HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-26, Page 1THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR—NO 183.1
'S•••o•••••••••♦•N•♦•••••♦ •••••••••••••♦•••••
Phone No. 32.
It is Time for us all to get Busy
Christmas only Four Weeks Away
Christmas will soon be upon us. A few
weeks' are not long in passim; away so we cannot
start to soon to make our preparations. Presents
to think of, presents to buy and a good many more
Store things to think about.
This will be found the Busy Store from now
until the Holiday season is over. We are filled
up with the good things to make you or your
friends happy for the Xmas Season. (Come right
in and let us show you all our good things. It
will (10 you good and do us good to see you.
Nice Fur Mulls Fancy Handkerchiefs
Very suitable for a present.
We have a nice assortment in
Alaska Sable, Isabella► Sable,
Isabella Fox, Black Linx,
Stone Martin & Bear.
From $7 up to $2.i.
Warm Neck Ruffs
The most comfortable pre-
sent you can htty Alaska Sable
Isabella Sable, Isabella Fox,
!Slack Link, Stony Martin,
Bear .i Persian Lamb.
From $3.01J up to $30,111).
Fur Lined Coats
For a good waren comfort-
able garment the Fur Lined
Coat beats them all. We have
the best in the land and at the
very lowest prices. Call and
get our prices.
100 dozen of the best assort-
ment we ever had. They are
certainly a nice lot and are
sure to please you. Plain and
Fancy, White and Colored
all the way.
From 5c. up to 50c. each.
F ancy Silk Wraps
Nice buggy silk Scarfs,
Wraps and Facinator3 for
Evening wear. They are very
swell goods and would stake
a lovely gift.
From $1 to $3
Ladies Fancy Collars
Just arrived, The new Col-
lars, they are swell, all colors
and shapes. We have the low
ones and the high ones, right
up to your ears if you wish.
266° Discount Sale of all Millinery
This means a big cut in our Millihery Deyartment as the
season is not much more than half over. But we don't believe
in waiting until the last week to make our Discount Sale.
All our Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats at the same dis-
count. Plenty of time to wear them before Spring. A nice lot
to show you so come along early and get a good choice as they
won't last long.
Gents Scarfs
The best we have ever
ahovn In all the new patterns
of Mixed Greene, Blues,
Browns and Greys. Also
Plain Blacks and Whites.
Prices 50c., 75c., $1.00, 51.25
Christmas Ties
We are fortunate in having
our our New Ties in early this
year. We can show you the
New Natty stuff. Nothing
better has ever been shown in
Boys! 1)o not fail to see both these lines
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
•••••♦••♦•••♦•♦•••• ••••••••♦•♦♦••••••••••••••
The regular meeting of the Council
was held in the Town hall on Friday.
Nov. 20th, 1908. Present. Reeve Bo -
bier; cc,sucillors Fuke, Neaman and
Knight. The minutes of :meetings
held on Nov. 5th, 8th and 10th inst.
were read and approved. The fol-
lowing accounts were read and or-
ders drawn on the !treasurer for the
same, The Goldie and McCulloch Co.
Galt. al labor and supplies, .,33.15; The
Bell Telephone Co., message. 30c: The
Queen City Oil Co., gasoline, F10.30;
Peter-Bawden Ss Eton, •bal. due on ce-
ment walk contract 1907,532.91: Con-
nor :Bros•, repairs and supplies, $11.15
E. A. Follick, meals for 'tramps, 80c;
J. N. Howard, cedar, Ii:2.50 ; gid.
Quante, labor, $3.38: W,n. II. Welsh
51.12; %Waiter ,1Vestcott $4.12: Ed.
Coombs (75e; Sidney \Vest $1.25; IA,
0, Dyer, selecting jurors, $4.00; IA.
Q. Bottler, selecting jurors, $4 : Jos.
Senior. selecting jurors. $4.00: Sam'!
Fanson, cleaning Town Hall chimney
75c. ; passed on motion of U. D.
