HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-12-03, Page 2- 11004243-000004Gt YOUNG FOLKS 000uo o000000ta [iso UNCLE NED'S MAUI('. ratter, patter, drip, drip, sang the rain on the roof. Tearfully Teddy glanced from the window. 'Oh dear !" bo sighed. "O dear !' echoed Frank and Iletfy. "Guess daddy couldn't stake '1 fire on the ►•ticks to -day," said Frankie, with pictures of the in- tended corn toast vividly beforo him. This is very evident by the sudden downpour which followed )iis remarks. Even sight of the lake was shut out from him. It isn't such an easy thing to amuse two eager little boys and a Iittle girl on a rainy day. Sailing boats in the bathtub was fast be- coming tiresome. A sudden gust of w irld rattled the windows, and Os children did not know that. soineecely had opened the door and was sta•►diog right behind them, and they di,i not know, either, that that somebody was Uncle Ned. The children had not seen Uncle Ned for a bong time, so of course they were very glad to see him, and just at the right time, too. Some- how uncles always happen to Louse at just the right time, so it was not any wonder that he was besieg- ed with kisses, and coaxed to tell a story. Truthfully Uncle Ned gazed at the logs in the fireplace. "1'11 toll you, chums," he said, prompted by a sudden idea, "let's have another magic trick, and this shall bo called the 'Russian Moun- tain.' And now I'll get the things necessary." While the •:hildren were gathering round the table unelo returned with a s•nall kerosene lamp, a strip of paper about, four iuches wide and I.bou' three feet long, a glass of 'sates a teaspoon and a small plate. These ho pieced ou the table, while from the long bookcase lie select- ed four books, decreasing in size from a very large to a tiny hook. He lighted the lamp and held the strip of paper over the top near enough so that it soon became cov- ered with thick, greasy lampblack. Then on the backs of the books, which he had stood upright and about four inches apart, he pinned the gaper, the greasy side toward him, allowing the end nearest the tiny book to rest in the y1ate "'yew. then," said Uncle Ned, "we are reams- , :.;: ,!:taking a little water in the teaspoon, he et it fall drop by drip upon the paper. 'Gracious: ' said Frankie. '[Just see bow it rolls:" and surd enough one rafter another the tiny drops rolled down the inclined plane of 1 ne book, g.tining speed enough each time to mount the next, and so on into the plate. The children each in turn drop- ped some water on the paper, and watched with delight the tiny drops striving to sec which could gain tbo piste in the quickest time. It was near supper -time when they thought to look out of the window—and what a surprise greeted them! Tho rain had ceased. the dark, threat - HUSBAND AND WIFEIdroltsmaghTu thoouuulber huarreacht ed 600. Prof. Alex. Jack, who for many years occupied the chair of engin- eering in Queen's College, Cork, died recently. He was nearly 90 years of age, and retired from the chair a few years ago. Some 230 applications havo been made in the Abbeyieale, County Limerick, district for old age pen- sions. One aged applicant's birth records are said to bo "lost in the mists of antiquity.,, At the Nenagh Quarter Sessions 41 decrees were granted against land -holders for failing to pay the half -yearly instalments due to the Land Commission for repayment of lc ans granted fur they purchase of holdings. Beth Restored to Health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "Both myself and my wife can truthfully say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been of great bene- fit to us, and we are constantly re- commending them to our friends." Thus writes Mr. Ernest L. Archi- bald, Truro N. S., who further says :— "In my own case I had been subject to (tizzy headaches for over a year, and three boxes of the Pills completely cured me of tee trouble. About a year ago my wife began to complain. She seemed to be com- pletely run down; was very pale and weak ; she could not walk up stairs without stopping on the way to get breath, and ultimately she grew se weak she could not sweep a floor without resting. She tried several tonics but received no be- nefit. Then I persuaded her to try Ur. Williams' Pink Pills and got her a half