HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-03, Page 6--
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* Or, The Result of Dlolomaey and Tact. 0
hers would flash contempt for him
did she but know ; she must never
know! Standing there -near the
hoose which elahrined whet he
thought the dearest and bos• in the
world lie alntoet cursed tii.:iself.
Fur his fully in doubting her. !lis
future faith should oblitert:t: the
memory of that moment.
Then -then the back door had
opened' It was a shuck ; a horrible
shuck. But there was c•ontiri,i tion
of what bo had been told. The
reales fell from hie eyes.
Minutes -they seemed t , hint like
den from the sight, pill work its ++++++++++++++++4++f►++'NASAL CATARRH REDEEM WORN OUT G11St�
way into the hilum ; spread and + PRODUCES DiLAFNESS
grow until in its tuegnitudu it ♦ + _ __
e,wernhuduw•s every other thought. ♦e + RELIEF IN ?E -RU -NA
Soto is love.' The ^ r 1 n +• Till: , t:,,' late Il. )1 INT .\T OT•
('To be (',adorn d.) 1 ?.f r. R. J. ar:• s 401 City Hall Ate.,
+ Montreal, Quct,ee, is an old gentlemen • 'h t 11 .1 111.1.1'S SOME.
9._.—:•f wide acetu:.intanco, having served I
♦ + thirty-eight years in tho general 1'oAt• 1
OLDEST I.O\DON POLICE !'1:1.1. 4 rale° of Montreal, a record which
-- ++++++••••••••++++++•• Speaks for itsalf. Cunccruing.Disuse of franks CannotLe Compelled to
Suppu,cd to tic More Than 300 HINTS ON SELLING POULTRY. Peruna,seeeletter given below. keep :,utas ('lean, but Guv.
Years Old.
Have as good an article as you
Behind a building known as the know how, just a tithe uettar time
(led Court House, \1`ellcloao ; yen have seen.
# centuries -passed. The mist a fere Square, Stepney, stand what aro Above all, bo honest, no matter
♦ I his ureas cleared atony ; th + veiling` raid to ho the oldest police tills what the other feuow does. hula
your goods as represented.
As a rule I would rather Fell
poultry dressed. \l hen sold alive
there is a chance of tramping or ,
smothering and for the beginner es-
pecially the shrinkage seems un-
If live poultry is fed a mash be -
4 4 disappeared. But hi that felt at it' ie London, and under these is the
would not be a display • f nis.i••mt entrance to a subway believed to
CII:\1''rEtt IlX.--(Cont'd). greatcoat as he went, ho hurried to turn homewards, just yet. I have led to the Tower, nearly a
; railway statiunwards. Fur all rho blasters was a sensitive -hyper rule distant, says the London Stan-
Ilo knew that to he a lie! Hope, thickness of his coat he was not sensitive is perpahs a i,etter w rd'` dard.
that ho had thought entombed, rose warm. There was no coldness __titan. To rub up against inquire I This subterranean passage is now
again. Ono thing incorrect, why around his heart as if it were ice- ies free, a garrulous la .dla•1i ai Hocked up, and at, the entrance
to his health would pruv • attire ir- there stands a skeleton.
nut all? Ile said sharply -
"You are mistaken!"
"I don't think so, sir."
Again that hideous smile. Ac-
companied this time by a pitying
expression; pity for his simplicity
He was lite the generality of men
-writhed under pity. It acted on
hire with the irritation of a rasp.
He, however, controlled himself suf-
ficiently to enquire -
"A tall, fair, blue-eyed young
lade 1"
The description elicited a recond
edition of the pity -third of the
bead shaking, as the woman an-
"That's the mistress, sir."
It is difficult to keep a watchful
eye on the safety valve. The indig-
nation within tum was seething to
boiling point. He was getting up
steals so rapidly as to create the
impression that his emotions were
arranged on the principle of the
tubular boiler. He blurted out -
"I tell you, you are wrong! Her
name is Miss Mivvins l"
Combination of every unpleas-
ant wrinkle that the human face
is capable of assuming as she re-
plied, with the incisiveness of a
knife cut -
"Very likely that's one of her
names, sir ! Now I come to remem-
ber, I did once in a shop hear her
called so-called so by her own
That was the last straw ! the safe-
ty valve was discarded.
