Exeter Times, 1908-11-05, Page 4Successors to ORS. KENNEDY & KERBAN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Excesses and indiscretions are the cause of more sorrow and suffering then all other diseases combined Wo neo the victims ot vicious habits on every hand- tho sallow. pimpled face. dark circled eyes, stooping Corm, stunted development. bashful melon• cholio countenance and timid bearing rO- claim to all the world his folly and tend to blight his existence. Our treatment positive- ly cures all weals men by overcoming and removing tho effects of former indiscretions A and excesses. It stops all drains and quickly 1a restores the victim to w n healthy and happy man with physical, mea- l'" hat nature Intended- tal and nerve power complete. I g(I traetedowtrh the S tet etsucCeesil "lilt• diseases ot men and women. ' if you havo any secret diseaso that is a IiJ worry and n menace to your health consult it ills oldezpestablis crihed physicians who do not have to uleot on you. Flt We guarantee to cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, t res' .may I I I • BLOOD DISEASES. STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Censultst. - , Von Free. If unable to call, write for II Located is Our Own Otike••Building. question Blank for Homo Treatment DRS. KENNEDY& KENNEDY e Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. SHE EXETER TIMES, NOV 5th 1908. TOILET I° ARTICLES, 5 f; 7 A New Lot of Goods Just Arrived Hair Brushes. ('loth Bi ushes Shaving Brushes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Whisks, Mir- rors,Pocket Mirrors, Dressing Combs, Pocket Combs and other Toilet articles. CALL AND SEE Brownings Drug Store McLean's Majority 154 s Following is the complete list of the polling Places in South Huron as Netlured by, its from the Deputy Re - Awning officers, 1 tWe /Bake the tottak 156, but :the Returning °flip Iter seat ns word that the majority is No.1 13 m n Cr (Dy ti CI e.c. SEAFORTI3 103 61 3 51 42 3 32 29 4 28 29 5 61 42 275 196 No. 1 2 3 4 No. 1 No l 2 3 4 79 EXETER 25 66 32 59 32 tl2 48 '71 137 '258 121 BAYFIELD 35 82 47 TUCKERSMITII 70 61 51 71 17 5 69 30 t3 72 24 :31 47 23 No 1 .2 391 176 218 STEPHEN 29 16 3 59 4 67 5 59 6 49 7 55 8 10 9 50 397 No l 5 No 1 28 4 No l 2 STANLEY 55 60 27 14 71 2x'7 U13BORNE 48 59 37 69 213 61 46 55 (N1 29 71 r 41 65 65 507 108 29 101) 52 -tri 260 :13 102 (11) 105 (i0 3311 12'3 McKILLOY 125 22 *92 irll 63 7,`I 75 6:3 365 219 146 !Help/ Hei � d m Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor carne to the res- cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's flair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The hest stint of a te'+timonial - "Sold for over sixty years " ...... /t'A. 'v . :.,;;;',7,',.:„.„7-,-77"."'"- Aa . Al.Jo JP s(Ittcr,: lu c. versCUM ►OLTORAL. IIENSALL 91 11AY 11 48 115 60 47 49 29 110 19 31 22 92 31 52 25 19 210 WEST HIURON Holmes Godcrich Godcrich Tp Colborne 0 Ashfie Id West Wats anosh Ilullctt 71 Clinton 07 111 blajority for LewisI1:.:•gyp Irseh 8 16 119 Brussels Grey Ilowt•.ick Morris 1 Turnbcrry V. -Mahan' Wroxeter East Wit iss nosh 14 19 53 Lewis • i83 122 Cromarty Saturday being -ilallowe'en every- thing 'sassed off very quietly with the exceptions of a few gates ; be- ing removed and eta. Mr. Samuel Spearo left oat Friday for .Muskoka, on a hunting expe- dition. 1k 'will be gone two Weeks. Mr. and 51rs. 'Baker visited last I week at Mr. Joseph t3pcare's Mr. and Mt:, !taker intend leaving Ior Eng - hes shortly, ht'rt' 'they will si'eud t he 'winter. Mr. ;Geo. Wilson is at present loin= sense improvements, in the way of putting a new foundation under his w11ar, bin. Archin Currie is at present re novating his home and also giving it I( new Coat of 'paint. Coining events east their shadows (before band. A SOLID VOTE 5 A vote of the whole Dominion of 3 Canada to ascertain the beet value to be had in the newspaper line would without question result in a solid vote for the Family Herald and Weekly • 213 Star of Montreal. At twice. yes tire et times its present price it