HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-22, Page 4SCIIOOL Laurier will have a Lig urijotity Ale ;e be i -,Ung the t cheerers or nntone the t=quealcrs on the 16t.i1I OPENIMII Lucian 1 Patrick Itlitchcll,ji., of the tttL and VtIi colitession of :Biddulpb. A full line Of died on D.tturd ty, Oct. IOtle and +v a! bur:e:d at et. i'.ttricla', cemetery on School Book s i Monday mottling.Mr..Mitchell ,wait 73 years of age and leas one of the and a 11 other settlers in 13iddulph. Del urvived l,y nine sous and two (laugh- SChoo1 supplies.Iters. Ili, **de predeceased him via yea ra n lto. Mrs. S .tuucl 'McLean died in the $1000. IN PK1Z�sl,the village on Saturday . 6 lith. at the age of '73, t3hc is survived by t+tO exons Fred C. and Feleafd. of LW U scholar should failto , can, and cue tiaaeghter. get ono of our Prize Scribblers! the oil drillers have ,bees idle for and trY -1 the lztst two weeks waiting a ships - and Pratice Books, ent o, rat•!• to .,cuc hir y. ! for a C01)y of the toy's Own ' Jesse Furman left for Toronto to pd the unile., Annual or the tiii 's Own' at•Vm Duren. alainphutographcr, i9 .Annual. at St. Joseph's llospital, London. where Le underwent an operation. 500 to be given away ne Usel. School field tspt►,rts !+-ere ' .t great sucoess this year. The Lw • 't` More can basket ball girls Aron from Perk. - Brownings Drug by IJ tc 2. The rugby match J.HE EXETER T1MES, OCT 22nd 1908. Following is the result of the elcc-1 lion held in January of Oils yearf wheu M. Y. McLean defeated Mr. 11. Morton. SEAF'OltT11 Lib. Con. No. 1 117 71 J 59 alt 3 37 27 4 27 :30 5 67 55 No. 1 307 `25 82 EXETER 31 60 :i'3 lith 3 37 02 4 55 77 156 274 118 HAYFIELD No. 1 33 92 59 ._ -- • ^H w -a:, a tie. incither d'orkhill nor LtS-' No can 'being able to boort:. The Exeter Times It is expected that the opening of Exeter, Ontario. the Stew iEpiscopal Church will ba held about •Deccmbe: 1. Perms of subscription /1.00 per Mrs. W. E. Stanley is 'visiting Isar in advance. $;.50 pies b' Ler daughter, Mts. C. A. CampbelU wtaaraed If not so paid. To UnitedBrooklyn. N. Y. !Bates subscribers, 81.50 strictly in ltobt. J. Smyth, of lermo. Cal.. of sdvsnoe. No. paper dirc.•ntanted ter an absence of 17 }ears, is visit- ants all arrears are paid unless at ing lois mother. Mrs. E. Smyth. lie the option of the publisher. The is accompanied ilia, his 'trate and two date to which every subscription is children. paid is denoted on the label. ---`-- Advertising rates on application. 'It isn't so difficult to strengthen a DECISIONS (RESPECTING weak stomach if one goes at it cor- NEWSPAPERS reCtly. And this is true of she Heart Any person or persons who takes and kidneys. The old fashioned may a paper regularly from a post office, of dosing the Stomach or stimulating !whether addressed in his name or the Heart or Kidneys is surely wrong I Dr. Shoop ¢lest pointed out another's, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for this error. "Go to the tweak or ail - Payment. ing nerves of these organs', said he. If a person orders his papers dis- Each inside organ has its controlling continued he must pay all arrears,) or "inside nerve: When these continue to nerves fail then those organs must or the publisher may g' send it until payment is made, andt surely falter. s vital ahere dis- whether truth is then collect the whole •amount leading druggists whether the paper is taken or not. pease and recommend Dr. Shoop's Re - The Courts have decided that re- I storative. A few days test will fusing to take newspapers or period- Surely tell I Sold by W. S. lfotvey. teals from the post office or retnov-• occasional use. Eng and leaving them uncalled fort --. --- - w/hile subscription remains unpaid. is Winchelsea !prima facia evidence of iutentionrtl; Dais Jessie Hamilton, our popular fraud. THE EXETER TIMESP'T'G CO.'; school teacher was taken ill Friday Limited. evening with appcndicites and Sat- urday on the advios of her physician went to London to undergo an open- No 1 M, Y. MOLem-it ,will dol ation. Miss Anna Martin. of Exeter 2 is in charge of the school at prey- 2 sent. We hope Miss Hamiltons' I11- 4 illness wilt be brief and that, she 5 will soon tie able to resume her dut- 11 7 8 Vote for you good. Foster should hand hook that $248O "commission to the Foresters be- fore be talks about honesty - t e e • s • A vote for S1eLeen is . a veto against Foster as Finance Minister. No )Forester wants to see Foster in charge of the tre aiurY. TUCKER'SMITR 1 75 35 2 (r, 47 3 51 25 4 70 21 5 72 30 0 70 3'2 405 19(1 No 1 2 4 5 No 1 2 3 4 209 49 56 32 1t 77 223 STANLEY 35 31 51 45 203 33 USBORNE 52 100 (13 01 31 111 73 51 219 339 120 11ENBALL' No 1 01 118 27 ie3. Mrs. Enos Cook and daughter Al►r nic, of Virden, Man., are .visiting Mrs. Cook's mother Mrs. Upsball. Mrs. Robinson has returned to the village after spending the past summer with her son, Wm. Robinson. of Centralia, iihe will remain here • If Mr. Sherritt floes get defeated for the reinter. No 1 be has bis 300 acre farm die can Ro Mrs. W. G. Medd and children are back to. So calf one of the speal}- visiting .Mrs. 