Knight, seconded by A. E. Fuke.-
The annual shooting match took
place here on 'Thursday of last week
and was attended by a large crowd
to encourage the contestants on the
respective sides captained by Chas;
and Dan. Dew. Instead of shooting
to see which side .would pay for the
supper, prizes consisting .0f turkeys
ducks, etc., were given to be won
by %the three best shooters on each
side. On Chas. Derv's side Edgar
Willis was high man, Edgar Munn,
second, and Frank Ross third. On
Dan's side Arthur Dick captured 1st,
Jos. Case 2nd, and John Coleman,
3rd. After the shooting the gun ar-
tists adjourned to A. Willard's borne
where a bountiful supply of oysters
were 'prepared and after these had
been disposed of. a dance was given
and .the evening thoroughly enjoyed
by alt present.
The licensing 4,111 bas been carried
in the British Ifouse of Commons by
the enormous majority of 237. The
Halsor interests are relying upon the
House o[ Lords to amend it in their
behalf or throw it out. If the Lords
Zdo so. the irrepressible conflict be-
tween the upper tool lower chambers
will be carried into the %text election.
The TLMES from now till Jeuaary
1910 for One Dollar. If your ::eigh-
bors or friends are not now ;,ctting
the TIMES, kindly tell them of this
•♦•I excellent offer
• • —�--_
: •s
We have s terse amount of private rand.
Zan nn farm and village properties at lowrabe
D.arrt••ters Solicitors. Mt1n 8t.t13zeter
FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur
geon. Successor to A. H, Hain- ? W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C 1.1PPE111\-8W1:1TZEIt- At the
say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani- tJ • P. S., Graduate Victoria Un Parsonage, Corbett, on Wednesday
male on most approved principals. yentas. offico and restdenence. Dominion Nov 18, by Rev. Steadman. the
Special attention to dentistry. Office taooretory, Exeter, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel
at Ramsay's old stand on Main street. Associate Coroner of Huron. Sweitzer, Shipka to Mr. David
Night call at Peter llawden's residence Lippert. of 'Shiva.
Main street. \VALI'F.R-RARER-In Dashwood on excellent offer
Serve i*eis J rEE TES
$1.00 per year in advance
Mali 81. Chinch R1111IYcEsofy ( farmer ENctcr Mui Did
The anniversary services of the The following Is sent to from Os -
Main street Methodist church this rrtbrock, N. D., and refers to a for -
year were exceptionally interesting,
and the collections were fully up to
those of last dear, $375 being the
amount for the day. Rev. David N.
b C tit
Io a , ts. of 81. Marys. one of the
of the most talented orators in the
London conlerenCe. had charge of
the services and delivered two very
interesting + and instructive dis-
courses during .the (lay. Sal the
morning service the church was %veil
filled and in the evening many were
unable to secure seats. Special mus-
ic was furnished by the choir os -
slated by Mr. Ernest Moule. of Lon-
don. 'who took the place of •Mr. C.
J. J'ink, who was unable to be pre-
sent. owing to a cold. Mr. Moule
made an excellent impression avith
his singing. In the afternoon a
mass meeting •was held in the au-
dience roots and was addressed by
Revs. Going and McCanns. .the for-
mer presenting the Robert Itaikces
diplomas to those of the Sunday
Scbool children. whose names were
upon the golden roll of honor.
Mr. %Vm, Schrader left Saturday
for London, wbcrc be intends spend-
ing the winter months.
Mr. Ross McKenzie left tt1onday
for Chatham to take a commercial
course in the business college.
Messrs. W. Baxter and J.D. Han-
nan left this week for Cleveland on
a business trip.
Vob .Watson. No. t!, is still In our
One evening last week little Tom
and Johnnie Wise met .with • what
might have beets a serious occident
but were stopped in time by La.w'-
rence, who were looking on.
Mr. Peter McPhee, %who spent the
past several months in the north-
west, .bas returned borne.
