HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-03, Page 4"For three Ions months 1 was net ab!c to attend to my own needs; And for three weeks the eczema on my !rands was so bad that, 1 was tamable to feed myself. 1 had to be fed es one feeds n baby, because 1 could not hold knife, fork, spoon or cup.” _ o says Miss Violet McSorley, of 75, Gore Street, Sault Ste. Marie, in telling how Zane-Buk cured her of eczema. She odds: "Hands, wrists and arms up to the diem. were covered with eczema. '1'hc itching ani the sot erttsss were nigh unbearable. As the diseese developed, the skin actually p, eled off leaving raw sores. The palms. fingers, backs of my bandit and wrists were all in fila shocking ,tate, and I was forced to sit in agony all the while." -Th., raw sores were omitin a foul condition, end my finger all except two. fell off. During the dilTotent stages ofm3 trouble,ble. I soughtht the advice of three different doctors and received treatment, but although getting slight relief at first there was no cure. Atnputatien was at one time thought necessary hut rho introductionaction of %am -I3uk prevented tkis fearful ending." "Znm-buk was recommended by a friend and we bought a supply. Tho first few applications gawp trio a little ease. but it was not until 1 had continued with it for home time that 1 felt a decided improvement. After that my cure went on quickly. kiln -11'1k did what everything else had failed to do. Now my bands and arms aro quite freed from the terrible eczema." Aro E2I! suffering from skin disease? If .o, take Alis%SIeSorleys advice anTlry Zam•Bnk. Zam-Ituk cures eezemn, ulcer', pits., bid leg, riegt*•rn,. Teetering sorest. eut . brtuses, burnt atirnn,s, poisoned wounds of all kind', Temples face and lip sore., bed sores• diseased ankles, and all itching, irritation, and inflammntion. Of all druggists end stores, 50 cents. a hoz, or from Znm•Iluk Co, Toronto, for frame price. Rcfu•e all cheap and worthless substitute/tot the " lust as Rotel" type. J.HE EXETER TIMES, DEC. 3rd 1908. TOILET ARTICLES A New Lot of Goods Just Arrived 'foie I3rushes, ('loth lbtashes Shaving I3rushes, Tooth and Nail I3rushes, Whisks, Mif- rors,Pocket Mirrots,Dressing Combs, Pocket Combs and other 'Toilet articles. CALL AND SEE Brownings Drug Store Notes and Comment fThe Conservatives, it is aunounc- ed, will contest thirty three of the seats won by the Liberals in the Pro- iviacc of Quebec at the recent Dom- iniOn elections, and the Liberals will contest the eleven seats won by the £Oast•rvatives. It is also announced itbat in the J'tovince of Ontario the oIoDservatives will contest thirty - deur out of the thirty's -seven eeats Mart bY the Liberals. Sir Wilfrid's election in Ottawa is one of these, and his dislualification asked for ow,ing lo the letter be 'wrote to Hal. McGivern promising au increase of Salaries to the civiservants. • A few, days ago it was Enid that ,the Conservatives of Ontario were slot eatis[ied with their leader end itbat Mr. Borden would ie tasked to Ito give place to Sir Charles (Tupper of Sar James Whitney. Now etc have laucbcc Conservatives Saying that ,they (would not submit to a leader from the west, and suggesting, 'the num of Mr. If. L. Monk as the roan Who !would lead theist out of the Wilderness. Many changes occur in politics .within a few months. A short time ago the leader •of the Quebec Conservatives was Mr. Ber- geron, tutu this gentleman accom- panied Mr. Borden on his last tour :through the west. Now Air. Ber- geron is even without n scat in the Mouse, and Mr. Monk is the man whose moue is on the lips of the Wood Conservatives from Quebec. When Ahs latter road is built it will the eouud that its resources will be 'taxed to novo the freight of- fered. It has been stated that there Mould not be traffic enough to make .the road pay. Those who en- tertain 1 his view know nothing of :the conditions or of the resources which 'would be tributary 10 'the railway. 'faking last year's freight, which should naturally find an out- let at. Hudson Bay, it Would re;uire 3,000 :1 rains of fifteen cars each to ntowe it. Canada is hardly known to- day. Some people would Site Sur- prised Ao hear that far 1.0 the north of .the INatiottal Transcontinental Railway :there is la fertile wheat belt. ante a climate much :milder than is to be found five hundred miles :to -the south. This is easily accounted for ; it is sufficient bere just •10 state the facts. \Vhat the Canadian Pacific is to the territory through which it passes, the Trans- continental road will be to the north of i1, and even then there will be room and business for yet another great transcontinental system %when the country to the north and west Is better known than it is at present• 5. S NO. 3, STEPHEN. The following is a correct report of the standing of I he pupils of 5. S. No. 3, Stephen for the month of Nov. V.