Exeter Times, 1908-11-05, Page 1niter
$1.00 per year in advance
•I A more imposing display of these favorite winter garments
i•: than what was shown last winter is what we have prepared.
other seasons. Do not miss seeing the good ones we
Stylesare more handsome, Quality is higher, while vahree
are offering you,
_ A good coat for $45, and better ones for $50. PM $65.
I surpass
••• •••••••••••••••NN•••• •..•..•••..•...•..•
Phone No. 32.
Warm House furnishings ane Winter
Wearables Tor the Gold weather.
The cold snap has made us all think e1 quiet is coming for the
next few months. You must be prepared for the coming weath-
er and cannot do better than come to us for your winter comforts
Our stock was never in better shape to rrapply you with nice
warns Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Flannelette and
Lovely warm Blankets. Bed Comforters, Furs, Coats and all
other necessary goods to keep out the cold.
Beautiful Wool Blankets
That will keep you snug and warm, they are all Pure Wool, or
Wool with Cotton Chain. Nice soft fluffy Blankets b ought
from the best mills in Canada, They are all good large heavy
Blankets with Blue or Pink Borders. Prices $3, 3t. 4. 5. (i, & 7.
Flannelette Blankets of the Best quantity White
or Greys, sizes 11x4 and 12s1.
Ladies Underwear
Ilave you been at our Un-
derwear Counter this fall' If
Sou have you know some-
thing of our variety. Better
than ever. and weights and
grades to suit all tastes. A
full assortment of Fleeced
and Fine Wool in cream,
white, grey, (lack and natur-
al wool 25e, 3.5c, 50c, 75c, $1.
Pure natural wool Underwear
"Vests and Drawers $1.00 and
Tight -fitting Coat
for aI2 50
For genuine style these
$12.50 coats compare favor-
ably with any at $15 else-
where. Braided over shoul-
der,down front and hack with
velvet collar,
Bed Comforters
The nice tvarnl kind that
look and feel warn. Made of
nice floral cloths and filled
with gond batting $2 to $3.
Toques Gloves & Mitts
Toques for 25 to 50c in black
blue, red or white.
Ringwood. Cash mle r e.
Swede gloves in all the new
colors Si to 50 cents.
Long or short Kid gloves
Another Swell Coat
at SIO
Semi -fitted style with vel-
vet collar; natural all wool
Kersey cloth. Same perfect
tailoring and smart fit that is
a feature of every coat we
Ladies Fur -Lined Coats
Chicks 7c. Ib. Live `lc. lb. Dressed. liens 5c. lb.
Live 7c. lb. Dressed. Turkeys IOc. lb Live 1.2e lb.
dressed Ducks 9c, Ib. dressed Geese C. lb. (Tressed
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
•...••.N••.•••••.•.•..••. •••••••••.•.....•••
•.••.••..•...N.... ••••••••••••..•...••...••.
Form 1[l. -Honors, K. Collins, 77 ;
Pass, I. Marchand, 74 ; L. Heywood,
71; 13, Martin, 71; 1i ,Willis„ 71.; I.
Rowe, 71 ; J. McMahon, 70; A. L.
Martin, 68 ; T, Ganders, 68; re Oes-
treicher. 67 ; L. Snell, 64: ILI, Sanders
03; 'L. Hodgert, 1;2; K, Stewart, 60_;
\V. 13irney, 00. •
No on roll, 30. Daily average, 26.
Fortis Il. -Pass, Willie Monteith,
74; 'Gladys Kestle, 73; Jeaa Grassick,
71; Victor Sweet, 68; Barry Trick.
tier, 68; Nellie Amy, 07; Charles
Dunsford, 67; Gladys Ford, 651 Lof-
tus Meru 60. No on •roll, 22. Daily
average, 20.14.
S. 'L. GREGORY, Teacher.
1: orni I, Commercial, Ben:or.-IIon-
ors, G. Ilissett, 81; F. heaver. 175;
l'ass, 0. (Wood, 71 ; 1E ,\VDod, 67.
Junior, honors, B. Boyle, 84; F.
Hunter, 77; 11. Pope, 75; Pass, V.
Handford, 64,
Form I. -Honors, A. (lissett, 84 ;
W, \Vcismiller, 79 ; :C. Copeland, 68;
Ilooper, 76 ; .1W. Stewart, 76; L.
