HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-26, Page 8• '' T t R T1 1 M. S NOV 20th 1U08 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ 44++ ++ +++:•++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S PRONE 16 lit i.4,1181, Wiil boon Le here. Are you getting ready. Wit ,ter ready with the infest varied and beset assorted stock suitable for XInaH that you'll find in this seclion. China and G iaeswat e Make lovely Xmas poxes. Colne and see the beautiful stock we are bhowing, 3.te) f.,;• English China Tea It' -t 1�a pee s, pure white body, with 'nose rose decor - et ions and traced with gold. •1• 87.25 for Austrian China Tea SSe't, thin white body with small pink rose decorations and stippled with gold, this is our Bridal Rose Set. $J2.50 for the daintiest Jap- anese hand painted Tea Set that we have ever "offered, Pintail mauve floral decora- tion genuine hand painted. 3(), 35. 50, 81.00, (111 to $2.5() for a range of fancy China Jai dineres, that will slake you wonder Borne, Lovely for Xmas presents. `?5, 35, 50, 75. up to $1.75 for a 1 range of China Cake Plates I (text we have ever bltntw•I1,-- "•Yes they are a lovely lot," j 30, 35, 40. 5e0, up to $1.75 for a pit.' t' range of Salad and Fruit dishes, that for effect and •j' value are simply unbeatable ,t, 50, 85, Safer1.25. and 1.50 for + a swell lot of Fancy China + Cream and Sugars,—"Yes tthey are lovely." .4. $2,(X), 2 25, 3.00, up to 0.50 for + the nicest lot of Toilet Sets T. you'll see in Exeter, 40 ells- + tinct styles to pick from. + $7 00, 8,00, 9.00, up to 15.00 11. the set for our 108 peice 4 4 Dinner Set the better sets are truly corks of art and controlled by ourselves for iii++ Exeter. �, 30, :35, 50, (10, and 75c,, for the daintiest lot of fancy China Simon Trays in town. .�.T 45. 50, 75c„ up to $1.25 for a +T lovely range of Ceilery and Roll Trays they are beautiiis +4' $1 25 up to 0.00 for the moat 'f tie:•til 'fill lot of fancy Parlor 4 and table Lamps we have seen every Lamp a bargain. *1f.. "Now 1 1V11 Liston" near- ly all our China and fancy Glass ware comes to tis direct from the makers, that means a big saving to our customers. 814).50 up to 58.50 fora lot of Ladies fur -lined coats, lined with marmot and Canadian rat trimmed with Isabella Sable ,American Sable and real Alaska Sable collars the equal of which for qual- ity and value cannot be beaten. $75. for Gent's swell fur -lined coat prime Rat lining with rich Ottor collar,—a beauty $5.541, (1.50, 7.00, 10.00 and 15.00 for to range of Ladies neck furs, that will tickle the strings of any money hag. $12. for white Thibbett Lamb set long throw and large pillow Muff. $17 for a lovely Grey Squirrel Fur set long full throw and large pillow Muff. They're swell. $3.75 for a lovely lot of new net waists Silk lined and trimmed with fancy Fillet lace and insertion. $22.50, 25.00 and 30.00 for a showing of Velvet Room Rugs, for richness, style and quantity they cannot be beaten, seamless and very heavy. 50c. for Ladies fancy Collars "Beautiful" that is what we say of them, Come, give Us your say. 35. 50 and 60e. for a range of Ladies Tan, Brown, and Black Leather Belts that are certainly big values. 50e. Men's, Ladie'd and Gent's new Phoenix shaped neck Mufflers—they are dandies. 25, 35, and 50c. for the finest range of men's view Neck Ties you'll bee in Exeter, to see them, will make you want them. $1,00, 1.25, and 1.5() for 3 spec- ial lines in nien's Kid gloves very suitable for Xmas gifts Just flnothcr Word Buy your Xtnas (Groceries from us we can save you some good money, our groceries are choice, clean and fresh, we sell Redpath grandulated sugar and no other its best by test. We want all kinds of Farm Produce; it is just as good as c'aah; 1)utter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Poultry. etc., etc. A. STEW] Ri' +44—a+++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '+++++++++++++++++ RELIABLE WATCIIES •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • LOCALS • • •••••••• it••••••• ('our %weeks to Christmas. Mr. Milt. MoTaggert, arrived home from the west Friday. Perfect in 'The County Council will meet in Goderich :December 3rd. Construction Mr. Ilarr, Statham, of Actor!. vis- ited relatives in town Sunday. Positive in Mrs. Delve, who has been quite ill Performance with typhoid fever is improving. Mr. and Mrs. 11. .W. F. Beavers, of We again call attention to 1'ariuhar, spent Sunday with friends our grade of WATCHES itt to„•ti. , Air. W. (iceman, o[ 'London, spent. Good Material, Fine Finish and Accurate Adjustment are all combined in our High Grade Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but qual- ity, like anything else it is al- ways cheapest, in the end, friday with his son Councillor W. J. lleauaan. Rev. E. A. Fear occupied the puplit of the 8t. Marys Methodist Chinch last Sunday, Mrs. D. Johns returned Monday, after visiting her daughter Mrs. Goodison al Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ilodgt•rt, of Far - either. visited with Mr. end Mrs. A. E. I1odg,'rt Sunday . Douglas Stewart, who had a slight If you want a good attack of aplaendicites last week. i- tepidly getting better. reliable watch call on M►. Israel Snmith, n former Exeter rein arrived in rotvn Saturday and US, e;11 c)'e1tl the week hunting. A. MARCHAND Th.- 'Gorlet telt town rottttcil lett,(. rl. cidecl teh aubtnit :a loc.11 option; be- low it the corning municipal elec- Wedding Rings a ;pecaaalty. tions. Mr. Arthur 'hong has s,•curt.1 a position with Flavei)ea Corn l,,ttry. of London. and left .\lot lay for that NEW ifiLL city. Mrs. McDonald, of Ghic.at:o, t tit 1,0 was visiting her p•,r.nt4, lir. and Airs. John t'ine11, • returners home lit week. —AND— Aire. W, A, .Mace, ifellmuth Avc. London, spent the geek end evith 1:er WINTER friend. !1'iisq Florence Bissett. The unmarried ladies have one month left in 't -)dent to propoee or wait another four years for the golden opportunity. SUITINGS1t. Home Smith, ,the hitaitlator of the Fork 'Loan Co. says try next sum - OVER COATINGS tat, r the slut rcholdcrat of the company will five a dividend of 20 lents on ` the dollar. PANTINGS AND VESTINGS Ill itil the latest Shades and I Patents, at reasonable lll'iC'!s SCC the New Fashion Plates for, the Present `yeason, ,, tt y, he suction will ',raw the something' 10 west ':11 : mean an,i flesh down. and in 8 minute or two, low -3 bachelor : soulm without ',1t— _ the steam will t•itricrte the ?plinte�11 pretty thin; (officer in the army— Wo : The Old PYAq to .n.l the inflem:►tion will disappear. soak ; Tour times feat—forty4-one :�► cts, Hoz.--Novetnbsr Woman's Ilom.� Cornpan- baby crying at night ”. - ' W. Cart'@ itCold, q httn snit , Merchant Tailor. ex ion. shnpr of en :+pple—crab apple : to EXETER, — ? Howeys Drug Store r frail sell froar house to bowie »'talcum ONTARIO.: �„ 0 ': how'der : money raid for l•reskina a 1 Atattl�, law•,gcttinq stoney from home, The New N% ay !,eke H owey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Market Report. --The following is the report ot Sauter markets, 'or- rccted up to Nov. \%'Leat 1)1 cent.. Oat,, .37 cent,,. Pea', 75 to t 2 Cents. Marley, 48 to t12 cents. Shorts, $ 23. Bran, 820. I3lend.d Flour, ti'I'Alt, 1:2.75. l't-t•d I'':our t>1.4() to 1.4`i. Clover s�'c•d, *8 to 81() per bushel. (titter _ Sr. l t leouuuf. Eggs 2'3c. pt r (laze tl. slugs. livrtwtright, 1°6.05. (logs, dressed, $7.50 •to S.00 Coal, $7.25 a ton. Dried App:e 5 rents. ••••••••o•••••••••••••••••� Those wishing furs repaired or red modelled should bring there in this; month M. BALK WILL, Andrew 6t. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••! 