HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 7NOTES AND C(_M ti:N S -
Summer flowers being sar:nen �
ehuwere. It is estimated that one
627 toes meadow
fwater. g�n acre s lofwheat ive of Shall. Wo Doubt Because Mists Still .damp:
will evaporate el tuns of water.
Tho hay crop during the entire
growing season c•.aporates an
amount of water equal to 5% inches
of rainfall. The water which is
e`•}ti rated by the leaves passes out
itMiragh the breathing pores which
are located on the under side of the
leaves. The amount of water found
in plants varies with di'ferent cases.
One hundred pound., of green grass
contains CO to re pounds of water,
lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, and
unions contains 9,) to 98 pounds.
During the growing Season there
is being given off from field and
forest an endless supply of mels -
turn to the thirsty air. While this
is not enough to meet the total de-
mands of rainfall, it contributes
materially to it. This contribution
of moisture is loft when the season
el plant growth is past. At the a(! -
vert of autumn the earth's surface
water supply is low, owing to the
domande made upon lake and
stream by the long waren season.
About the Future state of Being ?
Ti►) mysteries of God- 1. tier., 11in1 to pet feetien shat we refuse 1
1V. 1.
to ballet'@ the comforting LrUflttliat Btolrtteta•:• r,1 rrlfURE
is a dent toll' a I hone state r•r the syatetu, au:•h as
es tollunderstand al himsglflallcl this osh- ffer r od tlus lrhear ouvel rl we heeuuse uaie eating" ,suers, Ice,,'.... Let,h i a s. t
tating, Palo In the al.la, d •, White thelrme.t
surroundings. He likes intelligent- ur poor finite minds do not see how tcroariable.uccooahsaLe,•uah wa,ucttrlr,g
ly to Wurster his situation -to bo He can answer thea)? -
Iteligiorl has to du with )van's im-
mortal being. Shall we here expect rtraaesee, yet B'arter's Little Liver rel. ars
equally yaluaLle lu e:r,Ila 111,41. 11, coring aim ple-
a noelation that o it reason Bail al- venting this anuoyingeucgplaiut,whllethey:the
rc'uuded by the unknowable. the together measure! Religion tells tie ate`slreselrWu;eiiono nwl.,stimulatouiy
(•Ia'nest facts are fenced all about. µhut our reaxUtl could never dis- liver
1•y this veil of mystery. He knows
that he lives, but he cannot. iell
whence his life came. He knows
that he can lift his hand, but can-
not tell how his will contracts the
Mho once try them will and thew, little plllaTrill.
Sure of his ground -to prove his
steps. But although he can know
many things, he finds himself stir -
cever-t hat Worn is immortal, that
los present is it sowing fur eternity,
and that the righteous shall shine
as the stars forever.
Very truly dues Francis Bacon
Ache they wont,' Malmost erlcelasato thosewho
sutt.•r from this,'iatreaalug coin plaint: lett torte.
nately their goodness flocs outer.,' here ,au.1 those
muscle necessary to the net. say:'If we submit everything to •blelusomauywayslhatthcy will net be coil-
The Same mystery shrouds the reason,) 6ilugtedoa;rhoutthem, nutaftera11a1ckL.ae1
• nothing new, heavenly or &vine."
(calm of ccience Lord kelvin In l� . our religion 33111 have
In It
speaking of electricity, said: Its A religion without t+ t t mysteries could
secret is as ACHE
sacredly guarded to -day (s'it'e Rio food for our spiritual be- lathe t,.rleof art many lives that hero ttBhrr)
tiny PS It was a century ago, and there worn akemir great Luaat. Our p,Ilecuruit'11On planets which wander between Dusted 1
is no prospect of its revelation." tug, thinks away the deep, the blas- others,tor••t.
sed, the infinite aspects t hat cubo c'arfar'e Little Ll.er Pine are eery small end a►nall aster 1 may encounter on rlbiatbur this priest 'Thu son u[ 1'1:•11{L� t ►F TRUTH.