I. Nrayne, 75. Pass, M. Elson, 74 ;
E. Southcott, 72; II. Sweet, 72; C.
Wood, 171 ; G. bearing, 71:.Oi At-
kinson, 69 ; L. Grieve, 69: It. Knight
68. 13. lloggarth, 66; L. itivers, 65;
1:. Atkinson, 64 ; '1'.. llowcy. 64;
ltowe, 63; G. Passmore, 62; L. Boyle,
62 ; IL. Stacey, 61; W!. Hillery, 01 ; 0.
Pickard, 60; ,C. Harvey, 60; IL Hew-
lett', 60. Number on 'roll 43 average
daily attendance 41.
Sr. 4th. Honors, Reginald Bissett,
•• • 82; %Ethel Brickwood, 75;,Pass, Pres-
ton Dearing, 73; Clarence Heywood.
72 ; ;Ma;bell Barrows, 65. Jr. dth.
Honors, Itu'by Wood, 89; ,Irene Riv-
ers, 86; Madeleine -Carling, 84; Lulu
nell, 83 ; Mary 'Acheson, 79, Leon
reble, 79 ; Jean Beldon, 78: eAriel
76; Irene .hardy, i5: Pass`
Heider►nan, 74 ; !;tela Bissett,
3; Fred McPherson, .R2; Russellalkwill, 69; Viola 'Rowe, 65; Nellyones, 64 ; Edna tllrock, 63, No. on
oll 33 average attendance 30.
Sr. IH. Honors. 'Linder IHarvey,
95; Irno Sweet, t:; Ethel I3alkwill,
81; Muriel Jones, 80; !Lola Taylor,
79 ; Oliver Hodgert, (79; ,Reta Rowe,
76. Pass, Ernest tllarvey, 74: Larry
Snell, 73; Marion tBlatchfo:.". 73;
Oscar Anderson, 66 ; ;Lulu Kc ,Ile, 66;
Sydney Hector, 64; Thornton Fear,
60. Jr. 111. 'Honors, Willie 'Manson,
79; Beatrice Hodgert. 78 ; Lillie Mar-
chand, 77; Maurice Senior, 77 ; ,Mag-
gie Case, 76 ; Lulu Ifeddea, 75 ;.Flor-
ence 'Rowe, 75. Pass, Edgar Berney,
73; Jlarper Rivers, 73; Ethel Day, 69;
Ellie llowcy, 69 ; (LaBelle lIandford.
69; •Mildred Heywood, 65; .Anna Bell
65 ; Olive McDonald, 63; Jessie Brick -
wood, 61. No. on roll 47 average 43
Report of October. Sr. II. honor?,
Maud hicks 89, Alma Mack 82, Jlarry
Parsons 82, Florence Wood 82, Alma
Delve 81. Edith Davis x78, (Fannie
I3owey 77, Marjorie 43eldon 77,_.j'ear1
Jackson 77. Pass Marjorie Ruston 73,
Jennie Itussell 71, Joseph Ferguson
69, Lula Hastings 61. Jr. '11. Honors
Melville Gladman 93, Lila ''Zucfte 90.
Bertha Horne,' 88, Gerald Fitton 81.
Gordon Wells 79, Allen Carter .77.
Gordon Ford 76, Marvin Vincent 76,
Pass. Dora Holden 74, Dorothy White
74, Emily Dinney 72, Atny Johns 72.
No enrolled 37 average 'attendance
:31. •
Jr. Il. Mary 4)ay. 78;.Edna Johns,
74 ; (Russell Marshall, 73; *Marguer-
ite l'ickard, 62 ; Jack Ilurdon, 50. Jr.
I't. Il. May Patterson ; Grace Car-
ling ; Milton Kydd ; Joy Norsworthy ;
Harold Boyle ; ,Priscilla Collingwood :
Wilfrid l(endlc ; Vera Marshall. No.
on roll 44 ;average attendance a8,
We have a large amount of prlvlbe fund. D. S., honor graduate of Toronto
an on farm and village properties atlowrsb. University.
Barristers Solicitors. Min 81.1Exeter
FRANK ('AiRNS, Veterinary Sur
germ. Successor to A. H. Ram-
say, V. 5. Treats ,►1l domestic ani-
mals on most approved principals.
Special attention to dentistry, Office
at Ramsay's old stand 011 Main street.
Night call at Peter 13awden's residence
Main street.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to Irma at lowest rate..
