HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 8is d I± N; X E'ER S N O V 19th 1908
Bing! Bang! +
Away Goes All Our Millinery for Half It
Price and Less. **
Trimmed ++
��.5oFor NTrimmed Bats Latest Shapes +
Novelty Trimmings, Regular value 5 and 6 +t
dollars. *;
25$2.For Ready Trimmed Bats. ' Swell New
Shapes, Stylish Trimmings, Soine very nifty T
I rats in this lot worth regular $3.5o to $4.00. ++
$1.25 Each, for the biggest bargain in Ready Trim- J;}
mad Bats you ever saw, values worth in the
regular way up to $3.00 in this lot. :.$
IIf you want an extra Ilat now's your chance. bring
the little girls along too, we have some swell hats for
them, at prices that will make them wonder some. I:
Fur Trade is Booming with Us .
Fur Coats for Men and Women at Christmas . ++
Box Prices ++
lt$I $40 for a Man's Coon Coat. It's great value. *$
$ 1$
li for the best value in Men's Coon Coats that we :!
X50 ++
know of. +4o
Less to per cent -$40 5o for a Ladies Fur *$
1 LinedReveresCoat., trimmed with elegant Sable ++
Collar an
an ++
+ (rr' fl Less to per cent, $54 for a Ladies •Coat, lined $
ULJ with choicest Canadian Rat and trimmed with +
dandy Sable. Remember for the balance of this month
+ to per cent discount off any Ladies fur lined coat in the •t•
!r' Muffs, in Alaska Sable, Isabella Sable, American Sable,
We are showing some very swell fur Scarfs and T+
if Grey Squirrel,
White Thibett and Marinott Mink.-
Values are in your favor. ++
We want all kinds of Farm Produce; it is just as good as '1'+
cash; Butter. Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Poultry, etc., etc. 4. 4.
++++++•t•+++++++++++++++++++ K•+++++•F++++•r•+++++
Perfect in
Positive in
We again call attention to
our grade of WATCHES
Good Material, Fine Finish,
and Accurate Adjustment are
all combined in our high
Grade Watches.
Our aim is not
a question of price, but qual-
ity, like anything else it is al-
ways cheapest t ,
If you want a good
reliable watch call on
Wedding pings a Specialty.
In all the latest Shades and
Paterns, at reasonable prices
See the New Fashion Plates for
the Present Season.
Merchant Tailor.
Market Report. -The following ta
the report of Exeter markets, eor•
r,ctiel a{• eu Nov. 19111.
Wheal. !IU cel'ttl.
I)ats :'ti cents.
Marley. 48 to 52 cents.
Peas, 1`0 to 85 cents.
Shorts, $23.
Bran, 820.
Illendid Flour, STAR, $2.75.
Feed Flour 61.10 to x1.45.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.
Coal, 87.25 a ton.
Eggs, 22e. per dozen.
Butter. 220 per pc't!t.
Bogs. Iiveweight, $0.00
liogs. dressed, $7.5U to 50.00
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
Dritel App:e= 5 rents.
.+_.�.+ .ge ge err ere sestet. ereeseere spews..ret . ..... . ...
.3141010,6 V
i FURS . .II
.................♦.♦♦..♦♦. 1'
Those wishing furs repulred or re-' `• • eti•
modelled should bring theta in tidal
1+���t�r�«t��tt�����j-�_���,j�. MANTLES ►t.:.�tt«1..ti+�:_:
month M. IIALli\V1Ll.. Andrew ere �•,i•,r,IA (kV A f,'�� � f,i�q"•i���
......••••••••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• M+' A
�i` Semi -fitting, trimmed with fancy braids in Black, Browne:
1)tt. OVENS li\'1►. AND EAR SUR -i a/ti.Green and Blue. Also some loose mantles in Black, Greyers
geon, will be at the in. to l
4.3 Commercial `:Ind Blue. All going at a very low price and they are very
(folate hours 9.30 a. to 4.30 p. 4 swell. Children's coats at half price.
rn. Glasses properly fitted and die .x
cases of eye ear and nose treated.,
Next visit Saturday. November_ 2Ist.1 •£
Heine znlait's best make, Grand•
p'.ano. nearly teen'. for sale cheap.;!
also good carriage Ito tee, splendid!
driver; also ttto-ye•: r -old colt. bug-'
gy cutter, harness etc.. will sell
cheap, apply S. T. 13OBIEIt.
Farm Lot 2 Con. L Stephen one
two year old heifer. color red weight
about F5U lbs. small horns. Any in-
formation leading to tier recovery
will be liberally rets ardcd.
