HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-26, Page 51 CREDITON NEWS tIVRIL For Crediton Economy The s,o.ezwisKeRs Tho Best, the Latest Ideas, the Largest Variety and absol- $-\ly the Best Values we have EVER OFFERED. We are constantly receiving New Additions to our Large Sotck. NEW STYLES, NEW GOODS in the LATEST FABRICS. We have just opened this week a nice lot of New Dress Goods in shades of NAVY, GREENS, BRO tVNS, in Plain Clothe, Cheveron Stripes etc., the best values we have ever shown. "Have you seen our stock of Ladies Coats", we have the exclus- ive sale here of the best lino of coats made in Canada. Goods tnat are easily recognized as the most stylish and best values in the trade. We have both Loose Fitting and Semi Fitting Coats in BLACK, NAVY, MYRTLE and BROWN SHADES. We can you from $2 to $3 on your Winter Coat. We have a large range of Children and Misses Coats in different Styles, Colors and Cloths. We offer then[ at the very closest prices, from $2 to $ti. each. We will be pleased to show our stock of Coats and invite your inspection. FURS! FURS! FURS! Our stock is comslete in this line we Our stock of Ladies Coats will bear baye a nice selection of Mens ('oats in section. We have them in Astrac- nice Dark Canadian Coon, well furred inspection. nicely matched skins. Dark Wallaby kan Electric Seal China Dog and Fur Lined. Call and See this Stock before making your bargain prices. purchase. ReadyLMade Clothing and Fur Lined at We have just opened up a large stock of Ready-made Clothing. We have exceptional values in Men's and Boy's SUITS, REEFERS OVERCOATS, Etc. We will be pleased to show you our winter stock and to sell you anything you require for the Fall and Winter. We are buyers of Clover and Timothy Seed, Live Fowl, Butter, Eggs, and Dried Apples etc, for which we pay the Highest Prices. We Ship LI VE FOWL each WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. A Call Solicited C. ZWICKER CREDITON'S BOWN'S CORNER STORE MOTTO We AiIll to Please Opportunity Time for Buyers. This week we have received shipments of Xmas Goods that are unexcelled and sorted up in every line of goods we sell. The following are some of our leaders, thus: - Ladies Coats Ilave ,sorted up in this line and from now until \mats you can ex- pect bargains. Dress Goods A full range. Carry a regular city stock of them. Hight styles and qualities at lowest prices. Knitted Goods Golf Jackets, fancy 'Shawls, Clcuds, Gloves L'ndetwear and Hcsiery complete. Gents Furnishings Received a nifty ship• ment of Xmas. Ties, Mufflers, Shit ts, Collar s Sox and (.loves. Fancy Vests and knitted coats are very fashionable Special Sweater Coats with collar and pockets in different colors for winter sport Suits and Overcoats New Suits just receiv- ed. Overcoats in black for men from $11.50 to 1015.1,0. Also showing other colors Underwear and Milts galore. FURS Showing a full range of fashionable furs in Scarfs. Stoles, Huffs and Throws made of Thick, full furred, ex- cellent quality skins; fully guaranteed at moderate prices, Fur Coats for Ladies and Gentlemen. Special prices in fur -lined coats, and Fur Collars. Best Robes To choose from $7.54) to $22.00. Latter is hest manufactured. Two Very Special Items 1. Just received 40 odd pairs of Men's I'ants in all sizes bought from a bankrupt wholesale stock at ? off regular price. These are all best tweeds and worsted goods and nifty patterns. Regular $3.75 for $2.75 and $3.25 for $2'2x3. V2. Also a pile of special Canadian Wool Blankets size tkix"'_' bought at a special price and enables us to sell thein to the tracts for $2.S5. Want 20,000 lbs. of Poultry up to Dec. 15. Highest market price guaranteed. 1) Buyer of Red ('lover, Alsyke, Dried Apples, and all kinds of Farmer's Produce. S. Bi -?OWN YOUR XMAS SUIT Do you anticipate getting a Silt for t he IIolitlay's if so Here's a Tlp it will Fay you to come here and see how swell we can tit you up at MODEST COST. We will certainly put forth our every effort to snake you satisfied in every I articular. .1. