HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 4SHE EXETER TIMES, NOV 19tH 1908.
A New Lot of Goods
Just Arrived
Ilair Brushes, ('loth 13i usher
Shaving Brushes, Tooth and
Nail Brushes, Whisks, Mir-
rors,Pocket Mirrors, Dressing
Combs, Pocket Combs r►nd
other Toilet articles.
Brownings Drug Store
The Postuffice department bas by
no means slackened its efforts to
lay out rural (nail delivery routes.
.51r. George Ross, general suiterinten-
dent, %vim has charge of the work,
is now iu Nova Scotia, laying out
several routes. and on his . return
will consult with the department as
to further work. While it is expect-
ed that there will not be the same
rush ,by farmers to get free delivery
in the winter as in the summer. the
oostoffiee department is ready to
receive applications from any group
of farmers along any established mail
route. and when received nn inspec-
tor will be sent over the route to ra-
pol•t as to 'the outlook. If this re-
port is favorable She free delivery
will be started as soon as climate
conditions Permit.
The deferred +elections for the
liouse of Commons in Yale Cariboo
and .Kcotenay,B. C. were held last
Thursday and resulted in the elec-
tion of two Conservatives.
'ro make solution for blue -print,
make a solution of potassium ferri-
cyanide, 1 ounce 'to 5 ounces of wat-
er; also - n second solation of 1
ounce of citrate of iron and nmmon-
iu to 5 ounces of wafer. These two
solutions .will keep indefinitely .in
separate beetlesItht. To prepare
paper, take ewe' parts of the solu-
tions and mix them. The mixture is
sensitive to light, and the rest of the
;Work must 'be done in a feeble light
3Vith a swab dipped in the solution
•over the paper by passing across in
'parallel lines, and afterward cross-
wise of these, so as to have an even
layer of li;aid all over the paper
and yet not enough to flow or drip.
The paper is hung by n pits in the
dark to dry. It is theft ready for
t,rinting• After printing in bright
sunlight, lbe picture is developed by
putting itunder water. Wash thor-
oughly till the white parts of the
'picture are clear •
A t•owl story that will make you
laugh is better for you Than five
dollar's worth of doctor's medicine.
The first of "The Old home 'louse'
series of eleven cotnplete stories be-
gins in the Family herald and Week-
ly Star. of Montreal, this 'week.
There will be ono complete story
each issue for the next three month=.
and that means many a good hearty
laugh around the fireside during the
wjuter !evenings• A subscriber to
tthat big weekly certainly gets value
for his money. The paper only costs
one dollar a year, and the nmount
of sound information given in r.
year's reading :s mar veliou'. the
stories along could etot be boil r.hI
for twenty dollars. The nen :r':1",'
colunine of the paper are gee tri'
ns the best in A►nerioa. The Faui,i
(Herald and weekly Star should suet
1)e missed in any Canadian home.
Blyth received quite a start on
Thank -giving( evening about '1 13 when
the fire bell rr►ng. The fire st ru I ed in
the old lag barn belonging to the Ma-
son property on the west ,tide of Main
street near It. McCorumin's tailor shop,
and before the eeglne Gould pe got
working or before anyone could open
the doors, 2 horsee were destroyed,
besides harue•s, feed, etc.
Mr. .ltchie Cousene. of Cl:utnie.
hail the, top taken off two of his fin-
gers the other day while operating
a cement Mixing machine. Ile was
attending to the mixer when his
glove C'.'tght in the cogs of One of
the y.6 . causing the. accident.
My Mair is
Ertra Long
r.e,.t NI-a:tgcsctteeIarsa
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it sonlethitg to live on.
Then it will stop failing, and
will grow iong and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
genuine hair -food you can
buy. it gives new life to the
hair•bulbs. You save what
hair you have, end get more,
too. And it keeps tli' scalp
_;c:ltt and healthy.
Th. beat xind rt a trent-neater -•-
'' 8o1d toe ever sixty yea's.-
1sett' .r.C..tvere..,Lowell.Ka•
S 10 n. a. ..t.aurere cr
yere PILLS.
Special round trip tourist rates it.
effect ,to principal .Winter Resort_.