1)R, OVENS EYE AND EAI( sun -1 eeon. will bo at the Comaneroial' hotel. (lours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p. tn. Glasses properly fitted and die-� eases of eye ear and hose treated. Next visit Sat ur,) i,y, Uec; tttber 19th. 1 Inc:rttzInan's best make. Gran(( p:alto. nearly 'new. for sale cheap ; also good carriage horse, splendid driver: also two-year-old colt, bug- gy cutter, harness etc.. will Fell' cheat►, apply S. '1'. 13OIIIEIt. To -day is !Thanksgiving itt• he t .n:ted (States. Mrs. (4o. Santtvell entertain,:ai number of friei.ls Tuesday evettit:;, Mr. Gilles, of the Gilles Lumber Company, is moving his family to totwrt. :\Lss Lizzie Dow, of Alitchcll, visit- �� . t1 her cousins, the Alisses Dow. this *At* •L• OA Aro OA ikte kr.e_olo ego ATP 0.0_ Atk ele 4:r%e'+'•VV la ,lam /♦,tea/ I ►�►III:if iM�• :i*V • �i� skt Aro .j. VI .ate eve Ia. /♦1 see VIi BIO Discount SALE lig Discount on all 1�fantles, Fur Coats, Lined ('oats. Fur's, Boots and Shoes. \1't' have a large stock to choose from. ('once and get some of the bargains while they Dist• Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. 5NE[4L & ROWE I'IHO11E No, 22 One door North of Post -Office. We sell good rubbers the Daintymode, �� .r..�i tri �+i .�i N .�r r ♦ti i ,��..t��•• +i N vi ori • ti �i �t� ii• iji'�' i��itw�� i�C��� i�� �� iiti � ice' �}i i�� : j� i � i`� tc •,•1:. Call at the new Barber Shop north 7.1r. :eel Mfrs. 1). McInnes tire vis- ot :the Metropolitan hotel for a clean it in;' J•ei.al ivies in t�yracuse. . New shave and a good hair out ; also �, i; clothes cleaned nod pressed at rca- J. G.. Stant,ury was at London .on sonable rates. MACK SVINCE\T, Monday end Godericih on Wedtmesa;ty Proprietor. o:t legal business. Mr•. Ii. B. Lang, of tit. Marys, for - Miss Stubbs and lit Ur son, of In- im-rly of Exeter is engaged in a bit gersoll were the guests of Mrs. J. H. lawsuit at Toronto, itt which he is Scott last «•cel;. ruing L. R. Williams & Sons, fruit '1r. Fred E. Knight, who has been dealers, of Glasgow, Scotland, for (:siting his parents here lett last heavy damages sustained by the Bacot - !and firm recusing to pay for a con- tt cel: for his home at Orcadia. Bask. s`igntnent of apples shipped to them. As a special inducement ito new The amount c•nvolved is $16,462.22. subscribers the Times will be sent to any address in Canada trots now Got cm again at the Exeter Bar - until Jan. 1 1908 fifer one dollar. gain Store. A stock from Learning - Lack of water at the power house ton this time. The goods have ar- \Vednesday night of Last (week ,was rived at Exeter and this Cracking( the cause of the lights being shut 13ar,eain sale will begin on Saturday off early itt 'the evening. the 28th of november. TbIO rattlinx The bachelors and bcnedicts cheap scale will commence at , cline gave o'clock Saturday rnortfing. This :�n assembly in rAlcllotulcl s hall last) )'ridgy evening, 'Pony Vila's London' splendid stock must be cleared out at 11811)crs furnished the inu ie, , once. The store is for Bale or to rent.—J. W. •Broderick. Crossley and hunter, (the even- eelists. •will commence tt series of Mr. Earl Speakman has lately (been revival meetings in ;the Jaynes Street promoted to the position as teller of Methodist Church next Sunday. the .Molson's Batik at Alvinston ,with Mr. C. It. Howard, a. former em- an increase of salary. Earl is one bf ployee of this office, hut now writh Exeter'e boys of whom we should the Molson's Bank at St. Thomas, feel 1e: ud. 11e entered the bank th week received a substantial in - Lon as junior and by Itis close attei- c �c in salary. tion to the interests of the bank, it those •(wise weather prophets who was not long before he .was moved know all the vagaries of the .weather t° Alvinston to take n more respon- sable 1;osition. lie has no doubt man, state that the present weather, shown his ability-. end being a young is none of her t has