would still be considered good value, in fact it is just such a paper that most homes Chisholm would have at any price. It costs but one dollar a veal•, and one can't go wrong in giving it a trial. It already reaches the majority of homes in this 190 I country, and those who receive it would not be without it. A7 115 258 352 Majority for Chisholm 93 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of .A CARD To the Electors of South Huron I take this means of a banking you for the honor you have done me .and the confidence you 'have reposed in me by re-electing me as your representative in the Dominion Parliament. 1 also iae- sire, especially to thank very sin- cerely and heartily the noble baud of workers in my behalf in each municipality and to whom the Cred- it is very largely due for the splen- did victory Vo have achieved. In my representative capacity I 1 shall endeavor to consider myself the representative of the whole people and if at 'try tiuw lI can tlo any of my friends, ,whether ,Lib- eral or Conservative n legitimate :ery:ce. I shall consider it my duty, .as it will always be my pleasure, to serve them to the very best of guy ability. Again thanking you for the hon- or you have (lone me and the con- fidence expressed, I can only all - sure you it will be my continual endeavor to well and worthily carry out the trust you have so kindly placed in my keeping. \'our obedient 'servant M. Y. McLEAN WOMAN'S BACKACHE Tho back is the mainspring of woman's organism. It, quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symtitoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in tho lower part of the body, that a woman's feminine organism needs immediate at tension. In such cases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA E. PINKiJAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. J. A. L;tliltt'rtt', .,f :;4 Artil- l.•ric Street, Quebec, writes to Airs. I'inkhatn: '• For six years T have been doctoring for female weakncsg, heart and nercest, liver and kidney trouble, but. in Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound i can safely say i have found a eure. " I was continually bothered with the most distressing backaches, headaches, Bud bearing down pains, and I kept growing more and more nervous. " Lydia E. l'inkhatn's Vegetable Com- pound relieved Inc of all these distress- ing symptoms and made me n well woman. I would advise all uuffcrinf women, yours or old, to use Lydia h. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty- years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female i1Ls, and has posit ivclycur('(t thousancLs of women who have been troubled Stith displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic iains, backaclie, that bear. ing-don-n feeling, flatulency, indfg.es- t ion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Sexsmlth b1r. .Wen. Timmy, of the fourth Concession Ilay, who m•as seriously injured some weeks ago, by cattle to %Odell he was feeding salt, sueumbed to his injuries a week ngq last Sat. urday. Ills remains ,were Interred in the Exeter cemetery on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton ltussell have the sympathy of the entire communt- ity in the death of . their infant child which died last Friday. !rhe funeral took place on Monday. • The quarterly meeting of the Kip. !ken circuit was held last Sunday hi the Sersmith church by the pastor ltev. Hart. Zurich Mr. .and Mrs. Adolph Icalbflcisele of Detroit. are visiting their par- en ti here. Mrs. d'etcr Bender, who Wa$ 111 is recovering. On Sunday St. Peter's Evangelical chtu'oh celebrated the anniversary of the Reformation. Mr. D. S. Faust ''vas in Berlin last %teck attending the Forward Move- ment convention. bliss Olive Wesloh has secured a position in Loudon and left for that city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaerolier of the Bronson Linc left this iwcek for Dundee ,w•lere they will make their house iw'•ith their slaughter. 