Yet beCnnxe forces are revelation."
j)re" with mystery Very racy to tale. (me or two {„Ila c,alua .h e.
hensihle, elan does not deny their 1'hey.re.irlcuyre,•etable a„A d•.n,tgr,ne„r tl 1 ill for the At►imciceh, !while,
with alt his (satiny. Idleness is the key of beggary,
existence, but attempts to turn
THE '1'Rl'THS Oi' RELIGION, ruetbeu. Lythe):gentleactlou,,lea�ealiµno
comet t IC except t 1}it bar had been put to Talent is one thing; tact is every
them to practices! uses. "The great- nod you rob it of its wets alarm`s CO., Stew rare t r ],lout pl In- death at the command of Saul for thing.
est of all mysteries,” says Pascal, tract to comfort and tows vi �� the
hall ' comets.
ng ut showing kindness to David (1 flan, Silent teen neter have occasion
"is to be conscious of none." The hearts of men, _ ���� """'� '� Y1, 2�'). G "out. their counts.''
thinking titan sees this realm of the THE ROBBER PLA NEI'. 8. l r, the direct descendant of People are alwaysiasking for ad -
unknowable and uses those facts We h-arn here, then, how lira- at least three million human beings'
I?leazar, the sun.uf Aaron. rice hut never taking it.
which emerge from it for his atel}tiunal is that criticism which asksB It is a well known fact that the lienuirth- ('ouunnnder of David's 'There is always halo for a man
g pro rens•
the church to surrender her holy "You will rise from the study of giant planet has a way ..i annexing household croups li Sam. 8. 18), and until he loses his self-respect.
beim and g '
The earth's autumn carpet of mysteries. And we note how false this question," conclndcc! :tfr. Har- cumCts and even tiny asteroids later the chief military connnatlder The first step towards
loaves and dry withered vegetation Now, it is remarkable that many to their highest obligation are those ris, as I many times have dune which may happen to drift his way under Solomon.I knowledge
persons who think themselves ra- ministers who discuss literary eco-
the conviction that. it is useless' in a most unprincipled fashion. Su Nathan -Theis to learn oasis ignorance.
also stakes no small demands on the Fust 1 demand that there be no mimic or social questions --which to carry the gospel through Ellis! spiciens have 'teen aroused concern- a faithful prophette of When a wise man bethe worst
moisture. Hence but little rainfall. mysteries in religion. Unless they belong to another sphere --instead and other parts o[ Africa if these ! lug two new moons acquired ncervl Jehovah and adviser of the king. of it, he makes the best of it.
Indian summer is distinguished
can comprehend all the doctrines in of selling forth the holy mysteries things are allowed to be perpetu-ycats, which doubtless were.
late,' had once severely rebuked Da- "Misery lutes company" -rho
which its practical duties are set,r e once' yid for a twang he had committed. kind that is long-eared and patient.
be -
from all other seasons of the year they will uta revelation.
ated,t because
t their members of the asteroid family. Ju-' Concerning Shimei and lief no- "'fun wants but little here ba
by the hazy atmosphere which char- NOT IIF.LD ITS MESSAGE.saysLet a roan so account of us, liter has been gravely accuser by l thing The
known, low" -usually is a little more
our text,' as of the ministers some learned astronomers of exert -1 9. 1 he stone of uheleth -- A than he gets.
aeterizes it, a phenomenon which is P of the mysteries of God." The title THE MIDOLE AGED ,MAN. Ing his mighty influence on the help- rock -hewn stair on the side of the
largely due to forest fires. In earl •
But is it not to be expected that,Mind your own•business -and let
y mcst of all mystery should mist minister has not lost faith in the loss worldiets and adding them to Mount of Olives, beside Fn-ro el other people muddle theirs, if
times, says John M. Bishop, for -es when we come to religion, which
divine mysteries; nor let any one
Day of the Color—ed.-Bordered 'land- his ow•n fancily circle. Not only a spring identified by surto with P they
think that our modern age• that but he has reached out fur, Virgin's Pool just south e f the city waist tu.
