Exeter Times, 1908-11-26, Page 4HE EXE'1 ER TIMES, NOV 26th 1908. TOILET ARTICLES A New Lot of Goods Just Arrived (lair Brushes, Cloth Bt ashes Slaving Brushes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, NVhisks, Mir- rors,Pockot Mirrors, Dressing Combs, Pocket Combs and other 'Toilet articles. CALL AND SEE Brownings Drug Store Notes and Comment tThe members of (the .Commons have 'lheeu called to meet at Ottawa Thurs- 4ay, December 3rd. The Conservatives of Kent bare dee aided to protest the election of Mr. 'Arch. 'McCoig on the usual grounds. ••••- Mr. C. V. llodgins, ex -ISL al. P. of Worth •Dliddlesex, who eves defeated et the last Provincial elections by tDuncau C. Ross, Las been appointed 'bursar of the hospital for epileptics at Woodstock, in succession to .the late John Ronan. fu New Brunswick a curious .con- dition exists as the result of the Lib- eral sweep in that province. So Sure were the local Conservatives al; twinning, (that two of them, Ilion. ID. (Morrison and di. Frank Smith re- signed their scats in the local, but veru defeated by Mr. Loggic and Mr. Carvell for the Federal, and now. there is a difficulty about •getting back. At the resucst of Sir 'Wilfrid, Mr. tV, 3.. .Mackenzie Ring. M. 'i'., has reconsidered his decision to decline the appointment as imperial comm:s- ioner to the international anti op. ium conference at Shanghai meal. January, rifr. Ring trill accept the mission. He Will sail from Van- couver on Dec. 2, and will bo absent ChM the latter part of Feb. • • • • • Sir Wilfrid Las pledged himself .to acmove from office any and all offic. late who may be found 'guilty Of Mrong-doutg. That this will he done is an absolute certainly. The Prem- ier declined to take any steps until evidence had been produced, and .to this end the Cassel's Commission is now investigating. The 'Government ;Was strong enough Ito take this posi- tion previous 'to Abe elections. and is strong enough Ito fulfil She pledge made in this regard when itis proper moment arrives. It has 'been decided that the act of last session, respecting the sale of patent medicines, shall come into force on the lot .of April.• After that date any preparation which con- tains chloral. aconite, ergot, stry- chnine, or any other of the uumer- bus list of deadly drugs, will have to be approved by experts of the depltrti- mcnt of Inland revenue or bear n printed statement on the outside of each package that there is a deadly drug int the preparation and the natne of the drug. • • • • • (lou. W. S. Fielding will sail for Entitled next week from Now 'York and will be absent emit January next 'Mr. Fielding. who was one of the plcnipoieotiaries of Canada in thu negotiation of the Franco -Canadian trade treaty last year. is crossing the Atlantic to consult with the Imper- ial and Fru►ch governments with re- fercnc,• ,to the position of the treaty wh.rh. though approved by the par. 'lament of Canada and by the French Chamber of Deputies. has met with opposition in the French senate. Ic Is hoped that with a further confer- ence this opposition may be overcome and the t real y ratified at t he pres- ent session of the : •nate in 1'.Hs. ONTARIO PItoViNCIAI. Y,\lit. $2.10 to Guelph and i;tu:n from Ezetcr via Grand Trunk Railway System. Good going Dec. u, 4 7, 8. P. 10, and 11th. Itcturu limit Deo. 4t c 1 b , secure tickets kers from (fraud !Trunk Agent. It Quiets the Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. it stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more - it controls the inflammation, qui':ts the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. Tr. 1 rf kind of a toatit:tontal "Ito: 1 t ,r ovor sixty years." sir r.tverve rrc...smserassow "144"r 7 C. Ay•r Ce., t.owell, Mi.s. A•., mAnuf%otar•r• of S'RSAPARiLLA. tiersPILLS, L1' IIAIR t (riOR. R'• t•ar♦ au rrer3% W P.".11 eh• ! r-• .a cf All o•.. medl3lnH. •sten recovery b *la regular wit keeping tho Ayer's Pills. Huron Clinton has formed n bowling alit' company with a capital of $1909. G. 11. Lauder, of fl'hedford has been appointed Grand Trunk sta- tion agent at Goderich. in place of John Straiton, resigned. Mrs. Elizabeth Fat lobar, an aged resident of Clinton, died Sunday. Nov. 1ltb. