HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-12, Page 8'1'H1;; 6' X ETER 1'1Dd.ES NOV 12th 1408,
PHONE 14.; ------ $+
Tilk about Ladies' Fur.Lined Coats! ++
5 se
d 0
ti co
M T.
You Want to See Our Stock.
We've got a snap for you. We had to t uy
a quantity to get on the ground floor. We
can sell you fur -lined coats at Jobbers' prices.
Here's our proposition. A discount of 10
Per Cent. off any fur -lined coat in the
shop. This Offer is good for Thirty days
only as it would be impossible for us to get
any more coats than our present contract
calls for at this price.
Our Ladies' Coats are all made from the
choicest Kersey and Broadcloth, lined with
prime Canadian Hat and English Marinet.
Collars and Lapel's Natural and Isabella
Sable. You can tell your friends, if they are
looking for Fur -lined Coats, Stewarts is the
spot for stylish garments at down right
rock bottom prices and then a special discount
of Ten per cent, -Remember for Thirty
days only.
Millinery We must offer our humble apol-
ogies to the Ladies who have
had to wait longer for their hats
than they expected. THE Rusii \\'A5 so GREAT that it
was impossib.e for us to keep all our appointments. How-
ever, we are now fairly well caught up and the milliners
assure us there will be no more disappointment this sea-
be surprised at the values we will offer you for the bal-
ance of this season. We do an immense Millinery trade;
Seven girls working hard, late and early. Come and
see what they can do for you.
Do You Know where to find the largest and finest lot
of China in the (`ounty. Right here is
the spot. Corte in and take a look;
costs you nothing -you will not be asked to buy, If you see
anything you want. all well and good; if not, come again, you
are always welcome. We show a stock of Dinner- ursd
Toilet Seta that would do credit to any city store and at
prices that will make you wonder how we do it. The Secret Is
we buy direct from the makers --No Middle Profit. Our Xmas.
stock is now nearly complete and is by far the best we have ever
shown. Again we say come.
\Ve want all kinds of Farm Produce; it is just as good as
cash; Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Poultry, etc., etc.
J. A.
+ +
Perfect in
ouse and Lots for Sale
Large brick house, with every con-
s•en:cttce, hard and soft water. nisi;
two Lots, with brick stable and drive
house. Apply at 'rimes Office.
Construction ••••••••
Mrs. J. G. .iones spent Wednesday
Positive in in London.
Mr•W. 'E. p
iEeg•. tltandford left Monday
Performance for inn
We l4. ;1111 !1111 attention to Fred J'cnhale, of London, was here
our grade of WATCHES
Good Material, Fine Finish,
and Accurate Adjustment are
all combined in our High
Grade Watches.
Our aim is not
a question of price, but qual-
ity, like anything else it is al-
-vays cheapest in the end
If you want a good
reliable watch call on
Wedding Rings a Specialty.
In all the latest Shades and
Patens, at reasonable priers
see the New Fashion Plates for
$be Present Season,
Merchant Tailor.
l ,Mr. A. E. ilodgert returned Tnes-
day morning after an extended busi-
ncss 4.r i t Omani' h the \ rt w s
1 g o h c t.
r Mr. J'etc Coleman left friday with
!a carload of horses for \Vinnipe..
' The horses belonging to Mr. T. F..
for the holiday.
Miss K. Mct'aul is visiting. relatives
in Seaforlb.
Mrs. Jas. Waller spent Thanks-
giving in Detroit.
Miss Olive and Ruby Treble spent
the holiday in rDlyth.
Miss 011ie Willis spent
giving in Brantford.
Miss bel Sweet
Sunday Ji
Y ant ends y4.
Miss Stable Walter, of London,
home for the holiday.
.Mr. Earl Spackrnan. of .\I%•,n=ton
slant Monday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gould were a.
CI irelcboyc over Smell/.
111. J. G. Htarabury was in Godcrich
Tuesday l
1 to
Y or i legal business.