Mrs. J. 1). Hannan is visiting her
parents at the Mend.
A very quiet wedding ,took place
at the parsonage, Corbett, on .Wed,
ncsday, when the youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. Samuel Swcitzer was unr
ited in marriage to Mr. David Lip-
pert, a prosperous young farmer of
Kbiva. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rcv. Mr. Steadman. The bride
was gowned in n beautiful suit of
blue with brown hat. ;After the
ceremony the young couple left on
a honeymoon Trip to Chicago, Ben-
ton Harbor. Itersey, Lansing, De-
troit and other points, and on their
return will reside at 'Oliva. Their
rnany friends wish them a happy
and prosperous wedded life.
Loses Turkeis o finds $80 Doliors
Maurice Shaw, the young mus who It has been reported that a fnrnrer
pleaded guilty to stealing a horse in the vicinityon looking over his
Mr. Co)will of Centralia. and stock one morning recently discover -
sold it to a than named Anderson, eel that his fine flock of turkeys had
living near London, was last Satur-'
daybeen t toles during the night. i(o
sentenced ten ed to three years in the immediately commenced 1 looking
Kingston penitentiary. around the premises for some marks
-- or footprints in order to get a otuc
to the thief. lie had looked but a
short time when he came across a
pocket book containing $80 and to
note. evidently dropped Sty •the pur-
loiner of the turkeys. The farmer
feels that he 'has been well repaid
r his s..shut the owner of the
fo i los
money can get it back, if he returns
the turkeys• Ontario ..,
A number of young adies
-- were Nova Scotia
being pleasantly entertained at the New ;Brunswick
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood on Manitols
Monday evening last When 1 hey Saskatchewan
were surprised by a number of young Alberta
11ODGiNS-At Saintsbury, on Nov.
10, to Mr. and Mrs. I1. W. Hodgins
a daughter.
I:ItIGi(T-its Exeter, Saturday. Nov
i•'o1n.'. to Dr. and Mrs. alright p
Dl{. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. CREECH SANDERS -At Exeter, -Nov.
D, S., Honor graduate of Toronto 19th, Mr. R. N. Creech .to Miss
University. Edith Sanders, daughter of Mrs.
Gro. Sanders.
Dental Surgeon CQ019WILL-sIDrB-At the Method -
Office over (Badman tk Stanbury's 1st Parsonage. Crediton, on Wed -
Main street-Ext•:THU, nesday, Nov. 18th, Garfield Cock -
will to Miss Nora .A. Sims.
titer resident of Exeter. who died at
his home at Osuabrock N. D.. on Nov.
12th., 1908.
"George Stroud Balsdcn was born
October the 9th. 1833. in the parish
of Jllacktarrington, Devon, England.
Died happy in the Lord at his horse,
Nov- 12th .1908, near lsnabrock,
Cavalier Co., North Dakota, of
dropsy and advanced age, aged 75
years, 7 months, and 9 days, Oct.
the 7th, 1856, he entered the holy
bonds of matrimony with Miss Jane
Branch at f Beaworths, England.
This union was blessed with two sons
and nine daughters, three daughters
Charlotte, Lily and Cecelia, died in
their infancy, also Margery, Mrs. 13.
Baragar died Dec. ,the 10th., 1903.
In April 1867 [they immigrated ;to
Exeter whore they lived until March
1880, (when they moved on the home-
stead in the vicinity of L)snabrock,
Calavicr Co.. N. D. In 1867 he was
converted to God. at Exeter. under
the labor of Rev. Wm. Hooper, pas-
tor of the Bible Christian church
from which he received a recommen-
dation of exceptionally high honors
as being .a stalwart follower of our
Lord. On Jan. 21, 1896, his much
beloved Ivile died, after which Grand-
pa Ps'B dca. as he was generally call-
ed. abandoned housekeeping and liv-
ed with his children itt Cavalier,
(Clyde, Langdon. Seattle and cOsna-
brock, always uniting with the
church represented in the locality,
viz. "Methodist and the Evangelical,
Ile leaves to mourn five daughters, }.
