HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-03, Page 5THE EXETER TIME$, DEC. 3rd 1908 CREDITON NEWS December Month Special Sale! Crediton AT ZWICKER'S, CREDITON Do Your Christmas Shoppin ale with to increase our Bales ov 10 do so will make special drives In m g With Us and Save Money. er any previous December and in otder any lines. FURS FURS FURS We have just received another shipment of Furs and owing to the mild season purchased them at re- due ed ed >r' t tees. :We offer our (whole stock of Furs at bargain prices. We have a beau- tiful lot of Dark Canadian VCoon Coats well furred which we offer Cheap. Regular $50 10 $75 coats at 1-4 off. Just received several ;nice dark ',Wallaby Coats which we offer cheap. We tbave a few Itussian Calf coats with :Astrachan Collars also China Dog Coats, good duality. regular $20 to $25. Sale price $15 each. ;We .have a grand assarteaii t of Muffs. bluffs, etc in Natnral Sable. :Fox, Grey Lamb, Mink, Astrachan, Eiectrio Seal. Neutria &c., any of :Which would make a suitable Xmas gift. Fur Caps in Astracbatn, Electric Seal, Grey Lamb &c., suitable tor ladies and children at the very clos- est. prices. See our grey iatn'b caps. regular 4.00 n t d y dor $2.50 ?.V0 evould suggestCash. something in the ♦ fur line for Xmas. presents. lare ,have a nice stock of Ladies' Fur Jackets in Persian Lamb, Elec- tric 't i with Seal, ,Aatr Astrachan a , t ►bio Sable Col- s 1 lar and Reveres, Muskrat and. Fur - /lined Coats. It will pay you to look Over our stock before purchasing. Children and Misses Coats We have of coats :which we have 'reduced nice one-half *he regular price. Infants and Small Chlldrens Coats We have a number of White and colored .(rear cloth carts, souse with silk ties. medallions, etc., regular *3.00 Ito $4.00 for $1.50 each. The luality of cloth used in these Moats is itbe very best, worth from $2.00 to $3.00 per yard. Now is .the time to secure a 'bargain for the baby. Call early, our stock is limited. Gents Furnishings In •this department you will find the very nattiest style purchased for the Xmas trade. A complete saaort- mcnt of the latest neckwear, silk snufflers, liras,.handkerchiefs, col- lars, fur collars, fancy vests, etc., also a complete line of tip to data overcoats, suits, etc., made up 'with -syle and pettily :which will suit you. MILLINERY The (balance of our stock at hal: Prices, $4.00 hats for $2.00; $3.00 for $1.50, etc. Will clear regardless of cost. LADIES WEAR Our stock is well assorted for the Xmas s'•. -on. having just opened a new line of Silk Waists, Fancy.Col- Jars. Belts,_ Ruchinas, GIoves. Golf Coats. t s. etc. Just -the line to make a n,ce selection for Xmas gifts. t T n 1 s 0 c I at sn China, Glassware, Etc. Our Xmas stock of China, ,Cut ;lass. Glassware. sr s ar c etc. . has ar '' d. r the he patterns are caiuiaite. 1Ve have ever shown a better range "than his season's. W have made n an til selection of up to date goods for mas trade and (wilt be pleased to how you our line. Groceries, Fruits, Etc. We have paid special attention to ur and grocery department have teenolsttockof RajssF Drunes, Peels, Nuts, Raisins. Or-,gos. Lemons, etc., all ready at est' prices for your Xmas re4uire- cnt S. DRESSED POULTRY WANTED itVe twill pay the highest market .es in cash c or trade. Butter. f _l market 'mine in cash or trade. 20,000 lbs. of Turkeys. Geese and Ducks between Deo. tat and We are open to buy Clover and Timothy seed. White ldeans Eggs and Dried Apples at goons, A Call I8th Solicited icited r., ZWICKER CREDITON'S CORNER 13 C N STORE SMOTTO We Aim to Please Opportunity Time for Buyers. This week we have received shipments of Xmas Goods that are unexcelled and sorted up in every line of goods we sell. I'llakpowing are some of our leaders, thus: - Ladies Coats .Have }eorted up in this line and from now until Xmas you can ex- pect bargains. DeVSS Goods A t 'n ;range. Carry as regular city stock of them. Right styles and qualities at lowest prices. Knitted Goods Oolf Jackets, fancy Shawls, Clouds, Gloves