HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 2VOUNO FOLKS `C-000000000a000000009B HARE ANI) Hot \l, "Hell,,, Freddie :" rc .• i Bob, ( ne brisk autumn nluruilif. fruit: across the hedge. ''Colne do:. tl to Jun Sandy's and Help tear up SIAM paper. We are going to have u hare -and -hound chase." It was Saturday and there was �M O V It N I N G 1N BENGAL. 1T I 1 oii treated roads have made much IGOSUMPTIO\'S lt1 U �1 D U A11 D :plaint against the treatment. third tnniterrslry of Partition u[ T�II It has been generally recognized during the last year er two that all these methods are, mere palliatives. and do not strike at the source of the trouble, namely the weaknes.; r•f the natural macadam binder. Under old-style traffic a macadam rt. ad wore out %cry slowly, hut au- tomobiles will destroy the finest surfacing in a year, stripping the top dressing down to the No. 9 stone. The water then finds, ready access and does great damage. NO TOP DRESSING. STARTING I'OINT the Prot e. - _ - A remarkable anti -European de- monstration was made throughout Bengal recently on the occasion ,.f the third anniversary of the parti- tion of the province. The natives observed the anniver- sary as a day of Mourning, discard- ing their clothes and footwear and Lies in Weak, 'Yat:ry Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Make the Blood Rich and Red. PAYS TRIBUTE TO '1 111. (.11.1 \ I) 11 011 It 1) 01111'S k I I) N i:1 PILLS .1 It 1. Fishermen Regard Thein a. a Boon Bluudlessncss is lite starting to Mankind -Mr, Frank flannel(' point of consumption. When your Ilbstaining from food. All shops 'fell. Ilett They Cured Ili. Iiaek• blood is thin and watery your were closed in Calcutta. ache, whole health declines. Your face. Se`erul police proclamations were grows pale, sour appetite fail+ and Posted everywhere forbidding meet- Garnish, Fortune 1,'a;•, Nfld., no school. In response to Boa's ra tour heart jumps and flutters at tugs and processions after 3 o'clock, i Nor. 9. (Special). -Among the fish.Many countries, facing the pros- When a girl gets married she is quest, his mother told him to ru s •the least exertion or excitement. teutent. :u,d ordering tl o arrest of any nu - quest, here, who through exposure tem of automobile wear, preferred aloe and be sure not toget off tie found carrying weapons. to wet and cold are subject to togive all attem t at maintain- plastic only the; N t Fho f The R• You are always weak and t+retch In consequence of the alarming upP man only plays a bort of bride- s( far that he could not get back ed and lose interest in everything. q g those pains and aches which conic ing a top dressing of fine screened for dinner.This is the point from which you runners that the Bengalis euutenip- from diseased Kidneys, 1)odd's Kid- stone, and have admitted traffic di- groom ubligato. At Jim's house about fifteen boys mat easily step •into that hopeless kited an attack on Europeans, two neer Pills aro looked upon as a posi- • redly upon the coarser stone, were busily engaged in tearing rho . ,•In panics of G,,rdun Hi rlaudcrs Sickle's Anti Cunsum a Syrup g decline that leads to consumption !b 1 live boon to mankind. They are; which constitutes the second layer. is agreeable to the taste, and is a strips across, so that they had thou, and the grave. \Vhat is actually `%are turned out for patrol duty, never tired of telling how their It was recognized that if this mu- sands of ''(lakes" an such ver 50 needed to bringback health and and the remainder of the regiment P.aekaches and their Rheunuitism sate ui No. 2 stone Could only be certain relief fur irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. Bob's litth• sister Marjorie was square• strength and energy is the new `. as kept under arms in the fort. 1 vanish before the great .Kidney made waterproof it. would give