HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-11-05, Page 3,44.1.410
Lick headache awl te1►;►ve all the troubles feel -
dent to a Liiious ►tato or the ay3tew. ruck es
1►itetneas, ?nausea. 1)roMstuese:h. Lletrere after
eating. Pain iia thio Bile, 1•a While (heir inert
rorsar:able @ttYVra Lae ix•, n shown 1u curiuS
Beac!uhe. yet Cirt s Little Liver Pitts ars
ey .slung•leInCuttatil=uti.•n.curi,g*Aid pro -
vent u►g tilts annoy Ingcomptairt.whiletheyalso
corer.•••t andle•.rd.•rsurthesl.#nac h.atituoil*te the
liver and regulate the bowels. Even U they only
HEAoutrcl ..�
Ache they would be almost priceless to ::rose wiO
suffer trona this distressing c plaint; but fortis.
Lately thetrg.,odnceiedoes nuteud here.and those
�sho once try them will find these little pills vain -
able in so ►.:any ways that they will not be wil-
]log to du c► ithout therm. But atter attack bar
Iathebansot so many lives ths,at
pamake our great boast. (kir tulle
others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small ...net
very easy to take. Ono or twotills wakes dam►•►.
They are strictly reve tahlo and do not gripe or
puree. but by their gentle action pleabo all who
Dm them.
04ITZ2 YZ:1:I112 C)., NW TOL
tafl!ilL6aill Da hall Pia
11 ac tc•ial Results of a Practice
Once Thought Sullerst:tions.
1 he 1{u'►�iatt netters are Unethical- Queen Mother of the Last King of
ed Men. ILtb)lun a Centenarian.
The Feldshers, on whom the lube- '1'„ those interested in the hi&tvr!
elan peasants gcneral:y depend fur t,f human longevity it is well known
medieal aid, as Dr. H. P. Kennard that the record upon an old Egyp-
says in his book, "The Russian Pea- tian papyrus contains a tort of la -
sant," are uneducated open, who ment of a veteran Egyptian who had
have perhaps learned to bandage, attained the age of 110 years and
and know what drugs have a ten- complain, of the discomfort arising
Do We Not Often :n by Neglecting Our Duties
Toward Our Nccdy 1•c11ow Man.
in inany parts of Europe it is
cGtnary among the people to
burn sugar in sick -rooms, a prac-
tice which is considered by physici-
ans as an innocent superstition,
neither beneficial nor harmful.
Prof. Trilbert of the Pasteur In-
stitute at Paris has, however, de-
monstrated recently that burning
sugar develops formic acetylene hy-
drogen, one of the most powerful harm to his earthly image should REV. l:lt`S'T A. TAPPERT,
antiseptic gases known. Five grams also compel us to assist and coin- New fork.
c[ sugar (7,.16 grains) were burned
lander a glass ball holding tent
-- -
C'aiu, where is Abel, thy brother? fort our neighb'r in danger and
--Gen. iv. 9. I want. For "Whot.o has this world's
and seeth his brother ha\ e
It was i_t order that he should g;c'ud'1
have an opportunity to confess his. heed and sllutte. h up his bowels .,f
etine and re, ant of his sin that compassion from him, how dwel_tit
(;od asked hit this question. But th► love of God in hien?" Do we
('hardened h.a heart and as is stet often sin against this love of
deney to cure and which to kill,
from impaired nutrition, loss of vis -
"In the Russo-Japanese War," ion. and general senility, says Lon -
writes Doctor Kennard, "I came don Lancet.
across many of the medical tyros. I Recently it was stated in a report
bad numerous cc►nversatious with from I{ihssia that there was present-
the►u, suet well reuiember one in e('' to the Czar a loan aged 126
pa, titular, years who retnember,'.1 distinctly
aro •'I asked this unqualified practi- serving in the array in the campaign
the curse of an evi; deed -that It (Lod by nag leetlrig; our dutie•' to honer how he a,'rived at a diagno- of Borodino in
n►1M12. Another in -
must continual) • bringforth evil, ward our needy fellow men; `.0 wo sis. at. the same time taking care stance of very advanced age has
then answers with a le : "1 know not often lose sight of the trut'i that to assume an interested air, as of Leen discovered in len ancient re -
not ; am l my brother's keeper's" unto hila that knuv►•eth to do goodduly flattered, and gave me the fol- curd. this time in Babylonia, and
Are we nut Caiuites 1 In no 00( r and doeth it not, to him it is sin ? j lowing instructive answer : relates to a member of the gentler
civilized eountay, perhaps, is b. i-: There are Ro many east ,',1 our ...Darin,' said he, 'when )hen feel sex.