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON ttttttmmtttt►tmttt EBlankets for Horses and Mitts and Gloves for Men. /iMS4N s uluuwuu413 If Ile re is anything in Variety. If there is anything in Quality. if there • is anything in exceptional Values. This Should he your store for Harness, Blankets ,vest Mitts. Wool Blankets neat patterns, direct flow the Woolen Men, raging in price from $.3.00 up. also Jute and Kersey Blaeket-. MITTS ANL) Ol-O%'ES We neve a ,i,lendi.l line in these resets. awl nor trade is growing because we h the got the right kind of goods all the time. We've got Styles that can't we beet elsewhere, and we certainly b.•tve got values that are unknown else. here. t' , ne i'; and inspect for. yourself. P. W. C LA iN7. K, Hairless Milker, Crediton. ats There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in up -to este incthods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY SUi4. The Sun is the Farmers' Bus:ncss Pilfer. B: sur. you su5:,:r ibc The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in co:a'3ln•_tion with f ExeterTimes for $1.80 1 -gives st1'*gtll for any The '1'I\I1:S from now III J.uutaty The TIl1P.s from now till January, 1910 for One llull,r. If seer neigh.6UBtained effort of body ,�,� to: One Dollar. if your neigh -Mair business, and believe in small profit for Lors or friends are not 1104 vetting or mind. It i5 the con- , Lots J. fi:cn l9 arc nut now gettingisu`.`.ess• the TIMES, kindly tell them o[ this the T111I S, kindly tell theist of this i excellent alter j Centrated nourishment 'exestleut offer A very ,euiet tvedding took place Q..titrnly cervices were held inc at the !Methodist personage, Credi-! Of beef available for l.c 1:v:2ltgelica[ church ou Sd itaI OM' stock Of ''1'es (rOO(IS, Ladies and lIi .sus coats, tact, on Wednesday. (Nov. 18th, n�Len lieu- A. Y. [!alit prcach01 tiro very ;Ladies and Misses llilllt'I'K'til'f'. Furs, Men's l�l)1'S & Youth's Alis Nora A. Sims, daughter of lir.' immediate use. tutwcr[ul sermons to large congrc ; and firs. Sims was married ;to u\Ir. �-,� Rations. :suits O\•etioats and undei s t.l'e are complete lint! invite your Garfield Cvoksvill. w-- Miss tinge. ua Elkton, Mich., i:, Mr. and airs. Den. llclsaao visit-, .w:sitiuN friends in tow u, inspection. ect friends in Zurich over Sunda:.'- s • Mr. and Mrs. San,. Brown, of Crcd-' Mr. llclsaao had his shoulder hurt:, ton, visited .t 11 r. W. 6iebert's on! on friday last while • shoring ;I It ;�� t Sunday. horse, and as a result has laid off \ J Mr:. E6c:t. of ('lifford, who !!:as• in Boots and Shoes. work for a couple of days. I bccu visiting L••r .:-iter Mrs. Wm.! Mr. \\'uh. Lewis, who has been so Ehlers., tetern i to her bomb on� seriously ill, is now able to ger i - - 'Thursday. around again. His many 12iends are, Elirnville lir, Pfeffer :uh.l daughter Miss glad. to see hint on the street. Martha acre visiting t'ululives here. I Mr. A. J. Clark and family of i .lti-s •Lillie I(:u't leib spent Suter -I • Ailsa Craig. visited with the formers' The T1`'1l.S iron no till Linea c! ty in Exeter. Siebert 7/4, Co/ mother, Mrs. Jas. Clark. over bun-' magi, -ay n-' I910 for One Dollar. 11 your A very pleasant event took pl:,ri d. (cors or friends are out 'tow getting on 1Vcdnesday of last week when; ilartletb Mock. hAS11WOOD iter. R. !licks delivered two vera the TIMES. kindly tell the:u of this 11as !Melinda, eldest. daughter of 'Ir., 1 alai• and instructive sermons c_: excellent offer 11 y. Mailer was married to Mr. Edwin1 111, \Volpe'. in the presence of about 200' gu,•sts. The ceremony was conduct- ed by Rev. G. 'I'hun. The bride tworo! was every way. The weather as fine a 1) ittiful gown of while Sill{. hiss We ore read I I y )' and although the services had not 1 t tit. \Valper :acted as bridesmaid,', y to su s wl our scants, our store is 11Iled with sill the good been 'suet! announced the evening %Vhat. Mi -s lsditl, Wolper ureide a very. things to ncake you happy for the holiday sexsurl ,old long aRerwards, LVe congregation was large. Rev. Mr. chat: m:11a ncai,l of honor. The ptroot :unite you to call and let us ehuw you the good things rte have to offer. !Milliard, of Bier. was the preacher. was as,;.,trd by Mr. Louis Rader. Af-! and the people, of this vicinity viii! ler the ceremony all sat 401111 to • } Dress floods all the latest shades and Cloths at prices to suit ever yhody, hereafter have a high opinion of sumptuous wedding dinner- The giftsI Ladies Coats and Jackets. w'c•1'c .nttlln'rous and comb" showing the high esteem in which the vo,rng; We have the best and at the very lowest prices. 