For lull information as to rate
routes. etc.. auply to Grand Trunk
A 00 -genial) writes; "Proven,
tics, those little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets are working wonders in my
parish' . Pre venues surely will
check a cold. or the Grippe, in 'u
very few hours. And l'reventies are
so sato and harmless. No Quinine,
nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine
for feverish restless children. •Iicx
of 48 at 25c. Sold by W. 6• Uoweye
Tickling, tight coughs can be sure-
ly and quickly loosened with a pro.-
snription ¶Uri►ggists are dispensing
everywhere as 11)1•. Sloops Cough
Remedy. And it is so very, very
different than common cough med-
icines. No opium, no CLlorotortu,
absolutely nothing barslt or unsafe.
The tender leaves of a harmless,
lung healing mountainous shrub,
gives the curative properties to Lr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy. TFose leaves
have the power to calm the most dis-
tressing Cough and to soothe and
heal the most sensitive .bronchial
membrane. Mothers should for
safety's sake alone, always demand
1)r. Shoop's. It can 'with perfect
freedom be given to even/the young,-
oungest babes. Test it yourself and see•'
Sold by W. 6. Ifiowey. .•
To relieve the ;worst forms of
Rheumatism, take a teaspoonful of
the following mixture after each
heal and at bed time;
Fluid ti:xtreet Dandelion one-half
ounce; Compound 'Cargo'', one ounce
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
These harmless ingredients can be
obtained by our home druggists,
and are easily mixed by shaking thein
well in a bottle. Relief is general-
ly felt from the first few doses.
This prescription forces !the clog-
ged up inactive kidneys to filter
and strain from the blood the pois-
onous waste matter and uric acid,
which causes Rheumatism.
As Rheumatism is not only the
most painful and torturous disease,
but dangerous to life, this simple
recipe will no doubt he greatly val-
ued by many sufferers here at home
who should at once prepare the mix-
ture to get. this ,relief. •
It is said that a person who would
take this prescription regularly, n
dose or two daily, or even n few
w w'never
times a week, would d have
1 e.
serious Kidney or Urinary disorders
or Rheumatism, •
Cut this out and preserve it. Good
Rheumatism prescriptions which real
ly relieve aro scarce, indeed. and
when you need it, you want it badly.
He Worked on
Keir Hardie, labor member of the
British Parlitunent, is noted for the
carelessness of his attire. Not long
ago, when some repairs were being
done to the House of Commons, Mr.
Hardie was lounging in the library,
when ho was accosted by a friendly
policeman, who failed to recognize
him in his somewhat shabby clothes.
"Ullo, matey," exclaimed the man in
blue. "are you working 'ore?" "Yes,"
replied Mr. Hardie, laconically. "On
the roof?" "No," said the labor lead-
er, with a quiet smile, "not on the
roof. I work on the floor of Ulla
No other medicine ha.' been so
successful in relieving the suffering
of women or received so many gen-
uine testimonials as has Lydia E.
PI nkhalu's Vegetable ('oni pound.
In every community you will find
women who have been restored to
health by Lydia E. l'iukham's Veg-
etable Compound. Almost every
one you meet has either ieen bene-
fited by it, or has friends who have.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at
Lynn,Mass.,any wonlananydaynna
see the files containing over one mil-
lion one hundred thousand letters
from women seekinf health, and
here are the letters m which they
i openly state over their own signa-
tures that they \t -err cured by Lydia
E. 1'inkliauu's Vegetable ('otnpoand.
Lydia E. l'iiikh;un's Vegetable
Compound has saved many omen
from surgical njs'rations.
Lydia I. I'Inkhanl's Vegetable
Compound is made from roots ars
1 herbs, without drugs, and is whole-
some and harmless.
The reason why T.cdi,i E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable compound Is so
successful •is because it contains hi.
• gn'tlients which act directly upon
the feminine Organism, restoring it
to a healthy normal condition.
Women who are suffering from
those distressing illy peeuliar to dui.;
sex siuiuid not lase sight of the.:.•
facts or doubt the ability of 4t1,
E. Pinkhaal's Vegetable Uompotn
to restore their lu;alth.
English Family Were Protectors of
"Limb" Who Figures In Look.