Mrs. Chas .8uell, Mr. S. Fried.111rs. Shell
Geo. Agar, Mrs. W. Schrader and
Mrs. E. I'reid, and .two sons, John
and Fred Balsden, 23 grandchildren
and three great grandchildren, also
a large number of friends. He .was
Roof -
prominent in church work and was We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, hoof
always found ready to perform his lob and Plumbing in all its branches.
part o[ the church work faithfully
llc %vitt bel missed by all who knew
him. Truly it can be said of him, he Call and be convince -1 that it •is the cheapest spot in town
el a kind father and a wise coun-
act among _the children of his house-
hold. It can also be said of him.as
dJoshua of old.. "Choose you this
HAWKINSdaa y 'whomdem you will eeill but as for
tilt and w
my house we will serve the T.
Lord.' He is now at home and at
test, His remains were interred in
the Evangelical cemetery, near the
church of ?.ion to wait until the intoxicated to know what had taken. The new deputy minister of labor
resurrection morning, "'The choly place, I at Ottawa is Mr. F. A. Acland, evho
sang some appropriate hymns at the DIr. and Mrs. Robert DlcIlvecn, of has ,been rho secretary of the depart,
service, The trndcrsigned officiated Watford, are visiting the -latter's went dor some time. IIo was news
using for bis text. Joh. 5-26, "May brother, Rev. W, 1J, Butt. 1editor of the Toronto •Globe for years
the good Lord grant than alta happy Mr. Andrew Hepburn. of Miuniota., and lately its western correspondent•
r, union in !leaven. B. Il. hiseber. Man., happily surprised his parents: His journalistic work was of a big&
Mr. and Mrs. John !Hepburn last Bat -1 order. He dtas always taken , an aitnd
urday. Ile ins not been in this vic-
inity for seven years. but iris stay is 1 will stake a competent successor to
A very ;uiet wedding Was seism-
(<'ery short on account of pressl^; I Mr. King.
Mr. 'Wm. Spencer. of Stratford. Is
sized at the home of Mrs. 'Geo. Satn- spending ,a few days with his moth- Clearing Auction Sale
ders 'Thursday n[ternoon at 'three cr. Mrs. _Anderson.
Edith was united in marriage by Rev, itin2 her sisters, Mrs. Sam. Davis and' FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS
Portland Cement
Owen Sound Portland Cement for all kinds of Cement
work is unexcelled. Special prices for large quantities:
International Stock
and Food Remedies
Stock and Poultry Foods, Worm and heave Powders,
Louse Killer, Colic Cure and Silver Pine Healing Oil.
Food and Meat Choppers $1.35 to $2.00
Coal Hods 25 to 6o
Lanterns, large size ............ 65 to 1.00
Stove Mats ........ 50 to 1.5o
Stove Boards .... , go to 1.25
Ammunition of all kinds.
Hawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc.
CreeCl-801111013 Nupliois
o'clock when her eldest daughter Mrs. Kershaw, o[ Detroit Is vie--OF--
E. A. Fear to Mr. R. N. Creech. ed- Mrs. Win. 1. arsons.Mr, Joseph \S Mill rll sell by ti'ubi
Rot. of the Advocate. After the cm- Mr. and Mre. F. Irwin and family) lie Auction for Mr. Abner Fuller on
mony was over a wedding dinner was of St. Johns, New Brunswick. are! iLOT 5, CON. 10, USHORNE
served after which the tulip e left on visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr::. 1 1-2 Macs North-West of �Voodhame
the evening train on a hone} -moon A. 'Hicks.
trip to Detroit. The services held in the thfcthodist
- f--- church here were taken by the pastor
With 'the Yukon still to be .ard ltev. (W. 11, Mutt. 1a the morning he
from, +the standing of the 'parties in took as his tezt the •'spiritual water'
the next House will be: and in the evening ho preached on
Con- Ls,. the call "Come up .lfither'.
