HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, NOV 19h1,08 CREDITON NEWS Winchelsea Add Wirtcbels,a. The many friends of Mi i. Charles. Gudbull wi11 be surpriled and pain - ...1 to hear of her sudden death on b,tt irdlay evening of last week. Up Crediton to open Mrs. Uodlt,ult was in her Lucan t • The For ! usn:at g°ad healtl, and during the We are out for b-lsiness, legitimate business 11 16 K E R S Economy � afternoon her young (laughter rush- Store Alex. Lucan has purchased 'the ed over to the creamery, where th•' le ,,,t.t,,,;nl an 'Main chased tth fair business,and believe in small profit for The Best, the Latest Ideas, the Largest Variety absol- •1!"' home ut ,Jlr. iutd 'Airs. Geo. Uri father was mother ng .o inform kiln lin a Bawden, �' y Lattsuu, Stephen. was Iha fccnc of recently ereoted by a very pretty wedding :it high noun, th t the mss seriously ill. The tical included alt the adjacent success. ntely til© Best Values we have EVER OFFERED.Drtinq sustained aparalytic strekd•. on WeduesdaY, Nov. pith, when their property. Ithird daughter. Lillie was united 1)r. Campbell) of liitl:ton was int- W. E. Stanley twas in Chicago la, :t. are constantly receiving New Additions to our Large Sotck. NEW • mediately sent for and when he nr- Our stock of Dress Goods, Ladies and Misses coats STYLES, NEV GOODS in the LATEST FABRICS. We have just opened in marriage to Mr. Tho_. J. \\"ilson, rived at the Goldbolt home found week in the interests of the Cctl, . thieweek nnice lot c•f New Dress Goods in shades of NAVY, GREENS. `` young business roan of Exeter. Mrs. iGodholt beyond recovery. The diau 119ag Co., at ...Montreal , , , The house was beautifully' (icco Exeter. J. E. Schmidt has improved the Celtics and Misses illdd('!'\Val'e, Furs, Men's IIU)' S cXC 1 011tll 8 BROWNS, in Plain Cloths, Cheveron Stripes etc., the best values we have for the occusiou and the bride looked deceased's maiden u:uue ,ca; Abigail front of his trtrdwaro steep by the Macey and was born near Lumley, plate lass suits Overcoats and underware are complete and invite your ever shown. "Have you seen our stock of Ladies Coats", we have the each's• cLarminlf iu a gown o[ Whitt silk additon of two largo 6 lye sale here of the best line of coats made in Canada. Goods tnat are easily being a daughter of the late Gro. recognized as the most stylish and best values in the trade. We have both "'llh lace insertion. The knot teas y., l windows. inspection. g tied by Itev. heti. lucks, of Creditor, Stacey, who previous do his tteith \Vol. Cunningham, sr., aged 79 Loose Fitting and Semi Fitting Coate in BLACK, NAVY, MYRTLE and carried on a wagon and blacksmith in the presdnre o[ a number of iut'ie. business at that place. Besides O11e of the oldest residents of Mc. Dont forget that our store is the place for bargains BROWN SHADES, We can you from $2 to $3 on your Winter Coat. We ed guests. The bride was assisted t;illivray to" reship, died at .Clande- lhave a large range of Children and Misses Coats in different Styles, Colors and by. Miss Sadie Willis and the gist,,, the (bereaved husband and two ,mt.e on dot, tuber 12. in Boots and Shoes. Clothe. \ e offer them at the very closest prices, from $2 to $6. each. We by. the bride's brother. Air. Wilfrid daughters, ,the deceased is survived A cablegram Was received }:ere on Will be pleased to show our stock of Coats and invite your inspection. Lawson. After the ceremony was by three brothers, Sanil. and John. of Thursday announcing the success of fo rind George of 1'oronlp, FURS! FURS! FURS. tier formed the iridal putt sat down I)r. Emerson L. llodgins in Lacing Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. to a dainty luncheon. atter which Mrs. lLorrnan, of Chicago. Mrs. Simon Passed his primacy examination for ]1r. and Airs. Wilson left on the Duller, of Cromarty and Mrs. Al the F. R. C. S. Dr. llodgins is the rteuing train from Centralia. for ('a'r'm, of s held a are sisters. The only son of Thos. llodgins, of this Our stock