"Her -own -child!"
"Yea. The little girl who's al-
ways with her. The one with the
carity air as some people calls oro -
Amazement! Consternation! Dis-
appointment ! A combination of
these feelings, and many other in-
describable ones, made him break
out with -
"Then -then she is married•
The last up -train felt at 8 o'clock. t•itating than sand pap �r. De; 'I'he buildingwas formerly known
In October the passengers made no knew that his appear.....a w,o11 , as the High ourt of Liberty and fore shipping the shrinkage well be
great demand on the guard's at-
t- provoke comment ; telt li • w lie 1 is supposed to be over 300 years heavy. If fed at all give dry grain.
tention ; in the season he might looked; determined :.o try and walk eld. The court house ii now the 1 I do not think it right to starve
have been, with justness, likened the look off. I hulne of the German Oak flub, and I poultry from twelve to twenty -tour
to a sardine packer. Entrnstntent By setting his face eastward, con• the fine apartment in which trials; hours before sending on a journey
of the bundle of proofs, to be post- tinning on the station road for a took place is used for dancing,; that will take as many more hours.
ed by the railway man on arrival pule or so, ho would conte out on 1 while the ajoiuing moms provide Twelve hours' start ing, if given a
in London, was au easily arranged rho shore at what was known as ; accommodation for billiards. drink of water in the meantime,
!natter. The Gap. 13y walking alum; the 1 A winding stone staircase leads will clean the stomach out.
Crossing the hand with a piece of sands therefrom, past the private; to the two cells at the rear of thoi Live poultry brought to a market
silver is as effective with the aver- owner's wall, he would be able to' courthouse. At the top of the stairs, that pays for starved birds should
ago guard as it is with a g:psy : the mount, to - the parade by the steps 1 is a massive and strongly barred'be docked at (cast ono pound for
oracle is worked thereby. The which faced his seat. door, with a peephole in it.
This every bird that has any crop. i
proofs would reach the publisher hips tightened and his fingers ; leads to the first of the apartments. Never mix old with young, either
by first post in the morning. clenched when he remembered the Tho only light vehicle penetrates dead or alive, thinking the journey'
Masters had effected thisarrange-
.reference to this as "our" seat. these dens comes through gratiiigli will sell the old at the price for the
ment by five minu.es to eght ; five The walk would do him good ; ho high up against the ceiling, and former. At best the price will bo
minutes before the sheduled time laughed a little at that iast idea. each is fitted with a shutters by for the Average more likely it will
for the train's departure for Lon. As if, ho thought, anything in the means of which the cells can be be to suit the old stuff.
don. Having lighted a cigar, in whole world would ever do hint any plunged into darkness. In selling lieu poultry allow plenty
the shelter of the waiting -room good again! Nearly half the floor space in each of room. Dunt crowd them, but
doorway, he buttoned up his coat, Shaken faith is a sound that room is filled by a wooden bed, and crowd the dressed stuff so h that they
prepared for his return walk home.
smarts acutely ; tho only surgeon attached to tho walls aro the rusty be bo moved by the handling.
As -buttoned up, cigar in mouth able to apply a salvo is Time. chains with which the prisoners Anyspace not taken up by the
-ho emerged from the station's were manacled. Another object to p
precincts, he could not fail to ob-
be seen is a straitjacket made of poultry pack tight with paper or
serve the lights in the back windows stiff canvas, with iron rings which excelsior.
of Ivy Cottage. The bungalow I g can be fastened to the chains. If co-operation in selling the
stood three minutes'walk away. Many names, inscriptions and pie- dressed poultry is not rossible, the
That he should have avoided, he 19 g turns are carved on the wooden best thing is to have a private cus-
knew ; but the night was dark; he ing moon , p walls. One can still read the name tomer or two. If you know any throat ---all to no purpose.
