HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-12, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, NOV 12th1908 OREDITON NEWS The Store ZWICK E R S or Economy The Bost, the Latest Ideas, the Largest Variety and absol- utely the Best Values we have EVER OFFERED. We are constantly receiving New Additions to our Large Sotck. NEW STVIBES, NEW GOODS in the LATEST FABRICS. We have just opened this week a nice lot of New Dress Goods in shades of NAVY, GREENS, BROWNS, in Plain Cloths, Cheveron Stripes etc., the best yalues we have ever drown. "Have you seen our stock of Ladies Coats", we have the eaclus- iye sale here of the best line of coats made in Canada. (foods tnat aro easily recognized as the most stylish and best values in the trade. We have both Loose Fitting and Semi Fitting Coats in BLACK, NAVY, MYRTLE and BROWN SHADES. \Ve can you from $2 to $3 on your Winter Coat. We have a large range of Children and Misses Coats in different Styles, Colors and Cloths. We offer them at the very closest prices, from $2 to $6. each. We Will be pleased to show our stock of ('oats and invite your inspection. FURS! FURS! FURS! Our stock is comslete'in this line we Our stock of Ladies Coats will hear have a nice selection of Mens (,'oats in nice Dark Canadian loon, well furred inspection. We have them in Agree - nicely matched skins. Dark Wallaby kan Electric Seal and Fur Lined at China Dog and Fur Lined. Call and See this Stock before staking your bargain prices. purchase. Ready -Made Clothing We have just opened up a large stock of Ready -wade Clothing. We have exceptional values in Men s and Boy's SUITS REEFERS{5 OVERCOATS, ,L Etc. We will be pleased to show you our winter stock and to sell you anything you require for the Fell end Winter. We are buyers of Clover and Timothy Seed, Live Fowl, Butter, Eggs, and Dried Apples etc, for which we pay the Highest Prices. We Ship LI VE FOWL each WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. A Call Solicited Ce ZWICKER Time to think about Coats. The Mild Fall may have deceived some folk. But the Calendar unmistakably say's Fall. Now the pressing question:='Have you got your Fall Coat.? Iu spite of the mild weather, we have sold many; and in keeping a well assorted stock on hand we arc able to meet the demands of many more. Showing Blacks, Blues, Greens and Browns, in different styles loose, tight and Semi -fitting. Have but seven left. Showing a winner, it is a•131ack Coat for woment made of good Kersey Cloth, special import made newest European styles. Regular $9.00 coat to go at $7.5o. Lovely Blue, Black and Green in same fitting, spec- ial $TO., $11., $12. and there to numerous to mention. Come in and see our large stock. Dress Goods 'If you want to find a certain shade in Stripe or Plain in Venetian, Chiffon. renames, Poplinettes, Matin cloths, Broad cloth,etc. (.'orae where you have all shades to choose from. Ong Highest prices for s and other produce. S. BROWN tHERE IS NO REASON Shy you should not use the best kitchen Ranges made. Pandoras, Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and Saska-Alta. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire (lay and h ht everyuser. � Made of night, cls ,., the very best material and guaranteed in every res- pect Buy Them and save the expense of buying coal backs. Special attentirn1 given to E1 VETROUU 111 N( i. W. MOORE KIRKTON New IHaI are "in 11" Isis full Come and See Them \Se wish to extend to you an invitation to call i,ttl;see the new Suitings .hat are "in it." this fall. These we are showing represent the choicest offered ny the old enol new wig hl. 