question of 7.But a little child -Young and have been cultivated front remote character. If the husband is._a man inexperienced in statecraft, Solo - of strong character, the wife will bion appeared times, is believed to be of European always be prepared to follow him itvto himself varied a'(fere origin. P P , child in view of the great The artichoke is the cultivated but if the woman is the stronger, responsibilities which his new posi- form of the wild is then, n_ even the most blatant, husband is tion as a ruler placed upon bun. Go out or conic in -The Hebrew way of referring to the general comportment or behavior of a per- son 8. A great people that cannot Le numbered --No accurate or reliable census of the Jewish nation at this time is available. Solomon's state- ment, however, was that of an in- experienced ruler who would, na- turally exaggerate the extent of duties and cares which he had not yet encountered. 9. Understanding - Hebrew, "Hearing." The sense of the clause but the reflection of his wife. 4, -- SENTENCE SERMONS. Fractions always ignore the facts. You can hire hands, but not ous to Maderia, the Canaries, Mo- entertauuuont of its kind ever given'rocco, the south of France, Spain, in the world. It was the idea of fere with the monarchy of nature, Swiss Cantons there is held what Italy and the Mediterranean Is - or to overthrow the throne and blot is known as Cm Feast of the (.ar- lands. tired of making ordinary speechesiout the reign of such.a sovereign. lands. The marriageable maidens ropehad western its riin in AEua and wanted to see si living plc tures I I was on deck enjoying the quiet 1 awemble at sunset., sing, dance, and Ptemperate would not be a more effective ar- and beauty of the white night when make merry. Each wears a chaplet gument. It was a new fc,rm of , 1 saw an-nil:eror-penguin on a of flowers on her forehead, and ear - "pestering the public," as the: piece of snow not two hundred yards ries a nosegay, tied with bright Prime Minister of England would front the ship. Anxious to make colored ribbon, in her hands. 11 a say. a drawing of the bird, I went aft lad is attracted by a maid he plucks SI -ID WORK OF WOMEN, a•td let the matt know. Ile ordered a flower from her bunch. She pre - out n boat, tend~ not to notice but when the The tableau showed the work cf woolen in an ago before machin- ery, when weaving, lace -making, delivering milk, and so forth were The origin of the egg plant is In. hearts. dia, that of the broad bean is un- He cannot conquer sin who will known, as also of the lentil, the not confess it. pea, checkpea and haricot. The Honor soon perishes where men last named appears to have come struggle for honors. originally from America. \Viten love works it wastes no The carrot grows spontaneous tune watching the clock. The loftiest worship is often seen in t'1e lee hest work. The penguin was standing on a merry -making breaks up at dawn, throughout Europe, Asia Minor, round piece of ice about fiftyshe will,if she reef rotates his foal- Siberia, northern China, Abyssin- yardsP ia, northern Africa, Maderia and in diameter. We rowed up to a sort logs, tie the entire bouquet by the the Canary ]glands. o •ribbon t, the handle f tl d all in the hands of women. These of hummock on one side, put two le oor Chervil comes from temperate cccupat• s had now been tak-n men behind the hummock, and then of the cabin wherein he resides, or, away r n women, and that, said rowed round to the other side, alternatively, fling it through the the Ft/taker, was ono of the res- where three of us landed. Then ell open casement of the Iced chamber. son by they had to go out into five. advancing, closed in on the The famous Tunis marriage mart, th Id to earn their own living. penguin. of which so much has been written, Ano ter tableau showed first, the' Ile got on the mound of snow as is held twice a year, in the spring interior of a court of justice, with we approached, but only looked and the autumn. The Tunisian girls n woman i1t the dock, tried by men slightly anxious as we dre.v near. attend in their hundreds, each with judges and jurors and counsel ; and Then, thinking his position tuns her dowry, in coin and jewelry, then the same interior with a man dangerous, he tried to get away. disposed about her person. The in the dock tried by women judges He slid down the snow on his breast, "golden girdle of maidenhood" in - and jurors and counsel. The injus and addled away with his flipperscircles her waist, and in it is an tice of the second picture appealed and feet. P tt• all, but to the converted in the One of the party made a success - meeting its reverse was as unjust. fill rush over the hard piece of snow, \1'01If:N JURORS. and fell on the bird, and embraced Miss Goldstein explained that in Chicago there were Inen and women 'juries for cases specially affecting •-oiii len. At present a •tarried wo- Ina •., Victoria has no regal right to er owl, .