cide committed so frequently and shores who badly need a, helping ill they want tiledicine, and me.li- M. Pugin, the French consul at
unished so inadequately. When l'a'id and a syiupatltetie heart. eine you must give. If yeti refuse 1ltussttl, recently published a vol-
a man invoking an unwritten law And how ninny of our own c.►tin- medicine, they think you do not time of inscriptions copied by him
feels himself justified to igno:e t1yiiien, Ione of our bone, flesh of know what medicine to give; there- from various old monuments dur_
every divine or human law and our flesh, live around us in dile fore 1x1 -ays say, "You are really ing; his long residence in Mespota
b'e •t of his asst.ln poverty mid cry out for help, fur cry ill, very ill" Then they know win, and among these is one in cu -
FRENCH st'II;N'11a'I, t'ON1)t t 1'-
J\t: }':\1'I:1{I IF\'fS.
I'rolit,teatiutl of Life to .ter of Me -
Not B. .►uc1 Bund.4
of I'u••ibilit_.
Dr. Doyen, the fatuous scientist,
delivered himself of the remark-
able _phrase. "Preservation of his
life through several centuries de-
pends solely un man," at the tenth
congress of medicine, just ended at
Geneva. Interview by the Paris
Matin, Dr. Doyen supplemented
and extended this dictum, affirming �
as the Matin puts it, that the pro -.1
longation of a man's life until he
reaches the age attributed to Me-
thusaleh is not definitely beyond
the hounds of possibility.
"My experiments," he said, "are
merely the corollary of the discov-
eries of Dr. Metchnikoff, the emin-
ent bacteriologist of the Pasteur
slaughter lite, o j c p
when a slob murders a number o,f 1'-ve, for encouragement. 1)uc'i at once that I understand their eerfornt writing giving the honor- Institute. He discovered 'phagocy-
law-ahiding citrons, only to satin- ;� their cry find case, and will talc anything 1 give. able life history of a lady named tose,' on which my own studies hays;
lv its thirst for blood, then the ! :1N ECHO IN OUR HEARTS"( "'I have rn:tny mixtures) that 1 Soun dna Damga, w iso was the been based. It is to hits we owe the
public aces not condemn, t!:� The have rano out into life full of made myself, and I know by experi-
queen mother of `abonidus, the last knowledge of the inner mechanism quaint `truc•ttires for CentInemcnt
courts do not punish such afro: I- }.c PC and expectation, but they have. ence now what is their effect on Kirtg of Babylon. of life. Hitherto there had been of Rogues.
tics, must we not adroit that the 1 most men. The inscription is supposed to he cnly laboratory experiments. I be-
failcd, their hopes have been blast- g Several villages its the English
spirit of Cain is ruling over the ,,(}� their prospects lla.'e fadec►C " 'If a man is sick, and brings one written by herself, and it is quite lievc I have arrived at tliz stage of Midlands
possess in »Wore or less
minds of many in this so-called ;way they have gone down, step by medicine up, I know that that lovas possible that it was dictated 1►y her practical application of the know- ,
ruined state t air old parish lock -
Et is the first and the Sure Stan of
11►tdney Dise:'ae.
Doan's Kidney Pills
euro the aching back by curing; the a. lung
kidneys bet�nin-fur it is tc•ally ts.o kid-
neys aching and not the l:.t�L.
They act directly on tho kidneys and
make them strop( and healthy. ihc'It-1,y
causing Fore blood to circulate thro�igh���lt
the whole system.
Mrs. Frank Foos, AVooclsido, N. B. ,
writes:-- " 1 was a grtwt sufferer with
backache for over a year, and could get.
nothing to relieve me until I took two
boxes of 1►au1's Kidney fills and now 1 do
not feel any pain whatever, and con est and
sleep well ; something !could not do before.