Miss Hattie Follick visited lets -
Live" at Grand Bend last week.
Miss Tillie Balk will, of Hamilton.
was a t•:sitor in town on Monday.
Mrs. Simon Campbell ie visiting her
sister, Mr'. Roger at Motherwell
Mrs. and Airs. P. Gardiner, of
illyth, were here for the holiday.
Mrs. F. W. Mailman and son Niel -
elite spent Thanksgiving in Toronto.
Mr. Jack Crooks, of Clinton, spent
1•aanksgiw•ing with friends in town.
Thanks -
home for
harry Huston. of Clinton
the holiday with his parentw
Dyer ilunton, of ,Buffalo,
the Loliday here with his par -
The New Say
-4 Howey's
- ``Cure a
The Old way to
cure a Cold.
3 cts. Hot.
Howeys Drug Store
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter egarkels, oor•
rected up to Nov. 1 e.
\\'jcat 9U cents.
Barley, 48 to 52 ants.
Oats, :15 cents.
I'ea-, h0 to 85 cents.
Shorts, $23.
Bran, $20.
Mendel Flour, STAR, 4.;2.75.
Feed Flour x•1.40 to $1.45.
Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel.
Coal, $7.25 • ton.
1g -._3c. per dozen.
Butter. 22c per po"e 1
(logs, liveweigbt $5.75.
Ilogs, dressed, $7.50.
Coal. $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 5 routs.
Those wishing furs repaired or re-
modelled should bring them in this
month a1. I3ALK\\'ILL, Andrew st, 1
geort, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
in. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit Saturday, November. 21st.
lleintzman's best make, Grand
piano, nearly new, for sale cheap.;
also good carriage horse, splendid
driver; also tw•o-year-old colt, bug-
gy stutter, harness et.., will sell
cheap, :apply H, T. IJOBIER.
Farm Lot 2 Con.'2 Stephen cue
two year old heifer. color red %%eight
about I5U lbs. small horns. Any in-
formation leading to her recovery
will be liberally rewarded.
Byron E. llicksa
Mr. Thos t► .McCallum, returned
Saturday, after spending a tvicek in
London. •
Hiss 'Lulu ifastings, returned Sat-
urday after a visit •with friends 111
Miss 'Lulu G. 1)erupsey, of Toronto.
was the guest of Mr,. Monroe on
Miss Laurette Lautl:rook, .who has
been visiting in Oshawa, bas return-
ed hone.
.1�•:4.c'.. .' '21,'.' .. '::Ic'd►.�.;E 81. .3:4
.::.1j.":"w "Ar♦: MANTLES*'.1841w.1..�,:::
• 1 Semi -fitting, triturated with fancy braids in Black, Brown la`
WOreen and Blue. Also some loose mantles in Black, 0rey }a
oeand Blue. All going at a very low price and they aro very i�s
Children's coats at half price.
FURS .i;
Our fur stock is complete in fur -lined Jackets in Brown'
.and Black. Fur Ruffs, Stoles and Muffs in large quanta -741a.
,ties. And prices within reach of all. \Vhen you buy oneAa.
of our furs you get something that will last, as we buy furs'
frotii the hest fur manufacturers in Canada.
IC►�il�4.'r-4.w' $0 ►4.1'
.4▪ 6
Mrs. Statham of Acton, to visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. 'Thornton, of
London, spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs, Silas Handford.
Miss Elsie McCallum, has handed in
her resignation as teacher on the Pub-
lic School Staff, to take effect at the
end of the present term.
Miss Edna McCallum, Miss Cameron
Messrs Lee Wilson and Earl 13'- c;;- and Mr. C. K. McCallum and Mr. lid.
wood, spent Sunday and Monday in Itingsbery, of 'Toronto, were guests of
Mrs. Sid Sanders, who has iicen
ill with typhoid fever, is greatly
Mrs. A. Shecre left Friday )norm
ins, for Brantford to visit her son
Mr. Davis, of ilamilton, visited
her mother. Mrs. 1'. Fisher, during
the holidays.
