HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-19, Page 1THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR -NO N33
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v•♦•••••JONES & ♦ CLARKS'
Pliotie No. 32. ♦♦
Christmas only Five Weeks Away
It is Time for us all to get Busy Zs
Christmas will soon be upon us. A few • Z
weeks' are nut long in passing away so we cannot ••
start to soon to make our preparations. Presents
to think of, presents to buy and a good many more
Store things to think about.
This will be found the Busy Store from now
until the Holiday season is over. We are filled
up with the good things to make you or your •
friends happy for the Xmas Season. Come right • i
in and let us show you all our good things. It others, but when duty demanded' er
will do you good and do ud good to see you. •• l viewswerewer�erccagpttzcetl his'icharacter-
d 'by level-headedness, thorough
honesty. candor and elisinterested-
rtess. Ile w•ns so exceedingly careful
to fulfill all his obligations, that
those who knew hire well placed ex -
Osborne 1 Elimville
Alexander 'Turnbull, whose very
sudden death from heart failure wasEliza (Lamport. relict of the lata A meeting of the Council field in
oui autuel Andrew was torn on Juno the Town Dalt on Thursday 5th i
embers present were Reeve
chr cicd last week to these col- b
utnns. was born in U.eborue fifty
year's ago. his father and mother be- and emigrated nt'lth her family in 1 Dobler anti Councillors Johns !tea
the 8th. 1834, in Somerset Eatgland)' Dl - Nov.-
the following year to Canada. where • ina n ter! Knight.
AI David and Isabella 'Turnbull. they settled near Woodstock and! Mr. 1). Wynn presented a ,
About twenty-four years ago he was y petition .
married to Elizabeth, 4. the only continued do live there for about, signed L)• himself and others asking, Our Stoves are Right, Our Prices are
daughter of the tato James Ifackncr, t'nghteeyers hmoved en they at ed .to' for an electric light at the rasher
Their marriage was blessed with sew- the 6thn' (:oawrt. of Stephen, south of of Cal ling .wad Mill streets, granted
en sons and two daughters, all of Crediton, where some of her tam}}y also that alight be place,( at the
whom survive their father. M}r. still reside. Shortly after coming to corner of Victoria orad Mulberry
Turnbull was a staunch iLiberal Stephen, deceased was married to streets. •
without ibeing narrow in his political Samuel Andrew tend 'they made 4hcirJ Mr. R. ,Gillies interviewed the
affiliations. Ile has been fur many )tome at lot 13, Con. A, Us/ionic iu
years a member of the Thames Read the Council regards the opening of
alponeer days. 'thirty-nine years Canning Factory avenue to connect
ago. 'iher husband, after a brief ill- with his property
her of the !loyal 'Tempters, end also
Presbyterian church, n faithful meat_ 1` tiidawsudith"' a ohibiren,eves
Bhaloft tat otttpurchase
htr basettho that and continuo
a member of the Independent:. Order
of Foresters. lie was a mall of uu- ly she took up .l he sad task a!toted the street to ,,aero side of Mr. Gillis
ostentatious disposition, never fn- her, mninlat9►ing ,the family alter.! Property. --Carried.
truding his views or opinions upon with steadfast trust in God. Sh
$1.00 per year in advance
Everything in
Nice Fur Muffs
Very suitable for a present.
We have a nice assortment in
Alaska Sable, Isabella Sable,
Isabella a ell' F'oz, Black Linz,
Stone Martin & Bear.
From $7 up to $25.
Warm' Neck Ruffs
The most comfortable pre•
sent you can buy Alaska Sable
Isabella Sable, Isabella Fox,
Black Link, Stone Martin,
Bear & Persian Lamb.
Frost $3.00 up to $30,00.
Fur Lined Coats
For a good warts cornfort-
able garment the Fur Lined
Coat beats theta all. 1Ve have
the best in the land and at the
very lowest prices, Call and
get our prices.
Fancy Handkerchiefs s
100 dozen of the beet assort-
ment we ever had. They are silica confidence in his work. Ile
certainly a nice lot and are .♦ never failed his friends, nor took ad -
sure to please you. Plain and 2? vantage of his neighbors in his bus -
Fancy, 'White and Colored • faces dealings with ,them, but was
all the way. •• ever wining -to lend a helping hand,
Front 5c. up to 50c. each.•Z aeat considered honesty 4o be the
• policy. The high esteem In
• which he was held was manifested
t :by the very large concourse of sor-
trowing friends and neighbors on Fri-
day at the funeral, which was con-
•• ducted by his pastor, the Rev. Colin
•• Fletcher, assisted by Revs. W. M.