'Meld's father in Nis• ors at tite Conservative meeting cat Senn. Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Francis, of Fut- e e . larton, visited at Mr. laves. 11es wood's on 6iiiiday. • Mr, McLean has ball only half a session in Parliament. io intoulhdiiIt2►sot bebe thesquare e one full term in order to see what be Can Clot • • • ► e Trade multiplied, tra lspos-taLon immensely improved. immigration vastlytledeficits d ou t and s'iPusespiled upIIere is a record to vote for. Our young_ English immigrants will hurl back in the teeth of th cZTory spell -binders their iusnitin� rge that they are filling the asylems and hospitals of .Canada.. Vote for M. Y. McLean-not Le i -not cause of his religion, c be such is a snail who spurns to win on tactics. iHis record and the record crt the government are his whole ap- peal. The Con-ervativcs have done credit in them- recent arrivalsfrom�lGaeatclBritaig ln asp steers and such as have been fil- ling cur insane asylums and hos- pital:. a a . . a Hon. 1.. V. Brodeur was given els election is by acclamation. tnannwhot►is dlenotinnd cet jd on C'ery 'Tory platform. 11 lie was so very diad uhy allow hill in with- out a contesti "You should vote for ole because 1 aur a Methodist and eto are yes. Thu. Candidate f?herritt lrpes to norm his wny to Parliament. ,lion. A. G. McKay would call that a petty picayune. peek•:ii ffian, pea -nut -stand kind of liolitic=. Vim 'eau Is Yo lHlcifr That's too bad 1 We hAa no- tic,:d it was 1 io:ti;:t; pretty thin and rough cf lace, but naturally did not lilie to speak GI it. By the wily, Avcr's Bair Vig"r is n regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ay'er's I -lair Vigor cures sick hair, snakes it strong and healthy. Thi best kind of a testimonial-- "nolll for over sixty year.." x.a, t, ♦rso m►nufaotarec, of P SARSAPARILLA. tiersCURRY rectnRAt. Aseetoo■► HELPFUL, DYKE You won't tell your fancily doctor the whole story about your private illness -you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell 3Irs. Pink - ham, at Lynn, :Mass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your Letter will be held in the strictest con- fidence. From her vast correspond- ence with sick women during the past thirty years she may have gained the very knowledge that will help your case. Such letters as the fol- lowing, from grateful women, es- tablish beyond a doubt the powerof LYDIA IE. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer nal female diseases. \Ila. Frank p rnsley, i.intlsay, Ontario, writes to Mrs. 'Inkhorn: "When I wrote to yon some tirne ago, I was a very sick woman suffering from female troubles. 1 had inflamma- tion of the feminine organs and could not staud or walk any distance. At last [teas confined to w}• had and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this 1 refused t•. dn. "A friend advised Lydia E. I'inliham's Vegetable ComAfter using three bottles of it, 1feel like a new woman. "I most heartily recommend Lydia 1:. l'inla:ant's Vetrctable ('omrrannd to all wt.awn a ho::u1Ter+vith female t r1+nLlcs.' FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia F. Pink - ham's `Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ill:: and has positively cured thousands of women who have been t roubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear - ng -down feeling. flatulency, inctiges- tion,dizziness,ornemous prostration. 