HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 31 "PORTLAND FATTY" CAUGHT He Is Wanted for Robbing a Bank at St. Raphael, Quebec. :1 dr't"xpateh from N(.r Fork says: When Noveral Central Office detee- (ives at once worn attuning through Chinatown the other eight looking for suspicious characters, they took into ensturly a party of four then because they had recognized two of therm as e•ate-blowers. One of the strangers, wile described him- self as tleorge W. Monroe of Cum- berland, Maine, Made a plea for freedoms, saying he knew nothing of the Men in whose company he had been found. On 1Vcxfuesdrty Munroe, or as the police pity he is • Letter known as "Portland Fatty," was in a cell awaiting the call of Canadian offi- cials, who wish to take him across the border to tell what he knows )f the robbery of a bank in Quebec. In the pockets of the prisoner the police found a number of certifi- cates /narked "La Banque Provin- cial, St. Raphael, Quebec, Can- ada." Inquiry showed that, the hank was robbed on October 23. The Canadian authorities were no- tified of the arrest of "Portland Fatty," and two officers are here to attempt to bring about his extra- dition to Canada. 1:IGIITY YEARS IN \VATFII. Large Quantity of Pine to he Re- covered Froin Rideau Lakes. A deepatclt from Kingston says: A great quantity of sunken pine in the Rideau Lake section has been secured by the Ogdensburg, N. Y., Soda Pulp Company, and will bo raised by means of dredges and *taken to Ogdensburg for use in the rmills. The pine, though under «eater for some eighty years, is jih.und, acid it is thought some 500,- 000 cords eau be recovered. The timber was left while lumbering operations were undertaken in the Rideau region. HELD POR MANSLAUGHTER. Yardman Blamed for fatal Wreck at Brantford. .1 despatch from Brantford says: Joseph Maguire, late Grand Trunk yardmah, wlro was held by the Com - rally as partially responsible for the recent wreck in which one Lrantfordite and two Londoners were killed, was, on Wednesday, committed for trial at the next High Court Assizes on a charge of man- slaughter. His counsel made an ef- fort to have the charge reduced to neglect, but the Crown refused, and will press the case against him. G EN. LA K E TO STA Y IN ('.I N A DA War OIltee !las Extended His Term ter Several Years. :1 despat.•h from Ottawa says: it isunderstood that, in cense- ruenit of a request sent to London by the ('anadian Government. the War Office has consented to allow- ing Major-General Sir Percy Lake to remain in Canada, as Inspector - General of the forces fur another two or three years, the Imperial Government promising to safeguard l.is rights of promotion and seni- ority i the army while he is serv- ing iu Uauada. a BOUND TO EX(LCDi: 'THEM. Restrictions on Oriental Immigra- tion May be Increased. DISHONESTY IN PACKING. :Apple -Pickers not of Sufficient High Character. A despatch from Toronto says: At a meeting of the Fruit Growers' Association, held last week, a do - bate on packing and packages pro- voked an interesting discussion. Mr. Elmer Lick, of Oshawa, af- firmed that a man must have both skill and character to be a good ap- ple packer. An apple should be handled like an egg, and riot as if it were a stone or a turnip, as was the custom with the average pack- er. With regard to character, he knew that young men would not go with the average apple gang or be associated with it, and in many cases the /ten could not get board because they were such a rough crew. And if packing was to be good a grower must employ men whom he could implicitly trust. Tho result was, as in n case he had in mind, where a man brought in 120 barrels of apples and got leas than $25 for thein. + RADICAL I,.1BOR CABINET. Will Undertake the Government of Australia. A despatch from Melbourne says: Mr. Fisher, one of the radical La- bor leaders of Australia, will form the new Australian Cabinet. The House defeated the Premier, Alfred Deakin, on the division. Tho La- borites withdrew their support