HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-22, Page 1xeirr El URON &M1DDL ESEX GAZETTE 1 t1IRTY-SIxTII YEAR --NO 1829 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••A♦••••••••••••••••• •. e*.••♦♦••••••••••••••••♦ ♦•••••••••••••••••• Phone No. 32. flOdthcrblOOm Just to hand a lot of Heather. bloom, Skirts Colors Black, Green or Brown. These goods look and Rus= tie exactly like Taffeta Silk, give a great deal better wear and at about half the cost. If you want a nice lightweight skirt that looks and feels just the same as silk just try one of our Ileatllerbioonis at $2.50, $3 and $:3.R0. FRENCH FLANNELS In Blue. Brown. Green or Black, Plain, 'Fancy or Polka Dots. They are good serviceable goods for fall an(I winter comforts. 50c. per yard. A Smart Skirt for $4.75 This buys one of our swell Dress or Walking iSkirts made from Voile, Panama few Merge in the very moo est [!(signs. Sort. TAFFATA SILK \\'e have a beautiful Taf- feta Silk in all the best oohs ors to sell for 5Oc, This is a regular '73c t;itk and is a big snap. Ladies Fur Lined Coats. .$6O buy's one of our rho:ce rat-Iined coats with n first- elass shelf and Sable collar and reveres. We have oth• cr lines front $45 to $73. WOOL DELAINES its Red, Green, Blue, Grey or Black 'Leith Milk or fancy clots. It makes up a very dainty waist. '15 'to 1,O cls. ye rd. ANeat Coat at $to. This ie a ,Very, popular price for a winter Coat rend nowhere will, [you 'find ,.la better one than (here. A Coat for every lady, Sort. DRESS MOODS 50c per S'ar(1 .buy a good dress at. •this store in ani► color you mny choose. Satin cloth, Venetian. l'anasma, Serge or Tweeds are here in aieiniltore. Neck Ruffs and Muffs. Fur Sets are very, much the go, We have the Muffs (to tnatsla the huffs in all the hest Ill:res Sets, $.1O, $15, MO, $317, $104 POULTRY Chicks Sc. lb. Live 10c. lb. Dressed hens 6c. lb. Live 7c. lb. Dressed Turkeys 10c. lb Live 12c lb. Dressed Ducks 9c, Ib. Dressed Geese lac. lb. Dressed ones & Clark •• •• 11 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCT 22nd 1808, McLean - Liberal - s Sherritt Conservative The rton►ination. held at 11,1 sall(ia,t ten years of .Liberal .rule there on Monday, from 12 noon until 2 p.m. 1 was always a surplus, last year the were quiet. The names of M. Y. teurplus being .19,000.000. 11cLean and John Sherritt were put Mr. Geo. Spotton, of Witt;;l►an, fol - in nomination. lowed Mr. Mowat. and suffering ;With At 2 o'clock the Epecehtnakittg a cold asked that Mt•. ,Eilber be al - commenced in the large shed adjoin- lowed 'to finish his time. should he ing the 'Methodist Church. U'hoe. break down. however Mr. Spotton Frazer of Ilruceficld Stas Fitt the was able to finish. lie said the Lib - chair and on the platform ./beside crags to -day are in the same position him were the two candidates and Mr, as the Conservatives Were in 189G, Mowat of 'Toronto, in behalf of Mr. and should be ousted from power: McLean, and Mr. Spotton of ,Wino- The Liberals in their campaign (ire hamin ,behalf of Mr. Sherritt. holding up 'the records of Fowled? 1'oiter, Bennett, Leferg,e, etc., to the public view, tut •it Ls not these gen.- tictuett who are on trial. but Sir Wil- frid and his administration. The Liberals. he said, are not brib- ing individuals in 'this campaign, but are bribing; 'whole coustitusencies by promising tura' snail delivery, new peetofficc.s, docks, eto. Its referring to Foster and •his ccar.