7t isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak stomach if one goes at it cor- rectly. And this is true of ,the Heart and kidneys. The old fashioned way of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the heart or Kidneys is surely wrong 1 Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. "Go to the weak or ail- ing nerves of these organs', said he. Each inside organ has its controlling or "inside nerve.' When thus nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists everywhere to dia- Pease and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re- storative. A few days test will surely tell 1 Bold by W. S. Homey. occasional use. W halen Mr..Vsn. Denham nas moved onto the farm which ho recently rented. Mr. Christopher earthy, who went west in the summer, has returned here dor the winter. Halloo e'en Iwas celebrated by the younger people in tho burg and many small gates were removed. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Willson were in London last week attending tho mis- s:ortary meetings held in that city. The great heat of the elections is over and the weather is rather cool lust mow. Phillip horn is ltakina in n Iargt' consignment of fo'.vI at the loan 'store. The nnniversary of 'the ,Whalen Methodist church will be observed on Sunday Nov. 8114, when sermons will bo preached by Itev. 1'. W. Lang- ford. 113. A.. of timbre. at 10.30 a. tn. and 7 p. tn. Ou ,Monday u hot fowl supper will be nerved in the Vise- ment of the church trona five lie eight ,after which an excellent pro- gram tt.ill be given. blur:c will be furnished by the Stratford attar - • \N \ .� \ \ \\\'\ -\ . \i\\'.»..\(- `k'\ CASTOR a: ss.\ MINN Tho Hind You have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 3(1 years, has; borne tho signatrlres of and has been made under his per. conal supervision since its infancy. •• Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that tritlo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children-Experieneo against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures DIarrltoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THIS CtNT&UN COY►ANT. TT Yus Nat NSW VORA CITY. =VMMP Most housewives judge the pmrty of a flour by its whiteness. White somehow signifies purity. But tw bile pure flours arc always tvhite, ‘shite flours are not always pure. Royal Household Flour h the whitest flour that is milled. It is also the purest. You may think the flour you arc using is about as white as flour can be. Vet if you place it beside Royal Household Flour h will look yellow by com- parison. Ask your grocer for Royal Household, and make sure that he understands that you mean it. Ogilvie Roar Mills Co., Ud. 152 Montreal. tette. .Hiss Hart, of Mensal!, grad- uate of Alma College will give read- ing; •l'oo late for last -weak. 31rs. Roland Jeckell left last Wiles - day for ltossland, Calif.,.where Rho will join her husband, who left last sprint, for that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armitage, of ff u - can ,visited with Mr. Wm. Ogden over (Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 'rites. Gunuiang, t;,fr and Mrs. John Brock, and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Davis +alto have been on extended trips through the west havo returned bottle and are much pleased 'with their travels. The program committee deserve touch crdit in securing Miss Ilart of 1lcnsall. as elocutionist and the male quartette, of St salient to 'pt A'yIr"'� � aS i i:ri;>AT •y No Honing No Grinding c0P II.HT, I Ar,. No. Von will find it impossible to secure a comfortable shave with • razor that is not properly tempered, per- fectly ground and accurately bal- anced. If you find it perplexing and cannot rely upon your own judgment buy a razor bearing the name Carbo Magnetic -it is unconditionally guaranteed. The Carbo Magnetic razor blade 1s the only new idea in tempering in history of shaving it is theoretically and mechanically perfect, being ground, stropped and sharpened by the Hamburg process - the finest known in razor manu'acture. 