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Exeter Times, 1908-11-12, Page 3
ITHE 'WIFE AND INVOLUNTARY VACATION ,r. nt; I\'Illltitude3 of Young Single Women Also Do Their Part. Ccil0 Caro r S Many daughters havo done virtu- ho told the whole truth, "I owe my u;,rly, but thou exeellest theta all.— position in life to my self-sacr,tic- 1'rovc•rbs xxxi 29 I inti l •r " Shallf her as SOME HOLIDAYS T11A'1' COULD NOT IIi: HELPED.Some Strange Reasons for Wishing to Serer the Marriage Tie. Who Went Away front Home Never, surer•, was stranger rea- son for a divorce than that lately end Had a Very Unpleasant advanced by a Mrs. Richards, who, Experience. i;l the Chicago courts, applied for .1 decree against her husband, who dollars in his pocket, yet no doubtt +C (� � t,e would have exchanged all for;FROM ERIN'S I EEN ISLE loaf.--Pearson's Wt•ekly. SEEKING DIVORCE. '1E11" S BY MAIL 1' R O II IR l:- L.IN0'E Sl1ORLS. Happeningsin the Emerald Isle of Intcr•e•t to Irish. Men. v s c a we say o to :1 year or two ago an American; ie secretor • of a lural football club, Tho Glc„lark mines, Cu. Tyrone, i�e j t;�.�` This is what the wino man tells t Gra in his '•Lir ”—'•full many family consisting of father sell arid' J deep about to be opened. `��e' Gray gJ , n the ground that his club lost too 1�-�*"1;ttt=' `�' • 140 0 us of the ideal woman o[ his day. a flower is born to blush unseen and too daughters arrived at l'l,alxi5 1 burglar just sentenced need at Bel LtltleleAlVer II1r' ' many matches during the season• fast is 32 e ►,Js A woman relay be model. married waste its sweetness on the desert ►► the island of Eubuea, and put up the husband did not oppose his years old, and has been Combines thepotent healing virtues of �' at the hetet there. times convicted. S or single, but not ideal. The ideal air ► No, the sweet sacrifice of wife's petition, us only when his woman is the wife and mother. The such a life is nut a waste. but rises l They were evidently well-off, an A serious fire occurred at the ex- the Norway pine trap with other absor- 1 teu.m w•c►n carts Itis burnt, at all en- tensive wagon , model wife reigns as a queen in her as an "odor of sweet incense" to; ei eat money freely-. They had been c4urablo. ��8 II and curt building bent exlw�;tursntlindsoothingmedicirlefs �-- home, exerting a tremendous inilu- heaven. travelling all through Greece, and ,, wvorks of promos Fisher, Brougham of recognized worth, and is absolutes meant in a mouth's time to return : 1 Persecution by photograph is a y —�! once in life's battle. Of the mo -1 street, Belfast. harmless, prompt and safe for tl►ecureof u/%`C/.���THE II)}::\I. \IUTfIER. t^ Athens, uud thence to wake; their novel reason fur demanding a Sep- likt lluttrrybruok, just outside !)ub- ' ! ! �• ther suint: one has well said: "The, aration. Because Mr. Hollun►s, of lip,, the hair was put a stopto Ill way home. 7 Newark, N. J., spoke an impassion- 1855, lifter rbeen hld for COU(IHS,COLDS, BRONCHITIS, Suddenly their regular >t•c•ekly re- , cc.; address to a young lady into a having ittauces stop}:eel and,take of Mr.WOMAN.bestrongadrylongwanttonight,butnd n the her inSyrup,Co.tion.person,did,a1 • onlywhichMrs., - longervisitingMarch,ownguiltytheisaudformostwhich, ot et tortoise-shellnotback, hister pocket,andofmostship,inflax,LESSON.Butway.Mrs.glossysupportsIrishcollect-weresopathwaypaysrepairstwoAtate,soughttoo,over"Thecar-TheKingtext,,personaleveningat TheareGod,doesdangers de-forThusthebonypartOfsinceT e s menck YetforworkJul that, watchtornhisgrazingvarioussur-elentifully st.•eked and his guests andInc The while the husband and father toils `punsibility for rearing cc,rrectly.•enterica, the head of the family re-' phonic• dehhis which se (lour, he was and then careful and proper training lac - at his daily task, gives her the op- or the children necessarily rests tip- ceived a reply that, through the baled before a judge. Both he and portunity of exercising the prepou-'on her. To see that the children4loss of a lawsuit.. he teas ruit.cd dud, the lady who eas the chief cause deratinginfluence of good or ill ti absolutely penniless. , :,rt thecharacters o.the children are properly fed and clothed, and of the trouble declared that Mrs. .