- nection with the 'I.O.1'. scandal the stated that Foster .had nothing to (Io with the society, ,but after the of- ficers of the society had ferule(' the Union Trust Company, 'Mr. Vaster was rnadt' manager of the company. In speaking of the Istat not• the\ !Mr. McLean was the first speaker He was pleased to see so many young 'men present. Mr. McLean extended ♦• his thanks for the election in Jane ♦ wiry and hoped they would increase' •• the dose alert (Monday. While he •• did not think Mr. Sherritt a better • man than Mr. Horton. still Mr. Shcr- • ritt was a man worthy of his steel. 22 In giving an account of his stew- ardship which extended over a period IIof less than half a terns he referred to some of the bills that had been •• introduced. Speaking particularly of • the extending of the Railway Com- ttiis-�i 2 oft who had increased the service, .• • • •• .• •• given tetter rates, and also ad(led est the express and telephone Companies the Liberals claimcredit for the to their work. The Belt Telephone 1 wonderful development of the cowl - Company were made to give long try, but they Sail to make enentiort distance service to the rural lines that the avenues for the outlet of the thus affording the people of the satin product- are the work of the Mae. servicC as given the towns. danald administration. The I'o.;toffic., Department was The electoral corruption in West }Iuron anti the North Atlantic Trad- ing Company v'ere briefly mention- ed by the speaker. .N1r. McLean in replying, brought the crows bonne to roost. AL Kite June nomination meeting Mr. I ilber had facctiouly remarked that Mr. Kellerman)] might gain a scat in the Legislature, but lie would not ,t;e able to get Mr. Blair, who t poly. ir;t signing their provincial trositions his behalf, to (10 his debating;. fir. with their ialaries an e. evidently did not forget tiro statement, and remarked that Mr. SherI'itt, Is•ho put in one ter'tu in par- liament and wade a usurp i,00rer showing than did ,tifr. liellcrmann, could not get Mr. Spotton .to do his debating; should he he successful. io I pointed to with touch pride. Under •_ • Con ervatuive rule there was always • a deficit, while under the • Liberal • J regime the rates had been reduced, 2 the ee vice extended, in the .Yukon, New Ontario and the Great Northe • weet and titlarks had been increased, but '.notwithstanding all this t.be : LiberaLs were able -to show a sure • plus. This surplus is to be used in • Mill further extending the service by • establishing mail delivery in the ru- • • ral districts, which work has already •• commenced. Ile recently received a ••letter from the department asking for a list of the snail Coutes in I South Huron. Ile dealt effect.', 'ly with tele de- patrtment of agriculture, under Hon. Sidney Fisher, .which hat donetS Wonders for the farmers try ineprovs- i ing 'transportation facilities for • products of the farm, and t .e es- tablishing of Mechanical Coll titor- :t age to keep the i,roducts. in a fresh state until they reach their s:estin- I i .rtion. The -e innovations have been the means of increasing the export • • of farm products. zIIn the !latter of expenditure the • •• •$ Ieadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • Clothing also high grade shoes and wall p l<pe r ••••••••••••••••••N•••••• •••••••••••••I•••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N•••1•••••••••••• HONEY TO LOAN. R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. s,. 11. We have a tawamount) of private tunas D D. S•, Honor graduate of Toronto ...Don farm and village properties atlowratle University. interest. GLAI)MAN dr STANBURY ldrrr(etere Solicitor*. Main St.iKxeter Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & 8tanbury'e FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur geon. Successor to A. R. Ram- say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani-so W. BROWNING, M. D., M. (1 ma's on most approved princiglala. • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un Special attention to dentistry. Office ' veretty. oMoe and reaidenence. Dominion at Ramsay's old stand on Main street. t aoorat►ory, lcsseter, Night call at Peter Bawden's residence Associate Coroner of Huron. Main street. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loan at lowest rate.. North Neat gangs for Sale. Office. Main Street, Exeter B8.1' 1111,1,11'8. EXh. FI' U, LIC • enseei Auctioneer. Sales con e ducted in all parts. Terme !seasonable from the best Canadian mak- Orders can be left at the 'I'tmt•;-s Office ---- - 1 els. THIS WEEK We are showing some Choice Stock in PIANOS g) BOSSENUERRY, ZURICH; j� I,iceneed Auctioneer. Sales con Suited in all 1:frts, 'Perms tetteonabl 1 And satisfaction guaranteed imONEY TO LOAN We hive otelmIted private tondo for invest - snt mon farm or villager roperty st lowee sties of Interrn'. DICKSON & (*ARLINU Stater 1CKSON Rt CARLING -- s vinte's eolteiters Notaries. Coovey_aseere Oommitmt�lnor,, solicitors tor the ototle* Bank, 11:to. boaey to Loan et lowest rates of interests OWYiCi :-- tit s> 1N STREET. 1sRitTRR. tR, CA►ILINtte It A. L. It. ttCESCS &Nott6r Tlioinas LtvIs Civil Engineer & Architect 1 Cerins the most liberal (le t►, 1•%rtment of rutile.- Work., Cant►da) desire (owe ('nnIe,ttiner E:lsttnPer for Municipal and County Work, 'le. 'tin r r.itr Aaa .tiT r as! and Waterworks SystemSystemWharves,Wharves, Bridges and ite•ento:cect l'otic•r!'e , phone Y310 London Ontario Good Second -band Square Piano at a bargain. Also three good second-hand ORGANS Sewing Machines the hest the coiil)try produces All the latest novelties in Sta• tionery. l • • i 1 o ' 1 ( s goods (sir rtcpea for all the ,1 c ve .1 t K ate in:your favor. DR. 0. F. R(t'I,STON, L. D. N. P. D. K., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. y.. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of T(cror.to University. O,Vi K: -•Over Dickson & Carling • Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former e(,u crnlld Martln & son Rheumatism prompt!, driven from the blood with 1)r. itlhoop'. Rheu- matic Iteme(ly. Don't waste tittle with common re nsedies. A fest will curtly 1-11. In tablet or liquid form. sok' by .w. = owcy. opposition accuse elle government of the dwstoffice stel►at:Oriect* intents establishing rural mail delivery/ in many parts of the Dominion, ,lard boxes are already being Made for that purptese. Mr. McLean has been asked to setei to the department a list of ,retail routes in South Hurort and prcuict- Floors, ed that in less than a year mail routes will be in operation in Huron. Mr. McLean e:pokc of the [•rand stork lion, Sidney Fisher Minister of Agriculture Itas clone for the farm- ers, by arranging to get product; of the farm laid dowel at large centre' and the seaboard as quick and cheap as possible, and in order to keep the products fresh established the mechanical Cold Storage syetetn, ituder which ey'stetu he gave figures showing how enormously the export trace had increased. The opposition has bro+tght charges of ext ravagnnce against the govern- ment, comparing the expenditures under Conservative and Liberal rule. This increase he explained was that owing to the Conservatives when in power, hadn't 'the money to epend, and always had deficits, %s'hile the re- sult under Liberal ttile was elways a surplus except one year end they had the [Honey to spend. 