North west I end+ for Yale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
• ensed Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable
Orders can be left at. the TIMES Office
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in all tarts, 'Terms reasonahl
and satisfaction guaranteed
• We have unlimited private Panda for lnvasi
en" ease farm or village t roperty at. loaves �
ate• of in'erevt.
exeter 1
Dental Surgeon
Office over (Badman & 9tanbury's
Main street -ExRTER.
• P. 9„ Graduate Victoria Un
varsity. oMoe and resldenence. I)omlolon
Laboratory, Ewer.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
We are showing some Choice
Stock in
from the best Canadian mak-
Good Second-hand
Square Piano
at a bargain.
Also three
good second-hand
Sr. 1't. iI. donors, Alice Taylor,
94 ; Rhoda Cornish, 93; Drew Knight.
77. rags. Herbert (lector, 72 ; Violet
Welsh, 72 ; .Mervin Russell, 70; Mild-
red Ilarvey. 69 ; Frank Eamon. 68.
Mid. J't. Ii. honors. 'Lillie Walker.
84 ; %Millie Walker, 78. Pass, .Willie
Jacobi, 74 ; Mary •Morlock, 73: Irene
Easterbrook, 72 ; Willie Davis, 62; ter continuing in this line of work
Walter harness. 71. Jr. 1't. iI. Ilonors1, for a short time, he engaged in var-
Czar harness, 82 ; Clifford (Mallet.' Hou_, mercantile pnrsni1s and Inter
78 ; Alvin Cornish. 78; .M,1toti Bed- he kept a general store at Centralia
ford. 75. Pass. Vera Sweet, 71; .Leon Ile was reeve of the township of
caring, 68; ,George Kelly, 67; Clar- (Stephen dor ten year., and an URI.
ence Morley, 62 ; ;Willie Brown. 60.! eucCcssfu1 candidate for the repro-' Farm for Sale
Number on roll n7 average attend- sent;ltion of South Huron in the
ante 35. There of Volumene. Ile avis finally p u�; w d Hcy [isl) Lathes ntt gtn-
M. V. M'RTI\'. I elected for South Intron nt a bye-
election caused by the unseating of
8. S. NO 2, leSltrO11NE. the nit ling member. and eat in the
1'e!lewing is the report of te. S. House trout 1875-1878. w hen Inc 1e.
No. 2 leeborne for the month of Oc- cline( re -nomination.
tuber name!" given in order of merit lie went west in -the lodtowies
l,. school One Part eon•lat. n
t.cd cal weekly examinations Fifth year, and began farm'ng. bat th,t U[+'
('la;.. Ethel llunkin, May Darch : Sr, lure of public life wase (no etrong and HORSES. ,ST I E1(S ,%NI) CATTLE
• Ith. Annie Turnbull, John Turn- n year later owes in the Provincial r e( or r Mr. Tidos. Cement!' this been in-
arrtetees sonetborw Noiariseootive�uesv' Sewing Machines hull, Viol., ltunkin, Corney flrowen, Legislature, eitting for the tiding of s(rticled to sell by ptibl:o Auction,
Oommiset••nete, solicitors for the oleos• I Charlie Allison. Teresa Coward, Wit- Mountain. lie became leader of the / 1 wear' th tpaker 1 at the Metropolitan 110141, Exeter.
Aait•Rte. the best the countryproduces lie Jeffrey. Milton Hedger! 1
lieges to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
_ _ lgert : Sr. 3rd. OPi'o-ition in 1882, premier in Jan- U nt lernnl nn tther< r /11 on Friday. November Or h, 1908 at
I Jean Allison. iLlewelland & !Stewart nary. 1888, and wet leader of the one o'clock. the follow:nx.-
OTTiCRI-stale 8TIt)FT, NXIETER. All the latest novelties 1n Sta.Joanna \lontoith, Lunnic Pollen, .Tee- Government till January, 1900. of cultivation Possession gtveni 1 (firer 0 rye to old, gnara►ttced
\larch 1909. For tcrme and other
III. canerxe a A. L. R. otooeg s:c Rodger!, Nellie Stone ; 1 r. 3rd. I In 1!tl►4 lie W.'s elected to the Ilen.o 1 ' quiet and rclinhle. one )tir matched
tionery. John Hodgert. Harold Turnbull, of Commons for l.iegar, but rlcclirr- Particulars apply on the premiscs•i r0 -ulster., 3 year• cid broken to
' Jo:AIWA JOHNS. I'roprietor.years old.