1)oan'a Kidney Pills are .•►t) cents per box
or 3 luxes for $1.•_':i at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt Of price by 'l'ltu lloan Kid.
uey fill Go., '1 pronto, Out.
01.11 % 11.1.14;1; 1.0('hI'I'.
Christian country of ours? And ,tell,'sun)ci•
lmes by their own fault, the 11 rung one, anti 1 gist another
trust we nt.t hide our faces in shame
and yet they are our brothers and' I1 he is again sick. I have a remedy
for such a i the great Good Samaritan who has: which will make any Mian bring up
! ! t' t f his •t •h • •tile}
LACK OF BROTHER -I( LOVE come to save that ostrich was lost, a1 the eon ensu ,
that makes us so utterly forget the has compassion on them and asks us • this done. I know' that 1 can start the moon god, he "had raised her
noble example of Him whose blood Inc ut them "Where is Abel, thy on fresh ground.' head" (above that of common folk)
z "Horrified at the heroic measures "had accu•-ded her an illustrious
et loth louder than the blo.;d of brother?" thtil; blandly discovered to me, but ',ante in thenation,hadgranted
Abel, who, when he was reviled, i God forbid that in the spirit of Preservingthe, nano expression sag- }.cr many days (years), which aro
reviled not again ; that nukes us Cain we should shirk our duty and evtice of m thirst for knott'lc'elger heart's happiness, he had augment-'
so unininuful of the word : ' `Ile that; r a v ' `I know nut ; ass I my bro- : g Y I I g
his brother is a murderer !" fisc is keeper ?" There is no nobler 1 asked, 'And suppose be dies l'
t d for me so that since the tinge of
l�ateth lis bro t P''Here the learned elan drew his Assur:iannipal, King of Assur,
But there is another side to this trait than the big heart and the lib- down to the ninth year
and. Ma • God save our coon- coat around him with one band,of Naboni-
questiun : The old commandment, ,crag h, g dos, King of 13a � ,
"Thou shalt not kill," is not only : try from ('ainism and snake us true t and raised the other hand signifi-l► •lets the son issue
trans ressed in an active, but also followers oHim «
f ho into a mor- cantly above his lead, pointing to (;f my heart, 101 holy years" (she
gthe heavens. was priestess in the temple) lie
Th lovef( l d world brought a new spirit
in a passive way. a o God erous war c it,
to a scribe shortly before her de-
It fissures us that because of her
devotion to her fasurite deity, Sin,
"'Barin,' he sa:d, with site u►,- gave to sic and cause, Inc to live.
that should keep us from doing; the spirit of brotherly lose.
most gravity, 'Gott made all men, As for me, my eyes are brilliant,;
and the physician and the sick Iran my hands and feet in perfect or -
are equally His creation. Then it tier, my speech clear, and food and
is certain that if He permits my pa- drink suit me well."
tient to die, that is not my affair ; The eulogium gives a complete ac-`
quarts. After t`)e vapor had cooledT H E , hu Gen. 14. 17. Its location is un -
bacilli of typhus, tuberculosis, chol- I. Ss S. LESSON known.
c ra, smallpox, etc., were placed in 19. Ahimaaz the son of Zadok --
the bell in open glass tubes, and Already known to us from the Ion -
within half an hour all the microbes ger narrative of our last lesson (2
were dead. Sain. 1b. 27).
If the sugar is burned in a closed 20. Thou shalt not be the bearer
vessel containing putrefied meat or of tidings this day-Joab refuses to
the contents of rotten eggs the of- -- expose the priest's son to the dan-
fensive odor disappears at once. ger involved in bearing tidings
'I'he popular faith in the disinfect- v;h;ch may be unwelcome to the
ing qualities of burntsugar appeara king (compare 2 Sam. 1. 10).
therefore to be well founded. 21. The C.'ushite-Or Ethiopian.
Perhaps a black slave whose life
Jo•th i'; more willing to risk than
Mock Attention Paid by Bride's
T'at'ty to Bridegroom's Relit fives.
Ther.is a curious custom still
prevak nt in the Bcllary district of
India in connection with the wed-
ding ceremonies among certain
Iii ahmin families.