tre-i; Used according to directions it rich blond 1)r. Williams' fink Pills Tee hundred police with fixed bay -remedy. • , ntendous durability inasmuch ask actually make. In all the world ' l'(•t` marched to Ole scene of the; Among many others Mr. frank the abrasion on this Nuance, as, and Iresturol1ethe air r passages cold to there is no other tonic medicine:ll,uclpal assemblage in Calcutta, �Banfield, after years of sufforing,'.compared with a surface of tine their normal healthy condition. like there, and all who feel weak; ++;bile five hundred other police, in -1 as found relief in 1)egg's Kidney screenings, was practically nil. The There is no need to recommend t and easily tired should take there eluding plain -clothes men armed fills. and hero is what he is telling mosaic, in fact, on an old road is tr, those familiar with it, but to Pills at once, and regain new with revolvers, were posted in the his friends:- practically non -dust -producing, but .thine who seek a sure remedy and native city, in order to be ready "1 find Dod(1's Kidney Pills the is very susceptible to disturbance health. j are in doubt what to use, the ad Mies Ada Burke, The Range, N. 11., says :--"I feel that I cannot say too much in favor vet Ur. Williams' Pink Pills. In .!larch, 1907, 1 was BIG MONEY fur agents soiling our toilet beeps Lots malt Ing $b.0) a nay. %Vette. at once for full particulars to the SOAP SUPPLY C3. , Box 332, Toronto RAS FEATHER DYEING Ci siing Sod Curling .uJ Kid (;levee tiraned TG•N OSS esera l.r i -.•t le per o.. 0.. Lou, la:* Is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. AluNTilLA7. WELL, WHAT OF I1' deftly sewing a couple of stout bur lap bags fur the hares to carry thl r paper In. No one knew yet wh would be hare and who hound. -Ted Forseyth ought to bare." said one boy, "becau .a' ho goes hunting. and he knew, the cc entry better than any one • 1.0 "Then Harr, Smith ought to be one, too," said Bob. Finally if was decided that. Harry should lead the hounds. and tI•nt Ted, with Allen Greenough, bo the hares. At length estrytiii'la to quell any rioting. . best medicine for Backache I have I v water and disruption by frost. Forty thousand Bengalis paraded ever used. I on l used two boxes the streets. the procession being a slut they cured me of Backache I i TAR FOUND BEST. mile and a hall lung, and stopping 1 ud Kaci fur five years. It started' It bas been fotuid that tar could attacked with whooping cough all traffic. Surendranath Buner. through a strain. My father's back be used to make the mosaic water- !op of its nest with cuhwe`l. wh'e't sshieh clung to me fur tcsera! jee, the "uncrowned king" of Ren- ui o bothered him, and he gut Burne proof. A tar compound is applied ii a non-conductor of elrrtr city. • months, and when the cough disap- peared gal, was escorted by a sodyguard.'relief from one pill I gave him. 1-i the road in a liquid condition, ----- i `_ },eared I was loft weak and run He walked beneath the standard of, They were too precious to Bite hien and hardens among the fine inter- unmcr I was ailing, B p P a: i t I u es beingiiiade by the agitators, an(1 pais:, 3 It Is en „tut,aeut that ba, brought relief too R 1 I ilia. (waterproof and a road so treated tl.uuaand.. atcempts to create disturbances! \Vhy do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure will shed water like the proverbial were promptly suppressed. A F.uru-. Backache 1 Simply because Back -.duck's back. In fact, if the road peen corporation official was attack-, ache is Kidney ache, and Uudd's; happens to be imperfectly drained c,;I outside the university, and his Kidney Pills positively cure all 1 s'• as to Ieate puddles titter a rain, carriage was atoned. Our of rho kidney aches and ills. This hugs the water in the puddles will not footmen was severely injured, and been proved