•hill. The present id1"11e. ilii`,se(eds tMr. Mackay) had g1111 cd Dnt r,._ ,-r -- baa al)" atk '' tit a•� a) nti(l can tt+ . ther by lore at c cath he can w•il ,.city of the child to a third person, misses its elm fortunately for fun • rand that decision can only bo up- Its strength astunlsheu us. One mat ket are not unknown. although ret under certain conditions in the they are not openly acknew•iedged dresses woman travelling alone man held its neck, two got hold of Supreme ('Dort. as such. One has been held on St. does. The reason may be that street Another tableau showed the num- its fl'pPers, and two more held its Martha's Hill. Surrey, on each re- car riding is regarded as rema►k- her of women earning their own legs. Using all their strength, the enrring Good Friday, during seine ; cheap. though another ex plana. 'nen could hardly keep hold. The ably 1 B exp lana. inVictoria. ' living V I t ria industrially, gro- c enterics. And the. P bird did not. seem the least. flurried + n statute and ,tion offered is the desire to hna•n (cxtienally, and domestically. Near- (mop fairs that me still celebrated ly one-third of the women of Vic- toria are doing so, 145.000 in all. it. The penguin looked quite shock- ed, and threw him off with a hitch of the shoulders. Then it got up, stood on its feet and looked at us. When we got near it again, five of us made a rush at it. The boat- swain gut in first, and scranged it with both hands round eta neck. 'ro'PP. l ild, The two rolled over together on and e(e.') the snow. The penguin got its neck lights it ; it is a rejection. If she free, and began to heck with its leaves it, alone, the implied offer is unsheathed dngger. When this is gently removed by a pausing gal. lent, and presently returned, it means that a proposal has been made. A prettier custom prevails amongst the Ooritou maidens• who, at elated intervals, assemble in the market -place. In front of each is a lighted lamp, emblem of conjugaj fidelity A young man feels at- e father tracted 1 He gently blows upon the flame, extinguishing it. The girl re- s - beak at the boatswain's heat. but acceptnhle. F f 1 him. Even in Englund these curious • You can give nothing to men un 's, ''•\ readiness to hear complaints til you give them yourself. and wisdom to judge the people Charity requires no other lett( r i 1 ightly•'' western Asia, parsley from the of iltlruuuetion than a real need. Great people -Literal, "heavy," smith of Europe and Algeria, sorrel Always it is better to get a man •referring, not to greatness in our from Europe and Northern Asia, to thinking than to give him ! sense, but to immensity involving the mogiitnlns of Indus and North thoughts, a correspondingly heavy burden of Americo. Spinach is supposed to Many a word in our language is ' responsibility. come from northern Asia. empty until sorrow gives it a new 10. The speech pleased the Lord For some, twenty +ears past the content. -The element in Solonion 's choice line take up the tune, and forty erosnes has been used. This little' The secret of conecntr, tion is sem- which makes it pleasing to Cod is thousand feet, not ali light, but all tuhewhich Ihaswith long b n ne savory cultivatedc'in ply concentration on Some high portance perceptionis ( wisdomland l supreme ' fantastic,is sorte,fvibrant in the dance. service. China and Japan, is probably iu An analysis of the water of life I external iingrcat•ient as %onorastnilitary with' told stepsforhoward waold and rejoi eback. Youth digenous to eastern Asia. will do little to.relieve this thirst !.,• The tomato comes from Peru, the y glues [n later years however the sick and the hale, the bent do- tard from India and the pump- king lost his simplicity of ur ae tard lido by side with the saucy kin front Guinea. it c uc ge and plc try of aspirntiun becotntn schoolboy. They dance for health, for the state of their parents and friends, and for the ills of their beasts. Some very old and infirm da'ice BRONCFIITI S Bronchitis is generally the resu:t of a cold cause.! by exposure to trot and iucl.-meat weather, and ie a very dangerous iuflum• nlatory affection of the bronchisl tubes. The Sym toms are tightness across tho chest, sharp pains and a diflic-.lty in breathing, and a secretion of thick phlegm, at ti_ it white, but liter of • greenish or yellowish color. Neglected lirotichitis is one of the most general causes of Consumption. Cure it at once by the usa of Dr. Wood's SYRUP N3 Ray Pine Mrs. D. i). }Ii'Irr, Allandal.', Ont., writes : " !fly hueh:uul got a Luise of Dr. 1Vood's Norway I'iuo Syrup for my tittle girl who had liron.•hitis. Sho wlteuieti so badly you could hear her from nue rt.um to the other, but it was not bur until we could see the effect your n.cdi,•ino had on her. 