HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-12, Page 4TOILET
A New Lot of Goods
Just Arrived
Hair Brushes, Cloth Blushes
Shaving Brushes, Tooth and
Nail Brushes, Whisks, Mir-
rors,Pucket Mirrors, Dressing
Combs, Pocket C'urnbs and
other Toilet. articles.
'I'LL anniversary Ltu1 thanksgivL:
services iu connection with the Kirk•
otn Methodist church were held las:
Sunday, whets two e'cotton sermons
were preached Ly Rev. 11. L. Mutton.
of Loudon. On Monday evening
hot fowl supper was nerved by the
ladies after whicl► a r ciusioal and
literary program was given.
Dr. W. R. Carr. who for the past
eighteen years has been a resident of
our village has disposed of his prec-
tie, and property to .Dr. Jose. of
Maddock. %Then the genial doctor
arrived here eighteen years ago, Le
Lad nothing but. his diploma and a
keen desire for perserveronce and in
the fetter he succeeded (admirably.
In a very short time he built up a
erect,c, that kept hint busy day
and night, Lut withal! his duties ae:
practitioner lie found ample time to
take a deep interest in everything
pertaining ,to the welfare of the
village. There was never anything
of importance that Dr. Carr's name
was not connected with. He was
president of the St. Marys, Kirkton
and Exeter Telephone company and
was also an honorary president of
the Kirkton Agricultural society. be-
sides being, interested to other organ -
Brownings Drug Store' vinity. The people Kirkton and
vicinity could not fee the Dr. and his
family leave without showing their
appreciation of the high esteem in
which they are held, and oat Wednes-
day evening of last week they were
invited to Aberdeen Hall. where they
were greeted with a large :ssetn-
blage of their friends, who had gath-
ered to bid :them farewell. After
the following address was read r:
musical programme was given by the
Blanshard quartette, Messrs. Hyde
Doupe and Gregory, interspersed
will speeches by Messrs. Johnson.
!fortis, Murray, Moore. Beattie, Tufts
and Leigh.
'1'o Mr. W. R. Carr and family.
Learning with regret"of your de-
parture •from our midst, and desirous
of showing you that we lave appre-
ciated your residence amongst , tis
during the past eighteen years, we
have assembled here 'this evening to
bid you and 'your family good-bye.
You and your good wife have en-
deared yourselves to Isle members of
Ode community, by 'ties that may
not 'be easily severed; ,:you by your
genial smile and 'happy salutation to
all whom you met and by your readi-
ness to tninister to tbo wants of
others also by your willtngnesstto as-
sist any good cause or share the bur,
den of any and all good works that
were projected for atm good of the
neighborhood and Mrs. Carr by the
many genial qualities of heart end
mind which showed themselves con-
spicuously •to the members of the
church among ,whom She associated.
In token of our appreciation twe
ask you, sir, to accept this watch
and may it. as yen look upon its face.
remind you of the rapid flight of
time and the last approach of eter-
nity ; .and as a help to assist you in
bearing the cares and burdens of old
age we present you with this cane
and as you use it remember that
there is a 'better support than a
cane of ebony or an arta of flesh.
And to Mrs. Carr we ;would offer
this ;tea service. When 'you use it
let it recall the many happy occasions
schen 'the givers and yourself en-
joyed a social tea together ; and the
committee, ever m:ndfal of your com-
fort in view of your contemplated
visit ,to a warner climate, ask you
to accept this umbrella, as the pro-
tection from the rays of a 'burning
As c s w► part lest \t no a t ur es . o V ►hes [;o
with you for (your future success in
this fife and the hope of meeting you
all in the better life .to come.
The Dr. has been appointed to a
lucrative position in the city of Los
Angeles, Calif.. and left \Vedncsdayi
morning for tris slewfield. ;!lest
Carr and children left last Friday
for Blyth, where they will remain
for some time before joining ,the doc-
tor. Dr. Jose. who has taken charge
of the practice comes highly recom-
mended as a veterinary and there is
no doubt he will in a very short time
endear himself to the people of Me
section as Dr. Carr has done.
How the Presitlent at the U S is Elected
W e have fre_euently been asked
now the !'resident of the (United
/states is elected, and it he is elect-
ed by popular vole. The President
is not elected by the popular vote
Of the people and in fact the names
Of the candidates for President and
Vice -President do not appear on the
ballots .
In the United States there is what
is called a nelectoral college, each
state having representation, accord-
ing to population. In the state of
New '1 ork there arc 39 representa-
tives in the college and in Pennsyl-
tania 31. and eo on throughout the
different states. Take for instance
the state of Michigan, which has a
representation of 14 members in the
college. At the primary ;elections
(Which are held some time before el-
ections each party selects the nam-
es of fourteen men to go on the bal-
lots immediately underneath the in-
signa of the party they represent.