—(;. Sanders. A. Willis, F. Trieh- ner• Sr. IV—W, Shap• ton. Jr. iV.—L. \Velsl►. C, .Parsons J. Willis, .1. Iiogarth, V. Ilogartb. A. Willis. 0. I'rescator, E. tBox. Ile —M. Willis. It. ('arsons. Sr. 11-1-. Sanders. C. Tricbner, G. Stanlake,— J►-. It—L. sunders, T. Willis. C. Parsons. C. Dearing. Sr. pt IL—_•I. Triehner, V. 'Box. 1.. Hill, V. I'resz• caro: • Jr. pt. I1.-1.'. Sanders, •C. Ratter oft, D. Hamilton, C. Sanders. Pt. 1 --A. Shipton. E. Stanlake. W'tu. L. Triebner, Teacher. • ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FMR. $2.10 to Guelph and return from Exeter vitt Grand Trunk Iteilwav titysteui. Good going D_c. L, Q 7, 8. 0, 10, autl Ilth. Return lirnit Des. 14th.. secure tickets from Grand frruuls Agent. For Lunch Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, E ronchitis, consumption. And certainly strengthens wel,.% i< throats and weak lute; s. There can be no mistake about this. You know it Is true. And your own doctor will say so. Theban 'unit of a testimonial— E "Sold for over sixty yetos." ae7eer •arae+: and. by J.C. Ayer (' , t..welt, f1..r•. Also m►natscturecs or Stea qers Rtla t!:r(tii . ne h.r. no t-eretst V • nbl:its the f'r .....rt (fs,l oor .::net. I p tho bowels rca titer va:h P.vt and thus hasten rocove•; Winchelsea Messrs. Geo. and Cnas. Godbott have rented f,fteeu acres of the Dur- dlc farfront DrChas. Goiltadt. t r . Dir. and Mrs. John Smith, of Tor- onto, whoWere here attending ;the funeral of the late Mrs. Godbolt, returned Rowe last week. Mr. W. G, Medd visited his father at Kinburn on Monday. ' Mrs. E. Heywood and dau„hters Emma and Lillie arc visiting friends in Fullerton and Aitteirell. A number from I'lugtown visited at Alwena llcywood's oft Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Del.e idr,•o have the zytnpathy of the entire commun- ity oa account of the tieatit of their infant Loy, w•llo expired Monday evening. The child ..vas five .weeks old. The remains were _interred in \\ the Kirkton cemetery cdnesda_ . Mr. John Delbridge has dded an- other labor saving device to his farm, the latest edu:tion being a litter carrier. So useful and handy is this new piece of machinery, that Mr. Delbridge says he wonders i ew he ever got along without it. Mr. Thos. Dur lc will bavean ex- tensive auction rile cf farm stock and implements on Wednesday. Dec. 4th. As Mt. Dal tile intends giving up farthing ,there will be no reserve. Everything on the f;trm is in first class condition aitd t`:hould bring the highest figures. BOItN BENCE—In Buffalo. November lath to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bence (nee Florence Jeckcll) a daughter. MARRtIED MORLE1—DANN—In 'London :town- ship 011 Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, I". \V, Morley, of Whalen. to Miss Cora Dann. of London township. FINKBEJNElt — DehlUT11 — .At Swissvale. :1'a., Nov. 24tb, :hazel May DCMuth to Mr. .Wesley A. Finkbeiner, formerly of Crediton. GELINA$—DENOMEY-At 1st. ,Peter' church, Drysdale on the 14th inst., try Rev. A. M. Strocdcr, of Zurich, Mr. lLco Gelinas, of Start 4 Miss Sarah D is o cont • 1 tt of y, cy, , May: JEFFREY—MASSE—At at. Peter' church, Drysdale. on November 25th by Rev. A. M. Strocdcr. t\Ir. Remi Jeffrey, Ito Sarah Masse, both of St. Joseph. \V1Y,SON—MASSE — At St. Peter' church. Drysdale, on November 25 by Rev. A. M. Strocdcr, Mr. Robb. Wilson, of Chatham, tb Miss Jose- phine Masse, of St. Joseph. DIED DELBRIDGE.—At \Vi}icltelsett me Monday, Nov. 30th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Delbridge, aged five 'weeks and four days. K I rkton Mrs. John Somerville entertained a number of friends last Friday. A number from a distance were pre- sent to enjoy her hospitality. Messrs. Wm. Moore and Geo. Long - burst returned last week from their bunting trip up in the Bruce penin- sula. They claim the sport this year is not es good as formerly, owing to the forest fires destroying much of the game. Large stretches of timber sties burned and hundreds of deer and smaller animals were prey ;to the flames. The swamp .where Mr. Moore usually had good success was ((p11 PIC ely devastated. ThcY how- mum., I AM A OTHER How many American women in lonely homes to -day long for this blessing to come into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of souse organic derange- ment this happiness L4 denied thein. Every woman interested in this subject should know that prepara- tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the use of LYDIA E. PINItHAM'S VEGETA LE COMPOUND :Ws. Maggie Ginner, of West -ni,, 1 S. C.,writes Mrs. I lnkhaln i 1 S.C.