HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-15, Page 10 i nter HURON &M1DDL ESEX GAZETTE: ale THIRTY-SIXTII YEAR -No 1828 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCT 15th 1908, $I.00 per year in advance ttt••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••- e ere e••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••NN•••••• • JONES & CLARKS' _ Phone No. 32. LADIES WINTER Everybody seems pleased with our Coats this season. We. too, are proud of our great assortment. You get a distinctiveness of style here not shown elsewhere. Noth- ing but the newest and inart- est coats shown here. Our Beaver Coats from $10 to $12 Are Semi -fitting or Box style. With silk braid and velvet trinnuing or self strap- ping. They are very choice coats and our variety at those prices gives you a fine selec- tion. Our Beaver Coats from $15 to $18 Are. we consider, the best coats on the market. they are either tight or box fitting and beautifully trimmed with silk braid and velvet. All the leading colors and smart- est styles shown in all our Coats. COATS • ss i 22 • School Spor!s Pine0101ioo 10 W. R. Mel Last Friday was proclaimed a The members of the local banes and holiday for the high and public several friends of Mr. W. R. Alger, schools, the day being set aside for who left yesterday for Windsor, (tet the annual sports. In tho morning Tuesday evening at the Commercial two interesting games of basket h311 hotel, where Mr. Alger has boarded and football were played. In the since coating to Exeter and presented senior basket ball game the team him with a handsome watch fob and captained by Eileen farmer 1+'n3 win- locket and the following address: mer by a score of 14 to 2. The Exeter, Ont. Oct, 13th, 1aOF. junior ¢ams was Won by Stella W. It. Alger. Southcott's side 1-0. The football j)Qar Friend. -•Jt is with p:odoun.l game was declared a tie. regret that ee learn that you nre in the afternoon the other events about to leave us, but (while we re - were pulled off et the a ricub- tural grounds and were watched by gret your departure we feel pleased alarge crowd that you have received n well merit - ' ed Promotion with the institution The contests 'were all keenly con- institutiontested' and neatly every event was with which you have been a most well filled t,y pupils wishing to win valued employee, While you have the prizes donated. been among us you have made your. Ju the [fifty yard rase for boys self a most agreeable chap. You have done everything in your power to make things pleasant for its, and have.assisted us greatly in anything pertaining to %sports, and we are sure that in your new position you will not only be of great service to your employers, but that in a social way you will attain the highest standard. While the notice of your removal has been very short and ns you are com- pelled to take your departure • at once, we cannot let the opportunity go by without in some (way showing our appreciation of your past favors and friendship and ask you to accept this small present as a token of our high regard for you. under 8 years, \V, Brown was 1st• E. Wells 2nd and 11. Moyle Ord. fifty •2 , yards, girls under 8 M. Morlock, G. llarvey, M. Harvey ; Boys under 12 Clairio Wood, Hubert 11, Jones, D. hall: Girls udder 12 A, Bell, M. Knott. M. Acheson; Girls under 15 M. Jewell, 8. Southcott. Irene /Hardy ; Boys under 15 V. Sweet, C. •Wood, 1•;. Anderson ; Boys over 15 .13. Mar. tits, L. limn, G. Butt ; half mile re- lay race boys junior II. Hanlon. V. Sweet, \V. McLean: Quarter mile relay girls. Stella t5oatlhcott, Minnie Jewell, Lulu Taylor : half toile relay boys senior, 13, Martin G. Butt:Girls tvalkini• contest, Lulu Snell, S. Southcott, Minnie Jewell; Girls' egg race, Mary Acheson, M. Maywood, Irene hardy : /Boys' egg race, II. Hanlon. E. Southcott, C. Pickard; Boys' sack race, J. Butte 13. (Martin, F.. Anderson: Lady teachers' race. Miss Howard, Miss Gregory ; Trus- tees' race, Mr. II. E. !Huston. Mr. II. N. Rowe. Mr. Martin; Standing brood jump, junior, 1I. Hanlon, P. Harvey, G. Taylor : Standing broad t jump. senior 13. Martin, L. Bern, G. Z Butt ; Running jump, junior. Nr. Sweet II Treibner. Ii Brandt • Run- Ifcru G Butt peening high Jump UR NEW DRESS GOODS Have you seen about your New Fall Snit yet? It is a very important question now, and the easiest, quickest. and hest way to do is to call here and see our Swell Range of New Goods. Eiai 50c. yard $1.00 yard A choice line of fancy Tweeds in alt the new shades also a fine line of plain cloths in Black, Blue, Green and Brown. 