� i with the passing years to educate The lintel bill amounted to near-'. Hollums was the subject of hallucin- livetshe formative During theseriod of golden days p) operly and to be careful that the, I e t j©00't andl they la�rcdll ti', f al luwe0 s ation, but these statements were associates are all racy should e, i " successfully- traversed by the injur•- the ideal mother will both by pre- cievolte largely upon her. Then' them the use of one room in tore, to wife, who, having secured the es pt and example mold the minds there is the temptation to be too basement., and here the unfortu- phonograph, produced it in court. and hearts of her children into beautiful symmetry trusting soul to inspire a confidence pockets, Ma err was obliged to that a wi )e welleven unto the tramp the whole way back to Beni - end oflife.This confidence is re- erhaven. fleeted in the words of the closing Not mysterious, but very nnplea- good- WAS t t adventure ness and loving -kindness shall fol- fell the wife of a lighthouse inspec- low low inc all the days of my life." tor in November, 1906 Her h we in a rouse of or Land took her for a cruise to visit that graveyard of the Atlantic, Salle Island, and, as the weather 'las delightful, she greatly enjoy- ed the trip. She was so deeply in- terested in the island and its inha- bitants, that she insisted upon staying a night at the lighthouse settlement while her husband re- turned to the ship. During the night a heavy gale came on, and the steamer was foreett to leave rho c1angerous neighborhood. The storm raged for a week, cord wase ( beck -het •. True fruits are not unwilling to .l.t hidden by the lean ,•@. HAD BACHACUE. Was Unable To Do (House= *work For Two Years Many 11'oineri tilTer Untold Agony r Front itIdne) ,'rouble, problems of his hussy private and publ'c life. 2. He maketh me—Perhaps every shepherd in the Orient is intent on securing the greatest ,possible com- fort and the hest possible pastures for his flock. But still there is a difference even between go..(1 shep- herds, and the emphasis of the psalm .at this point is clearly on the ler„ •1181 pronoun. Leadeth---The shepherd leads, he ,.Dear Sir, — Will you send sloes not drive his flock. amount of your bill, and oblige. • Beside still writers —The !welling, To which the delinquent replied: "The amount is 138.75. — Yours respectfully." ------4 OBLIGED AT ONCE. The proprietor of a hotel, hear- ing of the whereabouts of a guest. who had decamped from his estab- lishment without going through the formality of paying his hill, sent him a note: Very often they think it is from au• -riled ureal has been enjoyed to the frill '•f►ithes�►lalot'" tclinehans:tl,.'e.•'y Ththinerak. is less "female and in consequence of their hearty to Wn:o.ta s,idf•r from bar'kache, aloppleshs- f'-•eding t he sheep hu► a rests(, for assn. nCrr.plrsnand A drag-e.a, irritability rag- :1 while "in green pastures, not gin, .town frc-ling in the loins. Sod,: men,i i weariness 11111 in contentment and they do not Liam •• female trouble." , it nil peace. Now the mroning is far Why. thee, teamo ell suer trouble to, advanced, the nuc•n hour is: tip- '. female (incase S1,',tof the so-called •'ftr►sle disorders', ! 1 ranching, the sun is hot,and the are no mere or less than "kidney flown -dere," , sheep are thirsty, but the shepherd ao: Nan be emily and sjpsi;kly curet! by i findk fur them a drinking place. 11Man'• Kidney I'rif•. Perhaps it is in some protected ',tri. C. Dupuis, 1►cilevi••w 1'itl :e, N.I1.. nook along the course of the Inoun- w rites : "1 w•sr unable to do my h 'use- twin stream where the rushing work for two years on ae•aunt of back• ache. 1 club' not get up the stairs. ,loan's ill ook paint's for a rn.,ntent in a K1 bwv ,'ills (p:p( me permanently after gttiet pool, perhaps beside a sleep do,tnt•r faiZtd t.► even relieve the !Ain. I tce`1l, ••r perhaps on for gentle can highly re•<•omrn,•ud ttv m to all sufferers E slopes of a broad, deep stream hoe, ki.lrrey trouble." !'rice :if) ta. per bps ar e 3 he (es for $1.^1; 3 Iie9tore'th my ec�ul 1s does the at all dealer• or mailed dirint ••n receipta"oliing, refreshing drink at no• n• •►f price by Vat) Doau Kidney ,'ill Co., time. Tswun Ont, Cluideth me in the path - -- After 100000001.00.041.1....... THE +00�..QL.�- TIIE RESULT. "Now, Willie, you know I told you ti' t to K,• se intming, anti yet you have been in the water." "1 know it. ma ; Ills Satan tempt- ed nor." ''plod why did you not tell Satan to get 1.ebind you?" "I did. and he kicked in.