\ rt o�I test •. [wns grcatlYrun d wn in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex. when Lydia E. I'inkham' a Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored rue to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother." Mrs. Josephine Ilall,of Bardstown, Ky., writes : " I was n very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. 1'inklia-u's Vege- table Compound not only restored 1110 to perfect health, but 1 amt note a proud mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made froin roots and herbs, iias been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, intlanutint ion, uleent tion, fibroid tutnort, il're);IllalltleR, 1lerindic pains, backache', that bear- ng-drawn feeling, tlattlleucy,andi5es- t ion, dizziness or nervous proalation. Why dont yon try it ? %Irs. Th:'.hnnt itttites nil sick women to r, rite her for advice. Ste leas tritided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. ver, secured several rabbits. Par- stidge Is pleutiful. but b :ug tiro- 1•.cted by the genie laws, they were not molested. Mrs. Robert Fletcher, who under- w•ctit a critical operation at I.ondcn but t' confined to the hospital, s 11 n cd is 1 o f is reported to be getting along a, well as can be expected. It is reported that Mr. T. W. Walker, our school leacher, has been offered a better position in the northwest and that he wilt teuie: his resignation here. to accept the new offer. Mr. 1t. Hoskin has greatly Ise - proved Lis property by giving L store tndS house a fresh coat O[ paint. . Mr. :.nd Mrs. J. McCurdy enter- tained friends last Thursday. Dr. Jose, who recently purchases Dr. Carr's practice. is rapidly be- coming aoivainted with those in need of Itis services and is making an excellent impression. Coughs that arc tight, or distress- ing tickling, ocughs. get ;nick and certain help front Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account druggists everywhere are favoring. Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is entirely free from opium. chloroform, or any► other stupefying drug. The. tender leaves of a harmless lune. healing mountainous shrub give to Shoop's Cough 'Remedy its curative proper- ties. Those leaves have the power to calm •the most distressing cough. and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial tnetnbranc. Mothers should for safety's sake alone, always de- mand Dr. Shoop's. It cm with per- fect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. 'fest it once your- self, and see 1 Bold by W. 13. Ilowey• Lucan Rev. 11. J. HI:unilton. Episcopal missionary from Japan, gave an in- teresting talk on that country, its peoples and customs. illustrated with the best set of limelight views ever exhibited in the village at Chester Hall on Tuesday night. The building ,was crowded tto the doors and the silver collection netted goes towards the work of Christianizing .Japan. The high School concert on Friday night was a complete $ossa$. All 'the seats in the Stanley Opera house had been reserved on Thursday even- ing,. Harold Jarvis sustained his re- putation, and this being his first ap- pearance in Lucan, he was well re- ceived. Mrs. Shafer, of Detroit. the elocutionist, who also made her in- itial appearance here, justified the swords of praise that prccceded her. Patrick Whelihan, of . iBiddulph, has established a reputation of being the greatest hog producer in this section of the township. He recent- ly sold to Chas. Sproule, of this vil- lage a Tamworth pig that tipped the scales at 330 pounds and only eight months old. The many friends of Wm. Gowane who has been confined in Victoria hospital for some time, will be pleas- ed to learn that he has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and is now slaying with friends. De is expected to return here this Week. I'reventics, 1 he new Cattily • Cold Cure Tablets are said by druggists to have four special spccifigg// advan- tages over all other remetlita for a cold. First—They contain no quin- ine. nothing harsh or sickening. — Second—They give almost instant re- Ief. Third—pleasant to the taste. Oise candy. Fourth—A large box. 45 Pr t v(ntics—at 25 centra. Also 'Eine for fevt lash children. Sold by W. S. I iowey. Zurich Miss .Maggie Campbell is v:silin,; her sister in Berlin. Mr. C.'Bechler fell out of an apple tree on Saturday, fracturing his hip.. The old gentleman was unconcious and had to be carried to his house. where his injuries were attended to by the local medical men. Owing' 4o Ws great age his recovery is Nona. what doubtful. Mr. John A. Truetnncr won the carving set. presented by the Zurich Gun Club, by Dir. Fleischauer of Con - Bon. Ile broke 13 out of 100 or 0. over dormer average. while Charles Fritz Ards a clow second With 87 out of 100 or 7 over his former average. To stop .nay pain in 110 mina;:!. take one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Sec formula on the hoz. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about 'this formula. It can't be bettered. \Vomanly yarns. head pains, any vain gets instant relief. Box twenty Pink 'Pain Tablets. 25 c. Sold by W. S. llowey. fensall. Df;ss •llolithron, of Exeter. is :. Sting friends here. Douglas Stewart, of Exeter. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1). Shirriy Mr. H. J. D. Cook, barrister, was in Goderich last week. Mr. Daniel Hell, of McBride. Miichi• gen, is visiting his psircnte Mr. turd Mrs. James Bell er. The farmers in 1 his section trade ex- cellent use of the fine weatler of the past wee kM•An t• gutting their f 11 ploughing finished. Mrs. W. If. Thompson of Winnipeg. is spending a couple Io of months with her friends Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car- lisle, and intends afterwards living in Toronto. The Targe new tile for the new drain on itichtnond Street turived last week and will frons ha; lnceal in position. Mrs. C. Southwell 'Toronto is visit• ing her parents Mi. and Mts. Alex Thompson. Al re rhotupsen's relnl iv( s w Ln atletded his hnu'e warming on Fridnt Penning of lest wt t'k wets' hitt Ion sis- ters Sire. !duelist). of Mon kite, anti 'Moe Buttrey e.f Ethel. nisi, Mr. Hutt - rev, his lit of Ler 1)av t1 of rot onto Mr. W. M. Herten -re florist was in Toront s recently attending the horti- c,iltur.il exhibit spending several days there. Mr..loseph Ellis rel netted hest weak from Winitol,u where he spent 11- VI rad weeks with hi+ ,.•Int ive s an.l fr'ende. Mr. Milton McTaggatt who ie in the hardware business in Maskatehnwsn is here spending a few wet be with his )•:►rents and friends. Willie McAtthnr ter- nil). returre,l from the /West who, a be had been stending a few months. 1 1lly •,the incl I uctiat of the .O[on aNNN•NNNNNrs•NNNNN••NSNNNNNN•sNi Minister of Agriculture a dietribu- 1 tioti i3 being no this EeaeDtt .f The lVlolsons Bank i s:unples o[ t u} erior sorts of gr site 1 , • t tnmach trouble 1s but a symptom o1. and not In itself a true disease. Wu think of Dy.pepsL. Heartburn. and Indigestion as real diseases,et they aro sy'mptonts only of a certain specta0 Nene sickness—nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now very popular Stomach Rente,ty—Dr. :hoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves. alone brought that mimesis anti favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- out that original and highly elle! principle• no such tasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distnas. bloatktg, biliousness, bad bnwth and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Lieuld-eand see for your. seif what it can and will do,Wo sell and chows hely recommend Dr. Shoop's and tlotatues to Canadian rat -niers for the improvement of seed. The 1 stock forr tst1►1n IIot has been!c - Icured mainly flout the Fxperimentel Tarots at Indian Head, Sask., and i Brandon, .Alen. The. samples ' Con- , sist of oats, sprints wheat, barley, 1 peas, Indian corn for ensilage only ( and potatoes. The ;uantity of oats sent is 4 lbs., and of wheat or bar- ' ey 5 lbs„ sufficient to bolt' 1- , of an acre. The samples of Indian corn, peas and potatoes weigh 3 lbs. leach. A�1arattty of each of thefol- lowing t c 1 - to lag varieties has been Secured for this distribution :—Oats—Banner Danish Island, \Vide -Awake, ;White Giant, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo, all white varieties. Wheat, —Red varieties, lied Fife. beardless. Chelsea, 'Mar lids, Stanley and Percy Restorativeearly beardless, Preston. Huron and W. S. HOWEY. Grand 'send On Saturday cvcli ng last fire des- troyed the general store of Mr. d.. itavelle. 'There was nothing saved. The cause of the Piro is unknown. WAS MIXED OFTEN. Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the coun- try people coming in of this simple home made mixture curing Rheuma- tism and Kidney trouble. More is the recipe and directions for faking Mix by shaking well in a bottle one ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, 3 ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take as 't dose one teaspoonful after meals and rat betltitne. No change need be made in your usual dict, .but drink plenty of good water. This mixture has a peculiar tomo effect. upon the kidneys; cleansing the clogged up pores of the elimina tive tissues, forcing the kidneys to sift and strain from the blood the. uric acidand poisonous waste matter overcoming •Rheumatism Bladder and