Exeter Times, 1908-11-05, Page 7AUSTRIA WILL NOT FIGHT T ells Servia and Montenegro They Must Give Up Cherished Dreams A despatch from Budapest says: tc smooth the way for the confer- }iaron von Aehrenthal, the Austro- cnce and he hoped his Govern - Hungarian Foreign Minister, in an ment's intentions would be appre- ,`important speech on Tuesday, la- eiated at Constantinople, and a dic•uted a yielding attitude on the hand extended fur a friendly agree - pa rt e,f Austria, which may aid ma- nrent. i c rial ly in the preservation of peace. Addressing the Austrian deleg.i- He would also he glad to see the tion, the Foreign Minister admit- Turko-Bulgarian nee ,t iations lead ted that it was Austria's desire to to an understanding for which con- do its utmost to relieve the present ditiuns were by n,► weans uufav- tension, and that therefore the (lot•- orable. Acting with that view, Au- ernntent would not insist, that the stria in comr.wrt with other powers, question of the aanexation of Bos- had dissuaded the Administrations ilia and Herzegovina should be en- at Constantinople and Sofia from tirely eliminated from the pro- adopting military measures calcu- grarume of the lnternatir)nal (.'on- latcd to increase mutual distrust. geese, although naturally ho could With regard to Servia and Moa - not admit that the powers had the tenegru, he said, neither was en- i�'ht t•) (juestion the annexation of titled to interfere in the matter in the Provinces, or the idea of any any way, but notwithstanding this tcrriteerial compensations in other his Government was trilling to treat directions. 1-oth with benevolence and take On this basis, however ho added, their interests into consideration. It there was no objection to the Con- would, however, be better fur their gross placing on record the abroga- own interest to set practical aims ti )n of the articles relating to Bos- for their activity instead of put•su nia and Nuvipazar. The Austro- ing dreams that could never be rea- Hungarian Government was trying lized. STOP MILIT:IR1 MEASURES. 1% .1It's ANTS FOR VOLUNTEERS. Land Certificates and ('ash Beau- ties are Being Issued. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Interior Department is now rapidly issuing warrants for land grants to South African veterans JO applications come in. On Wed- r:esday morning 250 warrants were made out., and so far over 600 of the veterans have applied for, and re- ceived their warrants. :.s yet no one has applied for scrip, instead of land. As soon as the department recoives application for either lands c•1 scrip a warrant is issued. Fur information of the veterans entit- led to receive grants under the bounty act, it may be stated that application must first go to the Militia Department. A certificate is then issued by that department, and the Interior Department is no - titled that the volunteer is entitled to the bounty. The latter depart rnent then, on notification from the volunteer as a, whether scrip or land is desired, issues a warrant for the land or pays over 8160 in cash scrip, as the applicant desires. In snaking application for land the location must, of course, be stated. F'\11.11.1\(; DEADLY U 11ES. Mexic .►'` Oil (Gusher Continues to (:ire Trouble. A despatch from New Orleans, La., says: Deadly fumes front Mexi- co's great oil well fire, sixty miles from Tampico, have killed more than a score of workmen during the past few days, completely blacken- ed the white paint on the sides of the ships, endangered commerce, And caused thousands of dollars' worth of damage to ranches and other neighboring interests, accord- ing to Captain Michael Henrichsen, of the steamship City of :Mexico, v 1iic'h reached New Orleans Mon- day Right. Battling to save what they c4enld from the wreckage, American mine -owners. after spend- ing store than n million dollars, fin - silly succeeded in extinguishing the blaze, but even greater terrors than before prevailed then. The flames had consumed the noxious gases. but %then the tiro was stopped the gases hurset testi!. Laborers, inhal- ing a bit of the stuff, dropped in their 1rn.ks dead. 11.1.1. 