40 107 47 48 53 30 7457 137 33 2 15 3 52 4 72 5 45 (1 45 0 118 s 20 9 (l1 417 IIAY 35 20 101 26 lx) 27 11 3220 STEPHEN 62 51 62 66 31) 81 311 117 53 50x8 91 DIcKILLOF' No 1 1118 26 2 108 53 3 '1 Ota 77 1 74 71 :3(i(i -1:11 RECA1'ITU LATiO N Seaforth307 225 Tnck'ith •105 190 Exeter:156 274 U sborne 219 331) Stephen 417 508 Hensall 01 118 Bayfield 33 92 Stanley 224 203 Hay 457 320 Mckil'p 36th 227 2(111) 2562 117 • v •\'A ger VE VA :CASTOR I Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and whfeli has been In use for over 30 years, has borllo the tet„ :tutn(ro of teeiviee-r-'-'''....a. and. has been made roller his per - 14011111 !supervision since its infancy. Allow 110 one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Ituitatiuns and "Just -as -good" nr.' but Experltuents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Lxperilnent. What is CASTORIA Caatoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 14 Pleasant. I6 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Na►reotits substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It tiesteoys 1frorlu4 and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrha:iv and Winch Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -The Mother's friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beare the Signature of The Kind You gage Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE ..-Part. TV r tetve roan env. ator had put anupset -price on it and in case the 'tenders did not reach the upset price the land }vas hv►badraww from sale. The expenditure account twits ef- fectively dealt 'with, Mr. iMacKay showing that 'while under ,Liberal rule there kvos an increase but the revenues had been greater and that the rate of taxation had been Wavered Froin 118.28 to $15.88. This pros- perity had got been due Wholly to the Liberal .policy, a -great share being due to tl'rovidence, but If lProe vidonoc has been so good ito Canada while the Liberals were is power, why not keep theta in flower. The postoffico department Inas dealt with along the satno lines as given by Mr. McLean. 'In speaking pf .British preference, by giving %preference to :British goods over other dations. the aot is justified, as two other dependencies are offering to do the same thing new•, After discussing several other important issues of 'the day the speakers referred to else strong character of the Premier and ,pro. dieted that Hon. Geo. E. Faster would never again be Finance Minister of Canada. Elimville It,:e. .1. M. Koen, of •1't. Btnalcr%• circuit is exchanging wet k with •Mr. Burgess, o f Elimville on Sunday n. xt :tn•1 •A itl preach at Elimville n the morning, Runshino ill %the afternoon and Zion in the evening. CA.A�'ORTA. Help tun _the Kmd You Hai Altra s Bart Signature of McLean Conservative Meeting. The opera house was well tilled on Monday -tight, the occasion of the Conservative meeting in the inter- ests of Mr. John Sherritt. Among the number were many of the fair fid'., >a Sherritt (Contin :ed from i'ize 1, not mention the twitter cat all. Ile thought it wiso 4o talk about sotnc• thing else. In the place where the transaction was best known he was dumb. ilueevcr the Conservative of :Medicine flat knew the tical was a ¢cod one, and Mr. Borden's speech on this transactioe leaving been read in that locality they determined to off --et the moving lids of 10ehl:t opinion against the Conserv:,Iiv.e. and their candidates came out bold - iv in defiance of his leader and said the transaction 'vas it +proper met still in the interests of She West. "if 1tie dell waw a -Candia in Om aeric, It by 11i.1 not Mr. Borden colas sitter it . scandal :n Medicine, Ilatr asked Jar. MacKay. "There was no caudal in connection with it, s+)evt• neer,and lar. 'Bolden knew' it (all well.' in speaking of the timber Ianits the Npeaker said the Liberals had net given away :t square mild .shite the 1(.'ou:ervat1ves had given sway thousands The volley all the 1. tern! government netts to sell • 4t to the )i gIi,it bidder and in every e -i - h adtcrtisin :►flee a voluR f r •ONO•N4N•ONNNONSN , 1 j The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND .... 63 374,000.00 .... 13.374.000.00 t Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all tho Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Milanese Transacted. Savings Bank Department 1 at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager • j••••••0•4d•4•4•NN4NN4484444NN4t THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WA' , President ALEX LAIRD, General Manager IPaid-up Capital, $10,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000, Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England 1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT followers to form a cabinet, but the same was thought of Mr. Whitney before ho came into power, but be had succeeded. e - In referring 1.o the cabinet min- isters, continued the speaker. the Liberals point with pride to the head of the postoffice department, Mr., Lemieux, 'Mr. Graham, Mr. Aylest• worth and Mr. Fisher. but as to Hy- man, Pugsley. Emerson