est fires were of frequent occur relates to the deepest questions and has pass- kerchiefs Recalled.Alnu1 n man doesn't du anything
ranee in the autumn, duo to roving the highest destinies of being? co beyond these. Were we to ex- pass -
"You know there was a time," passing cortntrtx. and captured no at the junction of the liidruu and worth while because he thinks it
]Religion treats of God. What l!change these exhaustless themes for said the middle aged man, "when less than thirty which are now re- 'Limon valleys. isn't worth while. •
bands of Indians on the chase. theme could be more hedged about the dry husks of ethics,instead of fel-cognized andspoken „
Hence the name Indian summer. K was the fashion for )nen to carry .. g f as Jupiter's; 11. liath-At-At one time ire -----
Stith mysteries? Who can penetrate hug, we would utterly empty our I;andkcrchiets with fancy borders, family' of comets. wife of Uriah, the .Hittite, and
the addict chamber of the Alrni ht ?churches. since her marriage to David, the SKIN
DISEASES K y 'i'hcn it was aloe the fashion for THE PACE THAT KILLS,t'1 �ISl.cC1�,�s
Indian summer is born in the Who can set forth infinite perfee- Man has n Godward side; he favorite wife of the king. Her son,
wind. When the trade winds dis-says the lookrock to carry their handkerchiefs After passing Jupiter, the astern-' Solomon, seems to have been of fin
tion? "('asst thou," thirsts for the eternal and the infin-tucked in the outside upper pocket _
appear the Indian summer comes. of Job, "by searching find otit God? ite. And it is in the proportion that ,•i their coat with a corner stick ids and Mars the cosset will in -1, t r grain and better bred than Those troublesome afflictions aro era
't is high as heaven, what eanst.; rel giun keeps to her sp`tere of min- crenae itsspeed to I,Itsl miles a. some of his hilt -brothers. As the Y Y bad blood and au unhealthy
the sun passes the equatorlug out.whorl b
thou du ? Deeper than hell, what i'.tering to his want with her unique „11'ell, the other day I carne planet
dashing onward past our counselor of her son she deuton- slate of 1ha system, and can be welly cure
tc the south the (rade winds set in canst thou knots ?" But
because we - t.'tiur and mysterious truths, that across in my possessions a handker- i net at the increased rate of 1,-.! stra.ed her sagacity and wisdom. by the wonderful Wood cleansing proper-
ty the southeast and in all purlieu- cannot comprehend the tieing of be- i' he will be a trusted and worthy thief with one Of those fans 548 miles a minute, and rushingtri. adonijah reigneth-Is being; tree Of
Jars are similar to the trade winds
ings, shall we turn a deaf ear to the ; tGide to lead the soul to its ever-
ver- dein; and do you know that the frantically around (Le suit us- print;d, and will he accepted
P revelation of Him which the Bible lusting home. g1 though to esrapc its intense heat unless Uatid himself interferes. rd QIC
r f the northern hemisphere. WhenI si ht of it :leased Inc greatly. l'er-
the sun is crossing the equator and gives us? Because we cannot know Rev. James B. Rernensnyder• haps it was because it carried me nt the rate of 1,872f miles a minute. 27. 1s this thing done by ce lord t
the poles are equidistant from the -- - �_ _ back to days when I was younger, Bt that .time it trill hnt•e reached the king -Nathan's ignorance con- B! O0d
ly unfair. He points out that in or -lair relatives, to chain them by the
though l don't think it was that so the hunt of the pace that kills, for, cerning the true state of affairs is� o
belt in the sun's tinct around the neck and hold them at ransom as much as because I have u liking for an increase in speed of about [7; feigned for the B t 't �+.�
der to be successful it must be Ievi g 1purpose of arousing
globe, it occurs that. a rush o: cold guarantees that rubber and ivory cuter. miles n minute would end dis iiia kin to a sense of his own re -
air to the equator comes from both ed upon the necessities of life, and would be brought. The effect of
"Bente of the colored handker- aitruualy. The cornet would be' ),punsib icy in the matter. �T,ny remarkable cures have been made
that 27 per cont of the burden fells, drawn along a (nth i changed in i 39• As Jehovah ]iseth-;\ Eolemn b� this romed), and not only have the un -
the north and the south and on this this had leen to turn the whole
chiefs were gaudy and foolish, with ciireclivn that we would never sou ,t oath in<licatin the ire , i u};htly skin eliseasey sten romovetl, and a
ac runt such great extremes of heat upon the man with an income of less Congo Valley into an immense i borders stamped in various blues K rtance
than 1,000 francs, whereas the man Pat►'rsbnp, ilr tshich the pledges and in grotesque °groin. 1 bright clear complexion been pralucrd
f g 8 q Patterns or fig- On May 2nd, 1910, or one day be- stlabou�1el,kisgt attaches
the fuwhat
rtn ',f • and the
atttho Am been nnmatorl
a rold occur at the equator as wets the defenceless men and the't:rees; but then we had handker-
to set a the rare with an income ranging from 10, -fere the comet nunkes its nearest A l the oath,2invigoratedsame time.