Just prior to the close of the
feasting, a hideous effigy of a male
figure, fantastically •robed in rags,
supposed to renrt'sent the bride-
E;ro, father; is carried along the
stritIllrin procession, under the
shade +•f a sieve adorned with tas-
sels .anions and margosa leaves.
Etc: few yards during the pro-
cFssion the feet of the effigy have
to be reverently washed and its
forehead decorated with a caste
stark by its living spouse, the
bridegroom's ?nether. The bride•
groom's other female relatives have
,everal mock attentions paid to
them by the woolen of the bride's
Some married men are diploma-
tic enough to hide the fact that
they are henpecked.
Bronchitis is generally t h+. result of A onki
eaused by exposure to wet and inclement
weather, and is a very dat„wous inflam-
matory affection of the hr'on. hial tu1••'t.
INTERN :1't'It)NAi. 1.:;s50`,
?N t)1- . 8.
Lesson VI. David Grieves for Ab-
salom. Golden 'Text,
Prov. 17. 2.5.
Verse 1. David numbered the peo-
ple -Mustered his men, formic j his
and it would be wrong of me to count of her career, and we know tions. 1f we cause by use of
blame Him or to be blamed myself from another cuneiform chronicle ' y need of restoration, an opportunity
„ phagogenc liquids, an increase of for archaeologists which it is hoped
by any one else. that it was in the ninth year of her vital resistance, we prolong 1)3 that will not be missed. Both at Bree-
royal son's reign that her obsequies don and Worthington
took place. This record is well vlaw for`ththereserttation ofithe The these diminu-
worthti of being placed beside nth- psive disused prisons are on the
era of a longi and healthy life. stns org;auism is already formulas- roadside, adjacent to the pound or
___ ed. 11'hat is cottons ins that it is n pinfold, so that the constable had
I N I1 I.1 SN.11 i VICTIMS. surgeon who supplies the basis of conveniently side by side the stray -
a new departure in therapeutics e•; cattle any human rogues or va-
Quite a Decrease in the Number of which will perhaps alter the whole g:►bt,nds he had charge of. There
Deaths. science of medicine." are similar old lockups at Smishy
t c ge.
"1n multiplying the white cor-
puscles in the blood (the phagu-
cy ti's) we increase the coefficient of
vital resistance, and can estimate
its value. It is a new departure in
therapeutics which is apparently
coming to the front.
"If we succeed in suppressing
colds, chest diseases and bronchitis
(and ill this matter I have attained
al•solute successes) -and these com-
plaints are often the primal causes
of rheunlatisn►--we arrive, logically,
at, the suppression of latent causes
e,r disease.
"Our life is limited by a great
!ember of deteriorations in our or-
ganism; among these we should
consider not only maladies which
are apparent, but also latent infec-
tips, commonly known as round
Breedon, a Leicestershire village,
cldse to the South Derbyshire bor-
der, possesses its ''lockup," a
quaint stone building 18 feet high
and 8 feet 6 inches diary tinside.
The walls are fifteen inches thick.
Tho door is of stout oak, studded
with many large iron nails.
The lock is very strong and the
keyhole is covered with an iron
plate, which itself has to be un -
lc eked by a spanner before the door
key can be inserted. Ventilation is
afforded by small holes punched in
an iron plate, 6 inches by 7, fixed
:n the centre of the door. There is
no window.
At Worthington, the next tillage
to Breedon, the old lockup is a
seven sided brick building, badly in
f.,'clfishness is the suicide of hap-
The dit int is not discovered by
Virtue is the nho:'al fibre that
comes from soul struggle.
Thinking bitterly of others strikes
that of the priest's sols. a blow at my own heart.
army into line of battle. Some years 23. By the way of the plain - Our neighbors are not lifted up
seem to have elapsed since David Avoiding the more direct but also l,; looking up their records. to 21,418 in 1907. 50 low a figure
He who spreads himself in prayer has not been reached since 1897,
says the Times of India.