and Siftou nothing is said. To Mr. Armstrong, of 1am.bton, he gave the credit of suggesting the; establishing of rural mall delivery. Mr. Sherritt, said he never had, had the occasion elf thanking the people of Exeter for the support they gave him in his dormer contest and wished now to offer his thanks. The remainder of Mr, Sherritt's address was along tho samo lines as his speech in Hensall during ,the af- ternoon. Mr. Spottou also covered the same ground as he did in .Hensall. lin however spoke fully on the ;North Atlantic Trading Company, and the desire of the government to pope. Tato Canada by bringing in immi- grants, many of whom. he said, made undesirable citizens. and anyway ne-, cording to his thinking .the lands of the northwest should he left for n' future generation. Tickling, tight coughs can be stare -1 ly and quickly loosened with a pro. -1 . sctription 1.1)rftiggiats are dispensing: everywhere as iDr. Shoop's Cough' Remedy. And it is so very, very sex. who had attended to hear partyldifferent than common cough men-� qua:tions to their liking discussed icines. No opiurn, no chloroform, Mr. 1. 11. Carling acted no chair, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. flan and first called upo'n Mr. Ii. I3. The tender leaves of a harmless. McLean, of Kipper. Mr. McLean lung healing mountainous shrub, dealt with nuttters in n general gives the curative properties to Dr. way, leaving the issues to bo dis- Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves cussed by there following him, - have the power to calm the most dis- Mr. 11. Eilber, M. Ps j'. was the trcssing Cough ami to soothe and next speaker and • eulogized (3Ir. heal the !nee( sensitive bronchial Sherritt. Ile had sat with him et membrane. Mothers should for the council hoard of the township safety's sake alone. always demand of Stephen and had always found him i)r. Sheep's. 11 ran with perfect a reliable and honorable man. fi•eedonn be gi Von le even Alle young - The Liberals. he said, wonder who est babes. Test it youtself and see. Mr. Borden could select from his Sold by W. ti. lliowev. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may be opened in the.names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. 114 Exeter Branch-G.W. Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY SUCCESSORS TO Drs. Kennedy & Kerdan SPECIAL NOTICE Owing to Dr. Ker- man being deceased, Dr. I. D, Kennedy, Medical Director, lass associated with hires Dr.K.nnedy Jr. who has been with the firm for several years, so hereafter business will con- ducted under the cams of ORO. KENNEDY L KENNEDY NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through EARI,Y INDISCRETIONS, EXCESSES AND BLOOD DISEASES. If you have way of the following symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you nervous andweak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita, ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses sedi- (went is urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks cerewora expression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change- able moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose. sore threat etc. pBeenL.enQiQDt sePrioOsdISaresON1 bSey saprtoehe hvPeeoyismoloonif! blood of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated from the listens may affect the future generation. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptoms -OUR NSW 1 **IOD cures them. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone can cure you, and make maw o you. Under its influence the brain conies active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel. so that ner- eot►Mtas, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright. the faoe full and cleat. energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical. and vital systems ate invig- orated; all drains cease -as more vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard arced dollars. Ws will euro wort or no may. READER We matter who has treated opinion ee of Charge. BOOKS 1'Rkilly� The Golden Monitorr" (illustrrated) Questlen List Nr Home Troetm-M Sent en Request. l DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, - DETROIT, MICH. THE cost of' living is an important thing in most homes. You mai• nave to figure close- r in these matters. A little extra on a barrel of flour may look big to you. But there is a differ- ence between spending money wisely and spend- ing it foolishly. Sometimes it is econo- my to spend instead of to sa'-c. It is in the case of koyat I lousehold Flour. Those few extra cents a week, that give you Royal iousehold Flour in preference to inferior flour, buy health. Nothing contributes so much to the food you eat as flour, and therefore nothing should be more carefully bought. Ogilvie's Royal 1 lousehold Flour is the whitest, cleanest and most nutritious flour that's milled. 