HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-15, Page 4BLOOD DISEASES CONED
Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years.
the was surprisedk how the
sores healed— "
IS Killen T.EATNENr fora serious blood
illness.! New
with which I had been inflicted
for twelve years. I had consulted ascore
of physicians. taken all kinds of blood
medicine, vi,iiwl Hot Spring's and other
minuet water resorts, but only got tem-
porary relief. They would help me for a
time, but after discontinuing the mtdi-
eines the symptoms would break out
again—running sores. blotches, r' heum-
atie pains. Looseness of the hair,swelltegs
of the steads, palms of the hands scaling,
t itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomach, A,TE/1 TREATMENT /
■trent TREATMENT etc. l bard given up in despair when a
friend advised me to consult you, as you had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago.
1 had no hope, but took his consult
Ithree weeks time the sores commenced to heel up
and t t ben of eat time encouraged. r I symptoi had disapppeareriTREATMENT
1a was cured 7 tears ago and and
at the end of that time every amp
ytgnsot any disease since. lir boy, three years old, is sound and health)'. ilv,� � utnw
can recommend your treatment with all my heart. Yon can refer any pe" ft
privately, but you can use tiffs sestiuionial as you wish."
BLOOD, SKIN and PRIVATE. Di•aaaes.
of Mea and Women HasREADER Are you avictim! Nave you lost hope? !fro you Intending to marry`
yOur blood belt l(Sewee)'fe
tl! have u any wr,tkr, .s our Nr.w )I,rn,•n
las TsgsT
Fes, No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Chart..
will cure you. Whist It bag done for others It will do for you. Consultation
Charges reasonable. Roots Free—"The Bolden Monitor.' 4 MIL St : nu itiseaArsof
NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRTifEN CONSENT. Everything confidential.
Question list and cost of Holz.. Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
one Pritchard, of Winnipeg was $1O. lege complete. The 'faculty recital]
OW. Of this .\1r. Foster took $5,000 given in tLc aulleg•• auditorium 1,11
for himself. atilt ‘v kik acting us the 1'rofeesor and ditcctor of music,
ut:uuvgcr and receiving hi:, solely es and 'lies Urquhart. of the alelwrt•
such. none of expreesiou, was attended by
The evidence l;iveit before the a laigc• crowd of citizens and e+tu-
Itojal Cowzniesion on fele insurance dents.
occ t
stnc Nwas
n tth t first
has made Mr. looter's name a byes apps ' d
word in hottest fintncial circles. of thtwa too artists, anti their t.•c,•I►-
A full line of Ile has lost his p°stlictt ofget tion teas ,nest decidedly enthusies-
of the Foresters 'This 11tFunds lda iotatic. Mies Urquhart, fa her recita-
8 with his retnowal he r. cuived a tions, displayed al tislle lalent't fine -
revere oatitigation from the Supreme ly trained, and etas
touch applause.
Many cononente on the programme
as rendered and they Fuse nit been
School B o o kGhi, t 1lanir.
and a 11 other Attbouglt thus publicly brooded
Hese as one unworthy of trust the ciao -
School Supp ices in this campaign ere asked to steeped in praise. TLe wileae and
return u panty to power who will community are }fortunate in having
11IN PRIZES! plane him again where he toluol nee in our Wiest two hurt•1talented ro>-
Oooe the vast revenues of Canada for the plc as bliss Urquhart and Mite Pro
benefit o[ hiruself and a hip aryeeiates• fesser.
No scholar should fail to h it money handled by suolt as Jet winlr. R. dows placedll li in tas he front of plate chis
The Fareet•'r_• e_
get one of our Prize Scribblers _ lesson does for all. brick block time improving its ape
and Pratice Books, and try Mr. John I2. llabkir'o. relurccd
' The Public 'Debt of Canada, is lees }look last week from the wost where
for a copy of the Boy's Own er .elation than it "as
phpoi spent several months.
Annual or the Girl's Own is 18teaJ6 d byof X10.32. Mr. and Mrs. Long. of Toronto.
Annual.Isere guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Smilic
The Foresters got rid of [Foster last week.