1110i1 llfl l 11 t: 1 . "ler' Ode 1.,te• ee► Herbert hni:;hI, a Ilt;.ttitr.rti V4111111. MUST LEARN RULES. Railway Trainmen to i.e Examined Every Three Months. A despatch from Toronto says: The managers of the Canadian rail- ways have issued a special order to their train employes regarding the rules for running trains. "For SWIM time past," said an official, "there have been many accidents which have been attributed to the neglect of trainmen. When these men are brought up for investiga- tion by a superintendent they in- variably plead that they have not time to study the rules. They will have this excuse no longer, because we intend that they shall be exam- ined every three months while in the company's service. We will give every man a fair chance to become familiar with the laws and if they fail to pass the examination they will be dismissed.•' CAST AWAY I N 501111 SEA. Tale of Hardship Brought to San Francisco. A despatch front San Francisco, ('al., says: A story of hardships as Dr. Rachel 5. Skidelsky of Phila- castaways in the South Seas is told uclphia advises women to smoke for by seven Chinese wh•, arrived on five minutes after meals. the steamer Manchurian on Wed- Seventy mon are under arrest at raesday from Hong Kong. They Samburg, Tenn., in connection with formed the crow of the barkentine the hanging of Captain Rankin Foster, which was wrecked en a there. reef 700 utiles from Fremantle, Au- Frank J. Heinfert of Dayton, stralia. For 75 days they labored Ohio, made a flight of 500 yards with (e repair the little vessel so that it might again put to sea, subsist- ing on a sr•ant amount of ship's stores a::d fish and roots found on the almost barren island. 'fhe re- pairs were completed on May 20 last, and Captain Robinson of the barkentine proposed to sail for South Africa. At this the crew mutinied, and for punishment they were left for seven days on the is- Innd, while the captain stood off with the vessel. Then they' Isere taken aboard in iron%, but later re- leased arc] taken to Cocos Island, Khe're fresh water and supplies wore obtained, and from this place they eventually made their way to Bong Ke►itg. *CONDENSED NEWS I'1 E\1S' SAND1"S FLITTING DAY 1i.11'I'L N I N G S 111011 AI I, OV E:lt '1111; 1,1.01:1:. 'telegraphic Briefs fruit Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CAN .11)A. The Grand Trunk Railway ter- minals at Montreal will be improv - ,d at an oetlay of millions of dol- lar;. William Buckle of Hamilton was ce:Inmitted for trial on charges of blackmail and attempted extortion. Tho Toronto School Management Committee favors the appointment e f a medical inspect • r of schools. Prince Henry of Prussia made a lengthy Light in (':,ant Zeppelin's airship at Friedrichshafen on Tues- day. Hon. R. W. Scott is likely to be chosen Speaker ot the Senate, and Charles Marc•il Speaker of the Commons. An Italian named Angelo was blown into the air and seriously in- jured by an explosion of dynamite at Guelph. Ezekiel Hill of Brantford was sentenced to ten tears in the peni- tentiary for assault on a woman on the Indian reserve. Right Rev. Cosmo Gardon Lang, Bishop of Stepney, has been elected Bishop of Montreal, to succee 1 Bishop Carmichael, deceased. The C.P.R. will start despat:'h- ing trains by telephone as soon as the double -tracking between Fort William and \Vinnipeg is taken over. The Kingsto:i Board of Health has ordered that the students at Queen's University, as well as those attending the city schools, must be vaccinated. GREAT BRITAIN. An Anti -Socialist Union has been formed in Britain. Mr. Haldane says there are 3,153 army reservists in Canada. Edward Cooke & Co., soapmak- ers, have obtained judgment against Lord Northcliffe's papers for $115,- 000 for libel. Sir Gordon Horne writes The Lon- don Times, complaining that West- minster Abbey is in a filthy condi- tion. Thirteen suffragettes, arrested en Wednesday for attacks on the Brit - jell House of Commons, refused to pay fines and were sentenced to a month in jail. UNITED STATES. �t 1 \ e l . 