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Exeter Times, 1908-10-08, Page 7
L LL1L _ _________ _______ 1WORTHYS TR1G1{S OF GKl��1NALS� The fear that they are WabtingTNC REAL COUNTRY L1F'!:1 blas tune over lefties ur are befog mademadeWeak a1d Reil Down � I STA li E N IDENTITY ak FEE N ASSISTS ROI: 1"ES'10 ESCAPE. the victims of jokes often leads the police to err on the other side. Some years ago, 0'10 of the most cruel murderers ever k:,ue n almost mr �� . worship Is a Reaching HpToward That�I�OI•S}IIIS aR►�aC�11I1Toward That c:raped because two policetuen re- �ya P g Which Is Worth While. y Cenul it3 Fes=�r� 7 3 ttiie Live- .' Ti11s. Meet Bear mss:p,iic t;,e Of Sec. Fr;-S?mi,_• R'rxl per rid v'. VW: 0191.11 oat was •.1.y to tabs a: Ludt. .4% prv.a._`-'_ FOR 14£A2A =E. t1.` n tit ft?R 1'i:It1?l_ '?. T'!'t•E FCd F;LICb: JESS. FA's TO^PIG !.!VER. �'._=� .: 1 g , ,E vie. + IXION Pear r yeti: 25 cot, peeaty CUR` SICK HEADACHE, Had Weak Back Weald Lie la Bed Por Days • at vies Scarcely Able to Tu Liniments and Plas:.i•s Did No Good But DOAN'S KID- NEY PILLS Cured Mrs. Arch. Sebnara, Black Point, N.R., writes: -For yyeara 1 was troubled wits weak back. Oftentimes I have lam in bed for days, being ecarcely al,1e to turn my- self, and 1 have also been a great sufferer while trying to perform Inv household duties. 1 had doctors attending mo with- out avail, and have tried liniments ind plasters but nothing neem to do me any good. I was about to give up in dcpair when may husband induced rue to try I)oan's Kidney fills, and after using two boxes I am now welt and ni,lo to esu m • work. I am positive Doan's Kidney Pills are all that you c1'im for then, anti I would advise all kidney sufferers to give them a fair trial. Do'in's Kidney Pini will cera all kiwis of Kidney Trouble from Backache to Bright's Disease, and the price i• only 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt Of price by The 1)otn Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. CARRIED OUT INSTRUCTIONS. Every sailor has his story of the mistakes which "landlubbers" make over the names of things at sea.; which always seem] to be ex- actly the opposite of what they are o•I 1a:nd. A new boy had come on board West India ship, upon which :t painter had also been en'pioyed to Verse 1. ])avid d vi eft in his paint the ship's side. The painter Jambe--Thehouse built for him at was at work upon a staging sus-' Jerusalem by Hiram, king of Tyre per dere wieder the ship's stern. Sarre. :i. 11). The captain. whe had just got in-• Nathan the prophet --The princi- to the boat aiongsitle, called out to }all adviser and counselor of King the new boy, who stood leaning 1):.,id cturieg a large portion of his i' i'r)the rail, ''Let go the painter reign. rice relation of Nathan to Every body should knots that a David a ass in many, respects s►iu,i- boat's painter is the rope which lar to that which Samuel here to snakes it taut, but this boy did not Saul. know it. Ile ran aft and let go the A house of cedar --Cedars of di -- ropes by which the 1►:ti11ter's stag- tent Lebanon had been furnished ins was held. A1.samtiine the cap- by Hiram fur the royal mansion of lain was wearied is ith waiting to l his friend. King Daviel. bt cast off. Under curtains -In a temporary "Yee, rascal '" he called, ''why tent --compare Wort Studies for don't you let ge the painter ?" s,unday, October 4. "He's gone. sir." said the bey, •l. A11 treat is in shy heart :1}'- Jfused to investigate charges of whose truth they were in doubt. A Officers of the Lutt 1•'requcrrlly Ale man running along behind a cab low Rascals to Slip Through came up to two policemen and gasp - e d mut that a murderer was riding in the cab with the remains of his victim. Out of breath from his exertion hen of man, stand on thy feet and things behind, to cast off the old Their Fingers. 