dozen boxes. After she had used a couple of boxes her ap- petite began to improve and the color to return to her face. She RAILWAY To SACiRED CITY. Where Mahonlet's Tomb k Now Lighted with Electricity. The Hedjaz Railway is a remark- able undertaking. Nut only does it link Damascus with Medina, the city that in the eyes of Mahotaedar. s is second only in sanctity to Mecca it- self? but it has been rearded from its inception as a sacred work, says continued using the Pills until she the London Illustrated News. had taken the six boxes, and to- It is perhaps the only Turkish day she is perfectly well, feels enterprise in which bribery and cor- stronger and looks better than she ruption have not had place, for has done for some years. While those concerned in it, from the by DY Kidney Pills, and she was taking the Pills she gained highest to the lowest, dared give bought a box, which she used with twelve pounds in weight." nothing but their bestto an enter- such splendid results that she con - Dr. 1Villiams' Pills cure trou- prise so closely associated with untied to take them till she was bles like these because they are their religion. The line, moreover, cured. Since then she has used rooted in the blood. Bad blood is was built with the money subscrib- Dodd's Kidney Pills in her own ed by Mahomedans the world over. family and recommended tneln It is likely that the lino will be widely to her friends, all of whom continued to Mecca, and in his have warm words of praise for the speech at the inauguration Mukhtar Sandard Canadian remedy, Dodd's Bey promised that he would use Kidney Pills. every endeavor to secure the end. Heart Disease, Rheumatism, The actual opening ceremony was Lumbago and Bright's Disease are performed by the Grand Mufti of all Kidney Diseases or are caused COLD BROUGHT ON KIDNEY DISEASE BItAN'fl•'Oltl) I. WI' S1'1'1'ERl:D 111.1, ( 1'111 1) 111' l)()D1)'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. A. 11. Thomson had Heart Di.case, Lumbago and Rheuma- tism, and 'fells How She was Re- stored to Health. Brantford, Ont., Oct. 12 (Special)—flow Colds, La Grippe and other minor ills settle on the Kidneys and develop Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Bright's Disease and other terribly dangerous ail- ments; and how any and all of them aro cured by Dudd's Kidney Pills is fully shown in the ease of Mrs. A. H. Thomson, whose home is at 48 Albion Street, this city. Mrs. Thomson was, some years ago, taken witb e'-ld and La Grippe and Straining, which affect- ed her Kidneys, and tno result was Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism and Heart Disease, which caused both her and her friends grave anx- iety. She had suffered some years when she heard of cures effected the cause of all common diseases like anaemia, rheumatism, inc'.iges- tion, neuralgia, St. Vitus' dance, general weakness, and those ail- ments that only women folks know, with their attendant headaches and backaches and irregularities. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a sure cure when given a fair trial, because they enrich the blood and thus reach the root of disease. Sold by all medicine dealers or by inail al 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FROM ERIN'S. GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MA1i. FR03I IRE- LAND'S RE- I.AND'S SHORES. Happenings in the Emet'ald Isle of Interest to Irish. men. Eighty por cent. of Ireland's emigrants come to America. The Countess of Aberdeen lately arrived in Belfast from a visit in Scotland. A cattle drive took rlace near Brodford, Co. Clare, 54 head of cattle being driven oil the Violet. Hill estate. The body of Hugh McCloskey, a rural postman of county Monaghan, was found in the Ulster Canal at Tyholland. As a feature of the temperance crusade, a general mission is being conducted by the Capuchin Fathers in Belfast. ening clouds had gone, and the sun A large number of the silver coins was shining bright and clear. T1v3 of different values, of George the neat day they could havo their pic- nic, and a much better time be- cause they would havo Uncle Ned with them.