be- cause the Government has not pushed labor measures radical enough to suit them. This will bo the second time the Labor party has been in power in the Austra- lian Federal Parliament. J. C. Watson, another of the Labor len- ders, was Premier for a short time in 1904. J.11'.1N CI TS 11011 1:\I'1:NSES. The Budget Shoe.; ;► Weeding Out of $18,0011,000. A despatch from Tokio says: Tho budget fur the year 1909-10 which has been nearly completed, shows receipts of 545,650,000 yen, that fig- ure including a surplus of 52,240,- 000 yen; expenditure, 543,030,000 A dexl►ateh from Nelson, B. C., yen, including disbursements made says : }tpeiaking on Tuesday night, o10 the special war account of 11,- Hun. Frank Oliver declared that it yen. Expenditures post - the five hundred dollar bend tax poncd from tho previous year would net exclude the Chinese, the amount to 14,000,000 yen. Premier Government would raise it as fast Katsura states that the larger pee n.+ the Uhinamen's wages had late - to of postponements belongs 1; been raised. Similarly, Hindoos, to the army and navy. Particular although they were llritish subjects, stress is laid upon the amount of were nut to be admitted unless they t ooudecreaseng 1n expenen ($ditures, had two hundred dollars. This a n mntito 37,000,000 y18,- was meant to be prohibitive, ana if lire amount was not sufficient to be prohibitive it would bo made so. ,f. _- IRIS!! PAINTINGS Bi ItN} 1►. council Chamber of Dublin I ilv Hall Was Damaged. :\ despair h beim 1)ul.lin says: The Chamber of the Dublin City Ball was gutted by fere on Wed- nesday and the City Hall itself had n narrow escape from destruction. All the paintings in the rooms of the ('o mncil Chamber. many of which were of historic interest, including the well-known picture of Daniel O'1' -men. were destroyed in the 000,000). --•!i' DEATH OF D11. W11'HHitOW. Prominent Methodist Editor and :Author Passes A fay. A despatch from Toronto says: 'Following an attack of paralysis sustained on Thursday the 15th in- stant, Rev. Dr. William H. With- row of the Methodist Publishing House, author, editor and travel- ler, passed away shortly before 12 o'clock on Thursday night at his home. 244 Jarvis street. As a man high in the councils of the Metho- dist Church and one whose kindli- ness endeared him to many hearts his unexpected demise comes as a shock. IIINA NOT AFRAID OF JAPA Mh Are Being Trained for the Inevitable War Between the Two Nations. .1 desuatch frorn Philadelphia, present dynasty, which is hated for 1'a , rays Declaring that the youth its conservatism and feared for its f China. the younger and more power. During the past year there progressive element in the nation, have been three abortive attempts, each time before the movement was v uuld in a great revolution oyer• ripe. The unrest is being fostered throw the pi esent dynasty, Rev. by the student element. 11 hilum ('hristie, a missiunary at "China is not afraid of Japan. the C)rrtrtan nod Mission Alliance, The Government it narking night stated that great disturbances were e1 wit due in the Celestial Empire, end also, that a war with Japan Ovals in ccetempl;tti'ri. \tr (•hria- ti" said: ' The (t i.'ct 4 the revoluti•,ntry feet ereeat a alar of ertbrvw of the -CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS fliPPI:NINGS FROM .1LI, OWFIt T111: GLOBI:. Telegraphic itrick From Our Owu and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Assessment Commissioner For- man places Toronto's population at 257, 201. I)r. Fernew saws that Canada's timber wealth is not nearly so great IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND MARKETS NEWS flh 11 (11. 11101 1 JOHN 1111.i. .t ND 111S PEOPLE - Occurrences in the Land '['bat Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. It is estimated that the Hien of Great Britain spend 81,250,000 a year on silk hats. *22,500 a year is the average earning power per locomen\ a all over Great Britain. NI:Poples FROM 'l Ili: LEADING 1'!t.t it L ( EN•i'1tLS. Prices of Cattle, (:rain, Cheese and Other dairy Produce at HOMO uud .abroad. BRE.1Ds1't 1. 