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Exeter Times, 1908-11-05, Page 5
1 THE EXETER TIMES, NOV 5tb18l,s OREDITON NEW 8 The .S'tOreLNIGILRSFOEconomy The Best, the Latest Ideas, the Largest Variety and absol- utely the Best Values we have EVER OFFERED. We are constantly receiving New Additions to our Lie Sotck. NEW BTY4X.S. NE%V GOODS in the LATEST FABRICS. We have just opened this Week a nice lot of New Dress Goode in shades of NAVY, GREENS, BROWNS. in Plain Clothe, Cheveron Stripes etc., the best values we have ever shown. "Have you seen our stock of Ladies Coate", we have the exclus• lye sale here of the best line of coats made in Canada. Goods tnat are easily recognized as the most stylish and best values in the trade. We have both Loose Fitting and Semi Fitting Coats in BLACK, NAVY. MYRTLE and BROWN SHADES. We can you from $2 to $3 on Tour Winter Coat. We have a large range of Children and Misses Coats In different Styles, Colors and Cloths. We will be pleasedgto show our stock f Coats aclosest nd inv o m invite 2 to cr Inspetion. We FURS! FURS! FURS! Our stock is comsleto;in this line we Our stock of Ladies Coate will bear have a nice selection of Mens Coats in ins action. We have them in Aetrac- nice Dark Canadian Coon. well furred P nicely matched skins. Dark Wallaby kan Electric Seal and Fur Lined at China Dog and Fur Lined. Call and see this Stock before making your bargain prices. purchase. Ready -Made Clothing We have just opened up a large stock of Ready-made Clothing We have exceptional values in Mens and Boy's SUITS. REEFERS OVERCOATS, Etc. We will be pleased to show you our winter stock and to sell you anything you require for the Fall and Winter. We are buyers of Clover and Timothy Seed, Live Fowl, Butter, Eggs, and Dried Apples etc. for which we pay the Highest Prices. We Ship LIVE FOWL each WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. A Call Solicited Ce .)WICKER 'Vet Time to think `about Coats. The Mild Fall may have deceived some folk. But the Calendar unlnis takably say's Fall. Now the pressing question:...Have you got your Fall Coat.? In spite of the mild weather, we hava sold malty; and in keeping a well assorted stock on hand we are able to meet the demands of many more. Showing Blacks, Blues, Greens and Browns, in different styles loose, tight and Semi -fitting. Have but seven left. Showing a winner, it is a•Black Coat for woment made of good Kersey Cloth, special import made newest European styles. Regular $9.00 coat to go at $7.5o. Lovely Blue, Black and Green in same fitting, spec- ial $mo., $r I., $12. and there to numerous to mention: • Come in and see our large stock. Dress Goods 'If you want to find a certain shade in Stripe or Plain in Venetian, Chiffon, Panamas, Poplinettes, Satin cloths. Broad clotb,etc. Como where you have s►ll shades to choose from. NOVghest prices for e and other produce. IHERE IS NO REASON Why you should not use the best kitchen Ranges made. Pandoras, Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and Saska•Alta. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire day and night, delight every user. Made of the very best material and guaranteed in every res- pect. Buy Thein and save the expense of buying coal backs. Special attention given to EAVETROUGIIING. W. MOORE - KIRKTON S. BROWN a. New SuiIings Incl aie�Thilm lfflsCome full We wish to extend to you an invitation to call and:see the new Soitings .bat are "in it" this fall. These we are showing represent the choicest °tiered y the old and new world. The patterns are Right, they are Exclusive and we are proud of them. the Quality is Tright too -up to the high standard we always carry. if you want a smart