Our rices fOr all the shove ends Charlie Coward, Garfield Brown ; Sr. i cd re -nomination owing to his np. an give the a litho tip ez to whet the kerne •• ; diir;n.; (oxer ri
Lewis Thomas & Nuttier p g 2n1. Hazel Hunkitt, 'Elaine Stewart ; pointmeet 011 the railway corn•n;.sion wuz hnldin th nieetin fer. an hognrry, C,\T'1•Ll:-fifty head of elects :and
1 ate in your favor. F;thel Mcl►oneld. John Cottle, Mary lie was. I%%lcr married, first to Miss if this ez a grit teeetin, i don't belave' House and Lot Ford heifers. iwo and three years old
Civil Engineer & Architect Terms the most liberal you could Me1)onald ::I't. II. Charlie Turnbull, t r�nn a Il eIi . whn diel in IRIS, rn"I a wilt tud he said, hat its a Ivry meet- Exeter weighing from 800 to 1,100 i0... alto
(tato Department ofPut.ticWorts,Canada.) desire Gladys Dime n.11aiol"1 Jc•ffr,7 Char- .it 1 77 In \i;•+ 1':unrn'1 T;ssery In in, then beja;ersiverathirt hi i:fid ez Sale in Exeter (x few cow. due to calve early. These
Consulting t:rtzineer for Municipal and County lie_ Cottle. Charlie 'Monteith. Roland religion he was a Methodivt.
as thane ez the gospel what ez greet(, 'cattle me n eho!ce lot of stockers
Work, Electric. railroads, Sewerage and waterwelrk• fi, n \\ Illiatnq, E,l(I.e Pollen ; 1Sr. lot. The ex -premier "as ene of (ho beat ed 111 th little house forninet. th creek. Iles property belonged to the late 1 n first eta.s condition and tclll i►t!
ar•tetnwhar,e<,flriA,;esand Re enforcedConenle Mar��n �,I,■ 'inrnea Hedger t. Violet Mie'sar1, \fit- known and most pictures me fig- i('nntinnedche'c'rs) alt Elise Hodgert and i, t►einglsold without reserve. There will
rhone l3:0 I'.oreionOnarI° S. 14 Pollen: 1r. iet. Charlie Jeffrey, rues ,around Parliament Hill. Smile wan %imleokin in th wittily sal -n Ora sold n new wwa,lctn. and hoz
N. •!.on Hunk'n, Roberta yiohtcith.. Mr. Grc••nn1 •'s bodyAwns .rat to anthmerlin wvuz post tme.) an th
offered by fate by the exeeutora to. r.;tnplele, Iwo Cittctr, (arm wagon
{ ► ckr.-• asp the estate, Ort file premises
C. A. ('•tssnn;, Teacher. Crystal C:ty for hurinl• lights blew to see if lack ha•l f untd . area subetnntial brick horse. etore7 "11.1 riilitt Plow.
--+ -- �_— hez way beck wi,i a lantern, nn wuz and a hill, Knoll fratne stable and. TF.IIMS-$10 nu'1 t:,elt•r cash: over
DA119TORSba HALF. TtE ;14TF. t playin spy on what cvnz Nein di.c, . h•Irn : few fret trees: good well and: 111:1, amount 12 tno,,t11:. credit en
On Wednesday. Nov. 11 th. at mu ed, .Iasi• Mlcilonnld wnz dillignted to �_;, o[ an acre o[ land.
1:111. h';ng approved jo,I t notes or a
>seantb. ileK'aY uHa+r3EMa Bo ti 1,, m. itiver<ide farm, Let 7. �. T, took nth' th inrerrn .ter, en retort"- - '.1: -count of five per eint per :unnnrn
I F'or term. an•l Partiealnr. ar{ Iv t0
Oitsstn» • 11. 1'.borne. Clcar:n,t elle of Farm ..4 wid ti) news that a nayboes COW Wan, liodgert, Varquhar, or Ales, off for c,rb nn Cre'lil mm�ommt..
�/�,�� �Hct'lgert, itu.scldele. A. �C,1h11'lll'.I,h I'. C,1NIf tO�t
•f ; tGI�.IF!/T/. atoek and implements. J. N. Rat- had will/tiered over an wuz lookin to r
cliffe. Prop. T1 o.. Cameron, Auet. Prop. of Cattle • Aust.