1 S. Toronto, Nov. 17. --flour --- On- tario wheat 90 per cent. -patents ouoted at $3.60 to $3.65 in buyers' sacks outside for export. Islanito- ba Hour, first patents, $5.80 on as is generally supposed. Seven oxen were roasted whole track, Toronto, second patents, $5.- A mulatto named Robert Collins at the annual hop fair ut .Stratford- so, and strung bakers', 115.10 10 $5.20. Wheat -Manitoba wheat $1.0834 ter No. 1 Northern and at $1.05% fur No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white is quoted at 92c outside; No. 2 red Winter, 92c, and No. 2 mixed, 91% to 92c outside. Oats -Ontario No. 2 white quoted at. 39 to 40c outside, and at 42c on track, Toronto; No. 2 Western Ca- nada vats quoted at 42c. Goder- ich. Rye --No 2 77c outside. Barley -No. 2, 56 to 57e, and No. 3 extra at 55 to 55%c outside. Buckwheat -51 to 54'/.,c outside. Peas -No. 2 85/ to 803'<c out- side. Corn -No. 2 American yellow nominal at 80c on track, Toronto New No. 3 yellow quoted at 71%c Toronto. Bran -Cars aro quoted at 818 to 819 in hulk outside. Shorts quoted at 822 in bulk outside. was arrested at St. Catharines for on -Avon last week. passing forged checks It is agreed that there have nev- er been so /zany visitors in Lon- don as there have been this year. Tho Carnarvon borough magis- trates have directed the police to prevent boys attending their court. Tho lawn at Buckingham Palace is large enough to allow ample room for over 2,000 men to ma- noeuvre. An oyster from tho River Fall has been dredged, the shell of which is firmly fixed iu the bowl of a clay pipe. Over a thousand trees are to be planted in Hammersmith streets at a cost of $2,550 by unemployed la- bor. Mr. Richard Peter, of Launces- ton, the oldest magistrate in the county, has entered upon his 100th year. Tho Great Western Railway has 2,879 utiles; London and North- western, 1,947 miles, and the Great Northern, 847 milds. At the funeral of Mr. George Baxter Smith, the squire of Lax - field, the coffin was conveyed to the church -yard on a farm waggon. Apples -Winter stock, $2.50 to Burglars who visited an East 83.50 per barrel for good qualities, Ham shop and got away with a and at $1.50 to $2 for cooking ap- number of watches left a note stat- pies. It is reported that eight thou- it'll' "We aro unemployed and Beans -Prime, $1.80 to 81.85, sand employees of the Intercolonial starving." and hand picked, $1.90 to 81.95 per Railway have seceded from the In- Clergy and ministers of all deno- bushel. tornational Union and formed an minations in Willesden have issued Honey -Combs, $2.25 to 82.75 per independent organization at Hali- a manifesto to the ladies of their dozen, and strained, 10 to the per fax. congregations, urging them not to pound. shop after 8 p.m. Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at Nearly 200,000 persons have paid $11 to $11.50 a ton on track here, for admission to the famous maze and No. 2 at $7 to 88. at Hampton Court, Palace during Straw -$0.50 to $8 on track. the season. Tho receipts amount to Potatoes -60 to 62c per bag. Dela- more than *4,000. wares, 75 to 80e per bag on track. Tho foundation stone of Britain's Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 8 to f.rst sky scraper has just been laid 9c per pound; fowl, 6 to 7c; ducks, at Liverpool. The building will be 9 to 10c; geese, 8c per pound; tur- 300 feet high, and is being erected keys, 11 to 12%e per pound. on a site overlooking the Mersey. Dr. Greenwood, medical officer of TRE DAIRY MARKETS. Blackburn, says of 20,000 houses specially visited in the town rec- Butter -Pound prints, 23 Lo 24c; ently, 10,000 contained only two tubs, 22 to 23e; inferior, 19 to 20c. bedrooms, only 10 wore to let, ('r emery rolls, 27 to 28e, and Bol- and only 182 had bath -rooms. ids, 25% to 26c. The president of the Board of Eggs -Case lots of storage, 22 to Education has consented to receive 23c per dozen, while new laid are at an early date