500 to be given away.
and 50 will North Toronto on the
Brownings Drug Store, Even the rlotttreal Star the lead -
The Exeter Times
Mr. J. titonthron, of Toronto and
26t11, if they are•w•iese.. Miss 'Kate ltonthron. of Exeter
spent last Friday in tonin.
Miss Ftossic foss has successfully
+ing• Cueservative paper in Canada re• completed her matriculation at the
fuses to swallow Fonio!. supplementary examinations held at
* • ' ' ' the Toronto University.
While the 'Con=ervatises were in Dr. W. S. Ferguson was called to
:er at 'Ottawa they gave away to Toronto last week owing to the death
of his brother A. K. Ferguson. who
was killed b; a street car in that
Exeter. Ontario.
ftl'eretts of Subscription $1.00 per
Par in advance. $1.50 may be
Illiarzed If not so paid. To United
e lates subscribers, $1.56 strictly to Ranstord advertised to :peat. at Exe-
No• paper discontinued) ter. Ile slid swell in 'January for
hallway companies over 56 acres al
it • • • •
We don't. 'ice our old friend John
*OM all arrears are paid. unless at
the option of the publisher. The
N ato d is de 1°enoted on thich hsubscription
label. is
Advertising rates on application.
• Any person or persons who takes youspend mot
'what you
in haveke rwhat
a paper regularly from a post office.
!whether addressed in his name or at the end of the 'week that makes
mother's, or whether 11e bas sub- the jingle inur•pocket-. t
scribed or not, is responsible for
Free mail delivery for the raraI
If a person orders his papers dis-
Payment. districts is the way the Laurier Ad -
continued he must pay all arrears,tainistratiotl proposes to use the big
or the publisher may oontinue to surplus. Another step forward.
• • • • ,s
Bend it until payment is made, and The story that the Grand Trunk
then collect the whole •amount
'whether the paper is taken or not. Grand directors
want tt w ith 'projectw from
ee he
The 'Courts have decided that re -!seems
fusing to take newspapers or period- to have been made out Of teals from the post office or remov-
ing and leaving them uncalled for Hon. It. P. Roblin. Premier of 15ian-
pttim subscription remains unpaid, l )lobe got a bad throat and !vont
,prrima facia evidence of intentional home after the spanking the Globe
fraud. gave him. The Liberals aro sorry
!I'HS EXETER TIMES P T'G Limited. he left.
Reduction of postage extension of
service, deficits turned Ro surplus
and noW 'Free Rural Mall iDelivery
a record to vole for.
EoSiei OHO Ilie FoieSIef Se
The last three years of Conserve-
' Live rule resulted in a deficit of
$6,000,000. The past three years id
Liberal rule has resulted in a total
- surplus of $48,400,000.
The investigation of the Royal
Feonitniesion into the conduct of In-
surance business in Canada laid bare
one of the 'boldest schemes
sevr de -
sised by a party of speculators
enriching themselves at the expense
of other people and at .the risk of "The lesser sum expended by our
other people's money. predecessors wits extravagance be -
This plot lbcconles of public inter- cause
clarger fid not
have it to spend
est 1 roto the fact that the plotters econotfY because we 'have lived with'
e !lading members of parliament, in opr means' lion. W. H. Fieldiing.
whom would assuredly be
Large of the puohe money
of .Finance if the Conner_
re returned to power.
fife of these gentlemen
e the money of the 'Indd-
r,ler of Foresters, specu-
it and pocket the profits.
oncy came trona the Frette-
d into the 1.0.1S. by Rho
and was held as a "trust'
r the widows and orphans' of
testers. No one shad ani right Mensal!.
c it except for their benefit.
ny interest it carned belonged
to thuna But 'the plottcl i devised a The Newton. Catawba
at ohm].ilmakes 1 he
scheme to evade lite late.
The plan ,was to form a Trust Co. follottina complimentare ,rofer,•ncu
capitalize it at *2,000,000 and . Fell to one of our Ilen;all young ladies,
the stock to the 'Foresters of $10, daughter of Mr. 1). Urquhart. "Miss
per share above par. F'at'ty shares Beattie Urquhart, of Hcusall. leacher
:were kept thy thetusclvcs in artier of expression. has arrived and
to qualify them es :Directors and makes the [acuity of C haft b:, Col -
the balance unloaded on the Forest -
ere. 'The first result was that $219,
600 of the Foresters money tva9 taken
As be'l'ls.