suit for fall, select your goods here we assure yon the style, Wake and fit will be tight. The prier beyond a doubt, we quote the lowest price possible. This is Acknowledged by our customers. and recognized by our competitors. Again iall roes d talk price at times new goods ar. to nwthen. c toshi - • proud we invite you, we cue 1 J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON rIstr/IMmtttIIIMMttrtntrtmtttmmt“ Blankets for Horses and Mitts and Gloves for Men. aiiUS+u4u �uuuu,u anything \ :Iriety, 1t there is anything in Quality. if there is nnythin Is anything in exceptional Values.This should tie your store for Blankets and Mitt,. Wool Blankets neat pattern.*, direct from the font Dave up• also Jute nod Kersey Blankets. MITTS AND OLOVBB We h.I'' a splendid line in these goods, and our trade is growing because we have got the right kind of Bonds all the time. We've got Styles that can't be beat elsewhere. and we certainly have got values that are unknown else- where. Cone in and inspect for yourself. R. W. CLARK, Harness Maker, Crediton. if there Harness, \Voolen Men, !aging in price Crediton Farquhar Mrs. Will Douglas, who visited at Bt. Paul and Stratford last week, , has returned home. Miss Harness. of 1 \Vootlhatu, visited her here for a couple of days last week. Mrs. Jas. Harris and sous have re- turned from Stratford where then were visitnig friends. Mr, end Hers. Beavers spent Sun- DABHWOOD NEWS Flynn. Sr. 1't. I -John Hanover. Jr I't. 1 -Bertha Hartman, Edg,r Ma- nhinney, The above names are lit , , We are out for business, legitimate business • Pigeons wanted at the Royal Hotel fair business, and believe in small profit for on or before November 3rd. II. C. lay at Salem visiting the former's order of merit. No. on roll 35 aver - Clark, proprietor. parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Beavers.' age attendance 27. 41 ►tiootnng uwto1, fn souncetlon There was not tuuch damage donee 11. E. Keyes, 'Teacher. with the Royal Hotel, Creditott will' around the village . on hallot'e'en.: t be held on Thursday Nov. 5th, con- with the exception of a few gates! tjensali, aistiug of live birds and blue seeks• taken away. Our stock of Dress Goods, Ladies and :Hisses coats, Event 1-10 live birds The monthly meeting of the u_- \\'c have been closed down for the Event 2-10 live birds borne & Ilibbert Piro Int;. Co. was past three months during which time Ladies and Misses underware, Furs, Men's Boy's 8c Youth's Event 3-10 blue rocks held in the hall here on Monday last. we have pot in an entirely new sys- Evcnt 4-1U blue rocks We are pleased to hear that Mrs. tent of milling. consisting of the best suits Overcoats and underware are complete and invite your atter the main shoot a green hors! (Rev.) Fletcher is improving after and most up to cyte milling machin- Event shooting matoh will take /place. her recent illness. shooters present. Shooting to tom- A olergewan writes; ' Preveta- Drift brand. family flour, which Is er'.."and are now in a position to fur - Money to be divided by majority of nisi' our custotners with our t;nc'- Dont forget that our store is the place for bargains 'pence at one o'clock. tics. those little Candy Cold Lure giving Univp r-•il satisfaction. Ott. The members and adherents of the Tablets aro working .wonders in my aimis to plan good baking from :Ile in Boots and Shoes. Epworth 'League of the Methodist parish'. •Preventics surely will selecting of the %%heat to the pack - church were given :1 '.erY pleasant check a cold. or the Grippe, in 'a ingot th•,1 flour • n1 the result is that and instructive evening at their very few hours. And 1'reventics are several hundred :.::tikes are being meeting.Monday night last. A de- so safe and harmless. No Quinine, pleased every wecl: nwith the results bate had been Previously arranged on nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine they obtain by using onr Snow Drift the topic "resolved that the nevus of for feverish restless children. 