4 The secret process of accurately measuring and applying electric heat has resulted in securing the highest percentage of carbon ever known in the history of razor manufacture. Carbon givestenacity, toughness and life to suet. But it is perfect fuel and burns q•iickly, hence when too liberally s.:ppILed it is consumed by fire temperin ; before it is fused. The minute saw -like teeth of a razor edge ei•her bend, when too soft, or break, wh:n too hard, making a shaven,; edge worthless for cutting your beard. The recarbonizing of all Carb3 Ms; netic razor blades does away w,th both of these d,f'iculties- the :ere! Las b,..•n made diamond hard. It is a cci•ntetic (act established beyond ci ,l teat every razor requires occa;tonal stropoeng. If the razor teeth will neither bend nor break there will park between them tiny soap particles -which, with water, make the lather. This is removed by the stropping. Honing and grinding •re only required to restore broken or bent teeth. Rut test chis unconditionally g teed ra•.or is your own home -or have your barber use 11 aa you -kr thirty days. Drop us • postal, or better yet, come in cad see us •nd we will give you our new proposition for having Hies,. razors tested without obli'a tiol to rarc'ase, trert:tcr w:th co- ,w i:en bcaLlct . ..'s ... ;l c.. 1}• ro z U en S. ".1••' es. .� j• `1 1 - i W. S. Cole, Druggist furnish the music for the fowl sup - Per. Mrs. Tifer and family have mov- ed to Granton and bir. Denham lakes posecsion of the farm. Mr. !Samuel Gunning gave a birth- day party on E riday evening in hon- or of hie father, ,who celebrated his 8Rth I,11 l y en that day. ' ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••'tl•• • , 1 The Molsons Bank • CAPITAL ••• • $3 374,000:00 • • • RESERVE FUND •••• •••• ••., $3.374.000.00 ; I Ilas tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the. Principal Cities in the World. y General Banking Business Transacted, Incorporated 1855 Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager ••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•••••••••••••••••••'•••'tl• THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1807 B. B. WALKER, President I Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALES- LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughot,t &nada, and in the United States and England BANK IIIIONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and eerier 3 cents Over $5 add not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $30 10 cents " 830 .{ 1{ $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in C (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. are negotiable at $4.go to the :6 sterling in Great Britain and lretand. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safetyand et small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 115 Exeter Branch-G.W. Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. TDRS.IthINEO&KENNEOY GRAND TRUNK RAI LW AV SYSTEM Thanksgiving Day Return tickets at single, between all stations in Canada Good going Nov. 6, 7, 8 and 9th. return limit Nov. Pith 08. Sheffield Choir Concert Itetnrn tickets at, ►iasis fare. from Exeter to [,.inns. Good going Nov. 11th. return limit Nov. 12th. To Western Canada The attractive route is via Chicago and St. Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. Secure coley of timetable entitled "New Route to 1Vinuipeg and West- ern ('amnia via ('h csigo" from Grand Trunk Agent. J. .1. KNiGIHT. hrpt;t Agent, or write J. D. MCi)ONALD, (Ions Depot, Toronto. Ont. 1 :e I Or s°+ ''Ther only thing I can do now is to take the flnger completely off. So said ono of the leading doctors of Toronto to Mr. W. C. Edwards, the well-known Friendly Society leader, of Peter Street, Toronto. Al cut tho middle flnger of his loft hand very badly and blood poison doctor had been trocting him, but no good had resulted, and this v au the final decision. A flfty-cent box of 'Lam-Buk saved Mr. Edwards from life-long mutilation t which $500 would nota have compensated him for. He says : "The blood poison from the finger spread up my hand and arm ani caused mo terrible agony. After month3' treatment the doctor said thorn was no cure, and ntnputation would have to take place if I intended to env() the arm. My hand, at that time, was all swollen up and discolored, and I had to carry it in a sling. I left that docor and consulted another. After :► few weeks' treatment he also fold me that operation would be necessary, and the finger would havo to leo opened so that the bone could bo scraped. 