1 will speak unto thee. -}Eek. ii. 1. garments of weakness and %ander- The measure of the worth of any fug. and put on new glory day by Many of the mistakes of detec- u•tet•,ship must be in the increasing clay. • tis es are those of mistaken identity. HON ('1' IS I:NJ(il'F:ti IN 1.1lR- -t WA 1 .t 1' s7'lt.t I.I .t. May Ask Yourself and Stay us Long as 1uu LikeI.ncertain- ty of Dome:elks, In Australia a eteritli's visit to a ssortl, of file worshipper. if ttc Because mon is the son of the 6 -yule time ago a men belonging to and too excited for a connected Country !mina. t;.►;fid be nothing. one of the bust known and t+eaithi ate►ry, the police officers mere in- 1 wu months- three mouths - sax would glorify the Creator the best most high he is not afraid cif his fa- clincd to think the man either crazymonths--as long as ye�u like -would way will be by making his crcatioa ther s face and he never has found est, families in the country true mut be considered too lung, oLh'r more glorious. God is not made high t He Kr e•itly surprised and more i ,dig c'1 drunk, and therefore turned a (leaf cart 1 11 t If tl ff e g equal. Nobody thiol. snore by making than lues. T,•ue n t ! d d of dates. iu v+ rite unci ruv ite you religion in every is ay will 1i19pire tuid lead then to larger 1itir,g. We have had enough of ,he relig- ic►n that thought of man as utterly _ depraved, that chose to describe est life. ! lured man, says the Chicago Tri-, the murderer have gond undi▪ scov- •eten-tc face all the cumin encics him as a vile worn' of the dust, and It is the spirit of God that snakes' bune, wero followed by equally pro- erect. you neither ask nor are asked ; that expressed its highest wish in men aspire. Think no glory of fuse apologies on the part of the, Detectives may arrest the wrong' , . ut' the Prayer, "O, to be nothing. n:,- character too great for you. Lookdetective, so that the incident elos- person sometimes, but inure often sou simply go. And, "mum's urriv thing." Man was made to be some- on lifer as simply heaven's way of ca without ill -will on either side.; they allow a criminal to go free for cd, you remain, writes Louise Mack thin and religion is to help him setting the upwardpath before us 1 A mistake with a more tragic re- fear of holding an innocent man. in the London Daily ala►il, for the. 1„ tt 6 ► , g one unfailing commodity of an Au- be something greater, nobler, fair- look on its every discipline as a cult occurred in England in 1870. Charlie Peace. the noted English } anythingtoo i ' for him. a is ai c , , e- a Ins allegations. things b in e most like his father as he reaches Hain when he was arrests by a e ba ions. ►o dates. , mut after the life that is great and tc ctive who thought he had ca ptur- pursuer had not met later on a less - 1 from the lath to the ant" would be gcod and noble. The children of ed a criminal who recently- had es- i str.Ptrcal officer the remains of the. rude You are asked to stay as the most high are known every-! caped from prison. Profuse ex- I nturdered person might have been where as those who seek the high- ! planatiuna on the Part of the cap- Placed in a safe hiding place and long as you like; or else you ask �•e urself to Stay- us you like' 0 similar' Thecriminal, used to laugh la lar' country house is welcome. er than he ever has dreamed. call to true worship, to endeavor mistake arose in corinect'ou ' ►q r over the_ When a man has told the Al- :o be worthier to climb somehow with the fame% Edlin hatn bur I number of times he had passed a Everything else may give out. If g g" i you stay long ©Hough there is sure chief and she were giving a dxnu,'r. mighty that he iri only a vile worm nearer to the face of i lary, when two mon were brought watchful policeman with a cheery to be a time when there are no ser- vants, er Among the guests there was a of the dust, his gratuitous informa- tion before the Newcastle assizes chars_ • "Good-night"without arousing 1.u- pants no milk, no vegetables, no sot►rig F.ng1iihmatn. Suddenl •there - THE E IN FI N I rE GOODNESS. ed with the robbingof the vicar- snit ton. Charlie's frock coat andg ' y Linn has branded kiln as a hype' + silk hat and hi,, apparent knowledge meat but mutter', or even