When the negro problem was troub-
ling •the south, an aristocratic Eng-
lish family named Overaker, for con-
science sake, separated themselves
frau the associations of their lifetime,
and sought a home on the banks of
the Ohio, in the vicinity of Cincin-
Th, family brought with them u
retinue of house servants in order to
set them free. They were scattered
among the various families of this
lovely vicinage, some being employed
at one limo or another in Prof. Stowe's
£anhily and some in that of his next
,neighbor, also a professor in the sem.
inary. Ono of these neighbors has
said that she has seen Mrs. Stowe sit
whole afternoons watching the chil-
dren of the two families and the young
blacks at play.
It was then and there that Mrs.
Stowe saw Topsy and took her comi-
cal likeness in unlading colors. Topsy
was a stray bit of ebony liemen:t
that in some unrecorded way cull • to
be one of the piccaninnies perched til
the porticos of the Overaker mansion
in New Orleans, where the family hail
a winter (tome, or hung around the
quarters, ran errands or played with
tiro clogs on the Tiehenor plantation
at Natchez.
She was such a little imp of dark-
nees that "that limb was past sav-
ing," and so she was left among the
field hands who were to work out
their freedom there on the plantation
of Natchez. But the ease of the aban-
doned waif appealed to the sympathy
of i1rs. Stone's neighbor, and the
elfish 'ropsy was brought north and
plr:ced in the family of the young pro•
fe..sor to be trained for service.
ft mint be confessed that the effolt
to develop her into a reasonable be-
ing was not n shining sur,•••_ • T. 1
--for that was the real are•' • l: is r. •1
into the abandoned stratum of Cin-
cinnati life and was seen no more hr
her former friends till the day of
Tiehenor's funeral.
Wee:: Sun oleo, he of the "o'hob-
H'l v.rtjon" faculty, vas at service
the sante family, but he will be 1
remembered by the net of pattin_•
beechnut ender Haley's saddle %%Oen
they were about to start after Eliza.
Others of t'te small fry armed were r f
the sante group.
in 1859 Dr. Stowe had accepted e
n__. so . ht) at l3owdoin and
I 1
living in Brunswick when the fugrit e.•
sla-,e law of that year wee
This was the final fire which set ''•
colors of Mrs. Stowe':+ resolution
write something "which should 1, '
op slavery to the world as a draina,•
i.. lility."
S•'c was then :n the utidet of hear•.:
dei)lestic eare3, with a young infant,
glad with n party of pupils in her
family to when' site was imparting
le;:otne daily with her own childrei'.
bet the story was so much more in-
tense n reality to her than any other
earthly thing that the weekly instal -
nine for Dr. Bailey's National Eta
never failed. Once Mr. Jewett. who
was to publish it, wrote to t sk her
not to make it too long, as the sub-
ject wait not papular. Mr,. Stow.'
replied that she did not make the
story, that the story 'uncle itself, and
that she could not stop till it No„.
This feeling increased in intensity
to the end. it is even said that in
those Iast (Nye of her life she had
said. "God wrote it. 1 merely diel
His dictation."--Lippiueott'v.
Some Superstitions.
When starting for the river. says a
writer in London Field, if you have
to turn beck and get something that
you have forgotten, you are cure to
catch little or nothing that day. This
is an article of Devon folklore. and I
am int -lined to think the west coun-
try folk right herein. The disap-
pointulorlt, the hurry and the bring-
ing' of wrt.ng thing:; always net tii '-
judie;rtlly upon what ought to be the
unrunletl, even temper of a succe,s-
ful angler. He becomes hasty anti
rush, most often with ill results to
lois basket. Tit the western highlands
it is currently believed that if you
<ee a ealt with its back to you when
starting in the morning on n fishing
excursion it is the worst of luck, only
to be exceeded should you hear it
euekoo before breakfast.
Thackcray and Archdekne.
Thackeray got into trouble by copy-
ing some of the chitracters too closely
from lifo, notably when he put hi::
friend, Arthur Archdekne, into "Pen-
dennis" as the ever delightful Harry
Poker. Although Thackerny meant no
tutkindnets, Archdekne never quite
forgave hirn. One night, just after
Thackeray had delivered his first lec-
ture on "The English Iluntoriste."