LO«y Illeods h POlilical Mello
The elections in the United Statesi There es a couple iv ,ould _htate-
tuiut , or sayins, whi0hivcr ye de-
soire•, "'That nonney ez t h' root iv
all evil,' all' "a hirci in th' hand ea
worth two in 'th' bush,' on' it wuz
lookin' fer th root that made. it im-
euseible felInc 40 tell yez about a
politik:11 platin' afore illiction that
I lead all' plisure iv attendin•
"'rife; th Froiday night • efore,
whin, d Think it evils John Brown,
nut ill' Kintlemin 'what th song ez
written about, but Ilk' John 'what
mokc., lien home at Sodom. !where
there's eta y a bit iv salt. but lets
iv 'sawdust. Now John an' me that
bane close (rinds for this manny e
Year, aa' he invited ane, to go
cut to attind a matin what.wuz eal-
led by Jim O'Brien an Billy itusir
se!. an' knowin 'thim two gintlemin
ez prominent politioans, 1 accordin-
ly icceptetl th' invitasion, an took
a short cut out 'th' Lake Itoad to tL
creek what flows majestically past
th' caw ruin an inhere John wu's
awaitin' der me.
"Now Larry,' he sez, vex he "This
ez a politikal tnatin. an' don t he
afhter tryin' to hell ycr vote, ez
its in i.h' •iutherests iv John A. an
begorry me }invent anny money . to
tlisthribute, but Pll loikc 'yez to fine
in 'th' enlhertainmcnt just th same.
Tuesday resulted in the election of
\Vm, 11. Tait, Republican, for Pres-
idc tt t.
Rev. r,:utiel Johnson, of Merton.
occupied the pulpit of the .Presby-
terian church last Sunday, Rev. Mr.
Martin preaching at Ildcrton.
Mr. F. Heftier, who has,b,•en work-
ing at the creamery during the past
season left yesterday for Guelph to
continue his studies along the lines
of butter making.
Messrs Will Berry and .Walter
Maguire intend leaving this month
on -a trip to England to visit the
scenes of their childhood. They ex-
pect to return its the spring.
At the Exeter District Epworth
League Convention held nt I:limvilte
on :Wednesday of last week. the fol-
lowing 'c were elected for th
to nn(, oiti crs e e cc i e
coming year: Mott. iPres., Rev. A, 11.
Going ; President, Dr. IRoulaton, Exe-
ter ; 1st V. P. \Van. Johns, Elimville:
2nd V, T. Rev. It. (Hicks, Crediton ;
3rd V. P., (Miss Ethel Switzer, !Wood-
ham ; 4tb V, P. allies Sarah !loupe.
Kirkton; iTreas•, Miss M. Brooks
Exeter ; Sec'y., Miss Mac Wilson.
The home of 31r. and Mrs. Richard
Quance, Marlboro street, was the
scene of a very pretty wedding Wed-
nesday afternoon. Nov. 4th. when
their daughter, Lila Maud, was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. Wm. Nelson
Clarke, of Usbornc. The ceremony
was performed at 6 -p. ni. by Rev.
E. A. Fear, in the presence of a num-
ber of friends of the contracting par-
ties. -Mr. and Mrs. Clarke leave
this morning on a honey moon trip
to London and other points and af-
ter .their return will make • their
home on Mr. Clarkes farm in US,.
borne. The /rimes joins their many'
friends in extending congratulations.
Mr. +\V;. M. 'Martin, who upheld
tee cause of the Liberals in Regina,
is n barrister, a member of the firm
of Balfour & Martin, Regina, and a
former Exeter boy. Mr. Martin is
an able lawyer and a successful bus-
iness man, besides being well versed
in politics, and is a man with un-
blemished reputation. He Is a. son
of Rev. 'W. 131. Martin, of Exeter,
and was born at Norwich, in the
Bounty of Oxford, on Aug. 23, 1877.
He received the rudiments of his edu-
cation at Exeter public school and at
Clinton Collegiate Institute. In the
fall of 1894 he entered Toronto Uni-
versity with . first-class honors in
classics, English and history; and in
1898 be graduated with first honors
in Classics. He attended Ontario
Normal School in 1898 and 1899, and
obtained a specialist certificate in
classics. For two years, die taught
classics and history in 11511(ston high
school, in the county of Wellington.
