HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-05, Page 8ki 1i EXETER '1a 1 S NOV 5th 18US, ++•.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4•i •h : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 Talk about Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats! You Want to See Our Stock. We've got a snap for you. We had to buy a quantity to get on the ground floor. We can sell you fur -lined coats at Jobbers' prices. Here's our proposition. A discount of 10 Per Cent. off any fur -lined coat in the shop. This Offer is good for Thirty days only as it would bo impossible for us to get any more coats than our present contract calls for at this price. Our Ladies' Coats are all made from the choicest Kersey and Broadcloth, lined with prime Canadian Rat and English Marinet. Collars and Lapells Natural and Isabella Sable. You can tell your friends, if they are looking for Nur-lined Coats, Stewarts is the spot for stylish garments at down right rock bottom prices and then a special discount of Ten per cent, -Remember for Thirty days only. i 11 i nary We must offer our humble apol- ogies to the Ladies who have had to wait longer for their hats than they expected. THE RUsII WAS so GREAT that it was impossible for us to keep all our appointments. How- ever, we are now fairly well caught up and the milliners assure us there will be no more disappointment this sea- son Tiu; STOCK I5 IN SPLENDID SHAPE and you will be surprised at the values we will offer you for the bal- ance of this season. We do an immense Millinery trade; Seven girls a►orktng hard, late and early. Come and see what they can do for you. Do You Know where to find the largest and finest lot of China in the County. Right here is the spot. Colne in and take a look; costs you nothing -you will not be asked to buy, If you see anything you want. all well and good; if not, come again, you are always welcome. We show a stock of Dinner and 'i'ollset Setts that would do credit to any city store and at prices that will make you wonder how we do it. The Secret Is we buy direct from the makers -No Middle Profit. Our Xmas. stock is now nearly complete and is by far the best we have ever shower. Again we say come. We want, all kinds of Farm Produce; it is just as good as cash; Butter. Eggs, Dried Apples, Beans, Poultry, etc., etc. J. A. STEWART +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •+++++++++++++++++ RELIABLE WATCHES Market Report. -The following to the report of Exeter markets, eor- it•cted up to :November 5th. \V lieu 90 cents. Barley. 48 to 52 cents. Oat:, 35 cents. Peas, 1.0 to $5 cents. Shorts. $23. Bran. $20. Illendid Flour, STAR, $2.75. Feed Flour t 1.l0 to $1.45. Clover seed, $8 to $1U per bushel. Coal. $ 7.25 a tou. Eggs. 21 c;i,ts. nutter 21 cents. dogs. ln'ew e:ght flogs. dressed. $7.50. Coal, $7.25 a ton. Dried App'es 5 cents. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Those wishing furs repaired or re- modelled should bring them in this month M. TALK\VILE.. Andrew et. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1)11. OVENS 1:Y14 AND EAIt SUR- geon. will be at the Commercial hotel.. flours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p. 111. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday. November., 21st. Ileintzrnau'- best make. Grund piano, nearly stew. for sale cheap:; also good carriage horse, splendid driver ; also two-year-old colt, bug- gy cutter, harness etc., will _sell cheap, apply S. T. BOTHER, STRAYED Farm Lot 2 Con. t: Stephen one two year old heifer. color red weight about 150 lbs. small horns. Any in- formation leading to her recovery will be liberally rewarded. Byron tE. llicksi PURE BRED Plyrnouth (tock Cock for sale speak quick. T. ll. Carling. Mrs. 'Douzlas has returned home after a two weeks' visit in London. Miss Mary E. Culbert, of Lucas. visited at the home of Dir. and Mrs. \Vm. 'Taylor this /week.; The Misses Ilandford and Robin- son entertained a number of their friends Friday evening. Mrs. 