Byron E. llickss
A .
Our fur stock is complete in fur -lined Jackets in Brown
4.6aad Black. Fur Ruffs, Stoles and Mafia in large yurtntt•��,
flee. And prices within reach of all. When yon buy ones
Vol our furs you get something that will last, as we buy furs
from the best fur manufacturers in Canada.
P110IIE No. 22
. .OVA4:1"41 ***an. 41t.rt.
ij le* le, • • fire •, .•. •'- •� [� q, 4* q, p,
The river is parity frozen • over --
with ice and on Tuesday eveningSeC artificial (towers at .Mou'ss'e
some of the boys enjoyed their first Drug store for Xmas. decorating.
skate of the season. Maurice Shaw, the young men who
Rev.od,oitt4 and 1i. E. hasten etre was arrested in `London Thanksgiv-
in London this week attending the ing Day charged 'with horse stealing
Conierelle Special
of the Q.ond°n had his preliminary hearing before;
Conference Special committee' S;afire Chtttick at 'London ,Monday
As a special inducement to nate and was committed for trial. Ili_
subscribers the 'Tunes trill be sent case came up Tuesday and Shaw
to any address in Canada from now pleading guilty was remanded until
until Jan. 1 1908 for one dotter. Saturday when he %vitt receive his
Mr. J. It. McDonald, and the `Misses sentence.
Esther and \lioeretta Mornay, after The criminal •code just issued
contains .•t pew clause. No. 41150.
which threatens to make the police
courts work overtime. It provides
that any one is liable to one year's
imprisonemnt .who incurs a debt
or liability, or who obtains credit
tinder false pretences or fraud. if
enforced to any extent this late
should place some in very uncom-
fortable position.
an extended visit through the north-
west. returned home last Friday
Danny Ilartleib. who deft last
spring for Buffalo and from there
went to the (Northwest on one of the
harvest excursion=, arrived home
Monday ,evening.
Saturday and Sunday there was
a considerable fall of the "Beautiful' McGillicuddy editor of
but not sufficient to snake good Editor Dan
sleighing. However. n mumber ven- the Calgary News, who •was sued for
ture(1 forth with their sleighs. ' libel by the editor of the Calgay&
Eye Opener, was found guilty of li-
bel last Wednesday and ordered to
pay a fine of $100.00 or in default
to two months hard labor, execution
of judgement stayed until December
the 5th. for court enbanc sittings.
Meantime he was allowed out on bail
of $200. Each side is to pay its
own costs. The jury also severely
condemned the publisher of the Eye
Opener for publishing obscene and
suggestive articles.
The {Gillis Lumber Company have
erected the Main building of their
saw -mill Aocated just north of the
Canning Company plants,. and are this
ee k putting the machinery in shape.
Mrs. Walter Derry. mother of Mrs.
Il. l.;. Schlott, died at her home in In-
ge oil on Wednesday Nov llth.
T ;. deceased had been ill .for some
I . me. Mr. and Mrs. t3ehl0n attended
the (funeral. (
The Exeter Y. M. C. A. ' have Something rare -a weekly nett s
secured the rooms over J. Seniors
1(hoto gallery rend will meet every paper that publishes seventy eol-
••••••••••••••N•••••••••• Monday night. The next meeting mutts of good, reliable news, com-
• • hill the held next Monday evening tnents on current events, markets.
LOCALS • and a good attendance is re;uestei and general farm netts each week is
• ♦ rare in these dyes of cheap weeklies.
•••••••• 1••••••• "The early bird gets the 'corm' , Credit is due The fWeekly Sun for
this old saying is true in regard to keeping its columns clean and filled
Douglas Stewart is confined to the Xmas. buying. Couto carp while our with
fresh and up-to-date matter
house on account of illness• stork complete. llottcy's Drnq of vital interest to every farmer.
Mr. \Vrn. 1lorti.n is very ill at the Stoic. Give it a trial, e'en will find it the
home of Df r. John Atkinson 'Owing ao the breaking of a belt best. The Exeter Times and The
which rune the motor supplying the Weekly Butt costs you but $1.80.
incandescent lamps et the power The Sun free for the balance of 1908,
house on Wednesday night of lest and they are extra good value at
s' 1 ,.
d/ t s
ret price.