in thousands of cases, be absorbed by the road and will enlv escaped death in consequence'it. Granada. If you haven't used only disappear by evaporation. A single treatment will give good results for a year, and will fre- quently show good effect much lon- ger. Sprinkling is unnecessary and ver uecnsiol!.il cleaning is the only (-are requir4J. A treatment for such roads costs about 9:;00 per mile, and calls for no apparatus except an ordinary sprinkling cart will► a special ad- justable nozzle. It is pretty well established that the tarviatcd surface preserves the road so well as to more than save its cost in the renewel of the stone. Automobile traffic, instead of break- ing it up, actually snakes it smooth- er. %ice is -try Bicklt's Syrup. Before a thunderstorm, the Au. siralian humming -bird covers the Bengal. I mora All ersons sufferingfromoNT,, o sane lit:. r old Moo remedies for a St1CCS of the roadway somewhat like atinnH•ctinn, nu•hasY.ozema,Ringworm. Heald. The police prevented any speech-; Backache should use Dodd'a Kidney `cement in concrete. It is absolute! • head and aiinuar an•ruonr i. Weaver's ('crate. needed was ready. down. All sl The rules were that the I' ees but when the' autumn came I seem should have ten minutes' start ever ed to be completely worn out. For the others, that they must drop n whole moth I never moved out paper wherever they went, and that side the house, and could scarcely the hounds must follow the paper walk about the house I was so trail unless they actually ca fight weak. I had no appetite, my color sight of their quarry, when they ++a'I a greenish yelli,w.. I had Fe might cut across lots.vert. headaches and would be almost Bob was a hound. How ini,•n'i- breathless at the least exertion. I ently he waited with the buys f''1' took scleral bottles of medicine, the ten minutes to go by! fherra but it did not help me, and then were groat discussions as to exact Illy mother got Inc three boxes of b where the hares would go, and. lyr. \Villi ms' Pink Fills, when I everybody seemed to think that had used them I was much better they would certainly cross Bra'k's and by the time 1 had taken an - meadow. This was a huge, rola►"i' other three boxes I was again oi- lfield 1if pasture -land. In spit,; of iu't-ing the best of health, with a the fact that it was called a m:.t- dnw, it was half -wooded, and af- forded many a flee chance for ti hares to relieve each other, •)'1 laying a part of the trail, while the. other took a shorter route. The ten minutes were past, and the race began. M1 the boys to- gether pretty well at first, and ran ie good form. Bob and a boy calls,1 Cb., Brockville, Ont. Roger Irwin were not so fast. Th: reason for this was that they two -' had not been practisin as the Shc--"Do you like dark hair or others had for the chase, since they golden?" He -"Dark ; you can al - had not known anything about it. stays sec it quicker in the butter." After the second hill, Bob and Roger began to lag a little. The A Small Pill, but Powerful. BABY'S WELFARE run had been up a road, across a They that judge of the powers of small steam in a valley, up the :1 pill by its size, would consider MOTIIBR'S CHIEF CARE, other side, and now they were I'arntelee's Vegetable Pills to be I:%cry mother is naturally anxi- headcd, as had seemed likely. for locking. It is a little wonder cus that her little ones shall be Brook's meadow. The stui shone Among pills. What it lacks in size healthy, good natured and bright. brightly, but the air was still crisp) it makes up in potency. The runeL''.ery mother can keep her little and invigorating. lc les which it carries are put up in ones in this condition if she will Suddenly Bub grabbed Roger's these small doses, because they are ire them an occasional dose ao[ hearty appetite. good color and re- newed energy." 