is selection te.in this line we Our stock of Ladies Coats will bear Niagara Falls and other points. At - _el' was held on Tues(Isy inter- place. Siebert lk Co, shave a nice of Mens Coats in ins inspection. We have them in Astarte- ter their return they twill tette up meal being in the Kirk co„ cemetery. Read & Coursey shipped a car - nice Dark Canadian Coon, well furred PLLeir residence on Sirncoe street. D!rs. Duncan McDougall and Miss carload of heavy horses to \\ inuipc , nicely matched skins. Dark Wallaby kart Electric Seal and Fur Lined at The Times joins the ninny friends in lirssre \1'ashburn. of Comber, and last wt•ek I Iartletb Flock. Airs John Brown, of Wroxeter, were DASIIWOOD, China Dog and Fur Lined. Call and ,., ; ••.!ind- congratulations.At the residence of Mrs..William tbQe this Stock before ,Waking your bargain prices. .� • enjoyable and plofitab!e here attending the funeral of the Reith, Lucan, on she 11th inst., Miss late iMrs Chas. Godnolt. purchase. time %%as spent at the League meet- __ Annie L. Reith, and Ai z. Arthur M. ing Jlfonday night in the Methodist Road the pain formula on a lox of loc Elliot ofLucan, were united in mar - mod church, it bring n Literary meeting after which light refreshments were fink Pain 'Tablet.. Then ask your the ceremony, under n beautiful We have just opened up a large stock of Ready-made Clothing. We have served. Doctor if there is a !better one. arch of evergreens, chrysanthemums Iain m a congestion -blood r c n, t , exceptional values in Mens and Boy's SUITS, REEFERS OVERCOATS, Etc. The Sunday school o[ the Metho- fres• and smilax. Miss Maud Elliott, of We will be pleased to show you our winter stock and to sell you anything you dist church are busy preparing for s(tt„ sornowLere. I)i. bhoon's ,fink London, cousin of the groom played «r their Xmas entertainment on f ae fain Tablets check head pains, +co•- the wedding march. require for the Fall and inter. 22nd of December. ,Wanly pains. 'Vain anywhere. Try The members and adherents of one. and nee 120 for 25e. sold by W. The time of year for heavier clothing is hear. and we are We are buyers of Clover and Timothy Seed, Live Fowl, Butter, Eggs, and Zion Evangelical church were privi. , 8. I[awey, Zurich Dried Apples etc, for which we pay the Highest Prices, leged last Sunday morning to lis-' ready to supply your every requirement. Summer may cotnc for a We Ship LIVE FOWL each WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. !ening to one of the ablest devises IUD1)L1 III COUNCIL AI r. C. 1:ilber left lust tt'eek for day or two, but colder weather is what we must expect with few in• of the denomination in the person of I The Council met u Tilbury to examine she horse 'fc•� •:- A Call Solicited �, Z\\'ICI(E � Rev. C. I'. Dleckol. Missionary Sec.. Nov. pursuant to ail Bonnie, for 31 r. C. Fitz who is sego- teruptiOnslfrom now on, and with it comes all sorts of fall wants to LL�� �'V ■�•/ ■� who preached a powerful sermon aotllouhent on thez2nd '08, .the Reeve tinting [or the porches(: of the horse. be satisfied without delay from I Sam, 7. 12. At the close of °11'1 the all members present. The officers and lenrhers of the the sermon $170 was laid on the' The following accounts were or- Evangelical -Sunday �•'huul are nr iViEIV, WOMEN AND CIIiLllRE\, dont put off the ques- t to aid the missionary cause, the dered to be paid. 1 atrick license ranging fur ter enlcrt:dinnlcut to be CREDITON'S 11IOTT0 largest collection laid on the plate' t^raduig div. 4 $4.00, W. W. Baker held at Christmas. tion. You will CXpCct to find us ready and ►►'C are -so come. CORNER Iti RO �e Aim for said cause in years. spikes 4 & 5 30. Jas. B. Byron 1 d)ev. . • , Quarterly meeting services will be. 1) & \\' Act f;''.00, J. I, Anderson otthe IF.v:►nMuA.;oc,ftlQ'adingeach_ STORE to Please observed in the Evangelical church:lien rack for Hall 25c. A. Davis eel in the inl,•rest of missions in the MILLINERY Saturday and Sunday next. Rev. A.1 63 cords gravel at