HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-22, Page 8'A! .1:1. I XET1K 'P1MF:S OCT 22nd 1808, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++i ++4,4 ++ :•++++++++++++++++++++++ +}++++++}+++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 "The House 01 Goalit u„ The spot where you get your money back for the asking if goods are not exactly to your liking when you get them home. We are doing a great trade in Ladies and Girls' Jackets, our best lines are all tailor made exact copies of New York's smartest styles. Come in and see the Niftiest and Nattiest lot of Jackets in Exeter. Bring the Girls' with you for we have a lovely lot of Coats in in for them. $6.50 for a very smart Ladies Jacket, 50 inches long trimmed with stitched strappings; made from a new shaddow tweed in Brown mixtures. A good Coat at a low price. for the best range of Ladies tailor made New York Coat that you'll clap your eyes on this season, Wore Semi and Corset fitting, all: 50 inches long; made from Pure Wool Vicunas and Kerseys, trimmed with braids, Velvet and Self strapping all stitched with silk. "STEWART'S JACKETS ARE 1T' $8.50EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE. Ladies long Full Neck Fur, comes in American and Iaahella Sable. Softfull furred. Quality ful- ly guaranteed. The best IRuff we have ever shown for the money. the yard for a new ,q 1 • ZS line of Chivron strip ed Dress Goods, Pure Wool lovely Autumn Tints. In Browns, Greens and Blues, make swell Suits and Dresses They ars the prettiest goods in Exeter. $1 0.00 buys from us a pretty good substantial ready -to- • wear Gents Suit, so good that its mighty hard to heat. These Suits come in Tweeds and Worsteds are tailored in Turohto by Experts. Fit and Trimmings guaranteed. � will be here before you know it, We are open• mssing up all all our Xmas China, and you take our s ord for it that they are the nicest lot you'll see this Reason. We are showing a Dandy lot of Dinner Sete, exclusive designs and splendid values. You know we have a re- putation for Fine Dalt' and China. We show 30 different styles in Semi Porcelean and China Toilet Sets. We can please you sure. Millinery How about that New Hat we are look- ing for you, our Millinery trade is the best ever. Tee New Hate are very touch admired. Styles. quality and value all tell in their favor. Farm produce taken same as cash. Potatoes, Dried Apples, Eggs, Butter and Live Poultry. J. A. S'2'MITTART +++•t'++++++++++ -r++' +++++++++++++++++•r'++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++•p 4++++++++++++++++ RELIABLE WATCHES Perfect in °Construction Positive in ••••••••••••••••••+•••N•. LOCALS • •••••••• ��•�•�•• Miss Effie Treble is visiting tier sister, Mrs. A. E. Evans, London. Mr. Samuel Elliott, of Detroit, is visiting his brother, Mr. Thos. El- liott. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mills and 'Miss Mills visited Mrs. Mills brother, Mr. %I'm. Ilansonr, a t Fu Marton. I Airs. Wm, Treble returned home Tucsdavening after visiting her Performance (laughte3 r,elira. A. I': Evans. The Martin glroperty in Usborne. We again ('all attention to our grade of WATCHES Good Material, Fine Finish, and Accurate Adjustment are all combined in our high Grade Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but qual- ity, like anything els© it is al- -vays cheapest in the end, If you want a good =reliable watch call on us. A. MARCHAND Wedding Icings a Specialty. NSW HThL -AND- WINTER %%.as not Fold at the hale by auction last %reek, although some very good bids were made on parts of it. The owners did not see their way of gef- fing the whole of the property told. See all in another column. GLASSES THAT FIT Consultation