'Teat was list winter when we lived in Toronto. " She had a bad cold this s inter, but in- stead of gett.ug another !Marls of Dr. Wood's Norway fine Syrup, 1 tried a home made receipt which I got from a neighbor but found that hor colt( lasted about twice as long. My husband highly praises • I)r. 1Vood's,' anal sip he will see Haat a bottle of it is always kept in the house.'' The price of Dr. Wood's Noway Pine Syrup is 23 cents per bottle. it is- put up in a yellow w_•apper, throe pine trees the trade mark, so, be sure and accept none of the many substitutes of the origi:tal "Nor- way Pale Syrup." A STRANGE DANCE. The Queer Ceremony in a German Town. A singular ceremony takes place at Whitsuntide in the Luxemburg town of Echternach, Germany. It consists of a procession to the tomb of Willibrod, one of the patron saints of the city. The Rev. T. H. Passmore describes this curious aad picturesque proceeding in his book, "Further Ardenne." In this old corner of Europe the idea of dancing to Goal's glory lives still. Religious dancing is as old as history, and was once common in the church. The Springprozes- sion of Echternach refreshes the philosopher because it t 1 il,.l right up from old times and certifies hunt that nothing is absurd which is done sincerely. A man may smile at such things: no gentleman can laugh at it. It is Whitsun Tuesday, at eight in the morning, a late day in spring. The town is gay with wreaths, flags and streamers, the windows aflame with flowers. Twenty thousand Taople fill the streets, and stretch in a double row across the bridge. k sena.; of serious waiting fills the air. The procession starts, Hill' its banners, tapers, and three hundred Fingers, and its clergy. All chant the Litany of Saint Willibrt 11. Suddenly an electric tremor thrills along the whole cortege of pilgrims, instruments all along the world. the Debatingdoctrine is n old dodge purpose of the devil to avoid the doing of enamored with the glory aspiration, outward some duty. display. Whatever strengthens class fee!. 12. An understanding heart-Per- ing lengthens the day of. waiting haps better, "a discerning mind." for the kingdom. 13. There shall nut be --Hebrew, by deputy, and many an urchin He who limits his kno•vledgc by "There hath not been," as in the dances lustily for several invalids. his understanding die s of experi- preceding verse. The sense of the Ilere a young mother dances with mental ignorance. elapse time becomes, "There has her young child iu her nr►ns; here You cannot make a telt of scrip- not been any among the kings as an old man, whistling like a saw, forces to the measure his rheumatic hones. The pageant takes five hours to travel three-quarters of a Axile. When all is done, the tired throng goes home. �1•.- - - TIP' SYSTEM IN GER 11.1'AY. Conductors in Berlin Street ('ars IleneNl by 'rips. Ono of the strangest phenomena of tipping in Germany is that it is (crit'. tore born any deeper, by talsting prosperous as thou shalt be for all mon on Berlin street cars. The fare ,t like a corkscrew, 'lit dais." is almost invutr:ahiy two cents (10 The more a man vociferates 14. 11'nik in my ways, to keep my pfennigs). As a matter of custom against vice the less likely he Is statutes and my commandments - one person out of every three gives to putt virtue into action. Compare the similar charge in 1 the conductor a cent (5 pfeuuigs) What, you will make of a boy de- Kings 2. 2-4. for himself, and nearly every well pends on the promise you can see As thy father did -David's life 1 11 in his propensities. had not been faultless, but the gen- Some men seem to think God's eral attitude of his heart and mind clocks r'-ould all stop if they should tuaard the commandments of Jo - forget, wind them np. hove!' had been right, and, on the Poe Indict ig men of total depravity whole, he bad sought conscienti- is a Jo - forget, , ay of inspiring than to curly to obey the statutes slid coni• the divine '.hnrncter.to of 15. Behold, it was a dream -The mandments of his God. 11'hennm..,, I smart 'rick dreatn in this ense, however, had the same influence over Solomon as an actual experience of the same import wunld have had. The ark of the covenant -This had been brought by David to Jerusa- lem and had found a permanent resting place on Mount Zion. Offered tip burnt offerings -- 1s - f.�a HEADACHE. "hat \it'd:cal `;kill Conk] Not DO ,1,11 .tcco►npli.hc,l with Burdock Bfool Bitters. If aro troubled with Headache do not he.11m., to neve II. II. It is ►10 new pro- duct. ••1 unknow n value, but has an e•tab- lishtd reputation. COULD ROT WORK. trio \It ' +c 1r4►1 ri \. Kh., lllnnlac. A., welter' 1 lar mica and run down, would hare [•lead• * 1,,'., a hitter tato* In niy mouth. floating .;wk. be( re my eyes and pal... in ,ny bark. 1 ,.