• 49 37 Mr. Nelson Hicks is its : aatrolt,
11 54 having secured a lucrative position
• 6 12 in that city. Ile will be greatly
,,,... 2 11 missed from the choir of which he
, ... 8 2 has been the able leader 'for nearly
▪ 1 0 two years. Our pianist Miss Sarah
... 'i 4 Neil is however a host in herself and
• 5 2 will do her best to keep up the bigh
standard of t be choir. She deserves
88 134 well at the !lands of the church.
A social evening was held 011 Tues -
Centralia day by the Epworth League. (though
the storm eoptowhat interferred with
` the attendance, a goodly 1tumt r
The 'TIMES from now till January .were present and a most enjoyable
1910 for One Doll:u•, if your neigh- time was spent. Miss Swann, the
)tors or friends are not now fretting president, occupied the chair and n
the 'TIMES, kindly tell them of this
excellent offer short but varied programme was ren -
Maurice Shaw. who some we' ks ago deDIr s. Dr. Orme. who has been visit -
stole a horse [tom Mr. W. IT. 10441-; ing in Detroit for the past few weeks
-II l •
men calling. The remainder of the Ilritish Columbia
evening Inas enjoyed by all.
The TIMES from now till Januar:
1910 for One Dollar. 11 your neighs
bors or frienrls are not now getting
the TIMES, kindly tell them of this
Conte anter Accounts Coll
MoNF,Y to loan at lowest rates, and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
North West lands for Sale. Andrew Street, Exeter.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
H. Bright, M. D., M.C. T. and Nov. 18th. Melinda • Catherine.!
•8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jlenrc TENDERS OPEN
iversity, two years resident physidian Rader oto Mr. Edmund Wnlper 4:oth Contractors are tendering on the
y acted Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office of Dashwood.
DIED new priest's house at father Fors-
ter s. Mt. Carmel.
KRAP'1'-Ili Dashwood, on Tuesday,-----�--
Nov. 170, Elizabeth Kraft. aged
\V I:1NE1t-In Detroit hospital, on CASTOR 1 A
Sunday. ;Nov. 22, Norman Weiner.
aged 19 years . For Infants and Children.
1iOWI'ON—`n `''`'`ei, November "- The Kind You Have Always Bought
Orders can be left at the. 1'IJlfsri Office
1908. William Horton aged 78
• We are showing; some Choice
e ensed Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in all parts Terms reasonable
73 years, 8 months and 13 days.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in alt ).arts, Terms reasonabl
and satisfaction guaranteed
We h we unllrntted pi -trite funds for loves/
• tint Uyen term or 'ulnae rroperty a0 town
.fr..of tatort,st.
li z.t.r
inters, Solicitors, Nei-wowsConsey_aaeere
(jernmle+t •nor. Solicitors tar the oleone
Rant. Me. rood second-hand
-�oael to Iowa at lowe.t rates of Internet g'
a. CARLITIO R. A. L. i . Mettles
from the best Canadian mak-
Bears the
A cicrgetnan writes; "Prcvcn• Signature of
tics, those little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets are Me,: king wonders in my
parish' . Prevent ice surely twill
check a cold. or the Grippe,
very few hours. Anil J'rewentics are
so safe and harmless. No Quinine,
nothing harsh (tor sickening, Fine
Good Second -band for feverish restless children. dies
• of 48 at 25c. Sold by W. 8. ilowey.
Tickling, tight coughs can le sure -
at a title rRlll, ly and quickly loosened with a Prc.-
1, eeription 'Insaiggisls are dispensing
everywhere as t1)r. Filioop's Cough
Remedy. And it is so very. veru
different than common cough med-
icines. No opium. no chloroform,'
absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. Send til 50 for the LONDON
The tender leaves of a harmless, f
lung healing mountainous shrub, ADVF:RTisl-:It for 1.1 months.