• Martin rind Mr. LJlcKayt
2 The pall -bearers. were his broth-
••ers, Rev. Dr. Turnbull. of Toronto,
1 \V, A. Turnbull. of ITsbornc and
j• his brothers in law, John Hackney,
Detroit. Rev. Geo. lfaokneY, Bristol.
t• , Que., Chas. Meknes'. Exeter and
= Itubt Gardiner, Osborne.
i Mr. Loyd Aldworth of hayfield is1
visiting friends
Fancy Silk Wraps
Nice fancy silk Scarfs,
Wraps and Facinators for
Evening wear. They are very
swell goods and would make
a lovely gift.
From $1 to $3
Ladies Fancy Collars
Just arrived. The new Col-
lars, they are swell, all colors
and shapes. \Ve have the low
ones and the high ones, right
u; to your ears if you wish.
Christmas Ties
W are re t
ftr t
nate it
our our New Ties in early this
year. \\'e can show you the
New Natty stuff. Nothing
Netter has ever been shown in
Gents Scarfs
beet t•
to have ever
shown in all the new patterns
of Mixed Greens, Blues,
Browns and Greys. Also
Plain Blacks and Whites.
Prices ut)c., nuc., $1.00, $1.25
Boys! Do not fail to see both these lines
Turkeys 10c. Ib, Live 12c. lb. Dressed; Cl -ticks
7c. lb Live 9e. Dressed; Hens 5c. Ib. Live 7c. lb.
Dressed; Ducks 9c. ib. Dressed; Geese Mc. lb.
Dressed. Cash paid one cent less than above.
& Clark
IIcadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
♦••••••N•N••••••NN•••• ••••••••••♦••N••••
•••••♦•••••••N•••• ••••••••••••••••••N•♦••••
R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8„ D.
We have a large amount of private funds I D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
can on farm and village properties eblowrabe 1 University.
It.trrigtere SpIlcitors, Main st.lExeter 1 Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury's
FRANI( (7AIION, Veterinary Suri Main street-ExETttlt.
gems. Successor to A. R. Ram.
say, V. 8. Treats all domestic ani -1J W• BROWNING, M. D., M. C
mals on most approved principals. I • P. S., Graduate Victoria Un
Special attention to dentistry. Office varsity, office and resldenence. Dominion
at Ramsay's old stand on Main street, Laooretory, Exeter.
Night call at Peter hawden's residence Associate Coroner of Huron.
Main street.
♦•�• n. R here.
♦ Rev. .Dr. Turnbull returned to his
•• 'Toronto home in
ZZ• Mr. Wilson of 'tralford visited
51r. and Mrs. noughts last week,
_= Mr. Edward Pack left o'nl /Tuesday
2 to visit friends in England.
1[r. W. T. Douglas has . cured
• the services of a Woodwork,••'Mid
Zis now prepared to do all kinds of
wood !work. l
ZMr. inert Rundle hvho has betel
working 'for Mr. df. Rundle +has pur-
r chased the farm of Mr. A. Fuller,
t near Wootl.hant.
Miss Maud .Campbell of Exeter,
visited friends here last week,
Rev. ?Geo. Hackney. of Quebec, turd
Mr. John 'Hackney, of Detroit, at-
tended the funeral of their brother
in-law. 'Alexander Turnbull. last Fri-
Dir. John and Diaster Kenneth 151e -
Nicol spent Saturday to Monday vin-
iting their brother'Arr. d). A. aleNicol
of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. !Beavers have return-
ed from Brantford, after a pleasant
visit with friends.
A 'baby girl arrived at elle home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fulton. on
Friday last.
Mr. R. D. frurnbull and W. A. Gar-
diner, dt fit. Marys, attended the
funeral of their uncle. Mr. Alex.
'i'urnlell Iaat tv' k.
Mr. ,deter 'Gardiner of 'Blyth at-
tended the funeral of his uncle t he
late .Alexander e
agt<1 r Ttten ht on Turnbull 1 Friday
Miss Mtinnie M. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. flaynham, was married
on Wednesday Nov. the Iltb. to Mr.
Chas. M. Mitchclh 't prosperous
young farmer of /this vicinity.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. W. 11. Butt, in the presence of
abont 30 invited guests. After the
ceremony a wedding dinner was
ERNEST ELLIOT served. followed by a musical pro -
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
gra. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell 1,ft on
the ntttrnoort train on a Mu °r hon.
