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Exeter Times, 1908-10-22, Page 7
• 1 A COUNTERFEITING OUTFIT Plates Unearthed of Seven Banks and Nearly X4,000 in Bogus Notes. A despatch from Buffalo, N. Y., says: Arte of the most complete e•.•nitterfeiting plants, ever discov- ered in this cuutltry was unearthed +.•1 Wednesday afternoon I)y United States and Canadian Secret Service officers in a secluded spot on a small farm a few miles outside of Cow amda, Cattaratrgus County. It was operated by Thomas !Washing- ton Crozier and his son, !11i1t•►t►, who, were arrested the other day at. Oakville, Ont. More arrests will fc llow. W. L. Cram:nc►n, of the United States Secret Set t; ice, and James Parkinson, inspector for the 1)oinin- ien Secret Service, went out. t•, the farm early on Wednesday morning and began their hunt. Hour after hour it was kept up. and late in the afternoon their efforts were reward- ed. Hidden away in an outhouse they discovered the most inc•rirnial- attn.< testimony, and returned to 111ffal•► with a complete counter- feiting outfit. The capture included 150 Fann- ies Ba►11, of Canada $t0 notes; hO Farmers Bank of Canada $5 notes; 100 Standard Bank of Canada notes for $10; and 138 United States $5 silver certilcates ; making a total of $3,645. PLATES OF SEVEN BANKS. In the deserted old house were al- so discovered rubber stamps and litters, 47 engraving tools, one set of United States silver certificates with $5 plates; one set of Imperial Bank of Canada $10 plates; one set of Crown Bank of Canada $5 plates; one set of Quebec Bank of Canada $10 plates; one set of Stan- dard Bank of Canada $10 plates; (no set of harmers Bank $10 plates. and a set of the sante bank's $5 pates. The officers also found buried un- der an old barn on the premises a front plate of the United Empire (Bank of Canada $5 notes, and parts of finished and unfinished plates. According to the officers, the el- der Crozier bought the ('attaragus farm last Summer, and while on his e ay from Canada always stopped off in Buffalo to drop a little of the +;neer. The counterfeiters passed United States bills in Canada, and Canadian money over here. 01i),fi,7,5;•3 .11)D1:1) '1'O 1•.t► LUES. Remarkable Inereasea in .1siteas- imetll of Montreal. A despatch from .11ontreel says: What is considered to be the twist itep.,rtant, civic report of the ye.tr seas centhletcd at the City Hall on Wednesday. It shows the uaneial glow th of the city in the matter of increased real e-taate values ler the 1'1 eent year. The report shows that the total increase in values in real estate for this year has been no less then $19,697,572. 'Chis is considered to be most remarkable. especially ars the real estate itt:•rea - .'8 ill 1907 anlrrtiIlt: d to over twenty- one nai1lio►t s over 1905. Owing to the city's burrowing power not be- ing over fifteen per cent. of the as- sessed valuation, the corporation will b' F,Itle to borrow a huge amount en the 1'lcrease+l values +►f 1hia year. Thi.! :MIL nt bot reeved will be spent on further improving the condition el the roads, layines bower,, ete., in lt)U:►. MEN 1VE11E SCARCE. Setrt t) of i,ahor Delays Work on the 'l'. & N. 0. .\ despatch from Toronto saya: : The censtrtcc•tiee .•f the T. & N. O. Reil way northward has just about rr ached the National Transcont i,l- crtal Railway. .1t present the work has practieally been completed to the e''' joining the other road. The w• as been delayed i►eeause of a ,r strike, anti it wan hued v lift cult to procure turn. The c• -►►111 ssinn desired 100 turn, and with a ciew to securing these stren- laous efforts were made in Toronto. The wages offered were $1.75 a day, and only al,,+nt 40 men could be ob- tainr'd. in addition. the men were premiss(' their fares both wars if til%y served the time stipulated in the agr+'er:n•nt. F1•'1.1, 1►1•:.19 ON S'1'Itl:i:r. Sniid••n Intl tsf 11'41l hnov.n t)ecltist of Capital. SPREADING ALL OVER TURKEY Austrian Boycot t Has Reached Seri- ous Proportions. .1 despatch from Vienna says: The anti -Austrian boycott in Tur- key is causing consternation among CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS IIAPPENINGS FROM AI.L OVER TUE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Owu and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. The Government will begin selling old -age annuities next month. Scigliano and Maki were found guilty of manslaughter at the Sault Ste. Marie. Assizes. The Hamilton City Council has renewed the franchise of the Bell Telephone Company for five years. Ensile G. Snaith, C.E., of Ottawa, committed suicide at Winnipeg, his body being found in Red Diver. South Africa imported Canadian goods worth 81,019,499 for the first six months of the fiscal year. Burglars at Berwick, N.B., rob- bed the railway station and boarded a trolley car with the safe and so carried it off. The Provincial Government, is preparing a detailed plan to get British farmers to take up farina in the older portions of Ontario. William Fisher, for the loss of an es e, was awarded $1,000 at Hamil- ton against the International Har- vester Company. A child was burned to death in a schooner at Quebec, and Mrs. Pa- quet, the child's mother, was very seriously burned in extinguishing the fire. William Martin, the defaulting North I3ay tax collector, pleaded guilty of mis-appropriating the town's funds in the Assize Court, and asked for his liberty in ordor to complete restitution. Thomas Wright was found guilty Austrian traders, and angering the at. North Bay Assizes of manslaugh- lsublic. It is reported to be spread- ter in connection with the stabbing ing to Syria, Smyrna, Salonica, and c'f Fritz L. Young. Quinn and Mor - ether parts of Turkey, and Aus- ris, who were also charged with the t cian traders at talose places have, mime, were acquitted. it is alleged, been threatening with violence. The Turks maintain their refusal to handle Austrian traffic, and the Austrian Lloyds and other .\:istrian ships can neither embark tier disembark passengers, mails or freight. An Austrian steamer ar- riving at Jaffa had to land her own mails and passengers. A mob after- , :trds attacked the Austrian post- r:flice there, and smashed the mail boxes and mail carts. EXPLOSION OCCI'RRED. Peculiar :evident in the Tweed Public Seim!. A despatch from Tweed, Ont., a.a.ys : .1 peculiar accident occurred at the Public school here oil Wed- ge sdav afternoon, when the princi- pal, Mr. Blake, was conducting a cl:etnical experiment. He was pass - inks ()zone through a glass tube con- taining logweo1 in order to show its bleaching powers, when an explo- sion occurred. Glass and acid flew in all directions about the room. Mr. Blake's hands and face were cut in a score of places and several the scholars were also more or less injured. Na serious results, 11.)wevcr, are anticipated in any case. Colin Helm, sun of Mr. H. 1'. Helen, lu•'al manager of the Bank of llorltreal, was badly burned alieut the face and eyes. ----- ,f. BOVS EATING CORDITE. Staining Discovery Made by Lon- don School Principal. A de:pate•h from London, Ont., says : Princ•ipal Wyatt of St. .\ despatch fruit 1)1 l:tw a says : George's scheel discovered on Wecl- lir. John C. Bossier, 11 weii known resday afternoon that a number of local dentist, drepl►c'd dead en his pupils had been eating cordite Ther-d:lv night while ssalking down taker, freta cartridges. One boy ate ti1ra1rks Street 111 +•„tllpally W 111 i s:+ Illllldi of at that at 1iOOn he faint- . (*elide •:f friends. Deceased wits ed. The culprits, when questioned returning h•'nte freltt a nlec•ting +.f rlhont it, said they had read about the Ottawa 1),'I,tal Also,:i.ation at the alleged murderer, Private Moir, the 11 1,0. 114' is survived by a1 widow est; fig the stuff and were Sampling and ;oar children. it to observe its effects. PEACE IS NOW ASSURED If Servia Keeps Quiet Her Interests Will 1)6 Safeguarded. A despat:di fromI,ontii.,:1 says: A Ii.eciai to the Times from St. Pet- ersburg says that the Russian G►►v% a•rntnnnt has sett a note to Servia N Araiile,lc4ro f+;•(,anis:t+:; to tat'e- tinerd their interests at the forth• coming conference, and expressing the hope that this promise will in- emet' then) to avoid a1 rash pulley. ti l I l: STANDS .1 LO\ 1:. .1VS-t'11 I.