Archdekne met him at the Cider
Cellar club, surrounded by a coterie
a •ho were offering their enneratuln-
tions. "ITnw aro you, Thnek?" cried
Archie. "I was at your show to-tlnv
at Willis'. \That a lot of swells you
had there—yes! lint I thought it we=
dull—devilish dull! T will tell son
what it is, Thack—you want a piano "
Counting a Billion.
Suppo; e you undert o k to count a
billion. How long do you think it
would take you to do it? A billion,
according to the French notation.
which ne follow, hi a thousand mil-
lions. if you had before you n pile
of silver dollars containing a million
and could count one very second for
eight hours every day it would take
you thirty-five days to complete tho
task. Itut suppose you undertook to
count a thousand of those million
dollar piles. Von would be at work
eight hours a day for 35,000 (lays, or
about 100 years.
He Knew.
It walo afternoon, and thus spoke
the teacher of the village school:
"Now boys, the word 'stall' at the
end of a word means 'plane of.' Thus
we have .lfghaniFtatt, the place of
the Afghans; oleo Hindustan, the
place of the Iiindooe. Now, cnn any
one give me another instance "
"Yes, Pit," paid the smallest boy
proudly, "1 can umbrollastan, the
J* for umbeellM l"
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, mid whish has been
iu use for over :10 years, has borne the t=i;;llatnre of
and has been made under Itis pens
soled supervisiott tcinee Bs infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imtitations and "Just-as-gootd" are but
l:xperiuteuts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 1.; Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 111orphiuo nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys N'ortlnw
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrheett and Wind
Cone. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation
And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, - ;litotes the
Stomach and Rowels, giving healthy :ttnI I. ,lural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—Tho ,Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You gays Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
COMPANY. vv ruaear
Hew TOPA e.tr.
60 YEARS* !
Anyone sending a sketch and deserlpptlnn may
aolckly ascertain our opinion Duo v het tier an
Invention 10 probably patejitneilo.
starsstrictly confidential. Hf"a Palen4
sent tree Oldest agency for eeraiut patents.
Patents taken through
Munn & Co. receive
speciai nonce. without charge, la the
Scietfic Jlmercan.A handsomelyitix r-
�.maWlleo of any scientific journal. Terms for
(7gaaa, t3 ,75 a year pontes° prepaid, hula by
tdewadealers.O 818roadsny, New Y rk
N C� Wash' o ('
Y B east D. ,.
tis t, a
Grand i3ond
Snots at Last, end even if it gave
warning some farmers aro not ready
for closing up. '
Mrs. Abner Mollard, is visiting at
7.1rs. \V .1i. rliarfitt of London this
John Baird is moving this week,
a little cold John.
Mr. James rage, of this place is
;cite ill et present, avid on account
of his age !being considerable over
80 and of living alone, Ito may not
No more duck shooting this year
river all frozen over. •
W. B. Oliver has finished fixing
up the dock for this year.
Mr. James Mollard has improved
his premises by a new cont of paint
on this resi.lcuee.
Mr. and Mrs .Joseph Brenner have
returned .home after a three weeks
visit ,with relatives of Windsor,
Belle 'River. fort Ilitrort and other
itevival Pervices are 'being cosi-
dueled 'n the 'Methodist Church of
this place, by nt he pastor 'Mr. Stead-
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr. Joseph White till sell ?by Pub-
lic Auction for Mr. Abner Fuller on
1 1-2 Miles North-West of Woodham,
+ on
.WEDNESDAY, 'DEC 2nd 1908.
Commencing tat 10 o'clock sharp
the following,
STOOK.— 1 Clydesdale mare . 6
years old eligible for registration,
1 1'ercheron mare 9 years old, 1 Shire
mare 3 years old, 1 Hackney marc
3 years old, 1 draught yearling, 1
1lackney yearling, 1 Clydesdale suck-
er, 1 Welch and Arabian potty suit-
able for saddle or driving, t.40 Fat
cattle, 5 Steers, 1 Heifer, 6 twos
year-old steors, 4 'heifers due ito come
in at Christmas, Feb, .Mar, and April,
6 Cows due to come in in the spring,
8 Calves, 1 (Shorthorn bull 3 months
old, 2 yearlings, 17 store bogs, 3 fat
pigs, 4 Bows due to farrow in Jany.