M°\EY to loan a 1. for rates, ey11100n trip.
North w est tan 1. for sale. We are Snowing some Choice
Main St t Exeter
• res , Stock in BORN
B_1111.1.1P8,• ` PIAN�F(lLTON-In 1'sbornc. on Friday
8.1' 111 Li,I P8, 1: SF:'1'li1t, LIG I S November 13t1t. to Mr, and Mrs.
• ensed Auctioneer. Sales con 1 0 Lawrence Felton. a daughter.
t 1 all England -In Sarnia, Sunday Lvov..
nth. 'to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eng‘
font;. :h sari.
A7,E.-in Exeter Tuesday, Nov. 17
to Mr. and Mrs. W. •Vale, a (taught-
due ee in a parts. Terms mss reasonable fr0111 the best Canadian (nak-
Orders can be left at the 'TIMES Office j
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con, Good Secondhand
ducted in all farts, Terms teasonabl Square Piano
and satisfaction guaranteed to \f r. and ,Ales. John Cann n Iron.
at a bargain. .TORY. -1n Stephen. "Thursday, ,Nov.
daughter12th. 0 Mr. and Mrs. B. 'tory a
We have unlimitedprlv''s funds for levee! Also three MARRIED
- sot neon farm or vilh►getropertyat lows. \V11 SO\ LA\WSr)\-At the home of
.)e, of intetemt. good second-hand the !pride's parents Stephen on
Nov.18th. fYad,e
hentsefo.rtli devoted cher life do her
family, and the noble manner jn
which she reared then, and provided
for them was remarked upon by the
whole neighborhood. ""ler children
shat arise up .and call her blessed.'
Deceased twos of a retiring disposi-
tion, very slow to make friends but
her friendship once given was .ns
lasting as life. She spent several
years with her sons in . Manitoba
and five years ago was the subject
of a severe stroke from which she
never fully recovered. and on Oct.
23rd. she was stricken nga�iat,, recov-
ering to some extent. On Nov. 6th.
ahe 'wished to be dressed and' get up
but the attempt was too much. Iler
heart failed to do its work and life
ebbed away. Iter tspir•it Zook its
flight on Nov. 6th Three sons and
one daughter survive her, Joseph of
llarniota, .who for many years has
been Secy. Treas. of that munici-
pality, Samuel and ,henry, success-
ful farmers of that vicinity, and Mrs.
Joshua Johns, of Eliinville, with
whoa, she spent the last four years
of ter life and from :whose residence
the funeral took spleen on Monday
Nov. the P11t., her ,remains being .in-
terred in the Elimvi)le cemetery.
Rev. Robert !licks of Crediton An
old noluaintance of the family con-
ducted the services in n eery impres-
sive manner in the unavoidable ab-
sence of her pastor, Rev. II. J. Fair.
Deceased 'was a consistent member
of• h >♦
rte Methodist t"s Church e hoL t I;htr h
for more
than fifty years. and for her death
had no terrors, but with every pre-
paration made, she calmly awaited
her end. A familiar passage she
oftimes quoted "I have learned with
Paul to say, in wbatsover state I am
I stave learned therewith -to be con-
tent''. 1
lleaman-Knight, that the reeve
and Councillor Johns be a committee
to procure the property neeeess:try.
Carried .' . •
Johns -Knight, that council pay
$16. for nurse in attendance of Mr.
S. Baskerville order to he made pay-
able to W, J. Bissett. -Carried
W. J. 1Ieamaal; Acting cicrk'i
Friday Nov,, 6th'. 19118 .
Regular meeting of the Council of
the villago of Exeter. All the mem-
bers present ,
Rev. D. W. Collins addressed the
the council in reference to the illness
at he
of Mr. Baskerville stating th
was in bad circumstances and
/bat the council help him as
see fit.
A. E. Fuke, that in the matt
buying the roadway for the Gills
as passed at ithe special me
of the council held on the .`nth.
be reconsidered and the action
taken at the meeting be canoe
and again be reconsidered at .
meeting. Seconded by Coun.
and carried
Per /Knight -Beaman, that • the
council purchase the land and con-
tinue the street to the north side of
the nroperty as purchased by 'the
Gillis Company. Per Fuke, that the
council purchase the land and con-
tinue the street to the south side of
the Gillis property. The ,notion, de-
clared carried.