—V outh'e Companion. —r JAP GIRLS IN SHOPS. Girls Don't like Drudgery of Household Service. In Japan to -day, as in this coun- try, girls prefer the independence offered by situations in spinning and weaving mills, in shop and fac- tory, to the drudgery and depend- ence of household service, espec- ially to hiring themselves out as maids of all work, with the vnrious attendant restraints and hardships, to the average middle or lower-class Japanese family of less than a mod- erate income. The rural districts of Japan always have been tho greet source of supply from which domestics have been recruited. but since industrial enterprises c.f one kind end another have been started throughout the country, the young girls who world havo drifted to the cities and towns in quest of places as domestics now go to tend spindle and loom. The reason for this revolution is twofold. In the first place, the po- sition occupied by the servant in the household under the feudal system is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. In the second place, young women and girls who once went into service for purposes of ancial education and refinement now choose to gain a more up-to- date culture in the schools where branches of knowledge are taught or in the reading of western hooka rather than to acquire old-feshion- crl ideals in homes where they might still be iml!ii.ed by those will- ing to enter them in the inferior capacity of maids. Sir John Bank., physician in Ire- land to the King. has bequeathed $25.000 to Louisa 1.atterman, com- ',anion to himself and his late wife, ie recognition of her devotion to them. He also left fees) each to ).s butler and his sae, and 82,•.0 t., his coachman. I Third's time, were dug up near Clondorhid House. Macroom. Tho Early Closing Order came in- to force in Enniskillen. and all the shops to which the act applied were should be given whenever the lit- 7 rusk Railway System's tl'ains run closed at 2 o'clock Saturda •tle ones show the slightest signs of 3. direct to St. Catharines and fur - A vein of iron oxide is reported 1 illness. Caildren take the Tablets then info motion can bo obtained IC, have been discovered on the as readily as candy, and they are from their representatives. Apply lands of a farmer named Young at absolutely safe. Mrs. (leo. Howell, fc J.1► McDonald, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto. Damascus, and some interesting bpeeches followed. In the course of his remarks Ali Kianlil said: "We aro to -day cele- brating three great events—the pil- grimage to Medina, the opening of the sacred railway, and the first constitutional anniversary of the Khalif of Islam. The Prophet did not permit the railway to reach the Holy City beforo the Khalif had granted a constitution to his peo- ple" It was after the line had been in- augurcted that the special mission visited the electric plant which has leen installed to supply electric light to the mosque that contains the tomb of the Prophet.. Later in the day the events of the hour were ce- lebrated still further in that most modern method, by the letting off of fireworks and by illumination. A REST CURE. Medina, like Mecca, is forbidden In giving due credit to the wen - to all but Mahomecl4tns, but the derful remedial Springs of Europe barrier has been broken on two or we are apt to lose sight of the value three occasions. The 'railway is by of the ogres nearer home. About no means the only modern thing one thousand springs of various that has reached the sacred city. medicinal virtues exist in America Electricity too has come to it, as Of one of them Hare's System cf already noted. In the mosque in Tberapeutica (1801), page 523, thus which the tomb of Mehemet has its speaks: "A number of ..•'saljpe place the lights are hidden is many 1 ,rings exist in America and eat - strange shade, intending some of rope, very strong water of this ostrich eggs and others of Venetian kind being the St. Catharines Well and Bohemian glass. ill Canada, which contains about by diseased Kidneys. You can't have any of them if you keep your Kidneys sound. Sound Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. e.