The decrease is noticeable main-
ly in Bengal and Eastern Bengal
and Assam, where the figures fell
Many believe they are sanctified from 8,8;•i1 and '2,730 in laths to tt,•aici
and 1,900 respectively in 1907. The
because they feel so self-satisfied. most important increases occurred
Square dealing meant; to many ui Madras and Burma, where the
making all others fit to their an- figures rose from 1,527 and 1,149 in
tales. 191X1 to 1,977 and 1,:148 respectively.
Every great public victory has The decrease its Eastern Bengal and
many a private struggle behind it. Ahstann is attributed to the floods
Disappointment Is often only a • 1 } } Th Central
turn in the road to the highest ap-
It is not much use talking over
your fidelity if folks do not find you
ii iendly.
The great life expect, to 1. 11 of-
ten, but it determines peter t,, stay
in failure.
Seeing the w:i that others should
fro is not equilalent to going in the
way we see.
It is always easy to make dif}i-
unities in doctrine a hiding ',Lica
Dr. Metchnikoff, questioned on end Ticknall, two villages close to
According to the "snake" statis-
tics these statements said : "I know no Leicestershire.
for 1907 the total mortality thing of the experiments which Ur.
among human beings caused by Doyen has made, and cannot, there-
fore, bite fell from 22,811 in 19txi fore, pass judgment on them. But
had engaged in actual warfare, so more difficult r•)ute taken by the is not likely to rise in it.
that the sudden emergency which Ethiopian in order to gain the ad- People who practise duplicity na-
had carne upon Wm necessitated a vantage of traveling the well -beat- turally label it diplomacy.
hasty reorganization of such forces en highway which formed the cos- It's always easter to sing about
as he could gather on abort notice. ternary route from the Jordan to heaven than to serve earth.
2. Sent forth the people- Pcr- Mahanaitn.
haps better, "Divided the people," 21. Between the two gates - By
that is, into three companies. extensions outward and inward
Jeal) -The famous leader of from the city wall an inner and an
David's armies in previous wars outer gate were provided. Be -
and :t nephew of the king. tween these the king waited for
I t t a i the G ittite-Sec note in tidings from the field of battle.
Word Studies for November 1. 26. The watchman called -- From
5. Deal gently for my sake with the tower above the gate below
the young man -We note how which the king was sitting.
throughout this eve:ltful day in 27. Ile is a good man, and coin -
which the gravest interests of the (th with good tidings -David right -
kingdom were at stake the father's iy reasons that Joab would not
love outweighs the moneys -lea juclg- choose so distinguished a inessen-
ment. : ger to bear et it tidings.
All tine people heard -The charge 29. I sats• a great tumult, but I
cencerniitg Absalom was given to kiew• net is hat it was -The ruessen-
the generals in the presence of the
entire army.
7. The forest. of Ephraim --An un-
known forest or jungle region lo-
cated, not in Ephraim proper, but
east of the Jordan in some part of
the denser forest of Gilead.
ger's ansns'r was perhaps prompt-
ed by a desire to in a measure pre-
pare the king for the evil tidings
wllieh he knew the ('ushite would
shortly bring, lest the Budden
breaking of the, had news concern-
ing Absalom should overwhelm the
8. The forest devoured more pen aged king. This, however. does not
I.1e--Ths' nature of the ground excuse the falsehood of which •1hi-
made the escape of the ftngit.it•es tnaaz was guilty and which reflects
text te, impossible so that more not so much the wickedness of the
were tilaitl til the pursuit. tltr. ugly arming man's heart as it does the
the forest than had fallen in the ac- slight regard which everybody in
teal battle. Thus Absalom him- his time seems to have had for lie_
self met his fate. crag accuracy of stat'nlent. It al•
hu -
9. His brad caught. hold of the so
heflects the still dominant hu-
'.rha ►•s hotter "was caught roan instinct. to hide unwelcome
The Symptoms aro tights►'ss atoms ,,ak
the chest, sharp pains and a difficulty in fast in the oak." that is, as he. rode truth from those we love at any
breathing, and a act rt'tior. of thi•"k phlegm, at full speed, peril:.lis nt the SA Bin . ►►st..
at that white, but liter of a greenish or ;time looking backward at hie pur- 32. The enemies of my lord the
yellowish color. Negleetedl�i(mchitiiir•,na suers, his head '111" caught in tisto,king . . . be as that young man is
(:f the most general causes of COtlsltinhtiou. fork of an •'t el•hrl il.l:lir b,►tigti „f a --11 was not necessary t.) speak
tree. lettere plainly. The king fully lin-
Cure ft at once by the use of 11. }' 1 tlerstuod the import of the words.