1 t is the only flour - that is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Illi. Iletlitreal. 03 rLAS/�%E.s- N..4 • The finest steel made and .empered byelectricity will not make • perfect arbo Magnetic razor blade. It still requires grinding to complete the work. This grinding must be as true and reliable as the ingredients • named. Grindingentirelytyhand is imper• feet -wobbly -by machine, toe me- chanical to search out every point needing attention -but combine the two with the secret test each blade is finally subjected to and you have a perfect Carbo Magnetic razor. The quality of labor employed is a mist essential point in producing cutlery steel. The men intrusted with the grinding of Carbo Magnetic steel have spent the rnajor part of their Lvez in re+.chingg their present c( perfection. They are Ham• Dcr� c:rie1ers, cerIcestionably the best knave.. Every razor blade fueled cat of ihcir hands is absolutely r.•1:or.a er.d to end, with no irregular'. 1, es cr thick spots. The shaving elge is true and straight. It will art sncoth, clean and comfortable, Icanag no smarting sensation. N. soft spots, no brittleness will appeal in a Cuba blapnett' razor no matter hots long used. No meth d of tempering by fire with its constant variation cf heat will produce such uniformity. Every trade, has been brant'•: to ■ Ex.! temperature ac• curate, measured by electricity be• fore !Nig " plunged," any ctrittioa from this pr:cssi:a wont! r -:ore the standard. Hut teat t:•isL•sGn.'taiif.�oleafly guaran:rloce rs .r 1.1 your cwn home -cr have yo.,r ba:.cr use is o4 you -far thirty day,. , Drop us a postal, or better yet, come in and sec es and we will give ycu oar new proposition for having these ta'sors tested wiihput obliga- tion to purchase, together with our (rte baoklel "Hints on Shaving." W. S. Cole, Druggist Syoopls Clio ComillIeu NorIn West HOMESTEAD REOULATION8.,. Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over HI years o:d may homestead a quartet-, sectoni of available Dominion land 14 Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant tnust appear in person az the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry b) proxy may be had at the agency, ora certain conditions. by father. mother sou. daughter, brother. or sister of intending homesteader. Duties :-Six months residence upon and cu:tivation of the lard in each of three yeir'. A homestc.dvr may live within nine miles of his ho:ne- stead on a 'farm of at least 80 acres- .o:,•ly o+ened 5111 occupied by hill or hie father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader gcod standing may pre-empt a q+:-1••:ter section alongside his home.. %read. Price 43. per neve. Duties- Mutt res'.de s:X months bleach of i+ix years from .late of homestead entry (ino:udiugt the time rtquired to earn homestead patent) and cuitivtae fifty acres extra. A hn,nesteader who his r ehausted hir homestead r:g1:t 7:71,1 cannot oh- tfin a pre-emption may tette a par- cha»r.1 homestead in certain dist r:cts Pries 3. per acre. Duties.-Mlist reside six months in enc.!' of three) Years, cultivate fifti acres and erect - a house worth 5300.11/. w, tP, CORY, Deputy of the Millner of the interior N. R. -Unauthorized pnillestien ef 111s adverthie ment will not be pald for dt 1 forests and the unspoiled pastures of the 'wild flocks, breathing irtt0 lair and lookitig far ; jor the rak of i tiring the :body. resting the mind, and I :xur:ating in Nature's own do- main. From "Golden Days in the Shoshone Mountains; by William T, Ifornaday, in the November 8crib- !tcr'a. T11E IDEAL IIUNTING TRIP j In an ideal hunting trip -t' hich i must be in grand country. and in que.t of grand game, -the death (di the coveted 'prize is only 111 lucid-' ent. To a 1rtle sportsman. one f.r. elk, mountain sheep, goat or bear is a sufficient reward for a rougi. trip into 1etrotc wilds. involr•ili many sacrifices. and Luutireds of dollars in money. The ideal hunting trip! are there That aro made chiefly for the Pak: of eampint oat in a wilderness, $ignattaro of with both feet upon virgin soil: for the sake of roaming .the untouched i CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the