( SCORED OFF TOMMY. A young Irish lad on a market day in an Irish towr, was minding an as, attached to a !art awaiting the exit of his parent from a busi- ness establishment•. His arts was thrown around the neck of the animal when two re- cruiting sergeants passed by. One of them stoking to Make fun of the youth, said : "What are you hug- ging your brother so tightly for 1" "'Cause," was the ready rejoin- der, "I was afraid he'd 'list." HEBP BABY WELL. No metier whether baby is sick or well Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in the house. They not only cure the minor disorders of childhood, but prevent them and 275 grains sodium chloride to the pint, as well as 135 grains calcium chloride. Its prototype in Europe is the celebrated Kreutzach Spriags in Prussia, which contains about 110 grains sodium chloride (Kuru- runnen)." Other references are Encyclopaedia, The Allbutts Sys- tem of Medicine, etc. The Grand Upper Drumrighland, near Lista sally. Tho death is much regretted of Mr. William Merriman, who for o'er a quarter of a century was stationmaster at Miltownmalaby, Co. Clare. A payment of 85,000 has been for- warded to the Lord Mayor of Bel- fast as. the first instalment of a grant towards relief of distress in the city. Tho Bangor Urban Council has passed a voti of thanks to Lady ('Ianrnorris, who has made a gift to them of the Cottage Hospital and grounds. A considerable improvement is reported in the manufacturing de- partment of the linen trade of Lur- gan, one of the chief centres of the Irish linen trade. The Glasgow steam collier Clas- h rd, while on a voyage from Neat!), South Wales, to Belfast. a fort- night ago, was wrecked on the rocks at Cloughey, Co. Down. The report of the Irish inspectors cf lunatics for 1907 states the num- ber of lunatics under care at the end of the year amounted to 23,- 718, compared with 23,554 at the end of 1500. Up to the present 1,250 persons Faye applied for old ace pensions in the Castlehlaney and ('oothill BIack sensation. n e A real Watch pleasure. The big black Chewing Tobacco 2270 plug. Sandy Beach, Que., says :—"My baby was greatly troubled with colic and cried night and day, but after giving hits Baby's Own Tab- ints the trouble disappeared. 1 ad- vise all mothers to use this medi- cine." Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by (nail at 2e cents a box from The lir. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4. SHE KNEW. "Have you any letters for met" inquired old Mrs. Brown. bustling breathlessly into the village post - office. "No letters," replied the post- master. '•Dearie me 1" said Mrs. Brown. "1 was expecting a letter or a post- card from my daughter Martha to say when she was coming." "Well, I'll sec," said the post- master. Then he :ailed to his wife in the kitchen, "Here's Mrs. Brown want- ing to know if there's a postcard from her danghter Martha telling her when Martha's coming." "Yes, there is," replied the post- master's wife. "Martha is coming next Tuesday." Fifty peliee visited Kilharry dis- trict and arrested in their beds twelve young men nn a charge of intimidating and preventing Cap- tain Barton, of the Connaught Rangers, and a pnrty from shoot- ing over the preserves of the Fred- erick estate. The Doctor—"Mrs. Brown has sent for me to go and see her boy, and 1 mustgo at once." His Wife -- "What is the matter with the boy 1" The Doctor- -"I don't know ; but. Mrs. Prow,' has a hook on ',What t.• ►.o l'^iei-e the D'•etor Comes,' r :II i islet ht.rry up bet.,re she dues it." "I am proud to say that my grandfather made his mark in the world," observed tho conceited youth. "Well, 1 suppose ho wasn't the only man in those days who couldn't write his name," replied his bored compan.on. The native parity and d-licious flavor of "Salads" Tea arc preserv- ed by the use of sealed lead pack- ets. Never sold in bulk. it is richer, more fragrant and stronger than other teas. TOUCHING. "The touch of a friend," remarks r contemporary, ''nay hurt more than the cut of an evenly." '''\o doubt about it. Especially if the friend forgets the amount he touches you fur." "My tiear," remarked n gentle- man, opening the dining -roost door, "the girl has left the vegetables on the hall table." "Don't be so stu- pid," exclaimed his wife "That is ter new hat." —ISSUE NO. 4th—OS. BUYING A H.tIEM. Morocco's New Sultan Negotiating N itli Ills llrollier. A droll report has reached Casa Blanca from Fez, says the corre- spond••nt of The London Daily Te- legraph, stating that Mittel Ifatid has manifested a desire to enter into possession of the harem lit Ab- dul