'I302 flour at our mill, or from your fea3 Siebert Co. missions are greater in the North- of 48 at 25c. Bold by W. S. Howey? store, he sells it. west than in China and Japan. The Tickling, tight coughs can be sure- We have increased our capacity c! affirmative side Was captained by ly and quickly loosened with a pro- .the roil, to two hundred barrels ter M;4 Chapman supported :by Miss soription Trtuggists are dispensing day and reluire a large amount of :s- • y and Miss !Genus hill : the everywhere as d)r. Shoop's Cough wheat every day. Conseanent ly nye Itcgat., by Elmer :;ower who was Remedy. And it lb so very. vent will at nll times pay the very high-' supported by Mrs. Chas. 'Lwickcr and different than common cough med- est price for wheat. faring us Your Miss Polly. The affirmative side icines. No opium, no chloroform, wheat and be convinced. von after a hard struggle. Both absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. Bring us a load of oats and hal: aides are to be congratulated on the The tender leaves of a harmless, them crushed for horse feed with our way they handled their 'respective lung healing mountainous shrub, new roll crusher, ~which is especially subjectsgives the curative properties to Dr. adapted for this purpose. When you A you.ng wen's bible class was Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves once feed your horses crushed eats organized in connection ;with the have the power to Balm the most dig- you will always want them. Don't Evangelical Sunday School, with the tressing Cough and to soothe and forget to bring lots of empty bags. following officer,: fres.. `Ira S. heal the roost sensitive bronchial II. COOK SONS & CO;' Brown; vice pres., Garnet Swcitzer : tnembrane. Mothers should for -- - Sec., Frank 1"inkbe:ncr ; !Treas., Al- safety's sake alone, always demand Tho well known strengthening bort Heist: chairman Membership Dr. Shoop's. It can 'with perfect properties of iron combined with committee, Otto Brown ; chairman of freedom be given to even ;the young- other tonics and a most perfect ner- Dcvotional Committee, Sant. Brown; est batter. Test it yourself and see. vine. aro found in Carter's Iron Pills Chairman of Social cotnmittec Fraz- Sold by W.. B• 1= wey. • which strengthen the nerves and er Brown. body. and improve the blood and Mr. \\'m. -Lewis is still confined to' Thames Road complexion. the house but is improving slowly.ist' in M. E. I1. Mean spent a few days' The Sacramental service which The -following is the repot I, of taking -in ail Forward :Moveine It con-, church next relatives anwas to be clSunday d in twilltbe heldonthe examination; Of ti. S. No. 2 -lay MILLINERY vention. i the following Sunday. No. 15th, ow- Rev.for the month; of September •.uta J. Finkbeincr. of Johnston, ing to Mr. Fair being ,away. Octobcr,- IV class. Greta iNlawson, 72, Stella Ila•, who is at present spending a few .---- --.-- 11TV c'at, G5: Ben -:ase, Ot Wil - occupied visiting parents and friends. There is no ono article in the line tt;d Northcott. 41 ter,' , 61; Earl occupies} the pulpit in the Evangeli-' of medicine that gives so largo a re- Campbell. 