75c. yard Buys some of our choice fancy striped Suitings in Blue Green or Brown; or a nice plain Satin or Venetian cloth in any color you may choose. This is the popular price for a Suit or Dress and our range is large in Fancy Strip- es, Fancy Tweeds, or plain cloths in all the leading colors andjfab'ics. $1.25 yard Something extra for this price. The beet Blacks, Blues Greens and Browns in plain cloths and some real swell striped effects. Ladies Fier -Lined Coate We have a very large range of Ladies Fur Lined Coate this season. No Lady wanting a coat should miss seeing them. We know we can please jou as we bought so many that we got then[ at the price to sell. Every coat Guaranteed as we sell no poor furs. The very Best Rat Lined Coats for $W, jai, $6'), $ti.i, and $75. \Ve also carry a fine lot of Men's For Lined Coats. LADIES FURS The very choicest of Neck Ruffs, Mulls, Stoles, Coats and Caps. A hig stock to choose from. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoesaand will pLp)ri. ••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22� •• MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private toads Oen on farm and village properties at lowrabs interest. OLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors. Main et.1Ezebst FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur geon. Successor to A. R. Ram- say, V. J. 'Treats .ill domestic ani- mals on most approved principalb. Special attention to dentistry. Office at Ramsay's old stand on Main street. Night call at Peter 13awden's residence Main street. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MMONEY to loan at lowest rates. North carat lan't, for Sale. Office. Main Street. Exeter B8.PHILLIPS, EXETER, LIC I • eneed Auctioneer. Males con ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable Orders can be left at the Ti n ttrt Office D R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Main street- Exgrga. T W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un remelts, oMce and reetdeaence. Dominion 1,5 natatory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Catarrh Suffer • • NAMELESS quickly. heals • the inflamed membranes, re- trooves the unpleasant stuffed up feelir. , stops sneezingg re- 4 leaves alt ca!ee, of Catarrh and • ('olds. \%e guarantee ire goodness. Try a bottle 2•ic. e and prove what we say. • liOsSENUERRY, 'ZURICH see our new Hal- 1 E' Licensed Aucttonecr• Sales con ducted in all [arta, Terms reasonabl Zjj lOe'en and Thanks - 0 satisfaction guaranteed .1..40NEY TO LOAN .► We have unlimited private fund for invest sn,5 neon tarot or village property Men ot In [.rant. DICKSON & CA siettsr DICKSON J!t CARLING, Diving Post Cards. PURITY Mr. Alger made a very pleasing re- ply thanking the boys for the many kindnesses extended him during his stay in Exeter. and extended a cord. ial invitation to any of them to visit him should they at any time go to Windsor. Woodham The second annivcrsars of \Vood- haut'.: new churct, was celebrated last Sunday, Rev. W. E. ,Kerr, of Clinton, preached troth morning and cttsu1rltgJ On d'lluesday etening a grand fowl supper was givcq in the basement of the church, after 'which an excellent program was given. Several from here went to St. Marys. Monday night to hear lion• G. I'. Graham. A bold robbery took place here between eleven o'clock Friday [right and two o'clock Saturday morning, when burglars entered A. 