Indian surnmer. �� e don't car(; i[ it. Taste. than of goofs habits. a matter most potetit to the head official3, they have Aire. SI encomia! last .creek :.old Iter. recogn:zed his worth. and have given house and lit at the corner of Vic-, ' him his Well dd,=ervcd promotions. toria and Cat ling streets to ltcv. We have not the slightest doubt that 'l elhind. u[ Adelaide. Rev. 1'clland Earl before long will ascend another is to take Possession next. summer. rung pi' tee !Adder in the ibankers Woman's Guild of the 'I'rivit t bit;tn- career and in tiny time reach 1 he Po- orial church will hold their annus:i silion as utaneger. - - bazaar in the Town 11a11 on Friday,+ I)ec. 4th. Afternoon tea trout 3 to 6.1 A rnei ting of the Literary t;oei_ty 1'rogratn in the evening. atlrnission 1601 of the• Exeter !nigh School avis held cents. Friday, mNov(mber 20, 1908, Minute. M1• and airs. S. J. Hogarth cele— °[ the previous meeting were react :braced the 25th tannivcrsary of their and adopted. 'Lite roll teas Called• and marriage last. week. Among t heir 81 responder). inieiness, Per J. Ie. guests were friends from the sur- 'Tones and Ed. Willis that ♦v,•�havc,an At aliotne Carried. 1 t r G. Ache - rounding villages, Clandeboye and son and J. W. Mutt that ' we have our on"At home'' 1), c. 18th.—Carried. Pro - this .1111": A. E. Iiodg•'rt. expects to leave gramme. Glee Club selection. "Allyn this week to visit the pr.nc'Pel of tht. ,forth'': instrumental by J th- citit�s in the United States with t he el Casc: Journal, l31. Jones instru- ,..epectation of disposing of hid United mental. iters,. Motion : instrumental Si •,tes patent of his extension }Steel Jessie Manson ; knit. Katie Collins Silo Curb. and G. 13;sgett : Glee club (,election. Stephen Szwcryda, accused of she "I't•odigal Son" : ct it ic's remarks murder of Olak Louts); in a hush by Miss S. 1.. . S.3regory ; rep near Clan kson of April lGtl1 last was marks liy Mr. Weidenhamtner.--i3e•at- last Wednesday abound (guilty et tie Mari in. •('res.: G. W. ,butt. See, Brampton and sentenced to be hang- .and Itrpor4er. ed on February 11th. Tau first meeting of the Y. M. C. Air. Samuel Fensot► ::nil fatuity, A. since its organization "ai held in left yesterday tor London. w'heee lie their rooms (Senior's Ii:,ll) oil 'Mo:i- )tas secured a lucrative. Position. day evening. There was a fairly Mr. Faison has been a resident of good representation of young teen. Exeter for over thirty years and w -t, The next meeting will be held on swish hien much sucocss in his n;:w Monday of nest week and ti good at• hunn,r• temlance of the members and any I)r. It. 11. Stanhury, of/ Toronto, who are interested in the association 1a01 her of J. (l, Stanburv, of Exeter is desired. A pleasant time is c; fres last ,Saturday( elected vice- pectcd. The aitlts of the local Board president of the •Iluron Old ;lboy's are to [Hake it as intert.ating and in- Aeeociatiott. Mr. Ii. 8. Crocker, nn struclive as pO!sible. Physical ere: - old Exeter boy ,v as eppointed to the cat's and different forms of amuee- ' zccutive committee . silents are to be put in. The Asso- 1'hysic,tl frit Class. —1•1:gCi.•ttion rooms Will be Open 1 W tt:ghtit risen :anti boys %visiting to join fiergt. n week to start and these will t. ;Major lfc.ctot's Physical Culture added 4o as the membership and, in - class for three months will leave (crest increases. Already a great their nam.