would not be seen. Moreover, he of Edward Burk, who is said to families in the city, and you can "About three years ago f was in -
was in no way different from other have been hanged for murder. promise a fairly regular supply of duced by a confrere in office to try
moths who flutter round candles. Close by is carved "Edward Ray, dressed chickens and fresh eggs,
So, more or less unconsciously, he rho December 27, 1753" ; and another see if you can do business with
was attracted; slowly walked in the T6cro a 1'gl \f inscription runs ''r'rancis Brittain, them. Many well-to-do city people
direction of the light. The little Juno 27, 1758. Pray remember tho would bo glad to get such a supply.
and with wings is as experienced wilho 1 poor debtors." A good honest commission man
in the use of the magnet as the dart. though, d I ' h b gt t f On the floor of the first cell can comes next ; don't send to any or
The corner of the road, which be distinguished the squares of a every firm that advertises. Take an
the rear of the house faced, was a sit i[tness g k k chessboard, cut in the solid oak. old established business in prefer -
reached. Suddenly the back door ever the door between the two culls once to others; one who remits
of the house was opened. By tho own err p 1 1 '1 can bo traced the words, "Tho rule promptly. Be willing to take remits
light in the passage behind he saw Ills lac 1 tr1 the house is a gallon of beer, prompt! re the picking, take
a man and a woman silhouetted in and just below, in neater charas- heat dealers are only too willing to
the door -frame, evidently engaged g 1 1 1 t ters, aro the words. "John Burn gist you the benefit of their expor-
in actions of a farewell. came in April I1, 1751' lone°. If you are in the city call
Tho woman had her arms loving- lg r , u One prisoner broke into verso and ice him. It's often more sat-
isfactory to do business with a male
It was a fitful night ; one on which
the clouds travelled swiftly. One
moment the brightness of a silver-
; the next comparative
darkness. When the extinguishers
hid tho lamp of night ; the illum-
ination of the heavens was loftto
was sufficient light for Mas-
ters to find his way over the break-
watersut stumbling.: t tunes,
despite the brightness ness o
the moon, his eyes saw dimly. With
bred ot anger he knuck-
led the dimness away, cursing his
es ressiblo follythe while.
heart -soul -was fullto
bursting point. if bo could only
laugh, he thought; only aug ► a
himself ! \\'hat an immense, great
h 1„ b' relief it would he !
All the subtle devilish suggestions ly round the man's neck. She fir- Walking, smart walking, was the
in her camp to the surface. To em- gently kissed him -his lips - again only relief he experienced; physi-
phasize the point of her answer, and again. Her sorrow at the part- cal exertion was reputedly an anti -
slow head -shaking was necessary- ing was apparently of the deepest dote to mental excitement. Ho felt
"I couldn't say as to that, sir." kind; at tamps she applied her hand- sufficient energ • to have moved on
Sho smiled too that horrible smile kerchief to her eyes. Not a detail inde."initoly.• 11 shed lie could walk
again! The desire to speak evil of of the incident escaped t'le atton- on till he fell from exhaustion. In
r thers assails some natures irresis- tion of the man in the road. that rheic too+sed have boon satis-
tibly. She really could not resist Masters stood quite still watching faction; rest, at any rate: Rest for
-October lodger or no lodger. thein. Not an act due to ill -breed- that tumultuous tido of recrintiva-
"Thank you. That will do." ing; ho was fur the moment simply tion surging in his brain.
Ho managed to dismiss her so, incapable of movement. Had hti His anger was directed against
and the landlady left the room. She existence depended on a forwa-:} himself ; no one else. I;, upsprung
was fearful of having gone a little step, Death would have added an• from the fact that he had been such
too far ; yet was filled with the com- other name to his list. a fool, such an utter, absolute fool,
placoncy with which such utteran- Tho couple carne nut in the gar. as to be gulled by a woman! Scot -
den ; walked towards the gate. The; Tangly he told himself that anger
path led straight from the dour; � against her would be unfair; that
the hall lamp still showed hint the I her behaviour had been merely ty-
CHAPTEa. X. positions; the ,woman's areas cling- pica) of her sex!