These men are voted for and not the
:President or Vico-President. and
those elected have the honor of toe-
ing members of the electoral col-
lege, and so with other states. At
a certain time the members for each
state meet and decide on a represen-
tative or representatives, whom they
send to \\'ashington with their prox-
ies to cast :their votes in favor of
the man who is selected at the Nat-
ional Convention, held usually in
June before the general elections, as
the choioe of elle party for president.
or 'they may go in a body to Wash-
Each member of the electoral col-
lege, does not receive the same num-
ber of votes, as many are cut by the
voters in order .to give preternuce
to some one in the other party col-
umn, but it is a usual thing for
each state baying a majority to fav-
or of either party to elect nil mem-
ber's of the successful parties, al-
though there arc sometimes divisions
of 'the members of the electoral col-
lege in some states, some on each side
being elected. Outside the Vice -
President, the members of the cab-
inet are appointed by the d'resident
and are not elected by the peoplee%
la the recent United States elec-
tion. a majority of 'Republican mem-
niers of the electoral college were
elected and will vote for Taft for
President when the time comes.
Council met un 'Wednesday Nov.
s. All present. The Black Cr. lar.
North Drain was reported to be com-
pleted and the satne was taken over
by the council. Mr. Charles Black•
well was appointed Inspector for
the U. C. 11. :North Drain, under pro-
vision of the Drainage Actt Ac-
counts were ordered to ,be paid
amounting 10 $721.33.
Council will Meet again on Wed-
nesday the and day of Dec., at one
o'clock p. tut N. !less Sr.
The following is •the report of S.
8. No. 15 Ilay and Stephen for tnottth
of October. Narnes are in order of
Sr. 1V. Frieda Schroeder, alilda
Bader: Jr. IV. tWiilic Schroeder;
Int;. 111. Rosetta Rader. Chris Iler-
erlittg ; rjr. Ill. Gladys rrurnl:ttll.
De11.t Fischer. Roy .St:intake, Vera
Luther ; Sr. 1i. /Ileatrice Turnbull,
Jane Charrette. Fred tihuart. Ethel
Oliver. Edith 'Heckmann ; .t1r. II.
Evyln Charrette. iWitl:e Tischer,
Rosabella I'haff, Johnny Heckmann :
I't. 1 Sr. Albert 'l iacher. Adolph
Keller. Average attendance 26.
E. M. Kellertnann.
Have You
a Friend?
Then tell him about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
how it cured yourhard cough.
TcII him why you always keep
it in the house. Tell him to
ask his doctor about it. Doc-
tors use a great deal of it for
throat and lung troubles.
The best kind of a testimonial -
"Sold for ever sixty years."
AMade hr 1, r. a ter r'., LerrM 1, Masa.
A,s, masubotu r
/� i c(RS(PARILIA.
Drs ell ts.
��ds �vJ Helfr 1h;eR.
ro seer.iS' W. pob'•sb
tb• formulas or all our med,,.,..s.
a sn recovery. Cantly laxative. of Ayer's PM* at bodtlmo wil
After suffering eight years,
thisvyontalt seas restored to health
by Lydia E. 14nkb:tut's Vegetable
Compound. Read her letter.
\Its. A. 1). 'l'rutleau, :\rupritti,
Ontario, writes to .Mrs. I utkhan►:
•• I suffered terribly from uleer;t-
tiun of the feminine organs for eight
years. I tried four doctors but got no
relief. and thought i would have to die.
•' One day I saw an advertisement of
Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com-
pound in the paper. I sent for some.
and before I had used five bottles 1
was entirely cured. 1 hope every suf-
fering woman will take my advice and
use Lydia E. l'inliham's Vegetable
Comp tit '
For thirty years 1 yt1i t E. l'iuk-
hant':s Vegetable Compound, inade
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
alit! has posit iVeIycured thousands of
women who have been t; onbled wit h
displacements, inflammation, idoera-
tion, til,10i1L tumors, irreglil:iritie..
periodic pains, baekaehe, that bear
ln.gdown hiding, flatulency, inl
l i. •n,d izziness or nervous prost rttt ion.
Why don't you try it?
Don't hesitate to \write to Mrs.
Pinkli stn if sun freed:1414 icenhout
mfr -defin. . she swill treat sour
!e'tler IH cut; lirl,!i e and n(it'lse
you tree. 11er•nitee of her vast
experience she hits h(lpeti t;lott-
sandn. address, Lynn. Mast.