P phenomena 000 to 50,000 francs escapes with helpless women and children of the chiefs that had a narrow hrmstitcn. i'ronch to the sure it will utss 33• And kiii 1''Da l Sam.i4. Once SALT 1111E1.131 CURED.
l noun as the equinoctial storms.
P Congo.
e•! herder of a single solid color, Venus. 1 \ g f
considerably less than 1 per cent. The white men were sending nag
blue or red; and I am free to sit thorougbly aroused to the situs- 1ite-. John O'Connor, Berlin gton. R.S.,
y Un Junc 12th, 1, 10, lir comet lion, the aged king pr..n:i,tly gives I writes s Fur care 1 eutTernl aith salt
When the sun is south of the
He argues, therefore, that fiscal re- black teen into the fu:est.s to chase
I liked those; and for that. matter
will pass within live to ten million! minute n Rheum. 1 trira� a doacn ditleront ntc,li-
form should look toward direct tax -the natives. Weapons of precision
1 have had handkerchiefs with ►ailes of tote tart h's orbit, and (hea and explicit directions fur ci„e., but moetto fry onlymadcitwone,
cyuator the trade winds stogy from
were laced in the hands of black dotsnri ht fancy bordlers that 1 lik the immcdinte inxtallALiun of his I was aatiserl to try liunlcwk IShxd Bit-
on the paying power of the in- P K gradually recede into spier after favorite sun Solomon. us his sac- tors. 1
the northeast toward the equator
n.en, of whom 3:t,000 were now per -
making ; ami finding that old handker ' ,nakul its obeisance to its mighty) got a Ir,ttic and before 1 had taken
ertwhcn the sun is north the winds dividual, and says that ideal taxa- ambulating the Congo territory, chief the other day, which was one ' ruler, gthe sun. As it recedes g e� sensor. half a dozen doses 1 could see achange so 1
bh�r from the northeast toward the lion would be a single tax upon in stl iking terror into the hearts of Aman named Daniel I)uyle was the E Gihon--Apparently it aanctnary continued its nee and now 1 am completely
comes. A distinction should bo the people, capturing hostages and killed at New Itosx by bring caught ' •,nee 's pace will decrease,,'sou a+ sa or near Jerustilerul. cured. i cannel say too much fur your
equatorial line. Indian summer though worn out h the stupendous' wonderful medicine'
corn g Iarertderer, Aed according
oma capital,s b• I ringin,llL1.10\S KILL them in to the µtrite men, bct8ecu the engine a �t thrc l vie e1fortr already made. I'asaing bye rt3�ia1 aunt him- This was the lie
egtiat after the sun has passed w -hen the latter eas o erntin d decisive feature of rho
south of the equator and on this KILLED.
Neptune, its speed will have slowed;
the public rand.
down to sixty-five miles a minutest coronation ceeemony• Its signifi• NOT AT ALL PLEASED.
amount the trade winds during this and work, and from work alone. }}c did not intend to dwell on the. In the Inver and Donegal dis- and Try the time it has reached list ranee seems to have been that it The r}
season are blowing from the south- The tax should be Progre3siye and atrocities, of which there were filets three centenarians ince up•, greatest distance from the snit i x="'uhoh>,rJ the estuhlking at of a teacher of a etas in a der
east toward the equatorial line, should not touch amounts below a thousands, flogging being the least ; plied for old ago pensions. One .,f
will have declined to the rate t� relation between the king And Je- fain school had been carefully ex-
certain minimum, M. Gauthier
but these men, armed with rifles them, Bryan O'Donnell, Tower. thirty-►rine miles a minute. °[ hovel). in Virtue of which his per- Dlow-led the parable of the prodigal
'?'hiss winds must cross the Atlantic meets the objection that capital "old cartridges, were big, strong, "elates he is 109 years of age.