1f you want new health and new strength try Dr. Williams' fink Pills, a fair use of this medicine will not disappoint you. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50 from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine of the bravery of the coachman. --#- INSULTED. Andrew Thomas was a great "forgetter." He forgot to pay the them yourself ask your neighbors. It Retains Ohl and Makes New Friends. - Tinie was when Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil had but a money he owed, and to give people small field of distribution, but now back the things he borrowed. its territory is widespread. Those Moreover, ho was "touchy'' on the who first recognized its curative subject, so that few of his friends qualities still value it as a speci- liked to hint that he had any of fieand while it retains its old their property in his possession. One day one of thein took his cour- age in his hand. "Where's that five dull' )you borrowed of me last month, An- drew!" he asked. "1 don't want to seem tight, but I've just got to-" Andrew replied with dignity, "Dict you ever see anything I didn't return 1 No, I guess you didn't." friends it is ever making new. It is certain that whoever once uses it will not bo without it. -- ONLY MADE DUST STICKY EXPERIMENTS 11'1T11 1.IQl'lDS 1'011 PREVENTION. Al! But Tar found to b0 l'-1.14-. iu I'rtaenting Dust en Road.. The thousands of experiments for the suppression of dust on macadam roads which have been made dur- r In the race for wealth the aver- age man acts like a Lorre of a long-. eared breed. There is nothing more uncertain than a woinun-except another wo- man. The delicious flavor and aroma of "Salada" Tea is preserved by the use of sealed lead packets. It is never exposed to the sun, dust, dirt, air, the surrounding odors and contaminating influences of other goods as bulk or loose teas are. A teapot test will show the difference. When :a girl yawns it's up to the young elan to get in the home 0retch. The superiority of Mother Graves' Worn Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Puri'hase a bottle and give it a trial. Muthcr-"Did you get that awful cold while out playing?" Son -"No mother ; I think I eaugbt it washing my face yesterday morning." 1,000,000 RAW FURS VI'ANJEO SKINS Melo ' .w• t..' 1 a vita („r prise tint row,e,e SU:Man Hinshaw, Deep [rook. Annaa,,ue Co .111•411. • ARE YOU SICK ? A'` ear""'"" abut a.y uaturil to:t..e,sie 1. .0 C . u' a ..7 .v•ry Cas•. 9u Jean' •7- Ieri•nre,n lieurushy. I...t laud and 1 aa,d:a the .lCefrf.ar t hetuieal worts, i9. deal,., street, U,rn*, 7.17,1 .rive. RHNGB FR EE l r y +el to j - a,y It lye k,. <, , 7,-, stele..`«:.t L.�, j,..• A•. Platers Post Cards 1117 for loc. tar .til. PEI 50 DI0.4 1 -•t rear 7.'7.0 e. 7,11111,17•8, ,.u.. patd. ,t.1. U .a. t : a t•kge seed •cud W , ver at '4 a..t J.. l wLl . •.-n. by re,.:.n mater. ream.• ,t three Watts. 1.4 11k a -bd u.1a I.,d atnp •. 1.4•• gm 77.7 e.t'.dlr b' 6,,77:ul I7..4 7.4.Mur ..tb 1 ,i.. $lrab'. Reuel:l, s t0 cu.•'-.. boas 0.1,7 d.l.r- t•••ft• 1. -day .•.•r 1.t 1 " 1.7: t- ,Ytr! sura .'...ala r ,.7.,:e.7 rrem'.•rLL a,\na. AJd,r.e Colonial Art Co-, Dept. 53. Toronto ARE BEST Ai17 [v[Ryrosv !MOWS IrPArt le BUY THE [MST gond for Our rise (•atalogue No.:; Re e Bell PUJ & Oran Co.. la. Guelph, 01 Makers of t•11 Pianos, sal Crgano toe Autonola Payer Manse. Large Manufacturing FLAT TO LEASE 67-71 Adelaide St. West About 40x200, lighted by thirty-five windows, the en- tire length of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat in central part of Toronto ; rental includes power, steam heat. water. 