;;.3. Much riot ed -Or, "sore t rou-
The chandler over the gate -- In
the tower 1surniounting the kits" wall
pl iv to in the rank: to hiss coni- r►' this point.
'handing officer indi,•atea the, deep following the events narrated in
res 0relive with which the eomrnon our lesson passage, Joab, on
people, at least, regarded the king learning of David's hitter lenient
tend the profound respect. which over the death „f his sen. is promp-
Mis. i). i). Miler. Allandale. Oat., tl.ey hall for his ward of command. ted by hips soldier's indignation to
urtica : 'sly husband got it la►ttle of t)r. 11. Dart. - Hebrew. staves, that t'ehttk.. his sovereign for pia appar-
u\••.s Norway fine e�rup fot my little i., short spears. lent disregard for the best interests
bit. ." ha i lironehit',. She w1,eei.nl M 15. Ten young nu . . . ,slew hien o' his kingdom. Returning to Je-
b►<ii : sou collo near her frs,rn ono room to
--The ears.tttien in which .Joel, him- i ruanlen►. 1)av id succeeds in r'stab-
---'---S Y R V P
Ten pieces of sitter - ' en : lc-
kelg, the %"apse of which at this
time is unknown.
12. Not put forth my hand against
the kiugt's son. -The reply of this
the other, bt:t it was not long until wo
could s^n the e!l�•�'t your medicine h;td nn
her. That w IS 1t1•:t winter when wu lived in
self tool: nn active part w•ass moat 1.shing his kingdom more firmly
Unital. as the (letail% of our nir- � than ever, so that at the time (',f
rant e at slam Point clearly bring Solomon's sitecesaiun to the throne
that certainly in the future we shall
be able to prolong human lite. To
attain that end it will first be nec-
essary to determine in all their
says the causes of old age. These
causes are not yet perfectly defined,
but the subject, its being widely
studied. Nothing is yet certain,
and mankind must be content to
t the root of the matter I think
laving been ower. a British Railway Officials fifty They
Provinces figure (fi(,3G) is the lowest Have I'ruvetl Useful.
returned in any one of the last sev-
en years. So useful has the woman detec-
The Lauder -Brunton treatment of five proved in British rajlWay' pe-
t,nake bite by incision and applies- lice work that several of the great
of permanganate of potash and companies contemplate as early in -
(he distribution of lancets con- crease in the nttrnber rif is omen ern-
tinnes. It is too early yet to pre- played in thio capacity.
nounee with any certainty as to the "The woman railway' detective,
result of the experiment, hut a paid a high official of one of the
number of favorable reports have eont.hcrn Tinea, "is a comparatisely
been received. Elg'1t cases are re- recent creation, but 111 this new
ported from the United Provinces field of feminine work idle has al-
- - --4 --- --
1)1; 1'1'11 IS c'.11NLFSS.
It Pontes :is Naturally and is as
Welcome use Sleep.
The fear of death, which has been
Ft. enormously; exploited in dramatic
literature, sacred raid otherwise, is
said to be almost without existence
i•1 sickness. Most patients have
lost it completely by the time they
become seriously 111.
Death and sleep are both pain-
less, according to Dr. Woods Hut-
chinson in the American A1agrtzine,
and cause neither fear nor anxiety
by their approach. It is one of the
most merciful things in nature that.
the overwhelming majority of the
Poisons which destroy life, whether
they are those of infectious diseases
or those which are elaborated from
the body's own waste products, act
:.:s narcotics and abolish conscious-
ness long before the end conk's.
While death is not in any tteilSt
analogous to sleep, it resembles it
to the extent that it is in the vast
majority of instances not only not
from demands of fluty.
of the successful tree of Dr. (_'al- ready shown herself resourceful and painful but welceine. fain racked
He has little faith in tr1)th why mette's anti-venene. In two of clever. Practiealiy every great and fever scorched patients long for
rushes out with a blanket every these cases the permanganate of railway employs several women for death as the wearied toiler longs
time the wind of mosttic•it+m Il(vl arises. ► ,, lash treatment was also employ- investigation purposes. Their fn:i sleep.