'Phos. Ilissett, sr., returned last 'Thursday night from Michigan, where rate visited friends. Mrs. Kitchen, of Lovering, has been visiting relatives in town dur- ing the past two weeks. The Stephen school football team intend playing the Exeter school hay's this (Thursday) evening. Mr. Thomas White and son Fred. have rented the Crony!' toren on the the 21st concession of Stephen. Rev. .Wm. Penhall, a former pas - 1 tor of the Elimville circuit, died iI' Nail and Tooth Brushes Stratford last Sunday, aged 57 years. .Sirs. Edwin Jones :who underwent an operation at the home of ;firs. See our new Hair Brushes John Jarrott, is progressing favor- •2, ;lac, and 50c. each. ably . Mrs. Geo. Knight, of Ilderton, who visited friends in 4owlt (luring ti:r past two weeks, returned home yes- ter;iay. :ss'Lcila Cooper returned to Lon- It i; not likely that cxemenist.t ; r:11 Saturday night after .spending a of Agriculture, Nelson Monteith 1 ionth with friends in and around still accept the 8io.=;tion as chief cue - House Exeter. Mrs. C. .emit* and Mrs. Harold Ca anion agent in Londmt. 'Eng•, for C;ut:ula. Dir• Monteith prefers to Smith anti children, of Jarrett. n, vis- eve in Ont ."test. House and Lots for Sale itc`1 with Mrs. John Jat cost, Exeter( her. 11. W. Irwin, K. C., of Tor - North. onto, will deliver a temperance ad- dress in the 'Tames Street Methodist church next Sunday evening. A mass meeting will Ale held in the Town hall int the ;afternoon. On •Thursday of last week the town football team went up to the school to play the last of the Iliree games but were defeated by the ts.oro of 4-0 thus giving the school 'boys the championship of the series. Woman', Jnetitute• The regular .nee. .n3 cf 'Ise Woman's Institute will be held in Senior's hall on Fri- day Nov. Gth. at 3 o'clock. Subjects for Thanksgiving will form the pro- gramme. Mr:. D. Cobbledick, fres, The 13th anulversary pat the Main Street Metliodist church, Exeter, will be held on Sunday. Nov..2nd, when Rev. llcGuuuA, of lit. Miele will de- liver the Acrutone. Mr. C. J. Pink of London. ha* been engaged as solo- ist. • Mr. Gilbert House, who formerly conducted a harness Ebel) .here and afterwards purchased a, business in Hensel!, has atisposed of bis llensall business and is moving ,to Brussels, where he has purchased .pother business. v .- � satur Thu !c�• flurries of ono on day trade it a busy day for the coal end etove men. Those vele delayed getting ready for the winter. ow- ing le the fine weatber ►we have bad merchants this fall, kept the above u t nnnls busy ,alt day. Mr. Wan. Dasincey last Wreck had a curiosity in his garden in the sheik; of a Columbine berry bush in full bloom. Tile cold weather how- ever atvill prevent 'Mr. Daancey from getting an extra crop of berries out of his garden. 'r1C"r,.:tcr.En.;�-•:�:t• :ay cit i. f.- r=MAN'T'L,ES i. i'i and FURS r. w ♦r. .lfr .• ,. ♦ii i♦C fi Semi -fitting, trimmed with fancy braids in Black, Br, -.n,, ih(ireen and Blue. Also sours loose mantles in Black. (:rey'.ft `r)atni Blue. All going at a very low price and they are very 41 eie swell. Children's coats at half price.Ay JiG ' Our fur stock is complete in fur -lined Jackets in Brown -i- *and Black. Fur Ruffs, Stoles and Muffs in large quanti-�.� .r ties. And prices within reach of all. \Vhen you buy ene.,.p • of .re furs you get something that will he4t, as we buy furs?' from the hest fur manufacturers in Canada. FURS see SNELL & ROWE PIIOHE No. 22 I♦'. • •Mr. J. N. Ratcliffe will •Bold an MKf Your 6lio166 i extensive clearing sale at Riverside Farm, Thatnes Road, Osborne, an '\Vednesday, Nov. 11th, when a choice The brush you want is un-: lot of [arm stock and implements will ,be sold, among tvhich is the val- doubtedly in our stock. We' noble heavy draught mare, which carry a very large and fine as- won Sirs!: prza in Exeter last year over a ttumiber of 'London •prize win- sortment. ners, and also won first and sweep- stakes at the t5eafortl► fair last. year. A Reactionary Storm Period js central on the 6th, 011 and 10th. The full Moon falls on- the 8th, int Carefullyselected frcm the l creasing the probabilities of storm f conditions on that slate. Low bare - stocks of the best foreign meter, rising temperature, and rain manufacturers. You will find `forms in transit fecal avast to east, will lie the natural order on tend it a pleasure to pick from our I touching the 8111 to 10th. The 6th a9SO['tillent, to the 10th is ' a probable seismic period. We repeat our urgent re- Hat�, Glo�h� Bath flat, tte Al- utanac watch uest !that llthe readers of telegraph- ! is stews, and make ol{1>ilin3s of nn reporting storms and seis- mic .listurbnnces. 