Urinary troubles in a short •while. A druggist here who has bad hun- dreds of calls for these ingredients since the first announcement in the newspapers last October stated that the people Ns -he once try it "swear by it," especially those who have Ur- inary and Kidney trouble and suf- fer •with ]theumatism. All the druggists in this neighbor - load say they can supply the ingredi- ents„which are easily mixed at home. There is said to be no better blood cleans:ng agent or system agent known, and certainly none more harmless or simple to use. Pringle's Champion, early bearded, White varieties, \Vhite Fife, beard- less, hobs. early beardless. Barley. six rowed: Men,ury.Odessa and Mans field. Two rowed—Invincible add Canadian Thorne Field feats— Ar- thur and Golden Fina Indian Corn. for ensilage,—Eat: ty Sorts. Angel of Midnight, Compton Early and Long- fellow ; later varieties, Selected Learning. Early Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. Pontos$— Early varieties, Rochester Bose, and Irish Cobbler. Medium Ito late 'varieties, No. 1, Money Maker. ,Gold Coin and Dooley. The later varieties are as a rule more productive than the earl- ier kinds. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, hence it an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat barley, peas. Indian corn or potatoes. Lists of names front one individual or applications for more than one sample for one household, cannot be entertained. The samples .will bee sent free of charge through ' The mail. Application should be address- ed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent In any time from the first of December to elm 15th of February, after tvhich the lists will be closed, ao that the samples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing. Applicants should mention the variety they bre- fer, with a second sort as an alter- native. Applications will ne filled itt the order in which they aro re- ceived, so long, as the supply of seed Lasts. Farmers are advised to apply early to avoid possible disappoint- ment. Those applying 'for ' ,Indian corn or potatoes should hear in mind that the corn is not usttallf distri- buted until April, and that potatoes cannot be mailed until danger from frost in transit ie over. No postage is rc;uired on mail matter addressed to the Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. FREE TRIAL BOX Send this eonpon and a ic. &tamp to Zam•itnk to, Toronto, and a dainty trial box of Zam-lluk will be man- ed you. 1 Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL $3 374.000 00 RESERVE FUND •• • •••• •••• $3,374,000.00 Z Has tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and ('orrespondeuts in all the Principal Cities un the World, General Banking Business Transacted. 11 Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. iDtcksOn &Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager • N•••NN•0 •sosoaoNNNNooNo••••• , THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE UE4H OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,0 R Reserve Fund,5,000,00 B. Z. WALKER, President A%YW LAIRD, Genera 'Imager Branches throughout Canada, and -in the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents w$16 " N $30 10 cents $30 $50 13 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. GLIM,. are negotiable at $4.eo to the { sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safetyand at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. ll6 Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, 11lanager Branch also at Crediton. NERVOUS OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and makoa man or you. Under its Influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up: the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despoudency disappear; tho eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental systems are invigorated: all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know mar- riage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hardearned dollars. Lam' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter E. Summers, of Kalamazoo, Mich., relate. las experience: - I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I lay It to Indiscretion and excesses in earlyyouth. 1 became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. .1 imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me—my back ached, had pains in the back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning. poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the fingers set in and the doctor told mo he feared paralysis I took all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class physicians, wore an electric beit for SE►OR% TREATMENT three months went to r.it. Clemens for AFTER TREATMENT baths, but received little benefit. while at'Mt. Clemens i was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in doctors. Likes a drowning man 1 commenced the New Method Treatment and it saved my life. The Improvement was like magic --I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physicallY.I 1 have sent them many patients and will continue to do so." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOCELE, STRICTURE. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. 11 unable to call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. DRs.KEtINEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. za oft FLH£.S fie. 4 The finest steel made and tempered bCelectricity will not make a perfect arbo Magnetic razor blade. It .1111 requires grinding to complete the work. This grinding must be as true and reliable as the ingredients named. Grindi.-,gentirelybeaa :d is imper• lest—wobbly—by machine, too see• ebaniest to search out every point needing attention—but combine the two with the severe secret test each blade is finally subjected to and you It,,. a perfect Carbo Magnetic razor. The quality of labor employed is a most essential point in producing cutlery steel. The men intrusted with the grinding of Carbo Magnetic steel hare spei.t the moor part of their lives in reaching their present :Aids of perfection. '1 hey are Ham. 1 ing grinders, unquestionably the beat known. Every razor blade carred oat of tbe:r hands is absolutely vellum end toend, w•ithnoirtegularr- 1:-s or t:ii::c spots. TLr shaving rd's is tree nr.) straight. It will rut s.rooth, (lean cad comfortable, :cwv:ng no smarting sensation. t', Seg .•+its, n, t.:ia.ness till appear in a Carbo Magnetic razor no tatter how Icngg used. No meth d ter.,perin7 by ere with its (eastaat citation of heat will produce soya raiformity. Every blade, has been brought to a fixed temperature ac - c :atet! measured byelectricity 1b.• fare Wing '•plunged," any variation Gere t!.. ptccisirt v:onh: r:d_tc the ..andud. nut t;•t t`az:a" :'i;:JyOfiy ((ustraffOOt1 r.c• }.ur con home—or have yo . c: set it c.: yt:a nor thirty r ,.., :Drop tis a p sate!, c: tcaer yet, came in a::1 cc. u, c- t we v.11 r .vr ecu 0..' new propceit,,,3 far hsvtng t't se rizo:s testes vntlo.t ob:,ga- t!on to per:Lase, together with our fr:e b:okiei "Hints on Shaving." Sr00pIS 01 Ike C000aI00ri Norm west HOMESTEAD RHOCLATION8..% Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over le years o:d :nay homestead a quarte(!, sectoni of available Dominion lance la Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry byy proxy may be had at the agency, oa certain conditions, by father, mother ni ,on, daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties :—S,x months residence upon and cultivation of the land in eaob of three years. A homesteader may lite within nine miles of .his home- stead on a 'farm of at least 80 acres so:eiy owned and occupied by him or h:s father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts n homestea.loe :n good stniding mny pre-empt a q ,•inter '.cct:on alongside his home. .tend. 1'r:co $3. per acre. Duties•- Must reside R:x months incite') of six years from date of homestead entry (.nc:ud:ng the titre re/Introit (0 earn homestead patent) and cultivtae fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted hie }om •Storad right and cannot ob- tain tarn a pre em iicn mey take a p tr - chased hetneciead in certain districts I'r•c' 0. per ac -e. Dul.• —Must resale s'x Mentha in each r,f three years. CU:t'.vete fife v acres and erect a house worth $'1')0.01. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Sinister el the Interior N. It. -unauthorised led Bretton of this aides men( will not he paid for w, f Tne Osborne and Nlbber% Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- S. Cole, Drugg: st ance Gompanu What can you dot , Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. j Pr( sident—.1. L. RUSSELL. Lortl Tennyson could lake n asenny? piece of paper, write n poem on it and snake it worth $65.000. That's genius. Rockefeller can write 8 few i:n, on :t sheet of paper end n:rel:,• north 410.000.000. That's e.tp:t ::. Thele Hale c.in take an (more :•tui torn -ter of (;old rind Ntatnp upon it n eagle. end . make, it worth I'20 • lt'g sovereignty. Vices-President—\V, 11. l'AS340KB Dl ltEt:TORs, \VM. Itoy, ll•.YNltOLN P. 0 \VM. Bowl: V. ue tel•:r.sv:A 1', 0. T. RYAN, i)rtii n/ P. OI itoliE tT NOit1118, Stella. As, ENTS. .1olIN ESSl•:It\', E.teter, agent l's( 1'shorn 31.41 Jtiddulph. OLIVER IIAItltl$, Munro. sweat for liihbert, Full mon and Logeo, B. W. F. BEAV ERb, Secy.Treas. Farquhar. (MADMAN & STANB('RY. 9..tirlt�rta