By the method outlined the echem-
crs %tete able 'to get control of 82,
145,600 of Forester money with •itliich
40 speculate. Hon. George B. Fos-
ter Ex. -Minister of .'Finance was
General Manager :Ind . plottett'-,m
chief. Speculation soon begin, l.itgc
tracts of land were bought in the N•
W. '1'. oatensihley 'for a syndicate
but with the Foresters' tuoneY. lit
one case a block of land
. ICJ1 Swan
River it as bought by
lion. B. 1'. Roblin. ile offered *5.25
per acro but etipulatcd that 25 cents
per acre twee 'tn be "CutnmiesioR to
hituiclf. Thio sunt *2,480 he took
directly from the fund..+ of the For-
esters while lac was acting a: nlarn-
agcr of their "trtist' (toile.
In connection Reith another block
of t his land the Commission due to
• • • it
Here is a fact worth remembering
land. since the Liberals have been
in power they have not granted an
acre of land to any railway company
except the right-of-wey to the G.T.
A clorgeman mrttes ; !.I rct•ene
tics, those little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets are working .wonders in toy
parish'. Prevcntics surely will
check a cold. or the Grippe, in 'a
very few hours. And Prevcntics are
so safe and harmless. No Quinine,
nothing harsh nor sickenung. Fine
for feverish restless children. 'Box
of 48 at 25c. Bold by W. ti. 4lowey:
We Trust
Ttrt*., e.
If you !Ire suffering from.
imp;;N: *'food, thin blood, de-
bility, n.:rvousncss, exhaus-
tion, you should begin at once
with Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it, too. Ask him about it.
Mlles, trete N daily arthn of this bowels.
pWh:'.'ilfo,:,";; _," nairnesis i d.t'ea.aRi 'cauds
preventing tie eetnearhtla trims. doingmttr
w.tk atec'. l'il't are liver pair. Act gently.
Mt estctabt-.
Lad• at 7. e. Ayer Co..Lowell. Maas.
[t,eo man,i/eoturere of
9 NOR wItN1A.
We Ism ro eeeret• t Ws retrials
We fefaall/ of all ear E.•distse'•.
Read the pain formula on a box of
Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your
Doctor if there is a }better orae.
Pain means congestion—blood pros -
sure somewhere. 'Dr. Shoop's +'ink
Fain Tablets check head pains. Moe
manly pains, Vain anywhere. Try
one, and see 120 for 25c. Sold by W.
S. Howey.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor . left
last week to visit their son Charles
in Boatot.
Mr. and Mrs. John Somerville, re-
turned last Thursday from their
honeymoon trip.
Misses Sarah and Mary Hazlewoodo
accompanied by Miss Annie Road-
house, of St. 'Marys are spending a
couple of woeks visiting friends in
Mr. and Mrs W. Moore, spent last
Saturday in London.
It was with deep regret that the
netts of Dr. A. K. •Fcrguson's un-
timely death was received here last
week. The deceased was well knot' n
and highly respected by the people
of Kirkton and vicinity. It was
bere he first taught school and afte,c
graduating in Medicine located here.
where he enjoyed a large pratice unr
til three Dears ago, when he sold out
to Dr. Campbell and event to Toronto. property, viz.
Success followed him there and at rho H'1Ii Ffi.—Three brood mares, ag-
time of his death was enjoying • a ricultural, supposed to be with fool;
large practice. The remains were ono gelding, agrienitural,; 1 mare
taken to $.voabank, his boyhood home draft, 6 years old; 1 gelding, agri-
for interment and a number from cultural, 'two 'years old; 1 stilly ng -
here attended the funeral.
More proof that Lydia), E. Pink-
hta,nt'.r Vegetable Compound cures
side women.