Aziz. It should be noted that in Moslem States the [harem is re- garded as a niark of sovereignty rather than as the private and per- sonal property of the Sultan. Still more comical, however, is the assertion of persons who enjoy tate intimate friendship of Abdul Aziz --namely, that the ex-Sul'an is quite disposed to fall in with the wishes of his brother. It must not for a moment be supposed that, in his complaint attitude, Abdul Aziz wishes to please Mulai Befit! ; he would be willing to slake the con- cession for financial rather than for friendly reasons. For it must be confessed, with the modest resourc- es now at his disposal, Abdul Aziz finds it a very difficult matter to maintain the large number of wo- men who form the Sultanic harem. He has indeed, already been thinking of selling a large number c' the fair creatures--Circassians who were sold to him by a French Jew of Tangier, who enjoyed the title of Provider by Sheorefian War- rant to the Imperial Harem. These C'ircassians are women of great beauty and immense value, because Abdul Aziz was a better connois- seur of that class of "merchandise" than he was of pianos and motor en re. It Mulai Hafid should desire to possess the imperial harem, Abdul Aziz it is understood, would glad- ly hand it over to him, the trans- action being, of course, conducted 1 n a cash basis, and it is even slat- ed that a bargain is now being struck. At the present moment more than two hundred women are lodged in a house at ('Lusa Blanca belonging t s the Gt.v 'rnment where also their imperial master resides. They would all, with Cie exception of about a dozen favorites of Abdul Azi, be packed off to Fez in the event of the negotiations being suc- cessfully concluded. _ .,,_ ...— The efficacy of pickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arresting inflamma- tion of the lungs, can be establish- ed by hundreds of testiworials from all sorts and conditions of sten. It is a standard remedy in these ail- ments and all affections of the throat and lungs. It is highly re- commended by medicine vendors, because they know and appreciate its value as a curative. Try it. Dolly—"Molly Wolcott told me a month ago ..hat her new gown was going to be a dream." folly -- "Weil, that is all it in, so far. Her husband won't give her tho money for it." A Naming' Cough drives sleep and comfort away. 1'•.n cu' •:.ngner it with AP•enr Lung I1I..tm. which relieves hard hrottldnr4, pain In the che,t and irritation of the throat. Give 10 !nab to the rbil.lreti. A man get into a train with a bag of fruit in his hand, and at the first station he called out to a por- ter : "I Fay, porter, do you like fruit 1" Porter—"It^ther 1" "Then" said the Ulan, "chew the date off Inv ticket." A Successful Medicine.—Every- one wishes to be successful in any undertaking in which ho may en- gage. It is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to compound a medicine which would prove a blessing to mankind have been suc- cessful beyond their expectation'. Tho endorsation of these Pills by the public in a guarantee that a pill has been produced which will ful- fil everythiag claimed for it. Daughter—"I love him. lie is the light of my life." Father— "Well—that's all right; but 1 ob- ject to having my house litup by hien after midnight." There 1s No flush ThtnV am a burnt.** •enol. Th. tn,uble K. e • I r. 0 had 1.• w"r.e un'e.,'cherk• ad. Allen's Luny[ 1ta1•atu cines the w..r•t of colds. it allays Inflammation and caar.'bosh, pavanes When a young man goes around looking as though he hadn't a friend en earth it is either a case t,f love or indigestion. Why go limping and whiffing shout 3 -our corns when a 1!) cent bottle of Holloway'' (.'oro (lure will rcr-rove them 1 (sive it a trial and you will not regret, it. WHY THE NEICIIBORS SMiLE. Little. Willie was a perfect "dear" ; at least., an thought his IT flier till recently. She missed the yonngcstcr one day kr some time, and when he reappcated she a'.ke "Wlhere have fou been, my pet 1" "Playing postman." replied the pet. "I gave it letter In all the hc•nses in our rond. heal lettere, too." "Where on earth did you get them :" questioned his mother, in e 1'ENG1..,'NI) ON THF. WATER WAGON. Charles Roberts, M. P., in his book ou "The Time Limit and Local Option" brings out the fact, re- vealed by the Home Office returns, that of tho 12,995 civil parishes in rural districts in England and ------------ _- „ales there are 3,903 (store than Anxious Muth, t 11,.w is it that 110 per cent.) in which there is no OU have su un1.