Air, and hire. T. ii. McCallum over the
Hon. J. 11. Agnew, provincial
treasurer for Manitoba, who was a
sufferer from appendicitis, died at
his horse in t%Vinnipeg Monday morn-
ing. Sir. Agnew was 45 years •ld.
Mr. 11. Dilling who has been in the
west for the past three months, ar-
rived borne Monday evening last. xie
?lir. and Airs. Thos. tenet! one, has been operating a threshing out -
daughter. of London. visited Mrs.'fit for Williams brothers. Huron -
Geo. Barnwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott, of Nor-
wich, are here attending the Mace --
Carling nuptials.
Miss Charlotte Sweet, left last
week for London. where she will vis-
it until Christmas.
T. Misses Kinsman entertained a
rat: tier of friends •Wednesday ere -
of last week.
Mr. Richard Schlott and children
were in Ingersoll spending .the holi-
day with relatives
ville, Sask. and reports :the crops
favorable in that part and had a
good season threshing.
A large part of the "City of Et.
Joseph' was sold at Goderioh on
Tuesday for arrears of taxes. Mr.
Peter 'Lamont, the genial reeve of
Hay township, was the purchaser. It
bas been suggested abet the "city"
be renamed Bt. Peter. .
Thanksgiving Day lavas .tuielly
celebrated in V.xet•er this year.
e 1 There were many visitors in town
Mr. and Mist; Simpson and R1 r, who spent the day with relatives and
Butt. of London were guests of a4.:-'. acluaintauees. A shooting tourna-
Thos. Jlissett, s4.. Monday. went under the auspices of the pro-
prietor o[ the Mansion llouiso. w:;'
STs', and Mrs. Joseph Senior sr. held at tltc Gun Club grounds anti
children, spent a few days slu' afforded considerable sport for the
the past week in Toronto, lovers o[ the gun.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willis. of Lon- About twenty friends of Mr. a::.4.
Ston, spent the holiday in town with Mrs. \V, J. :Mallett, from Crediton
relatives and [.;ends• and v;c:itily, pleasantly surprised
.lir. Ed. IJnlsden, of Melbourne :.t::? them at their home on Moron street
Mrs. Geo. Caldwell. o[ Cargill were last % riday evening. The guests
here for Thanksgiving. carne laden down faith a supply of
Miss Dunn. of London, spent Sun- good things to cat, and after the
day and Monday ,the guest of Miss splendid spread had been disposed of.
Mabel and Victoria Miners. the remainder of %the evening e---
Mrs. iMeTavish, •f'Mellott, n,. spent vary (tleas:rutty.
spent the holiday •with her Parente. There is an excellent agr,ctiltis ral
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. paper that is of more than usual in -
Mrs. John White, after spending - terest to the fanner who wants to
couple of wcek;t visiting in Windsor. know the practical and not .the
returned home Monday evening. theoretical nide of his business. 'ro
such of our readers we would sitg-
Mr. and Mrs. J 1. Stewart gest that when► you renew your stub -
of London. spent the holiday scription to The Exeter Times you
with Mr. std :Mrs. Alex. Stewart. scription
the Weekly Hun. the prise of
Mr. Case It. Howard. of the Mol- the two is but $1.80. Yon will find
sons bank, St. Thomas. spent Sun- it worth the money
day and Monday with his parents. Among the former lixeterites. who
Mts. Will itoss and daughter 11e1- were her for the holiday were. A1.
•r of
B .._c.4.
" Pearl t L
c 1'dn • a. Moors.London c
Clinton, spent 4.h hoc y on
cn, of ht•
v; M:.
aThomas; � 1 D. A. Ross. Al.A \t••• � tit
Mr. •. t .1r.. 1 . 1 0. 1 t , t..
u •six o[ . r nand l don .
g t )
Miss Grace Vivian, of Mitchell and and Mrs. 'neared and child: ,3lessre
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gould. of !lensed. John and Al. 14slter. of London: W.
were guests of Mrs. Geo. Ilrooks over Knight and Seemly .Ilaw•den, of Lon-
l:oliday. don : Chas. and Fred Miners; Bert,.