Without Charge. $1.00 to 810.00 DON'T WAIT Till }oil are forced to wear glasses to save your sight. Now is the time to make the future use of your eyes safe and easy. HAVE US Test, sorry eyes and give you the re- SUiTINGS lief you crave, sayng to OVER COATINGS "Iligaese," PANT1NGS AND VESTINGS In all the latest Shades and Paterns, at reasonable pric°s • See the New Fashion Plates for the !Present Season, barn, frame stable and shed; is well milted dor general farming or W. W. TAMAN grazing. This prep rty rave l be gold i in block or in part to suit yurchaser. Easy terms of payment. Merchant Tailor. martin lits•., Props. EXETER, ONTARIO. For terms and particulars apply to r -- 1 ` THON, CAMEItON, J400titooeer, raifqubsrt yourself: "I'm afraid Oet them from us W. S. Howey, Phm, B. Valuable Farm Pro- perty for Sale consisting of the cast half of lot 7, F an,l 9, and t he tsouth Half of lot 10 ('on, 4, t'shorne, containing .lip :►cru, 011 rwhich there is erected a good brick 'dwelling, 1 trge bank Market Report. -Tho following is the report of Exeter markets, t)*cor- rected 1 eo to ctooer _2nd. Wheat SS cents. ll:lrlty. o :i t:. (itll:3 .d:, 50 to tiii (.Irisc.Ilt� Pea.s, F5 cents. Bran, $20. Shorts $25. lll'•ndi(t Flour. STAT{, $2.75. resat Flour $1.40 to $1.45. Clover seed. $8 to *10 per bushel.: Coal. $7.25 a ton. i'.00 a ttv . 11. But ter :20e. llog,, livctweight. a5.Sii. llogs. dressed. $7.50 to $7.75. .Coal. $7.25 a tort. •])riest 'App:es 5 trt•ttts. Liberals Attention Special meetings of Exeter Lib- erals will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at the Club Rooms over the Post - office. Large attendance request- ed. ••••••••••••••••o•••••• Those wishing furs repaired or re- modelled should bring them in this month 'M. IIALKWILL. Andrew st. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dit. OVENS EYE AND EAIt SUR - goon, will be at tho Commercial lIotel. hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. nl. Glasses properly fitted and die - cases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday, October, 24th. Miss Lill,► Johns % Mitcd in Loin dou last week. Mrs. R. Gardiner is visiting .rela- tive at Farquhar. •••••<,•..•••••••••••••••••• Mr. J. \ti'elsh's sale ‘viii (ae held this (Thursday) .afternoon. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. John White left Menday to visit relatives in Windsor. Mr. Geo. Armstrong, of London. its visiting ;at the 'home of his parents. Mr. \\'ill Mace, of ,Winnipeg, spent a fest' days in Sown during the past tve,•k. Miss Jean Murray is visiting .Ler sister. Mrs. J. E. Jordan in Gode• rich. Mrs. Gco. Brooks is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Alex .Gould. of .11cit- sall. Miss Margaret dialkwill. of 11)v- troit. is tho guest of Mrs. Gro. Sato: - well. :vlsi 7;C-eiC�� Big Tumble x :0 Vrie• .*4141,101040 race .•0 11 L. •- In Price of 181G* 00 Trogivikv Boots and Shoes a In order to reduce our stock of Boots and Shoes we are going to of- fer our entire stock at greatly re- duced prices for the next two weeks SNEI.4L & ROWE One door Noah of Post Office: -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + Edison + t1mbroI K66ors Edison records are so sweet' + clear, tuneful that you've often + wished they were longer. They +1. are now. they play, sing, or talk + t.wice ata long as the Edison re- + colds you have, which means there is more music on theta + than any other made. These + double entertainers are called 1Anaberol Records, have you heard them, we have there for + you to hear. a + Can. Exp. Bld, THE FU R I T Y Gnloume Medicinal Jello is a transparent Medicated Jelly for treating all affections of the Skin. Speaking of this Jelly, Mrs. Mulcachy