Miss M. R. Morin, 335 Ontario St.,
Montreal, writes to Mrs. }Inkhorn:
•• 1 was in very poor health and doc-
tored for month:, receiving very little
benefit. I had lost all ambition, was
nervous. and subject to dizzy spells and
painful periods each month.
•• A friend suggested Lydia E. Pink -
ham's egetsbie Compound as the
proper medicine for Inc. I procured a
bottle of this remedy and began tak-
ing, and Before it was finishe(t, I felt
so touch better that 1 continued its use
and gate it a thorough test, with the
result I ant to -day well and a much
healthier girl than I was three years
ago. I have no more painful periods,
dirs'iness or nervous trembles."
For thirty years Lydia K. I'ink-
1(inn's \'egrtal1t' C'onllotlu111, made
from mots and herbs, Bits been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands tiff
women who have been troubled wit 11
tlispla)t•Omctnts, inflammation. niches
tion, tihmitl tumors, irregularities,
periadie pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flat ulency,intlig's-
ittll.dWitless or nervous prostrlt iinl i
'(hy don't yen try it
Mrs. I'inkhatln invite•, all sick
,woolen to 'write her 1or ntltit�.
she has guided ti snout► to
health. Address. 1.ynnMass.
For Infants and Children.
,a,,, ,.u,u,4:s4.4•wm:mae116,11,40..4+-L,'
Rfoikes'DlgestionCh efful-
ittessJ;IlfdHest.Contaiasf either
-`,1MKorphine nor lfineral.
ApesfectRemedy fort o tstipa-
tloih, Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoea,
Worn'i ,Convutsions,Feveristh-
ness andLOsS OF SLEEP.
. !acSitnile Signature or
\, h r,tuttt:tti c,ricl
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TME CENTAUR Coa..AMT. 017t• TO•a ern.
Clearing Sale
Mr. 'Tho:;. Cameron has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
••••••••••••••••••••• ,410.••••••••••••••••••••••••••11
1 The IWolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL •••• $3374.00000
RESERVE FUND • • • • s3.974r000`00
Has tis Branches in Camila, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World. .
General Eaukieg Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. !Merest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
• .............••••••••••••40••••••••••••••••••••••••411
2 months old; 70 hens and pullets,
a number of turiteys.
IMPLEMEN'T'S. -1 binder ; 1 Deer-
ing mower ; 1 Deering horse -rake:
1 13 hoe teed drill; 1 spring -tooth i
ctlltivator; 1 disk I4larrow; 1 set
iron harrown1 land roller ; 1 scuff. -
; 1 walking ,plow ; .1 large two
furrow plow ; e lumber tt•agons ;
pair 'bobsleighs ; 1 top buggy ;
Oo mile east of Exeter Notth on, open buggy ; 1 hay rack ; 1 oto
Thames Road. on rack ; 1 gravel box ; ,1 fanning mill ;
1 oreann -separator (nett'); 3 sot
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1908 double harness (2 set nearly now):
At 12 o'clock flood. the following 1 set single harness; 1 car rope
and slinks; grain bags: sugar kettle;
grind stone,atono boat. sap-buskets;
1 textensien ladder 30 f t. new : 12
ft. ladder ; chains; shovels; forks;
hoes ; eto.
20 tons of timothy bay; 11)-2
acres of turnips; ono acre• of man -
Tho implements above nnentioned
aro mostly new. No reserve as,the
proprietor has ,sold his farts.
a` 11 stuns of $5 and under,
over that amount 12 months credit
will be given on furnishing approv-
ed joint notes, or a discount of 5
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce years old; 4 titeers 1' year old. :i per cent. per annum off for cash
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three heifers 1 year old; 0 calves. credit amen nts.
Mix by bloating ,tell in a bottle. sows: 9 store bogs 140 lbs; 4 pigs Proprietor Auctioneer.
and take a teaspoonful after each__-—�.s_�
rueal and at 'beiltitnn:.
lie states that the ingredients can
be obtained from any good prescrip-
tion pharmacy at email 81) cost, and bo-
nne of vegetable extraction. are
harmless 'do take.