Sac. $22.00, Jas. Evangelical clnireh on 'Tuesday even_ Y. llaist, 1'. E., will officiate. McCarthy ditching Div. 4 $1.50 s, Preparations are in progress forllodgins ditching Div. 2 $2.00, Wm• inti serof a \Y,ast tt(:'Itrien and \\'. G. Mess, the holding of file annual Xmas en-� Armitage ditebing ..iv. 1 x.2.50, 1 White & Blackley ditchin acting for the clay Council, recent - !) on Xmas eve in the g D1v 5 ly removed the fence u'h:ch barred y Evangelical Sunday school. $0.00, A. Laskin ditching Div. G MEN'S AND LADIES FUR COATS Mr. Albert Wolfe who has been $2.50, Jas. Whalen gravel for Clnnde- the tray to the newa road to the lake boye Bridge $4.00, A . K. Ilodg:ns at Sr. Joseph, 'which the, council ex spending the past two weeks under overseeing Re-inforced Bridge Carl, propriated a short time ago. The We have our stock of Fur Coats now ready for inspection. We the parental roof lett Wednesday to fence was no more than laid aside have them in Coon, Calf, I)o Black Yak, Bishops, Horse and assume his labors in Mt. Pleasant, floor and rep. Clandcboyeg Bridge when a gang of men were hired and gI , $12.00, Wm. Ross gravel contract W.A nice line of Fur Caps, Gloves and hSich. 11. Div. 2 $51,00, John Beales gravel soon had it in place again. A lively Astrachan, at bargain prices. p -'-�- account in full $8.80, P. Green gen- in+fit=tt will likely be -the result. i-Iitt to choose froin. 4:7Af!sTO1lFt.2A. vel accent $2.80. P. Whclihtn, rep. "- -" Ladic's Fur Coats -Astrachan Lined Coats with Fur Collar and Bees the ItKmd You Hare Always Boa Uri 3 & '-f $1.00, D. sWesrinee Tho well known strengthening 8ignatnre arch culvert 11,v.5 N. Il, $41:00, properties of iron combined tvith Revers, Astrachan Jackets. Also the largest rause of Cloth Coats of Fred Radcliffe keeping light at night other tonics and a most perfect nor- and Jackets ever shown in Dashwocd. $2.00. Jno. Breen ehevelling gravel vine, aro found in Carter's Iron Pills Div. 4 $3.75, 0. Carrigan opening. which strengthen the nerves and Shl ka gravel pit Div. 4 $3.00, Jno. i>Ic- body. and improve the blood and p 'Laughlin opening gravel pit $1.50,! complexion. -- Jno. :McLaughlin boy at gate Div. 4 ; -- + Mrs. II. Wing was in :Goderich 40c. Benj. Langford plank Div. .1I-jensall, one day last week on business. $1.25, Jno. !toward rep. `Bridge J. 11.I Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweitzer, of Cred- Div. 1 50c, W. iliddel gravel con- Dr, Ferguson 11as disposed of 11:sicon, called upon Mr. Fred. Gaiscr tract 5. 13. Div. 5 $7.50, Thos. Duf-1 practice and property to Dr. Aiken - last ?week . . field spreading gravel Div. 5 75c.1 head. of 'London, and a former res - Mr. (John Schroeder returned home Wm. McRoberts 2 culverts Div. 5' Went of Itriteefiehl \ l t •t ut of Auh ten from the Northwest last week . ,UO, F. Ridcicl work on: road Nr Il, Air .cud Mrs. n►f, )1 . The Methodist Church intend hold -I 1).v. $3.00, Jno. Fox plank 8. B. Div. were here Last week vis:tip;; friends ing their Xmas tree on the evening 1 >gt,1.16, Jno. Cain rep. Bridge 8. 11. and relatives . of •the 23rd of December. I Div' ! $3.50 D. \Vestman rep. Bridge Mr. G. Stirling, returned fast week Two Ver S eclat Items Wedding 'bells will soon be ringing Con. 'tile and ditching Div. 5 $23.25, from the west, where be spent the y p in our burg. Abner 'Landford gravel contract Div. past three months . 1 SCOMING The second Bob Watson is busy 5 $35.50, A. Kirk spreading gravel Mr. Wm. Whitesides has been con- t Just received 411 odd pairs of Men's Pants in all sizes bought from :railing horses (hese (lays. Div. 5 $5.50. tined to his room for several weeks �ankrupt w holrsale clock at ?t off regular price. These are all best tweeds and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph brother of The council adjourned to taco: owing to illness What about a nice Pandora Range, Worsted goods and nifty patterns. Regular $3.75 for $2.75 and $3.2„5 for $2.2.5. (;rand iBend were in our town one again on Saturday the 281.11. day of