'fills tdl Co. store 'by removing .0 portion of a broken pane of glass, and stole some seven or eight dollars from the store and post office tills. Edgar Mills locked every thing up %%no closing for the night, taking most of the money home with ,him. About two o'clock Air. James Mills arose and went to the store to load sonic butter, which he intended taking to London. Ile found everything in the store upside down, and the tills lying on the counters. There were a number of 'postage stamps and coppers. but 'the burglars left them. Tho tills were pried open 'with a claw hammer, and in cast they would be surprised in their operation ,the burglars had opened 'the cellar doors in order to get out easily. Before leaving they opened cans containing salmon, sardines and peas :and twith crackers, cheese and butter indulg- ed in a lunch at the front of Lhe store. Two strangers were seen in the village during the afternoon and evening and it •is supposed they slid the deed. They evidently put in a portion of the nig' t in Ed. � Jae Copeland's barn. as marks could be seen in the ltay ,were they 'had lain. A handkerchief was found also a certificate of guarantee LATEST AND BEST „• ^tCT {o rl,' r Ii iir.'mm'`- ai.:fir. '''701 •1 i -5�� ! i '�fi " c Grand Bend which goes tth a watch. One of It has commenced to freest • ail the strangers called at the •'store Friday afternoon and asked Edgar nights note, making it very [raceme if leo sold whisky or •if any could fortablo for canvassing. be procured at the hotel. and on be- niag jump, senior, .B. Martin, W 33. Oliver has a gang o.f'nen at ing give[[ a negative answer left. work on the dock fixing jt up for -�- junior, II. Treibner, QI, llanlou. E. the winter. Brandt: punning high jump, senior. B. Martin, G. Butt. L. Bern : Leap frog race junior, Carling and Sweat. Southcott and Harvey, Hanlon and Jones : Leap frog race senior, Martin and Vern. Butt and Butt, Carling and Sweet ; Running hop step and jump, junior, It. Brandt. IL Hanlon. V. Sweet : Running hop [step and jump senior, I3. Martin, G. Butt, L. Hera;..,Pole vault, junior, II. Treib- ner, G. Taylor. C. Harvey ; Po'.• vault senior, 11. 'Treibner, E. C.peland. G. Taylor ; Girl in bast sporting cos- tume Margorie Huston Miss Iloward Beatrice llodgert : (Mile Marathon rare. junior. Barry Carling, Clarence Pickard, II. 'Treibner ; Marathon sen- ior. (rile and a half Ed. Willis, L. Horn ; Throwing •basket ball, 8 Petty. Irepe Handford ; Special by N. D. Burdon for ladies' blind fold race. Gladys 'Kestle. In the evening the presentation of prizes to the lucky 'winners took place in the Opera Hausa Mr. \Veidenbantmer occupied the chair and at interval.;. addresses weAre made by Revs. .Martin and Goin. Music tens [furnished by the school otipile. For the second time Beatty Martin :and herb Hanlon have be i successful in [tinning (the medals. for the highest number of points lit the senior and junior events. --+--- BOWLING Two rinks of Dashwood bowlers came over Thursday for a friendly game with the local players, and al- though they put up a nice game the Exeter bowlers were winners in each contest. EXETER DASIIWOiOD N. B. Burdon J. K. Goets W. 11. Alger Kcllcrmann W. J. Beaman Siebert L. 1i. Dickson llarticib Skip 12 Skip t) N•. W. Taman. 3. K. Goers D. :icltniis Kellerman( W. 11. Levett Siebert \V. Cla.t k. llarticib Skip 15 Mr. lfarrsion 1)r. Sweet Dr. Bright 1(1:Itchfuld Skip 15 W. Barrows I. R. Carling hr. Bright Rev. Collins Skip 18 L. ltavelle has moved his moving store off the road for the season. Mrs. Wm. Fritz visited at Zuricls on Monday. The sale held My Mrs. ."James Cronyn ort Tuesday was largely at- tended and everything brought good prices. Ito ale amounted to a good utat9 ., housand dollars. AA 'sic eel enthusiastic meeting yv t Mk lrenner's Hall on Wed- nesda fight in the interests of M. Y. McLean. Everyone went .home well satisfied. Mrs. W. I1. Oliver left for St Marys on Tuesday morning, where she will visit for a couple of weeks. G. Beaman is having his house re- painted. • The farmers of this locality bre still complaining of it being too hard to plow. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allister have moved to our town where they in- tend to reside in the future. • A few friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard on Monday night to celebrate their tin wedding. After partaking pf all the good things provided by the host, all went home well satisfied, hoping to have a good many more chances to visit thein on such occasions. 