no water, was a lull in the ::cunt•c rsa:bye trite, for while he may have ac- curately I would rather trust the honor of age. It appears that when the ti -1 of the nes itborho,d lulled to ret but the thoughts of guests going At►'Ertl pausae • i;aicd the boy car interrupted his unwelcome visi- torsaway will never enter the minds of g lightly euratoly described himself, he the mal' who is conscious of being they had shot at him, so that any suspicion that the oilier might Englishman li. ht} • to his hostess. would he the first to resent our ac an erect animal than of the one ` the host and hostess. Her hands were on the table at cP lance of his own estimate, while the charge of attempted murder have at seeing him out at such a Good nature, that. n'oment. P who interprets his religion in terms ass added to that of burglary. The strange hour.gayety, informality ''S :(t the same time he has no right of self ohne atiun ; the latter is li- One summer afternoon an CXCC -these aro the leading notes of life ► u would volt have if you'd Bono gtwo men, Branaghan and Murphy,p- , scut own to utter such a libel on the, race. able to lite; up to his own specifics- who were charged with the, crime, t y : stranger 1 every Australian country house. washing and ironing," Every endeavor for better, par- , t'enall well dressed t ran er was was her stranget tions. If we would have men up - picnic convicted and sentenced to Seen to enter the front gate of a One morning after a moonlight and unexpected er, larger and more ideal living 'x right in their ways we must aid life imprisonment, as the evid(•n(•e "reuse in a wealthy neighborhood. picnic perhaps -you do not wake reply. an act of worship. Every prostra- thein to being upright in their flue- He walked tc, the door and tried to for your early tea. You sleep, and After breakfast you may help to sseemed to be convincing beyond thecatch the horses in the paddocks, tee) in the dust, save in sincere s}111► shadow of a doubt. They served often it with a key. As he could it gets cold. The servant, guessing p , c(.nfestiion of past failure and with This world needs men who willthat has happened, comes hack 1 and then you can go riding as long cr.nfeseeey rising to new endeavor, is Seton yearn of their term. Then not do so he went around to a win- as you choose. stand up on their feet. ; who are not two other men confessed that theydew and pushing it open,later with another cup, but still you y' an offence against the love that hasdo not wake. She returns; it must "DO :1S y'OU LIKE" afraid of belly' individuals, who: alone were CLIMBED IN THROUGH IT. be five times, can he counted and who can be ; fur when you wake is the only recognized order of the counted on. that was glory of ( OF TRI•. ROBBERY. It was a suspicious proceeding, but up you find five cups of cold tea day. 'There will be Kolf, tennis WOULD VERY OFTEN FAINT AWAY Mrs. J. 11. A mist rang. Port Fin ales, Ont., tells of her experience with MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. She writes : "it is with 4rntituele I tell how your heart and Nene benefitted are. "1 was very weak and run down, had headaches nearly even• day *mil very often would fault away, iu fact, my doctor said that turnetinte I would never come out of the faint. It lens, through on' of your travelling agents that I was induced to tryMiILurr►'s Heart and Nerve Pills and after taking three boxee I am glad to r•elete it has been a number of years since I had a faiietiiu spell slid scarcely ever - fate a headache. Too much cannot be said in praise of Mil - burn's Ileart and Nerve Pills, for in me they have effected a perfect cure." Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for 81.25, at all dealers, or The T. Milt,uru Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. destined us for greatness. '1'H1 DIVINE ('.1LL TO MAN is to stalls! up aild 'strive for the h'ghest levels of life. Make the most of yourself, for manhood has been given that we might make it mean yet. more. The godly life is the life that grows in goodliness, in godlikeness. The reality of the sense of the infinite being niay be measured by the earnestness of our c'rdet►t a �r to attain to the beauty of that life in our own. No man ever strives after such GUILTY that goodly life long ago theiu Judea! as the Hien was dressed in the Ftanding in a row on your bedside croquet. polo, kangaroo hunting, and Galilee; it couritec! as an indi-' Supt. Butcher, one of the most hcighL of fasliimt, the officer en the table rowing on the creek (hat no punt- astute detectives Scotland lard When peopleprove unamiable ing),g idea} lift.. It etas a life that stored beat thought that it was the owner P I (Iimoonlight rides, hilly tea, and there is: rine explanation-dyspep- picnics galore. And there will be sia, which is easily accounted for gayety and laughter, music and l:y the climate, the large amount song, dancing and bridge, night and of meat eaten and the abnormal day and day and night. And all day long there will be tea. Tea at seven. tea for breakfast. tea in the sitting room or veranda at eleven, tea for lunch,' tea with dinner. et ► osbc sbc d was sent down to n.p and has cried to all a:e'r lives p of the house, who, having forgot - investigate the mystery. the chief ever) since ''Stand up, look up, Lift: of the lural police, who had been ten his key, had used the window up. a' his means of entrance. However, in charge of the investigation at the ' Men have seen the divine in that the officer thought it best to seat :. life because it lifted itself toward t,n'e of the rubbery, had died mean- the place for a while to see if a. •.- c:uantities of tea consumed. while but some of the subordinates the divine. It hese become worthy t;,Jiu had ussrstcd him were plated thing out of the way might occur. IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS, of worship because it constantlyA short time later, emerging frurn worshipped by becoming more woe- on trial, it being alleged that they the front door, the stranger stop; three hours from Sydney, arc many thy. It has lifted lives because it had concocted evidence •wilfully, up- tied as if some one had spoken to has gone on rising to higher levels.: on which evidence the two men him from within, and, saying, full life s+ithuut realizing how it o if any life would truly worship, were convicted. Aft a long • trial •}'es I�es;R, I have my key this beth nr'ce. sitates and develops the it must realize its own dignity, its the jury found thein innocent of •time," be lifted his hat and walked tt• ilf ll• f t !� spirit of humility, how, as eine seeks after fairer living, all the foulnesn er,cl unworthiness stands revealed. Yet we have to learn to lease these c wn glorious destiny, arid, stand- , u y t,tanii a e crit► OVI( encs, Slowly away. Suing hours later, ing a},right, strive out and up for tut rho judge in sunnming up point- when the real owner of the house s e 1 out that there had been grievous fullness of living. returned, the policeman learned HENRY F. COPE. ii,istakes in judgment on tiie part . that his first suspicions had been; Dash, who once behaved so badly of the police. I 1 , to a houseful of guests. De '!'uurvillc, nue of the most' correct, for the, well-dressed string- , c 'c '.'r esus criminals I er had walked off with the jewelry heeling ill ones day, he went to 1 1.0 )c ue-- r, 1.0 ,- •' e and everything of value that: he ! see a doctor. Dyspepsia, said escrt ed t list ► t fu , lr 1 " • ' beautiful country houses, mostly The gentle art of milking coffee bungalows with wide verandas all is not one of Australia's accom- around where Sydney people fly in 1►lishments. At 1 o'clock lunch will February and March to get away he served of cold (neat, mutton from the dreadful heat of the city chops, curries, salads and a bewil- lby the harbor, and here you will dering array of gorgeous fruits, find the house of the famous Mr. peaches, nectarines, persimmons, Passion fruit. pineapples, grapes, guavas, custard apples and melons heaped up on enormous dishes. 