Isun and rI,I' office were consider-
ion, And was now testing their
ocean and In doing so come to the
might be driven from the country . Inutal fellows, nnrl they picked up! .1t Portadown recently, Themes
:\1'P1?.1(t.1\(.'1: .1N1) POSITION. i col inviulahl, . ' sheknowieof it. All went well un
email of South America heat hy I'y his system by saying that the a rabble as thee went forward to Young attacked his coif, with n ra- Irl xho came towards the stases
general interests of the country their task. It ass no exaggeration zr,r, cuttingher nose off, and It is impossible to say anything' Piped with pipes -Tic earliest when Sasked: "Now, see
lel) me,
laden with moisture g Creek torsion of the Old Testament
gathered from would! not surfer unless the cnpit• to say (het during the last ten lag her nterrible gash in tits regard:ng the position of the coni -i reads glanced in dances" tshich i who was not pleased to sic the pro-
the high mountain ranges. A 'the alists were driven out foo. And he `('ars there had been done to death throat. He then cut his own et in the sky as observable from the ' would seem to be preferable to the 1 digai sun when he came home
eon progreeees seminar,' thee'title le convinced that as taxation in' under Kin) l.rbee es regime on throat.
earth until certain computations! reading of our text. recei To her consternation, she
winds ceutinuo to increase ut ac -
stands there is great need the ('singe, directly and indirectly, A force of about 100 police in !give been
made. A prize has been q] Adonijah and all the aegis- roeeitcd the following reply (rem a
laity. Increased quant ities of of modifitandss in the interest of charge of a county inspector and
the German Astroltoml-lZearing the end of their grotrae- youthful lief r: -''('lease, ma'am,
cal Society, f
moist use are dr],eaited in the fro. unites, winch can be attained only . eight district inspectors, recently
y, of I,00o marks for the' the fatted calf.
the tax on peeingCn qr'1 •. PEOPLE; SAID SHE HAD superintended the re -stocking of most exact calculation, ant! µ•boo led carousal at En -regal, the usur-
] lent silt and finally hrnngh! up to "drip en" farms in l'uunty ('lire i►- ix made we shall know exac6l' i er and his followers, including
North America.
Through the �- 'd' ti wh^rr, to look for the comet. exactly are soddenly made aware of 11,i. ON 111x1.
g CONSU1�iPTION While repairs were being carne`? !1►o fact of Solomon's aneirltin at
instrumentality '4 southern trade I� •- CONGO
out recently in the pnrieli ('baitell
As to riga appearance of the cum -I g Towne -lies he certainly is in
L�OI �',� ` RULE lt1 60,�11�� et on its return, it depends entirelyt the command of David. hard luck.
winds, whose influence is felt in the
(! St. Mary's, Ardree, p)nxterinn 41 to 49. These treses contain tl,e
stripped away revealed an old lou- upon its position with regard to the' Browne -\fell, he has only him.
northern hemisphere in the way ofrecord of the utter collapse of
man doorway, built 700 years age.
earth and sun. If the earth hap.,self to slants.
moisture, rain falls and the Witte 11 doorway,
Murray, son of Mr. T. Pens to he near the comet about the •1d„uijah'a conspiracy. Towne Of eourre ;tint's the bi -
st,mmer ix hretight to an end. MILLIONS 111' Ill 11 11 'WINGS' 4 ! Murray, ntansger of the city of Clef- time of its passage round the awl i Su. The horns of the altar- The big
when the comet's light is nrcrssar: sanctuary because! of its sacredness
gest part of his bard Inc!;,
----,t _ w'ay 11 sailed ?Bits, has gained n 'lyafforded at least temporary pro -
Of thegreatschularahip. value $•fpo and tenable greatest and the train most ex lecti.nl to car one in danger r of his
powers France has for three year.(, at the Leeds Cul- tended, then we shall have rt splrs ' 3 g
tit smallest population and the did view of the, glorious spectacle Iiia. According to srienttste, doeu-
�Ilsrlonary dictates Almost inured- �r tersity. 53. Go to thy house --A command menta written in the ordinary ink
1tt s Beit. The principal of the T' . Recently t youn.3 men were At its return in 1,59 Ilse comet hnd;
isle rail. al a Meeting ,� r•'«•: ��' ; I hersity . before a special court of a train fifty degrees in length, and; !u retire into pritate life.