The following accounts 'were or-
der , Paid, to 1 T - White t Thos. o, t�streetwater-
ht .,t t -
ing $53.90; Thos. White, labor. 50c.;
Thcd. Jones, $1.87; Geo. Cud►nore,
$2.50; Sid Sanders, *6.75; Alf. Bed-
ford. $1.50; 'Geo. Atkinson, ,$3.00;
Rd. Davis, $2.75 ; W. J. itissett, pt.
salary, $33.00; Exeter Canning aunt
Preserving Co. gasoline, $8.45 ; C.
W. Cross, salary Cemetery, tt29.00;
\V. Vale, labor at cemetery, $1.50;
Electric Lighting Co. street lighting
' $106.08; do Town ILill, $3.60t The
,motion for $16.00 as passed at last
meeting for nurse in attendance with
S. Baskerville was rescinded and mace
payable as $15.00. A. E. Mike acting
The council of the villago of Exe-
ter met on Friday Nov. 10th, at the
office of the clerk. All members
Present. The minutes of the meet-
ing of Oct. 22nd, were read and ale
meet -
By -law, No. .8. 1908, huthorizing
levying and collecting of theMuni-
cipal taxes for the year was read and
an ,notion of W. Johns, seconded by
W. ,J Beeman. ttte same Was read a
second and third time and finally
passed, the Reeve and Clerk signing
the sante.
The committee re•purebase of the.
er of
II; Shelf
Canada Steel, on legs
Art Garlands, large
„ Souvenirs „
Empire Garlands
Modern Jeweils
Wood and Coal Heater
to $.;9.o
to $_}S.00
$34 00
$4.50 to $2 2.00
Stoye Boards, Mats, Elbows, Pipes, Dampers, etc. Scranton Coal.
The Anniversary Services nit tileth-
esda Church held Sunday and Mani -
day Were the most successful evefr
given my the church, the ,proceeds
of 101e tea oft Monday night being
$66. An interesting program was
given iMonday evening, when ad-
dresses ,were given by Revs. Bur-
gess. of Elimvllle and Collins and
'Martin, of Exeter. Solos were giv-
en by Misses tlluston. rollick and
!forward and Mr. Senior, of Exeter.
There aro women ,wino -re comely.
There are women 'l,u are homely.
Bat re careful how the latter necessary land for roadway in the.
(fins' you ,try
There are women who are healthy,
There are women who are 'wealthy,
There ar.• women 'who will always
have !heir way. and the lot from Mr. Knight for 25
There are women woe are trulhfttl, dollars .
approach to the Gins Co. 'D1iBs was
presented. . The council report, t)
having securer! the land from 'M r.
tlawkshaw at 00 dollars per acre
ere are women who are youthful.
Was there ever nny woman .,who
was old1
There are women who are sainted.
There are women who nre painted.
There nre women who are worth
their weight in gold.
There are women who 're lender,
There are women who nre slender,
There nre women very large and
fat and red.
There are women who have married.
There are women who have tarried.
There nre women •who can't talk
-hut !they me death , •
Gtntrnctors are tendering on (he
new •priest's house at l .t her Fors-
ter's. 'Mt. Carmel.
Ic'r. For Infants and Children.
CANN-In ,;'!,erne' Sunder. Nov. 15 the Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
-- O R A N 5 daugh e,r Nn
daughter of Mr. and •N1rv. fico.
DICKSON lIt CARL1hG, 'Lawson, to Mr. Thos. J. Wilson.
_ 1 of Exeter.
. Mitchell-_fl,ynhant .- Al Centr:IPA,
arromm soil erv. Notwrs tar oeeMoieere Sewing Machines Nov. 11. Charles M. Mitchell 10
Commi..l aero. Flollclton for the 0(aous Minnie M., daughter of Mr. end
'Tank, Etc. the hest the country produces Mrs. Gro•C
. flaynham, both of tm-
plbaey to Loan at lowest rates of tateretti. ---,no-- 3 [ trnlia.
OFFICE1-VAIN IITRFET, EXETER. All the latest novelties in Sta. DigD
L CARLING 1t. A. L. n. oTC"E8C
Lewis Thomas & Nutt6rar
l Oc ur pricesffor ▪ l▪ l the al><tvc goods
1 in yner avor.
Civil Engineer & Architect
Terms the most liberal von could •••�••••••••�•••♦••♦♦♦••••
(,.ate Department of Public works, Canada ) desire
Collector W. J. Bis=eft will ie at
5• Martlo son the iy.Toi) Hall overt Friday until
Friday. flee, ltlh and also on 9atur-
lay. Monday. and Tucs'lay, Dec. 12, 14
and 13.
Snturdny. Nov. 210 -At the Met-
ropolitan hold. horsca. cattle cull
sheet, the property of ,Tolin Ford.