'there may or may not be wine. TIIfl S. S. LESS�NI 1\'t'Eli \ VI ION tI, 1.1':s•40N, 11. t•t s -are 11. Cud's I'roneist' to {)at ill. (.elltie'n 1e"l, I. hinge 1. :,ti. 10. Will I I O "havel terrible ►f t} Euro op clued. p p ►r rn en r t ,ng trine t:he c fetor. 11 hat you nee( s [ ( could lay hes ked -gloved hands np I ru ►abl} not, for 1'reneFe and Ita1i- Jchovah will build thee a house- 1'ccatrse, ►,f the mistake of a c,ctec- on 1 cheerful company, bright converse- an wines are prohibitive, and Au - This promise of Jehovah to David tive. The death Of a woman at Alth<,:sgh the detectives of Paris tion and laughter !" sage ns have not yet :' depted that T'nisstands in clear contrast to Davin s Scarborough. by what De Tourville :are known the world over for their "Then 1'11 run up to Rurrad o sage law of drinking the wien(' of cwn purpose to build a Louse for dec'lar'ed was Lhe accidental dis- . t the French officials to might," said Mr. Dash. "MY the country and patronising. . their P P , excellent Murk Jehovah. char t of a revolver, was inverai- c f the :smaller cities sometimes make daughters have a lot of people' own clarets wend burtztindics. T'ere 11. Thy seed who shall he of gate by a detective Irom�London' ludicrous mistakes. there; they'll cheer me up " ; will be lime juice and len en e:rupe • thy stns ---The simple promise of the t'lt so frank and open appeared the l ►elle pflice in a small seaport He arrived at his country house and whiskey and soda stan:id o;n the t•e e cedi g verse is here expanded.: conduct of the great criminal, and i tc,wn of France were aroused tri nc- that night in a violent temper, ; •sideboard all day lung. ])inner will s Sf flourishing wars his appearance, limn a ah:,rt time ago' go by a tom- ga• rde at the man, the horses, the },e. at 7, and then rhr'mprall :till !• - Ile shall build mea house - that the officer was misled, and re- Y •arcden at the dried u look of the Daiid's son and successor was to ntunieat it►n from headquarters. A �� ' p l drunk. The ladies v: ill :ell dress i r a man of peace, because of the tl�etaffa:ithar vt hs an ace cder'twas meed that hatch of ssix photographs was en- c',umtry, at the giving out of the ice, for dinner, suet remarkable- well tit rely established kingdom which : closed in the communications, with at. the heat -at everything. At' too; but if a man er two appear in Then, a few years letter, thet dinner t1►e guests, who were all morning be inherited from his father. Hence' de all] of the wife o ; rnetructions that the original of clothes no one will lc, in ho, ruttier than David who had been f De Toun i110 ; them was hiding in their locality j'c'ungish, sank into deeper and the least disturbed. a Hien of many watts, was the more utas being investigated -be marder- 1 and was urgently wanted. Of , deeper silence, appalled by the alt- I A curious fact a ill he the entire ei:it:tii person t:, build a temple; ccs her by hurling her over a pre course, all of the six pictures were ftt' look on Mr. Dash's fare as he' absence of rabbit from any tr.cna, cipice in the Alps- bodv of the M carved the turned beef thick,and. for Jchfcuh. those of one main taken from dif-- - woman who had (lied t. S b i g sl :le rens u r ► s 4. Forever -We note that the',.tsRh was exhumed and exnminPd.' cre11, P ° ' beet and mutton and a turkey and a}1e,llrld to the de 1ructiou of the chronicler uties, the words i the I aril Rv stem. The Parris ant•hfrttles were Rs tries and a pigcren plc tri eat fn land. but never do Non find a dish assurance in reference to David's frig herself by accident, she hnd : t, un(lecl a few dats:s Iat�r on reeeiv- eed it] a "Messianic sense, whereas },(.,.n murdered by some one wl,o the author of Second Samuel refers heel shot her in the bark. ea that a ince notice from the zealous officers them directly to [)avid himself! a dight exnrninatinn wonl(1 batt r re- , (f the little town dist they had sue- t the. parallel account in 2 Year (.t the fact. The mi.tnke' of the cecded in landing five of the men fiats. 