HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-12, Page 1l • nter t�L ,dimrs 4 HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR -NO 1832 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOV 12th 1908, $1.00 per year in advance • 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• ♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. WarmHouse Furnishings and Winter is Wearables tor the Gold weather. The cold snap has made us all think of what is coming for the next few months. You must be prepared for the cc.tniog weath- er and cannot, do better than come to us tor your winter comforts Our stock was never in better shape to stapply you with nice warts Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Flannelette and Lovely warm Blankets, Bed Comforters. Furs, Coats and all other necessary goods to keep out the cold. Beautiful Wool Blankets That will keep you snug and warm, they are alt Pure Wool, or Wool with Cotton Chain. Nice soft fluffy Blankets b ought from the best mills in Canada, They ase all good large heavy Blankets with Blue or Pink Borders. Prises $3, Sit. 4. 5. 6. & 7. Flannelette Blankets of the Best quantity White or Greys, sizes 11x4 and 12x1. Ladies Underwear Have you been at our Un- derwear Counter this fall? If you have you know some- thing of our variety. Better than ever, and weights and grades to suit all tastes. A full assortment of Fleeced and Fine Wool in cream, white, grey. black and natur- al wool 25c, :35c, 50c, 75c, $1. Pure natural wool Underwear Vests and Drawers *1.00 and $1.25. Tight -fitting Coat for $12 50 For genuine style these $12.50 coats compare favor- ably with any at $15 else- where. Braided over shoul- der,dowc frontand back with velvet collar, Bed Comforters The nice warm kind that look aixl feel warm. Made of nice floral cloths and filled with good batting $2 to $3. Toques Gloves & Mitts Toques for 23 to 50c in black blue, red or white. Ringwood. Cash tuna r e. Swede gloves in all the new colors 25 to 50 cents. Long or short Kid gloves $1 to !22.25. Another Swell Coat at $I0 Semi -fitted style with vel- vet collar; natural all wool Kersey cloth. Jame perfect tailoring and smart fit that is a feature of every coat we sell• Ladies Fur -Lined Coats A more imposing display of these favorite winter garments than what was shown last winter is what we have prepared. Styles are more handsome, quality is higher, while values surpass all other seasons. Do not miss seeing the good ones we are offering you, A good coat for $15, and better ones for $50. 8110. $65, POULTRY Chicks 7c. lb. Live 9c. lb. Dressed. (lens 6c. lb. Live 7 c. lb. Dressed. Turkeys Live Sc cash 9c trade Dressed 9c cash, Ile trade. Dressed Ducks 9c, lb. dressed Geese sc. lb. HEX. IURNBE DIES SUDDENLY ;EXETER BOY RRRESIED FOR NORSE MTH Of JOHN RAISON SiERUN It was with feelings of regret that 1 the Many friends in Exeter and the township of L'sborne learned that -- Alex Turnbull, of She Thames Road A young sten who gives his name had passed away on Tuesday '[flet- M:turjec Shaw, but who is better noon last, The deceased had driven known around town as "Fienchy' his leant attached to a democrat was arrested in London Monday af- twagon to Exeter for some lumber tet•noon as being the man suspected and was driving home when death of stealing the (torso Tuesday night St overtook him. 11c was driving along and the of last week from Mr .Colwill. of Thames Road in front Centralia. It appears the horse was of Hallie Brown's farm was Ecco to taken from a field and was lead. be the th:cf south towards Londou. and on 'Wednesday afternoon sold to a rnan named Anderson, living near London for $100. As Anderson did not haves enough money ill his house he paid the stranger $1. down the man with the horse agreeing to come back for the balance of The money. On 'Wednesday morning SIr. Colwill missed his horse and traced it as far as Anderson's borne, where it was re- covered and the London police no- tified of the transaction. It is said "Frencby' intended to go for his money last Saturday (:cit evidently put the matter off until Monday. Monday Morning he (tired a horse and buggy from \Vtn. Bissell.. say- ing he wished to go to Lucan. Ile arrived at