They alto are digcuntrnte(• } names are quite unknown to the While nutay of tl.e processes
with their circumstances are likely ed•
__-- ordinary railway staff, with the ex which lead to death are painful
to be heat satisfied with themselves. •'1•„u want sue to tell you the ccption of a few chief ufiicials. death it::elf is painless, nttura!,
When you tri to magnify the die: whole truth! '' asked the witness. "To all outward appearances the like the fading "f a flower rir the
tionary In your prayer you may "(certainly," replied the judge. detective is an ordinary lacy pas- falling of a leaf. Our dense ol,Ps
t►c sure you do not teach the di "The whole truth about. the plain- scnger. She travels about taking drift out on the. ebbing tide of life
vine. tial" "Of course.." "Might I ask her own ticket from place to place, without fear, without pain, without
Nu remount of poetic feeling for t:ow long this ('Hurt expects to and there i4 ah'nItttely nothing to regret, s+ayes for those they leave be
the human family wilt make up for sit l" ''What difference doe.' that distinguish her from the (tests of hind. SI hell death coiner; close
lark of I)ractic.•al provision for your maker "It makes a lot of differ- other writers') who use the line. But enough so that we' can ace the eyes
own• , ence. I couldn't tell they whole she is always on the watch, listen- behind the rmo-k his face becomes
11'hen we survey any rich fri,ilId truth about that scoundrel inside of ing to stray pieces of conversation n ; telr"nte as that of hit "twin
its our wou ho dug wellsit is rf' r their: '1 1t•('ek• talking all the: time:." ►� that may point to a tisk.^t fraud up- 1.1,�1itl r,'' sleep.
t., ask K on the company, and tt it h n ready '
refreshing. t i''` H r eye for any irregularity on the part' Af(licttl'd for years with a Diseased Liver.
The Oran in the church with the
of the, uniformed roving eyes looking r't r'r the !hilt-
"Sometimes }
alts nose is pret t' s u re to be st song
- -
n the doctrines.
There's an irons on nater" that
it almost sure to bring t1+�'•" who
prescribe for the race arousal to
tak'ng their own medicine.
oruled staff.
)e travels in n
wrong class carriage to ascertain if
receipts for excess payments are � � � H � � ���
properly givca and sometimes with
cterweight of luggage for the same � A'�� ����
1't)rpose. 3 LA
"One day she travel.: among fir..t
clams; passengers; the. neat. (doe d) 11) I L S
and worn, shs, journeys in :t ('1rri-
1r8truc•tor- i1r. Smith, kindly
name the hones of the skull.
Student Smith -Well, sir, I've
got them all in nay head, butt can't
think of their names just now.
Toronto. "I'nt gold' to step ficin' kind and
"fills Iia 1 A L.01 cc.ld W. winter, but in. (111. (compare I.essson for November 22) helpful to people, 0111(1 little
stead of getting another bottle of 1)r. 16. Held »rack --Or, ''spared." the strength and glory of the unit- Johnny. glow is that t" asked his
K•swtl 8 Norwayl'ine Sp 1 tried A borne 17. ({nisch over hill) a very great led kings) ant is almost at its maxi- mother. "Well, it's this way. At
mem. school to -clay I saw Tothlny Jones
i:lltting a pin in the toaster's chair,
to just as the roaster was about to
_...'••'41`"."-"� sit down i pulled away the chair.
The master Rat down on the floor,
On the London street( there are end when he got up he licked me
329 hansoms, 3.768 reenactheeledter pulling away the chair. and then
cribs, 2,281 berme(' ninnihns('t4, 1.50A Tummy Juseg licked sur for inter-
motor -calm and 1,040 motor -omni- fering. Yes : i'nt goin' to :t, p
helpin' people now."
trade receipt which I ,,a from a neighbor it,ltp of stones --The eitstomal',Y
I.tt found that her col. lasted about twig*
At long. :Nv hushat ,1 hi ply praises ' 1)r.""nrk t►f detestation. ThuM was
1t'ocrl'a.' stet sats he w,11 At; OW bottle A':1tat1 treated in the tinte of Joshua
of it is alati•ay: kept ,n the home," (compare .Tush. 7. iti).