Mr. G. E. l iinghlut has disposed 2. Use a pile of special Canadian Wool Blankets size 06x52 bought at a clay last week. November 1908. j of -,a 'boot and shoe business to Mr. A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, special price and enables us to sell there to the trade for $'_'.Si. The Flax mill started work last W. D. Stanley, Clerk.!! Drysdale, and will move to Iletl.n. Tuesday for their winter's run. _ where he intends entering the same An Oak or Base Burner? Mr. Samuel Sweitzer returnedline o[ business. • Want ��1,000 lbs. of Poultry up to Dec. 15. home last Monday and brought l+vitb COMING SOON The ladies who drove over to Eg- Ilil;hest market )rice uaralace(1• hits t••'o fin- dl t r. Do++'sirs Colossal Drnmal:c rand mondville to attend the meeting of l We make a specialty of Eavetrou his ,and Roofing. We nand - Buyer Been:o production of uncle Torn'sWomen'spg g g' the Missionary society had, lc Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -Iron, Buyer of Ked ('lower, AlsykF, Cabin will exhibit at /the Opera a slight mishap, their way home. g g' (House, on Friday Nov. 20th: Dried Apples, and all kinds This production far surpasses that When driving out, of F.gmon the Cement always on hand. of 1 arms I1 driver got too near the edge of the 3 DASKWOOD NEWS Ready=Made Clothing Our Stock of Winter Goods is at its Best Now Opportunity Time for Buyers. This week we have received shipments of Xmas Goods that are unexcelled and sorted up in every line of goods we sell. The following are some of our leaders, thus: - Ladies Coats Gents Furnishings Received a nifty ship- ment of Xmas, Ties, Mufflers. Shirts, Collars Sox and Gloves. Fancy Vesta and knitted coats are very fashionable Special Sweater Coats with collar and pockets in different colors for winter sport Suits and Overcoats New Suits just receiv- ed. Overcoats in black for then from $0.50 to $15.00. Also showing other colors Underwear and Mitts galore. have ,sorted up in this line and front now until Xmas you can ex- pect bargains. Dress Goods A full range. Carry a regular city stock of them. Right styles and qualities at lowest prices. Knitted Goods Golf ,iackets, fancy Shawls, Clouds, Gloves L'r.det wear and Hosiery complete. FURS Showing a full range of fashianable furs in Scarfs, Stoles, Ruffs and Throws made of Thick, full furred, ex- cellent quality skins; fully guaranteed at moderate prices, Fur ('oats for Ladies and Gentlemen. Special prices in fur -lined coats, and Fur Collars. Best Robes To choose from $7.50 to $'22.00. L►tter is best manufactured. Call on us for your Fall Bats, c r bring us your hat and we will trim it for you in the very latest style for very little money. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DAS1IWOOD old Weather S. BROWN is Produce, o[ est season in every particular and• will ibe the ,,est seen here. Special i road and the carryall gave .way. A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing l carrying the ladies with it. Por- ing been given to the stag-' tunately no one was hurV, ing o[ the drama and the serernl nt•wi bliss Aggic Shirrny vas in Detro:t Coil and Barb Wire. scenic effects are said to he magnifi-1 last [week visiting her brother. Eggs and Butter taken. Come and see us before you buy. The thrilling floating ice scene o[ Do 'not fail ilo read 11. Cook Sons %� the Ul;vr 11:ver, the realistic moonf rind Co.coupon in 111.9 i5811e. in which Hardware D. T1 EIvIAN Dashwood they are offering b:g inducements to ! light scene of the 8t. Clair plantation purchasers of thole hest family with house, garden. and the cotton field ibeyond and the superb trans- HeW Sullings that are is 11" Isis Fall Come and See Them We wish to extend to you an invitation to call and:see the new Suitings -!tat are "in it this fall. These we are showing represent the choicest offered by the old and new wol Id. The patterns are Right, they are Exclusive and we are proud of there. the Quality is !tight too -up to the high standard we always carry. if you want a smart suit for fall, select your goods here we assure you the style, 'cake and tit will be right. The price beyond a doubt, we quote the lowest price possible. This is acknowledged by our customers, and recognized by our competitors. Again we invite you, we are proud to ,how the new goods nett talk price at all times J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON mmmmrtt,mmttrmmttrmtttmmm Blankets for Horses and Mitts and Gloves for Men. ii tui ululllliu1111C 1f Mete is anything in Variety, if there is anything in Quality. 