•s at the "Thee,," office.' ileal of ret busiest, 1a being t ltown '1',.rnms. Bogle(( turn $2.00 for course, and before long the as-ociation hopes toys $1.00; course to commence Dee. to boast of : good roll of member.. • h. Everyone conic out oil Mo;art:ty t v,•n- The Ittic1 Toni Cabin Company im;; next. I :eyed to t ca cm iled house in the The Main Street choir called nt the t?pera 111,11,0 hist ]Fria;ay night home of Mr. and lira. Jesse Elston there n• t e marked clirfeacue ' sat•- on Mond•ty evening and presented tt•eett the show Friday night an,l I he them 'twit h a kitchen shower. tf e enc Which played here :i few tvrcks follow int; musical '.)ues11one formed ago. aIle latter company being by far the better one. The farmer who tries to tan his farts without a farm paper is not do• telt himself or his farm ju:t;c,., rTakot The Exeter Times tor tho local news and in addition tie sure and add This Weekly Hun to your list of reading for tb coming year. 'Ilt•lpfttl— %that is what you will sal it is. and ;cart of tite long program. the first of evta,ch woatl:i be correctly answer- ed by "Seale''. But here are /114 iuestions and answers as given by Otte of the party : pal t of s fish—The smell: NS ha n tight ehoe clod i'realt ; t•ornething to keep .the cat- tle in t he pasture—:t clog ; evJi t ,i Pair of shear. should be—strong; to 014'11 they door %sitit—hand : short let- 3oti still never want to be (without it. t'r`t—a lemon ; what tirrd p;ople 1 k,• Indy $1.80 for Loth paper's. soup (b•ne to int ; What a Weather• vane docs—crow ; three sisters of the —When a splinter his heel) II: iven same age—ofd titeiele : (what n pocket itsee into the hanel. it can be extract- c•,y do --wear mil • ;t vegetable -- r,tl without paiti by steam. Nearly pun,pkiri : girl up in a balloon—k:l:- f X11 n 'wick -mouthed Lottie with hot ell ; month tt ater, ('lace the injured part over, , 1,1•ack ?tick substance—ink the rnoatth of the hottit, unci press' ` 3r tthl .} 1 ? t tape Luc help+ 115 40 do—eaten, fist:: GoIG's 600lln Gr6am Melissa 13d1111 Infants delight in it Women e.vcrywhere use and appreciate it. Men find it indispen- sable in shaving. It stays the wrinkling hand of time and keeps the skin fresh fair and blooming with health. Accept no other 25 Cents a bottle 6o16's Drug Store P11ESget Immediate mild ret Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment House and Lots for Sale Large brick house, with every con- venience. hard and soft water. also two lots, with brick stable and drivo house. Apply at 'Pities Office. Nouse to Rent On Andrew St. north of the Metho- dist parsonage. furnace in house, tach. and in good state of repair Apply to John (Broderick, Sarept,a. Property for Sale Choice property in the village of Ever. di scribed as follows. --t 1`te easterly 25 ;acres of lot 16 in the 1st Coticers:on of tht• Township of Uti- born.•. This is choice property, is well situated with (two good spring wells, 811 receded to grass. 11 not sold privately on or before the 28th of November, will be sold by public Auction on December •the 11th. The property ,win) be sold in part or balk to suit purchaser. Wm. %Vestcott, proprietor. For .terms a rid part lars :apply to Thos. Cameron Auction - aur, Far pallor. House and Lot For Sale in Exeter '(')tis property belonged to the late Mrs. Elisa Ilodgort and is teeing offered by sale by the executors to doss alp the estate. On the 'premises are a substantial brick house, storey and a half, good frame stable and barn: few fruit trees Qoocl well and 2-5 of as sere of land. For terms and particulars apply to 1 Our graduates are in demand 0 �.:alf. It is second tc none Wm. Ilodgert, Farquhar, or Alex as Rltsinrss College Iemc•ilc'r's es • Iloe}ger(. Itu8seldale. well as (dike assistants. individ- s ; f01' hrea(1 making. If you are Farm for Sale • tral •in:~tructiun. Enter nocv. • not using Large catalogue free, write for it,it, give it a tl l.`llt(gd Z H;Lf,iU'I"I' & rI(�1.ACNf.AN. • i be convinced. This farm consists of 122 ncres situ- • :etc at the eravee to F:liconv a ie the • Principals, i �A v E� St. Marys {;ravel toed. convenient to+•1-++++++'t-+-t•++•:'•-:-+•1-•t•+++++•}.