a deputation from quoted at 28 to 30c per dozen. the National Uniott of Teachers on Cheese -Largo cheese, 13%e per the subject of the employment of pound, and twins, 13%c, uncertificated teachers. Li the grounds of Farl's Court Exhibition the Empress Hall is be - A rich find of iron in Rainy River country is reported by Messrs. G. Francis and 1). Matheson of Mont- real. Ten charges of violating the li- quor net by selling on election day have been laid against one hotel at Winnipeg. Frank Arkles of Owen Sound has been sentenced to jail for three months for selling liquor to a rail- way employee. A true bill has been returned against the corporation of Guelph for maintaining a nuisance at the sewage disposal plant. Tho Grand Trunk Railway has been indicted by the Grand Jury at Guelph for maintaining a pub- lic nuisance, referring to the sta- tion. Both the Dominion and Provin- cial Governments have instituted an inquiry into the quality of coal oil being sold in Manitoba, in view o'' recent accidents. The Grand Trunk took over the electric system at the St. Clair tunnel from the contractors on Thursday, and the inauguration of the new system was duly celebrat- ed. COUNTRY PRODUCE. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. John Henniker Heaton, speaking in London, urged cheap cable and telegraph rates as the surest method of maintaining the world's peace. UNITED STATES. The United States has a postal deficit of $16,910,279 for the fiscal year ending Juno 30t11 last. In the year ending June 30th last 3,76-1 persons were killed in rail- road accidents in the United States. A ten -year-old negro boy has been ,convicted of murder in Georgia, and has been sentenced to lifo im- prisonment. The strike of the men in the em- ploy of the Innternational Paper Company, which has been on since August 1, has been settled. C. W. Slurso, the ice trust pro- moter recently sentenced, has sworn that ho has not enough of his great fortune left to pay his honest debts. E. 11. 11. Mackey, an insane steno- grapher, attempted on Monday to assassinate the Postmaster of New York city, and then committed sui- cide. G EN ER A L. :1 violent earthquake shock caus- ed a panic on 'I'hureday at Spa, iielg um. It is reported in Calcutta that rifles and revolvers are being im- ported into Bengal in cases label- led "sewing machines" or "cot- ton." As compensation for the annexa- tion by Austria of Bosnia and Her- zegovina, Servia demands a grant of territory and an outlet to the Adriatic. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon --Lang clear, 12 to 12 4c ing turned into a roller skating i•er pound in cast lots; mess pork, rink, which, when completed, will 819 to $19.50; short cut, 823.50. have one of the largest maple nkat- Hams -Light to medium, -14 to ing floors known. 14%c; do., heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, The offer of three branch librar- 11 to 11 ;e; shoulders, 10 to 1014c; ice for Bolton by Mr. Andrew Car- backs, 10% to 17e; breakfast bacon, negio, at a cost of 4:5,000 each, lb to 16%e. providing the sites be found and Lard -Tierces, 13e; the 1%d.tbrton2d. ry r ate has lbec �e ncacceptedreased . m pails, 13%c. A Macclesfield wedding has had BUSINESS AT MONTREAI. to be postponed owing to the bride- groom forgetting the time of the Montreal, Nov. 17 - Canadian Westernceremony. While the bride was Western No. 2 white oats are sel- rcady at the church, the bridegroom ling at 45 to 45',/,e, No. 3 at 44e, was leisurely washing at home. extra No. 1 feed oats at 41e. and 4.- M01'N'f.tiN 01' IRON ORE. tubs, 131Xe; immense Deposits Discovered in Gloucester County. N. R. .\ despatch from Menc•tun, N. 13.. says: That there wxists in Glouces- ter county it literal mountain of iron ore, the deposit extending eighty feet in the air and at least ELEVEN WERE KILLED. 