Underwear and Hosiery Complete. Gents Furnishings Received a nifty ship- ment of Xmas. Ties, Mufflers, Shitts, Callat8 Box anti Gloves, Fat:cy Vests and knitted coats are verb fashionable Special with collar and pockets in different colors for winter sport Suits and Overcoats New Suit. just receiv- ed. Overcoats in black for sten front $0.50 to $I5.00. Also showing other colors Underwear and Mitts galore. FURS Showing a full range of fashionable furs in Scarfs. Stoles, Ruffs and Throws made of Thick, full furred, ex- cellent quality skins; fully guaranteed at moderate prices. Fur Coats for Ladies and Gentlemen. Special prices in fur -lured coats, and Fur L't liars. Best Robes To choose from $7,50 to $2:'.00. Latter !s best manufactured. Ends of Factory Cotton •StiReceived a bale of ends of factory cottons. Ends tun from , . tra wide and sold at a discount of pile of Dress Goods at a big discount, �Ii est 4)6, of Poultry tip to Dec. 16 't price guerai:teed. a e o Red Clover, Alsyke, ed Apple., and all kinds of Farmer's Produce. , 5 to 10 yards • S. stow YOUR XMAS SUIT Do you anticipate getting a Suit for the holiday's if so Here's a Tlp It will Fay you to ccmc here and see how swell we can fit you up at MODEST COST. We will certainly put forth our every effort to (make you satisfied in every 4articylar. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON 41' Trunks, Valises and Travelling Bags We have just received a shipment of the &yore lines, and as it is nearing the holiday aeaann when you will he taking a trip, and will need a Trunk. Vallee, or Travelling Bag. We would invite you to call row and inspect our stock. Wen ill Is. pleased to show then, to you whether you buy or not the prices are right. Trunks from 12.50 to 17.50 Suit Cases from 61.75 to *7.00 Remember w c have a large stock of Mitts ane Gloves also full line of Blankets and harness Rt, W. CLARK, l Iarnfss 1 I-tker, Crediton. al The TIMES from now till January 1910 for One Dollar. If your neigh- bors or friends are not now getting the !MMES, kindly tell them of this 1 excellent offer Mr. and Mts. Daniel Mclsaacspettt Sunday 'with friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker spent Sunday in Parkhill. Mr. Grigg, of Grand nencl spent Monday in town. Pig killing. is the order of the day, Sir. 11111y Smith spent Sunday in Dashwood. Mr. .harry Fowler, of the flank of Commerce staff spent Sunday at his s home in Beaforth. o Rev. E. 11, Heart is assisting • Ii et,i De Muth father of the bride gave his f daughter`s hand in marriage and aho wore a gown of white satin. A dir- ecto:re mode?, with trimmnngs of duchess and rose point taco was caught .with a cluster of valley fil- lies and her houauet consisted of 1 bride's roses and lilies of the valley in shower effect. The white chiffon cloth gown of the bridesmaid, Miss JM'ldred DeMluth. sister of the bride, was modelled direoioire and Irish lane :trimming and carried an armful of yellow chrysanthemums. The lit - the flower girl, 'Hiss Helen De Muth was attired in ;1 white frock nnfl car- ried a basket filled with yellow end white mums and yellow and /white rosebuds. Mrs. DeMuth received in a handsome white evening robe. Matthew Stewart ,Lang was best man. Covers /were laid for twelve at the bride's table. which was ar- ranged in an upstairs rootn. White roses and valley lilies with white atin ribbon adorned this table. The ther guests were served in the din - ng room where the decorations Gishlcr ,this week in revival meet- ings on t he llth con„ of Ilan, Mr's. Gott.. Oestrcicher, of Dash- t stood. accompanied by her sister airs. {{ r Langio, of Elkton. Mich., spent a 1 P few days in the tillage rencwi were yellow. Mr. Finkbeiner • and is bride left on an extended trip o southern points and upon their /turn will reside in Wilkensburg. eltrt , `!f: Oil 4uaintances. ng as W. Siebert, of Dashwood, and :1+• ! ,- ler. of Zurich, 'with their fnrn;he.. ,p, sit Sunday in the village the guests of Mr. and Sirs. N. Brown. Our stores are commencing to put on :their Xmas