.. places and t. r c
1a n
-,y e � that ►
week from a hunting !trip north. week, basin/ P t
were put in darkness for a couple Miss Olive Gould entertained a A number of the members of the
o[ hours. Memor-
number of her friends Monday even- Two residents of the north end got inn rechgatiorch nt of in 110 lrivitt School
Mrs. D. Johns and daughter, Amy, into .t wclfiv row a few nights ogo room last Friday evening to tbid fare -
in (create during the past and out of the parties smen's
out a well to Messrs 'Wm. Berry and Wal -
were wet teat ft' thr other t111n s arrest ter Maguire ,who have been valued
The case was tried by Magistrate ter Mas of the choir for some time.
A number of Exeter people attend Kay Monday and the accused party and who are .now on their way to
cd the 'Bethesda tea meeting Mona- was assessed f l and CO-(-. England to spend the winter months.
day evening. Comtnisioner Bissett 11st ;Monday To show their appreciation of the
Mr. \\'eidenhammer, has moved in- morning took Al[ Sh.. re to the services of these two young men, At r.
to Mr. C. 13. Snell's new house on
(louse of Refuge at Clinton, where he Derry was presented with a hand -
Andrew' street. will remain during the winter. Mr• some soil case and Mr. Maguire with
Inspector J. E. Tom, of Goderich. Shecre had a light stroke of rarely. s set of gold cuff links. Mr. Berry
was in town last week inspecting ars on Friday last. and dhe town au- left Monday evening for 'London to
the Exeter School. thorities decided to have him re- ftspend a few days and was joined
Mr. Richard Welsh last week moc. moved to Clinton. there last evening by Mr. ,Maguire
Dl Mabel'Mara. Lucan, sJar.of 1 a is
i_ n,
iting her sister, Firs. W. 8. Cole.
Mr.W J.Carling returned fust
ed into the house recently vacate
by Mr. John Farrier .
Mr. Fred Walter, who was out nest
during the past few months, arriv-
ed home Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of London, last
week visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Davis Exeter North.
The bachelors anti •benedicts, of
Exeter will give an assembly in Mc-
Donnell's flail on Friday evening.
Mrs. Towel! and Miss Corn Powell,
have returned home. the former from
L istowel and the latter from troron-
Mr. fete Coleman arrived home
from Winnipeg. Man., niter deliver-
ing a load of Horses for Mr. 'rhos.
Ilev. Fear, of the Main Street
church and Ilev. Butt, of Centralia,
exchanged pulpits last Sunday, morn-
ing and evening.
"You are it' if you dont arm your
self with Iloweys Cure -a -Vold cap-
suls for the first cold -that comes is
sure to catch you.
Mr. . \V
D r n 'c
r n ell. policeman, 11 n of Chi-
cage, visited his hrother John ilell
last .week. Mr. Bell was a former
C'sborne boy nod left here thirtV-
ont- years ago.
The New Way
"Cure a
The Old \Vey to
cure a ('old.
25 cts. Ilex.
Howeys Drug Store
Mr. A. E. liodgert last week fold
his patent for the manufacture of
his' extension steel silo curb for
concrete silos to the London Con-
crete Machine Company. \1r. Itod_
gert also made a years contract with
the Company to represent then ns
travelling salesman
The James street League hell) a
Literary evening last 'Tuesday. The
program was of n uni.vie character
being changed from the ordinary
method of essay 'reading 10 the de-
livering eif addresses. Short nddree-
nes were given by Mins V. Miners, 11.
Son thcott and \Vrn. !Burke rlir.
Roulston occupied the chair.
The mutual tnceting of the'Huron
Presbyterial Society of the 'Women's
Foreign 'Missionary Society was held
in Egmondville Presbyterian church
0 1 Tuesday. There were thrrc sca-
t ons, morning, afternoon, and even -
and they were rill well attended.
ne morning was devoted to the
reading of the reports and the elec-
t.on of officers. The retorts from
the auxiliaries and mission bands
were interesting and ec urn
and showed that excellent work was
being done for the cause of missions
There are twenty 'nuxilairies -ma
nine missions bands, with a member;
ship of 733. The total valve of cloth-
ing sent to the Northwest Mission
fields ens something over 1500..
while the total contributions from
auxiliaries was $1,789.19, and from:
mission betide $300.02, making a
total of $2.059.81. en inerease
total of •$2.0i9.81, an increase Over
last year!.
A Reactionary• Storm Period runs
from the 22nd to the 25th. This
Period %vill not come to its full cul-
mination before the time of Nen
Moon on the 25th. Low barometer
and threatening weather evill tip -
pear perhaps with storms, before
that date; but the 1elnpernture will
keep .up. and storm conditions will
intensify until after the 25th. in-
deed, the Moon going on the celestial
elnator on the 26thr, severe elec-
trical storms on rind touching (hat
(late may bridge the interval and
cause a continuance of stomp condit-
ion,' into the last period. of the
month. The 25th is the center of
another sesm.c period of nhout
'.ire days .