11 (, !ITER CH A itt; ED. Foitrteei►-)ear-ole] I141t Slot( ;i ('ons. I►;(niun .t(•t'ide'ttlally. A despatch f , I3.. says: A fourteen -year-old boy named Chester 1'rquhart of Cover- ed Bridge, parish of Stanley, is in jail here, chartrrcf tt ith causing the death of another boy named (ire,. Clary at that place on Oct. 16. The an aeroplane built on the single plane principle. Word has reached Washington of two dynamite explosions un the Pa- nama Canal, resulting in the death of twelve men. 11 'm. Montgomery. cashier of the Allegheny National Bank, was found guilty of embezzlement on a second count on Tuesday. his speculations in the two cases being 4(313,000• GENEIIA1,. President Castro of Venezuela Inas absolutely refused tee revoke his decree prohibiting the transhipment of goods for Venezuela at Curacao. The national convention at Dur- ban proposes to enfranehire the blacks in the United South Africa, subject to severe property and edu- cation tests. (it:7'S 11.1('k IiIS SEVERED I.1•:(:. 11011' `,('0T!..1:1) l'}:I.l:liit.t'I'I: MAY 11%11..s.11 -1.1G11111. ' r11E WORLD' MARKETS REPORTS 1'11031 THE 1.1:.11 INt, TRADE t'EN•1'IIES. '1'1111 e`(.uiel 11114'" '1 ..hes Great ices of (':title, (;rain, Cheese :tut) Pride in `honing Her House- hold 1'ossesaious. Scotland celebrates not a few pc- cultarly national events. What true -born Scut, for instance, would Other Dairy Produce at Boum and .Abroad. BRI•:.1 I),S'ruFFS. To. onto, Nuv. 3.---Flour-Ontario a 'rat, 90 per cent. patents, quoted ever dream of working on the first at x'3.55 in buyers' backs outside for of January! 11'hat day is more export. Manitoba flour, first pat - sacred to the Caledonian abroad eats, $5.80, on track, Toronto; sec - than St. Andrew's Day! And then olid patents, $5.30, and strong bak- picturo the wild enthusiasm of the c'rs', $5.10. • Scot, either at home or abroad, 11'heat-.Manitoba wheat $1.03'/. for when the day, or, rather, the 10- 1 Northern, at:1 at $1.00% for "nicht" for toasting the "Immortal No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay Memory'' of burns comes round ! ports. . But the Scot has still another event Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, 90e 011 his calendar, which gives us an outside ; No. 2 red Winter. 90c, and ever more nubile insight into his i No• 2 mixed, 89% to 90c outside. character. That day is May 28th, Oats-uOntario ?;o. 2 white, 38 to the day on which he removes to a 38�c outside, and at 41c on track, new abode, or flits, says Pearson's Toronto; No. 2 Western Canada Weekly. oats quoted at 4Yc, Guderieh. Why the Scot should annually Rye -No. 2 quoted at 78c outside. change his residence in a mystery. Buckwheat --57 to 59c outside. Theorists ascribe his wandering Peas -No. 2 quoted at 85 to 86e proclivities to the supposition that cuts'do. he is the lineal descendant of the Corn -No. 2 American yellow lost tribes of Israel. Other and nominal at 85%c on track, Toronto, more practical minds hold that his and N ►. 3 at 85c. migratory habits aro due to the Barley -No. 2 parley quoted at manner in which houses in the north 56 to 57c, and No. extra at 53 to aro rented on yearly tenancies 55 c outside. from Whitsunday to Whitsunday. Bran -Cars are quoted at $19 in HER TWENTY-FIRST "HOOSE." bulk outside. Shorts quoted at 822 to $22.50 in bulk outside. Be that as it may, the fact re- mains that the Scot is the slave of the flitting or removal habit, end were you in Glasgow, Dundee, or Apples -Winter stock $2 to $2.50 Aberdeen on May 2eth, you would per barrel for the best, :led at $1. - be astonished to find every lorry or 23 to $1_75 fur cooking app!.ss. dray laden like brokers vans with Beans Prime, $1.80 to $1.(+5, and furniture of a more or less valuable hand-picked, 81.00 to 81.95 per nature, while every second person bushel. -you would meet would be wrestling Honey -Combs, $2.25 to $2.75 with a kitchen clock, umbre,.a i per dozen, and strained, 10 to 10%e stand, or other household article more or less useful and ornamen- tal. So deeply ingrained into his na- ture is the flitting habit, that Sandy takes it as a matter of course, and so does his good lady. One worthy matron amazed that the custom should be cause for astonishment, said : "Me and John's befit rtnairrit since aichty-seeven and tl.is is oor twentieth hoose !" By noon the outgoing tenant must vacate the house and har.