of Seaforth, Ont- ario, says;- ENi't►YItE .1E1.1,1' cured r 1 of ltd Sores when t•cerwthing else faii(s •'r i ti- t 4 This lady was ,rtufed with 3° bed sores for many months be- fore she learned of the goodness of Enjoyme Medicinal Jelly. It is great for roughness of the -:- Skin and for use after shaving. Let us show it to you. IE 4. THE OLD RELIABLE To our Patrons and the Public We take Pleasure in inviting you to our inspection o. fine Merchandise for Fall and Winter Season, an IIIIUSV showing of; - Fall Millinery, Fall Dress Goods, Fall Footwear & Fall Clothing. A careful examination is requested, as we feel cenvinc.ed that you will be thoroughly satisfied as to the high class of exhibits, prices too are very low when you take inti consideration the Good Value. Craling Bros. the People's Store. where you get your money's worth. and the right change back. Come in and see us, whether you buy or not, no trouble to show goods. Butter 20c., Egg 19c., Dried apples 5c., We want your Poultry highest prices paid. CARLINC BROS. REMOVED I wish to inform the public thut I have moved my stock of Groceries and Boots and Shose from my old stand to two doors south of the Times Office. My large stock of Boots and Shoes will be sold at a sacrifice below cost. The firms name hereafter will be WILSON Bios. T. J. Wilson. Wilson Bros. J. Willis Powell. + WANTED •:••g•+3••i'•1••i••1•+•1••1•-II••3••1'•1.•,'.1..1•+l-++tle ••1•++++• •3•++•1 + i• + i••1•++•1.+•1••I••1 ++ : •;r Mr. L. C. Fleming, of Clinton. spent . sacral (lays in town (luring the past week. Mrs. Grieve. cf Seaforth. Lis:tsd her sister Mrs. Gco. •McLeod. over sunday. .11r. and lir:. 1) yi!ian Crittenden. o; !Blyth. called o!1 friends in Exe- ter. Sunday. `1".s Ethel Jacobi. of Zurich, Is v• ling .lief uncle, Mr. \Vtn. Jacobi, Laster North. Mrs. John Knott, of 'Toronto, is a } f } brother. 1 Heintzrnan'k best snake, Grand' that it will coulc during one of the piano, nearly >llctt, for Fale cheap.; store, periods covered by the Mer. also good carriage horse, splendid curs brace. See 'the storm dia- driver ; also two-year-old colt, bug-gram.grans. As a rule 'there are decided gy cutter, harness etc.. will Fell 1 tendeneies to boreal gales over the cheap. Apply 13, T. I3013IL1t. great lakes in October. . Those tvhoce lives and interests are involy- Thc Exeter 13argain Store is the ed altoiild trot lose sight of this fact spot for cracking big bargains for but practical rttatch should he kepi two days, Thursday and Friday, C2nd on all October storm and wen the and 23rd October. All the goods are indications. now open and really for sale. Rattl- ing; Jig t►argains for two days. -J. \V. 13rodcrisk• guest •►t the home o 1c: T)1e iucmbern of Coven 1'resbyte4 Mr. Alex ])ow. inn church can feel justly proud of the succcf;s which attended their an - visiting the latter's mother, Mrs.Mrs. Chas. Liudcnficld and son are niver,ary services held last Sunday. r, services ,ervices Were conducted by Rev.L' 1. Graham, of Goderich• ' Jas. ltollins, of London an effective Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Samuel, of lliglie and impressive speaker and in the gate. are visiting her parents, Mr, morning and evening; he delivered ap•1 Mrs. Joseph 13awden• two very excellent addresses. In A number of Exeter ladies were the evening services were dispensed entertained 1►y air.. .1). Shirray nt with in the Main Street Methodist Ifemiall on Thursday afternoon. church and with many from the Mr -s. C. A. .Zou.hcott • returned other town churches. the church lion -le Safi:tciay evening jitter vis- was (roweled, cw,•n lite aisles and icing for :acs weeks in London. within the altar rail being filled with people. Many were unable to Mr. Win. +rials kin •, of Lo ' iMacs gain adlmit taste( and returned to Iowa. tvl►o visited lik mother for seas their homes. 