'rale Con- servatives objected to only the ex:- ttrc of one million out of eight hundred millions. The • aaskatcllett'atl Malley Land Company deal, in which elle govern' trent made an excellent bargain re- sulting in an aria_va.t a of landb - $f.00 per year fo advance PORTLAND CEMENT t c coming thickly t=ct tied by a goo class of people awa.s tborotlghly d:s- cnsse(1 t;y the speaker. Icon. A. G. MacKay. llon. A. G. MacKay was greated with tnuch applause when he arose to speak. He was pleased to see eo many ladies present, attributing the elevation of the torte of debate to their presence. In referring, to the galaxy of Premiers 'who had accompanied Mr. R. L. Borden on his tour, and who had predicted a 'victory for the leader of the oppo. ition, he had not heard of anyone of ahem re- The Liberal Meeting attached, to enter the contest as can- didates, although they might expect cabinet offices tdiould Mr. Border. be successful and they be candi- dates. They had twondcred what ef- fect they tool had on the people of Ontario, but the real question was whet effect the people of Ontaria hid en tlictn. Mr. I{oblin, cams down 'here and talked about land deals, but ns'hen he addressed audiences in the ttci;l►bot•, The rcccpt ion given .lion. A. G. hood of 'the irri.ration seheme .[the MacKay in the Opera last 'tatter was adroitly dropped. About Friday night '[when ate tcpokc in the all he laid when its Ontario was to interests of M. Y. McLein was ate en- call a distinguished gentletnan a thusiastic one. The hall was crowd- skunk and the ICOVle 01 (}lmlirio cel alit emote; the audience ,were a got after hitt ,.o 'tot, that he ing. large number of ladies. :,axions :to tnediately contracted tore throat hear the talented orator. and had to return hone. l'rtsiclt•ut 11(•nro Smith of the kir, liotwser, of Itritish Columbia, extravagance, the expel elitures beim• mouth Huron Liberal Aeseciatiun a wonderful name 'to conjure with, greatly in leXCtss of years of Conserv after inviting anyone representing talked a little on Asiatic opinion and votive rule. It was explained that the Mr. .Sherritt. to the, pl•1t forrn, celled Mr. llazett made :t charge against revenue had been greater under Lib- Diem the candidate M r. OlcLea,l. e►•al rule. 96 milliot►•r being .the re- wcrtue its 1907, while in 1896 it was ;iii 1-:.' million-, but not wit hstattdi.n,I this increase the tax had t)ceu de- creased from $18.28 in 1'896 to $15. 88 in 1907 wi each 10U ,worth of goods entering Canada. Mr, Sherritt the Conservative can- didate mid (tot devote vouch time to his addre.ts. Ile spoke of .the -terra he had t,erwcd :ti ;t mein her for North overcrowded with foreigner:( and Midelle.ex and oil referring to the a full term. at(.1'0aute,l the fact to the .teper1- Railway ('otlttuiSsiott. said the es- The North We' .1 Lin( Dill was the turret being 1'1X in allots ; egg'uinlet: tablialiing of the Cononiesion ori- first mattes' of impel tante taken IW sir:Odes into the country-. in utak:tt ginated with the Conservatives. lie by the t;peaker. During thy tient. up his $tatu,011t, Mr. Ni:,cliay eaid also refermed to the mattes' of gi\- of C01180r1a1ive regime tlte govern. 11r. Hanna had taken iron (ICCQII111 ing Latter service to .the drovers by trent gave tie ey a larg,• atnauut of everyone r,ot born in K%:Inade, bringing attention to the govern.. laud to :(ice 1.eille•.tyr in construction. thougl, he may !t:(cv, been here forty agent of the state of affairs, which tite -ecliotr•: lhtis given away tieing[ ye:,r-, (tu. I ' g; JI►osc (►f our groin- , 11 r oVer t l,the live � IL�sue ur �1of lite Oar. Mceanydealt ti 111 :t very clear and concise manner explained all matters trenched upon. Ile e.•ltcnted the confidence isitich Ilse 11(.01)10 (11 South Huren bad in hint by electing hall to the con►rnun., 1;11t only being there during[ at little less t11:111 half the ,session he could not give the (came sterount of his stewardship as though lite had Mr. 1'ugsley receiving $2,000 oil the 16t1► of Oct. 1907, when a cabinet minister. but when cornered bltntr eel the, %[-hole matter on +the printer, by saying it Wits a ,typographical error and ,Mould have been read Oct. 16th 1905. Hon. V. J. :Hanna hail .taken to tisk the immigration department and gave figures to s=how tit it the jails. hotipi(als end asylum; ,were FOR Silos, Walks and Walls. !!11!!e� ! ! *•rite -2 e . �i:i. miM11 l::a USE THE- �} N N fajfryi Sampson Brand laL Owen Sound Portland Cement, 13igg Stock on Hand. _ iiim .