'electric light, a 10 per cent. less Tian cit rates ; lowest insurance rat immediate possession ; 1 rental to high-class tenant St FRANK WEE OWN ER 73 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, ONT. f Every mother, every father, arm. n powerful that only small doses ing the past fisc years have now do -r""-� t= -J ever head if every local "Look!" h•• said. "What do you are required. The full strength of tabs. Own Tablets. Thede Tab- '.els ed a vast amount of data o11 home, in r•ow given t• n opportunity to test ,"r•d sec, mating along by that clump,the extracts is secured in thiform lets cure all stomach and bowel the subject, which is summarized the finest hou -enol b:h'.ul the world knows troubles, freak up colds, destroy iii Municipal Engineering, as !"i Chapped places, e: zCnla, ulcers, scalp sores, of trees --over there toward the 1 and do their work thoroughly. worms and make teething easy. Equ- eorner of the fencer ally good for the new born baby! lows : eCalde, cuts, 1.ruie�s, titlrns, face blemishes Roger looked in the direction in -,It takes two to make a quarrel - or All kinds of promising compound- sores dun to blood-poiacning-- all aro healed dicated. ' but that is no reason why you the well Brenn child. Mrs. 1S'. . I;. Stewart, St. Georg`•, \. R., which snake the dust sticky ver hes;:. by Z._ni Eek. ` have been tried. Sometimes ll„ ' end ll. land vet ti.rment•thenmue "1 see a whits cap," he said. should be one of them. sats :-"I have used Baby's Own:f this pup, r,%t,a lc e amp )Ic 7.n% "Good gracious, Bob, it is ,Men! Tablets for my little ones for sev-i Irate been of a character that woo i+ Itctr.,lr.,rt,i.i.,,,tnd wo oii) matt It's gone now :" A Pigg stPRF.tnn in dry grass. on dries an erel years and have found them re- permit of their being dissolved ..: 'That', what I thought." said inns'. 11 bm in the throat gr..w down into the ' water, and used from all ordinals, lungs. np41 promptly with A cold as with a Sr'. liable in all emergencies. I (ran - Tub "bill, I wasn't quite certain." and whau you begin to cough use AII.u'a Lung not praise the Tablets too highly." i sprinkling cart. giving to the water i (They were several hundred yards Balsa's- Sold by medicine dealers c.r by mail' 't soup` or sticky character to do i behind the ''pack." According to r i lay evaporation. the rules, they might cut across if a girl is in love with n young at. ums11I1IediC ne Co.,r� Brockville lay, of these liquids have ew and capture file hares. man she can't see anyone else in a Ont.monstrated their ability to keep t S 1Vithout a word, they made tura crowd.�.___.� road dustless for a short period. point n lit_Ie beyond the clump of hone of them aim to, or have sun trees. They calculated that 'red They are Carefully Prepared. - Mr.. Frills -''Now that i have eeedcd in presenting dust forma - and :Men were going straight Pills which dissipate themselves in engaged you, Bridget. I am going tion. home now. and that it would be the stomach cannot bo expected to to begin to give soil n little train- Sea water has also been used in easy to head them off. A hard run have much effect upon the intestines nig in the art of waiting on guests. sea coast cities to tome been of a quarter ofitnide brought and to overcome costiveness the You Fee, my daughter is coming g• , t them to a little grove of trees b • Mot Cilie administered must infln out next month- Bridget - resulting in a considerable bas ing lite road near the home. or goal once the action of these canals. "Indade, mum! \n' how long ons of (ho run. l'arnletec's Vegetable Pills are so shr in prison I" "There they come'" exclaim • 1 made, under the supervision of ex- _ _ Bob, as he saw the two buys tr.t pert s. that the substance in them SAMPLE COPY FREE leisurely os er the rise in ('.3: intended to operate on the intes- j tines is retarded in action until grouna. He and Roger stepped out. "We! the bowels. Raw l00! 