Anderson's home in the afternoon for his tnoncy. Anderson said he would drive into London and pay shaw there. Shaw drove on ahead, and having at faster horse than Anderson, soon left him behind. •Z�Z • • fall from his wagon. The !horses which were walking at tbo time. con- tinued homeward. Mr. Brown saw Mr. Turnbull fall and immediately rushed to his assistaacc. It iwas thought that he was unconscious and •• a telephone message was sent in to •• Exeter for medical assistance and •• Dr. McGillicuddy responded. When • i he arrived at dile place where the • man was lying he found upon exam- • inat,on that death had overtaken hint before he had fallen frotn the wagon, heart failure being the cause of his death. His horses had been stopped and Mr. ITurnbull's body was taken to his home near Farluhar by kind friends. The deceased was in his 52nd nd year and was born on the farts where he resided. Ile was a man of robust frame, strong and healthy looking and bis death came as a shock to his many friends. Besides his sorrowing widow, be is survived by nine ehigdren, seven sons and two daughters. Mr. Turn- bull was a member of the Farquhar lodge 1.O.!F. 'l'be funeral will be held Friday interment being in the Exeter cemetery. On Wednesday morning Mr. J, G. Stanbury, solicitor for the Hensall Zlocal option people, received a mess- !! Coxworth's from Osgoode Ball, Toronto, that Z the Court of Appeal had dismissed Mr, jjappeal from the decision( r of Chief JustiMulock, who upheld • the bylaw. It will be remembered • that, shortly after the bylaw was car- •• ried by a vote of the people of Ilensall •• Mr. Coxworth and those opposed to •• local option commenced an action •• against the Village to have it upset. :: The Council took tip the defence of • • local option. but it w as discovered be - Z, fore long that they were playing into the hands of the liquor interests to de - o ! feat the bylaw. The tetnperam a peo- •I ple then decided to engage a twyer. themselves• Mr•, St'tnhury was re- t Ilaiucd and his sucoccdcd in winnin„ at eery stage of the case• Ile first I i I scceede eby-ld w in avinfromg the dee Vfenceillage of thuatakenhth Council. Then when the motion to 4unsh was made before Chief Jus- tice Mulock local option: was up- held and now Chief Justice Falcon - bridge and Justices illrittou and Riddell have herd 'the appeal and have again confirmed the . b)y-law) with costs against Coxworth. :\V. i'roudfoot, K. C., of Goderich. and J. ;I1. -McKenzie, C. C.. of Toronto. acted [for Coxw"ort.h. Following is the result lof the shooting match Thanksgiving I).ty. • •• •• Jones & Clark•• •••••••• Celebrated C Headquarters for the elebrated W. E. Sanford Z • Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• nONEY TO LOAN. TIt. A, R. KINSMAN, L. I). S., D. We have a large amount of private funds U. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto lomat* on term and village properties at loate University. letterset. ()MADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitor.. Main sLIKzeter Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Main street -E xssrica. Events I Birds 10 F. Kerr 8 S. Webb 7 N i) Ilurdon 't 1 Bissett 7 J Triebner 111 F Triebner 0 T Dinney J Wood W F, Sanders Dr Sweet I) Cook R Disney T Routclilf U Disney C Stanlake 2 :i 10 10 1) 4 5 :3 2 36 8 8 5 6 4 10 4 u 0 7 10 10 7 9 3 8 t 1 3 0 8 i) 9 4 8 6 .1r. John Allison, one of :L ; 10- ncers of the Thames (toad, 1..a• -,•ti away to his last reward Tuesday af- ternoon at the advanced age of 81 years and 4 months, senile decay, or old age being the cause of his death. The deceased had been confined to his bed for the [past four months and his death did not come unexpected. In July be made a trip to Goderich and while there walked several miles out in !the country to sec a friend. The exertion of the walk was too touch for 'the aged gentleman and on his return home was compelled to take to his hod, ile was born in Ayrshire, Scotland and carne to Canada when at Art Garlands, large sic child with his 'parents, first acitliti „ Souvenirs „ Everything in STOVES and RANGES Our Stoves are Right, Our Prices are Right. Garlands Souvenirs Canada tccl, on legs RANGES $33.00 to $49.00 $35.00 to $48.00 $50.00 BASEBURNERS at Cobourg, where he lived for sev- eral years. After reaching manhood state ho made his way westward and settled an the Thames Iload. About 55 years ago he was married to Jane Chalmers, of Pickering, who sur- vives him. The children surviving me John T., of the Thames Road Andrew and David, of Roland, Man.; William, Regina : Mrs. Hamilton, Hibbert : Mrs. 