400 feet beneath the surface in Nast Rear -End Collision at Littlewoods, quantities, is the report brought+ to this city by Mr. W. J. Pride, ide, Near New Orleans. who has been tisiting the iron do - A despatch from New Orleans posits nhich were recently acgnir- says: Eleven persons are dead and c''1 by tho Urtunmond Company. Mr. a score or more injured ns the re- Pride brought with hire a few pieces suit of a wreck on Wednesday on of the ore. Ile says that at the pre - the New Orleans k Northeastern! sent time there ore suure thirty Railroad at Littlewoods, tan' k,, ween nt work at the mine. which is utiles from New Orleans. Between '"out twenty miles from llathurst. Slidell and New Orleans the trucks Several buildings are being erect 1:1 to 13%c; hams. 1.'', to 14e: of the New Orleans & Northeastern ed. The ore will be hauled to Ned In eakfast bacon, 11 to 1:n.: Wind Railroad are used by the Great Piue, it distance of twenty mites, ser I.i.-en, 15 to 16e; fre,1, killed Northern Railroad, and it was a from the deposit, and shipped. nhatt,•rr dressed hogs, $9..2., to lite No. 1 feed at 43'„ to 41c, Ontario No. 2 white at 4434c, No. 3 at 43,%e, clerks and stenographers in his de - and No. 4 at 43c per bushel, ex pertinent and replaced them with store. Flour --Manitoba Spring men on the ground that men are wheat patents, firsts at $0, seconds more efficient. nc 85.50; Winter wheat patents, to $5.25; straight rollers, $1.50 to $4.60; do., in bags, e2.10 to $2.- .0; extras. $1.75 to $ 1.i.,. Feed-• Manitoba bran, 821 ; shorts, 8.1 , Ontario bran, $21.50 to $22; mid- dlings, $25 to h126; shorts, $24.50 A despatch from Loudon says: to 825 per ton, including bags; pure Premier Asquith set forth in the grain nunrille, *30 to *32 ; /rine l grades, $25 to $2.5 per ton. I'ro- visions--Barrels short vitt mess, *13.50; half -barrels, $11.50: clear fat backs, $23: dry salt long clear backs, l ie : barrels plate beef. 17.50; half barrels do., $9; compound lard, ts', to 9';e; pure !a rd, 12% to 13e; kettle rendered. LEFT OIIINA)IEN TO DROWN Six Orientals Lost Their Lives on tilt, Buffalo Sea Wall. A despatch hum Buffalo Bays: stone boat Atlas, which was works Several suspe;ts have beeu arrest- ing on the breakwall, beard a eery eft here in connection with the i.l- in the darkness. Ile landed to in- vestigation being made by the Buf- t•estigate and met a bruised and talo police with a view to finding bedraggled Chinaman crawling to - tea what white Hien smuggled from ward the boat. 11'hite helped the Canada to this port the ten China- chattering man aboard and then men, six of wheat were drowned roused the, crew to help bins look and four rescued at the Govern- for others. In a short time three went breakwall here early on more Chinamen had been pulled Thursday morning. So far none of ever the rocks and set down to dry the suspects arrested has been Iden- and toast beside the engine. The titled by the four survivors. Chief fuur men said they had conic from o' Police Taylor of Buffalo said he Toronto, and gave, their names as did not believe any white Hien lost Mock Quong, aged 42; Pong Sing, their lives in connection with the 25; Ching Jing, 22, and Chin Jou, case. The bodies of the last. two 19. of the six Chinese victims were re- The crew of the Atlas could find covered on Thursday afternoon. It nc more survivors, and tho'igh they 1s said that in the pockets of ono of sent repeated signals to the life - the drowned men were found the saving station, n., boat was sent name and address of Marks Co., cut till daybreak, by which time 687 Yonge street, Toronto. The the gasoline launch and rowboat name of this victim is not known. in which the Chinamen had crossed Two boats in which the ten from the C'anadian shore had been Chinamen had crossed from the Ca- dashed to splinters. The life-sav- nadian shore were wrecked against ers could de nothing when they ar- the breakwall, half a mile cast of rived, but attempted to extricate Michigan avenue, at an early hour the six bodies, which had been bea- (.n Thursday morning, probably ten in among the rocks of the about 1.30. The sea was running breakwall, and were showing here high and the men were thrown in- a bare