\ I1Oi,1►S BACK. .\ despatch from Berlin anti -s: Neither .lustria-Hungary nor 'fur - key h:1; s•et given its consent to the prc>1.•.e. c reat'.. nal ' •,+!erence +c4 settle the ••listing st:nszt:o,' o.: the near east. i\ustrie-Hunt<ary c'eelines to parti-'ipale unless it i3 agreed that the annexation of It is- rtia a'nl Iferzeg•'s ina be not dis- cussed and aeeeptc"cl and legalised by 1lo' f►,,wets without debate. Till -- .1 despat•'h from Paris says : .\ key desires it free hand in Mace- t;pe'eta1 eIe''i' 1. •It frt*ui ('nnstantt- d+,llia, al; well 119 (•a1!+lt et►111i1r'i19.1- t1eple Stitt e4 t hat 1 he German :\m tion from Bulgaria for the Oriental hassador has deelered t.► Tewfil: Railroad in Eastern Russia and r Pasha, til►' Titrkish Foreign Minis- i some other outstanding claims. .til irr, that (;!enmity would f.l1l ►,: til• the rovers nue i'1 favor ef n fixed lin'• of (.„ntila.•t ad•►ptecl 1►y ter.':t; 1 rograTiIile'. .•laid : majority of them Britain regarding the annexation sac ineline+l to emit fret!) the (1►s- 1,y .111stria of itosnia and lierreg.r- :' r fission% t•:e question of the fits vi11A. .A• as e-)rl!regttenee t,f the att.' , .a}tc' +►f 1110 Dardanelles end th•' de ,If the L';tVI'S. .1::stria-Ilu►t• ; Cretan j)1 (,-1st;nation for Imine) With nuvr atartcl1 alone. 1 ores s. GREAT BRITAIN. Sheffield, England, will devote 8500,000 toward the relief of the un- employed. Lord Fitzmaurice has entered the British Cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Canada's £5,000,000 3% per cent. loan has coni© out at par in London, and is expected to go to a premium shortly. UNITED STATES. J. O. Curwood, a magazine writer of Detroit, is reported to have been murdered by Indians in the Lac la Rouge country. Luntan Mann was indicted by a Chicago grand jury on a charge of murdering Fanny Gilmore Thomp- son, formerly of Toronto and Wing - ham. Orphan children placed in Illin- ois homes were scared with hot irons and stabbed with forks and scissors, according to the charities agent. The demands of the anthracite mine workers, as formulated in con- vention at Scranton, include an eight-hour day and an increase of 10 per cont. in wages. The Democrats have accused Pre- sident Roosevelt of purchasing the support of Daniel J. Keefe, Presi- dent of the Longshoremen's Asso- ciation, with the promise of an im- portant Government position. --- GENERAL. The war cloud in the Balkans is now believed to have passed away. Showers of ashes from volcanoes have fallen on sante of the West Indies. It is expected that the S-►uth Af- rican Union Conference at Durban will last three tnonths. The Emperor of Germany has in- vented a new huh and brake for railroad cars and automobiles. .Tapanese soldiers in Corel slew twenty-two ('oreans friendly to Ja- i►an, mistaking thein for insurgents. TO BAIT THE 111{ITISH 1,.1W. Germany Said to Plan Revenge on England A despatch from London says: The Iron and Steel Trades Journal understands that in consequence of the new British patents law, tender which foreign patented articles ran - rot be sold in (;treat Britain unless manufactured here, a syndicate of (.ernlan, American, Russian and I'iench capitalists is forming for the purpose of acquiring factories in England in which foreign articles patented in Britain will be nlanu- feet:.t+ :l ate•' sold at cost pri•'e. The syndicate will ellarg to inafl r'►11- mission an its sales and will salve owners of inventions the enormous expense of keeping up their own factories in England. - -+ SUMMONED TO THEIR SiiIPS, FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND! fiiE WORLD'S MARKETS' NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going on to the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. A set of chess men used by Sir Walter Pcott has been presented to the Edinburgh Corporation Muse - un,. At a recent sale of pedigreed Clydesdales at Perth, 81 animals were sold for $22,875, or an aver- age of $271. In Glasgow there aro no fewer than '20,140 unoccupied houses, shops and offices, representing a rental of $1,653,410. Two Montrose Hien who saved a Mr. Stewart from drowning were awarded $120 each by the National Lifeboat Institution. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE C'ENT'RES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BItEADSTtiFFS. To.onte, Oct. 20. -Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white er red, outside, IMlyc to 91'-f2c ; No. 2 )►fixed, 90c to 90'.,c. Manitoba Wheat -Spot, No. - 1 northern, $1.01%; No. 2 northern, $1.02';, bay ports ; Nu. 1 northern, for late October shipment., $1.04; No. 2 norther:. $1.02 on track, buy ports. Barley -No. 2, 56c to 56',:;c; No. 3X, 55c to 53'„c ; No. 3, 53c to 54c. Oats ---Ontario, No. 2 white, 38c to 3.+%c outside ; No. 2 mixed, 37c to 37%e, outside. Corn -Nominal at 87c to 87%, The lfighhotlso coal pit at .1ueh- 'Toronto freights, for No. 2 or 3 yel- inleck has been re -opened after a low. IEngthy cessation due to a fire Itye-No. 2, 78c to 71`e outside. which occurred on July 22. Peas ---No. 2, 86c outside. The gate money drawn at- eight Buckwheat --No. 2, 59c to 60.E out - football matches played in various side. parts of Scotland on a recent Sat- Bran--Searce and quiet ; quoted urday totalled up to $9,755. at $21) to $20.50 per ton in bags ottt- Fifeshire colleries have been side. greatly worried by hing fires of Shorts -Quirt, 824 to $25 1)01 ten late, and another broke out in a in bags, outside. 9.000 ton bing at Levon Pit a week Flour -Manitoba, first patents, ago. $S.hU ; seconds, tti5.::0 ; sinew bak- I)upplin Castle, in Perthshire, is c'rs, $5.1(1; Ontario winter wheat to be the scene of a brilliant ball, patents, for export, $3.60. the proceeds of which will be de- voted to the fund for Perth's new COUNTRY PRODUCE. infirmary. `Che number of visitors to the Butter ----Local wholesale prices Royal Scottish Museum at Edin- are-.:--- Creamery, pound .. .... 25c to 27c burgh last year was 513,567, an in - Dairy prints, c hoic•e .. .. '24c to 25c crease of more than 22,000 over the Store prints and tubs .. 22c to 23c r-revious year. Inferior .... .. 19e to 20e Johnstone town council last year oliltry--1-teceiP is of live p Poultry sold 14,000,000 cubic feet of gas, as registered in the penny in the slot have been hea>> , and prices arc meters, and 800,000 for ;as engines. steady. I3erwick, one of the hargest corn Sibling chickens, live wt. 9c to 10e centres in the Kingdom, report teal, live weight .. 7c• to Sc sales amounting to $945,000 last year, this being the second hest re -Ducks, live weight .... Se to 9c Geese, live weight .. 8c to 9e cord in twenty years. Peter Burns, packsung turkeys, live wt16c to 17c arnan, was found prices `2c higher. drowned in Inveraray harbor. Ile Eggs ---`'2c to 23c in ease lots. travelled all over Argyllshire with Beans --$.1.90 for primes and $2 his pack, and was well known in the fut farad -picked. rural districts. (.'hoose - LarKe, 13c to 13,1.:,c; John Anderson (ss). residing with twins, 13'/.:c to 14e. his son-in-law in Leith Walk, Leith Honey -10c to 103c per hound, was found dead in the house, Stay' for strained, 1111(1 $2 to 8.2.75 per ing apparently strangled himself with a piece of rope. Mr. John Cameron, cattlo dealer and grazier, died at Kielator Farm, Killin. He was a prominent and well-known figure in a ;riculaural circles, and was 77 years of age. Pork ou, =2:3.50 per bar- on Edinburgh coopers, who are rel; mess-Sh$19rt toc$19t.$50. on strike, are to ask trade unionists Lard --Tierces 131<c ; tabs, 13'4c; the world over to boycott the beer pails, 11e. of the brewers who will not agree Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -- to the demands of strikers. Long elear bacon, 123; to 13c, tons On Douglas estate, Lord Douglas and cases; hams, large. 12'eje to and party, out on Moorhead recent sae; small, 14%c to 15c; hacks, la. shot 210' brace grouse, 19 black . o to ; hulde. to game, and 13 hares, beside snipe 1 Ic17' ; Polis,18c 1 1c stoo11 %crs; breakfast and golden plover. i,Rcon, 1 tic to lite• ; green moats,out A cattleman named Joseph Ruth- t -f Pickle, le Ie's than smoked. erford, at East Park, ('arlaverock, .