7o: 1:41:+ lone, 61; Eddie cal church both morning and evening turn for the money as aa good per- Welsh. G0: Ada Case, 5'3,: \Vie Sunday last. our strengthening plaster, such as lard, 32. Sr.2nd, 1'carl Willard, 50 The Trustees of our public ,chool Carters Smart Weed and Belladonna lard, 2t J r. Murrea: 7.1; \Vtll:0 are making extensive Improvements Smith. G3: Ralph ILltcki71 03; J:clog in the shape o[ flower beds ,whit` i S. S. No. ,:l. STEPHEN JGedths, 01. will add greatly to its appearance. ! The following is the correct report GA: U. DIA\NSU\, Teacher. Ira S. Brown 'was in Condon Friday of .S. S. No. 3. Stephen for the month last on business. of October. Class V-!1'riebner, A, Mrs. Samuel Brown is spending a Willis. G. SntulersiSr. IV - \\', couple of weeks with her mother. at Shapton. E. She on. Jr. IV - .1 Berlin.Willis, C. Parsons. A. Willie, E. On Snuday morning last at nbotl Welsh. V. Bogard), 0. Preszoator. 5 o'clock the house of John G. Wen Sr. III -E. Pox. .1 r. 3rd -if. •\Villi9 two and a hall miles north, of the R. Parsons. Sr. Ii -I., Handers, C. village, '.as found to be on fire. and 'Triebner, G. Staniake. Jr. II - C. before any of 'the occupants 'were, Pat sons. S. Sander., !T. -Willis, C. aroused the fire had gained sutra' Dearing. Sr. 1't. II -M. Triebner, V, headway that it !was beyond Control.' Ilex. Y. 3 reszcalor, 1.. hill. Jr. I't. Nearly all the contents were burned. 11.-P. Sanders, O. Hamilton, C. Ham - The cause of she fire is unknown.' Ilton. C. Sanders. 1't. I -A. Shapton. The insurance on building and con- E. l'reszcator. It. Parsons, E. Stan - tents is 8800,00 ! lake. No. on roll 33; average attend- --- _-- ancc 30. Read the pain •forinula on a box ot, W. 14. Tricbltcr, Teacher. Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your! Doctor if there is a Ibcttcr one. success. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Hartleib Block. DAS1-IWOOD, ur Stock of Winter Goods is at its Best Now The time of year for heavier clothing is hear and we are ready to supply your every requirement. Summer may come for a day or two, but colder weather is what we must expect with few in• teruptiorls4from now on, and with it comes all sorts of fall wants to be satisfied without delay MEN, WOMEN AND CHiLDREN, dont put off the ques. tion. You will expect to find us ready and we are -so come. 0O. . OS '1'©RIA. Pain means congestion -blood pros•' Bawls Ile Kind You Hare Always Booed sure somewhere. l)r. tihoop's :'ink, Blgastnre l'nitt Tatdets ^heck head pains, nwo.- of set flintily pains. Vain anywhere. Try, _ one, and rce 1 20 for 25c. Sold by W.1 S. S. 150. 0, STEPIiEN S. IIcwey• The fallowing is the report of S. • -- S. No. G. Stephen, for the month of Winchelsea October. Sr. IV. -Chas. Gower, Ja- cob Qncrin. Chas. ategier. Jr. IV - Mr. Les. Robinson and sister Ella c Every farmer should know that 'Phos. Yearley, Harold Gower, Emma visited in Brussels This twee!. Cunningham. 1Leoua Finkbeincr, JI, the 'Wee offered by the dealers for Th' ninny ft'ends of M:< J,"....:.Hanover, Clara Jacob. John 'Wilhelm eat.tl' hag;, etc.. is a fair one. Ilotr 1lantilton t+':11 he gticascd to learn can farm know !hie if he docs not take l':ILt \\'ilhelnt, ,fames Alatvhinncy. that she is r;;>idly recovering and Flossie 1Lulluut; Sr. Ill-ltoY Matz, :t farm Iner or paper? What doctor expects to lease the hospital this; Johns. -toy .Tolun .Tames Ire- or lawyer or bu.;`ncss man wouldtherbe week. . L t Lewisg or la ut his business paper? There is _' gicr. Jr. 111-.1oiu1 ('nnningham. , p P Miss Almena Heywood g. v;sltcd :...- 1-hrano:s Flynn, Sr. II -Milton Ja_ but cn farnt,rs busince9 and hrarket mother Sunday evening. i cob Wilbert Hart men, Arthur tan- butt, that is The Weekly nSun• You The \Winchelsea store will be cies- over. 1;ladfys Jlawhinney, .in If -P, ern gel The Sun in combination with cd Thanksgiving evening. R'gter. rent 5 , I .. w•hinney 1't I II - Tho Exeter Tin1c•s for only 81.80 and not be without them. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills. which are made expressly for eleepiess, nervous dyspeptic suffer- ers. Price 25c. S. 8. No. 10, USBORNE• Following is the report of 8. S. [ No. 10 sborne for the month of Oc- tober. Names are in order of merit. Fifth Class; Mary MacQueen ; Sr. IV. Archie 3lorgan. Blossom Ander- son, May Horton, Earl Treffry. Jr. IV. Versa Whitlock, Mvra Morgan, Toni Glenn. Art!i tr Cole. Jr. III. Ilorton MacDougall. Rox:e Cann, John Neil. Sr. If. Johnny Horton, Joy Whitlock, Joe 'Kerniek. Mid. II. Myrtle Pym. Ernest Pym. Jr. 1I. Beta Cann, Nellie Anderson, Blanche Cann, Willie Morton, Mable Nell, Byron Treffry. 1't. I. Arthur Treffry, Lloyd Morton. Robert Heath, hazel Kern i ck. - .f. V. Miner�,'1eaeher. a r 8. 8. NO. 13, 11AT. Fred Cunningham, Iry;n Jacob, Edith yon I•honla - ---- The following is the report of the st:tna:lig of the Pupils of S. Ei. No. 13. 3Iny. for the month of Ootober. Names in order of tnerit. Jr. 1V- ilorace Pfaff. Sr. 111 -Annie Green Grant 1looper, Sr. I1. -Elena Stacey Je,sie Carrick. , Jr. Ii - Cleric Hooper. •\Vill:e Ifeop.•r, Pl. 11. -Alice Hooper. Willie Hooper. Pt. iL -A Pfaff. Sr. 1't. 1 -Co: a Ford. Mid. i'i. i -:\lm t 1s• wring. 31int' McDon- ald, llcnry (:Leen. L 11, Arta-t:oti . Teach. -1- - -- TIIANiCSGIVING DAY .IBNCt'It- Return tickets 'will 'be issued tit s:ogle fare, via Grand 'Trunk Rail- way Ryetcm. between all t:ta.t:ons '•n Cannan. also to Detroit and 1'ort Huron, L1c1 Buffalo. Black Rock NiagaraFalls and'Suspension B Bridge. 5. Y. Gond uo:n'g Nov. 0-7Jrs!1. Re- turn Emit Nov: 10th. 1!108. Dull information from :u.y Geeml 'Trunk Agent. I • - SHAKE i` A BOTTLE. .1 Now ;- the tint • when the doctor eels Iii y. and the patent medicine 1 Inenufaelurers renp the harvest, un- less great e ire is taken In • tlress warmly and keep the feet dry. This the :tdv:c, of an old eminent atl- :bni:'w. oliosn)'s •shot 1(ht•nmat,.rn� 'v1 Kidney tronblo weather is here,• :ttnl also say: whit to do in clic of : u attack. t;•t f.o.: :.ny' soul Pre'cr iplion, iherrnncy one -heli ohne; Fluid Ex tree' Dand. 1 on. one Dune .• Comeound, 1. argon, three onnees Compound Sy - "P' s:•Plrill 11;x by shaking in It will be noticed that the adntir- • awl. :Intl 3:tke .1 3..Isponnful af-' able plan of keep:tie up the Reserves t•r in els and at bedtime. to n I nr value with ;he Paid-up cap. ,Ttt..t try this simple home tnade, ilal l as been maintained, and as a tnixtur.• el the 'first sign of Itheu-1 further protect:on of the interests nettisr11. or :f vole hack ache". or you of the Bank. $100,001 has (been set feel !het the kidneys are not nctin•t es:de out of the i'rof,Is to meet any just ri_•h:. '1'h:s 1•' ...aid to b.• a splen-' {noted d, lir..c:ation in value of bonds I id kdney regulator. and nlmost and stocks, in which Ili • reserves are certain rem• dy for nl1 forms of rhea- inv. sled. There can be no doubt, of nlnlism, w h'c!I is can -.•d by uric ecitt lh,• t xa 1. Hie pt udcnoe of ... i nct'on in the blood. which the kidneys fail even IA °ugh it is pretty genetaily to filter out. Ane one ceit easilw pre- 11nderstood that such depreciation in etre th s n: home and :t. emit' co+t. Int. et'•• of good papers ,is mainly 1►rnegist.:n this town an.l vicinity note:nal, and not always indicative t. hen shot" n th•• pr •“er:pl ions. stat- of 1 fibs. ,n earning ability. Dial- . that they stn ,,:her supply these (letnds. r,n,t•nnting to 10 per cent per 11.: •.1:ents. or, if onr reader+ pre- annum were paid. t$18,518 was ex - ter. airs. ,t+'.13 co:nponnd the mixture Fended on hank premises -last year's for them. expenditur.