decorations. Remem- ber It he early purchasers have the advantage. Iteforc another issue street lights ss' til he n accomplished A! Il b ' - 1 ltd fact f t ' to the village. air. Ed. Weiner, of Itanover, is spending a week with relatives here. Ile carne to attend the funeral of his (brother 'Norman, who died in Grace . OSc'1•l t .t [ Detroit remains were •brought here tfor inter- ment. Mrs. Christ, Voelker and John Finkbeiner, of J)etroit, spent a few days u, the 1 e t•: .t a ! c. Mr. Got t leib Brown has been con- 1 fined to hie room for a few days on account of A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. Matt. Finkbeiner one evening last /week in honor of John WeitookttAbout young part in the socialga nes. Ibe'Mr. Nein has .been in the employ of -lir. Finkbeiner for abe:t seven years. The guests departed for their ;tomes during :ilk wee stria' hours after an enjoyable evening and wishing John much success ii the future. Miss 'Lizzie Finkbeiner, who }las been in ;Comic'', has returned borne and swill spend a few months twit h her ;parents. Mr. !Geo. Merrier spertt Sunday in Dash wood. Mrs. John Smith and children re- turned horse d"riday. after visiting tt•ith - Elimville Mr. Jos. Ilaw•kins, our 'worthy reeve. is in Goderich this week at- tending the meeting of tite county council. The council will meet here next Saturday and again on the 15th to finish up the business for the year. There was .5 enough excitement .eutent is our usually atria burg a week ago last Saturday to give the inhabi- tants a subject for conversation for some 'time to come. The twlrolc trou- ble was overt calf. ' . it Now this hs c 1 alf was 'tot an ordinary critter, but is a cro,, between a Jersey and a Hol- stein eta is supposed to have a ped- igree a tont long. It isut very old but u fo r s the reputation t10 e) lt.t ' 1 n of t ' +sP re- d,•cesors, promises to be a milker of exceptional rarity. hence its value. When the mother of the calf (vis u c p r haseri by the present owner. the young animal tons not included in the deal. but was to go to another party upon its arrival. and its en- trance into this wide wide world was aweitcd with much expectanc•v. The birth of this animal. famed for its DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood The TIMES from now lilt January r neigh. , 1910 for One Dollar. If you, bora or friends are not now g the TIMES, kindly tell them excellent offer Mr. and DL's. W. F. Siebert Sunday in Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Tait, of Par visited at the home of qtr. C. S hagen over Sunday. 31r. Geo. Fassold, of Rippe., tied his brother Philip over Su Mr. Wm. Willis has the rcput of (being ea great hunter and shot. 'Last Thursday while out tib ing in less than half an hour killed four rabbits with as r shots. This is f:;st work and 1Vitlis is deiighttd as being t•onsi SPECIAL VALUES IN MILLINERY etting We are makingbigreductions of this rid of our large stock. Our aitulis to curry n thif Millinery in order n get accomplish this we have decided to give one-third of the regular price. this. line a Take spent I advantage of this 8 reduction at once. khili, tern- I Our stock of Dress Goods, Ladies and Misses coat vi,- Ladies and Misses underware, Furs, Men's Boy's 8C You coats, /day- suits Overcoats and underway© y th $ alio. are complete l C .I t@ : n crac., tipeCtiOn, p and II1�1t9�Qj1� oat- 1 he , Dont forget that our store is the place for bargains In Mr. der- ed the best shot in this vicinity. Messrs. W. Hey and A. lioeh of Zurich. spent Sunday in tow Iter. Gishlcr. of Zurich, Preto in the Evangelical church last Sun- day, Rev. Eidt taking his wort: for him at Zurich. Mr. Chas. 1lartlel:, of Zurich, vis- ited his parents here un Sunday. John :llull. of London, was in village on Monday on business. Mr. Art %wicker and Miss ?the (tart Ie:b sp, 111 Sunday the guests 0 the latter's parents, Mfr. and Mr. .Jonas .hart leib. Miss '. ,..s L. Hart has secured th rosition as school teacher for t;choo i••e on •No. 1, 11r0n:on tine. He duties commence the first of th neer year. Mr. r ,Leo Foster t • t fr. + i d at Mr. Co vire'. s over Sunday. Painters, decorators and glass fi tors from !London and St. Thom are busy this week putting the fi '-r t IS} ,n c • u o } ,c s on t 1r new r, n e L, til r to church wl::c�1 a is to be opener} o Sunday. 