'I)o this habit- ually all the year round, tabulating them into dates and comparing them with our forecasts. In spite of the fact that the Moon is moving to ex- treme 'north 'declination, a bigb barometer, vest winds and change to much colder will come down from the northwest and spread over the coun- try generally from about the 9tb to the 12th. At two o'clock tFucsday after- noon, October 28th, in the St. Paul's Methodist church Toronto. the mar- riage was solemnized of Htella Kath- feca ;Spackman, only (daughter of Mt. and teles. Edward Spackman, to Mr. Elgin 'Graham Johnston. The cere- mony was performed by the pastor. the Rev. W. L. Armstrong, •arul dur- ing the signing of the ;register 'Miss M.acKny sang "O Perfect Love. Tbe bride who was given away by her father, oras attired in cream embroid- ered chiffon over taffeta and itulle veil and orange blossoms. She par- ried a bouquet of roses, and wore the bridegroom's gift, a pearl and amethyst ei cklacc. Miss Gra Vowel', of Exeter, and ;Miss Frances Morgan. of Markham attended as bridesmaids, the former wearing pale pink, nvith picture hat, and 'the lat- ter in pale blue with blue hat. Both carries! pink and tnhite chry.. snnthetnums, and 'wore the bride- groom's gifts, pearl brooches. Mr. W. W. Gibson, of Kingston, twos best man. and the 'tellers w•,'re lir. J. Dix- on Spaokmnn, the bride's brother, and Dar. Pawart J. Lawrence. At re- ception eve afterwards held at .the borne of the bride in Delaware Ave. when .\lr.. Spacicnaan was wearing blank embroidered net over taffeta and 'black velvet hat. with plumes 1.at •r ill Ih,• afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Johnston left to upend their honey- moon its Buffalo and N,'n York, the bride traveling in etavy bbn • Direct - sere suit and navy blue hat with gold teed and wings. The :anniversary of elle James st. Methodist church Ares held last Sun- day when Rev. John Pickering, - of Toronto delivered two very excel- lent discourse. The large church was filled at 'both services, and in the everting it was necessary to place chairs in the aisles to accommodate the large audience. In •the evening Rev. Pickering took for lee text the first verge of the 12th chapter of Hebrews "Wherefore, seeing 'awe are al -o compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses. let ns ' lay acids every weight. and the sin which (loth set easily tweet us and let us run avid* the (►alienee the race that is set before use The setting for the text sold. the epeaker.ay.eg taken by fit. J'nul after aw{1nessing the pre- parations in the stadium. ,,t dlhe nn c:ent Gretean eiraces. The .eoetlest- ants. it ho entered for the race, which brought therm fame and the applause of the thousands of spcetatorein the galleries, bad to train very thor- oughly ;for the contest, and every weight and incuniberence token off, so with those who ere in the race for 'the heavenly trent. Some peo- pie assert they are unable to lend the life of n (Treat:an ewiteeeto cir- outmanne,s; pt•rhapi it they were ;n some other locality or another oc- cupation •they m:ght be able to do so ; this the Rev. g•?ntlelntI1 pointed out awn- quite wrong. ii•? cited the celeste nces of Job. Joscpn nee other bib:cal characters, who. 'hoegh be- set with sin were nble to walk with God. As to the spectators in .the galler:es, he drew a pretty word p:cture. as how Paul inferred that :hey represent those who hive gone before us and are anxiously witch- ing and nwaitittg the result of our race in life. Madam Egbert, the colored Fortino, Of Detroit, assisted the eho:r, BrusIics W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist. Large brick house, .with every con- venience, hard and soft water. nlso two lots, with brick stable and drive house. Apply at 'Times Office. •••••••••••••••••••••♦•••• Perfect in i LOCALS Construction •••••••• •••••••• Positive in I Ilouse and Lot on Albert •Street for sale. The 'property of the late Performance Stephen (ticks. Apply 'to S. Martin and Son, Exeter. We again call attention to Mrs. Fowell is visiting in Listowel. our grade of WATCHES Good Material, Fine Finish, and Accurate Adjustment are all combined in our High Grade Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but qual- ity, like anything else it is al- ways cheapest in the end, Ifyou a want good reliable iable watch call on us. A. MARCHAND Wedding Rings a Specialty. NEW FFILL -AND- WINTER SUITINGS OVER COATINGS PANTiNGS AND VESTINGS In all the latest Shades and Patents, at reasonable pricos See the New ('atshion Plates for $he Present season. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ) W. S. Howey, Phm. B, Mrs. ;Davis, of Hamilton. is visiting her mother Mrs. 1.'. Fisher. The majority for Alex. W. Smith in North Middlesex was 63. Mr, Geo. Knight, of Ilderton, vis- ited his parents on Sunday. Mr. Fred Knight, of York ton, Sask., is visiting his parents. Mrs. Neil Bellwood and children visited last week itt Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. :Herb. Axt have started house -keeping on William street. e . Mr. Chas. Knight 'who had a Blight attack of paralyses, is gradually re- covering. Miss Claudia Cochrane, of Hills- grcen is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Jarrett. Mrs. It. G. Hellon twos called to ingersol last Friday owing to the illness of her another, GLASSES THAT FIT • Consultation Without Charge. $1.00 to $10.01 ?r- ht�w_ DON'T WAIT Till you are forced to wear glasses to save your sight. Now is the time to make the future use of your eyes safe and easy. HAVE US Test your eyes and give you the tie- ief you crave. Stop saying to yourself: "I'm afraid i need glwsses." (let them from us and be at ease, peg and Mrs. McMurray of Nissouri arc the gacsts of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coultis. Samuel dlaskervillc who .was brought (tome from Craig some time since with appcn(licites is progress- ing nicely. air. anal Mrs. 'Thos. JIandford re- turned Sunday morning from Win- nipeg. 'where they spent the vast several weeks. Mrs. Richard !Ratchford and her granddaughter, Miss {Lena, entend spending ffhanksgiving with friends in Chatham. Mr. L. E. Iteid, null sister Miss Maggie, of Hayfield, were guests of lii_•.scs May and Effie Taylor over Sunday. hiss .E. 1'. 'Taylor has returned from a vacation among friends •in London, .St. Thomas and Yarmouth Centre. • The Epworth League of ,lames St. church are making preparations for putting on a mock trial in nbol:t two weeks. A number of our young people in- tend taking in the fow (supper et tend taking in the fowl supper Woodham, Nov. 511►. The Gill:es Lumber Company • tend starting building right 1*tt iy. having two carload of machinery a. the station ready for the plant. Mr. J. N. ltatcliffe .will :have a clearing vale of fartn stock •anal,im•• p)crneets en Wednesday, Nov. 11th. at Riverside Farts, Lot 7, N. T. R. Dlr. and Mrs. John Jarrett (cave to -day for Manitoba and Seattle, where they will visit their daughters for n Tett' months. Willie II, ads Tursd.ay evening a :- t,•rtaincd a number of friends at tie home of his parents, ,Exeter forth, the occasion being his birth - ..•v. The Exeter creamery has had a wry successful summer having trrt.le .ver fifty tons of butter in seven 20111)19 about one ton more than last 'tinnier. Wren's Uncle Toms Cab:n played to a good sized house in the Opera House Inst Friday .night. The show was a very fair one. but the high prices charged for admission kept tunny stray. There was it good nttendance of those interested in Y. M. C. A. work at the Nen:ot•'s Ilall Inst Wednesday evening. Ai lien the work of orgeni- z:11i0:1 % .s completed. Hoven di- rectors were appointed and the con. stitution adopted. On Friday night the directors met and elected the following officers ; I'res. 1'..11. Wick - t,, c : v.oe-plea. 1. G.Stanhury; sec). .1. M.elout)1cott ; tress. Ed. Christie. These with Dr. 'A. F. „Malloy. Shirley Hallowe'en pase:ed of very quietly et Exeter, there Arcing very little hoodlurnism reported. A few young- sters ventured down town end en- joyed thenselves tick-t:.cki,g win. dew's. There vete several Hallow- e'en parties all of .whiolr were pleas- ant ;affair:,. A s,ew.paper publisher recently brought n suit against forty-five hien. itwho would not ply their 'sub- scription and obt-.ined judgment in teach ' case. Of these 28 suede affidavit that they owned no morn thin the law allowed. -,preventillZ attachment. Then under the decision of the Supreme Court they were ar- rested for larceny anti bound in (he men of $300 each. All hut eix•gave bond while Dix went to jail. The new postal law snakes it larceny to take n ;ta1•et and refuse to pay for i1. -Mandan 1'oineer.. If yon think you are 'wise and well informed, just see if you can answer these questions -You have sluts hun- dreds of white 'horses ; why (lid you never see a wcbite colt( \Vhv dorsa horse cat grass backwards and a cow Dottier and W. R. ltowe9 constitute for words? Why docs a hop vine twin, the full board of directors.