-1 over the key to the landlord, or factor, as COUNTRY PRODUCE. per pound. Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at $11 to S 1 1.5b a ton on track hero, and No. 2at�7to88. Straw --$6 to $7 on track. Potate,es-55 to 57c per bag. Dela- wares are 70 to 75c per bag on track. Poultry -Chickens, spring, dress- ed, 10 to Ile per pound; fowl, 7 to 8c; ducks, 9c per pound; young turkeys, 14 to 15c per pound. • THE DAIRY MAPKET3. Butter -Pound prints, 23 to 2-fc; tubs, 22 to 23c; inferior, 19 to 20c. the house agent is called. ('reamers rolls 26 to 2G'.c It may happen that the Scot gets Folids, 24;a to 25c. and possession of the new house a day or two before the 28th. In that Egas--('ase lots of fresh, 22 to event he is able to condact his "flit - quoted per dozen, while nes► laid are ting" in a more leisurely fashion; quoted at 25 to 20c per doyen. but, if not, them mut into the street Cheese -Large, 13c per pound, must his household gods and goods and twists, 13%e. be deposited, to await the arrival ot the vehicles, which are to con- vey them to the new habitation. This proceeding, it may be whis- pered, is not unpleasing to the wife of the Scot, and she is, indeed, a "prood, prood woman," as she Bur- leys her chiffonier and Ameriean organ displayed on the footpath, exciting the admiration and envy of curious spectators. COVERED VANS DESPISED. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon --Long clear, 12% to 12%c per pound in case lots; mess pork, $19 to $19.50; short cut, $23.50. Hams -Light to medium, 14 to 1 f se ; do., heavy, 12 to 13c ; rolls, 11 to 11%e; shoulders, 10 to 10'Qc; backs, 16% to 17c; breakfast bacon, 15 to 16�;c. Lard -Tierces, 13e; tubs, 13%c ; pails, 133 e. For a similar reason the Scots- -- woman views with distrust and ssu- BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. spicion the efforts that are being Montreal, Nov. 3.-Grain -On• iaade to popularize covered vans in tario No. 2 white oats was quoted Caledonia. I at 43;-� to 44e; No. 3 at 42% to 43c; "Whit's the guid o' haein' a No. 4 at 42 to 42%e; Manitoba No. piano," she cries, "if naebody sees 2 white at 45 to 45%c; No. 3 at 44 it when yo'ro flittiu' ?" This goes- t" 4.1;;c, and rejected at 43 to 43/c tion aeetna unanst%orahle, and it is per bushel, ex store. Flour -Mani - not too much to assutne that, should telex Spring wheat patents, firsts, the covered van actually catch on :It;; seconds at $.1.50; 11 inter wheat it Scotland, it nay eat give the patents, $5 to $5.23; straight rot death -blow to Sand's migratory ha- lers, $4.50 to 84.60; do in bags, 82. - bits. 1(o to $'2.`20; extras, $1.75 to $1.85. From the above remarks it is not Feed -Manitoba br.:n, $21 to 822; difficult to conceive that the but a- aborts, $25; Ontario bran, $21.50 to ing of a "slitting'' on an Open t•e'- 8.22 ; middlings, $26 to *27: shorts, hiclo is nothing short of a work of $5 to 85.50 per ton, including bags; 4'o►nt Fredericton, N. art, or should one any miracle? \1'oe lure grain tnorille, $30 to $35; betide the contractor who places milled grades, $25 to $2a per ton. the bookcase on the cart in such a Cheese -The tnarket is steady. with position that the back only is seen We -terns quoted at. 12%c for white and not the handsome glass -panel -;And 1.3'gc fur colored. and 1? Terns waggon ied doors. Int 11% to 11%,e. Rutter --The mar - .1 e.. +: t, 1 re►ni Ili ant 1 eel says: : According to ni'written lawagain ' ken is ater(ly ; finest creamery (plot Ilerbers i�uip;let, Age'1 fifteen, ion 1� c parlor mirror must hang e- ed 23';c in round lots and 26 to (,t John Knight, Eagle avenue, was two boys were out shooting together Kosciusko' street, Brooklyn, on fully behind the car. This arrange- �6/c in a jobbing tray. Eggs -- killed on Wednesday morning by and the rifle which Urquhart was' Tuesday. Spectators screamed as most is not eithout its advantages, • ` rv►ntibbin to e fnirly eod ""Thanks." Says Day When Limb Cut off by Waggon is Returned. .1 despatch fre•tn New York SRI'S. i'► milk wa on ran over John Dae. it watchman of the Brooklyn Rapid 'Transit Company, at Broadway and falling from a T., ,H. & 13. Railway carrying was discharged. the hill- Day staggered to his