• for th's purpose being The Molsons Bank Call on us for your Fall lists, or bring us your hat and we will trim it for you in the very latest style for very little money. MEN'S AND LADIES FUR COATS We have our stock of Fur Coats new ready for inspection. We have them in Coon, Calf, Dog. Black Yak, Bishops, Horse and Astrachan, at bargain prices. A nice line of Fur Cal s, Gloves and Mitt to choose from. Ladie's Fur Coats -Astrachan Lined Coats with Fur Collar and Revers, Astrachan Jackets. Also the largest range of Cloth Coats and Jackets ever shown in Dashwocd. Highest prices pl.id for Faun Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASIIWOOD old Weather IS COMING What about a niceWandora Range, A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, An Oak or Base Burner? We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, and Roofing. We hand- le 13randford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -Iron. Cement always on hand. A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing Coil and Barb Wire. Eggs and Butter taken. Conte and see us before you buy. Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood rented his farm. Clearing Sale No reserve as the proprietor has it decd not be imagined that the. e true and valuable conservatism has discuss -on.; upon financ.al stress dun.' not (brought misfortune to the Banka---Ol,.--- 'Ti:RJId.-A11 r,unLs of $5 and utv- iug the past near have bcrtt over -I is n proof of the ,' scrintinating judg- der cash; over that amount 1Q drawn becl►nse the Molsons Bank nl,•nt of 'bank m,in ,, and ,possibly FARJI STOCK 'wF 1JIl'LE3IENTS der cs' credit will be given on fur-. earned 18 1-2 'p.•r cent. upo'1 its cap- also of the under:.. ,. ; stability of Mr. Thos. Cameron has resolved nishing approved joint notes. or 1i ital. There has been according to Canadian business houses. 'The Ire- instructions to sell by public auction discount o[ 5 tie•r cent per annual the annual report presented at last port draws special attention to 'the at for cash on crv+lit nmostnts. Monday's meeting• ''n I:vcly demand "small amount of -bad debts tact RIVERSIDE FARJI I JOIIN \, RATC.l:t at., tT. CAJIEIiOhj for money at fair rates and the with.' t+h:ch is comforting as :lire! Ldr NO, 7, N.'T.!It., ['S130RNE + prop. Aust. strain of the difficult season through gards 'tile past, and reassuring FIs to WEDNESDAY, NOVh.JIBE[t, 11, '08 twh:ch ..e have passed bite tbrough0 the •future.on ti, �. No. fi ('BBORNE exceptional caution in its train..l'os- The •Net Profits for the year have Commencing )tt one o'olock, thc� the follo+N t is the report of 8, sibly. the country will never know amounted to $612,6411 upon the paid- following. 9, No. 3 1'al,nrnc for the of tete exit nt of Un: obligations clue to up capital of $:3,371,000. as corn a`red 111ORSES.-1 brood mare three yrs I8. NoFifth pie honors monththrtlf the bankers tcho kept their •heads with $514,0:3.1 upon a capital o[ l,- old, imported. sired by Gartly Gold. in lhrca3en ug tint. s. anal despite alit^ 330.170 Dist yt nr. Th•: following table in foal to Totn Carlyle. with foal at 131co,l:e iG, puss Ilasel Bissett 72. 13r. K stle 1 Rufus c 70. \' 1'r •.l 7 f I lag One! f Iawt ,t ' IlO t 9,•. k 'Dore IC"n 1 e1n sous of figures, w;11 however, . { c a toot, sir.:d by King , t fears of the timid or rover Kg t Vert 3ico:l:e 68. •I r, IV, Emma Ffahs assisted their customers to retain elopier' tly than words Of the corn- aged mere, 11 ye s o.:l,.Maggie their slandatg, ami saved the coon- parative progress of the bank dur-1 heavy draught; One mete th..e• yi i. 11.t1. Jr.. I. .Mag a Moodi 65. P . try from panic. That this policy of infr the past 'few years. l old, eligible for registration, heavy: draught ; One mare reg. 