1t is said it .was the star Week,: icturucd borne last week. largest congregation that has \1t. Arthur Wood ret!:rned to To- graced the shut oh since the opening cont() last friday after visiting for of the church. Great I►raisc is gir- tWo week:. at the home of iris par- en the choir for the excellent 1nrIF- ents. :cal program furnished, which add- Ati-s Anna Martin is in charge of ed greatly to the occasion. The tho \\'inchelsca school owing to the choir Was assiflte(1 by ,Miss Anna absence of bliss Jessie Hamilton, the Martin and Miss 11a(. Walker, of regular teacher. Philadelphia, both of ,whore rang Mi -s Effie Pearl Taylor is spends solos• lice. Hollins took his cvc11< ing 9. ttta twet•k'.s t:ctt:on tvitli rel_ ing; text from .Matthew XX1Is5 a;i«= .: I:o:tcion. S. 'Ckoa:l, :;II(t "Hui they made light of it. It is 1'arn,out11 Centre. nportion or the ,(ripostes where Christ : poke to the tuultittide at Ni ill Farther leis leasc•.1 a !mos,.tChe marriage o[ the !(lag's 1=011 and lLondon and t% ill nluwe his [aiuly Marty who 11x11 been invited to 1110 there, and if he likes the property wadding dinner had made light of will likely ilnlcha a it. it. and %vent ttleir Ways.. one of hie Mr'. aid 111: 1 1 Humble. of Ea'- farm, another to his tnerchandista ala arrived hete 4)11 t'riday last tc its summing op the text the .)tc•t•. visit Mrs. lluinhlc's sister Mrs. Esi: Rcntlemat► dealt wit h frivolities, Ilcywood. they will also ttp.�n(1 Some avhic}t hawe a God tcndt:rf:or,cy to ,c Fttright'erve time with 1111. ;,11:1 'Mrs. Mathew the peopit• of rt tt Finkheiner :it Crediton. path. ill did not believe people Mr... '1. M. \\'hitt! :curl :Mr. Cowper should go around with long drawn \\'Bite. of \\ itidsur. and Mrs. J. 11. faces, evading any kind of pleasures: Walker and •tlauythlcrs. Mac aid that )was not what (io.l intended, but IE1ith. of 1'hila11elyl,i'\I v,,ic ,t•bs depending upon Irivnlitics as a au p• guess of Irv, John \`!lite flurinu port to early one 11,10140i to life the pi$t week. port ins like :t broken reed, 11t another column will he found "ill* - ill not . pr the ltur.lcttl Itcv, an lel vet. for readers for the building of the new Parkhill poat- office. Th.• tenders are to be in bv Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, and plans and specifications can be load 011 nppli- cation to the postmaster at l'arkhi'1. MARRIED IIERN-EARL-At the Methodist parso cage, Elimville by Rev. H. J. Fair. on the evening of Wed- nesday Oct. 14th, William Frank- lin Ilerrt to Miss Alma Ear1, both of Usborne. DIED FINKIIEiNER,--In Stephan. Satur- day. October 171h. Caroline Swe_it- ter. wife of Michael I� inkbeiner. azcd 53 years, 4 months. RATZ-In St. Joseph's Hospital Lon- don, on Sunday, October 18th, Gor- don Ritz, s,on or Mr. and e.its. John Matz, aged 8 years, 4 months and 17 clays. DOWLING A very interesting game o.f bowls was played on the greens last Satur- day. a genie having been arranged for lion. A. G. MacKay. the vicss. ores• of the W. 0113.. A. The rinks were captained iby Messrs. MacKay and L. 11. Dickson and twos won by the latter at the sixteenth end. the Play tieing tie at the end of the 15th. Ed. Christie W. \V, Tanian. 1)r. lirighi ,f. (;riev' W. J. ilealnan W. i1. Levet t 1,. 11. Dickson 11011 A. Mackay Skip 12 Skip 10 i'1:ALFDTENI'Eit5ad�lrc'4e.! to the undersign, and indorsed "Terriers for Public IS,tih1,nt, Parkhill, t►ntario,•' w,11 he reeei%(( at this mile, um til 4 :to P. M. on T.u•-day, Nn‘cn,l,er a. 1:�,-, for It t (mist ruetir•n of a Public Building at Parkhill, I Int ario elan. an 1 Mitt, ifi.