- Dumfries, was seriously injured by BUSINESS AT MONTREAL.being attacked by a shorthorn bull, which finally knocked him through a fence so that he escaped. The Brat afternoon concerts of the twenty -third season, promoted by the corporation were held recently in Glasgow. Since 1490 over three rejec feet ut 41 to 44%c c per bushel million persons have attended the e� s;t„t.+,. 1. lour-- Manitoba Spring concerts at the City Hall. wheat patents, $6; seconds, $5.50; While engaged in cleaning the Wittic,r wh•-at patents, $5 to $5.10; bottom of H.M.S. Magnificent, one dozen for combs. Potatoes -Ontarios, 60 to 650 per bug in car lots, and 70c to 75e out of store ; Delawares, 75c in car lots. PROVISIONS. Montreal, Oct. 20. -Grain -On- tario new crop oats, No. 2 white is quoted at 44% to 4bc ; No. 3 at 43!;. to -1 IV. and No. 4 at 43 to 43' 0 , v, ith Manitoba old crop No. 2 white at. 46 to 46%e; No. 3 at 45 to 45'-'.;e; straight rollers, 84.50 to $4.60; do.. (1. the vessels of the 1lonlo fleet at 1 hags, 8.2.10 to $2.20; extras, $1. - present lying at Cron arty, a diver 74 to $1.45. heed --Manitoba bran, named Newton, belonging to 1'aisl- 8°2; , ley, had his life line fettled and was >31 to ::_,, . shorts, $2.) ; Ontario brad, 8-'1.50 to $22; tniddlings, $26 drowned. The H ►n. Mr (' r ssid to $27; shorts, t$26 per ton, inc•lud- t . a ceenty Galway, eldest daughter of tl,(. inc. bags; pure grain mouille, 830 Hon. Mr. and Mrs. 1•faxwell-Scott, t�' $35;willed grades, R2:i to >R2y and great-granddauglitcr of Sir lire t•,:1. Cheese -Western forwicheese Welter Scott, dropped dead chile ar;.. `1"+•ted ill 1`_,,c f r hit JAPAN TIIREATES CHINA Serious Trouble Arising Out of a Fight Between Soldiers. A despatch from Seoul, Corea. says : A serious fight between Chi- nese and Japanese soldiers at Kan- tao, Northern China, threatens to result in trouble between China and Japan. The details and date of the fight are not accurately known, but it is reported that the Chinese were the aggressors. They Bred a fusillade at a police station occupied by Japanese troops. After fighting for several hours, many men on both side's being killed or wounded, the Chinese withdrew. The Japanese were reinf:►rce'd lat- er, and prepared to pursue the Chinese. They apparently gave no- tice of their intention to the Pekin authorities, whereupon China for- bade their entering Chinese terri- tc•ry. Japen protested, and it is reported she declared that unless she was given immediate satisfac- tion Japanese troops would cross the frontier. (tooted at $3.40 to $3.75, and bulls brought $2.40 to $'2.80 per cwt. The better class of milch cows were in demand at $35 to $70 each. Prices were about 50c lower in sheep and lambs. Select hogs continued to sell at $6.25 per cwt. + RUSH TO STURGEON LAKE. The Reports of (;old Finds are Very Encouraging. A despatch from Port Arthur says: Gold prospectors aro quietly dropping into the Sturgeon Lake district, and among these are many who have been prospecting in and around Cobalt. Men who have conte out from the works on the Grand Trunk Pacific say that there are many looking for the precious metal, and that a large Plumber of them will stay in the country all winter. Some of these who have visited the camps say that there are sure to be many more and richer finds, and that within a very short time there will be a gold rush into the country which will rival some of those which have now become his- torical. Several parties have left Port Arthur in the past few days for fields of promise, and have out- fitted with the intention of staying all winter. 