'Cha patterns are Right, they are Exclusive and we are proud of them. the Quality is Right too up to the high standard we always carry. if you want a smart suit for fall, select your goods here we aesnre you the style, 'Make and fit will be right. The itis, beyond a doubt, we quote the lowest price possible. This is acknowledged by our cuslrncrt4. and recognized by our competitors. Again oods ned talk es J. H. HOLTZMANN,CREDI1 ce at all Immttttttnrntmttrmttrmttt+nmm Blankets for Horses and Mitts and Gloves for Men. ♦ 1/1/11i111i11b� jil�If�Ifl�11lC if there is anything in V piety, 1f there is anything in Quality. if there h anything in exc•'pltor.al Values. 'Phis should lee your store for harness, VIankets and Mitts. \'0.•1 Blankets neat pa' t direct from the woolen Men, raging in price from $:t on tip. nlso ,lute awl Kersey Blankets. MlTTE4 AiVD (ILOV•ES We h wv • n splendid line in these goods, and our trade is growing because .pet 1p tee e; 'l the tight kind of fronds all the time. We've got Styles that can't Iwr' 1. •At e(l•, wt ee, ,e'w and rl awe spect far n certainly got values that are unknown else- wh •re. F. w. CLARK, harness Maker, Crediton. • Crediton Miss 1•'. \Wcgenest. of Loudon; a the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. Messrs lid. Mahon and Ira Brown. spent 'Thanksgiving visiting at Grand Bend and atom; the 1 ate front. Miss Nora Siebert of Dashwood, is visiting 0maintances In the village. Mr. 11. E. !other visited friends in Luckuow 1 jotJlksgiw'iug. The lady teachers of our schoo: the Misses Dunlop an Poll, spent the holiday in (loderich, while Miss llarticib visited her parents in Dashtvutrd• Mr. August E. Kuhn. of Chatham. snenl the holiday in the village with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr, of \\-in- chelsea, tvere visitors with Mr. and Mrs .Joseph Banes Sunday and Mon- tl:ty, . Mrs. Nicholas, si London, visiteu here -Monday the guest of Mrs .henry 310 tz.. - Mr. W. llaist, of Berlina is spend- . f to days visiting relatives in .. ee ... i.hc village . 'lee .. og. autme given Monthly ;c :eight in the Evangelical Church un- der the auspices of the ladies Aid, was :: gran,! success. . Mr. Fowler junior clerk tet the bank hcre, spent Thanksgiving at his home in Scaforth. Mr. llenry Sweitzer is ivcarine more than his usual expansive Rmile the reason being an addition last Sunday to his family of a 'rennin daughter. Mr. Sweitz.•r has two bright boys, and a girl was just what he wanted. Both mother and child are doing nicely. Mrs. M. Mistcric and daughter, of Detroit, are visiting tho former's parents Mr. and Mrs. John .Wing. Mr. Garnet Baker, of Owen Sothen spent Sunday and Monday .with friends in the village. Mr. Coultis and family, of Exeter. spent 'Thanksgiving with ,Mrs. Mc- Murray. Mr. Morlock and daughter Aid of Exeter, visited friends .n tSe village on Monday. Rev. John Finkbeiner after :, ;nee - sant two weeks' visit with frienes here returned Tuesday morning for his home in Johnstown, Penn. The shooting thatch held last Thurs• day at the Royal hotel was well at- tended and some good scores made, Following is the result of the shoot- ing:- First event., It) pigeons. John Trieh- ner, 0; W. E. Sanders, 8; Roy Luck, 7, Bert Clank, 7; J. E. Cantelon,7; Ezra Brenner, 0; Fred Kerr. 5; F. Triehner, 5. Second event. 10 pigeons, W. E; Sanders. 0; F. Kerr, 8; J. E. Cantelon, 8; Bert Clark, 8; J. Triebner, 7; lt'nt. Yearly. Sanders took fleet money. Tie shot ori as follows, miss and out, Kerr 0, Cantetm•, l; Clark, 11, Third event, 1(1 pigeons. F. Kerr, 0; Bert ('lark, 7; Jno. Hc•itze), 3. Kerr got first. Clark 2nd. Head the pain formula on n :box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a (better ane. Pain means congestion -blood pres- sure somewhere. 10. Shoop's ''ink Pain Tablets "heck head pains. '00 - manly pains, 'pain anywhere. Try one. and nee! 20 for 25c. Sold by W. 8. Howey. Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Kerr spent the holiday vise .ng friends :it Cred- iton. Mrs. F. Walker. of Crediton, is nee guest of Mrs. W. \V. Kerr A number from here attended the fowl supper at 'Whalen on Monday night and all report having had good time. Mr. Wm. hell, a Ohioago detective and a former resident of ibis vicin- ity, is visiting relatives here.