Square Piano
Also three
Lewis Thomas & Nutter Sewing Machines
Civil Engineer & Architect the best the country produces
(Late !leper tn,ent of rtit•Ito ttbrke, Canada.) - -
Conrmltinz Eurineer fol Municipal ami County All the latest novelties in Sta-
work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and B•atereorte •
System Wharves, Bridges and He -enforced (•°octet. tiOtlCry.
bone t:`zo
, sod sold It t0 a farmer near ; has returned again to her home.
London. and was arrested on Thanks-' Mr. Clarence Foster. of Granton. 2 pulpers, set of scales, incubator.
giving day when It. went offer his, and Miss Margaret Quinton, of brooder. 3 dozen sap • buckets, sap
money. was on 14tturdny aent,•nccd1Saintsbury. were guests of tile 21;s- boiler, 3 cauldron kettles, pig and
to three years in the 'Kingston peri -1 seat Handier(' on Sunday. ha rack, iron alone boat, bagtruck,
Parsons and Davis. our Mr. James lland[ord and daughter whe
1 dozen hen coops, apple eye ore tor,
fprodttee' Miss Hattie visited friends in flder-
i gravel hoe, fel of springs, .�
merchants report a better • season ton is week, 'barrow, set rope wire stretchers.
the year, than what they have had this
Harold end Clarence Bu plan vigil' set htawy harness. set double barness.
for some lime. At present sthey ed friends in Lucas on Sunday. 300 fence slats, f00 lbs wilt. some
have n large force of then and Atom- 1 - Corn in stook, a luanlity of hay
en p;eking poultry, while it takes' - timothy and clover, grind stone,
four persons to pack and look after C7 A If Yr CO XL Z B .
some [lagging stone, ladies side
tit• shipments- Sean she _�1ttKiss YCuHail Vivi
Read the LONDON DAILY i ilussell Iflcotnf:el,1. the }Dung man Signature
recused of Taking R68. from n tray- of
• on
WEDNESDAY, DEC 2nd 1908.
Commencing ht le o'clock sharp
the following;
STUOK.- 1 Clydesdale mare
years ohs eligible for registratio,
1 1'ercheron mare 9 years old, 1 Shiro
mare 3 years old, 1 hackney maro
3 years old. 1 draught yearling, 1
Hackney yearling, 1 Clydesdale suck-
er, 1 Welch and Arabian pony suite
able for saddle or driving, .Ii hat
cattle, 5 Steers, 1 Heifer, 0 two-
Year-oldar-old steers, 4 Heifers due do come
in at Christmas, F'eb, Mar, and April,
0 Cows due to come in in the spring.
8 Calves, 1 tlhorthore bull 3 months
old, 2 yearlintts, 17 store hogs, :i ratpigs. 4 Sows due to farrow in Jany.
IMPLEMENTS - 'Massey - li,trris
binder, iieW Deering seed drill, Haytedder, ,Deering mower, Frost and
Wood horse tack, 2 single !plows, 2
new Cockahult plows, net diamond
harrows, set chisel tooth harrows.
cultivator, 2 wagons. dray, 2 set of d
sleighs. e,nocrnl, buggy, fanning
mill with bagger, gasoline engine.
11.•11 !lower. grinder, scuffle(. roller,
+ �•� per year. . i eller named 1Vm. Gilmore on 110ct.
The test metropolitans patter in 21st., was tried before Judge 1)tyle
Western Onlaria,
('oritaina latest market quotations
and all general and local Hess worth
gives the curative properties to lir..
8hoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves Remittances must be received be-
have lite power to calm the moat die- fore 1st Jan., 1901),
tressing Cough and to soothe and'
heal the most sensitive bronchial
membrane. Mothers should for
safety's sake alone, always demand
Dr. Shoop'... it can with perfect
freedom Pe Wren to even the young-
Londonontario - est babes. Test it yourself and see.