feet. They and, in Scotland, if you are per- Demandg bridge' over the Grand River. The let striking Clary in the in- p and thct nndertonr to :)1e nnnrket re- tuuth tta3 preceeding Grand to the r. The fee a hound, from tltc neck,9 of saw that one of his trousers' legs lolcxed as to your outward Appear- mains about s=teady; sales of new 1 gflapped empty in the air, torn and anee, all you require to do is to Jaid were made at 27e ; selected 'fey' Ser - v Work., where he was which he died in twenty minutes. dtaty. Day leaned against a post, • 'troll behind the nearest flitting,c., t e..;e i ,uple ev ec}, and in ge,iuK over the !Coroner Wainwright of Stanley breathing hard, but without wine- behold ! stork at ..1 • to 25%c ; No. 1 at 20 , gand, you sea yuursyclf ns and No. 2 At l7' "c e4' dozen. 'eridge accidentally tripped over i held an inquest. and the of. After%� p the rail in stepping to one side and !hearing the evidence declared that ing. others s;eo you! ''ilia leg's out off' \\'here's his His goods and chattels having 1'N11'F.h STATES MARKETS. Foal our, t he s•t ructnre. He struck 1 C,lary's death wns due to culpable lig 1'' erica a man in the crowd. A been installed in his new house, the in the stone abutment ten feet be- negtig.'n'e in the part of Urquhart' small boy, wcarit,g spectacles, ran Scot proceeds to consider his list Milwaukee. Nov. 3 -Wheat --No. 1 low, rand, then fell to the river 1 Urquhart claims that this sh ,sting up. c•f casualties. Invariably, he finds Northern, 81.00 to *1.t>;3':; ; No. 2 twenty -fire feet ,ower. The water was .aeei.Iental. "Isere it is!" he exclaimed. The that, After a flitting, his furniture Northern, 81.01 to 81.05; Dec., lioy held the leg in his arms. is not nearly so valuable as it way P9.'.,c to $1. stye --Nm. 1, 7414c. "Thanks," said Day, taking the a week or two previously. 1�arley--Standard. t; 1', 3c; rumple, leg. As he snakes out his list of Ac ci 5 to 64'/.;c; No. 3, 53 to CA.!: No. 4. "I'm glad it didn't get caught in dents, and also receives the bills 5%1 to 53c. Corn -Dee., 637,,i to the spikes. Sometimes it's better piesentcd by the upholsterer, thelc3'.:r. to have a wooden leg than a real plumber, the sweep, and .ether in- Detroit, Nov. 3. -Wheat --No. 1 cone." (lit ;duals, whose presence is always t%hitc, cash, 81.00 ; Ne.. 2 red, The driver of the vehicle was ar• necessary at removals, the Scot' cash, 01.02: December. el 1►:3?, : rested. eas very shallow, And he was dashed to death on the rock bottom, his skull being fractured and neck I.ieken. 'There 11,1l be n.i inspeast. t `s t 1 1,T1:I) 1 '11 1( ii i:li. ill . .1.'1111-i•,it. of 4; u.•11)11. struck Pupil's Itrutlte•r. .1 41.'.1 11teh tri.i n Guelph says: .1s the result of a note regarding the ettenelanee of hie daughter. Dan l'hol ,p..on and his son. William, on 1'hur•dn:. afternoon went to St. George's ward sche,ol and after the teacher. Mr. Johnston. had been tsr:111114,1((1 fre•n► the reline n Scuffle (.,some ued and the master Was struck heat ilv in the faee by young Th4►topsin. .1n Attack upon a tea• slier in this elle is a serious ORenee end Tt,4entpsen a ill have to fa: a the 1:igis•trcttc. 11\t:lI) 1 1 1It11F11'' 1.1)5`, Mfr. i'.tti;4 k l*.i .irl'- !Idyll,- Burned in Onria:1. .1 despatch f►(,in l.i),+Ka :ass; The hams and outbuildings of I'atrick Fagan, A farmer in the township of Oneida. were destroy- ed y - ed by fire on Wednesday !nettling. Evers thing was lost, but no horses (.r catty had been stabled. The fire is supposed to he of incendiary ori- gin. and a warrant has been issued ter the arrest of Rruyr Lt,,1 ,Isle, tube has leen recently employed by Mr. Pagan. but it is said they had some quarrel and Lonssdele left. It since last Spring. it is Anne,un:•cd, it said that lie iia:•( been re. vnllyen Thurs•di» resumed work with a seen in the neiahh;,rhood. 1..,11 -1, foil cmmplemcnt of 1.500 men. Or - dale is a timing man. 23 scars of dors from the Harriman ]lees, it is age, one e:,•0 gone, height aleeat 5 said, are se(iffesic•nt to run the ,l.