4c FIVE HURT IN DERAILMENT. .1 Mixed Train Was Ditched Near Allan(lal0. A despatch from Barrie says: Three coaches of a mixed train, No. 42, from Meaford, left the rails half a mile north of Allendale, at 1.30 on Thursday afternoon. Five passengers were more or less injur- ed, Mrs. John Wilson, of Meaford, 75 years of age, being the most seri- ous. Site sustained a broken arm, r, broken leg and other injuries. Percy Herment, of 159 Wilton .,.ve- nue, Toronto, had his head cut and was otherwise bruised. Mrs. John Potts, of ('ollingwood ankle hurt. Miss Hotson, of Parkhill, area brok- en and otherwise injured. The trails was running about 25 miles an lour on a level track when the rear trucks of the last coach left the rails, bringing the other coaches af- ter it. The coaches turned on their sides. --- +-- THE AUSTRALIAN BUDGET. C'ommonwealth's Foreign Trade for Years Was £123,000,900 A despatch from Melbourne, Au- stralia, says : Sir 11'illiam Lyne, de- livering the budget statement on Wednesday, said the unprecedent- edly large customs revenue of .C11,- ei5,000 was attributable to the new tariff and the higher price of pro- ducts. Sir William pointed nut that Australia's imports were £51,- 000,000 and her exports £72,000, - walking with her husband and fa- d)2.bc ter (t't• d. Butter 261/4 tto 0010, while the corresponding Cana - titer at Abbotsford ii ,nae. She 2'c. Eggs---‘2'2..e_for selects; 201,2e dian figures were £60,000,000 and was 30 years of age. for No. 1, and l'7',/.2'e for No. 2. At a meeting of Dundee Old -Age i'f1:1) STATES ?11:\111C1�:'Tfi. Pensions Committee, it was report- ed that it was likely that at least Buffalo, Oct. 20 -- Wheat --Firm- 1,000 persons would apply at once rr : No. 1 Northern, earl+ids, stere, for a pension, and that every Yearii1.0e' : Winter, steady; No. 2 GOO or 700 persons would become eli- , mixed, $1.04. Corn --Weak ; No. 3 gihle, and of t1, -so probably 150 might apply. ---4*- ---- RINGS Alt}•: PERENNIAL. corn. s0,`•4 to 81%c ; No. 4 corn, 79% 10 793,e; No. :3 white, 80%c. Oats --Unsettled; No. 3 white, 51 to b2%c : No. 11 white, 49'.: to 50%;c. ltin a like the f.lrn-us brr►-ok, •'gBarley, heed to malting, 60 to Glc. on for ever " 'They are never oc,t Ilse No. 2 on tries, 81e. Minneapolis, Oct. '20 --Wheat - May, $1.0634 to of fashion. The people of iiiic o ctlt 1)ee., 81.011 ; Babylon wore rings. So did the, t;•i-Oce• , . No. 1 hard, $1.04%; No. 1 Egypt ians. Indeed, it is to the last -;Northern. $1.03'4 ; No. '2 Nnrthern, to we owe the finest. samples of 01.01 j, to 81.0`l -4 ; No. 3 Northern, seal rings. The Persians, r,Go to $1.00. Flour -First patents, say the historians. slid not wear k5.40 to $5.50; second patents, $5.- rings of gold, as their religion for- :3e) to :35,40 ; first dears, 84.00 to Inde them having any of that metal$3 00 t„ $3.10. ahaut them, when engaged in choir $4.10, second clears, nuivin I,-an-8.. "5 to 14.20. c:: vetions, .1(el as l,nc'e were •ret •:�l;lwaukr•c', Oct. ''. \�'i;e.tt tv frequent. it would have been too , troublesome to he constantly re- No. 1 ►x►,rthern, $1.07 t•) $1.08; No. R rings.rater. the 2 North •ris. $1.03 to $l.(N;; Dee., re - Creeks carried their fondness for P1.01 bid. Rye ;1\'0. 1, 70:. T3ar- rings to such a pitch that with icy ; Standard, I t ; No.e :3. :,7 to (t0 i c ; 1 u. 4, b(1 to i34, �c satmPle. same athem Rcs ouri'mode n(phrase "roll- 55 to 66c. Corn-I)ec., 03',o asked. the despatch from Vanc,rn)t•r, ►;tat - £5`2,000,000. A CONDITIONAL GIFT. Daughters of Empire Give $10,000 to Fight White Plague. A despatch from Ottawa says: The i)aughters of the Empire have donated $10,000 to the funds of the .Anti -Tuberculosis S•n•:ety, of Otta- wa, on conclitien that a further e20,000 he raised. F'RIVOLOU'S MADRID. Spanish Capital a Spendthrift Town and Devoted to Gossip. The note of Madrid is frivolity. It is a spendthrift town. Nowhere do so many People of modest means keep carriages, or at least ►tiro them. The automobile has suppli- ed a new outlet to an old passion, says the London Times. Nowhere do so many people who cannot afford 6) have a motor driver, or to buy regular supplies of petrol (which, to be sure, is hath clear and bad in Spain), keep an au- tentobile. Therefore they turn out now and again for a short run at high speed to their own glorification and the danger of the public. As for that public, it lives in the streets and in a perpetual state of talk. What London or Paris news conies through to Madrid, except to legrams, is mostly gossip. Int- f:ortant matters appear