2 yrs old,1 61. I't. I. honor.; Gordon Jerkins 79, heavy draught ; One gelding, 4 yrs.! pa-=. Arnold ford 7:1, Charlie I reit old, heavy draught ; One carriage. til-, 51. ly, three years old, well broken ; 1, (:ap:tal paid up iteserve Fund (*et cute Con Deposi(5 at Interest Deposits total :'p,c:e and I'om"nion Notes, Government1ods o Murt'c:pal hallway, ate., .Bonds ('all Loans I,:scounts Overdue Bills Net Profits Per cent. on Capital 1906 $ :3,000,1101 3,090,1001 2,811.916, 18,755.20(1 22,290,283 1,904937 476,269 r 2,326.101 2. i1)3,997 21,137 988 105.1693 431.668 14.48 1007 $ 4,3611,170 3,300 173) 3,091,002 19.413, i,83 23 1711,025 2.110, 255 476,289 2 227.283 :3,212,1'51) 22,180,362 51,051 51E039 102 lIit * $ 3 371,1001 S.374,000 2,912,103 20 527,1133 21,010,138 2. •1118,557 470,2111) 2.110, 535 2 821.213 22 :368,917 163,81)5 615.016 18.50 Partners' driver 3 years old, well, -41111. broken; One roadster. 2yrs• old! awl iM Kind You Han Ahotied c;Ired by (;olden Case. CA'1TLE.- Otte registered Co",, Btgaststrs with calf at foot sired by Gold Drop;/ of 2 cows due to calve .early ill winter ;1 - - 1 co cow 1 • 1 o due wdueIva u c t to calve March 20th; 1 cow supposed to Ire in calf; 1 fat', cow; G 2-yenr; old steers; 3 1 -year-old steets; 13 2- yr. old heifers; 81 yr. old heifers:. 5 oalvis. • fiesta Strength. orRefire Weakness, means N PI08 and POULTRY•- 1 sow; t)' .tringth,orNervett'eskn.'sr-ttothln`moro. lUvely not o0e weak heart Ins hundred Ih. W store hogs, 25 Setts and :10 pullets, sell, &enmity� diseased. It Is almost shwa $151.232-ntul there west the uru•t! 12 geese and 00 turkeys• lildden1107311110 nerve that reallybsllatta IJI1'LESiF•NTS,-- hinder ItlasseY-' This ,mere nervet•ha real) or Heart 14 contribution of $?10,01:0 to the O(fi_ -hi oVbs .nerve thecarce,rttoro earl Harris; One mower and clover need i Mobilo , more eonteallns moro nevem table. Brantford ; .4 hay rake, 11Iax- Puerto,. lisle, and th oitti,m�eth e, tldnoriilao well; aced drill: cultivator, disc thdeeamecontrolunt nova. harrow ; f�t iron harrows . roller;l TSU clearly er<plsins whi, ae s medal ne. Pr. Feet bob91eig119 ; 3 wagons ; buggy ; ebooe'e Restorative has Int a Pref .I Atst' 1 i for westk sod shins itesrtd. Dr. Shoop cul ter ; h09 reek ; gravel box ; -set � the cruse of all this painful, psipnation• sun Scales, 2,000 lbs; .fanning mill; l Wtheartdlrtrese. err. sheep's pdRe.taatly a grinder ; ruttier ; a c u f f I c r ; grind -1 Popular preseflption is alone d 1• +4 mak and wasting stone ; a23c foot cedar ladder; oar for.' I,trengtkens; Ito otters real. genuine heart i iron truck : rope, Palley?, ,slings, and 71 you would have stro0t 11estta. sir. t hay :fork: 2 sets double lu'rness; set gallon. strengthen u.,sopaervH-re.e . ••s� tura as needed, with eart Strength c: rs' .3'ent:on Fun,!. Th. s.• pty:ta nts left $99,190, to be paid over to the Profit and 'Los.. Thi.* account now stat.ls et 8153,091. The President. Vice -President and general Men:veer expressed it as their opinion 'that profits would not be as large the current year and in order to make sure of c coal dividends, it was wise to b., c:lnt:oil+ now. The Nice -('resident moved it vote, •'nglo l,a'ucss; hoes, forks, shovels,,. of thanks to the General Manager�heins :: d other nrtioles too num,.t- Chief Inaptetor and the offic•rs con - 1011a to 11entice) ; also n quantity of Dr. Shoop neck•: with the bank, and stir- the- corn idsilo to be led on premises (tank. bad he thought. perlrtp.e the wite sttan' ; mewl et clover .hay; 0 1esto1hIftti'e finest staff wh:ch cool,' be found in quantity of marigolds: luantity of any like institution in the country. split wood ; cook stove; Daisy churn. i W. S. HOWEY.