d to tiny will be illegible in sonic
debt is $5,(133,000,000; the annual 2. !. Be then strong therefore- twenty-seven year i,
ct•arge on account of it is about(Tined.n •t' sessions at 1':nnistymon, charged r was best seen in the southern he -
At Li+1�� I misphere. That is, the train of the' The remaining terser of our lesson
• 'a • with having drl\en a large unrulier`-- --- -
139,Ou0,ODU. Taxation, therefore, 1n euhpot 1 address on misrule ; of cattle. the pr„prrl}' of serious comet extended to n distance eg1(t contain the last charge of the a ed MANY DON'T KNOW
is a particularly important question is the ('on o was delivered to rho Nas In Bed for Three Months. ra.valent to a little more than half •king to his son Solomon, ant a
Read how Mrs. T. G. Buck, 13raeehridge j lao ey.' brief mention the of the death and HEART
in hranrr, and the subject of fiscal Student .1ltssiunary ('unference nth Ont., was curt,'tadaleuburlittlel,,,y)t,' Most Kcc. Dr. O'Dwyer. Bishop the ri �,n,ay from the zenith t.. the ho•l!I burial of the king. AFFECTED.
r is f.,rnl is di=ctiseed in an interesting
Liverpool recently by the ' Her. the meet
y� of Limerick, i►1 a tetter (u the Lim- I 2. :3. Prosper --Or, "du wi4rly,” More People Than are Aware of It
John Hnrrix, r.; the ('ergo Deform; ► crick 1'rrnn. ban drnnunred boxingAt it. next return. in 1R3:,. it cons
manner by A. L. C:euthid•r in n hook Assiociat ion. OR, WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUPi somewhat shorn r.f ir. • tlrnd"r, fur •Y. 5. Their knowcst also what lista Heart Disease.
c� tun Iritis dt geeIs And inhtr-I i "If examinations were uratic of every -
Have was published recently. He '1110. liaise iniquity of the Congo hie cora..: "i thought 1 would w•�te titan, and he appeals to the young; its train was int fifre, n de)(rce� i„ Joel) did unto me --;1 suggestion to ,
1 makes a comparison which shows R and tat "rt kitnw theg.�u1011le,n lhaL rte It1f11rL tl OI1, �I'•e would be surprised at the num-
►( int.• 1.►�. in the claim of the $ut i y' R roar 1 hVog l's;orc of )rix dihe p in cefrniu fn length. How the r,:•.;et will (n"k' pon Joan fir„ r.,rsonewalking about suifcrin from
sial n, ab adore ly unprecedented in . c'71O I thn,n h the use of our Or. 11',«,dis'(or,crtw'n in the I.T.its next return it iv impossible the )rist ptlnishtllrrt for the wrongs a g
t! at there has been n notable in. q P Rurtrav Peel Syrup. A few sora a o 1) raging practice. t P g I. disease "
an y yon. 331 ec It( Uuuegal time united ages of conjecture, but it is to be holey Ice had committed ,'luting for s David's Thin startling stt was made by a
I (rase ..f indirect over dirret taxa- nrz.ltAtriherthe whole. �inarke.t marketable Cure f said 1 ha.11Cmsumptir nitsmi thatgf µmelte gr pen- display •i g
Wold i three applicants for old n p that it will treat us to a itis , reign. but which the latter some doctor at a ru,ent inquest -
I: i shunt.) not
lreenting 1.. the hcdgr f •.f , i the, country µerr the property' not live Omni le rho fall. 1 h1,1 twodoc• tirrna totals exactly :)3:i years, and r orthy of its former repetition. :ensue had not himself anis,' to like to say that ?wart (line/vie leas common
1 the revenue from indirect tax-
e( Thr n:Iticen of rho ('un o I tonatlenrlingmeandrheyw^rover much`tf we add to the,( the )Al years of! avenge. In the same scat', Solomon, "reit”; wouhl imply," said the crpert,
g ' 1 hunted shunt mp. 1 was in bed three a eenl.ennrinn Appl:rant. /ruin Mena- I i•, exhorted to show kindness unto + � b'rt i am sure thst t6 uuml,er of ppuursor,a
mien µsold he 1,2'+0 million franca, hut of himself and of those 1'.uro• months awl when 1 go up 1 could not walk, plow the combined ages of fully sing about stub weak I:rarts roust be very
n, ctgniast I h nriltien in 1,3 0, I)ur- ` prang w ith whom 6c was associate so !eel to go on my hands out, kora Lor' p a + t liar itt ai the (iileaditc, to whom large."