Th:, pleasnnt mixture. if taken
regularly for u few days, is eai,l to
overcome altnsi oany ease of Ithets-
mati-tn. The /pain and swelling. if
any. diminishes with each dose, until
Permanent results are obtained, and
without. injuring_ the stotoach. While
there are many ee-osllcd Rheumatism
remedies, ;latent wedic;i ns. etc.. some
of aorto do give relief. few really
Race tIicrnteni•ul result.. and the
above Mill no doubt, be greatly ap-
precnited by many sufferers here at
title 'flint.
Inquiry at the drug stores of this
neighborhood clients the information
that these drug's are !rimless and
cin be t.ocght separately, or the
druggists hero will mix the prescrip-
tion for otlr readers if asked to.
A well-known authority on Rheu-
matism gives the followc,ng valuable
though Simple and harmless, pres-
scription, 'sshich anyone can easily
prepare at borne.
Fluid tF.xtract .Dandelion
ricultural 'two years old;'1 gelding;
general purpose, two years old ; 1
g, agricultural. one year old;
1 filly, agricultural, one year old;
3 sucking colts, draft : j carriage
marc, 6 years old. . •
CATTLE. -6 scows slue to calf In
March end April; r^. caws due i to
calf time of sale; 2 cows farrow;
4 istecrs 2 years old; 2 heifers 2
o,ie a
Auction Sale
Mr. B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer has
tett instructed by John Welsh to
:,• 11 by public auction. on.
1 1-2 miles north of Exeter.
—oil— '
'FIII" RSDAY. OCTOBER '23, 1909.
At one o'clock sharp, the ,following
pt opertY V:z :
HOUSES — One Lcaty draft breed
ward 9 years old ; 1 heavy draft
horse 7 years old : 1 d -year old driv
ing colt sired by Wilder Lee ; i heavy!
draft filly 6 ,nos. old.
CATTLE.—1 thoroughbred 'Durham
bull, two years old. bred by Henry
Smith ; 1 aged thoroughbred Dur-
ham cow in calf to thoroughbred
bull; J young thoroughbred Int r-
hatn cow in calf to thoroughbred
bull ; 1 thoroughbred i1)urharn heif-
er calf six months 01d ;.e grade m:lki-
ittg. in calf to thoroughbred bull;
1 grade 'heifer 3 years old with calf
at R:de.
IMI'Li.MENTS.—.'•la%w.•11 Willer
Walking plow, 'Frost & Wood. No.
20; Two ,furrow plow. Maple ,Leat ;
Gang plow 'Verity mike; Jet Dia-
mond httrtows ; Notion drill good as
new : ,tet bob sleighs: Heavy lumber
wagon :.About 400 eviler posts and a
gnantity of cedar roles, nit') t r :ln.
bcr of cedar anchor prate.
l -11M$ oft" natal;
Chattel•. all mums of 85 end meter
cash ; over 'loot nmoont 12 months
creellt will be given en 'fur,, -di tg
approved hint note+, or a discount of
1 1-2 cents en the dollar for cash
Cit credit moonlit.. Visi-
\Wr l -h. I roprietor : R�t, .
t pe \uei (iffy.
The only nourishment that bread affords
is that which the 'flour contains.
Bread baking is merely putting flour in
appetising form.
Flour making is merely putting the nu•
tritious part of wheat in shape for bread
(;ood milling i' the kind that takes from
the wheat all that is nutritious, nothing else.
Royal Household Flour
is made from carefully selected \ianitoba
Hard spring wheat.
Every pound is altnost a pound of food;
Clean, white, pure and nutritious.
It goes farther, does better baking and
3s more satisfactory in every way than any'
other flour.
Your grocer knows he cannot keep store
to well without Ogilvie's Royal Household.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Uadted,
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manger
1 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,
I I.1
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS hold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made int aI! parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113
Exeter Branch—G. W. IIarrison, Manager
Branoh also at Crediton.
�f'AZOR FLaSM �5�+:
c r1,:1, T,
":1. E. O. from 6. A. 8.
Have his initials with yours etdied'
ndon a Carbo Magnetic Made.,
Doesn't this solve the haunting ques-
tion " What shall I give him?"