11),c. 1:i, h. Dire. Joseph Snell and daughte ossie. ;who were visiting !fr. an rs. Devi() Tiernan. left on h'rida visit friends in Parkhill A /:umber of oir citizens drove t e III nd on Sunday to view the r '„s of the general 'tore of M :Hardie, %Odell was destroyed l kr, ►t. hell tlh'1 u.( f} supply u 1 P your ur thingsy y wants. A nts toOut' ut makestore for youe is happye011e d with e invite you to call and letishow yood long have to offer. $W I things we clave to offer. r Dress Goods all the latest shades and Cloths at prices to suit everybody. c y Ladies Coats and Jackets. r- We have the best and at the very lowest prices. Special Bargains will offered in Ladies Fur Coats and Cloth Jackets to clear. be as n We have a large ass Fur Ruffs. .,t Sable. Isabella $ assortment in Alaska Sable O os , Isabella el f u i a $x PP . eSable, le . etc. c.American w@ ' at special rl s e u. tl � i r' a ice P .. Millinery in Boots and Shoes. All Kinds of Farm Produce Taken. Siebert & Hartletb Bio Co, Block. DASHWOOD; CHRISTMAS WILL SOON . We are read to BE HERE E1 M to t }, to a 1.. uture milking :thrill Y. was heralded 1 r•-: throughout the village anti the own- I er lost no time in going after his :he (bovine. but imagine his disdain and T surprise to find that i; had disap- ut'e peered (latrine- the night, having evi- Ileo 1 -atty dwell taker, from its mother ''l by some one intent o, seeing some in fun. The owner of the cow peas fin hastily hunted u:t. but he disclaimed t'•C(. any knowledge of t),e whereaionts l:n1r of the ealfshjp. Several Persons were iIY tntorrogntcd but and r, ci Bargains will be offered for the balance of the. season as we do v carry over everything in this line if a price will sell theta, l a l intend tob some of the bargains. Call early and geb o A large assortment of Fancy H tndkerchiefs in plain and fancy, white e- and colored Fancy Etubroidered. front Set. r' up.They will lease you. 'y Boot & Shoep Out Shoe Store is fall Department of all the eve& for winter cnnlfot•t, in Rubbers, Oren shoes, Cardigans, Rubber Boots. Felt Shoes. Fancy Eeit Shoes and Slippers, also al);kinds of Boots and Shoes to leather for Ladies at you will find as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed.Mn.eOur ieee Just received a eonsignment ef the Christmas finestChina Xmas Presents. A large assorttuent of Jardtner ehtBase LampsThese make lovely Lamps, Fancy Plater, Cups and Saucers, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, etc., et , Our stock is all fresh ar,cXmas New New Figs, Dates, Shelled Almonds. SheRaisins, nu to and teverythingNew Peels, quire to make your Xntns Cakes. AH sold at close price. you re• Everybody is invited to call and take a look through our and well assorted stock. It will do you good and do us good toa see you. Highest prices phid for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, or Sas - v evening last. Dir. •Wrn. Ehlers spent Monday at .Bend an business. he ;new lettl,irau church will be ned on Sunday, Dec, lath in the ruing the service will commence. 10 o'clock and will fu• conducted German. by i!ev. D. Graf, of Ef- sham. Ills. Tise afternoon ser - will conimenoe at 3 o clock. The lisp t,ervice will he conducted !Rev. 5. Et. of h'ishervillc. Oct the 1, e. ,,.t.s by Bev. t�. Sclsradcr of '311. Clemens. 