'VC saw your white cap: 1 they she•.it:d. i it's cast' to see the blessings of The hares were caught, much t ,! poverty through the eyes of a mil- their own surprise. "1 ought to! lionaire. bate known," admitted .hien. Int- . et. "Frcddie's little sister told ole' Corns cause intolerable pain.I on the American Continent. not to wear it before we starter ' Holloway's Corn Cure remotes the Guess she would make a pretty'; trouble. Try it, and see what No progressive farmer can of d hherself if she wer • eel': amount of pain is saved. ford to be without it i'ul,l,>h goo are ed weekly. Only $1.50 per year. bigger.' ! - ro ► Dpost card fr r 1r. r semi '.' Presently the '•pack" came tom*,-: Two young ladies were talking the 1 tired and winded. Bob and it"(;er.l, titer day about a third who had r"'1" Agents Wanted. :1.1 11' who had kept their eyes open nna'jl,,,t become engaged to a widower. sa'0d their legs, were the hu -,:e. who plats the cornet, and has f.,,,r, ,.f the day, and they were n its .% Mention this paper. 1.4,11 tion Ont. triuntl.hant. - V ':Ith's ('4)1111. fns'' . 1=+a1 V'•' ',id you like to have a sani- 1 '• t•opv of The F'armer's 441- %o0rte and Home Magazine! 'THE BEST ACRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER "THE FARMER'S ADVOCATE " chtldre tl. •'What. could be worse, exclaimed one. "then four children and a cornet t" '•Xothing," said the other. "except. perhaps, Fix children and a trombone." The doll is the oldest form of 'tNthing kn•,wn. .1 I:ItI(UHT 110V. sat," r)ueri.si ► erre .isn't you gid a my hog ,7 17 •.;i,in In 7'.•;•. 51••10 f' '.1 11o11't kn"w,' IC•loined 1770 14.7 I,'r. "What can he do'.'' rej•'intd the !'.trent, Il.m t Fuppe se he could du mut!, • hist. • rept buy and sell ft"(Ni• and n.aeage your LU.iliess f. ; later on when he Kat. .4 1'crlenee and <cn•,' he might he ai7i7 1,1 .weep nut. du ell• packages and rim crral.rls..• It ,..,I hate3 +.-.•ret 1.. LI•.1,, . 1t rp atitl !bl-,,w away tise key Otte elep)tail s "•'d ,- ,f•ttc'i His pounds • f rs. Men should look for th;s Tag on Clic wing Tobacco. It gua:ar'.ccsthchijh qualify of rp • i Watch Ot 1..1i)1' HIS LINE "1 presume, my good fellow, you're n laborer r" said a lawyer tr a plainly-dres..ed witness. "Von are right. i am a workman. ,;r," replied the wittles!. who was n cis it engineer. "Familiar with the use of the Irick. shovel. and spade, I pre - tome .''tent. Those are not 1!, i;leip,ll implements of my :I:LIC. t lo"ll •Perhaps 301* will condescend to c e'i;rl:t •n me as to your principal ,•',t'len'cnts. ' 11 it hardy worth while Y '1 1 ,,!•t 1''u10r•t led their nate 11.. Il: i B?Jek Pha^,. i' .• l:.shit, • n hat the, arc. gosis.:AEilr:c esas.saws was.. e t -...l111, First it soothes the pain ; then its ante septic essences kill all disea'e germs on a wound. Then it bulls up now tissue. Mothers hate proved it best for the delicto skin of babes. It is purely herbal, never go. s rancid, never stains, is free from tho us‘ animal fats, and mineral poisons. It is used tho t+J .1 over ! Why 1 Once you try it. you will know, Ail stores and druggists, 50e. box or post free, not fu; t'o., Toronto. M yL Tme GREAT SKIM -CURE. in sprinkling expense. There are in Quebec to-dac de 1)O NOT REACH SOURCE. scendants of \Volfe's highland:ra,' Considerable who stormed the place ; but, though Scottish in evrything elle, they treated with oiareas have been e ls of various grades; speak French, and do not know and gravities produced from either; English. petroleum or asphalt. Their effect upon the road has lasted consider Plaster, SrnsrlTrTR for "Tho n s t, Mentholably longer. and a good treatment 1 laster, Alth....eh a.me untor190107.s dealers stsy with oil will keep the road dustless .ayther•i.. R.00mmen'fe•I7.j Incton•hurpi181*, clergy aa•I •.erpb nty, for .sinner, pinert•y, etc• for wheels, inasmuch as it will not evaporate, but will disappear only b, absorption into the loadnay. The serious detriment in the use of oil, however, has been the fact that it is ohnoxiuus to pedestrians. Skirts and shoes are stained by it, rend the autumobilists and carriage' owners often complain of damage +• their '.chicles. ostiole` the oily dust, which does :1• -0 sornetinles from an oil- t•e'at(' . 