•+' R �ROSer general store. binck�rnith shop inti a fete minutes walk from t lie ale! 11- oelist church, one milt• from pe school. One Dart tt'tans;sts of nae �., Don't Monkey acres, ,with trick hoarse, targe boon with basement, rlriwr Filed. orc)tarel. with that Co�lgh nil acre,, hush, abundance of water. with The outer part consists of 22 gore*. , veneer house, frame stables, wenn rd ..A� use HOWEY'S 2 well,. All good land in good state raf ca,ltivstion. (i'ospeem on given "'llltf'. ItlilE'. Tar 1909, For tet ms anal abet_ particulars nt,taly on the premise's. : "a cls. i(�►ttle J(X;IIt'e ,t(tllNN. i'rfspriorc►r. (W• St Howey( Phm• B. r THE OLD RELIABLE Price v. s. Cost Price of Merchandise is nothing. Cost price plus servicebility is Everything" Which do you want, low price or low cast, extravagance or economy? If you want low cost our goods will interest you otherwise; they will not. Now is the time to buy your winter stock. We never carried a better or more complete stock than we do at present. CARLINC BROS. REMOVED 1 wish to inform the public that I have moved my stock of Groceries and Boots and Shose from my old stand to two doors south of the Times Office. My large stock of Boots and Shoes will be sold at a sacrifice below cost. The firms name hereafter will be WILSON Bios. T. J. Wilson. Wilson Bros. FALL SUITINCS Just to hand the largest and best stock of Fall Suitings ever • shown in town. We have received the Fall Plate v= the latest styles in Fall and minter Wear. Make your selections early and avoid the rush. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailcr Exeter, Ontario "JUST OUT" TILE NEW EL)ISON SURE --EN OF—it is wonderful Phono- g r a p h s snake desir- able Xmas gifts. Call and hear them a n d get our prices. A number of New Disc. half•p r i c e needles and .tepairs. It repro- duces music and human voice so natural. Reel' re- cord plays over four minutes. HAVE YOU SEEN our Lovely Soaps and Perfumes. Tooth "aste, Hair Tonic, Talcutn Powders. Shampoo. Xmas goods er- r vitt daily. Thousands of Post Cards to choose from. Can. Exp. Bid. THE PURITY J. Willis Powell Times from now until January 1910 for $1.00 THE Great School! ) CENTRAL Popular I Are you aware that 7:5 per cent, of the flour used in Tor - z Our past record andour pros- •) onto is blended flour, 130 won- ent grade of work stamps its as •• ( der that the great pradtical training • Star Flour is in de- • school of Western Ontario, j Inland, as it iS made from the We have three Department:-- I COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND • best Western Wheat and the TELE(IRAP11IC. • best Ontario, mixed half. and- GRANOTRUNI(zrsTEM MEETING OF Till: lir ICON c'Ot N- l'hicago and team n $(12 S3 from Exe• T1• ('t)t'NC1I, ter account of intelnetional Live The comic.) of the corporation of NGock Exposition, good going Nor.211, the County of Huron will meet in t h. - at►, Dec. 1, 2. :3, 1, return limit Dee, 12, council chamber, in the Town of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Allier- Ooderich .ort Tuesday. December the( t%, the attractive route is via Chicago lst.. at 3 &clock. p. tn. and St Pauls, Minneapolis or Duluth, All accounts against the counc:l J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, twist he placed with the clerk before or write J. D. MODO.NA.LD, Uaipltat date of iii etinft') DcDot, Toronto. Ont. bated +t Uoderich, Nov. 18th ,1908, .W, Lane. C lc r k'. CII�IO� Bosoess CoJJe°e Nott malern Awl popular !Nei nese school in Western a i,tarin. WMlely experienced broadly ed. nested, 8tnr).athetie, attentive staff. The synor,, rum of 'nieces'. :ra•luatPs eminently income/sit. The t en essence of modern, lit• in/ br,-in,s. +)stems. Stenography, Telegra- phy and Commercial Courses I'mparatory , ;,r.e for those "hate trineetiin has been Heir I stern. Mail roirs., in any subjects, tot thosr %rho w iA to st.rly it h eme. 1041' i.1nel Instruction* Enter any day, write for particular. OBO. SPOTTON, Principal.