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Morrell. tyith whom she had made her home for several years. Messrs J. A. Ford and Angus McL- Lcod. of Clinton. last Thursday took over :the 'business of Mr. W. G. 1'cr• ria of Clinton .who has been in the grain business for many years. The well known strengthening properties of iron combined with other tonics and a most perfect nor - vine. are found in Carter's Iron Pills which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. The Ashfield township Council has given the Iucul option by-law St's first and second readings and it is Slow up to (the voters to decide iL they wend it to ,become Pew in the township. A %project is on foot for the erec- tion of a new grist mill and elevator at 'Goderich, the idea being to look after the (rade that has peen arse sleeted since the destruction by fire of the Dol rich trill. There is no one article in the line of medicine that gives so large a re- turn for the money as a good por- ous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna 'The Kincardine triage horses got. frightened al Goderich one tiny last week, and ran away. The stage up- set and fell on 11 he !driver. who fortunately escaped uninjured. The stage was somewhat damaged. Mr. Wm. Hanson. one of Fuller - ton's oldest and rno3t respeoted res- idents died on Monday Nov. 10th ,Fu bis 79th year. The deceased 'had been a resident of the township for up- wards of 60 years. Mrs. D. Mills. of Exeter is a sister of the deceased. Do ,riot fail Ito read II. Cook Sons and Co. coupon in this issue, in which they arc offering big inducements to purchasers of their best family flour. According 'to the annual report of (the (Bureau of Industries for 1900. just issued. Huron pays She, second highest amount in taxes es a county, Middlesex paying $142,:131, Huron $88,380. the next highest. being Wel- lington, $77.129, Simcoe '$72,013 Northumberland nod Durham $69.- 7.18. 69;718. Mr. Lorne Moffat, son of Mr. John Moffat the Ii:ippen grain buyer, and Aliss 'Gcrtie Caldwell. sister of Mrs. Len •DlcConncll of illruccfield. were fruited in marriage last Wednesday evening, the ceremony being per- formed in Seaforth by Rev. 'Mr. Lar- kin. The happy couple who have the hearty good wishes of , the ;whole community, will take up housekeep- ing on the J. Aikeahcad farts which Mr. Moffatt has rented. A change in the personnel of the officers u►' 1he Goslericl► 11'I:utiuK Mills Co., Ll d., maim brought about the past week, ,by tIiicit dames nuch- an;ut, sr., heretofore 'president and treasurer of the Company, retires from the business. His son, James Iluchanan, jr., who was formerly manager and tucretnry of the Com- pany, becomes now president sled manager, nod John Lawson take, Ihe vositiun of secretary -treasurer of the Company. On Tuesday morning, of 13'91 week the stenun:r Necbuty, (with a cargo of grain. glorutcled nbout 150 yards outside the harbor entrance atlGod- erich. The steamer im thought do have struck n boulder which 'Ione n hole in her neater •bol tom ,filling the vessel so fell that pumps could not reduce the inflow of water. A lighter was telegraphed for and the Moat avast released the next day' !rbc cement Works which •wore wash- ed of( the :breakwater a couple 1yoars ago are •dill at the 'bottom of the lake and likely 0;14441 the tlon- ble. Proof is inexhaustible that Lydia I. Pinklinnt s Vegetable 'nmpnund cures female ills and t riles women -safely through the henget of 1.1fe. )fr:t. Letitia Blair Cannifton,Ont., .vrites to Mrs. I'inkllatu: "I was sielc far five years. One doe- r .r told Inc it was ulceration, and an- •ther told Ino it was a fibroid tutnor, • ,,1 advised an operation. No one sows what i suffered, and the be:ar- down paint were terrible. " 1 wrote to try sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. l'inkhaut's Vegetable Compound. „ It (las cured ane of all :nv troulle4, and i did not have to have the opera - !ion after all. The Compound alio !ped me to pass safely throug:i ,tanti►e of tire." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia h:. 1'ink- '1aitl's Vegetable Compound, matte (runt roots and hunts, has been tit; itant1:trtl remedy for female itis )nd has p :fit ively cured thOUsand.<t,f tvuman who have )leen troubled with i isltlarementrl, Milani mat ion, 'deera- '1, fibroid tumors, irregularities, .:•'riodic pains, 1>at'kaelle, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indigetI- '.ilpll,tlizzines:loi' nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? 