'Win. Gardiner, Clear- water, Man.: .Mrs• Geo. Monteith, Thames Road, Mrs. i[iobt. Kydd, .Us - borne, and Mrs. C. Ilarris, of Regina, The late Mr. Allison was a staunch member of the Presbyterian church and in politics was an adherent of the Liberal cause. ,When the Thames Anderson thencalled up the Lost )[bad postoffice was established Mr. don police giving a description of the man and as Shaw drove uP Tal- bot street he was placed under ar- rest. During the afternoon, Mr. 131s - sett received a telephone message from'London that Shaw vas arrested and that his horse and buggy were being held by the police )ending the arrival of some one to take them home. "Frencby' ban been living in tow;; during the past year. w•orkitlg at different times with farmers in the vicinity, but lately he worked at the canning factory, until .that institu- tion closed down 'for the season. lie boarded with Mr. Snell at the north end of the :town and was not looked upon as a suspicious character. fie always seemed to have plenty of money and gave •the impression that he was well off. Ile claims to have been born in Amberstburg of French parents, although he appears to t:e part Negro. !When he was suite young, be claims, his parents died and he was 'taken by a family [tear London to raise and since he was fourteen years of age has fought the battle of life alone. i10 is a t very illiterate 15(1, being unable to read •r write. 110 was remanded by ilia London authorities for a week. the Mace-Cuiting NuptuoIs A very pretty 'wedding took place in Exeter on [Wednesday, Nov. llth, at the home of the late Isaac Carling. Es4.. "The Maples" 'Huron St., when his third (laughter Florence, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr. 'William 1). •Mace, of Winnipeg. At high noon the bride, becomingly attired in a travelling - suit of navy blue broadcloth ..and carrying a white prayer book, en- tered the drawing ,room on the arm of her brother, Mr. Isaac It. Carling. to •the strains of Menrletssohn s wed- ding march played by Miss Pauline Elliott, of Norwich, a ,niece. of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Itev. '1Nalter Collins, of .the Tri- G. J. Kerr and E. A. Fear, excellent vitt 'Mernorial church, under an arch All" was,l (son appointed postmaster, which office he held up to the time of his death. The funeral will be held Thursday, interment Icing in the Exeter cemetery. Centralia Miss Kate Handcock. of Toronto. was the' guest of her sister, Mrs. W. It. Elliott during the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer ot Strat- ford spent Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs. Andtr.on. Miss Lillie Elliott, of London, spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof. Rev. V. 11. Butt, left Friday morn- ing for Detroit, to visit his son there he also went further west to Pontiac to renew old acquaintances. Mr. Austin I)uplan of Lucan High School, spent Thanksgiving with his parents Miss Lulu Hastings, of Exeter spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Miss ..aura Bntt.rendered excellent solos and readings which were well appreciated by a crowded ;house at Londesboro Monday evening. Mr. Chas. Clark, editor ot the "Com - 1) „ Huron „ Empire Garlands Modern Jeweils Wood and Coal Heater $44.00 $46.00 $32,50 $34 00 $32.00 $4.5o to $22.00 Stove Boards, Mats, Elbows, Pipes, Dampers, etc. Scranton foal. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Hawkins & Son Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, hoof" ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convince.