A very interesting Mock trial wns
given by the Epworth League of the
James street Church Inst Friday
evening. Ili the trial the Convenerr
of the outlook committee was charg.
ed with criminal negligence in man-
aging the Sunday School end Ep-
worth 'League lookout work of the
Exeter district. The court at which
the prisoner was tried leas fully re-
presented by n judge. connect for
prosecution and defence, eourl of-
ficers. witnesses. jurors. etc. The
prisoner. Mr. indifferent Outlook
was found guilty. but was allotted
to go on suspended sentence. The
Judge was represented by Mr. Sanl1.
Martin. with M. 'F. Salter and J. M.
Southcotl es counsel for the tiro•
.caution. Dr. 7loulston :111.1 A. E.
lluswell counsel for tha defence.
prisoner. Rohl. \Vilcox• Sheriff P.
Frayne : Clerk \V. S. 'Cole; of Ccer
and court crier. 11. 0. Hoe !hero t :
The 13111 anniversary of the Meinl \\'itn,•sees. \Vrn. Burke, Geo. hockey.
Street Methodist church, Exeter, will Wm. Weld!. harry Rendle. weeks-
t•e.hybe held on Sunday. Nov. 22nd. %chert Stone. Frr.nk Sheer(. As•t i'enhale.
itev. McC.unu', of St. Marys will de- + Ed. \Vestcott. Miss 1). llervey. Wm.liver the solnle.lc. Mr. C. 3. Pink 1 1'reszeptor. Miss Jit,,"
of London. Las been- engaged act solo- Iferb. Ford ; Jurors. W. Vern, S. M.
lat. Sanders. M. lloskin, 'Alger t Kr• i n 'k.
11 Perkins. G. Manns. E. T.cloi.
shaving soaps
All the leading makes Colgate's San-
itol, \Villiant's and Pears'
cakes lOcts. sticks 15cts.
Shaving Brushes
The kind that don't shed their bristles
All new ones and good ones.
15 to 75 cents.
shaving Mugs
A unique line of fancy and plain mugs
of many shapes and sires.
15 to 50 cents.
Shaving Strout ---Razors
I3est hide strops, a large collection to
choose from, our SOct•. line is un -
quailed. 25 to 73 cents.
Garbo Magnetic Razors
Always ready for use. Requires no
Boning no grinding. The best
razor on the market
Price $2.01).
Any one of the above or more
make a nice gift fcr a gentleman
something that is always appreci-
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Chemist and Druggist,
House and Lots for Sale
You Should see our Underwear the
"staonaia brallfl"
Unsrinkable, no finer in Ladies and (tent's ranging in price,
Ladies 25 50 75cts. $1,00 $ 1.25 $1.75.
Gent's 75cts. $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50.
Large brick huu..c. with every con-
ven'.ence, Lard and soft water, also
two lots, with brick stable and drive
house. 'Apply at Times Office.
House to Rent
• On Andrew St. north of the Metho-
dist parsonage, furnace in house,
teal). and in good state of repair
Apply 'to John Broderick, Sarepta.
Property for Sale
Furs! Furs! Furs!
In these goods we carry a splendid range.
We wish to call your attention to new lines of Dress Goods, Clothing.
Millinery. Footwear, etc. The quality of these goods speak for them-
selves. The prices talk economy. Give us an opportunity to show
I wish to inform the public thut I have moved my stock of
Groceries and Boots and Shose from my old stand to two doors
south of the Times Office. My large stock of Boots and Shoes will
be sold at a sacrifice below cost.
The firms name hereafter will be WILSON BROS. T. J. Wilson.
Choice property in the village of
Er,'t 1". df rcribcll is follows. -the
easterly 25 acres of lot 16 in the let
Concession of the Township of Vs -
borne. This is choice property, is
well shunted with two good spring
wells, all seeded to grams. If .not
sold privately on or before the 28tb
of November. will be sold by public
Auction on December alae 11th. The
property :will be fold 'n part or bulk
to suit purchaser. Wm. Westcott,
proprietor. For 'terms and particu-
lars apply to Thos. Cameron Auction-
eer. Far paler.