•atinn can 1.e seen Anil forms of tender obtained at this t.et•artt,-ent and on applica- tion to the iw'stma.tt r at earkhill. Ontario, errMms tendering are notified that tenders, will not 1,e.3n.i,tere.l unless made on the printed form sill, plied, and signed with their s,•tual .i4natnrds. _ E., h tender must be a,••-ompanied by an excepted 1 che.lue nn ehart4re,1 Lank, made Lasalle to the or Morriss+' ad(Iresy twat at (cnt,tti 'cl)' .ler o1 the Honourable the Minister of rul•ti.- Works, . Return tickets At single (rile Oct. - 11/111 listened to and greatly appreciated office. signal 1.00-8 per 11"p.,.1of the an,onmt of the An old resident of Exeter oder (ith to November 3rd. to points in tender. which will be forfeited if the person tendering ` r l'ezna anti, mints .'flattatvr► to Port LY the large cunKrrKaCiott' de -line to enter into the content when ,aile.i upon ( V 11. Trott), now residing , R 1 ' rArthur. To Georgian Bay and Mack- inaw he the Ole division: !'ort Arthur vitt N, N Celli. rally on the 27th. 18th, „Id 29, rnrne.l in tl)t? N1A ]1'a Pen., sends l' g Co., and to certain points in Quebec 'l'l1c moot& reaches Its 'Attie 111t FOutb The 1►epartn,. nt does no: band itself to a„ et ► the ;New Brunswick, Nova Scotia anti l�ae.r arae. trader. hack another cr(ir'r for Star , .1o11n +skedl I'risciM:t tthat day it declination en the 3001. ,not Ca from 1(. anter, Newfoundland. as and I'ri;cilla rcpliedl, .'\\'boil the first. quarter ilu November 1st.; NAI'• T►:�sl►:lt, Flour and remarks ''If it is October 22nd to Novettll,.,r :3rd; �ccrctary Muskoka Lakes, i'.•ne'an ,, .1 after to-morrott•, is yesterday. .Bence northernly gales and boreal! , ;, Lake of • d; (day twill be ns far Irons Buday as storms will mark this pet loci sand the lap:lrt,m.,,( „1 PuMiewark.. as good as the las it will OO. ' Bays, Midland. i<1:tKanetntsr+n River. hat day which was 'to -day' tt 11. r1 cloying (1:1y• Of the nlont1,. It Will! Otlanra. October 11, 118e4. Did l.ukefield, Madawaska to depot hac- kie (1a before \tw-sl,al•. r* inn•rtin} thaw sOc ill noteh without t Diyou see the 1)rea(1 baked y yesterday tw.is to be W 11 to figure of Rt10t�• 014111118 01?tion!v from the Department Nillt.e told/or I,or Argyle to ('dal oconk, Lindsay to alorrott' 1' \Wlts1 day of the .tweck iti norlheiit FeCtio•us on and touching' it• i 14 burt.un, tharhot Lake Litt K. & P. twas nlcant. t fl 0111 our Star I lour at the I Hy.,and points rho 28th, and 119th, Following he;p a front Severn to North A slumber school of the towii boys Mitis atom: area., the barometer tr ill rigs) fair. 13ay inclusive. Return limit on all t;p to the school ort Thursday eccni, Ig %vittrapidly ;tad marled change to .col,lto1 w ! tickets, M+t;tlyday, December 5th, 1906 1a;1 a n,l played at friendly game of tt'ill slrlcadl fteMerally iron► tccst to Q i or until close of navigation, if earlier. ((oath 111 with the high, School boys. cast by the (lid of Ortot►cr. �,'� � HARVEY BROS• to points reached by steatneit+. Full The t:atre on.: a (liars' neither Aide 1LC)e tit., •s a rule. ai decided i r information from tuwil agent. scoring. At first .t avos tho!:ght spurt or t'ol.1 several weeks in ad- 1;�j„ the school scored a goal by a penal_ sandy of settled winter. and ,t1it11 n .' Farm for Sale J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. ty kick but on referring to the, roles spell of fine moderate weather it:.' 'VOLUNTEER I30tINTY A('1' or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union it Was found the kick should trot terveniiK. !'Lia is especially 11 c•e 1 Depot, Toronto Ont. have be; n taken. at times %%Merl a Venus cnnine1 falls; 1905 This farm consists of 122 acre= sit,1- '1te at the village of Elimcitle on the :11t. L. L. 1'IetninR. Cclunl Sscrc� ial,• to l"icptotnhcr. ur o.,r ly in (1'cL- R , y oht•r. 1 hest' Months me i from, WARNING TO PUftGHfls�Rs St. Marys via rel to -.l. convenient to tory o[ the \'. 