41. TO TIIE ELECTORS OF SOUTH I I U ILON Gentlemen, -Orr the 112nd of Janu- ary 1a$t you did me +the honor of electing me as your representative to Rhe Dominion tl'arlitnent, for which I return my sincere and heart -felt thanks. As Parliament hos been dissolved and another election will be held on Monday, October 26th I am again a candidate for your sufferages. As I have only been per- mitted 'to have part of one session I think in justice to the constitu- ency as well as to myself, it is only fair to ask a renewal of your confi- dence for at (cast a lull (tenni. This 1 now ask at your hands. and should you sec tit to thus favor Inc. I promise you that no effort will be Skip 11 spared on my part to a ivance the R. Goetz spared interests of my constituents Wambold and the welfare of our growing and prosperous country. Tiernan, MBefore the close of the campaign Miller skip 13 I hope to have the privilege of mect- mg with many of you personally and It. Goetz erlof discussing with you the great \\ n 'Tiernan public issues which are now so car- Minestly engaging the tattcntion of ear - Miller the people of this country. skip 15 Again soliciting your sufferages and nupport, I am, EXETER 1'UIILiC SCHOOL BOARD Your Obedient Servant. M. Y. McLEAN, Literal candidate for South Moron, The regular monthly 'netting of the hoard was held in tile Towtt hall Monday. October 12th. with all members present. The following is the order of business duly iethtnittcd and approved. l'er Chair, minutes of previous meeting. l'er S. Martin and It. N. Rowe that the doors required Can. Exp. Bid. J. \V. Powell 2 for t he Library be procured and d under the direction of the ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• Itelmirs committee. 1'cr F. ,Wood • • plnc c ' u' and 8. Martin that the payment of Mr. lllostgarth, supply in the Com- mercial department. ('e the regular monthly payment void to that de- partment. l'cr F. V. Madman and I'. Wood that 1h•' following payments be approved. Geo. M. henry sire Co. science supplier $2?.20 : J.Gr igg lib- rary. 824.60; W. S. hooey. drri!. ty1.05. l'er 8. Martin and It. N. Rowe that the Repairs Com. Arrange With TRAot Mantes the janitor for the taking out of the l.rger aToo ts in the approach to the ant.�met9e11ne . ohlc1ttont or tbs MoIsoss Bank. lite. Moser to Loan at lowest rats. of la wrist OFFICE t -l1 AIN STREET, EaltTiR. a. cantina a 4. 4Ir. OtetaOa Lewis Thomas Sc Nutt@ri Civil Engineer & Architect (IA!. Department of Publlo wool.., C•ana.la.) Conailttn,t En (neer for Yuni-ipsl and County Work. Electric e and System wTanes. Brittat and rRetentotred Concrete e race,' a London Ontario DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. tt. i O. D. M., Dentist. Member of 1 R, C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. On1CR:_Over Dickson & Carling's LaOffices in Dr. Andersons former SO HEARS` EXPERIENCE PATENTS Daman, Co'vasawra &C. Anyone ,swivel a .retch and deserlrli neinin ��trtr1o.1 Meertata one epinMn res 'v'mnnlnl• IM.ntw n N peobat'y p to opnuPunl tlrnMetrteti;QMaeeentey fo�r^�a Ca receive ewstls�iwtls% W*koaf h■"�, lob sIllifie y illustrated weekly't rias poiima Wield. Sold kr INtbssdasl. V et. Wedowee..i0.- , . a school. Per S. Martin and lis Wand that 31, Ruston and F. W. Glad:nail Ito a committee to enquire into the present rendition of the fonds of the hoard in trlt!t with the Corporation. to confer with the Conneil as to the best arrangement for handling do Santo during the iuenmitlg year and to report the judgment of such con ferencc for discu•!ion at the rest regular meeting of the Board. Pe 11. N. Rowe adjournment. .1. GR1(s:i, Bcey. Ow:ng to 'next Sunday being the anniversary of the Cavell Presbyter- ian church. there will be no service in the Main Street church in the evening. Service in the morning as usual. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, spent last week visiting in Palmerston. Mr. 'David tichoetling, of ' North Dakota. is visiting )tis parents. I1. is twelve years since Mr. Schoell:g was here. Tho services in the Evangelical Church last Sunday evening ver, conducted ley Mr. A. Cullens. )'roi- vinoial Secy. of the Y. M. C. A. and Mr. L. C. Fleming, of Clinton. HuiT- wt County Secy. This soviet was in the interest of the young Hien. id is expected a branch of the Y. M. C. A. will .be formed here shortly. Rev. A. D. Giehler attended the Sunday School Convention of Steph- en and Hay held at Crediton last Friday. Mr. Geo. Schoellig intends selling his farm on the Goshen Line and moving to Detroit. where three, of his slaughters reside. The annual teernarnent of the Zurich Gun Club '.t -a,; bald last Fri- day. 