1f there is anything in exceptional Values. This should he your store fur Harness. Blankets and Mitts. Wool Blankets neat pattern., direct from the Woolen Mt'i • raging in price from $:1.110 op, else .1ute and Kersey Blankets. MITTS AND (iLOVEt9 We hare as splendid lino in these goielr, and,our trade is growing because aswe h tye got the right kind of [roods all the time. We've got Styles that can't L. heat etsewbere, and we certainly have got values that are unknown else- where. Co tie i•t and inspect for,yourself. F. W. C LA k !{, Harness arness Crediton. There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY S N. The Sun is t:u Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure ycu Sun to 1st lantwry, IC10. in corlh!n...tion with The Exeter Times for $1.80 'Pt:. ES .F'Q.R FOU .YARS Only those who suffer from piles can know the t,gony, the 1)urnin; . throbbing, shooting, itthhing I.-tin::wttichthis ailment muses And ('to way it wrecks the sutlerer's life! Miro Palk is blessed by thousands wh, ui,ed to suffer from piles, but whom it h►t cured. Ono ouch grateful person ,s Mr.. Eiitabcth Taylor of greenwood I .\ct•nne, Toronto. She rays: "For 4 f • it long years i snfferea acutely from id selling piles. During that time 1 spent r.a immense amount of money on •, •in,di,a' and dot tee's presetiptions .t 1 got no ea. e. ?ani Buk was differ - t . .t 1/ a verything el•o I hod tried and t• rtire(l nit'. I nun grateful for the cut e, 1 an las 1Lave itetcrhal pilesoncesitu0. 1 1 I.!IOW rho euro is permanent." Acother thankful woman is Alt's. A. E. Outliner, of l'alelina, Trinity Bay. rays: "In my case Zam-Ituk effce. • - 1 it woridetfnl cure. For 12 years I i br.n Irentl.:c'l with blind, bleating ,.nd protruding piles. 1 had been using %alio s kipds of oitrtmcnts, ete., but nese came sots anything to do me tpv.l not 11 1 tries! Zaad ituk which cured ' T. ,t this mac to the means of • i-,- -,te sufferers from piles to try 1 Ziai 1'ttk s the wish of c•nc who has .tiaral great r..i'.ef." 7 ?stn -14-k 1. n t•nrely h. rl•ai balm and s •gourd L., i.i every Lomet l'unw ruts, tetras. 1 -ekes. eczema, et.a r.. blood. tatsontra. itch, co d-arre.. chapped bands nn•t ul1 ..i.^rice and 1. juries c ff thn skin. 4.11 .:-,:cart. an4 at. res nt :.ne bow, a from 7.an,•hnk 4',... Toronto, for ptIve. 18 formation scene at the end of the last act are some of the greatest. There is no one article in the lino 1t s one of the largest organiz.t- of medicine that gives so largo a re - Eons of t+hitt! and colored artists turn for the stoney a good por- ever gathered together in one corns ops strengthening t.,..-:er, such as binat:on that has been engaged for Carter's Smart Weed and 1!tIladootta this season. The Hrig company 4rnvel :n their: Klrkton own private Pullman Palace cars and Messrs.\V m. Moore and Geo. Long - number with them two bands of music, burst left fast Saturday afternoon number of ponies, dog!. donkeys for tierto a where they will put little carts. carriages. Defile. etc„ and will .give !t grand glittering in the ak the romovaltof Dr. Carr street parade at noon. --sefromKitkton. a meeting of the 8t. 1 Those unhappy persons who suffer Marys. Kirk ton and Exeter Tele- should nervousness and dyspepsia -phone Company was held Inst Werk should use Curse's Little Nerve to fill the office of president. which Pili.. which are made expressly for the genial doctor •so ably filled for steeples., nervous dyspeptic suffer- some time. David Ilonis, Was alt- ers. Price 25c. pointed president, and Wm. Johns- . ton vice-president. ______ 1 Austin Callender, a former resid- WoOdham est of this village. hitt now of Col. nmhus. Ohio, was a visitor in the burg during the past week, Mrs. James Mills is 1-tid up with a Dr. Carr. who accompanied iii= broken kg. caused by a cot. kicking family to Myth. was here on Tues• her some weeks ale. day bidding farewell to his many • friends. 