House and Lot For
Sale in Exeter
This property belonged to the late
Mrs. Eliza Ilodgcrt and is being
offered by sale by the executors to
close up the estate. On the pretnises
are a substantial brick house, storey
and a half. ,good frame Ftable and
barn: few fruit trees; good well and
2-5 of aa asre of laced.
For terms and p'irticulars apply to
Wm. Ilodgcrt, Farquhar, or Alex
Meteor1, Itu.seldale.
Farm for Sale
This farm consists of 122 acres wa-
ke at the village of Elimville on the
St. Marys gravel Fond, convenient to
general store, blacksmith shop and
a few minutes walk from the Meth-
odist church, one mile from public
school. One part consists of l0n
acres. with brick house. large be' n
with basement, drive shed, orchard
10 acres tntsh. nbnndenee of tenter.
The other part consists of 22 aerem.
veneer house. frame stables. orcnard
2 wells. Ail good land in good state
of cultivation. !Possession given
March 1909. For term and other
particulars IVIly nn the premises.
JOSH 1: A .1011 NH. Proprietor.
l'hicego a, d 1•etwru $12 S5 horn Exe-
ter account of lnternetiennl Live
Stork Exposition, gond going Nov. bt,
ail, Die. 1, 2. 3. 4, return limit Dec. 12,
Mali 1011, Saskatchewan and Allier -
I t. the attractive louts is via Chicago
and St Pails, Minn('npoli .or Duluth.
PIS illo(e)1for d, T. 0. Aonihcott, J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
K' ,nick, Jl. Rivers, E. Copeland, or writer J. D. MCDONALD, Unica
S Nyk0IIt .
and Tom Brock. Depot, Toronto, Oat,
Wilson Bros.
Just to hand the largest and
best stock of Fall Suitings ever
shown in town.
We have received the Fa
Plate of the latest styles in Fall
and Winter Wear.
Make your selection s
and avoid the rush.
Merchant Tailcr
Exeter, Ontario
SURE-ENUF-it is wonderful
('hon o -
g r n p h s
make desir-
able Xmas
gifts. Call
a n d hear
there a n d
get our
prices.' A
number of
New Disc,
half -trice
needles and
HAVE YOU SEEN our Lovely Soaps and Perfumes. Tooth
Paste, hair Tonic, Talcum Powders. Shampoo. Xmas goods ar-
riving daily. Thousands of I'ost Cards to choose from.
Can. Exp. Bld, THE
P U R 1 T YJ. with.
It rept o -
duces music
and human
poise s0
Hach re-
cord plays
over four
Times from now until January 1910
for $1.00
THE Great School!
i' %'LL
Are you aware that 75 per
centof the flour used in Tor-
• Our past record and our pres- • onto is blended flout', no won-
•• ent grade of work stamps us as (kr that Star Flour is in de-
•♦ the great, cal training
Z echnnl of \\'externpradtiOntario, •• eland, as it is illade from the
i We have three Department;-- •
best Western Wheat and the
TELEGRAPHIC. t• best Ontario, mixed htllf•and-
0ur graduates are in demand ♦ half. It is second trnono
• HR I111s111e55 College teachers as •
• well as office assistants, Individ- s for bread making. if 1'(111 ai'e
• nal instruction. linter now' • not using it, give it a tl'ia11111(1
• •LELLIOTTarge catalogue free, write for it •
ELLIOTT tic 11CLA('11hAN, • be convince(.
• Principals.
...++++++++++,..+++++++++ i H A RV EY E3 ROS.
Don't Monkey
with 1 th
White fine & Tar I
- 25 rtr. (Bettie
W. S. Howey, Phm! B.
The council of the corporation et
the County of Huron will meet in the
council chamber. in the Town of
Godcrich .nn Tuesday. December the
1,1.. at ({ o'clock. p. m.
All accounts against the couneA
Must be placed with the clerk before 1
date of meeting/
Dated at Goderieh. Nov. 16th 1908,
W. Lane. Clerk'.
CIiu10o Business C011ene
Moet modern awl popular thil•
hem shoot in western ontarlo.
Widely experien, e4 broadly ert-
wratd, sympathetic, attentive
.tad. The synonyu, of ,weer!.
nn,Inates eminently surceased.
The a try e•senre of modern, Ire •
ins 1,.in..s .}stem..
Stenography, 'i'elegra-
phy and Commercial
I'repnra'ory rour.e f.r those
«hMe Mutation hal been neg.
• . ('.f.
%tail rn(tr'tes In any flatfeet..
f•K those who wish to stud, at
h %re.
hall% Ideal Instela•tlon•
Enter sny day, write for particulars
(IRO. SPOTTON, Principal.