•. nn: able to do any ho•ue work al all and 0a)11 not steep at night. %arena! dot tors d,w•:.,red not but 1 mew 1 wa• sett anil no help. and on the ,.dt h.. of • (Hand 1 got t brew b.tttc• of nt,rduck (hood (fitters tud they emotes • esmitle.s cum nor put 0151; merely mDved It 13:i11 various rural localities are titer - flippers slowly, and drew up and • riage marts in all but name. extended its short legs, but that nearly twisted our arms off. it was too difficult a task to carry the penguin to the boat, so we strapped it routed the middle, with its flippers bound to its aides. \1•e used rho boatswain's belt, which was a broad affair with a big brase buckle. and ne hauled it until the the conductor on your side in case of a street car row. The one thing to remember gen- erally is that everyone in Germany YOUR DANGER BE. dependent on then tourist indn' ry expects n tip. lioa-ever small, :Ind GINS ` %?I-Il:i\ V�J►(l 1R that where eating and drinking in hotels and restaurants ore concern- ed 10 per cent. on the amount of the hill is a golden rule. Take the ordinary well-t.,-cfo trav- eller at a first-class hotel in any large German town --Merlin, Dres- den, Frankfort, Leipsice Nurnberg, Cologne. You are ahem and stay three days, taking yo 'r breakfast in the hotel And other tneals out. On leaving give the hall porter who line looked after your letters kidneys benseih-for it is really the kid- and with whom you have probably Heys aching and not the Lack. discussed the sights, the weather, Tl.ey act directly on the kidne}a : nd the town's amnsernenls and the pe - make them strong and healthy, therelty Iiticnl situation, two marks, or sal' causing (ore blood to circulate throughout the whole system. Mrs. Frank Fon., Woodside, N.il., writes t-- " f was a great sufferer with backarho for over a year, and could get nothing to relieve me until It«k two boxes o' [ban's Kidney Fills and now 1 do cashier's desk, thould have one not feel any pain whatever, and can eat ant mark. The sunder it niters you will sleep well; something i could not do before. h'orn's Kidneyfills are FO eents per box or 3 b tea for $1.23 at all dealers or mailed direct ten reef i )t of price by The Doan Kid- oey fill Co., Toronto, Arlt. BACK ACHES. penguin collapsed like a Gladstone It is the First and the Sure Sign of ling 1Vith another belt we tied the Iildn^y Disease. legs, stood the bird up, and drew a long sigh of relief. So did the penguin -a long breath Doan's Kidney PiIIs from the bottom of his chest. The buckle burst, and the bird began to ears the aching back by coring the aching hobble away on its still tied legs. it actually hobbled with dignity. Then we all sat on it again w•ithutit ceremony, for we were ang- ry, and the penguin remained calm- ly dignified. We fastened I►ini with a whole line from Lill to toes. like a roll of beef, and carried him to the boat. He freed one flipper, just show whnt he could do,but made to no other effort to escape. On deck the penguin preserved a sphinx like dignity under very novel and trying conditions. All the crew stood about and marveled at him, but be took no notice of half n dollar; it only n day or two in the hotel, one mark. The head waiter, who has token tour bill to be paid or else is hay( ring in the offing while you are paving it at the have already tipped twenty pfennigs a time when you acre paying for the drinks they brought, or 10 per cent. on your hill -hen sou are settling for a meal in the hotel. in h ready in the davite has one foot al- trps. Some folks never g• of heaven except when thc1 go reamsgohear a sleepy preached It usually is the men. who cannot find God in nature w•h i tries tO tell us all about the t►atu Cud Folks who are dei/'c of Ig Aongcs business never need to worryA t ns to et (.Ibcun, so At Jerusalem, the beauty.to whether they ha nil angel's kinghe offers tipasi ,',riff a .s indica ive the high ot"1ce of ruler over the ileh. people. when no Peace offering• --These differed '.tet dirt le people never from the burnt offerings in that h,we:. s . when they give only certain portietns ..f the n•ti•nal itc'nr1 :•ouhle. sacrifl: ed were burned, !Ton the al- *Miele(' far. A penicin o1 Ole nfe!tt 'tax ha:: given to the of i< iati•I t prig- t, elide avail un unl circnlntietn of 1 y.mrf�►s- vspapers is eQlimat- the other p'.rtie`n wa' r••tareed to Sinothe p,000 copie9, the person briee-..t l;! t'•• offering, amictel and Win iis4 Ly 1.1.:• e 7 tile• snot• h►v. u+, 'There is o� -- -- facia) feast w hi: h t - accom• " qty Ki exploring. Ir•e ndrnntage in verb with atom i ,• ti n •. I .., � set - niPd the ei n. , 1 in n to � 1 the face r,f the rave t clinger one g b.t',i s fa g fan always keep Ileus• vection with Ube pence effeting here tie•m wh mentioned the kine test:. a fcaA to oil,ort•tnit hat Erroll:and Lottie all his ' er. ant's• 1 eann it g GENEROSITY. The only time so seems to scrimp • y011 A peck of The total a the world's n cel at 12,000,4 Cavalry officers in Italy undergo n course of instruction in pigeon - training for military purposes. Visitor -"Tell the n;n:ter , 1 the house that a the wr 0. Afflicted Mr. I. known, U31.11 "l -1,i 11a VP mat� the engat?. Lad a queue' ether the u1 up again. Why was nt broken off r' "They asrto which tom! the LO ' , rulh to \1 l., Iry a p •r vial or Flax -cloth *As w•ovctl oe tea 1 t,• ill the time of 1