The 1►riee of D. West's Nn! t1AV 1'in0 1''. The pillar. which is in the
Syrup is 23 cents per bottle. 11 is put up king's talc' -Absalom not baling
tit a paha- wrapper, three pine trees the , ,a salt sought to perpetuate his
1r.uls mirk, so, i,e Lure and :tc. "'pt none of name 1►v means of this ►lleltl',rial
the n/•iny nuhatitnta 01 the w. sgitial "Nor- pills v. The chic. or 1 alley, refer -
Way Pine :•rsa."
red to is mentioned only here and buses.
«'It:.tMt'cllr:tl Skill Could Not n0
Was Accomplished with
Burdock Blood Bitters.
Mr. I.. ft. lyes its, MAUI, Out., better
known, p„rhap', :1.4 •' Smallpox Iters," has
age full of third-class sc:non-ticket lie has nim used them for hit patient*
holders., on the track of the man when nursing them, and it. is a well Lnown
who rc�tllarly �ay'ss 'sensson' w heti fact that Insall -p ►x sufferers must keep the
he has not got one. In the mat- bowels well regulated.
ter of pay. a good female detective aflliewt fuliaars with11h a •Uae1ec}h�'o r, and
w ill n»ake 2 a week and all ex -
have. tried alltr kinds of medicine, b►:t • f n+.
llcttMeA. altht,trg;h the aterage is urn') until about. four years ngo I flit,'
if von are tronll.,(1 with Iirn,ls,'h( du 1114
slightly less." your f.nxa-ll.iv'+'r 1'ill•,an.l got instant
--- --�'- 8in+e then 1 have nuran'(1 .lift, rent i•atient4
afflicted with innall-pox, awl in civil cute I
J:1N1: KNEW.
herttate to use 13.11.11. It is ti„ nrw pro.
pavan tti�a vette vtlunl►le ►ills.
duct of unknown value, hut has an esta1- 'feather --"in this beautiful t'•rsse \f) vt•t t s rust gat lt>ilg
' •' •„i a 1 K'rsotl" E.Itl:'11r''
lishttl t�patation, il,ildrett, the' poet says the 11.44 eta withetoinicit or liver troubles will try NH-
COULD NOT WORK. r ere' ntc'�"t'•nrd by Otes elrw. D1� 1►►trn'a hnt,t• Liver fill• I will rs•hrttiro
1 Wright. lit_ lay N.11. writes: (►f poll 1 ,.••W w Tat moistened theta whenever in,l t.l s•rel-1•r 1 have an
"I w•a• nick and tun down, would
NH -
Miss luting n any
I t .ils•ad � • • uppc►rt.tstit) and 1 hot•o that if at nr.y time
Oche. a hitter taste in my mouth. floating Meting. ► 1 cann�►; got ill,. p�►rigs, 1 fedi be `ortuttatn
specks 1►etore my eyes and pelf.. in my back. ; Little' .Jane • - - 1 leave; tcaviler. er.•►ugli tt) nt t'1 ► rill% .a
1 was not able to (Iona bowie work at all Ansi
r nlld not sleep At night ';-vest An. tura1 i knew. Me an' T•'In1ny �.)'.'f n !111(1 M:lborli a 1•1x l i.iver 1',114 it.•• :'i cents
• • doctored me lout
1 n ctr I wzi' Qcttinrt no heti'. kv) Pratt % 3 playlil .til th (ir)('k i,.v; 5 t i:t', for al -t:') et ai! •b ►tyre's
Solt on the bottles
f "Wilco r r Il friend 1 t t !'rr,''
1►(►ttics of linr.loek lt,o,xl 1l►tlets and l.,t:y inn '1'nrtillr,y •fell in 111 )'iter a'1' got ur wi'1 .►• t,1;'1•ti diff. t hy the •{'.:11i1b•.lin
effected s tomtit:• awe. 1 luoilstefCd. L•(, htaitcil, Toronto,