31;c},, I:, t he eren- ing jtev. R. Eiferl, of hlo ndale will have charge of the service which commences ai. 8 o'clock. Those ministers have all been former pas- tors here. Music ,will he furnished b)' the Dashwood and Tavistock choirs. The regular annual business mce:- in^ of the To:ing Peop!c_' Alliance of the EwaCI.'CI cal Association war held on M4i,)as• n:zht last. After devotional .'z•reises the following of- ficers were elected. Hon. fres. Rev. L. R. hilt : .Pres. Maritsa Oestrei- Pres..'Pres... c.. Emma Tiernan Martha Carling : 4th Vice Ethel Keller:nann ; a cretnry . Graybeil: Treasurer. Wesley : Organist. Ida Goetz; Asst, :st. Nora Siebert. not( - e 1•of t . iIt rn tit cal I >� c ere i L Heist. t. at s ..c l0 one young 'cu n t n tad. d Mich. t, suspected I : h- 1 11o[ Herber:. Hoist , 'room-. being one of the culprits. was the partied them here. 1 recipient of the shat a tot. Messrs. ira 'thew/ and E. Mahon and res: nted the imputation. point 01 nearly ;pent 'Er•Srtay in Exeter on business. startinganother row. The his3e Quite a number intended going' • . 6 siuirlel tl,antutti Monday, but was postponed until another year-� - part of the night, and when the Mr. /Geo.'Bedforfd w -ns in Sarnia o::: searching party was abroad, the calf Thursday last on business. M. Bed- c.as 'quietly returned to the bide of ford twill ieave for Sarnia the first its fond mother. -The owners were of (the year to resume his position tic:.l,'d when they found the young with the Goodison 'Thresher Co. • beast safely restored. but the Mr. I. Smith. of Hamilton, spent, natured Reed Sunday in the. village. joshing of those who a'cra owing ,tu the wet weather tht nuh and siue.roads were sear eyed, nu animal remained under cover. search WAS continued all day : the The and I here were s 1 ( t.b on Ibc deal, kept t cher . special Temperance on a keen edge a P he excitement 2nd sermons in the Evangelical church t the writer isk 11 the time. While vies on taunt } the afternoon a not aware a9 to program rtY 9 Pres.. t ay fist. In progra a- given by the Sunday sautes of the "culprits" it is ,t say that the Englishman. cafe to Twig „Iahman. .leek and to ca w The members and friends of the ? t}, ,tne 8011 not t wishing • If as all Methodist church hall a bee one cls t, the inhab- Y l hunts to herons dull with ^nsst:i, last xveck and levelled up the lawn 1 concocted the sslieme for its sudden in front of the parsonage. They ;tit ;disappearance. some 05 or 40 loads of earth on the Inu•n• The cornmittcc Iv" had i� charge of ,the w•o•deserve credit The ctrl fashioned way of dosing for II he ,way in which everything weak stomach. or stimulating; the was done. The 'beautifying of the boortor kidneys is alt tis Tong• Dr. lawn twill ••real)y add to the appear-, Shoop first pointed out this error. :Ince of ,the parsonage, This is why his prescription Or, with Mr, and Mrs. P. W. ll (dark visited 1 !mop's Restorative -is direct r. A. .1. Clark, of Ailsa Craig over Slntday. ,bliss .1. Johnson, of Exeter, visit- ed at I he home of 41r. and Mrs. Jos. (Lawson over Sunday co y have a full line of. When these rerres ;ail, then ranges. hca tors, tinware' and getter - those organs mus 1- J al haraware. s tie films. 1'enhalc and sister, )Hiss :2:r. let, of Exeter, were guests of turd \ire, t,Vrn. Lewis over ,Sun- Mr. W. it. Wenzel had (the rule• I ,i:e IS f°"°".. Bold by tt'. 8. Ifowoyd mune to loose lh ,rely to the cause of these ailments --the weak inside or controlling ner- ves. It isn't eo difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen :t weak ntonr- tee t[. tV, CIarL•'s nrl in :this issue.. ach. )sears or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly, Each ineidc organ has It, nd mins Bios. adv(. in another 1 �`-` controllitt3 e- inside antic column they or. 'These vital truths druggiststithe aro to dispense and ecornt recommeveryend Peeve Restorative. Test it o few dnvs. ahrl little -.. c 1 Irnntotetnent will promptly 884 a itt ;, finger of I Ins right hand on Monday. while t working 'the jointing mach,nc. Tne UsbOrnA flutter nt•us out completely off and 1 The limo is rapidly a , was very painful. the McCue dress- 1 r 1 coon ri t ed 4 he injured member .t mita nn•l i when :;twthe. Hawkins. the er,t be herd• Mr. lCCjtl0a. circ pre.ent it is now doing as swell ns can II" ex- reeve, it is . ha+ rot decided as to whether The h.,retifut home of M. And he "•ill urn ••'tin for cite office MI s. Charles De Muth, 2037 :Acne/ not. If Its twangs