�tnt feet 7 inches and uuc kw shoulder. until the first of (ho year at Least. SIGNS 91'' PROSPERITY. ('ar• Shops 141e Since Spring Will Olen Again. .1 despatch trona Johns:t.ie n. e:+} The ear shops of the ('ambria Steel Co., ttbich have been idle ,;roans in spirit, and heroically re- solves to fit no more, a geed reso• lution which he keeps until May lath comes arotind again. May. fs i .06' 1. -_ LIVE STOCK Mt A li KET. Ti ionto, Nev. 3.- 11tste•her Cat- tle -Market fete•aely. There is a Pedlar--"I'vc got some sins stint's. el,':nand for geed feede're that I'm selling to shopkeepers like and stockers. Distillery cattle ttildfirr. Everybody buys 'ern. 1 wanted. Sheep -Esse, telly at Here's 4,nc, 'if yoi d•en't see what late disuse. I.arnhs--Mlaek,'i'tends �;►a want. ask fjer it.' •' Country t ;'t decline. ]logs- lfnrl: 't %%elk. Shop;crcper--"Think I %rant to be, Harris quote, rPle••t It .ge at ae .,, bothered wit!. people nskin' for f.o.b., and 8t► fed orad thing -4 I riin't got 1 Give me onc'l Feeders-- The market rt,'71.a.. f r r•r9t!iii', ' ii •Y't d-,►I't a.4'. what you k•,,e1 feeders. i•:\i!ett. market want, ask for seomcthing else." 1 steady around $1 75 to $5 fur choice • TYPllOID FEVER APPALLING Health Department Reports 100 Cases in Kenora Hospital. A despatch from 'Toronto says : I tions as appalling In :1. - Outbreaks of typhoid are once wore? 1{ivcr District, n 230 miles withth due.- though there and 111114' huspitalri i tors and nurses. The men, generally foreigners, ties and the lack of protection of refuse to go to hosc};'tal Ni -hen taken water supplies, makes the disease sick, and after sleeping out in au aliuost inevitable. attempt to get to civilization, usu- Dr. . Bell of the provincial health ally become hopeless cases. department reports 100 cases in Ke- The carelessness about the pro- uora hospitals, and the contras- tcction of water supply from sew - tors' hospitals in connection with age and poisonous garbage Dr. railway construction camps are Tell considers the stain cause of the filled up. Ho describes the condi- r•revaleneo of the disease. reported from the lumber camps, tt hero the lack of sanitary Neill - quality. Choice butcher cattle rteacly around $4.40 to $4.50; fair to good butcher, $3.75 to 81.25. BRITONS DRINK MORE. l'nctnplo3 cd in Britain and in .1tncric5 Compared. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INT}:ltl:S7' F'110M HER BANKS AND 1311.11:S. A despatch from London says : 11h:tt is CflilIg 011 in the Highlands John Burns, the Labor leader and President of the Local Government and Lu+%land, of AuldBoard, drew (11111'4'1 upon his head:Scotia. the anathemas of the Laborites when in the House of Commons on Dundee is not to proceed with its Thursday afternoon he intimated trackless trolley car system. that the main disadvantage under An adder measuring close on 20 which the British unemployed lab- inches has been killed near Eccles. ored as compared to the unernploy- At Aberdcon about 1,.00 ha%e ap- ed in America was that the Britons flied fur forms to claim 111;1 ago drank more than their transatlan- pcnsious. tie confreres. The Edinburgh and Leith Miller's' Mr. Burns repudiated the sugges- Association have advanced the prico tion that the difference lay in the of flour 12 cents. fact that the American unemployed .There have been over 200 appiica- had money in their pockets. tions for old -age pension form, at 'I have been in America three Hawick post -office. times," ho said, "and the only dif- The Caledon Company, Dundee, ferenco I saw between the unent- aro to build a 1,000 ton steamer ler ployed in America and those of this Liverpool and (.'ork cattle tra le. country was that the former for a The Scottish Band of Hope anion short trine after losing work were has been in existence for 40 years, bettor dressed. Many of them do has 700 brunches and about 11::,00(1 not, drink so much as do many members. British unemployed workmen, but Mr. James Gardner Millet , aeiv.i- British workmen have an advent- cats, has been appointed Sit •'•4'(f .tf age in the number of days they are , Lankashire, in room of the late Mr.' idle." William Guthrie. Loud cries of "It is untrue; it is Napier's shipyard at Govan t. as n shameful comparison," greeted offered for sale the other day at Mr. Burns' statement. the upset price of $300,010, but there