1 sad is especially dirty and' obnox . and p7,•(lerty owners on ISsL E NO. 10 09. lady -''1 am looking for a goser- ne$S for ins. children." Manager .'f Intelligence Office --"Didn't we Supply you with one last week'" "Yes." "Well. madam, according t,- her rep .rt. you don't need a guvernr•'s. You need a w ild beat tamer •' A L1TTi.R QUIP!' is lbs hest ni all dist yet It win nut mikebans and muscle but "Ferrorira will. T.y it All drug and general st tie.. 1 .1M1'LE GBOL'Nir:: A little h y. aged five. had been severely punislr'd by his parents for disobcdi(IC•'. and the next day, without a word to anyone. tie bur- ticd off to the family legal adviser. who happened to be a partieula.s friend of his. "\Nell, .lnhnny," said the pian ; law-, after he had shaken ham with him. "w hat can I do for you "Please. Mr. Brown." said t' }dung litigant, "I want to get a vorce from our family' ' In Samoa the smart ladies weal tortoise -shell bats. Lots of bad people are found ie jail. and some worse ones are found out. FREE TO YOU - -MY SISTER race TO YOU AND [v471v r l .Tt n 6UrrLS,Nu FRJM ISOMLN 3 Alt-MONTS 1 ..tn a woman. t know a .soman', suffering • I hove found a cure. 1 a ill mad, free of charge. my home treat - meta w;lh hill instructions to any sufferer from %%oteten's ailments, 1 -.ant to tell all woolen about the cure -yon, my reader, for yourself. %our daughter, your mother, or your sister. i ,rant to tell you how to cure yourself at hone, esilhoul the help of a doctor. \len cannot un- derstand women's sufferings. tVhat we women know from experience, we know better than any doctor. 1 know that my home treatment is a sale and sure cure for all female ate.k• nesses peculiar to our set. 1 want to send you a complete in days' •treatment entirely free to prose to you that you can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and ..n el). Rern •,uurt tot• ' .-est you nothing to give the treatment 1 4emplete iris!: and .f you should wi,'- •,• owe, it will cost yoo only about to cents a week, or less than two cents a day. It will not inter ere with your work or Occupation. Just send me your name and address. tell me how• you Itiffer. if you wish, o, d 1 will se 30.1 the treatment for your case, en'irety free, i . l'�./'.11 w'-dpper. by return .nail. I will also send you free of eostmvh • Pt - "WOMAN'S OW4 MEDICAL AO/11E1V wink exp'anatory illustrations showing why won► 1n stiffer, and Iiow !he% can `:retry curl' themselves at home. Every adman. i •nld ha% e it, and lr.crn to think for herself" Then when the doctor sas1 - " You n1,1.1 have an operation,- you can decide for yourself. Thr'lsir.ds women h.,% • . .-.1 then►se:.es with my h.ime remedy. It curesall, old or young. •iso Mot'ier; 01 Daughters. I will explain a simple snot treattnem w h , h <l•; rd•:y- and ,Cat-., •.1, t . •. Painful and irregular Menstr .al.on in %nnng Ladi ••. I'I4mpnc.s and health a o .4 s result from its use. Wherever Pert. iive I can re'rr %,. t . ' . ' of t nnr •..: -t locality ahs ken•. w1:1 gladly tell any sufferer Ililt +,r, 110 '10 Treatrtar t • ourss all woman's i is- ra,ee ani make, women •trove;, 7':.1771,',• 1,1 7 • , • J.1.t said ms your addrats, Ion 1 the tree tel days' 'realms:.t •, 404711, nl• , - 7. • .'. ,, J.%V. .s 700 may! 1107 s.•,• Itis offer rg l;n. .1.1..11 e,, :- MAS. 111. SU 1 :IFIS Box 103. Wlnitor, Ont, :amscsrr=rr:-» -_ . ,• ,l. P.VFT'ISON & CO. 33-35, SCOTT S F., 1 ORi)`TO, Stock Brokers and Financial A cnt3 COBALT and ot11_7- .t`i:t'.; bought ands,kI f)1, tis;I.ln i.•;!;tort. C.r)rres;7Orltience i;I%it- ecl. Orders nlwirctl •'tt Over expense.