• that it is the cheapest spot in town T. KAWKINS & SON FALL SUITINOS Just to hand the largest and }ler Herald" visited at. the-iethodirt, best stock of Fall Suitings ever Church last Thursday. Mts. Dr. Orme is the guest of her sister Mrs. Dyer of Detroit. Nits. Clark of London, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Hergott. Miss Gladys Essery, of Alma College St. Tlhomas, spent the ;holiday with her parents here. Mr. Jamas Handford and daughter Hattie, visited in Grantor] on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Duplan, Mr. 'Phos. Edwards and %lr. Harold Duplin visited friends in Granton on Sunday. Mr. William Parsons and Muster Leonard Abbott visited friends in London. Too late for last week ' The Chicken Supper held here Tues- day evening was a great success. The supper trait all that could he desired and the programme was excellent con. silting of Speeches by Revs. R. flicks, of Chrysanthemums and, American Beauty roses in The presence of the FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur s '3 2 3 ,utns/diete relatives of lite contrnct- geon, Successor to A. It. IRatn-! " ing parties. During the • signing of say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani- J \V • BROWNING, M. D., M. C '3 the register -lies Nina Carling sang mals on most approved principals, as • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un 3 in beautiful voice Beloved it 6s special attention to dentistry. office rereitr• once and reeidenonce. Dominion ' Morn." After the ceremony • the Laboratory. Exeter. 3 at Ramsay's old stand on Main street. guests proceeded to the spacious din - Night call at Peter 13awden's residence Associate Coroner of Huron, ing-room which was most profusely Main street. decorated with pink and white Chrysanthemums and ,bridal roses, where a dainiy nodding 'breakfast was secvcci. With the les: -�- wishes and congratulations of their many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Mace left MONEY to leu, a Iewe+t rates. ltOit�i tIK North West tao&tor i.ttr• SCHNELL-A1 His Goshen Line. (lay on the evening 4rain for a'tour of Office. Main Street. Exeter on Oct. 31st. to MI. and Mrs. David th,. continent. The groom's gift to Schnell. a daughter. the bride was a sunburst of pearls TRGEMNIitt-At the Goshen Line. and nmethysts while the bride pre- pay, on the Sth inst. to Mr. and seated each of her neices with hand - Mrs. 1). Truemner. n son. some pearl brooches. frhe presents the best Canadian mak- HILL -In Toronto on November 5t1i. were 'both numerous and costly in- to Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. 11i11 a son. eluding cut [;lass, china and siive.r. LAWSON--In Stephen, Tuesday Nos. The Tittles joins in congratulations. 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Law- On Monday morning of loaf week Law- son. n son. George '[.evy stet [[with a s:ngular • s1V1'.i1'%p;It-1n Crediton. Sunday nacidenl which )roved fatal. on the Square Plano Nov. 8th to Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry farm ofnt George proved sal. n Road Swcitrer• a daughter. At a bargain. MARRIED near Goderich. Levy, who worked MONEY TO LOAN I for Mr. Ilisseti. was milking just 1\CE-CAll1.ING- 'in F:x^ter, on before daylight. and the cow next Wednesday, Nov. 11th, .by the Rev. Wahave rtnitrnitextprivate tandetor la.eal Also three W. Collins, to the one he was milking kicked -ant neon farts or villagetropertyat lowed i Florence, third dauah• out and striking Levy carried him good ler of the late Isaac Carling, Est- forward. The animal then jumped ase., of Inters,,t. second-hand ntCK80NIt CARLIhG�t� I to .Mr. 1Vm. D. Mace. of Winnipeg. en hits. and it is said one of the O ANS DIED other animals fell on him. Ire some- DICKSON it CARL11CIr, i 1 ANDREW_in Elinlville, Friday Nov. how nianaged to get up and taking - I ---�-- 1 6th. 1908. Eliza Andrew aged ^4 the lantern made for the house. arrt•tev. Solicitors, NoMNe•.(ltxty• saver. • year's• 5 months rind 28 rayl. where he told Mr. Bissett. Jr. what Oomr's,S •atm, sollcttors for the yolwns Sewing Machines ALLISON -On the Thanks Road. 0.- had happened. and then fainted awn,. Bank. Kto. ( the h('st the country produces borne. Tuesday, Nov. IOth. John Doctors were Iuickly on hand. and rwW toLowa at lows•[ setae of interest. } 1 Allison. aged 83 years. (hen it was seen that Levy was se• Tt'RNill'LL-On the Thames Itoad verely injured. one rib being pressed OYFICKt-11AIN 8T1tF.ItT, EXETER. All the latest novelties in Sta. (laborite. Tuesday Nov. 10th. Al:': into the right ling and another into IL CARLI!