The closing of the door behind ing around rho mon. He, who had ever w•::h his pen
his landlady was unheard by Mas- It was well he stood in the cha- written against womankind -until
tors. He did not move from the dow on that road; well that they at last reviewers had spoken of his
position in which the woman had were so occupied as to prevent their work as being that of a woman -
loft him for many, very many min- noticing him. Perhaps the iron hater -to .have fallen such an easy
that had entered into his soul tray- t ictim to the first siren who spread
tit, ghen at last ho rose, lifting hist elled via his face. That would ac- her snare for him! The thought was
head, he caught sight of his own count for the seared loot: on it. fuel to the maddening fever in pos-
reflection in the mirror. Started It was as the face of the dead. session of him.
back, almost cried out: there was So different. Ah! So different Then came before him her face;
such a deathly pallor on his face. , had he thought her. Had linked those sweet, eloquent, soulful eyes!
His mouth telt as parched as Sa- up, in his mind, the purity of the Well, he endeavored to comfort
hara. Mechanicn.11y lie mixed a snow in connection with her. This himself with the thought that any
have fallen a victim as
r •would
,whisky and soda,drank it off. Then was rho reunion ho had pictured d ; aria
laughed. Not pleasant. laugh; who was ever so before him that he had done. The amount of cyllt
ono of those built up on a sob. his pen seemed animated who i lie fort in it, though, would have f,j
'Then self -raillery : the old, old, handled it to describe her. resting -place on a needle's i
over sought useless salve. What a His thoughts --edged with keen There was an underlying
fool ! What a fool he was to care I bitterness and self -contempt -went for the failure. Granted 1
A woman ! Just as he had always back to the pure, guileless her'.ine ideal was shattered, he e
pictured them -always till the book ,in his book. Had he been carribl a its ruins. Therein lay 1
he was now engaged on. When be of laughter at himself, for being Iessness of it all --and Itcj
thought how chaste and good and a fool, his mirth would have been Striding on, he savagely.i
pure lis last heroine was, on paper, of the greatest heartiness just then. of his way, now aid the
he laughed again. Tho same laugh; ( The couple at the gate parted , I'eor scrrt; of relief nt!
with the same choking little catch- i the watcher was not very clear how. is sou aura iqn
iiia rthrtmeein_ it too. I What followed being by rcasoe i f
lie thought he had Inst his ideals a sort of indescribable veil r 'met
long ago; we aro apt to flatter our-'twhich most hidden enveloped
m blurred.. nl--
solves so. But their, death is hard ;
they live on -unknown even to our.; was his condition, he was cug•tie•
solves -to appear before us like ant that the roan crossed the reed,
some new star of whose existence ran past up the pathway to the eta -
we know nothing. Make it our tion. Then came the sound cat a
guiding star, and we aro-when it whistle, followed by the run►:eine
sinks below the horizon of fate-- of the departing train.
as children crying in the night. I Footsteps! Ile knew them-- sir it
The mantel clock chimed seven as had been his acquaiitenee with
times. Masters' attention was them --along the gravel path ; then
thereby drawn to the fact that it the door of Ivy Cottage was shut.
was half -past thnt hour. Lodg- The blackness of the nig'., e nmld
ing-house clocks are not without' not have been heavier 'han the
their peculiarities; the fulfilled am- ,thoughts ho was alone with. Ideas
bition of this particular ono was to ' of things seemed to grow more en -
be half -an -!lour behind time. tangled and confused every instant.
Masters started, too, at the ; From the moment that he had
sound. Illeinory of his neglected , despatched his parcel, he had been
work carne to him. Lying on his ; mentally accusing himself of folly
desk was a bundle of corrected gal- of the highest class. Did so whilst
ley proofs, which should have been lighting his cigar and on the way
posted to his publisher. Now it from the booking office -with tht
weft too late : the post bag would be ,back of Ivy Cottage fronting him
made up. I \Why had he believed those wretched
He was anne,yed that lie bad al- over -the wall gossips, when there
hexed the incident -lie was miser- ', was the face -those soulful eyes -'_f
ably f.a:•:leg i:. trying to label it the woman herself to lock into 1
so to himself -to interrupt the rod- : That he had listened to and ques-
tine of his work. Another glance , Boned his landlady. aas an ins,alt.
at the clock and h • . icked off his to the woman of whum his mist 1
slippers and horne is shoes. I was so full. He knew how those
.al &.ui v gee e. his I glorious, plumbless blue eyes of
eru:iertt sets Example.