stiff arm, with clenched fish to the water and dashed again and thrust up; there a frozen yellow again against the rocks. How the leg, and again a bundle of sodden survivors cause through the terrible tags and .slosh tightly wedged in boors that followed is a mystery, it rock crevice. Four of the bodies for it was not till quite 3.30 that were reeuvered, the others remain - Ralph White, a watchman on the ing tightly fastened in the rocks. store, $1.10%; Winter firm. Corn - Easier ;No. 3 yellow, 66c; No. 3 corn, 64 to 65c. Oats -Higher; No. 2 white, 53'/8 to 54e; No. 3 white, L2 to 53c; No. 4 white, 51 to 52c. Itye-No. 2 on track, 80c. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Nov. 17 -Choice butch- ers' cattle brought $1.85 per cwt., while a straight load of choice cat- tle changed hands at 84.65 per cwt. Good cattle were worth $•t to 84.40, according to weight and finish and odium were quoted nt 83.50 to $4. Few good butchers' cows were en the market. Their sales ranged et. frorn 83 to $4 per cwt. Heavy continue in demand at high figures for good steers. These sold at 83.80 to $4 per cwt. Bulls were sold at 82.85 to $3.10. The prices of good stockers were quot- ed from $3 to 83.80 per cwt. Dealers 1•eport limited offerings of springers and milch cows. Calves were slow of sale. The bulk of the offerings were nut of extra good quality. Hugs continued steady al 86 per cwt. fed and watered, for selects. + ,If CSTN'T ENTER SALOONS. Harriman itai1uays in West 1Vant Temperate Employee. .1 despatch from Portland, Ors - ,,gen, says: Ralph Blaisdell, auditor of the Harriman system of the rail- roads in the northwest, has "for the good of the service," issued an order forbidding employes in tris - -_ department visiting saloons or li Manitoba Government investigating quer houses for any purpose what -Price and Quality. ever. The order affccta about 500 empl,.yo t. Several months ago A despatch from Winnipeg says: Blaisdell discharged all the women An investigation by provincial and Dominion authorities into the qua- lity, price of oil and the general ei1 industry of the \Vest began on Wednesday. Officers went to Swan Liter, where a family of eight per - lied last week through tho explo- sion of inferior oil. Oil is selling in Winnipeg at 40 cents a gallon, whereas it is on sale 50 miles south of the border at 12 cents. The Standard Oil officer at Winnipeg swears the price is maintained uy that was meant by the two -power Nouse of Coronions on Thursday the local guild and that his eonr- 1'cents. The '2 standard of naval strength of Great pony sells to them great feature, hat at 12 r, is the 1'uitain, and his announcement charge being pressed that the nil brought out hearty cheers frons all is not up to the legal standard by .•deer. tip to the I•r••»ent time Mr. .10 points and that this has caused \,quith has been non-crnnlnittnl ninny deaths in Manitoba recently. concerning a radical definition of 'this standard which the Govern- ment is pledged to maintain. The Premier informed Arthur Lee, a Conservative member of the House, that the Government accepted the two -power standard as meaning a preponderance of ten per cent. over the combined strength in capi- tal ships of the two next strongest naval powers. This statement is taken to confirm the belief held in naval circles that at least six ad- ditional warships of the Dread- nought type will be provided for in the next naval estimates. SLIPPED UNDER THE 1('E. Alfred W. Harvey Drowned at Saskatoon, Sask. A despatch from Saskatoon, Sask., says: While skating with a party- of friends un Wednesday night on the Hudson's Bay slough Alfred W. Harvey fell heavily on his head near an air hole, break- ing through the ice and skidding for some distance beneath. Not, knowing the depth of the water, which subsequently proved to bo only two feet, his friends fenned a chain. and after some ten min- utes' distressing work succeeded in getting the unfortunate /tan to tho hank, by which time, however, it was too late. The deceased was about twenty-four years of age, and came here sonic years ago from London, England. --__-4' 011, NOT l' 1' '1'0 STAND till) .' 