`yrs. E. 1Icidcutan wit, 14..4., beer, Gregory. Mitchell: 11r. and Mr•
visiting her danghtei Mt s. Wdh,119 Jaynes Collingwood and child, of
Mason. et Clinton t t:: ttc,t )lorrtc llamilloit ; Mrs. Evsos and two
last Monday.. daughters, of Ailsa Craig.
ll. wane Last. Sunday the services in the
visttedr. Afriends ndy )in tod, ofwn tfor aseveral of the churches were devoted to tla:
,lays, returned to kir home last temperance cause. At the tnotteng
Thursday morning. service in the .1'icsbytcri:rti clot re .
:•Tics Maud Soulhcoltand aTist Mr. JI. F. tipencc. secy of the On -
Lula Herrick. of London. visited at fano bonnet of Abe Dominion ai-
the home of Mrs. C. A. Southco;; Llic c \.reached al G p. n►. took
Sunday and Monday.the scrvitc•y in evening
church. in the evening Mr. 11. 1\'.
Mr. ('iia.. Clark. editor and pair Irwin. K. C.. of Toronto preached in
licher of the Comber Herald. was in the Jaynes Street. church. A 11111!.'
town last '1hnrsday and gave the Inneting was held 1u the '1'o%cn Ilan
lames a fraternal call. in the afternoon and way nddressed
Mr. and Arta. Geo. Atkinson. :.rad by Mess! s. Spence and 11 %vin and
.''.rs. Chris. Dawson, of Toronto. others.
•. ere the guests of Mr .and Mrs. Ben. Two true bills were returned , :-
..skins over the holidoy, the scssiom at Toronto tart week
At the Woman s inetitrate meet- against Narcisse M. Caplin charged
eg held last friday interesting with perjury. The indictment east -
Ostlers were given by Mrs .Maxon, ed that on June 5 C'antin made false
Mise Conner and Mrs. Monroe. representations t• John M. Ferguson
regarding n land transaction in 5 .
Joseph. Ont.. also that he obtaine:i split wood : cook itovc; Daisy !hunt.
?2.465 and 120 shares of stock in No reserve as the proprietor lei -
the Fat. Joseph Land Improvement rented hie fern!.Sia;►ufaeturing to.. the procerty TERMS. -All sutras of $5 and un -
of %ilea Gallagher. Pending the set-, der cash ; over that amount 10
tiement of a •ivil action, on netion Menthe' credit will be given on fur -
wee set for his trial.
A'%nock trial will re heal in t1.:
Jamas Street Mctbodist chnreh Exe-
ter. under the auspices of the Ep-
worth League on Friday Nov. 13th.
at 8 o'clock, in Ibis trial the Con-
vener of the lookout Committee
"Mr. Indifferent Outlook" is charged
LEAT11EIt GOODS. - Hand Bags.
Purses. Wallets.. Music atolls, Ilii.
Books. etc. A large nesortment to
cl:ooee from. Ifowey's Drugstore.
reh. corning a necessity and a gift of
one of thetn will not be amiss. All
kinds. iOc to $2.00. ilowey's Dr ug-
Mrs. It. T. Johns and Fon, of Al-
..nston. Mr. Fred end Cha'. Miner'.
of London. spent the holiday at the
Noone of their father. Mr. \Villiatn
shauina soaps
All the leading stakes Colgate's San-
itol, William's and Pears'
cakes IUets, sticks Bets.
Ravin° Br usnes
The kind that don't shed their bristles
All new ones and good ones.
15 to 75 cents.
snavi»>g Mugs
A unique line of fancy and plain mugs
of many shapes and sizes.
15 to 50 cents.