( at the left and bean vine at the right it was decided to eh:trge a member- I Why does a horse when staked out by ship fee of $2.00 per year and any a rope untwists! the rope'. and 0 tow one wishing to join 0111 secure an t•6n01 it up in harder kinks( Why application form hw• epply.ng to any dors a horse get up on his Tient feet of the directors. Tie (:1st meeting and a cow On her hind feet! And iihy will be held in Senior's hall Monday dove it dog always turn around three Novi 18tlrif - i:( A,1.4,it times sbefore lying down. • • THE OLD RELIABLE You Should see our Underwear the "StailflBltl BrllO" Unsrinkable, no finer in Ladies and Gent's ranging in.. )rice, Ladies 25 50 75cts. $1.00 $1.25 $1.75. Gent's 75cts. $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50. Furs! Furs! Furs! In these goods we carry a splendid range. We wish to call your attention to new lines of Dress Goode, Clothing, Millinery. Footwear, etc, The quality of these goods speak for them- selves. The prices talk economy. Give us an opportunity to show then, CARLINC BROS. REMOVED I wish to inform the public that I have moved my stock of Groceries and Boots and Shose from my old stand to two doors' south of the Times Office. My large stock of Boots and Shoes will be sold at a sacrifice below cost. The firms name hereafter will be WILSON BROS. T. J. Wilson. Wilson Bros. APPLES WANTED As the term is now drawing to a close we would be pleased to have in all apples by the 15th. of Novem- ber before the frost catches them. We will pay for all apples two inches and half and over that size 25 cents per cwt. The Caledonia Evaporating Co. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter. J. G. EAItL, Manager. ti Xmas is Near The best Christmas present is something for the home. The best thing for the home is an Edison Phonograph. Other presents are laid aside but the Phonograph is a ver- satile entertainer, You have a choice of seven seven models $18.50 tip. 2 uninete records 40cts. 4 minute records (sects. Present Needs Enjoyme Jelly and Name• less (:old Cure are the beat preparation in this town for chaffed or rough skin, chap- ped lips, cold in the head, ca- tarrh, asthma. etc. Money back if not as represented. 25cts each and 3 estimates on the Lantp contest, Keep your eye on our window, and see our Lovely Cards. Thous- ands coming for Christmas. Don't buy till you see '1'.M. Can. Exp. Bld• THE PURITY'. Willis Powell THE Great School! popular ) CENTRAL Are you aware that 75 per STRATFORD. ONT. cent of the flour used in Tor - Our past record and our peso • onto is blended flour, no won- ent grade of work stamp; us as 2 great pradtical training ♦ der that Star Flour is 1I1 de- theschool of Western Ontario,mand, as it is made from the We have three Department:- t best Western Wheat and the best Ontario, mixed half and• half. It is second tc none for bread making. If you are not using it, give it a trial ands be convinced. COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers as well as office assistants. Individ- ual instruction. Enter now. Large catalogue free, write for it ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, I Principals. +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ HA RvEy BR()14 tft \'r VOLUNTEER BOUNTY ACT 1004 WARNING TO PURGtIflSf;RS w,RV a.•itnment of the right 1 a south ♦fri- ran Volunteer entitled to a land grant must lie E way of appointment of a en'etitute and must be In the form prntide•f by the Art. Special attention is etre,' re Sul -rection 3 of Se, tion ', of the volunteer ((ninny Act. 190P, a hip h pro. sides that no a r1tnment o1 the right of a tolnnteer toy 'tot appointment of a •ubstitu•e shall he accepted or reesen'red by the Ilepartment of the Inferior sl i,i% IS NOT l:XECI'TE t AND DATED AFTER 1111; Dt/T(1F 7111'. WARRANT F'' PR THE I.4Ni' (MAST leaned hw the 'Mester of Militia and i,1 1 tenet In tarot of the Volunteer. J. iV.ORVENWAY. Commentates of Dominion Lando, Ottaw t i sirunrions:. with leading burin -louses await nor graduates. Loose -Leaf Ledger and all modern (.111ce methods whirl* ensure rapid ndvance- Inent. Gregg Shorthand taught by the only teacher in 1 ►ntario who attended the Author's School. THI l:l: COURSES:-Ste'tograpby Commercial. Telegraphy. Enl • r any day, write for particulars FAIL TERM FROM SEPT. est, h��M� .BFON, Principe!. MPOT ON, 1 rincipe!.