'IOesars 1f. Randall and John Zettet met with n serious ncc:dent on Mon- day of last week, while pointing pn Mr. J. l'recter's new house. They were (both at work on the solidi go.. ble about thirty feet from lbha ground. (when, 'without a moment's warning, one of the supports gave wdy. and they both landed on the hard lrroun<I. Randall eves ancon scious for about half an hour and re- ceived a nasty • scalp trvcuttd, :t fracture of the outer cnverinz of the ,krill and some internal injuries:Intl is ill a critical condition. Zettel maty more fortunate although his injures consists of a fractured right arta, a sprnincd leg and bruised face. Thal both escaped iw•ith their lives 15 nothings ,,Mort of a miracle. Tickling, tight coughs tan to sure- ly end quickly loosened with a pro- scription :1)Niggists ate dispensing everywhere ns Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Arid it Is so very. veep different than common cough med-I icines. No opium. no cblorofonn, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung: healing moil nta;eou! Shrub, given the curative properties to Dr. Shoop,+ tough Remedy'. Those leaves! have the power to calm the most dis-I ,tressitig Coltishntt'l to soothe and The following Meetings will be addressed heal the moat sons;five bronchial membrane. Mothers should for by Mr. McLean the Liberal Candidate and safety's sake alonone, always demand Dr. Shoop's. it eats with perfect( freedom he given to even the young-. others. est babes. Test it yourself and SCSI Sold by W. 8. !Dowel,. a NATIONAL HEAMAN'S STEEL RANGE HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE T. Hawkins & Son Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc. We (lake a specialty of Eavetroughing, Hoof- ing itnd Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town) T. KAWKINS & SON FALL SUITINCS Just to hand the largest and best stock of Fall Suitings ever shown in town. We have received the Fall Plate of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Wear. Make your selections early and avoid the rush. W. JOHNS Merchant Tail( r Exeter, Ontario Liberal Meetings Wh_tlen Mrs. A. [Dinsmore after a pteneant Hon. A visit with relatives and • friends around here left mi Thursday to vis - SALE IREG▪ iSTF.tt it her brother Rev. \V. n. Unison. of Auction snie. of farm and per.'onel Kingevillc. property. Lot 14. Con. 10., Ilan 1 1-2; Mian Sarah Batten. of 'Zion. visited miles south of Zurich on Thursday,) her Sister. Mre. 'Thos. Metier ole San - Oct. nth al one. o'clock. F. !le!sen-( day. berry, Auctioneer. George echoellig, :Messrs. Ilazlewood and 8weitzer 01 proprietor. Kirkton, were visitors at our S. R.- on .on Sunday. Mr, end Mrs. David John=ton. of :McIntyre. were the guest? of •Mr. Wm. Gunning 011 Sunday. e Mr!. J. V. Mill!on and. Mrs. Dins-' more spent Tuesday the guests of Thur lay. (kt.,22. 1i08, farm faun stock and implement", lot 23, hon. i I 'borne. John Welsh. prop. 'Thos Ctrneron and D. S. i'hillips, Auto': Tuesday, Oct neico. Ura. Dae. Leas!. of 20th ` , ban stock andiboir 1u.plcrrents. Lot 22. con 1'sborne ttbo.ir cy. at 12 o'cl<ck noon A Campbell ' prop Thos. Cameron Auet I A meeting of the congregation "as ▪ ' I held on Thursday and it ono decided to celebrate Thank giving by havingl n fowl slipper. it is exp, cted that Rev. F. Langford. of Embro, '.viii bo ' the speaker 'for Slnulay and the tom.I • %sit tee in charge are Spir:ng no cf-, fort, to make the programme nn' Willi).evening the best ever lie- teaed Ib in these pier. 1 The ympathy of this community was ted when the Sad death of CASTORA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Exeter (opera house, Friday Oct. Nth.) ) 0. McKay, will address the Exeter meeting. Farquhar (Public doll, Tuesday Oct. _ ',id ) Zurich (Town Hall Friday Oct. •_:Sed,) W. J. Curry, K. C. Ex -Crown Attorney Toronto. Creditori (Town Hall, Sat. Oct. 21th. Thomas McMillan.) • Each of the abos. Meetings e('mtnener et s o'clock. G. d Save The King. Dr. Fsrg':•oii. (.f Toronto, eves learn CII of, as the dostsr whits practi!iaf in Kirk ton had made warm Sriend)t in many homes here. Nr. Wm. ilrook.s ' ca: s a ti o..'' nils these days-asre its a girl. if there ever was a specie any one complaint (ben Little Liver Pills are a !p sick headarhe and every should know Oily on dose. Try thorn.