•!tesnd. l . ii e E s il. `el Ill. Pariod 'aoofirig one ;)71 two Bol1Ocrs flrdrc Antique Copper Lox Sets extra value, 50 and 65 these are spec- ial, it will pay you to see them. EVERYTHING for HOUSES, BARNS, etc. HERMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE She Call Hawkins & 8on Jobbers and Dealers in If and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof- ing and Plumbing in all its branches. and be convinces that it is the cheapest spot in town T. KAWKINS & SON FALL SUIT1NCS Just to hand the largest and best stock of Fall Suitings ever shown in town. We have received the Fall Plate of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Wear. Make your selections early and avoid the. rush. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exctcr, Ontario Liberal Meetings The following Meetings will be addressed existed at the Toronto stock yards odd numbered ones. Ihe even e,eettons revs, is had sufferer the h hat el ]►.le, h. Mr. %here :hipiel. , t.re fol tel til prey n,, dei ene,l for the :`elticrs. , by McLean the Liberal Candidate and �"t1.tt0 g,cr car to have their e,tock '''Tse P1: iil ;;o Wet nulen1 :etloptrd a r(tot'c(t. This: !tatter Ns as placed in Ltolicy relieving t he; railts ay.- of 1 brit the bands of the Commission and re-, obl:g;:ttion•, :en,t npt•nirg; etp the ?:asst motif' ii. Iso Ilial. (sell lets; crwninit tart,' �'aul yur-i out ;,n3 attire at. all, had been made In patliantet►t he said there !were: chair :1,1,1ition:11 !awl for :Z'I per much of t,y the opposition, but thes- at►ly t fesi f.►ru,Gr; and aloe eta :,ere, :,1)e1 tits money that teCeiv,d� never told the Is hole :tory, of how legating the (item t'sr said it would to coustit 110 it fund for the .Nation -I there arty some five thou:•sand of then not be a bad thing to tend caro rel Hallo ay limn 11inr(ig't to .l1etet.11 living in contentment and are good fto►u South lluron. \V bile he (lid son Ileo. 'clean. teii fou; an, , ,; t honest people. not snake: ltitnsclf heard very often 1'hc (,evil azcr%•iee Ael its te;i(icl, thss, '111c 81-katehetvan Land Deal lees in p,trtiatneut be ret one time Look tho •1e1'oitttwclt t(t►tl i►run►otiol► of gal'. = 1)10roughly explained by the st taker s,i►1thrt11 nil y to exprcaa himself on s•rfrnvnt employersis trade or( Merit!, D1 r. 11:tcliay (teals riff(:etively will► the sale t,f b:ti�le r twine. , i alone was his second topic for discus-1he i{ops rifle 'scandal". 1)urini '1'h(' gtovet ntntut twantctl to fix tale s:on. '1he (,utlservatiw,•govern- part 01 the scsSiOII fht: Con't(•rcaLives ante up to [Which fartnet:s Coil 1(1 101y moil :T110111(01 n Cotninission [which! had made match of title ;natter, Cutl,ri5011 made binder twine at May 1st il►:.de a recommendation. telt it was! Col. Sate llu,elies. (►1:• of their o'•%I% In 1 atto'w the grafters to r-ecure tact l►'g,r'O11 11010(1 and the t,uttonhotingt1 nlctubers . rebetked lh, ;r tactic:, :111 1 bitittrc, ;.iter that }ale. Ill• a xi>l;li11-t 1,% i'Ohi1ic:ani eontir►u0.). The Lib- as ;t re�1111• they A► vwe• not inentioit'- that the f;lrtui•rs were unable to putt etels appointed ,:1 Conentissio11 and ,•1 that :natter very etluch (],irittg the chase tome so far ahead and [tug - reported :ill elcp:1tntents \with 011(1 «tt11pai„1). I,t•cattu, they kno.1 th:11 genteel that the (late be (xtenlctl toi ('xccptio! to '1,, t•((iel:e•„t and honor- there i.; nothing :n itwltatecer i' . ,f early Canntlia! life in as 011 1- ification. The • in:Mer of the fife) Uukl;ohors who hid entered a north- ern town 1e:,ntily' :(Hired or with. ,f .telly 1st. and sell tato ttala11Ce to the highest bidder. Sir Wilfrid. he said passed anote to Hon prank. Oliver. who made an amen(drntilt along the line: suggested by Mr. eiherritt. Mr. r. tlo51:it. `.11 cor,tnettCn :,: i,is a<1- sirr,, Spoke of the ability of M. Y. McLean as a legislator, both in awl o':t .,f committee,. Itt referring to the revenues be stated that in welwe years sender Liberal rule they ;►:e.t thereesol six times 11 h tt they '•• (re during the 'eighteen yelie 1 of t'on- •e'w:tttwe rule. The lirit:;11 pre ferrite.• question wasfelly discussed. ;111,1 shown to be a good thing; for Canada. In ..peaking, tnt� 1.11- creaec in duty, which the inet e,- (,toturetrs asked for on w ooll..n the s.peakcr said %the government acted tviscly in riot acceding to th(•,r requests as in case they 111.1 th, prig of woollen clothes would cor responditsgly increase ill j,rice. r t'the wool grown in Canada only 10 Per cent reaches the Canadian rlr:rrt't- facturers. the reet Icing exported. Mr. Sherritt, Ise laid was asking the eupporI. of the farmers because ho is a fennel. end rcc,nlled the re- cent election when Mr. Sherritt •\vas out [working 'to elect an .1neuraneo Agent as ageing( a farmer and he could trot i=ce where the consistency c;►nce• in. lie referred to the Cot:. ably (•o1)elt,t•ted. '1'I,:• C :et the tithe to ire a •fitee consist of t H,► 1„1'11 t its:11'1)• 1.•1)10,-, thing on t11iicl, to h•tng; 111SItlls;ltl(111: (.4 1101)1 the g;nvetntnent 11,1.1) Levo At 011 (11 8011 11(1 the other day in a Isil1 cont lul and po11t•t• ower 11 ;tifr1:fle •ce►nfc.st, 11w�uty.a(.rcn 0511 0f L,oirllrttents nett l,ronsolions. twentf nine nialksntett, of their puke of (lie Hit 1 wit v a ss n flee choice. telt coal the ltoe.s Cumuli anion and 'I he goo,[ work :,et' rifle :IhoVee all others. 'They Were slut romp! in 1 veil! ing lot atei 3:tte,i),"t,rralq ::11.1 Conservatives, but and faeili1ics. Ott ing to the great, ►nalk-trete %%lin %tamed the best rifle 'enottta of work connected with this they (05114 get. Oassure::+ion it +11.1I!1 1110t eased from' The Aretie . cpedit;r,n wee nnoth,•r three 10 pix tilt 111be1 ; And the espr.•ss Ftrbj(tet 1l oton ghiy discusRett. in (rani► hies 060 place.' 1111(ier their referring to the J1(I1110tint, 110 e:n;d jetris(lictio(t.. a the ho•tt (lc. -islet ht•in;; :1u .co -breaker The tiouble of the independent is the c ic'a ' elt•plino.• Cotopaoies with illy heft c til r ] gtoing el hose boat for Company, its u 1tirli Ihe Cntnmission� t1lto comeenteilto lour 1-lrores.tc(The silver- to trod :1 t csoltit ion compelling the ware about which trench has .frim 11.•11 Comp•lny to 'aive conenections+said, was not fol Ilse tsse• of the slit- ter the 1111;11 litre, for the long dia.! ers. but for special occasions, and he fence service (lam also (loscusse(t. believed Canada should receivo Iter .l•1(1, • 0, ff o'to .t' c I)cirnrlu,eut wakin; in accord.'tt►co with the !test ,gx,ke11 elf i11 a laudatory manner., dignity site can afford. When the Cilii4,rwatives eirC in The Robbins irrigation sebeme Power filar*. was always( a deficit' ;showed clearly the tactics of the Oil in I1290 ilte .lefie;t bring over *700 ��:ilion. In (>nt-11;o and in Manitoba 000, t1 t:tl(Ier 111, Libor:11 ndnsin• t h; t rntIsaction acne held up as an- isl l at• � ton the rate of postage in other example of Liberal graft, and ('un:Iela to Great llrit:tits 5'1111 (be the leaderof the party talked glibly t-nite4'Stites was reduced. an(1 ever, of scandal and