Our prices for all the above goods 801d by V:. S. lfowey.
tiro t your . j
DR. O. ROL'I MTON, L. D. M. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
17 D. S Dentist. Member o1 Terms the most hirerAl you could Collector W. J. Il,s.rtt will he „t
at Godetich last Friday. Bloomfield on furniahinR approved joint notes,
pleaded guilty to the charge and re•- A F'.1RMElt'S WANT .SL PPLii:D on n discount of 5 per cervi, per an-
etoredthe money, and watt let go by num •for cash in lieu of notes.
the judge offer a Rood deal of adv;e,t S'•me farmers are under the impres• JOy. 1:•'11TI . 111\l.it I1'LL1?11,
and on promising to abstain from Some
that they mutt have n purely, Aust oneer. Proprietor.
11'uor nttd furnishing 1V.0 surctgricult'iral %taper to supply ngricul-
for his good behavior, It appe•nr. tttral infnrmntien, but they overlook
Ih,t Gill- tura!
had Lren stopping Inc:t the fact that there is n Canadian Pub
t', ntralia end wishing to go to Lucas lication that not only furnishes the
had hired a rig, and young Bloom most reliable information perlaining
field Was the person assigned the job to the term, hitt at the same time fur•
of driving hire. Gilmore had traatc•l niches therm with n tile
Yonne Bloomfield hotel at the bar hotels the trews of the world and a magazine
!calving the hotel and on the road a every week rte good art any of the Eng• ,
bottle of liquor was consumed by the li+h or am,"titan magazines in quality ,
two, it is alleged illoomfiebl put Lis and qui►ntily tit good wholosnme fiumi• I
p�ssengcr off near lho church west Iv leading. The paper alluded to is TRADE (YIa;o a
of Lucarl. Ind returned home. Git- The Family iiernld and Weekly:Star i Ottsrc.ris
more in his oondit:on remained in the of Montreal, which errata but -le dol.: COPYRICNT•36C.
lar a year and is the rr'Nte6t title to AnrnnelnIe1tne5,ketAIandd' rir'i-,
church shell all night. In the morn-Ksntca aerertsn r•nr pe�emt•.o (r
''�_SS•r,: ,.r an
ing he discovered the loss of his mon- lie bad. it is a weekly nt•...pnpet, ii%ni,t 11 111 tie trfrn 14,10, , -. • % •
ey and returned to :Centralia ant family magazine and agricultural •stir tr.'stad..ta enrr to ,.•.,:nor ls•e. •..
a ter combined -all three in one and r'at.nta takes tnr•,ush ;tuun a (•,. r,--c:re
accused Bloomfield of taking it. P I oraerestk, easous assess um,
This Bloomfield denied and• ;t tons if any farmer litter giving it a trial
not until Gilmore had decided to get dors net think it the bier value on th"
saddle•, gentleman saddle.
No reserve has the proprietor
has ROM his terra ,
TERMS. -$3.00 and under cash,
over that amount 12 months credit
Scientific American,
desire wit a warrant for his arrest (frit he tnatket he can have Elis tn.nev hark. A/Ands,melr ulu.rratedweeatr, r�,r.,.•r
R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor the Toren Hall ttcer} Friday until
Graduate of Toronto University. 1 1 t:day. brc. 11th awl also on Satur- agreed 'o return rho money. Accord• No farni house in Canada afford to 1st"'"..t ►n7 e�enneo )r„resat lwr,. r..r
O,vic1R:-Over Dickson & Carlin s lac. Dtondn and Tues lay. Dec. 12, 11 From Now until January 1st 1g10, unew'i.i.areef P,aarreitteata. P•tabr
R Markin son,
' 1 ) ing to Bloomfield. be did uet know' be without Cnnadn'e Kteateet leaner- au sewn,
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former e s nd 15. Por 1.60. how the money got into his posses-' The Family herald and \Veekty Star MUNN Co *610,0•&•17.New York
dental parlors. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• i :on. Loth he and g Gilmore bean to l of Montreal.
Brauetr otos.
t i�
, SI6 Y Pt-, wasMnert,n. D. e•.