There are a thousand pleasin.ggifts
CZ: a WO OSS to one for a man. He
avant s:iomething exclusively rraecie•
line :rid practical enough to be a
'cylinder of the donor.
" C:1, he has razors," or " Ne goys
to the barber shop I" you c&c oii..
A:: the r.:orc reason for a Carbo Mag•
retic razor—he knows from ezy-r4•
cote ti:c difficulty in securing a razor
th : tvi'.l give satisfaction every day
wit::r_t periodical honing and grind-
VJh.n you buy a precious :tone
y.r1 either sr Cure an expert to select
is or go to a well established (tet
,'rat will Lnroad;tioaally guarantee
its parity. Razor steel reeuces even
more care rn srlectron. It varies
more than a precious stone in quaiity.
The Carbo Magnetic razor has all
the good qualities a razor should have
with the anr.iyances left cut. O.re
Of tf.e:e rarcrs ;liven As a C.:rttt:r.as
present will prase A lasting 1,7 is
the recipient.
77'SIOOI S 01 Ilie C011gioQ Noll MI
Any person who is the sore headl
of a [smite, or any male over 18
years on'may homestead a quartefi'
sectoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba. Saskatchewan. or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lauds Agency or
Sub -agency for the district. Entry by
proxy may be had et the agency. on
certain condition`. by father, mother
sols. daughter, brother. or sister of
intcnd:ng homesteader.
Duties :—Six months residence upon
and eu:tivation of the land in eaob
of three years. A homesteader may
t`-• I live within nine miles of hie home-
stead en a ,farm of at least 80 acres
seicly oft nod and occupied by him or
itis father. mother. son, daughter,
brother or sister.
111 certain districts a hornestea3or
in good standing may pre-empt a
(Flarler . C(:011 alongside Ilia home.
�tentl. l'r:co 1, 3. per eery.. i)utiee-e
Moet reside Rix menthe itepach of six
years from elate of homestead entry
l:no:tiding the time required to earn
homestead patent) and culei vtaa
fifty acres extra.
A homeetea'1 •r alio lies exhausted
hie homestead right and cannot ott-
is:fl pre-emption may lake a pur-
ebat^d homes;o''l in e,•rt''.11 ilistricts
p,• c3. per nee.. I)atiee.—~List
reeido s'x mc•ntl.t in .-itch of three
year'. eu:tivate Cleo neres and eget
house worth 8'300.01.
w, w. ('oRY.
Depot) of the Minister M the lntertoe
N. 13.—Vnauthoritrd pnl•lir-ation of thl..dvertfee
went 4111 not be paid for
We carry a compete Inc of the s
unconditionally guaran-
teed Carbo Magnetic Razor., and
will have any desired initial engraved
en the blade without extra charge.
Lane is acting as secretary for the
Acommittee who are endeavoring to
colleet the county exhibit, and ho-
will be glad to send copies of the,
W. S. Cole, Druggist prize list anti nil elenreinformation
to anyarie :.king same. Allll express
charges 10 Godcrioh, and thence to
Toronto. will he paid. to that cxhihi-
ILttott'e Horticultural Exhibit. — tore are tit little or no expense. Ay
The attention of fruit ,Trower. all means let anyone hiving good
uuunty i' urgentiy fruit speeitnet i arrange to d ta
calledthrotoghothteth:s de=inacobility of haw:ng , ►o Mr, Lanc, xo Ihat or.r countysenmathey.
large exhibit of fruit gtown in (!:i '1a before lend in the disple.ye at this
county at the Provine;fl liort.ect-tsplerolol exhibition. Exhibits must
tura) Exhibit:on o hieh open• is Toro be at Godericli not lath r then Nov,
onto M. nb0th. Lib-: 2nd.
er,l priseons are ondayattardNot•cedtforcr the
eral competition, in which all trait All disoriIl rs closed by a bilious
growers tnny enter. and a grant of stele of the 'Intern oen be cured by
>E21 from the County Council ha4 been tieing CRrtrt'R Little Livor ''ills. No
folded to the 1'rovineiel prises in the! pain, griping or discomfort attend -
county cornpetitions. County clerk fog their use. Try there.