Snaufnp Stropt- --Razors
Best hide strops, a large collection to
choose from, our 50et. line is un -
quailed. 25 to 75 cents.
Garbo Magnetic Razors
Always ready for use. Requires no
Boning no grinding. The best
razor on the market
Price S2.00.
Any one of the above or more
make a nice gift fcr a gentleman
something that is always appreci-
W. S. COLE, Phm. B.
Cheuaist and Druggist.
Clearing Sale
his. Thos. Cameron has resolved
instructions to sell by public auction
LOT NO, 7, x.,'1.14.., i'BBOItNE
Commencing Itt one o'clock, the
1IO1(SES,-1 brood stare three yrs
old, imported, sired by Gartly (fold,
ill fool to foul Carlyle, with foal at
foot. hired by King Thomas,: One
aged snare, regi.lteied. Il years old,
heavy draught; (inc stare three yrs.
old, eliaible for registration, heavy
draught ; One mare reg. 2 yrs old,
heavy draught ; line gelding, 4 yrs.
old. heavy draught ; One carriage fil-
ly. three years old. well broken ; 1
Farmer,' driver 3 years old, well
broken; One roadster, 2 yr,. old
tared by Golden Case.
CA1'rl.E.- One registered cow,
with calf at foot. sired by Gold Drop ;
2 cows due to e'lye early in winter;
1 row due to calve Feb. 1 ; 1 cow due
to calve March 20th ; 1 cow supposed
to be in calf ; 1 fat' cow ; 5 2 -year
old racers ; 3 1-yenr.old steers; 13 2-
yr. old beifeth; 0.1 yr. ohs heifers;
5 calves.
1'I(:8 and POULTRY.- 1 row ; i►
store hugs. 25 hefts and 30 pellets,
12 gica.. nn l 50 turkey*.
IJ1J'1.ESIEN'l:'3.- 11j ,lei' Mii»* Y-
Il:u ris ; (inc note er and clover recd
table, lit antfotd; .t hay take. Max-
well; seed drill ; cultivator. disc
harrow ; Fel iron harrows; roller ;
set bobsleighs ; .3 wagons; buggy ;
cutter ; hay rac; gravel box ; ret
scales, 2,000 lbs; .fanning mill; 1
grinder ; Vulper ; ceufflcr ; grind-
stone; 2:1 foot cedar ladder ; car for
iron track ; rope, pulleys. slings, and
hay fork ; 2 gets double harness ; r -e1
single harness ; hoes, forks, shovels,
chaise anti other articles loo nutlet -
cue to trent:on ; also a quantity of
eon In silo to be fed on preIrl -(s
wit a httaw; tracts• of clover troy; rc
quantity of tnanicolds; luatatity of
ni.hing approved joint notes, or n
diseount of 5 iper cent per annum
for earth oncreditamounts.
Prop. Mitt.
The 13th anniversary of the Malt)
Street Methodist church, Exeter, will
Mr'. 11. Dilling. who visited at S:• with criminal negligence in mina be held on Smelly. Nov. 2'lnd. when
E Iter•. McCalnns, of Mt. Marys will ile-
alarys for the past. two month'.ca!-' craft the Huntley Retool and Epworti• liver the sermons. Mr. U. .1. fink
r.ved home last week accompan:ed L: League work of the Exeter district' of London, has been engaged solo -
h• r daughter and eon -in -le w. M: The court at' which the prisoner will let.
and Mr'. Mills.
alt. and Mi'. C. 11. ilorney t liter•
tainea a number of friends ut 1)e::
home on Himee street last Monday
evening, the OCCaSintl facing the .'(Ott,
anniversary of their wedding.
be tried. w
35 young rat,
will be of n
don't fail 1.
will also b,
escning. Ac
1 be fully rcpresc•n'-d•
will take part. Tl,
re than usual interest ;
5,!• it. Special muter
rcndelcd during 1L•.•
Its 15c.. ch;ldren :0c.
tdAt9TOill IA.