'Mrs. Pinkhanl Invite's all sick •,semen to write Ler for advice. :•tin has guided thousands to licnith. Addree'i, Lynn, Mess. Hensall. Mr. iltobt. Dalrymple is suite ill.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernie White, 01 ' ILucknoty was here last week visit- ing Mr, White's parents. Mts. A. 11. Carroll, of Carroll, 11311. is visiting her sister, Mts. Jas. Sutbcrlaud. Mr. 11\'111. \Vhitesides, one of our most respected residents died at ma Monte on Sunday. November 15t1. The deceased, who was in his 78th year, iwas a native of Belfast, Ire- land. Together with his wife, ate emigrated to this country in the year 1875, settling in Seaforth, where they continued to reside for some 18 years after tyhich they moved to llensall. where he has continued to live for the past fifteen years. Some eight years ago his .wife, who had been in ill health for some time, predeceas- ed hits and sinoe Heti titnc he lived with his slaughter. sister and this son Albert. The deceased had five sons and five slaughters, of whore survive two sorts and two daughters. In religion he was a Methodist and itt politics a Conservative, and was very firm and pronounced in his ad- herence to both. As a (friend and neighbor lie was ever kind find oblig- ing and w'as tl'ha1 is termed "a young old man,' for right up do within a week or so of his death lie was very fond of young people and '1133 con- stantly' in their cotnpany.'ctnd took all the innocent 'pleasures he could out of life. Ile at'ill be hutch missed off our street, where he was a well known and (familiar figure. The funeral ser Ore Was corrd11ote(1 by bis (pastor, Rev. 8. L. troll, in the Methodist church. on ;Wednesday afternoon Iasi and 'was .guile largely attended, niter which the remains were interred in 11110 •llensall union cemetery. Lucan The TIMES from now till January 1910 for One Dollar. If your neigh- bors or friends are not now getting the TIMES, ,kindly tell them of this excellent offer Chas. Shannou, who lived for ta number of years on the Bauble !fill died at his home in Cleveland on Monday of last peck. . Mrs. (Lintel'. died at the Resid- ence of her granddaughter, Mrs. Benj. 'Langford, its this .village • O!! Tuesday morning of last facet- at the age of 83. James Wilson also of this place is the only child. • %Robert Smyth and family left last week for their borne in •Ycrino, Cali ferrule after a two -mouth's visit with his mother. This (vas Mr Smyth's first visit home in 12 years 'Miss Self, of Buffalo, is visiting at Win. Martin's. Harold Jarvis and .Dirs. Shafor, of Detroit, arc .booked to appear here in the Stanley Opera 'louse on No- vember 27th. under !the auspices of .,1 the Lucan high sobool. Robert Stoddert. H. A., of King& stuff, assumed his duties as perman- ent principal of the Lucan high school on Tuesday morning. The curlers met on Friday bight at the council chambers, and elected the following officers for the cora- BURNS THE SATIRIST big winter, lion. president, II. A. Me- As to the issue between the poe►, on Ewen ; president. C. W. .11awkshaw • the one hand and Scotch religion on vice-president, Geo. .Bawden ; Chap, the other, no traveller in Ayrshire is Itcv. A. Carlisle; secretary- trees., permitted to remain indifferent. The A. M. Smith ; lnaneging committee, conviction grows upon one that the W. Ward, W. II. Tuke. W. Gibson, greatest song -writer of modern times, an'I J. C. Downing. perhaps of all time, Was scarcely less re- Mts. W. E. Stanley returned on markable as a satirist. These fields good nature. And on the .whole, Saturday from a six weeks' visit and clustered villages presented to his it was instinct, not theory, per - with her daughter, Mrs. Chas Camp- penetrating gazean abbreviated world. sonal grievance, not party prejudice, bell, of Brooklyn, N. l . Knowing the virtues and follies, the that brought hint to a glow. -From (''rank Quigley returned on Satur- enthusiasms, the hypocrisies, the la- -Robert Burns'a Country,' by Geo. day from Dawson City to reside per- hors and sports, the comedies and trag- McLean Ilarper, in the Christmas ma newly in Ontario. Mr. -Quigley edies of Kyle -this little district which Scribner's . . . kregetablePreparationferAs- dimilating lhaood ttndlleg utl- t111g tbestotnarhs andllowels of INS %NIS, 'CHILDREN... PsvnlotesDigestlon,Clteerful- ness8 Rest.Contains neither Oplutn, Porphine nor }'moral. PIOT NARCOTIC. Javi•aferd b-StML72PJ7C,MSB ALc lar14.4.11• Avio• Joist p� ,sf6 - • A perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stolnach,Diarrttoca, Wortns,Convulsions,Fel'eri s h- A£SS m'tdLOSS OF SLEEP. TacSitnile Signature of NEW YORK. At b rrionthrs. old 3 Dost_% -;'CENTS LXACT cam, or WRAPOCB. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA . has done reinarkably well duirng his formed for him one community, in the seven years' sojourn in the Klondike. heart of Ayebire-he was able to in - The 0. N. 0. club has enaagod the atruct the world. He did for Scotland Tony Vila orchestra for a big hop in what Lafontaine inAmore conspicuou- the Stanley opera house on (Monday, ous, though really narrower sphere, December 14. did for France in the seyenteeth cen- Wcn. 'Downs is still at Victoria tury. He drew up closer to the ob- Ifospital, London. avbere he fonder- jects of his attack than even Voltaire went ;in operation about a month ago or Swift. What he ridiculed was not, Ile still suffers considerable pain and generally, the perversity or the stupid - his improvement is not so rapid as sty of a nation, but some immediate was expected. departure from natural and humane John J. llodgins, grocer, has Zfur- conduct, something at Tarbolton or chased the property opposite Dr. T. Mauchlinewhich touched him unpleas- llctssacks on Muir street, and Svill antly. Hence his passion. True, he erect a handsome dwelling t !next professed a rationalistic philosophy, spring. John (McFalls, proprietor of the Western hotel, stumbled and fell over tome boxes in his cellar last week, and fractured two of bis ribs. The Rev. A. Carlisle and Rev. Mr. Sage, of St. George church, London, exchanged pulpits' on Sunday last. derived from the dominant French writers of the age and the 'British de- ists; but a large measure his views of life originated in his own experience and of course they were vitalized with personal feeling and winged with local phrases. Thus he gave a humorous rather than a bitter turn to bis satire. He knew its objects in most cases, as "brither sinners' and fellow Ayrshiremen. The undeniable virtues of most of them were present in his mind, along with their odious orthodoxy. His own shortcomings too, made it impossible for him, Rob the Rantler, to set up .as a 'suite serious judge of morals. llence his Vis! 1 The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL • • • • RESERVE FUND More Bread in a Barrel. That extra cost per barrel which your grocer asks you for Ogllvie9s Roya Household a_ doesn't go inti) anybody's pocket. it conies Lick to you. It is the dip}erence in money between flour you are sure of and flour you are not. it covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat crop of the country, and selecting the choicest grain. It pays for advanced inilling methods, for cleanliness, for purity and tor scientific flour -flaking. It comes back to you in the shape of Tight, wholesome, nourishing bread and pastry. A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour goes farther than a barrel ofanyother flour. It makes more bread and better bread. You are not really spending that extra amount ----you arc investing it. 1)0 not let it stand between your Family and good baking. Go to your grocer and say " Royal ouschold." Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited Montreal. $3 374.000 00 $3.374.000.00 Has (15 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents In all the Principal Pities in the World, General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Department • at all (tranches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HUHDON, Manager •••••••NN44444ti44b44N444o••••s►44NN4•••••••44444. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SEAL) OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUElt 1867 8.. t. WALKER, President AUX. LAIRD, Generirranager Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS E othersforytheotransatcti'onmof their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY (RAIL this way with equal facility. Accounts may be opened by mail, and monies deposited or withdrawn ih 115 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consu Ration FREE. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reasonable Feu for Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD We Guarantee to Cure all Curable Cases of Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesses, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all Diseases Peculiar to Nen and Women. Don't waste your time and money On cheap, dangerous, experimental treatment. Don't increase at your own cost your sufferings by being experimented on with remedies which they claim to have just discovered. But comm to us in confidence. We will treat you conscientiously, honestly and skillfully, and restore ou to health In the shortest pos- sible time with tho least medicine, dice 9tafort and extOnso practicable. Each case Is treated as tho symptoms Indicate. Our New Method Is original -and has stood tiro test foe twenty years. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. toPiltinott No. 3 ". "A. L. 0. from (S. A. C."' Have his initials with yours etched apon • Carbo Magnetic blade. Doesn't this solve the hanntingques. Can "What shall 1 give hint)" There are a thousand pteasinggifts for • woman to one for a man. He wants something exclusively mas:u• Lae add practical enough to be a dilly reminder of the donor. "O:t, he has taxers," or "Ifs goes is 1113 barber shcpl" you exclaim. ..t: the mo: c reason for a Carl* Mac - retie razor -he knows from escperi• once the dif::eutty in securing a rasor th,t mil give satisfxctian every Cay without peri,dical honing and grind- i:g. Whea you '1,t:7 a precious steno ) .a either seccre an ex?ert to select is et go to a %,ell established firm that will unconditionally guarantee its purity. Raror st^el requires 17:3 more care . in trice:,dh. It vr::s rao:e than a precious tilt to in. gas..: . The Carso Lla;ne:i: razor has Ail the good qualities a razor should have with the annoyances left cut. One of these razors riven as a Christmas prese,:t wiil pray: a lasting joy to 1b4 r-ecipient. :'le carry a ecrnpl;tt lire cf the Linoone.'Itianally cuawnrs• iced Carbo Magnetic Razors, and will have dry desired in.tirl to ;raved cn the blade extra..ha:;.-. Souls 01 the CuallahNorlli Wes! 4 1IOli11I8TEAD REGULATIONS.;: Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years 0:41 may homestead a quartefr. sectoni of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberts. The applicant rllu31 appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. P:ittt y by proxy may be had at the agency, on certain condition', by father, mother son. daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties :-Six months residence upon aaa cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine mile." of his home- stead on a Sarin of at least 80 acres scaly owned and occupied by hires or his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sist,•t. In certain districts a hotnestea.tor in reed standing 'nay pre-empt a q':rtr rcr rear:on a.orrgsidc his home. %tend. Pr:co $3. per acre. i)uties- Mut reside !'x months incaoh of six years from date of homestead entry (:nc:ud:rig the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivtae fifty acres extra. A honetea,kr %vim has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-empt:on may lake n pur- ehas;d homestead tit Certs.:, district* i'r:c• O. per acre. 1)::t .-bfnst re;:do s:x months in cac'1 of Ihree yenrs. ou:tivntc f:fly neres and erect hoasr• worth 300.01 W. tv. CORY, ti Deputy of Me tdtntster of the be trine . N. 11.--t'nauthoriu.I pnbllratInn of Oda siren ment ill not lie paid In: Tlie USborne and Men 64 Farmer's Mutual Fire insur- W. S. Cole, Druggist arse Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. f'rceident-J. L. Itt'SSELI.. 'teed the pain formula on a Lox of Vrasidersid.'nt-W 11. 1',1S9DtOH6 ('ink fain Tablets. nen ask your DiHI?('TO115, Doctor it there is a (better one. WM, Roy, ilottxttnt.x F'. n Iain means congestion -blood pros- SVM. BROOK Wis;laiEi Petr 1', O. sure somewhere. Dr. Bhoop's (''ink T. RYAN, intTttt.tlf P. O} i'a:n Tablcta ^heck )lead pain?, tiro. ROBERT NORItiAAf;, BfHtvlta. manly pains, pain anywhere. Try 1rN', one, and r,ec 1 241 for 25c. Sold by W. 9. Fran',). JOHN ESSEHY, Exeter. •':«*,t fol �----. t'abornp and ll rl,lnlph. Rhcutnatlstn promptly driven from OLIVER IIAltltiy, Duras, a¢ent the Wood tt•,Ih tor. Slhoop'e Ithcn- for Hibbert. Fullerton and i..,i"(1. B. W. F. BEAVERS, 'illi comlmo O emedies. A test Seay.Treas. Farquhar. Mille Remedy. Don't waste time r twill surely tell. In tablet or liquid, OLAI%dAN A ciTANH1'It\. .,•rt•r• form, Bold by W. 0. hews': i 4.