'lwer•i.ti 1} unaios will be couple were held. They will sett.e offered in Ladies Fur Coats and Cloth Jackets to clear. down on the ttrootn's fine farm jus:1 north of Dashwood. heartiest con•, THE EXETER TIMES, NOV 2t)th1tflJ DASKWOOD NEWS Dashwood .441111111114/ We are out for bl;siness, legitimate business Dont forget that our store is the place for bargains Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. a -l:. a ,it the evening the cl:urca was c:u.eric i to the doors. Mrs. Hallman, of Merlin, is t: -,e guest of ber sister. Mrs. C. ''/.wicker. Oysters served in any sway and at any time at the Royal hotel. What might have proved a seri- ous accident occurred one day last week. While 11. Clark and Rhos. Ed- wards were driving south they met Andrew JMittenholtz and E. •\Vurm, his ability. The choir rendered ex - coming Borth and in sorne way there' cellent service and are deserving r,f I was a collision and both rigs were snore praise than they receive. It considerably damaged. It is torten. means a good deal of sacrifice and ate that the horses stopped at once! labor to prepare singing from '.reek or store serious damage m!glil htivo' t. week and those who help to make have been done. 1 our Sunday services interesting. de - Messrs. mhos. Appleton and 1Vm. • serve rnorn nppreaattion and credit Smith spent Sunday v.it1 friends in than they recclVe. Dashwood. The services next Sunday will re - There was a meeting of the rate veal Ito payers of the village on 'Monday i with making_ t here :attractive. as evening in the fire hall to re -organ'', they are expecting to sing at Sex- ize the fire department and to dis- • smith in 1 he morning and afternoon. cuss other important business mac-! and will therefore be absent for tors. I that day. Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Brown nvera, Rey. J. Mari: will preach at Elitn- 1n Dashtvood last Sunday vine moat Sunday "ening. Mrs. Nicholas Beaver. wlto -a - Suite ill during the past week. .. ft isn't so difficult to strengthen slowly recovering., :t tweak stomach if one goes at It. Rev. A.Y.'Heist, P.E. preached 11 correctly. And this is true of the powerful sermon to a large congress Ileart and kidneys. The old fash- g:ttion in ?ion Evangelical •hurch' toned way of dosing the stomach of Sunday morning last, subject the a stimulating the heart or Kidneys is dark hours based on the text as in surely wrong Dr. Shoop.first pointeri Matthew, 27, 95-46. i out that error. "Go to the weak or Mrs. ;Bernhoft. whose mind bat' ; ail:ng nerves of these organs said has been deranged for seine ttime was' he. Each inside organ has its con - taken to the asylum Monday last. I trolling or "inside nerve." :WhenThe following paragraph refers tothese nerves fail !then those organs I the death of Mrs. John Gould, of must surely - falter. This vital Be•rneice. Mrs. Gould was a former; truth is leading .tlruggists every - citizen of Crediton and leas many re-; where to dispense and recommend latives and friends in this vicinity. ! Dr. Shoop's Restorative. A few days It is evith deep 'egret that !We re-' test will surely tell 1 Sola by '\V. S. cord the death of Mrs. John Gould,' llowey. occasional use. of dlerneiCe. Deceased was one whose' Physical appearance manifested no • 511:1H0\ symptoms of delicacy, and whore' The TIJIF.S [corn now till January. health in general had hitherto been good. Some three weeks ago silo 1910 for One Dollar. I[ your neigh - was stricken down with fever ?which tors or friends are not now getting seems to have effectively weakened) th. TIMES, kindly tell them of this her system, accompanied by betnmor- I excellent offer hage and pleurisy. Though medical ! Mr. Win. blot lock had the mafor- aid .was procured and every conceiv-: tune r:nring the past west; to lose able attention given the deceased lie. two of his cattle. The disccase is carne twcaker. and 011 AVednesday, uncertain. November 4th., Succumbed. • De-' Mr. Joseph S. Amy last week dis- ceased had been a Christain for forty posed of a tram of colts 10 Mr. W. years, .having decided for Christ and 11. Kestle for :a good figure. joined the Methodist Church in 1868. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coxworth in - Since that date our sister had mani- tend moving to llensall in the near felted the white flower of a blameless future. life. and by which she had exerted ae, Miss Armstrong. of Exeter has influence for good itt many places. been engaged as school teacher hero !ler life was its the truest sense ex- for [text year. emplary and her character above re-; Mr. Garnet Amy left Monday for t.roacb, which reflected honor to the London, where he intends taking a cause dear to her heart. Iter eon- business course. His many friends itatent Christ -like life. genial dispos•- wish him success. • • Mr. ?doses !acetic. who has been tion and untiring zeal for the. cause of right cannot fail to have an abid- ill for some time. is not. itnprovrttg ing irnpression on individual jive!, very rapidly. She .was held in high esteem. having Na c stould be pleased i( our Sher - She -the admiration of all who knew on correspondent would call at the her. Methodism at Bcrneicc owes its Times office for a fresh snpply of position and success largely to the, correspondence sial.:orrery. inc, ss::nt toil of our dear taster whose` efforts were to a great extent the! Those unhappy lersons ho suffer dedetermining factor which led to the er. cofrom nervousness and ttdyspeofpsia should use Carter's Little Nr•rve reeve. A :token of her devotion to for Elirnville The anniversary in connection with the Elirnville church was a success CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE the house of Cod is seen in the gift of the new organ at present in use. The funeral took place on ,Friday. Nov. 6th to the Methodist church. where a very .impressive service was held, atter which the body was tek- to 'Nap!nka.• The deceased is surviv- rd by a husband. three sons end one daughter. also her father and moth- er. . A number of friends of Mr. W. 11. Morlock met at ,his home. on Tuesday evening of last !reek. I he occasion being Mr. \lorlock's birthdsy A dc - I c:ous tow! snppsr was /served. after which the evening \vas .peal •its ,r,,.,•chrn�,k:ng rad games. '•1 - Liazie l' nkheiner. who has 1 • n •t o: k rig in London. is home for her !cols' ay?. Nita. -\\ • nkenw•ader "nil daughter' [ndeed, throughout the county 'it who bay- h en visiting at the Central would be difficult to find a •fossa hotel for a few weeks. left Monday more widely known and more highly for Naperville. where they will maize, respected. their future home. Mr. Normae Weiner, of Detroit. Seale time back he had occasion Pit s, n •1leb are nt•ade expressly sIeepiess. nervous dyspeptic suffer- ers'. l'rice 25e. Eczema & Piles Cured J1.1GiSrRA'fl•. \N I) SCHOOL COM- MiSS10N1':it EA LED BY %.M -111'K. 'L:un-link by its healing power has earned the praise of men and ttotn.vt in the highest station of life. One of the latest prominent gentlemen to speak highly in Zam-ituk's favor is Mr. C. A. Sanford. of (Weston! King's Co.. N.S. Mr. \Veson is In Justice of the. Peace for the county and a member of the hoard of School Commissioners. ile is also deacon of the liaptist Church in Berwick. former Crediton boy. died at the to..test Lam -Bak and here is his tospital in Detroit. aged 19 seas op.nion of this great balm. Be says; '1' deceased had been working in 1 had a patch of eczema on my 1) ':oat fot the post two years. Itis tinkle. which had been there for over death was a shock to his many rel- twenty ycarsl Sometimes Aso the m ou l- would break out on sh atiycs and fri:nds hcrc. The rema!ns iters. c o 1 c y were brot,ght here on Tuesday. th• tiers. I lead token solution of ars- funeral taking place frorn the t-esi- en:e, had applied various ointments. dense of 11:s grandfather. Crediton and tried all forts of things to on - East to the Evangelical cemetery. tarn a cure. but in vain. Zamellck The bereft friends have the !sympathy unlike all else 1 tried, proved MO - of •the entire community. , ly satisfactory. and cured the sil- rttcnt. l "1 alive also rise d Zam-Buk for 1 lrkton i itching piles. and it has cured them Prof. .11. C. Jta'I.na A. T. Cci.I.,' cornplctely also. 1 take comfort In end Me. N. Moore. of London, were helping 1117 brother man. and if the the guy s s of \ i t t Verneecce R :r • Vublcat ion of m1 cal). Intent of Zam- Ituk twill lead other sufferers to try 'lay' :