Its the fall of 1901 he turned his at-
tention to law, entered Osgoode (Hall•
where he won second scholarship in
his first and second years, and also
studied law in the office of J. Gw,
Stanbury, Exeter, and later with T.
C. Robinette, K. C., of Toronto. In
1903 he went do Regina and formed n
partnership with James Balfour. Ile
has not many interests outside busi-
ness and politics, but in his college
days he took a prominent part in
athletics .
Non. Thos. 6reeowor Dead
Hon. Thomas Grceiw;ty, ex -pre-
mier of Manitoba. and one of the
members of the Dominion railway
commission ntid al former resident of
this section, died at the Windsor bo -
tel, Ottawa Inst Friday morning aged
70. dlr. Greenway had been in Itoor
health. and two days before lis
death leis condition •tuns pronounced
serious, 'though his death was stat ere
peeled eo soon. Heart trouble .was
the cause of his death.
Hon. 'M r• (lreenway was appoint-
ed one of the three members of the
railway commies:en but sevens 'wrecks
ago, after a lona career in public
life. Ile este bort! in Cornwall, Eng.
in 1838, and came to Cn•nnda ,with his
parents. who settled in the township
of Stephen, where he received his ed-
ucaliott in the public schools. At
the age of thirteen he left home, and
finding himself in London. became
apprenticed to a barnc-smaker, re-
m:t'ning with him until the comple-
tion of the required five year.. Af•
Ez th' matin wuz to be held in th'
mad :school house on eh' south soido
iv -th' road. we diddent have enuf
hot air to ahtart a bight. an' John
Will diligated to skidoo over to th'
house fer a lamp wick an'a little Ile
but be japers. he niver returned, ez
he probably thought he'd change lez
ntoiud aft' vote atria Hca par-rty an'
diddent leant 03 to know' annything
about it, or p'raps he thought Inc
pr:settee %would lee able to kape all
th' tnimbers in lone widout hez be-
i n't he re.
Afhter nt•aitin' come time fer John
a lamp wuz secured some ither place
an' nfhter th windy had bane plug-
ged, rso's no wan would know tehat
th' matin wuz about, th'affair got
shtartcd. Ez Jim hed called th' mat-
in' togitbcr w'itt th assistance iv
Billy Itussell, Jini wuz diligated to
act ez chairman wid power to eject
army wan what got obstrooperoue,
A bench what wussent Waded int th'
new school wuz used fer tit' chair.
at' a tin dipper wuz good enough
fer th' spakers an th' customary pit-
cher an' glass nvnz dispensed wid.
There .wuz nothin' hiferlutin about
us, an' afhter findin th' softest spot
on th' bine(, Jim called on Zil and
Zam, but 'Lam wuz away an' Zit grao.
ed th' occaelo n (vid hez plug hat,
what Doc. Rollins hod presinted him
wid, Joe McDonald, Jim Stacey, I3i114
Dearing, an' so forth, to jine flim on
:l,' platform. Jack Carrick s name
ssuz called, but Jack .Iremienbered
some iv hez relations wuz Grits, nn'
forgot to attind .th' matin.
Billy an' Inc an n couple iv ithers
w-uz th' congregation, to We wuss-
ent ez crowded ler room .ez th' spak-
era, an' we wuz patient li'seners.
,lira wile. 1k' first spnker en in-
throdooced hissclf, although ivery
wan iv tis knew him, raven if he wuz
chairman. Ile fez, sez lase, "Ladies an'
gintletnin, an' fellow illictors, 1
take great pleasure in thankin yez
ler th' honor yez hey conferred tip -
en Inc by nn•tkin' me chairman iv a
:isatin' that will go down in th his -
try iv Sodom. ez th' most patriotic
wan iver given a crndydate, (Cheers
from Inc an' 'Billy,): tis a glorious
cause fer which we are now takin' up
our ar-rume to fight th' villiuns who
ez r.ellint' booze inahtead iv canned
tomatoes in th' fprovinoe iv Quebec
an' telliu 111 they arc raduc:n' ix-
p:neee iv Buda' at Ottaway, whin be-
eorra they nivcr sent us a cint to
PAY fer th' rint iv this hall. (chcere
from ns ag:n, ez Jim smashed Zil'3
tletn'n, ez there anny ray..on (why This farm consists of 122 acres sita-
we shuddent tur-rn th' rascals out/ ate at the village of Eliniville on the
No 1 hurray!. sez we agin. Afhter Ht. Marys gravel toad, convenient to
-t •f..•w more t,uddint remarks from general Afore. blacksmith shop and
tit chairman. he inthrolooced Zit ez a few• minutes walk from the Meth-
tll' nixt splicer. I rtvusscnt shute it alis! church, one pule from (pu1)110
w'mz Zil, ez i cant tell th diffreuce
betwixt him en' Za►n .sept that Zil acres, with 'Irick house. targe bon
z ene finger mi..in' an whin he with basement, drive shed, e) nrd,
nit' illivated Hca hand, I knew 10 tierce birth. nbundance of water.