Barney Barnett) and the Secret of the
Blue Roe.k.
1t i, truer gem:tulle believed that
diamonds are formed in the earth by
extreme heat and preeeut'e. 'Lure,
llaruato, the South African theme!: ;
magnate, was one of the first nen t,
fathom the secret of the source 01 ': e
Kimberley diuusunds and to n:a:,e at
fortune front his knowledge. ale:
pioneers worked in the penile-
ellowwhich lay on the surface :1i.,1 i
diamonds there in abundance. ..
they eame there the men c •,::•1 .. .
imagine. When they hut' pa. :::r:.,
this layer of yellow earth :roti t:,::,
the blue rock Itnderlyiug tt
hearts sank. They thought tl,,•s t.
conics to the enol of their riche..
nato, however, did not believe :
the gems had been deposited i.
'above. Hu believer; that what
wore working in wore real:; .
craters of extinct voleanoes, t., .t •
diamonds had been forced le,
below and that whence these
come more and greater \sere t .. ..
So he bought every claire Ia 1.
and time vindicated his judgutc;.
Ile did not make his guess le
property. Tho ordinary num
he found Itis layer of yellow g'- 'd
run low made haste to sell out • •
lminitiated. One man who Iia.; t .t, t-
ed this stage obliged a frier. -1 ' •
lowing him to dump main 1•i-: •
the yellow earth which Ilea i,.. :1
worked and sorted. '!len he tee ..1
a newcomer who was looking :
claim rielt in yellow deposit. 1.
novice paid $2,000 for the site .1 d
thought that he hail virgin e...:10
upon which to work. _1t; a free,
had to go down into the blue 1, a. .-
he handled a diamond.
But the biter was bitten. The t' , rt
which was sold for $3,000 soon 1. a. rt
to pay out of the blue rock aunt t.
could not have been reh,at! I;t
$200,000. Barneto would I:le.•
$40,000 for it and taken the t i.si:, I, :
he did not hear anything of the hair, -
action until the tenderfoot had b e.ta r-
and the man who thought bins
clever had departed.
How They Can Help to Make Tent-'.:
Wholesome Places to Live In.
Much in the lis,e of town irnprev.'-
nient work can be accomplished 1 ;
women. In The Delineator a wi;. •r
tells some of the things a women c' :.
do -namely:
Abolish unnecessary noise.
Establish traveling libraries and
bring rending matter within the tette",
of all.
Help to save the forests from de-
('lean up her own back yard a:.,1
make it such a thing of beauty that it
will be an inspiration to her neigh-
See that the health of her fellow
citizens is eared for by securing the
appointment of a public nurse whose
duty is the care and instruction of the
Secure lighted streets at night and
thereby prevent crimes.
Insist upon paved sidewalks.
Demand clean streets and get then!.
Get rid of tramps by having an ever
ready town wood pilo -no work, no
Heap to prevent the injustice of
child labor.
Do away with unmoral theatres.
moving picture shows and postal
romiBeautify her street with window
litiCehnii tele&nnq and telegraph
tom Lststing off and midi -
branches of trees.
tamch loss of life by insist -
that ail wires be underground.
public interest in the public
'err garbage box clean and
insist upon her fellow
the same:
BSS- oast betxtmle Rhe has done
one of Utcso things. And when
them all towns and cities
nth.happy, wholesome places
t.0 111r0.
11. , .nd oyster supper under
Lhc :ul.i,:c, s of the Woodham L. 0.
L. Lodge was given last Thurseley
evening and proved a decided true•
(" S t. Addreslees were delivered by
Rev. C. 1'. ,Well. of .Granton and Bev.
1.. Bartlett, of AWoodham. Miss Ilona
ltoh'non, of Kirkton and ?11r. free;
McTavish. of St. Marys. Music wa•
furnished by the London Harpers.
Thoeo unhappy persons who suffer
from net t ousneas and dyspepsia
should use Carter's Little Nerve
oil.., ,which are made expressly for
sleep'. ' nervous dyspeptic suffer-
ers. Pr ice 25c.
hive o:1 drillers have abandoned the
on Jlurkin's fain,, tlliddulpit.
e11 having struck tt strong flow
of Leine at a depth of 1,46U feet.l t. • next lecatlo►I will be near ht.
- '. sr. end .Toho allude.
cedes,citizens, have
-:y ill. hut are Slowly
1. , . it. ,l{. Stevenson. panto:
I „ .bytet fen Church 'acre,
• •1 1 0 stgary and t!:'
e: 1 two months for
:lit. 1 'erupt! last week shotw-
. .r!t ..., ,:ovrltlent. Slid h1.
taken Iti, lis pastoral dula:.