- It is over thirty years since Mr. Bell left here. Mr. and Mrs. •\V, G. Medd and fam- ily arc visiting Mr.' Medd's father in Kinburn. Miss Vera Coward is visititie friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coward ere Vis- iting their daughter Diaggic ,bud other friends in Essex and Comber. Mr. and Mrs. !Wm. Delhrielge tee their Thanksgiving dinner with ''! and firs. I'rielhnu►. of linsseldale. There is no one article in the line Of medicine t hat gives so large a re- turn for the money as a good por- ous strengthening plaster, such an Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Zurich A barn belonging to .Mr. 11. Bad - our. on the 11th con. was destroyer. 1;y fire 011 INV ednesday forenoon of last week; The trusties et the Bronson lane school tire looking for another teacher, .\piss Thompson, the (pre- sent teacher having tendered ah -..1" 1 'sigttat;on to take effect the first of the year. Jtr. Geo. Kalbfleisch. of Spokane, ;s visiting his father. Mr. J. C. Kaib- 1leisch. This is his first visit home in seven years. Mr. John lecher, sr. has purchan. lel a Non -Parole eolt from Chas• wt•olf. of Crediton for 8150. N() TIME 'T0 'LOSE. 'those wwlin have not yet ordered The Family herald and Weekly See fo .Montreal for next Year should cio so at once. it is raid there is a bigger rush of .nbscription' than ever this year. and the publishers are earnestly urging their present subscribers to renew nt once before the December anri Janl►aty rush. A new series of Short stories is to co-n- mcnee next week, and these alone are considered to be worth the whole year Y subscription. At one dollar a sear no better investment can be ,Wade then by ordering The Family Herald and Weekly Star for 1909. The well known strengthening properties of iron combined (with other tonics and n most perfectner• inn. are found in ('arter's Iron Pills tth:ch strengthen the nerves and body. and improve the blood and complexion. Reserve Strength is as necessary to leen and women its ordinary life as to the Athlete. The regular use of "Bovril" builds up a large reserve of strength, \W}11th snakes sustained effort of !hind and body possible, and en- ables the system to resist attacks of disease. BOVRIL. NIIMIN Shipka 11r. Samuel Steiger, teccotnpan- ied by 11. Either, M. 1'. Per of Credi- ton, left last week for Muskoka to pant in 50111c tithe hunting deer. The boys who have returned front Sunny Alberta, arc, S. .1. Sweitzer. .1. `tets:tee, J. O'Rourke. T. Dayn- h;un. W. Sweitzer, W.. ;Mason. 'P. Pfaff. Mr. aril Mrs. Sal. 8t. Clair, who were in the (vest, have returned to lhe;r home here. blt. Walter Baster. left for Cleve - lend last Saturday, where he intends in:thing his future home. Dlr. John Smith is a!1 emiles. It is •t boy. Mr. Allen ltatz spent 'Thanksgiving at his home in Phillipsburg. Mr. Wren Sheardewn, of Gorjerich, spent :1 few days with h9< sisters. Mrs. Pickering and Mrs. C. Loch- ner. Mfr. J. F. Robertson spent Thanks- giving at his home at Ailsa Craig. Mr. Armstrong, who hats peen tai. ing stock the past week. his return- ed to his home in 7.on,iott. 51r. Luck. of fort Huron. Is spend- inna fcv (lays .n our vicinity. blr. J. Breen. of Moray, has pur- chased J. I). lIaun;tn's stock, and took charge of the busiies last Fri- day. .11.L.EAT CDR=11L. Beam the Signature of DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood Mr. (leo. Wambold of Blyth visited at his house Thanksgiving Day. Archie Routledge of London spent the holidays with his parents here. Mr. and Mits. ('has. Eidt are visiting ftieuds in town. Miss Dunn visited at Exeter over Sunday. Miss Milligan :s spending a few days tat her home in Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and family of Leury and Hiss Pearl \Vurtz of