.f?:y Thee has recently been a renew-
I, Q al of the complaints cy� ,u part of
the business community ..:.1.110 the
vnsauitary- condition of die utuncy
in circulution in Canada, and it
inay, therefore, not bo uninterest-
ing to state just exactly the modus
operandi used by the finance De-
partment at Ottae%a in dealing with
this question.
In the first place it should be un-
derstood that the Department of
Finance has no direct dealings with
either the banks or the public in
this mutter of the currency. There
aro assistant receiver -generals at
Charlottetown, Halifax, St. John
Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and
Victoria whose duties include the
Supervision of the !Dominion note
currency. At curtain stated times
of the year one's, two'a, tour's and
the larger denoininatioco aro sent
to the assistant receiver -general.
When a bank needs a now sup-
ply or an additional supply of Do-
minion notes it applies to the as -
;3 "`�> sist•:nt receiver -general in its dis-
IMR. R. J. ARLEw34 trict and puts up the necessary cash
"I have been afflicted with nasal ;r the case of an additional sufply ( I
or, in the case of old notes, turns
catarrh to such n degree that it af- them into the office of the assist-
fected my hearing. ant receiver general, and is hagd-
"This was contracted some twen- new bills In return. Any old
ty years ago by being exposed to,nctes thus received, whether dam- .e
draughts and sudden changes of i aged by wear, contaminated by dis-
tontperaturo. ease or torn in course of use, are
"I have been under the treat- carefully checked over by the local
menty of specialists and have used assistant receiver -general and for -
many drugs rocornniced a spand warded to Ottawa. Hero they are •
fits for catarrh in the head and again checked, and if the tally is
feund correct they ere then consign-
ee to the furnace. This is a croma-
Peruna. torium specially constructed for the
"After some hesitation, as I bad purpose, with a patent chimney so
doubts as to results after so many that none escape into the air.
failures, I gave Peruna a trial, and SEARCH THE CHECKERS.
alt happy to state that after using The system of checking is most
eight or ten bottles of Peruna I ala Y
mach improved in bearing, and iu complete, and the Hien who are in
breathing through the nostrils." charge of the work are tender caro-
ful supervision and ace searched
�"���! ray by day in order that they may
digestible ration given to cows, not carry away with them any of
they may bo fed liberally, so as to the condemned bills. Though what
produce the best results in milk else ono of the condemned billa
and butter. and will last longer than would be to anybody it is difficult
t. ill those cows that are so fed that tr realize, for each one, as checked
they are always spring poor. over, is disfigured with a stamp
Overfeeding and high fccding do which forever puts it out of bust-
not mean the same by any means. Hess.
High feeding means giving the ani- SAY BILLS ARE CLEAN.
mal all the foul it can profitably
digest and assimilate, and, in order
practice 't folly there
ff } ltt
line Firelight hits bio an. "1--"*`
standstill. The eller ut'1fiigti R'ri+,,,
was met iby a barri overgrown u It
litter well , ie :
Thesr. A t peri st scrrt c c
of tbg Nature's sudden in•
idd.in his proceedings pro-
ocerresponding interruption
uuld he think about this
It•,iger 1 She was not
thoiight over. Ho
ty enough without her '
,ce, -New her. IIo v:ould
oro jf tit her still.
The cup is empty,
To our sorrow ;
But hope it will
Bo filled to -morrow.
Another prisoner signed himself
"James Carr, smuggler, 1787." rho
pictorial efforts include churches, a
crude representation of tho Tower
of London, an anchor and the triple
emblem of the rose, shamrock and
thistle. -
Running under the roadway of
\Wellelose Square is a dungeon lined
v,ith brickwork a foot thick.
1' -
it does seem queer, my brother,
And yet you'll find it true;
A Haan may be square -headed
And he a block -head, too.
int. 1
Iliat his I
11 loved
c lope- !