•a 11. a. t- H. MOMS tiOtter) . Ttlt nhnll. aged 52 years. the right kidney. Later in the day . he was taken to Alexandra hospital. lhtr prices for a▪ ll the above goods •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I and as he could tont l.ve :n hi= I 1 Lewis Thomas & NutterColl, ctnr W. )tia:ett + he at:condition operation was preform. are in your favor. the Tow ti hall every F ail ly until: ed. Et was found that a rib had Civil Engineer & Architect Ternls the most liberal you could i Friday. Dec. 11th and also on Bator -1 been broken and the broken piece (11t• Department of Public [vests, Canada desire Jay. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 12, 14 ' pressed into .t he lung some titre- Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County 1 Ind 15. 1 inches. 11nd that another had broken Wert, Eleetrlcrailr,s.ts,Sewerage and Waterworks •:••••••••••••••••••••••••••; and pressed again•[ rho kidney. both Hayem mune., Bridges and rte enforced Concrete - - lung and kidney ho'nq h ldlw injured. tonne 2111) London Ontario (S, �UrVln 0111 SALE. REGISTER ,The removal of the broken ribs T 1 Saturday. Nov. 21.1 -At the Met- helped Levy- conaiderat.ly ! for 1: R, G. F. ROCLSTON, L. D. S. i ropolitan hotel. horses, cattle nn:l time, but he died at noon on Wed- DR. D. 8., Dentist. Member of Rheclmatlsm promptly driven from ! sheep. the property of John Ford. nesrlay. • R. 0, 0. H., of Ontario and Honor the blood with 1)r. �Sitioop's 'the" Stephen, gale at 1 o'clock. P. N. Graduate of Toronto University. matic Remedy. Dont i+ante time P11111ips, Auct. TI;NDE y O!'FN g: -Over Dickson & Carling If [lith common remedies• A 1c..t I On Andrew S1. Ex• ter, on Pita! ' s Tendere for tie% 1'rr'byte: s•; O1nc will surely tell. in tablet or liquid 1 Nov. 15. household LawOfilces in Dr. Anderson's former form. Bold iy \\'. P. nowt?: good.. 8. F� stet[. are open at i'nlhr•rter's Mt. Car - Law .d'etat parlors. prop. John (fill, Anct. rust. 1 ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected THIS WEEK We are showing some Choice Stock in Mr. and Dlrs. Jones, of flamwortb, attended the Mace -Carling svedding on Wednesday. BIIILLAPS, EXETER, LIC PIANO S • ensed Auctioneer. Sales con ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable from Orders can he left at, the TIMMFO Office - - SIB. Et) BOS8ENBEitRY, ZURICH Good S �ond hand Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con ducted in all tarts, 'semis teasonabl and satisfaction guaranteed solos by Mr. Nelson Hicks and Miss Vera Essery. grand duet rendered with great effect by Misses. Butt and Neil, Choruses by the choir. Keep your barns locked as one horse was stolen from W. T. Colwill on Mon- day. Mr. liVnl. Oke and niece Marjory, Hepburn spent Sunday and Monday in Mitchell. Miss A. Swami teacher of this school spent Thanksgiving with her parents at Fullerton. Itev. .1. 0. Yilland, or Adlaid, visited at the Methodist Parsonage Thursday. Mr. Frank Boyle of Exeter spent Thanksgiving with his mother here. Miss. Alice Wilson returned home frotn London after spending a very en- joyable visit there. On account of the pastor's absence Rev. Kestle of Exeter occupied tate pulpit in the morning and the evening service was taken by the Epworth League who rendered a line song ser- vice. shown in town. We have received the Fall Plate of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Wear. Make your selections e arly and avoid the rush. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario Valuable Farm Pro= perty for Sale GRAND TRUNK SYS W To Western Canada Conisting of the cast half of lot 7,1 8 and 9, and the south half of lot 10 The attractive route is via Chicago Con. 4, Usborne, containing 200 acres, on [which there is erected a good brick dwelling, large bank I barn, frame stable a nd shed; 18 ern Canada via Chicago" from Grand well suited dor general farming pr: Trunk Agent. grazing. This property will be sold' in block or in part to suit purchaser. J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. Easy terms of payment. - or write J. 0. MCi)ONALI), Rnioa Martin Tiros., Prop. For terms and particulars apply 101 Depot, Toronto. Ont. TREO0.I. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar. 1 i and St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. Secure copy of timetable entitled "New Route to Winnipeg and West, Farm for Sale I This farm consists of 122 acres situ- ate at the village of EIimville on the i St. Marys gravel road, convenient 101 general store. blacksmith shop and n few minutes walk from the Mcln- o.list church, one mile from public, TRADE MARKS school. One part consists of 100 DESIGN$ acres, with brick house, large barn ` CO1wRIOHTS SC. Anrnne Mgr" ,.ketch and Aese•rlpttnn may with basement, drive Ahed, orchard, atttekI aalertaln nnr optnten tee whether an 10 acres b11s11. abundance of water. l.rent�ln Ie prnhNbl)r pD.t5 ap t� (. mmuntn [inns atrtetlylnnadenttal. It�ND OOR,�n I's( uta The other part consists of 22 acres. sent free (111st a 1017 fot•ecanntpatent•. veneer house, frame stables. o-enard I'atenta taken throe D Munn & Co, receive '1 he Rev. irl. R. hicks Almanac 2 wells. All good L• tid in good state 't°ta'}w�nhoueo� a tutee for 190:), reacts (Nov. 15, 100$. bees of cultivation. !Possession given ss, ,�erlean• ever sent nut, beautiful Covers 'rh March 1009. For terms and ofhcrl �Av�t�� dsomey utustntedweckty. rr.rg .t etr- colors. fine poi trait of Prof. ,(licks particulars arils on the premise;it ta.i;of any •11 1tlac)oarnat. 'terms for a,{.t.:s a year p *taae prefwtd. t+.(d Dy in color?. all the old features and .1O81i1TA .101INS. l'roprietor. oaws0ealen scleral new ones in 1)1e book. The c11 faBroadway. bpAt astronomical year book and th� Nouse and Lot For N F81..WashiNewyolk . only one containing the brigs: a0 IMAMS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS "(licks \\'anther Forcensis," lly most Sale in Exeter 35e, on news stands 30c. One cop; free with Word ntld Works. the best *1. Monthly in America. Discounts on nlinannes iii •inn itilics. Agents wanted. Word and Works Pub. Co. 2201 Locust Street, Ht. Louis L11o. Every citizen owes it to himself. to his fellows and to Prof, hicks So possess the "Ilicka" forecasts, -the only reliable[ This property helong.�l to the late Mrs. Eliza llodgert and is being offered by sale by t he executors to close up the cstntc. On the premisesl are n �ub.fnntial brick house. storey Miss Ns, I tshcr. of Indiana. Is Dig - and a half. good frame stable and vs, tine her :vent 'ti•. Warren birn : few fruit trees; good +sell and n ,n. 11..y'. 2-5 of as sore of land. '1 t . and Mts. James Logan rind For terra= and rart.c Hers apply to Mr. and Mrs• A. Harvey, who were n M:ntitoba for several months dur- ing the past summer, returned home last week. 51 r. Geo .felly, who was .ortously ill, is greatly lmprovcd• Mr. James i'alesson, of I3rucef:cl,1. moved into the village last week and is occupying the resident' l:^" recently put chased from Mr. Yeast. up. The horses escaped. The boys were aged twelve and fourteen years. t1ensa11. The following is Ili report o: \\-is. Ilo.lgert, rata -013r, or Alex 'Lion School (3. H. No. 1'-t ornt•) for Hedger[, itusseld+lc, October. 'total nunit,r' of marks to be o�;• A tett ible arc,.!, ul occurred st a twined 220. level crossing on the t". MIL. its the V :- Ernest Penrice. Nr. IV ;-Wal- township of ilnIlet t. •11x1' Rhree ter Stephen. -1.30 Jr. IV -Olive Hat- tniles from the viol tg.• of ' th. on ten. Sr. iII-%V 11 ren Brock. 192. Wednesday morning of list week. Mabel Lingard. 177, Ida !ivories 133. when Mrs. !toilet 1. Scott in.l her tato Jr. its-Wellinttton !frock. 201. Car- sons wjte kill,•d. MIs. Scott and hint, rie Stephen. 170. \Villi•• Tessio+. 160 the t•oYs were driving to Myth. vs heti Mr. (lit he 1 heel=e anal family left Sr. if -Alvin Pyrn. 210. t't. 11- th • were caught et the crossing by here 1181 week for Mussels. wilt re liwart i'ym, 200. Em,nt 1'rnrice 200 an engine, running light to (loiter- Mt. (louse has ptt:chased a harness Edith Herne. 1:15• Elva Horne, 190. ie Airs. Scott and one boy were in• basirless. -f r. lienee made man PT.I-Garfield t)roek. 130. t . nth' killed. and the tory lived only friends while in business here M. l e Dougall, Tette minutes after being picked will be missed frotn the vi