The other part consiete of 22 acres.
. ' veneer hou.e, tr.ime stables, orchard
"i think this e. a glorious nnitrite ,nG 2v w•e11'. A11 aood 1- nd in gond state
i agree wid ill remarks iv th first t "
spnker, but would hey Italie more
plated if .rock Carrick hed bane here
Everything in
Our Stoves are Right, Our Prices are Right.
Canada Steel, on legs
Art Garlands, large Eire
„ Souvenirs „
„ Huron „ „
Empire Garlands
Modern Jeweils
Wood and Coal Heater
$33.00 to $49,00
$35.00 to $48.00
$34 00
$4.5o to $22.00
Stove Boards, Mats, Elbows, Pipes, Dampers, etc. Scranton CosI,
T. Kawkins & Soi
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof-
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town
Just to hand the largest and
best stock of Fall Suitings ever
shown in town.
We have received the Fall
Plate of the latest styles in Fall
and Winter Wear.
Make your selections early
and avoid the rush.
Merchant Tailcr Exeter, Ontario
see if there wuz annywan priaint that
it knew. This gave our marvel anith-i Notice to Creditors
er fist an Zit finished hez epoch, which
wuz very telling, ez th results from
hez pollin division shows. James Jon-
athan Robert Milliard O'Brien then
inthrodooced siveral ither gintleutin.
what said they diddent loiko canned
tomatoes an wuz agin th governmint,
an afhter each wan had made a few
selict an inepirin remarks, a vote iv
confldencelwus voted fer th candydate
att thim what had bane faithful to th
cause by attendin.
Valuable Farm Pro=
perty for Sale
In Lim mattun of the estate of
Isabella Galbraith, of the Totytsl►
chip 01 Stanley, in the County of
Huron, Spinster, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
1t. 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129. That all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said Isabella
Galbraith, wwhe died on or shoat
the 27th day of August, 1908
are required on or about the .7th
day of November 1908, to send by
poet prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladman & 81 anbury, of the village
of Exeter, Solicitors for administra-
tor of the said deceased their
christlen and surnames,' addresses
Consisting of the cast half of lot 7, and descriptions, the full partici'.
8 and 9, and the south halt of lot 10
Con. 4, tlsborne, Containing200
acres, on (which there is erected a
good brick dwelling, large bank
bans, frame astable anti shed; is
well suited 'for general farming or
grazing. Tits prcperty will be sold
in block or in part to suit purchaser.
Easy terms of payment. retard only to the claims of which
Martin Moire I'rop3. she shall then have notice and that
i'or ferule and particulars apply to
Auctioneer, Farquhar.
tare of their claitns, the statement
of their aceourlls and the nctiuro of
t he r,ecur,ttes, if any, held by t hem.
And further take notive that after
such last nteutioned date the said
administrator will proceed to distri-
bute assets of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, havinx
said administrator shall not be liable
for I he srtid armor; or any part theca.
of Io any person or ;erectile of "one
clairna notice shall not. have been re.
received by him at the time of such
dist Monfort.
Solicitors for administrator.
Dated at ,Exeter, this 151!t day of
October, 1908.
Auction Sale
lthemmat!.m promptly driven from
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8.. of Ontario and Honor the t,loo.1 with Dr. Glhoop's Ithcu-
• Graduate of Torcmto University. astatic Itcmedy. Don't waste time
Ov,iCE:-Over Dickson It Carling's with common rem(•liee. A test
Law Otfces in Dr. Andersen's former '"'ill surely tell. In tablet or liquid
• dental parlors. form. Sold t y W. 8. Vowel':