(knew It.
icked out
a stone. e
the coast;
iu his
he told llo: fife should be for hits ,
d net or seen her, never
the unfathomable
e forgetane-not eyes.
ito easy; a little of -
Is needed -that was
hnppy eeright of her clean out
it thecect; out of his heart. That,•
is nr himself, was the correct
thing to
a if he
1. ,ked it
t •pths of th
t would be q`
fort of will w•
all \.•ant; every word of
All that he meres,lutinn that 1►e
it. Framed a'ainnntine. But he
leaked nn ne ad -taut factor ; made
ignored an ienpoktle strange vital
no allowancc for : ile flower : Love.
its of that pure non sewn nifty
The axe of C t_ of the tree ; may
be laid to the rev, ,ad branch. Still
rut 't d'. vn ro'.t+ ,g tendril, hid
OD! small iemnir
"I ran testify to the
great merits of your Emul-
sion, especially :n all
diseases of a pulmonary
It has many
iives that otherwise would
have yielded to consump-
tion . • we keep Scott's
Emir.:.,;; in the house all
the tune atm -cat -he family
use it."—MR. C. 1. ei TD -
LONG, Box 158, Wash-
ington, R. I.
does ALL 1t does by creating
flesh and strength so rapidly
i the
of the
d.seasc is retarded and often
stopped. It is a wet:dc:fill
flea�i builder and so easy to
digt•t that the youngest child
and ynost delicate adult can
takeit. 1f you are !using flesh
frr'tn ttatlsumption or any
other cause take Scorr's
Eiiutstos. It will stop the
wasting and strengthen the
°whole system.
Be stirc to get SCOTT'S
1 at ". sand re n.cry est Mr. r.ndlnerr
I•tt•r•-blu case to rally wonderful.• -ed
•..,a:. Inter..tIng ilt.ratero retard hit our
,rr.arstica. Jnrt wed as a card mei•
tleain/thk rapt.
125 Wo,linttcn Si.. W. Toreate
you have Fcen.
Grade all dressed poultry ar.d
eggs. I)o not put in anything that
looks doubtful, bet is thought to be
good enough. Keep out sick and
deformed birds. Send nothing you
would not relish yourself, and some
that would do at home might he
better to be left there. -F. C. E.
in Canadian Dairyman. •
Clean up all the trash in the
orchard. -flow the weeds (there
shouldn't bo any). Burn all rub-
bish. Then owls, hawks, cats and
crows can readily see and catch all
field ,nice.
As a rule, the man who succeeds
as an extensive farmer must keep
stock to consume the bulk of the
products of the farm, and no de-
partment of farming calls for great-
er intelligence and skill than the it will not answer for winter stores,
profitable feeding of stock. \\'hath- as it hardens in the cells, and the
Kees, not being able to bring water
with which to moisten it, will
starve, even if every conch in the
hive should bo solid with grape
sugar. White sugar can be made
into a syrup by adding one quart
of water to four pounds of sugar,
bringing it to a boil at:d then
skimming it.
The officials of the Finance Do -
Lo rat iso i success De-
partment contend that t .o public
has no cause for c tut as to
must be a variety be a i ooc • and the the condition of tho llomtn.'on cur
ration must digestible one and hecy, claiming indeed, that it is
suited to the purpose intended. The far cleaner and more recognizable
intelligent [armor will not teed the rent ,an that of some of the banks.
same ration to a growing animal \Vlrilo it is impossible in a coun-
that to does to one he is fattening try such is this to compel everyone
for the butcher, or to the cow 110 is to return to the Government a one
keeping for milk. or two dollar bill which has seen
If a beekeeper has taken away too its service -simply becath it is im-
much honey, or if ho finds that, possible to prevent ally citizen
from any cause, his bees arc lack- hoarding up a supply cf Dominion citizen ing proper stores and he has no full notes -rho department da.;
combs ot honey to give them, it to keep the currency clean and in
will bo necessary to fend. 'Phare is t condition fit for public handling.
nothing better, says an ofd bee- So far as the banks aro coneerg-
man, for winter stores titan gran- ed rho responsibility for dirty bank
ranted sugar. Grape sugar may be hills rests upon them entirely.
all right for feeding in warm There is no law by which 'the gov-
weather, when the bees can fly, but ernment can compel a bank to is-
sue new notes; the only thing the
government can do is to set _ good
example by, so far as in its pew°?
lies, keeping its own currency
clean. And in this respect the ria
lie can do a great deal.
o: woman who obi ice ei 2iQrty or a
defaced Dominion 1,111 115 e to
talo it to any bnhiteque fe a,'1
cr kept for meat or milk, the great-
est profit will always result from
full feeding.