to interest the Madrileno little. What did in- terest hitn was when a young per- son appeared on horseback in Hyde Park in a Directorie costume. Fea- ther headed and light heeled, the Madrileno is, on the other hand, good natured and easy to live with. Madrid worsen dress well, even very well, and the charm of the Spanish woman is never denied. Modern Madrid is sometimes sup- posed to be modelled on modern Paris, but the writer's view is that ti -ere is nothing Parisian about Madrid, except the skin. Paris works desperately hard, is intensely interested in serious things and producers, thinkers and men of intellectual and scientific Eminence. Madrid certainly does not work hard, does not appear to be much interested in anything but frivolity, and few of her greatest men, even statesmen, are much more than names. + IGNORED THE SPEAKER. Laborite Member Carried From the British Commons. A despatch from Lyndon says : In the House of Commons on 'Thurs- day Albert Victor Grayson, Social- ist and Laborite, from Yorkshire, constantly ignored the Speaker and his calls to order, and continued to call the attention of the House to the fact that there were people starving on the streets. To the members who were insisting that he sit down, he retorted : "It is all very well for you to cry order, you, i ho are well fed." Finally the Speaker called on the Sergeant -at - Arms to remove Grayson. While he was being carried out bodily he shouted, addressing the Laborites: "I call upon the traitors to their class who have refused to stand by their class to stand by tne. ALL IN THE G.\ME. ;\ poor lacy the other day hasten- ed to the nursery and said to her little daughter : ''Minnie, what d•) you mean by shouting and screamingPlaty quietly, like Tommy. See, he doesn't wake a sound." ''Of course he doesn't" said t ha little girl. "!'hat is our game. 110 is papa coming twine late, and I alt, you.'' - -.t. --- - - "Yr►u'll h.ay e to w•nrk hard if yeti hope to win old Banker's (laugh ter." "i'll base to work a Ro',(1 ileal harder if I don't w in her :" HINDUS TO BE SENT AWAY Plan to Ship Them to Briti3h Honduras Sugar Plantations. .1 despatch fr.!!! Ottawa says: ing in wealth." At first the Roman, ing that the Canadian and imperial were iron rings, which were used Men of British ilorne Elect on Leave as seals, and were useful rather than beautiful. Then they imitat- rd the Greeks so closely that. a .\ despatch froth L(►nclr►n says: fashionable man would wear more \11 the Hien of the hemp fleet absent than a score of rings. Among the from their ships en liberty have ancients, the ring was regarded as been suddenly recalled Inasmuch 1 sy►nhol of ails hority. Thus, by he- Per cwt. Good loads were selling at as the reason for this has not yet - stun Ing 111) ►rl Joseph his ring, Pha- 84 to $4.50. For heavy st.eer.s i31 been ascertained. the order has Perth invested hire with kingly pow- per cwt was paid in a few instant. caused considerable excitement. 1.; es. Loud distillery steers wet,. Sudden!) Recalled. ('ATT1 E M.1iIKFT. rnmen ti has (seep/. rat ed to Toronto, Oct. (.ring about a happy s ittitlotl of tlo' were: Good exporters' cattle, $4.- Hindus problem in British ('elutll 50 to $5; light exporters' cattle. Its, is officially confirmed at the *4.23 to $4.60 per cat. Sales of it ilepartwent of the 1itt►'rier. limited number of choice butchers' in precious years it has I)e,•n fl►e cattle were reported at $4.5e) t • $5 practice fer the British \Wes.t Nihau colonies to import ea, h year for work on the sugar plantations a number of ceoliesc frnm India, chiefly froth (-'alcutta. it is no* proposed las arrangement re•t••h- ed between the Governments 1.1 Canada, Creat Britain and iiritis.h Honduras, that this year, instead rtf c I,tainiliR c•nulies from Cal••etta, they shall he shipped freta V:t1tcrru- ter 1Tr !Harkin left c'- on Thur da . and will proceed t r If +n- dttrat+ se". New Orlran1 .1s s,• '11 as all arrant{, !merits c an be completed, the Hindus tees. in (British C'olttrn- i•irt will I,e 1ran'ferretl to Hernia- tes at the cost of the three Govern- ments.