Stephen, Saie a: f o'clock. R, P.
Phillips, Auct.
1001)i10i1T-in ('shnrne. Satt,rd'tt'.
Nov. 14th. Abigail Stacey, beloved
wife of Chit -Ice flndbolt need 48
years end 3 montihs.
Conndting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, F.Icctric railroads, sewerage and Water•nrkr
System Wharves, bridges and Re enforced Concrete
phone 2120 1.•n fon Ontario
DR. G. F. ROUT y'i'ON, 1.. D. 8.
f). 1). S., Dentist. Member of Rheumattsm promptly driven from
J., (', 1). S., of Ontario and Honor the blood with Dr. lilhoop's Itheu-
Graduate of Toronto Unioereity. uratic !remedy. Don't waste time
OFFteE:- Over Dickson & Carling'• ttith common remedies. A Ica,
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former ,will surely tell. In tablet or liquid
dental parlors. form. Fold by W, A. Howey: •
H. Gook & Sons & Go
On relucst of the Reeve, consul -
for Beaman was moved to the ebI r
and on -notion of the Reeve, second. •1
by IV. Johns. the report of the com-
mittee as submitted leas adopted.
Per the Reeve seconded by J. J.
Knight that the new rand the grav-
elled to the north side of the Gillis
An amendment by Councillor Fuke
that the new 'road be gravelled only
to the south side of the Gillis pro.
Chairman 1icaman would Itot put
the motion until be had visited the
property and hail seen the road and
situation, rind asked the council to
meet with }rim at the new road al
8 n. re. Wednesday morning.
rve for gravel for the new street
were opened ns follows, W. Gilles-
pie. Thos White and Creech &
ten derofCreech &elfaantifoordtgarrtt $3.30
per cord, being the lowest (was ac-
.1. SENIOR, Clerk.
The survival of uncle T'om'e Cth-
in at the dawn of the 20th century
is something to marvel over, but 0
is an assured fact. Th•• cleborate
renovation of the old play by man••
ager McPhee. of the Downie Company
01118110 in a new pictorial dress with up-to-
date methods plentifnliy tlioplayeai
lhroughlout i1s ' halt dozen net,.
judging from the box office receipts
wherever this company ;Oars fur-
nishes ample proof that "(reel, Tom's
Cabin' is still petrol. Spec; it seen•
ery for every scene depict' .I. en-
larged choruses of r;enu;n• Il(' ro,s
from the cotton .tett, modern up -to -
late •pec:.alt:es. Iwo stale and female
sent tett. a. a Land of Al/throne pio-
n un .•.. t leo geonm cakewalk in
per drag. This is to sad on the above ,t i eche sett nre entitled "The 1'al-
two siei •5 only m•e will Rive you one ace of • !ver Wit'. improved light
This coupon is good for 23 cents
in purchasing one •e,ck of Cook's
Stow i)rift best family flour, !mole
by their new procesa of milling.
if it is presented either of the two
following days only. Satnrday. Nor.
21st. or Monday Nov., 23rd inst. The
selling price of our flour is8275
ack of oar Bane Drift family flour ''1(0(5 and nter)ttniea1 ilfnaion!.wil1
at $2.50 and this coupon. Vie have ~�
recently a !nipped our entire mill
with the latest impfoved machine,)-.
and our Snow Drift flour is now
not second to any bread flour made.
Flour end rued delivered in our
Presented try
11. Gook Sons & Co
sten it the Hoyt 11,.• production of
(itis Inutohis td, Y. Thm present';,
company in Berne :natance' is a'len-
ble one and cantains bac tomes t.f
numerous tacit/Oil :favorite.. f!:
street p,radc is said le be the lon,,s
richest and beet Rivett by a theat-
r;ctl company. II: sure end see t
at noon.
at noon. Will appear nt, the C)1•.•
house. .Friday Night. :Nov. 201►,
Hawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town
Opera House Exeter
Friday Night Nov. 20th
Orandtsr, Bigger smell otter "!'hates t•Cvar.
Direct From the East. with an All New Big Company. Presenting
so - PE OP..E .. so
WP.It end Oolorase!
2-Barids Of Mussia--2
25 -Ponies, Dogs and Donkeys -as
2- P J I l ren a in Cairo - 2
onster free,Street
At /Victors. Will t'thibit Undar Our
M Wset rproof 'Tsrzttts, ,Claire or ld1Fsirset. at
Prices 25c, 35c and 50c.
Nan (if Hall at Cole's Drug Store