ing the sante ;write! the retrntln rid.1,i:h applicants will hr 41+. tears. H.1(!,`f0\i'.S I\ I':\(.i1,.1\Il. aayid was indebted for protection "Hundredvof peoplea.,abou1v,tt daily
t three weeks, and my limbs st•erncd of no '
and usalsrtancr at the, time of his work on the roil•, ,,f death, and yet rte ak.
f,u'e direct In�Ati.,n i;l• reauvl only' f nest step was inevitable. and use to mo. 1 nave up aN 11,1,4 of ever: •1 , i g man snared Murdoe, A Largo stories air told flight before .1hca1,,;►(, knot it. It is onlyahem the 1rint
Dein a2;:p million t„
517minion, that taa 1,. claim lin labor of the li ]t�13gAt iter when 1 happened to ace in prativr et Strabane, has .lied in LiI-� of the q t s r .ck comes
'This was putting hark the, mane that 111. sterile, A•nwa ford 'Infirmary from the effects of i damage deur L� hailstones in Mi 1. 10. Slept with his :athero—A that kulbthemthat the unaus]ectr•1 weak•
franc The ludo r c, t tit Nett hate P g I'ioe r 1 , wasr3 jnese of the heart is mit/le a,,],arent.'
retie uP almost to three times thejclerk a hundred yrnr.-it aver alar- •y') good for week lea •. I injuries reeeised by icing struck itis„ta last month. Recorder. old common Old Testament- exprensien "ilat undout,(.dl hart r'
thought 1 would try a bottle and bythe1' show
itself has 9ente atnty :;o, `for the decease of it cr.+on.a a�nrs., not
old figure. direct taxes are :113.11(1 ' ( r) pure and simple ; and in rho limo 1 hid u.ai it i iia• s lot het.
er, , 1'� the staff catcher u/ ;t train while 1,• site,µ ill that tine. On 1 , t "ft p (heavers, is nr,ra 1:g•val• nt n.ngndaye. 1
eh ,tlrle what they were.
(e:,i a territory they had lwe thou- more and it made o complete ,,oro• in , h. µaa returning along Ow railway May $•' -- should Thi tk that the sterns of living, th•
i sand a ilii teen engaged directly or littley i'i87, a terrible hailstorm visited ” noir curl rash ..f modern husis rem/
boy was also troubled with sea I. hating been it 11 ,'anti. 1'.1 �t'.1fi WILLING.
h,tie £lot M.L. with ?,snit troch;
I:,dtrt'rllt- 1,1 rnferrnlR thus( de-
and it core 1 him. 1 keep it in the
Seaford, tiusarz. MOM(' 131 Ue' e,••
:1f. Clauthicr to}'. „-- "bnitn'' measured four and a h;)If II is Daughter's Ileac I el.-er - •lhereienudoda ltcttLat this is 1.1 ('1l,
f the iutt�rr:•t i tn:u:d. upon the initititatth. hnusoall the time a1,.1 would not be with- 11(rs. Rrnhi!n ?ila 1hr hotel i.nebes in rerrnr ed feu
after lying emit to ask vett, sir. for •o and we would ,tr.•„gly milting: stay ems
lARf. (it liar • it i1 the
i .re -(i , out it for anything."
y nr —tor t1 rtT,rrr.q ins any ., Iy from i.r' tr.IA T
11,111:0 TilE SAVAGE. Prlce25cenbat*1!dealers Rewareo( 33hrrr• yon .t, p1„,l i •.rnrlikr,” lir. ton the qr„and far (ally seven min rr d:euirluler'a hand. sir.