1 went away to consider when I would have the operation ierformel, and 'net a friend who whiled cno to try %.'un-Ituk. That night I bathed the wound Head put on steno Z•ltn-13uk. 1 gtt'a little sleep for the first timo for ninny nights. in tho morning the wound began to bleat instead of the feel discharging as in the past. This ens a healthy Rita Iso 1 went on with the on-Iluk. Well, to cut it haw stay short, in a few slays 1 put away tho sling and in a few weeks the finger wag healed completely. To -day that finger is 1,4 s oii:0 ns A bell and 1 awe it: to %ata-Buk." TM fa GREAT SKIN -CURE. It cannot otherwise bo cured." P. D.C.R. A.O. F., P. O. M. I. 0.0. F. most n. year before, Mr. Edwards ensued. For two months Ulu A WORD TO WIVES • Rives and mothers sl ld know that %ant -Bilk is the finest, safest and surest healer yet known. it is n herbal balm which acts like magic in healing sures. cuts, ioisoned wounds, cracked lends, chapped places, co'41 ken's, eczema, ulcers, festering sores and all skin dis- cases. too pure is it that it can 1n0 ap- plied to t10 delicate',kin of babe s, and yet en prrwerfed that chronic woundenre close 1 Anil curea by it. It soothes the pain of piles and stops the blee,lins. it is highly antiseptic. A bx of Zane is excited as a medicine chest, so many uses it fulfils. All druggistsnnd stores sell rat 50e n bee or post free frtnt 7,Am-Buk Co., 'Toronto, for prie.. SAVED HIS FINGER WE OMR YOU FREE TRIAL BOX �• rot t his Conpon, 1•7 atan.i• ‘ii1 mono of this pap r t•• %+m-Ituk (''1,, Toronto, ani wan wi'I re„ -ice fres tamps, SWIM 01 me C000dioo Norm way 11O11E8TBAD KEOULATIOY8.�(( Any person who is the sore head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quartek, sectoni of available Dominion land In ,Manitoba, Saskatchewnn, or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person• at the Dominion Londa Agency or Sub -agency for the district, Entry by proxy may be bad at the agency. on certain conditions. by father. mother son. daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties :-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within trine miles of his home- stead on a tfarrn of at 1caet 80 acres solely owned and oceapic,l by hint or his father. mother, sort, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a hornesteajdr n good standing may pre-empt a ''•tarter section alongside his homer .toad. frier $3. per acre. Duties- 'lust reside six months ineaoh of Nis >-ears from date of homestead entry 1 nc:tiding the time required to earn homestead patent) tel Cultivtae fifty acres cztr•t. A ho,n.:tc ad's tt ho Lee exhausted .s homestead right and cannot otb- to:n a pre -eruption may take n put -- e'en, •! t ad n e•erta:n districts i'r c; ac e. .•,+e s '7 • in cac't of titres ),`cru r'1.1 ;se 1 ft •,cres and erect A ho',' ttrth $700.0/. W. w, CORY. Deputy of the Minister M the interior N. It. -Unauthorized pnLtfratton o1 011 sdvstttls ment will not he paid for 1MARIIIED \V IliTE-11A111.1N13-Al I he home of the bride's learents. 'near Deehe woo 1. 31;rs Tillie Bar -ling to Mr. 1•'ze.1 White. of Exeter. CLA 13 - Q! ANCE in E xe ter, Wednesday. November 41h, by lieu. 13. A. hear. 'Lilly Maud Quanee to Mr, W. N. ('lack.. of l'eborne. b1ATlfl•:ItS- IA N1E8.-- in Parkhill On Wedtn'-day, Celt wt. 28th. Mr. Ayltnei Mottle, t to Miss Catti- er 41 Jam, .laughtcs of Mr. and Mr., Geo. Jatnes. •. 1)i1{D GREEN \ VA 1.-i.1 (Mama. Friday. Oct. a8Otte hors. rl'hoa. Greenway, of Crystal /City, !fan., aged .70 Tears. Its .'sELI, -- 1.1 liar lo•s:sship on Ocsol .r 30th, 1905 'Charlet Stil- t(,at Ilu.'cll. Son of Mr. And Jlre. M, 31. Russell. ajed menthe I6 da w;, 4 1