11. C. A. 1:•,: bc'•n it` ' ` h1lck�mith shop and Iht• ilius di.turbancr (h:s ,ye;$r, • ge net l tstor.. to«n dut'itrg the past week making ilCI.Ir, l';,• I,t,.Ulbilities of , pr-,-' t•'ttl a••,jr.m•ntof10e right of a xuth *tri-! a fete minutes tt;tlk froitn1 (110 Ment- House and Lots for Sale plot` 11 nt ion, fol the o1 ga;litation elf , an wnlnnt.•,r entitle•l to a tan•! yrrant must he a list church. on (nil- from p11ti1 Of 1 brine!! in Exeter. A' numl►�I n1.ct11rr .la -h of winter are lnitn,tn- ly Nay of aplw,Intment of a substitute and I.ar," t,r;ck Leu -c. With every eOD• c•l for' this month. If w' are to 11ave m,•*'►einth.-t,rmpro(1.1.r1t,fthe Act, se)►nol. Cin,' lett ronsia(? of 100 tonic I;ckai awl soft Water, olso of young Melt hate nit{nif;e•i their In S$ eifI.•tnntl antes l'ed to set.190..;whnt Sr- teres, hitt► !,rick I,o'1�•`. I .rge t,�`n with Lr irk stable and drive rucll t;sitation. tl.c pro) shill, r • aro t tent ion of jnin:ng ant a meeting tine.aft'.ecssigne•rI-ni,,thAcr.1vo'.'ihi,•'ipro•+nifh • basement. drive shed. nrrhord. tt'O , • '�'�' ti.fea that no assignment n{ the jtiotls•Apply at Times Office. will tc h,,l 1 in fieniclr s tall this test of a t,t,eife►. 10 acres bush. aleitolrnce of water. by the appointment of a substitute *Lail be a,reF,td ' or re.•n.rn+red ht• the I►epartnrent n1 the int.rior - The other part Consists of 22 •'1Crf a. of tak:ii over tht' situation •'•sith ahieh Is NUT E\►CITE!, ANi, I';tTf l► AiTIJ1 i veneer house. frim(' stables. O CtlaCdi a viers' to organizing within ten d:;3? f~ye-Sight Spt'elalist and Ttit; t'.kT'Enr" Tilt' W'AItIcA .T FOR THF: LAN(►. 2 wells. All good lafid in good trate eOdtdTOA=i. -• t:itA\T hone,' by the Minister of Militia anal 1'.t r Neorll ttOro weeks. A tieli.aCl i,, bar• RefRcting Optician fdn ' in fa, of the tnlnnt.er (of cultivatiofl. t1A5Fe;Si011 given•Tii�KV�rt�ect'n forrntd in (lois the, Ciin, tm And 1, tw,l3lt' SW,�Y. March 1909. 1'or terms and ot?lcr, llarsth. \Vinahlm and it i ( the .n of Will be at the Commercial hotel 81st. (oinnt.,i„nerof itnen:nin•, , part iculars apply on the premix€t.' Siguts,s Mr. Fleming to organise is p I tangs, svgs. JO;SIIUA JOI1NB, .1'roprietor. Oct. 14th. hours A a. m. to 8, . tn. •t the eonntf.Si a •• Bring in your apples now, will take any kind and pay 25 cents per cwt. The Caledonia Evaporating Co. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter. THE Great School! CENTRAL a&a, s"aTRATFORD, ONT. Our past record and our press • ent grade of work stamps us as z the great pradtical training • school of Western Ontario, We have three Department:- I COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND z TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers as Iwell as office assistants. Individ- ual instruction. Enter now. Large catalogue free, write for it ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. ++•f'++++f++++++++++++++++$ + rIcdsd fit Memories „ENTERS EXCURSION J. G. EARL, Manager7,, 7k SITUfiTIONS'.. /4* with leading business houses await our graduates. Loose -Leaf Ledger and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. Gregg Shorthand taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. THREE COURSF.S:-Stenography Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter any day, write for particulars FALL TERM FROM SEPT. tst. CIiriIoo BISIneSS Cohens (IltO. sPorroN Princi pal . f . GRAND TRUNK sYs E ilex s_ is • �' . -•'7 ; ;;lir, We,lnt•C,1:,y ovurlit,g for the p'lrpose Mies J..1. Allan