it. et,,,.,, or ghela Ave.. Swissvale. Pa., was the hu' rhat he ctr, Y co doth; get it, Ii4f sce,le fruesda has it. he will not be a coulir4ite. Y evening Novetnbcr ,and should this b;• the case, at.. J. 24. of the wedding of their daughter+t Moir. the representative from the Hazel May to Wesley A. Finkbeiner I north end will no doubt he 1 cin - formerly of Crediton. The ceremony d:date for the office. Mes• s At - was solemn ?zed at 7 p. m tb9 th l rev. a. Chat/mite or the Methodist chili eh Swig -vale, 1'. A. in (he pre- sence of a large number of relat- ives and invited guestq. It was a Yellow and white wedding. •duan'ti- ties of yellow chrysanthemums ane white roses entering into } ir«c.3 goofs Mfl�ic Oiatotgr. .0 decorations of each room. Ci, -ii. inson. polity and Andrew will no tloubt corny out ngtin ate( I•'red El- lerintttot's name is spok, n of -s another possible aspitanr. 'However nomination day will tell the tale. Immediate relkf (res Ranges, BaseMN a Burners anO1nctcrscArty A fll Ilne of the di1Te rent makes in the above linea And invite you to visit our store and get our pricer, In General Hardware Our stock is complete in nil linea. We ilave a full liue of Tinware- Eavetrotlghing and Ruof- ing a specialty. FURNACES If cots air thinkin;t of pnttiri in a new furnace let us talk it over with you, we ran save you money. t%e c.trry a full stock of the celebrated Sher- win Williams p.tint. 'YOUNG BROS General Hardware,Ct trditon. T � O. W Stiller Organ The TIMES from now till January 1910 for One Dollar. If your neigh- bors or friends are not now getting the TIMES, kindly tell them of this excellent offer When you plats , ..r meals you. never think of bread, yet you always have it, and if it is left off the table it is the first thing that is missed. You can live without bread, but you can live without any other foal with less hardship -.`think along Owe lines and the absolute necessity otitread conies home to you. ••4i� And because it is a necessity, its qa llty should be the hest --quality in RoyaIpcntis largely upon the flour. AsthOld FI110r that it is the bes`c women of Canada has convinct'SQ as for bread. for pastry as well Try Ogih cc's Rt Your grocer recomm.yal Household. It gives such good rJ:nds it, because Ogilvie noir sults. 16t, limos Ce., H4. 80 TEARi11` EXPERIENCE 1olco kIla lnventMa none stricti Pant trea Patents Or Tnaoc MARS Dreams CoponaONT$ &c. ding a sketeb and desenptrrn, mar tin one optaloa res whether an Probably pewees deal ever f or ma (t� b moon , :e to einem mas- on Patrols reeve DASH WOOD Come and see our Su berb Favorite Steel range it's a beauty. We also keep the Pandora Peninsular, Ladies Aid, Oak and Base burners. Guarantee Prices right. MI kinds of repair work done. Eggs and Butter taken. Come and see us before you buy. Hardware F D. TiE_MAN, Dashwood THINKING OFCHRISTMAS! Our Christmas goods are a choice lot, and are the useful kind; nothing trashy in our stock. Our Christmas Post Cards Are the most beautiful we have ever shown. See Our New Granitware Givensas premiums is tth Art Baking I'owder. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar q r The Farmers Bank I of Canadap tat $[,OpU,OOp �a 40 Branches throughoutTC•anadaA88©t8 $1'600,000 Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business Hale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT • Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Yle to leave in or fire our may take it f om yytoo lou,bor to invest inheriskyspecuse ulations here or with doubt- ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONRY ORDERS ISSL'RD When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and money orders are available here, and told at the lowest poseibto rates. Our money order. are payable at par at any point in Canada and pi 0. cilpal points In the United States and Great Britain. f Oun Morro .Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape. R. T. DUNLOP, Ilan, DASHWOOD & BRUCEFIEI,J a )andsom atop of ShIpka Mr. tT lbs Carta .wA13 ttirat attiallf .1111111