IMPLEMENTS — 'Massey - Tlarris
binder, slew Deering seed drill, liay
tender, Deering mower, . Frost and
Wood horse rack, 2 single ,plows, 2
new Cockshutt plow's, tact diamond
harrows, tact chisel Booth !harrows,
cultivator, 2 wagons, dray, 2 set of
sleighs, democrat, 'buggy-, fanning
mill 'with bagger, gasoline engine,
13,•l1 blower. grinder.. scuffler. rol:er,
2 pulpers, set of scales, incubator.
brooder. a dozen sap buckets, sup
boiler, 3 cauldron kettles, pig and
hay rack, iron stone boat. bag truck,
1 dozen hen coops. apple evaporator.
gravel box, set of springs, ' wheel
'barrow, set rope .wire stretchers,
set heavy harness, set double harness
300 fence slats, 600 lbs eon, Porno
corn in stook, a quantity of hay
timothy and clover, grind stonn
some flagging stone, ladies !Ode
saddle, gentlemen's saddle.
No reserve • has the proprietor
has sold his farm ,
TERMS.—$5.00 and under c:Isb.
over that amount 12 months credit
on furnishing approved joint boo, -
o:. -or a discount of ii per cent. per a::•
num for cash in lieu of notes.
iJOS. \V111TE, ABNI•:It 1'1'LL)•:I;.
Anet'.oneer. l'i oprietor
I eI1'Rf) ED
0:11 not, OF itself, pro-
duce gotur flour.
You may be an excellent
cook, but you cannot pro-
duce ight, trholcsomc
baking unless the flour you
use he the kind that permits
such results
So in the mulling, machin-
ery alone cannot produce
Royal llousehold Flour
out of the wrong kind of wheat any niter^ that, you
can ''lake the right kind of bread or pastry out of
the wrong kine o, flour.
Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is mute from
hard spring ,thcat—a wheat that is rich ;n nutriment,
that grinds tine and white, and produces bread and
pastry that are wholesome and nourishing as well as
light and crisp—it's a flour that begins to be good in
the wheat fields, not in the mills
Y(lu- grocer prefers to
sell you Ogilvie's Royal
Household Flour because
he knolls the value of a
rOg pleased customer
MUvk Hoar Mils G., IA
•N•NNNNNN NNN•N••••N•••NNNN••••••• •• 61
1 The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL •••• •••• $3374,000.00
• RESERVE FUND •••• •••• •••- $ 374.000.00
tHas 113 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in x11 lh!?
Principal Cities in the \Vorld.
General Banning Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
• at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager
HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO I:sT:tmtI.isitl:I) 1807
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX LAIRD, General Bianager
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and`irngland
Deposits of $1 and upwards arc received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more
persons, withdrawals to he made by any one of the
number or by the survivor. 114
Exeter Branch—G.W. Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
"heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on a
double verlcocelo. when I worked hard tho aching would.becomo
severe and I was often laid up for a week at a time. My family
me g operation was m• only ho but I dreaded h •sician told a t m it.
� 5 Y
specialists, but soon found out n 1 the wanted was m
money. I commenced to look upon all doctors no little better than
rogues. One day my boss asked mo why I was Olt work so much and
I told him my condition. Ile advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy
Kennelly, no'ho had taken treatment from them himself and knew
they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got THE Nxw MrTHou
TRr.Arxrrr. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first
month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However, 1 con.
tinned treatment for three tnonths longer and was rewarded with a
complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week In a machine shop be-
f"re treatment.nowI am earning 121 and never lose a day.
all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment.
BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap tho very
life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious
complications. Bewares of Mercury. It only suppresses too symptoms—our NEW
METHOD cures all blood diseases.
YOU:(} Olt MIDDLE AGED MEN. --Imprudent acts or later excesses sses have broken
down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing ever you. Mental' physi-
cally. ail vitally you are not the man you used to bo or should be. Will you heed the
danger signals:
EADERAre you a victim? have you lost hope? Are you intending tomarry ? Lias
vonr blood been diseasedt have you any weakness? Our Ae:w MErtruu
aesruesr twill euro you. What 0 hag done for other's tt will do for you. Consultation
Free. No ''natter who has treated you, write for nu honest opinion Free of Charge.