I • Sietfit • Sts gave their anneal
the basement of the
church ','..• !rh and it -proves
to ,Lc 15'.;: •ueeeseful. The liter-
ary part of the progratnme was fer-
n rhed he local client:
.1 ea. hot eman was home from Tor -
teat, for th•, holidays.
re• ie': t'. Club on hailer tagla.
• t t:gin r, .1 for lite ‘1p1ae11. '1''o`:-
•1 t • 11 1,. given.
(r ' w I purehneed eir i
r.; •t 'n .1 Ito!-' )10114 011 Nt►+^
`! . I ,nos. occul•: 1...
h .new re. d. tee•• 051 the 005 Het w ht. r:
!poly Trimly chnleh stood.
graham 'ioDougall, of Toronto.
etablePreparation forAs-
ding thtToaiand Reg u1a-
tI1CStdlnafhs and Bowels of
i\I.l\ 1', ( HILDI►I:N
Promoted 1 estion,Cheerful-
DC.SS d llest.Contains neither
t • • • e ,MMorphine nor Mineral.
us Spall-
Apert t Remedy for Com tipa-
tl in, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convuts ions,Feveri sh-
TacSimile Signature of
l b n1(11t1lis 1)1(1
33 Dosis -3)C, Nr*.•
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
for Over
Thirty Years
?Hi OCMvun sor.•arr, 11:1110 CORS 01TV.
who has been acting as (temporary place before Christmas.
principal of the (nigh School for the Burt Porte. of Fenton, ,Stich. ear -
past two months, left last week for rived home Friday to recuperate
Toronto. His place Ides been taken after a month's illness.
by 113. A. t'psltall, Il. A. also of !Tor-
onto, who it is expected will remain
in charge until the Christmas holi-
day* Tablets are working ,wonders in my
Martin Carey, of Port Huron, and parish'. 1'reventics surely will
formerly of Lucan, who has been cheek a cold, or the Grippe, in 'a
promoted to the position of road- very few hours. And Preventies are
master over tho division west in so safe and harmless. No Quinine,
Michigan. was in town for a few, nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine
days last week for feverish restless ohildren. Cox
The contract for carrying the mails of 48 at 25c. Sold by W. 8. Howey
between Lucan 1'•. 0. and doe G. T. Tickling, tight coughs can be sure -
It. station has been transferred to ly and quickly loosened with a pro -
E. A. Abbott. J. C. Howard's mail soription ¶lartuggists are 'dispensing
contract between London and Lucan everywhere ns (Dr. Shoop's (Cough
has been renewed for four years. Remedy. And it is so very, very
The Orangemen of this district different than common cough med-
gavo themselves en oyster supper• icines. No opium, no chloroform,
at the Orange .Hall, on William st.l absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe.
on Thursday night. i The tender leaves of a harmless,
Oscar Meads, of Detroit, youngest lung healing mountainous shrub,
son of the late Mrs: Sara Meads. is gives the curative properties to Dr.
visiting in town. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves
George Kent, an old Lucan boy. have the power to calm the most dis-
now with Greenshields, Limited, of tressing Cough and to soothe and
Montreal, as their Old Country buyer heal the tnost sensitive bronchial
was in town last week: membrane. Mothers should for
Miss Nellie Foreman twill spend safety's sake alone, always demand
the winter in stratforde • Dr. Shoop's. It can osith perfect
Owing to the delay in furnishing freedom be given 'to even 'the young -
the interior of the new t7ipiscopal est babes. Test it yourself and t=ee.
Church. the opening will not take! Sold by W. 8. IIiowey.
A clergeman ;writes; r'Preven-
ties, those little Candy Cold Cure
Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to
sell spring wheat Hour for pastry at any price.
People didn't want it -then were using
soft, winter wheat flour, and sl w no reason
for changing.
But hard wheat flour was persistently
pushed and prejudice has been overcome.
The women tried it, succeeded with it and
appreciated it. -To -day hard what flour is
the favorite for pastry as well as for bread.
The flour that is doing the most for
the reputation of hard wheat flour is the
brand known as
Ogilvie's Royal llousehold
It is hard wheat flour at its best -milled
by modern methods, retaining all of the
good of the wheat and none of the bad -
it is without an equal for every kind of
baking in which flour is used.
Talk to your grocer about it -if he
isn't enthusiastic it's only because he isn't
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co.i 'Ammo.