A herd of cows, properly fed and
cared for, will turn mit first-class
butter, having a first-class color,;
but, if they are improperly fed and
cared for, the butter will be cor-
respondingly inferior and defective
in color. These failings are con-
cealed by nrtiftcial coloring, and the
consumer has this inferior butter
unposed ripott hitn, for a first-class
seuelc, ,.ben, in reality, it is far
from it, and lacks in the nutritive
and healthful qualities of first-class
butter. 11,ineety requires that
everything should be sued for just
what it is.
1 you have no suitable shelter
one. That
• sheep,construct
for the .
is one way to put money into
pocket. If it is not possible to
build a sheep born that can be
completely closed when that is de-
sirable, construct a simpler shelter.
great nh'act to
Remember that the n
P 1
he achieved is not warmth, but pro-
tection from storms. Sheep aro
well protected from the cold, but
against storms they oughtto have
good protection. A very simple
structure is nshed open nn o
side with a yard in front. it may
bo covered with straw or hay, but
a better roof than that, and a more
permanent, one, is desirable. Build
reeks all around the shed.
iVorgy is half of weariness.
Paradise is not found by fleeing
Thotpaihyp.ocrite is only the chronic
living 1 it
K 1tor.
Nothing is sacred without some
artificial service.
Experience is the best interpreter
•o y
of any
Noticing heals our r,wn wounds
(snicker than helping others.
Paralysis of conscience is often
mistaken for the peace of God.
it takes more than the hatred of
certain sinners, to snake you a saint.
Many a man who 7111(1es himself
on his poise ought to i egret that Ise
is so puleelcss.
The roan who brngs ot his self-
respect is often paying his respects
to a mighty small object.
Our own sins grew fast behind
our backs while ..e are gazing at
the faults of our neighbors.
It's a poor faith that values its
ereed by its virulent power to hurt
the sheep of roma other fold.
It is better oceasionally to do n
Feed the horse from a low mang• foolirh net of charity than to rem.
or and not from a high overhead mit the folly of an uncharitable life
rack. It is not natural for a horse The mon who can make chielren
to get his rations in that way ; •mile does not need to worry over
naturally, ' e eats from the ground. his inability to preach sermons.
A lot of dost rattles down by the
overhead method.
The cow, wl,oge food is largely
cornmeal, v ill Le likely to wear out
early, but when there fa s proper
Some men put everything off till
lo -morrow, with the exception of
bill collectors, ant' uicy put then.
off indefinitely.
Similar cumplaiats tkafi�a`�°n re.
ceivcd as to the quantity of det,ri
and smooth silver coin in cirrula-
tiun. Isere again the department ie
always ready to convert old silve
into new. All that the recipient has
te do is to take los old silver to 4
hank, or to the e assistant Receiver -
General, and demand new coin fur
it, and he will get, it.
The government has taken po-.ver
to itself to redeem any silver worn
smooth by image and any such sil-
ver is in due course returned to
Ottawa, remelted and e. ent :ally
coined again. The now brawl-.
the Royal Mint at Ottawa•ha
proved quite useful in this respec
--that it enables the Guwerniflen
to always hates an ample supple ,,
new coinage on hand. whereas there
was always the possihi r_,der the
cid system, when si
in London, that a bili
when there would he a
t com
Canada has nearly 11,0,O01) acres
nndor wheat enIti. :►tiplf
!faster --"Mary, i wish you would
be Inure careful. I'm sorry t•► hear
My wife has to scold you to oft,. i."
Mary -"Oh, it's all right, sir. i)
seldom takes any notice of her. '
The corps of liveoaving deg: or-
ganized in Paris in intro achieve
but ono rescue from tae Seine
r'ight years. Qf the fmtrteen 11,
one only sow reu:.sins.