Boob Frere—"The Golden Monitor," tIllustrated) ou Diseases of Men.
on boxes or envelopwa. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Ha flioning--
No Grinding
..7 -RAZOR IFLAsta- -
l',11.1.1?. 1 n.,
No. 2
Steel is refined iro••—iron• without
air, dirt or foreign substance—fused,
with carbon. Carbon gives tough•
cess and strength—too much makes
it brittle and worthless; too little,
soft and pliable.
Steel varies according to the grade
used, tempering and quality of labor
employed. Unless you have devoted
all your time to its manufacture you
know the almost Impossible task
of judging the finished article. To
break the article and examine the
grain, hammer and file it to note
the quality of labor, and other
equally destructive tests is out of
the question. There is but one real
test for you—take it and try it for a
1 period of time.
Cutlery steel—such as is used in
making Carbo Magnetic razors—
, must be of the finest selected grade
1 tc•-.pered uniformly throughout to a
diamond -tike hardness. Fire, with its
• varying temperature, will not dothis.
Thirty years of most careful re•
search and study have shown a way
I to add carbon to the Carbo Magnetic
J razor steel and merge it uniformly
1 throughout the metal byasecrst proc•
J ess of Electric Tempering. An ex-
clusive and severe test of the finished
blade results in an absolute uniformity
in the Inc:• and we are thus ens lee. to
Irtnoonth iionaffy gewaresntoo
every Carbo Magnetic razor used.
nue test this no honing, no
(grim', razor rnryeur own hag-
--or h: ve your barber i -e 0 on yo t.
7 Drop us a pests!, or ::titer yet,
come in and see us *II we vn11 g,ve
you our new proposit:on for having
these rzzors tested without oblii-a•
tion to purchase. tc)'rth•r with aur
gree booklet •' !t:rt- : , Shaving. .•
k •,mac
SHOPIS of Ire CHOW Norm West
Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or any male over 18
years old may homestead a qunrtek
sectoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub_agency for the district. Entry by
proxy may be had et the agency, on
certain conditions. by father. mother
son. daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Unties:—Six months residence upon.
and cultivation of the land in each
of three years, ,1 homesteader may
live within nine miles of his horrx'-
stead 011 41 !faun of at least 80 acres
surely owned and occupied by hien or
h!s father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
in certein districts a homesten.lar
_cod st • .ling may pre-empt a
n a:ongside his homes
1 .r • per neve. Duties-
• A 11201101s incaoh of sir
" (,t,nl date of homestead entry
1 llc:r:d t. !. the time required to earn
homestr a•1 patent) and cultivtae
fifty acs. ; extra.
A ho, !ender who hes exhausted
his hot. •:end :it ht end cannot ob-
tain a r noempticn may take a pur-
chased • cruel :n e•rt'1,r1 district',
1'r:C • • a. per 1e -e. —Must
res:do s:x month,' :n each of three
yeare, cu:tivu'c fifty acres awl erect
n house worth $300.0).
w. w. cone,
Deputy of the Minister of the interior -
N. tt.--t'na•ithoriad pnl.lirrien o! 41.10 ad'ertlas
meat • ill r,nr ! . a -1;.11,4
Ind Usbllrnt, and Hibbert
:n Farrner's Mutual Fire 'ri.sur-
W S. Cole,anr)CGompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
A pct,'. on for a loc•tl op ,.n h}-
1•tw in Goder,cil Is bow reign• tL
county town council end tto doubt
vote trill be taken at the .111111ary
On Nur olay evening of '
fire was discovered In t ,
.tore of Linder Watson. ('Lon)
The brigade tug reel ou•t tomo t
and after considerable work t!•
11111 'e were est:null:Abell.
&mu,. •.09114 Itjrns Yam Nan Always, Met
i ('resident—J. L. 1t1 F5i?1.1..
Viee•1'resjd••nt—\\• 11. I' 1sr !Milt ft
\VM. Roy, Bnrtoiter•M P. 0
WM. BnneK SV, , HF:f.sEA P. 0.
T. RYAN, Dt:nLtr P. 01
ROBERT NOR1(18, Htaffa.
JOHN ES8ERY, E5r•tn-, agent fog
U.bvrne and Jliddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. &gat
for Hibbort, F'ulltrton and Loora.
Bony. Troam. . Farquhar.