try s ionise of MILBURN'a HEART
whnln it alri!a .q and i* r.lnnl!t Ig imitations of Ih. t,�'itenhaut 1". r}. There an.s't A utas. On .lune 2!, in the same )ear, Her Father I'm nu'. I ANS NERVI PILLS
weapon ala pieced in their oat • Aoraa, ?'inn disposing u[
to -red by them." It i� r a y 1.r as- gyyral. Ask ter it and insist on getting thing on the hill et fare fit to eel.”
the meet dianslroult t isitntion u/ the her in sections, but I'm stilling to 1', ''" h r i •t , 1 3'.,•. r f.,• I. Fi
t I:::nda by the �, t ereiptn of the (ion the nriginai. Pitt tip in a yellow
wrapper 1 w onunn'- idea ..f g! 2 ,
tens but he L .:r tr« that it is gross. tog,, and theright was given t4 cap and three pine trees the trade mark. pI geed medicine kind in modern times ravaged parts beton to any proposition involving"' ' l •" I"' "r µ•II ►,<e ,.,o,.1 '1''''," is any kind that duua;u t taste good. • ( l:�eex and the adjacent couutiea, 111' of her, sir. ' ' ' -•' ' l pee,• be the ,. A •lt,ten .,
l,,rult.tl. 'lvra,ta. ..t.
'TILL 1 isi'[0a W11.1, 111:1 1�I13L1:
NEXT t11.!. II t. 1X1Ett. uTiox.ti. LESSON, OF THE BOWELS
Nov. `,',:'. Any irregularity c t the bevels is always
dangerous, and should be at oa.•e attended
Danger of Collision 11 itis dui:;., • to and corrected.
Lc.son 1 III. Staunton 1 uointed
'ting. Golden 'lex!. I.
lila u4, .w, 9,
l.:la Seel' 5.•tea13•firc
Years .(go.
After an absence of seventy-five
years Halley's comet (se named af- l'erse 1. David was old --Perhaps I work on the bowels gently and slot 11
r the I
e xs
fru o
n J
me determined about sh
u )u ,
Jel 11 a mahout r
t 1 t o t i t
rel se a e
Wed nt • k r,ln•
y years o!d at this 1114P ,t the body, but, on the
its orbit) is Olt a return trip. (compare 2 8811. 5. 4 ; 1 Kings 2, contrary, toning it, and they will if per -
in November, 19t►8, it \ila.l be un. 11). The pltrrise, stric'�en in yours severedin relieve awl cure the worst cases
usually faint and will then probab- + of cnnetipatiun.
could scent to indicate that the Mre..tau►•,ahing,Comavall,Ont..w•rites:
ly only be disco\ ered w ith the aid aged king was already confined to "1 w•as truubltst with sick heatdaehee, eon.
e•1 the camera. I.is room and' possibly to his bed. initiation and catarrh of the stomach. 1
After Octeher, 1009, tllo comet 5. Adunijuh--The oldest of 1)av- could get nothing to do me any good until
will probably be visible to the un- id's living suns. His mother's I got a vial of Mlilburu'a Lasa -Liver Pills.
aided eye. Even now it is nearer name was Haggith. They did ala more good than anything else
to Ps than Saturn and is rushing ] 1 over tried. I have no headaches or eon -
G. I)is ,leased —Rebuked. The pa- atipation, and the catarrh of the atumacb
forward at the rate of 520 miles a rental discipline in the royal house- is entirely gsite. 1 (cal like a now µmann
minute. After it pa.;ses Jupiter, bold had apparently been some- thanks to 141:I!urn'a Leta -Liver ?'ills. 1
the next p'anet on its way, the what lax. - used in all about half a dozen vials.'' ,
tf`eed will increase to 783 miles a Born after' Abeelum--And like Price 25 cents a vial. 5 for $Ltl6, at all
Walnuts. It will then (lunge his brut her, a spoiled c}tildl dealers or maileddire;tbvTho1'.Milburu
through the Zone c f asteroids or 7. Joab---David's nephew anal Cu., l.i, littsl, Toronto, Oi,t
p er a ween ml itary commander.
Jupiter and Mars. Woe to any 'leruitth I)a\id's sister.
Old it
the way, out worse still
dune should it crash head on in
its toad tare :r into t-
et Jupiter, the rent disturber
II 11 F; Ill:': \ k11.1.1:1).