• -- --- YET NEVER LEARNS. "It takes a baby mus' two years t • learn to talk," said Uncle l:hen, "an' den it takes tie res' of its life- tinre to learn to keep f'nnh talkin' too isiuch." Laby. "Yost young scoundrel," said the father, seizing his disobedient son Painting people with dencavity seems to be a poor t, ae to ,reduc•e desires for purity. People who relish loud stir n},t Curious Friend 1- that y ',ling lady I saw you with the other flay your sister 1 Rejected Suitor t 1•,(1 1 ) No, hut 1'1 t he hair ; "I'1! show you how to to talk about the need of i e•ali-t le she told tory di, w a „111,,,g to I,t treat your mother." And be gave studies in morals. 4. `- hire s•.everal bangs on the ears, and The gloomiest ht'arts cin earth in rf►me Acs}tralian towns jewel - any shook hien until his hair be.' are those that hate never earned Ices let engagement tingle out on grin to fall nut. any Rlow of gratit.,de. Goodness cannot become hal,itu.! hire. ---- ai unless we will to be better than `-- 000, U He ,als.,lntely need to he. C FOR He I,cc0tstea a drag rather than a RE ;WASWEAK ANOTHIN DYSPEPSIA leaejduerdiwe-}i•, „ithafthkees 1p,iseoplapepeal to the prr� . When a than sets up to be a guider Al is ,call known, this troublesome c, m• to Mennen jtist watch to see tf Re running low, and the vessel had to print arises from over eating, the use of goes before is the hard places. return to I ortland, .sfaine. tee much rich font, neglected •-onstipation, In the end the peon• lady wsis lack of e•xerrire. Ind air, ere. Tho f„ ►+1 'h poli be thoroughly chewed, c I,liged to spend nearly six weeks en.l never .,0../e_ or sw.illowcfl in haste, tnaruconed on t he Mand. She hasstrmulrnts must bo avoided awl exercise probably had enough of lighthouses tflk n if p,sr.:l,le. to last her for the rest of her life. A remedy whi,h has rarely failed to give The experience of Mr. John I;Pr<►rnpt relief and effect permanent cures, , over, in the in mt obstinate races, is Ward, a wealthy Canadian. may be cited as a warning t•► hBaRDocxliday-mak- oerr who go off alone oil walking tetttsc thr•,ugh c••untry they are not BL OD familiar• with. In the winter of 11:'03 Mr. Ward went to California en business. and took a short holi- day t,+ expl,.re the country afoot. It nets by regalnting and toning the.•.1i• Ttaml•isr, across the wild country Festive organs. remrvrr+g cos:iven••rr mil inland from San Bernardino, },e increasing tIIP .il►pctitnand restoring health got lost , and wandered f•,r t }, i ee and vigor to the system. clays without fond or water, svtti)sist- Mr. Arno* Bawler, /301.1 River, N.S., ing etc the pith of the !panes of the prickly cactus. He was nearly dead when picked itp by a party of fprospectors. By a curious irony .of ate, Mr. Ward had two thousand It's an uphill proposition coun- ti racting the six days' street with one hour in it Sunday school base- ment. Dissecting Jews who have been dead 3,000 years seems to be a roundabout way of analyzing mod. ern problems. It's a popular delusion when you take sand for your foundation to imagine that you are putting it in )our backbone. Birri-Rs .1 SILLY QUESTION. The new mini,ter 1)o yon know ulio 1 ant. my ltt1!,' rnsrn' Littl•• Billie—('ertsris,tn ID•.n t you knew who pill :, re r writes: —" 1 wM greatly trf„I•1,4 with } 0.000 dt•'Pr p.i*, aril after trying a•veral doctor Statistic, prose that f• the des to n,► etTe. t 1 . nommen -ext taking Illiin ,xik t 1 f 11•x.1 Bittern and 1 think it is the best (endguts f,f insane perse,n', :theta n,^die.n^ there is for that complaint. fifty-nine in every hundred are t' ►r Sala at all Puggius ami NSW.' mentally round. ONLY WEIGHED 73 POUNDS. NOW WEICHS 113 POUNDS. Had Heart Tronhle and Shortneee of Breath for Six Yearn. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS eurcd Mrs. K. E. ['.right, Ilernley, Ont. She writes: "1 % as greatly troubled, for six years, with my heart and shortness of breath. I could not walk eighty rods with- out testing four or five tinges in that ahor0 durance. I gut an weak and thin 1 only weighofl seventy-three pound•. 1 dccideel at last to take some of Milburn's ifeart and Nerve )'ills, and after taking eight boxes i gained in strength awl weight, and now "sigh ono hundred air' tbirtten pounds, the most i ever weighed in my life. i f • 1 well and can work as well ate ever 1 •!,dl, and can heartily thtr►k Milburn'• ileart and Nerve fells f',r it s11.” ,'rice ,'fir cents per box or l boxes for $i.25 at all dealers, or nit,: direct ori r.r-eipt of price by The T. ,i►l►user (:o., Ls ns s Incl, Turouto, Oat.