robbery atel n11 the year uitlt the execOlion of 1897. :► rest of it. .Wh(•n•Mr. I'•orden and hi, surplus it:es shown. Lest year the lieutenants reached Mcdicitle Ifat surpltt, was $1.100.000) not withstand- %%brie he . del .14.14 crf the '.whole ing the fact 11111 niiil routes ,[were 1111<act:on we . known and 't 1 ,.re inerti.ed and extended. the mail he tve.'Sithin 51011( 5 ti • f the valiccR havitt oto torroly tnont�R route i,cac0n 1': x. ter enol eMilchell iter R celebrated irifK.'ttion Gehetnc, he (Nit %% hen in Pow0r to eoralt:cf 11re busi being{ tt l- (11 it,r:ov:►linn n,l .1:(1' • • 'urth..r ndarak - Inn r L>Lra,L..tw _.14, _ _1__ others. ZiiricIi (Town Hall Friday Oct. 23r(1,) W. J.Curry, K. C. Ex -Crown Attorney 'Toronto. Crediton (Town Bali, Sat. Oct. • It II. Thomas McMilan.) Hach of the strove Meetings corrtrnence a1 '•1 (,'c1Ock. (lad Save The King. Notice to Creditors ' Notice to Creditors Its t h + matter of the estate of fn the matter of they e=tit i of .10111) llerbert, late of the Villagel l.(bella Galbraith, of the T'ott•n''• of Exeter, its the County of lluron,i sillhipronof, .Sp.Stanleyinster, , intlcccatits.?se. Cdoenty of Gentleman. deceased. ': Notice is hereby given put muesli tog Notice ;•r hereby given pursuant to It. S. U., 1891. chap, 129. that all IR. 8, 0,, 1897, cling►. 12'), that all rIC1100114 anal Others having cleiml l orcditors -ir(d others daring claims against the estate of the late John! against the estate of the staid Isabella Herbert. t% 1,0 died on or :thous G:tlbr.tith, who died on or ihont the 20th slay of Sept.. 190S, are re- the 27th illy of Angus:, 11108 (liiirc(l on co '1s'fore the 71 It .1.1y of ere r. quire() on or aboil 1 •t.t►e 7th Nov.. 1908 'to een,1 by leo,[ prepe1.1 'tie. of November 190(3. to 1. -til I,y or deliver to Slegrs. Gladtmn & 1,e, -t l,►rg,,i.l nr deliver t:, Mensrs. Stanhury, solieitbrs for tie, (•xe'cn- to estmen & /Oanhttry, of the village tors of the [.tate of the, c,( Exeter, solicitor+ for wing:ni'•Ire- aai.l dec0..asect their christ inn for of the said deceased ah.'ir (red s,urnrttnOR, n(lrlrev+ey at,d 1104 , 1 , i .t1:1n :11111 aurrt:(mc•A.• .e11d1csse! erilltion^, the full teal tjeutars of their 11(I ,l(••,ctittti()nr, 111' full :asrtieu. rlei11l+. tIte tit:(1Crl►nnt of thrix ac-,1.ete(1 .►f Ihelt claim-', iia tatentcnt cs,unt•4 "11 /1114n f; 11:01 11(11114' of 11►e ne- 111 their account is and 1 he ,i'tdir0 of atlaitj(':, if 1171%, hell by 1heitr. And rl,(• .ecrrriti0'.. if any, treks by th0tn. e•r f r r flit 1 ►1, tut rt . !het aflc such ono further t:+ke rtnlaz* that after last m0rationed date the sail F,xecu- such la7tf. rn^resigned flats 0he ft7;ri tori will procceel to dietrihutc adn►inistretor will proceed to diatri- the assets of the deceas -A among the berte asset a of t l• .lecea•cd anion; fl•►rties entitled thereto. Navin; re - 'the (►511iPA (111 if i d tlr'•rerto. having) glrsl only to the cl:(ime of [which , rc.,t:rr.l r►nly to iher el:r;rrr't or [which tthlt; y s,aFi►,1l1 l4'1 x1r1cruA n tor1.1 V►si1lsl trtoct 1 1[1:1 1 1 t, , F'i,d ssthtinrl in1h5,n 11h0a1 \0shnioll;ncc t n1n)prl litnhbtlett for 0ho [!aid allsets or any prat, where- for Ihe told :assets or any pita !aerate of to nny f►0r40n O1' per•nns of \\•tense of to ;Iny petelon n1 per'e,na of t%'11.,m0 rl:eirti nn'ic4' sttal1 nr.t h.vc tt4't+n chime !ostler, ,shall riot hive been re. received f►y them at th i. titre 01 Ruch received Ly hien at the time of see), 4i`s Iiheat:On stmt 1;1011 ;0n. (:t„1t►1f,1N & 8TANItt'I;Y 1;1,,\I)'I N & tt'I'A\Iltllt\'. .wrlieitor� for Ra;tl ezt'eutorl4. Solicitors for a(gmini•trefor. 1)11(11 at Exoter, this 151E day 01 Dated at 'Exeter, this 15th[ day of October. 190 , .. . ,_.�__ _1 (I...1—r tent