were no offers. At Penicuik a sycamore tree be- lieved to be 200 years old was rub Government Careful About Admit- down. It was struck by lightning Now.some' years ago. ling People \o Bern ids Naturalists Club is pro. A despatch from Ottawa says: posing to erect a memorial en Hod-, During the first nine months of this den Field, tine scene of :rthuni. year the immigration department bria's greatest battle. has deported 1,011 immigrants as A firm of Leith shipbuilders have , being undesirable citizens. During received 200 applications in answer' the same period 1,266 people have to an advertisement for a night heon refused entry from the United watchman at 85 per week. States. These figures indicate the Mr. Robert Low Orr, K.C., Lai close supervision now being ex!'r- been appointed Sheriff -Substitute: if cised by the department over the the Lothians and Peebles at Edin- • new arrivals in the country, and burgh, in room of Mr. Gard e'e MIL- ' it is said that no country ars ever lar. received a better class of imnii- The post -office officials have nut• - grants than the 120,000 who set- chased ground in ('lark street and' tied in Canada this year. Immigra- tion fair the year has now practi- erection of a new post -office. calf t�epl►ed. A legacy of $500 has be .n be. ---':• washed to the Dundee Society for, }'.11111 I;N'1'I:Itj'; 'i l:, the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- dren by the late Mrs. John 1 a.•lo Robertson, Dundee. A meeting of ministers And office - bearers of all the churches •n 1'us- eilpark was held recently to pr itt st against the desecration of the Sab- bath. Edinburgh proposes to engage at a s;alrry of $75') a Indy health s isi• for holding a medical qualification, who must devote her whole time to the work. Miss( Mary Ibirelay, matron, .1tt- leilce Cottage hospital, Banff, di. el recently from Wood peisonin.(, re• :salting from having scratchc 1 err finger with a fish bone. Arrangements have been male in Scotland with the view of saving claimants for old age pcnssie►t15 the expense of obtaining certificates. of their birth or haptissm. A legacy of $2.:,00 left by the late Mr. James Iteid has been handed ever to Greenock Eye Infirmary. The amount is to be funded for the general purposes of the institution. Forty-five pension claii:t forme have been issued by Myth post -of- fice, and these emhraee a mother and son, the former being 91 years of age, while the son is in his 72nd year. There ie n prospect of public swimming baths beim; constructed ii. the Exchange Hall, llawick, the trustees of the late Mr. Thomas An - derse►n having offered $20,000 to the Town Council for this purpose. IMMIGRANTS DEPGRTFI). Company to 'Take 11► I1;tIt' ;1 Mil- lion .Acres of Land. A despatch from 'V.nnil, •g says: A remarkable project which seems incredible of realization was outlin- ed on 'Thursday by A. B. Exley, who styles himself "General Man- ager of the Anglo -Canadian Land, Grain and Stock Company," which was recently incorporated at St. Pierre, South Dakota, with a cepi- talization of two and a half millions and with the avowed intension of colonizing five hundred thousand acres of land in the Canadian Northwest P.m! working it entirely with English labor. as a single en- terprise. The company hopes to e- tablish itself in the neighborhood of S'ertnil i. in - i.- - 102 .1('('11)1:\"1 s 11"1 11., 1:11 11 ori. People. !inured 1) urine Sel,tcnit►er. 1 despateli from Ottawa nays: Industrial accidents oceiirring to 256 individual work people in Can- ada during the month of Septem- ber. 190s, were reported to the 1)e- tnref La,er. Of these 102 were fataentl, and 1b5•4 resultsrcri- ous injuries. in addition. two fatal accidents were repotted as having taken pia ec prier to the beginning of the month, information ti et hav- ing been received by the depart- ment befe•re September. 190i, was 1n 10514 than iii the previ.:tts nt•,nth, and 6 more than in October, 1907. 1 (.1 II 51.1 N Party I'roni Dakota Huy Thirty -live sec•Iions Near ('nittnry. dwarzatult from (.alga:•.. Ala., :nyst : .1 party of German settlers from 1)sketa. numliering ;e all 173 set.] have• 1►+erchas,ed .gin 81.4 ,1 e rv- crine thirte-five se;