'tefore leav:ng for Los An- geles, Calif., c hero he w'oll hitt.. itt..charge of n large veterinary col - PAIN , - t lege. Mrs. Carr and children w':Ii ' rema:n in illyth for some time. Ta)n in tho head-ta►ln anywhere. ha+ 1t• ran* Taln itc.+nh•4Uon. i'aht 1+bluts1 t n•i.ure--nnthln else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, anti t4 prose 0 he has crested a little pink tablet. That tablet-ratlad itr. $honpb lbwhittle 'Nisei - t 41.'$ blonds pressure away.frptn iota centers. Its effect isehanning, pleasingly dill ahtfrt. Gently, though safety. 1t surely . quu.t:es the 1,:•.y4 circa. lattotl. If you have a heedachet. 1t'. biers! pro. ;lure. lilt's painful period+ with women. Mr•ie rans•d. If vat are sImpI•ss. restless. nervous. it's bl,xnl tong.•sttotrhloo.t pn•twin.. That surety t. a teitainty. for hr. Shoop's Ilevlachn Tal.1.14 stop it In a minutes. and the tabh is simply dtstributt the unnatural blood pressure. Baits.) your Gager. qP 1 dc.••n't tt R^t r'.1. and gwell. and pain you? Uf tour -a It ' • it's . nn. /sitIon, blood pressure. You'll find . Wien• t wi,r tf1-slwaye. It a simply Commmn senses. %sell at 25 cents. and cheerfully recOroX19114 Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets The Farmers Bank of Canada Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,000 40 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention (liven to Far•tnrrs' Business Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest ('ort tit Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. interest paid or added to principa 4 times a year. Your money' is ton valuable to kite in the house whet e burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt- ful institutions that Fo often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned wealth. DRAFTS ANI) MONEY ORDERS ISSUED When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and tnc.ney orders ate at 'I.thle here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money nrdei s are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin cilia' points in the United States and (Treat Britain. (lora Me✓ren-('ourteous Treat meta. No Red Tape. R. T. DUNLOP, Nan, I)ASfiWOOD & BRUCEFIELD •. 1 B6ttGr value tlldfl 6V6P 10 Men's and BoY's Un6rcdr at 50c , 75c, and $ r.00 either Fleeced Lined or all Wool. ----�- Men's Combination Suits at $1.50 and $2.50, Boy's Sweat - it isn't so difficult to etrengthea a Utak stomach if one goes at it ers soc and 65c, Boy's and Men's Mitts, 45c, sec and $1 00 correctly. And this is true ofthe per pair Heart and kidney . The old fash- ioned way of dosing the stomach of See stimulat;ng the heart or Kidneys is surely wrong Di-. Shoop first ro:n:cd out that error. "Go to the weak or ai1I12 nerves of these organ, "id New Oranges and Dates this week. he. Each inside organ has its con- trolling or "inside nerve." .When thesenerves fail alien those organ, B. W. F. BEAVERS Farquhri �- must surely falter. This vital truth is loading , druggists every- where to disponee and recommend - - --� f)r. Shoop's Restorative. A few da Y. test will surely tell! Sola by W. 8. Mrs. A' xandcr Monteith. an old flow•eY. occasional nee, resident of Clinton died on Saturcny. ovr range of Vrapperettes special value at 124 cents 40AfIT01SI2 . Nov. 7th at the old age of 77 years, 3eanthe t!tad tiling RIAs ow The decease.' was a daughter of the late Robert McMordie, of Tucker- ag"am m'th an w•a rn netr Delta t Ireland. She ,Aa. :► member of t..o Presbyterian church and ovas highly esteemed hr her numcrot)s frir:nds. sell* rend J