Zurich, spec,t Thanksgiving at J. Kellernaann. Miss Lena \Vaggoner of Lisbon is visiting at Rev. I.. K. Eidts. %Ve are sort y to teat 11 that Miss Lillie Ehlers i, still in 0 critical condition. %Ve hope 80011 to hear of her recovery. cover . Mr. Ira Brown Crediton. Miss Wag- onast of Aylmer and Mr. Mahon of Crediton, were guests of Mr. W. L. Siebert on'l'hanksgiviog Day. The friends of t he Al isles Tiemen surprised theta with at household shower on Monday evening last. The gifts vele pretty and useful. A pleas- ant time was spent playing progres- sive Lost Heir, after which It dainty lunch was served by the ladies. Last week Mr. Joseph \Villett of con. 1l,Stepheu,purchased a thorough- bred shortt.:,rn bull from Mr. Henry Reynolds of the 2nd of 11ay. The following is the report of 8. S. No. 8 Ilay for the month of Octo- ber.. Natnes are in order of merit V. Milton Oestreicher; Sr. IV. Cora Truemuie1 ; Jr. 1V. Susie Klicnfeldt. Tusrtelda 'I'ructnner ; Sr. III. Luella: Kuntz. Lillie Messner, Ohlen Treum- ner, !tell Overholt, Pearl Broder- ick ; Jr. III• R1'611hold Miller, Fer- dinand :Willer, Emily Schroeder. Ed- win Hartman ; Sr. II. Gertie Wieg• and. Flora Klicnfeldt, Tillie Kuntz. Theodore Miller, Ida Messner, Amelia Miller, Ottis Truemner, Charlie Hartman ; Pt. II. Emma 7te_v_ner. Norman Klienfeleit; Sr. I. Clara Weigand, Rucioft :Miller, Hlenry Becker. Ethel Nlienfeldt, Herbert Messner ; Jr. 1. Mary Miller, Nora Miller, Ileuhla \Vicgand, (Lillie Brod- ,rich. Clara Kuntz. Tillie Messner. The Kr.d You Hate Always Bought Iloward Truemner, Christina I3ecker. Agnes Hartman. Number en roll 3. average 33.2. �rl.LCle/�L(' A. C. bi:ll:ga;r: - -'- Miss Lily Ilarticib spent the Whalon Thanksgiving holiday with friends -•� in London. To say that ;he Anniversary ser- Monday evening of last week vices held in Oce Methodist church The Misses Tiernan of town receiver. last Sunday and Monday were the at pleasant surprise in the drape of best ever attended around here, is a household shower and sltc;pries not over estirrtat:rig nt. Rev. Fred Langford was greeted ,by a large congregation at both , services and the way the wencher unfolded the scriptures bids fair 'to show that he will hold :t high 'position nrnong our able pulpit orators in the near fu, ture. The offerink►s on Sunday were very Targe incl the fowl supper on Monday •was largely attended and enjoyed to the utmost by all present. The program was exceedingly good. The recitations by Miss Hart, of Iicns;cll nod the speeches by the min- isters along with the unsurpassed singing by the 'Lyric Male Quartette, of Stratford, put the crowning fea- ture on the entire proceeetings. The receipts were nearly 8150. Mr. and Mrs. 'David Parkinson and eon Allen, of St. Marys; Mr. < and Mrs. Moindon and daughters Annie and Ethel, of London ; Mrs. John Tales and sister 'Miss Bertha Suther- hy, of 'London, Mr. Harvey Sutheiby, /am-iltik gave Instant Relief of Thorud:alr, Miss !Ethel Millson, of An accident its a Toronto home London. Mr. Newton .'Jfillson and might have hail very serious conse- Orville Jtowcliffe. of Sl. Marys. Mr. lucnCes had it not been for 'Lam.Buk, and Mrs. Noble Vat kinson and Mr. Miss Martha Green, of 9 Claremont Ernest Parkinson, ' of ellryntiston, St.. in taking a pan of boiling fat spent the Thanksgiving 'rolidey with from the oven spilt it over her right friends and relatives in and around hand. "The boiling fat ran into the here. palm of my hand," she says, "and Mr. end Mrs. J. V. l;illson spent over all my fingers. I ,was almost the holiday attending the 'family wile! with Jhe nein. The hand he - gathering at the borne of Rev. W. E. came auollen. anis Inrge hlistert Matson, Kingsville. formed all over the palm and nlonq --+- - the fingers. For over a month I PRINT BY Its•:QioES'r was unable to use the hand nt all. Mix the following by shaking w.': 1 tried several kinds of salves and in a (bottle. and take in teaspoonful liniments. but the wound seemed ap- doses after meals awd at bedtime. parrntly no better, It was nitogeth- Fluid Extract Dendet:on. one -hal( er too severe for t!' els preparatio:;: ounce; Compound Kargon. one to heal. ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla About this time 1 %1 314 ndvised to three ounces. A local druggist Is try %nth-ituk. I slopped using r.h the authority that these simple. other pr,•perations and applied it In• harmless ingredients cru be obtained stead. The very first application at tiominel cost from our home drug- soothed ury hand ;uul seemed to draw Rist! out the fire and inflammation; and e mixture is said to '.C1eansr• as i kept on using Vern -1111k the null strengthen the clogged and jl,• blisters gradually dried up and ells - active Kidneys. overcoming !flack- appeared. In n very short lime the floe., bladdor tee ckneen and urin• scald was healed conlpit'tely:' r s ary trouble of al kinds. 'f taken be- h...,, in tisbut 3C o '• instance not ce an of fore the stage c of Bright's ht's 'na r. rocs to which• e n tk can n h c so an - Those who !cave tried this Fey it vantageously applied. It is ovally positively overcomes pain in the eff,Ctiw•c for burns, cuts, bruise.!. back, c!enrs the (trine of sediment abrasions. sprains and stiffness. T: and regultles urination. especially also cures eczema, ulcer,, sores nl n'ghl, eut r;ng even the ,worst blood poisoning. ringworm, roai • fortes of !,ladder a'etkness. gores, eht0nie wounds, bleckheade. Every ratan or woman here .tvho pimples, cold sores, chapped hands feels (bat the kidneys ore not strong and all skin diseases end injuries. or acting in n:healthy manner Rubbed well on to the chest, in case should (nix this prescription at of roll, it relieves the aching ;na home and give it a ria!, ns it is tightness, and applied as an embro- s•id to (10 wccinders for many persons. cation it curve rhentuatism, sCiatice. neurelgin. etc. All drug,r.'ts and stores sell at (1 c. n Ibex. or post free from %am•Iluk Co., Toronto for receipt of price. 3 loxes for $1.25. party 1,,y the young 'people. The evening was spent 111 progressive games, every one had a 1 time:• Found -Last week in a young man's Locket, n ladies ,bandkerohlef. The young lady having left She same there (nay receive it by applying to the owner of :the coat. The Y -1'. A. of the Evangelical Church held its monthly business meeting Nor. 3rd. at which meeting twelve new members were added to their membershipn bit. and Mrs. Oestreicher have re- turned from a pleasant visit .with friends in Merlin. While there they attended the :Forward Movement Convention. SCALDED BY BOILING FAT COULDN'T (ISE IIANi) FOR A MONTH Weak Kidneys Weak Reiner.. surely went to west kidnny N e vet. The Kidneys. like the:HIeart. and the Stomach, find their weak ins not in the organ 1ts'lf. but In the n'rvet that a,ntmi and inai,ie amt str,nnth'•n them. Ur. `hoot/ s Restorative, 11 a rm•dtrtne nee -means. prepared to reach thine controlling nervus. To drxt.'r the Kidneys alone, Is futile. It 11 a waste of tune, and of money as well. II your back ashes or is weak. If the nrine scalde or i.dark and .trnntr.li you hare symptoms of Rrightt er oth.•r dtitreast�ey, or daniemus hey shunt,•, try Dr. St ,x.p'a K,.harative• month- TahletA or Liquid -and s." wiist'it can and will do for you. Druggist recumue.ad and sell Dr. Shoop's eltpulive We are out for bnsiness, legitimate business fair business, and believe in small profit for success. Our stock of Dress Goods, Ladies 1111(1 Misses coats, Ladies and Misses un(lerware, Furs, 11Ieu's Boy's $ Youth's suits Overcoats and undcrware are complete 1111(1 invite your inspection. Dont forget that our store is the place for bargains in Boots and Shoes. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Siebert & Co. Ilartleib Block. DASHWOOD, Our Stock of Winter Goods is at its Best Now The time of year for heavier clothing is hearand we are ready to supply your every requirement. Summer may come for a day or two, but colder weather is what we must expect with few in- teruptionsjfromeow on, and with it comes all sorts of fall wants to be satisfied without delay, MEN, WOMEN AND CIfiLDREN, don,t put oft' the ques- tion. You will expect to find us ready and we are -si) come. MILLINERY Fall on us for your Fall Hats, or firing us your hat and we will trim it for you in the very 1at•2'.t style for very little money. MEN'S AND LADIES FUR COATS We have our stock of Fur Coat; new ready for inspection. We have them in Coon, Calf, Dog. Black Yak, Bishops, horse and Astrachan, at bargain prices. A nice line of Fur Caps, Gloves and Mitt to choose from. Ladle's Fur Coats -Astrachan Lined Coats with Fur Collar and Revers, Astrachan Jackets. Also the largest range of Cloth CoatS and Jackets ever shown in Dashwocd. 11ighest prices !)spit! for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, - - DASHWOOD old Weather IS COMING What about a nice Pandora Range, A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, An Oak or Base Burner? We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, and Roofing. We hand- le Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -Iron. Cement always on hand. A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing Coil and Barb Wire. Eggs and Butter taken. Come and see us before you buy. Hardware D. TI EMAN, Dashwood The Farmers Bank of Canada Capital $i,000,000 TotalaAssots $1,500,OOc 11) Branches throughout ('nr,da. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lcnwest ('ulreut Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. interest paid or added to principa 4 tithes a year. Your money is ton enfeeble to leave in the house where burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt- ful institutions that so often in the post have lobbed men of their hard earned wealt h. DRAF'T'S) A. i MONEY ORDERS ' S h1{ ISSUED When pending money to art• prat. of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and stoney orders 010 a....Iahle here, and sold nt the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin cipal points in the United States and (Treat Britain. llOt tt DIorrn-('ourteens'I'reatment. No Red Tape. R. T. DUNLOP, l"lan, DAStIWOOD & BkUCEFIELD Shoes for Fall We are showinggood sensible Styles the kind that fit and give comfort to the wearer. _ape-. it isit' I po difficult to rtrengti:-.•1 In Ladies, Mons, Girls and Boys. ;i tvenk stomach if one goes et Try a Pair and be convinced. correctly-. And (his 19 true of 1i, Heart and kidney.. The old fash- ioned way of elos'eig the stomach of stimulating the !batt or Kidneys is surely wrong Dr. Shcop first to:tin-et out that error. "Go to the weak or eil•.n(t nerves of these orgatn !aid he. Each inside organ has tt+ con- trolling or "inside nerve." ,When these nerves fail Shen those organs must surely ' falter. This v;tel truth is lending -druggists cvcry- ww•here to dispense and recommend i)r. Shooks Restorative. A few days test wvill surely tell! 801:1 by W. 8. Howey. occasional 117e• The 1'to.incial Inspector of Pubi:c of1). (imOrort McCallum, (be (elle[ C5 IL ATeiJR=.!!L. mem- institutions visited the J1ous^ o: c armor'_ honk nt :Coronto, 1Pi Il'n4 Poi Han )'saps Refuge at Clinton Iasi aveck anal t` is wwas found short in 1.is 3,ank 3earsths g ;,count the other day, was 1 mem- Sign.'an I found everything in first Class con- her of the 3lolsons J3ank staff at of / ,,e ditiolY,i Qll$t$TI[ . ' ,if' VIII-1'fri}ill I'},e cooler weathfr makes you think of Underwear, we have been making ready for this and have in the most com- plete range at rock bottom prices. See our Wool Blankets $3,50 a pair. Fresh Groceries eve? v Week. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhr.•