'i'\h0.Po1Vl:lt 5'I' \ ND \ It D. • 31r. .1•quitlt '['ells the (nmmuns \i hat He Means by H. suburban train of this rand (rein 'Coy jngton that crashed into the rear of a local Northeastern train from Hattiesburg, Miss., telescop- ing the four rear coaches, LOVERS KILLED BY 1'11.11N. .5. SUN ERS TOSSED IIV QUAKE. Death Valley Region is Visited by Set ere Shocks. A despatch frorn San Dernadino, Burial of Earl Crnndcll and Alma the surrounding country me in the i'\ ITt' fi ST \'I'i'i \I:\ II h 1•:1'5. Mika at Sand Creek. tl.roes of a series of earthquakes, Sandy which occurred Wednesday, (inns- le,.I, .(�. N",•.(,171 ing conrte nation. Many miners har,l. ?I • '•NN.•rthern, and prospectors hat(' fled from the 07' , . N.. 2 \"..1 f(1 (it;'s ; Ma.. `rl region. For three weeks there • have been one or two runibles �linneapr.li•. `�oa. 1; Wheat his �nlian.•ed bride, aged 19.E took daily. The dismal ernes of the' i' 1r•• *i.0,1, to *i.04, : M:,y, place at Sandy ('reek, near Druck. Funeral Range seemed to totter n` 4 to *1.o',', : ,.,rite wheat, title, on Wednesday. Lovers when a more severe shock came la,t hard, il.ie. No. 1 >.ithrrre, through life, they were net parted week. Miners were tossed !rout • 673; , Nr�. Northern, 81.0:,' No. their hunks. camp equipment was' 3 Spring n hr at, *I.03'; to 81.01. scattered about. horse, and mules; ilran *17 '.n to *I7.7.) Flour - 50. alae. *0.25 to *6.50 per ,.,r ( hee'i- Western, 12,' to 12' 71 flutter- 27 to 273.•..c in round lots . rt st Mine Disaster i8e in jobbing hits. Eggs --,Sales of Cxi'eatc.� ► l r.ew laid were made nt '29c. select- ed nt 26c, No. 1 al 22.'. n,,(1 N. 2J IIIIEE HIINDRED HIEN LOST of Many Years in Germany at 17",e per dezen. CAliforniA say's : Death Va11c • Anr1 - - - - - A despatch from Ottawa says: Lying side by side in their ca;keta, the double in neral of Earl ('rain dell aged 29 and Miss Alma Miles and dny in the training of Hien for in death, and the last rites were the war with the Japanese that said over the altar banked with !a•lcor =. R,'►.4(1 to tt eventually will cone. 111 thin talk flr.sit w ershere the two hite Car• stampeded, and iinnier's., boulders • •' of r,.nc ilintion between Japan and leets rested. Driving together and were thrown down. r nest p 5.5o • '• d pat••nt to $3.15 to $3.40: first China in the event ,.f another war - clears, $1 St..n0: second •fears, discus•,in their corrin marriage. - - w ith the western natio, s. g g g +.-• ►ra to *ass.). t n. is rich- their carriage was struck by a train ceases.' ' Gram ca nless report 1, ,.,.0.-,.11� Mint.,, \n. 1- Wheat Sy,ir.q and Seth were instantly killed. very brisk. 'Ai the Isl.'s. Ifir,i,er; Ne.. 1 Northern, carload. A despatch from Ilnmtn, West- Heart-rending "Des were enact- phalin, fireman}, says: The great ad at the mine when the dead and est m nr disaster in ninny years iu wounded were brought to the sur• face and there were similar scenes Ocrowny occurred on '1'hurrdny ;n the town when the injured w-ero morning at the Hedbod urine, transported through the streets to three miles from here. There war the hu•pitalQ. .1 vera !ray) explosion 111 the mine 1••inallv the fire hurl tnn'le such about 1 a.m., and almost in,medi- greet heathens. that it was d.• aid) the mine took fire. Of Aso that an3 further attempts to res• miners only sir c•cape(I without in- rue 1h,• entombed men were vain, jury. Thirty five were taken out owing to the impossibility of emere badly injured. and :17 betties were mg the galleries. At the same lime brought out. The remaining a(2 nn ,.rder was i''-im d VII no ,J th bale Leen gate/ up for lost. The neve. First reports indieatel that ,tplr"iun destroyed one of the the accident was the result of an `hafts, which had to h.' partly re- i ezplredon of real (hist, but the tailed before the re -'•ne work wax Hatetrie',ts of the injured men rea- 1,j::a. der Ilii, impossihlo.