The Molsons Bank
Iuc•orporated 1855
CAPITAL • • • • 53 374,00000
RESERVE FUND • • • • $3,374,000.00
Has tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.,
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager
•N•NN•N•NN N• ••N•••tt) ••••••N•NN 44.4 N•••Nr
D. Z. WALSER, Presided
AL2. LAIRD, General Wham
IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or fetter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager
Etranuk also at Crediton.
Guaranteed Cured or No Pay.
If you ever had any contracted or hereditary
blood disease, you are never safe until the virus
or poison has been removed from the system.
You may have had some disease years ago, but
now and then some symptom alarms you. Some
poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford
to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear-
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury
or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may
ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the
treattnentof these diseases enables us to prescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blood
diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad
effects on the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up
all ulcers, clear theskin, remove bone pains, fallen
out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re-
turn to a normal condition, and the patient will
feel and look like a different person. All cases
we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com-
plete cure if instructions are followed. f
Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE
OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation'
or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years.
WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and
Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free.
1t unable to Gall write for a Question List for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan d& Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich.
• t -s ■
■dpi? iLA:5.-
Some day shaving Is forced apes
every mea At first It does net
matte what sort of razor is used -
Carbo Magnetic or
mother's fond birthday gift of an
szpeasive safety with Its constant
tat of yew blades -fast so It
The beard soon stiffens and they
the real, vital question arises:"Why
doesn't s razor held Its edge aai-
J formly from heel to head without
toning or grinding?" Shaving has
Stow become a necessity -bet the
comfort and satisfactic,l cf a daily,
cool, clean shave is very ce;dont ob-
tained. Palling and smarting is the
usual outcome of the effort, whether
Iyon shave yourself cr have it done
to your favorite barber's chair. Yoe
1 persistently ask, "Why?" "The
1 temper of the bide Is not tcihrm,
retaking periodical honing and grind -
lo;, a necessity," Is eta. answer.
Th: blade of the Carbo Lla„ cdic
rarer is 6ni:hed bye secret process
c( Eloo(rie Tomnnring that
positively merges cv;ry panicle et
c rbon (tot life of steel) into the
meta! -g ving a dfarsond-liko
boo dnoso uniformly throughout
the blade-somethicg absclutc'y im-
possiblt. with Ere tempered ctcr: rase!
!n making all ether razor t'a_:s.
But test this no honing., no
grinding, uncond:tra,atly guaran-
teed rarer in your o- a Force--rr
bare your barber use it u1701.
Drop us • postai, er l.et:•r y..
come in and see us and we
you our new propos:t.cn ter tr.v:t,g
these razors tested w•.:hoct ob:tga•
tion to purchase, together with our
free booklet "Hints on Shaving."
On Thursday morning ex -Mayer
Thompson. of Godcrich. ICCeivcrl a
telegram stating that his son Robert
who had been living in ,Winnipeg
for some time. had died from typhoid
fever. Deceased Lad been ailing for
about two wetks and letters from
his medical attendant, one of wvl;iee
was received last said he WAS doing
nicely, so that the fatal ending was
not expected by the fin:it•.
The remain were brought to Goder-
ich and the funeral held on S'1n.1••v.
intland erment taking, •lace in •.ria;:-
tcmetcrr . •
S. Cole, Druggist
SJO0 IS 01 the COOOdiuo Norm west
Any person who is the sole head
of a tamil3, or any male over 18
years old may homestead a quartek.
sectoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub -agency for the district. Et'try by,
proxy may be had at the agency, on
certain conditions, by father, mother
son. daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties: -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in eaob
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine utiles of his home-
stead on a tfartn of at least 80 acre,
solely owned anal occupied by him or
hie father, mother, son, daughter.
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homeetea:dor
at good standing rnny pre-empt a
. ter section alongside his home.
,• . !. Price R3. per acre. Duties-s-
uties--al 1 t res:de six months iii, ao)t of cis
year, from date of homestead entry
(including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who bas exhausted
his homestead right anti cannot ob.
tale a pre-emption may take a pur-
chased homestead in cola a at districts
Price $3. per acre. Dutieet.-Must
reside six menthe in each of three-
hreeyears, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a ho':se worth *100.0.
w, w. coma
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N. n. -Unauthorized ani ikntion of fhb sdverlW
ment will not 1,e paid f..r
Some of the daily pnplars have men -
Coned Mr. William Sloan's name in
oonnect:on with the i.I ittenant-Gov-
ernorship of British ('olun,bi 1. Mr.
Sloan. who is in old 5rnforth boy,
has been identified ewith politics in
British Columbia for eomr years, and
his old friends would be delighted
to sco this honor conferred on him.
He would he a splendid men for the
poai lion,
For Infante and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of