•1. , : • ' license. Iu the count of Lincoln- u,c kith your shire 45 per coot. are nu i.c.;usc parishes. J B B G MONEY forageute aeaing our tAlet soaps Lots making $6.1.)0 a tele. \Vrtta at once for full part leutura to the SOAP SUPPLY CO.. cos 312 Toronto housekeeping t lou told me lour wife could cook." Adult Sun —" 'he can." '''Then what is lht I- ter 1' "Site won't." �, Magistrate and School Commission- er Healed by Zaul-Rut. Mother Graves' WormExtcrniin• Zan -Buk by its healing power ator is pleasant to take, sure and has earned the praise of mon and effectual in destroying worms. women in the highest stations of Many have tried it with best re life. One of the latest prominent sults. gentlemen to speak highly in Zane Ituk's favor is Mr. C. E. Sanford, The crown worts by Queen Wil - of Weston, King's Co., N.S. Af r. helminn on State occasions oust Weston is a Justice of the Peace for about $600,000. tl-e county, and a [somber of the Hoard of School Commissioners. He is also deacon of the Baptist Church in Berwick. Indeed, throughout the county it would be difficult to find a man more widely known and more highly respected. Ile says: "1 had it patch of eczema on my ankle, which had ' been there for over twenty years! Sometimes al- so the disease would break out on my shoulders. I had taken solu- tion of arsenic, had applied various ointments, and tried all sorts of things to obtain a cure, but in vain. Zam-Buk, unlike all else 1 tried, proved highly i Iltisfactory, And cured the ailment. I have also use 1 Zarn-Buk for itching piles, and it has cured them completely. I take comfort in helping my brother man, and if the publication of my esperi-; enco of Zarn-Buk will lead other A. J. PATTISON CO sufferers to try it, I should be glad. , 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO. For the cure of piles or skin dis- eases,Stook Brokers & illtafttaial /1g8t1tti I know of nothing to equal Zarn-Bllk." ah'ersn Will do elelshing. They came bars* eaves -0.1 with snow. 11..1 a tea -p .on til .•f Vaiu• Liner in hot sweeteno.1 water will portent any 111 et►e.ts. Avoid nuh.tilutea, nerd a but ono "Palo►iller"-Forty 1)a, is'—BSc. 6 11.00. In some parts of Germany glass telephone poles, reinforced by wire, are in use. YOUR OVERCOATS ea& herd .oar would look tatter dye 1. 11 GO 1 e sf 01111 10 your t,..n, write direct Montreal. Ilea 16e ORITISN AIAEaItaAN DYEING CO. I'8°K SKINS HAW FURS PANTED lugs.-[ price. pst.t write 1.4 price Iht. A.1.tres, ttl:man Ntn,haw, peep Brook, Annyrotla Co , N.$. C=OTd.A-X..Z` 'Lam-Buk also cures burns, cuts, ether stocks bnsght 601 e. h.1 nn r••mmt,+ion. ulcers, blood poisoning, ringworm, l .•rrY'i. dduce h'11.& ()ism way lye M iruJ at scalls sores, chapped hands, cold '561 .11;633‘ sores, and all skin injuries and dis- ( eases. Rubbed well on to the chest! in cases of cold it .elieves the tight- ; ness and aching. All druggists and, stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zarn-Buk ('o., Toronto, for ; price, 3 boxes for $1.25. Miss Woodby--"So Mr. Smart really said he considered me very witty—chi" Miss Know—"Not ex- actly ; he said he had to laugh every time he met you." A Liniment for the. Logger. — 1.oggers lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises cannot be alto- gether avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work, where wet and cold combined are of daily experience, coughs and colds and muscular pains cannot but ensure. Dr. Thomas' Ecicetric Oil, when applied to the injured or administered to the ailing, works wonders. Regularly prepared manuscript - sheets were circulated as newspa- pers in China, Rome and Venice long before the invention of print- ing. tN substitute fnr "rhe n R 1." Menthol Plaster, althoughsome unerrepnlous (!esters may my the,. !s, Recommend. 