Sean the 1M t-ra lati Hit! Ales fioiieM
You Should see our Underwear the
"stailueia Grand"
Unsrinkable, no finer in Ladies and Gent's ranging iu ricer
Ladies 25 50 75cts. $1.00 $1.25 $1.75.
Gent's 75cts. $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50.
Furs! Furs! Furs!
In these goods wo carry a splendid range.
We wish to call your attention to new lines of Dress (foods, Clothing.
Millinery. Footwear, etc. The quality of these goods speak for them-
selves. The prices talk economy. Give us an opportunity to show
I wish to inform the public thut I have moved my stock of
Groceries and Boots and Shose from my old stand to two doorsf
south of the Times Office. My large stock of Boots and Shoes wil
be sold at a sacrifice below cost.
The firms name hereafter will be WILSON Baos. T. J. Wilson.
Wilson Bros.
As the term is now drawing to
a close we would be pleased to have
in all apples by the 15th. of Novem=
ber before the frost catches them.
We will pay for all apples two
inches and half and over that size
25 cents per cwt.
The Caledonia Evaporating Co.
Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter.
J. G. EARL, Manager.
Xmas is Near
The hest Christmas present
is something for the home.
The best thing for the hotne
is an Edison Phonograph.
Other presents are laid aside
but the Phonograph is a ver-
satile entertainer,
You have a choice of seven
seven models $1#3.50 up.
2 minute records filets.
4 minute records Gluts.
Present Needs
Enjoynte Jelly and Name-
less (.'old ('rare are the best+
preparation in this town for
chaffed or rough skin, chap-
ped lips, cold in the head, ca -IP
tarot, asthma. etc. Money
hack if not as represented.
25ets each and 3 estimates
on the Lamp contest. Keep
your eye on our window. and
see our Lovely Cards, 'Thous-
ands coining for Christmas.
Don't buy till yeti see 'EM.
THE Great School!
Our past record and our prey'
ent grade of work stamps us as ♦
the great pradtical training •
school of Western Ontario, • Island, as It. is made, from the
We have three Departrment:-
i best Western Wheat and the
TIiLE(1RAPNIC. best Ontario, mixedhalf-and•
•• Our graduates are in demand • I.:o f. It is second tc none
2 1 as Basin!' ('allege teachers ns • for bread making. ff you are
well AS office assistants, indieid-
♦ tint instruction. Enter now.not using it give it a trial and
• Large catalogue free, write for it + +�
• ELt.tOTT & MCLA('il LAN,• 1)e COI1VInc ('d.
♦ Principals' ••
Are you aware that 75 per
cent, of the flour used in Tor-
onto is blended flour, no won-
der that Star Flour is in de -
Don't Monkey
with that Cough
use HO'WEY'S
white fine & Tar
'2a cts. Bottle
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
The tenth annirrr'ary services re
Connection .with the Chisclhur'!
Presbyterian church were held las:
Sunday. At 2.30 in the nfternootc
the service was Conducted by Ttev. F
11, Larkin. of Sea(ortb and at 7 ; .
by Rev. E. 11. Sawcrs. of 13:thetas:
On Monday cvctting a Thankm:e
supper was given, after which a gout
program was tarried out.
ClinloD Business Collefle
Most modern an,' png,ntar nttd-
n4. 66 s hon) in Western Ontario.
w" klely esperlenred browny ed.
❑rated, ■5mpatheti.- attentive
.tart. The synonym •t rumen.
e;re.t ate, eminently sim,e.sful.
Thr , en ewnre nr mn,lern, tit
int 1.,t•me.5 .4..•.m..
Stenography, Telegra-
ph.. and Commercial
"reparatory ,-our,.s for those
hose etioesttys has been net
I elect.
1,1 ail (-nurses In any nahle. t.,
the shore who wish to emir a•
In•fi. idual Instrs-t,ere
Enter any day, write for particulars
(ORO. Si'OTTON, Principal.