1sby d cldi,,h.w eats' uergy and everybody 1 cu _ y_ Ada—"No; Priscilla will never marry unless she finds her ideal." Ida—"What sort of a man is her ideal i" Ada—"A man who w ill propose." - A Carefully Prepared Pill. — Much time and attention were ex- pended in the experimenting with the ingredients that enter into the composition of Parmelee's Vege- table fills before they were brought tt• the state in which they were first offered to the public. What - es er nt:ter pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable fills nre the result of much expert, study, and all persons suffering from d' s•l,epsia or disor- dered liver and kidneys may con- fidently nr•cept them as being what they are represented to bo. The smallest screws are these made in wai.ch factories. An ordin- ary thimble would bold 100,000 of them. Colonial Art RINGS F 1111 E 1 ry a-1 Icgonly 15 ray tare, ken, '1•,;. ,tare,.[ Arg:, g,a.!• An Al ob..* Picture Pest Cards nu for rue. for nix. OMNI. NOS Noxt:v 11-t y'vr nen.. e, d addle,.. N`. Mail p+.•1, l I. 6J. thee•, at 4•: a Page. and .rat us , ur St. -a .::J 1-u • )11 ..1.lre Ay return sale y, umbo r• t three Warrant•4 Ilk S••1.14:41 1 _},!gins• en 'lavabo oral ro.nally . 1i4,1 kyle—se/4 many nth r • r.l!e rwntnma l.. r0..•n,e frock. r1delay. w'rNe1 .,.7 ande1 • c..n.1lrte Ca Wog trwn Tif .-,art..a rrna'utn Bcr•;.+. AJ!, ire Co., Dept. 53, Toronto 1 PIANOS ARE CANADA'S CEST ANO EVEFYr0)( KNOWS ITP 0 RUV THE LEST tend for our Pro* Catalogue Nu 75. iI BC11 PION 8 MP CO., lIO.. Genian, O� I Atakora of 14.11 Pianos, BO ergot's and Auteneta P.aysr Pianos. Large Manufacturini 'LAT TO LEASE 67-71 Adelaido St. Wost About 40x200, lighted by thirty-five windows. the en- tire length of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing tint in central part of Toronto ; rental includes power, 'tram heat, water, electric light, at 10 per cent. less than city rates; lowest insurance rate; irumediate possession ; low rental to high-class tenant. S. FRANK WILSON owxrn 73 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, ONT. FREE TO YOU—MY ISTERPElt 6UFPRn NUOPfO MAND V%OMLN 5 AILM NTS i ant a [comae[. I know a woman's sufferings. 1 hate found a cure. 1 sill mail, Tree of charge, my home !relit• mcrt with full instructions to any sufferer erre weinctl s ailments. 1 want to toil sit worn.... about the cure—you, my reader. Ger yonrscl sur daughter, your mother, or ) our si+l.:r. • ,,,t to hi: you how to cure )onr+elf et hams., • ,shout the help of a doctor. Men cannot un• derrtand women's sufferings. What t.• winneti know Irom experience. we know he any doctor. I know that my home tr is a sa•e and sure cure for all female 0r,6..6 pet nliar to our a ex. i a ant to send you a complete to days' • "cam treatment entirely free to prove to yon that ynn can cure yourself al home, ca%i11, quickly and Purely. Rememocr tit./• It will cost t•oo nothing to give the treatment a complete trial; a .d if you should tri+h to cunonus, it will cost you only ::bout tt cents a meek, or less than taro cents a day. It will not inter ere with your work or occupation. Ju•t Pend me your name and addre'v, tell me how you suer, it you wi%h, at d I will v, d ynu the treatment for your case, en :rely free, 10 plain wrapper. by return mail. 1 will also send you free of cos'nlyb,,'c — "WOMAN'S OWII NEOIOAL ADVISt*,e with explanatory Illustrations %bowing %hy worn .n •:n Ter, and how they' can ca.ily cn, themselves at home. livery woman s'tou1J have it, and leirn to think for herself. 1 hen %hen the d.•, for +aye - " Von molt hive an operalinn," ) ou l ail d 41.1e her ,ou►.eff. 1 l)4' 1 .•, d+ of women b.,ve r•Ire•1 Ihenrsc!ves sv,th my Wrote remedy. 1t cures1111, Olt or yo:ing. To Stotler) of Daughters, i will explain r ',pie horn.' treatment ahich rperdily and effect,' illy cores f'rr•tfu) on.l irregu'.0 `.1cnslrnaLlott ante['' 'tent. t I• 1 health always re%u!t from il% ore. In }nun La, Ire, 1':or;•`n +r an. "That• were those told ones in Wherever _ecu live 1 ran reser you In ladies of your own loc.rli'y who know and 3'oilr war•lrohe drawer, tier) V its► MI'1 giddIv teller's' sufferer 11.1 ill:, KOme Troatm•rt fenny Ottres alt ‘,1 .1.•• .1•.. ribb' n," a as the innocent reply. to+e+ And makes wo,neu strong. plunti,a u1 ro:, r+r . Jest send efts your a Wro L, Willie 'IOW ..:r nt.a to know What an 1 lhr fret ten days' treatment is yours, al•o the bo •k. \\'. tit •1.,v.:•, s.•,4 he was spanked for. soil sea this offer ago. :JJnds: OR9. y. SIM !EPIi. Solt 103, trin:•;or, Gut,