7). ''Thy "close and thy king- detective nt the time cif the Srir- and were sure to eaptnre the sixth dun' shall he made sure forever'' borough crime had terrible re.trlts, desl,erate criminal within a few (2 Sam. 7. 16)• fr • in the time De Ter:irville was hours. 1G. Sat before Jehovah-- In pro larged communion and meditation. COMMITTED TWO MORE MUR- . n � c•ar or- .'W' asked w ht there wag nothin but --- over �--__-..�.: „ arena! . l 1 11' } f t Dints f v e w accordin to 8 over the count t n l f rabbits it c}iors of final I► was f'►rind that far frem kill _ cu briskly;►' in' s gene -pots, brushes patently David had not yet ex - and and gratitude fill the and all ! heart of the king as he reflects up- ►ressed his desire in words, but �athan rightly An i)I1scrup'!ious Druggist Will Try and Soli You a Sub- stitute for DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY Why ? Because " Dr. Fowler's " is the .•\ old 1.t and hest known cure, having. been on the market for 63 years, • for fl suRtteea, I)v-r.\ 1I.RV, COLIC, Ci: a Pb;v iV 7;i:i SrOMt,1CH, Cri. ,.. i.:1. 1N ,1N rt•AI, (: 11 01. ERA 111c)RRnt's, St•\IMFR COMPLAINT, SEA •' t:xr ..S, \:.D At.t. FLu`r s OP 11111 When they offer to reel/ ynt: 8 prepare - ti '• j+,it as good " they hate not the %.,,f,(ro of your stealth at heart but that of their pocket, All ",.hest (lett(.•lista will •e. tu►1 v IL ---t yeti tisk for. Ask for "Dr. fete as-.1 get the best. ylr+. Thomas Miller, Allendale, Ont., �rrite.:--" I Mlfteeed terribly with diarr- bete cud asked the druggist for $umrthintt to cure it. if:' ,;aro toe n Finale Lottie ut tnr'dicin* r -f l ;r own mnnufnetnre, but 1 got no rela�f from it. A frierel aed% isexl me to get Dr. F ,wlrr's F.: t. of 1t'ild Strawberry aryl 1 a•as cured after telling a fur doses. 'Cl:e genuine is SS r (.,u, and n,a>aufae• lured ley 'rho T. 1dil'eurn Co., Limited, Toronto, Or.., guessed what it tt at sr nee the marvelous promise of Je- heart's ht►rhu• and desires to boyo" to himself and his poster..y. Sherlock I3olmes; constantly in - 17, 18. This passage in Second listed that nothing in a room where • Samuel (7. 1t' 20) reads: "And this a crime had been committed should 3. at came to of T id'se prong es -s wag yet a small thing in thine c'; es, be touched, and this appears to be first approval of Das sugge's- (' Lord .Jehovah ; but thou hast ngood rule, judging from a mis- tion was der• to a natural sympathy g K with the king's piety and zeal. But spoken also of thy servant's house take made by an intelligent police for a great while to come; and this officer in Ireland. This policeman the. night's communion with (icier he came to look upon the mat- too after the manner of men, 0 vino placed i charge of a room in ter in another light, and re, ugniz- Lord Jehovah' And what can Da- which a murder had been commit - ed that the building of a scruple rn vid say mere onto thee 1 for thou tet) to see that nothing was disterb- v(hich to house• the ark would he knuwest thy servant, 0 Lord Je- eco until his superior officers arriv- too radical a break with the sinnpli_ but•ah. ed. He found the time wised slow - city of pa at usage in Israel. The change, indeed, should Conte about, but not abruptly. 3. Brought up Israel -Referring 21. And what one nation in the ly amid such melancholy surround - earth is like thy people Israel'? Ings and proceeded to console him- Oi, "And who is like thy people, self with a pipe. He lit a candle Israel, a nation that is alone in the which he found on the msntlepiece, to the exodus from Egypt. earth 1'' , and finding n crumpled -up p1ece of 22. Thou, Jehovah, becan►est their rPer on the floor, he used that for From one tabernacle to another- God -The peculiar dlsti nctien be-, hting his pipe. During the long periled of several tween Israel and other surrounding{ As be was afraid that his supori- centuries which had intervened, nations was to be found in the cov ore would ohjer't to his smoking since the departure of Israel from 'cetera relationship between Jehovah; while on duty. he opened the win - Egypt and the giving of the law at and his people, I clow in order to let out the smell Sinai:, mane touts and tabernacles, 23• Let the word that thou hast of the tobacco and in order to see together with parts of their fur-, ;Token . . . be established forever them when they approached, 110 rcishing. ]Host have worn out. and _._David gratefully accepts the that he could put his pipe met, in Leen sueee.s• t sly replaced by terms on which Jehovah's promise time. It was discovered later that other.. • , m and his bowie have been in indulging in the innocent plea - 0. The judges of Israel - From givehin. sure of a pipe of ''tebaccy" he de- and to Ssttueel. 24. And let thy name be estab- , sl rovecd three of the most import - 7. Now therefore --That the lack dished and ]magnified forever -- Or,' 8111 clues. of precedent was not the sole rea- "Vee, let it be established, and let: The iength of the candle which sen wbv David's. wish could not bo thy nasus he rnagniGE'd,'' ele. 1)a- ),r had lighted would have indiented graltte(t at this tints, we learn from v ice was permitted during his life- the time when the murder had been the nnrrntive of Samuel and Kings. time to gather together the maters-' committed, the paper witch which he Thus snail Jehovah --Jehovah's ahs with which biter his son Selo•I had lighted his pipe, judging from message reminds the king of former non built the temple which he him.' the charred remains. had been left u'ercies, declares Ged's present and telt had not been permitted by Je- there by the murderer himself, end continued favor, and foretells the hovah to build. The parallel pas- the policemnn had forgotten w•he- pern'anency of the dynnrtV which sage in 2 Sam. 7 should be ertref,rl- fhrr ile had found the window leek - Is compared verse by verse through- , e(1 when he onenned it to let mit the out td'is study I smell of smoke. Ferthermore, has been established in David. Sheepcote --Or "pasture." S. 1 will make there a name -- Among future generations the king himself is to have recognition and henct. 0. The children of wickedness -- The onetni -s of Israel, the idola- trous nations round about . t,sou, sir : and he had Inc arrested." Ing it down. First Trser,sp --After all. it paysITHE KEEN-NOSEi-) DETi(TiVE te• be petite'." Second Trawl' 1 who was put nn the case smelled the "Not always. The other day I was oeior of the lehaccu smoke, and not actin' (leaif and crumb, when Is man I:nowing whence it originated, gave me ten cents. 1 says. 'Thank ttrent a lot of taluable time in trac- the table. Deader and deader grew the si- lence. Nobody could st►rl1nlen up a of rabbit on an :turf ratliatn country Douse table. :Another characteris- whis )cr. tic of an Aust;•alia�' house party I as opposed to an English one will Suddenly Mr. Dash banged on he the ren,arkal,lc absence of letter the table with bis fist, lila eyes writ'ng among the guests, andblazing with indignation. Elizabet.hs, Ambrusincs and Esan. "Laugh and talk, can't you,--- gelines will alae be mercifully to you !" he cried.seek. But no! Even in gay Australia And yet there will alwese, he more girls than married w0111e11. Girls in fact abound in a country house. ter Australia is pre-eminently the lar] 1 of the girl. Everything is for her. Aleck Brown, a well-known work- you cannot gibe people into ehee r ing tailor in Edinburgh, was also fol conversation and laughter. u character in his way. On one oc- Breakfast, when a good ninny•..„cd chips are eaten, is at casion he attended a temperance s meeting in the city, and during an address given by a shabbily -dress - c•1 speaker he frequently called out "Order, order :" when he thought the audience were interrupting by their prolonged applause. After ont' of Aleck's outbursts the speak - (•t said. "Will that gentleman please inform me what kind of or- det he wants i'' "Oh,'' replied Aleck, quite undaunted, 'If ye pit it that way, I'll tak' an order free �( for a decent suit o' clacs." A Sinking, Hollow, " AU. Gone " Sensation at the Pit of the Stomach. "THAT IS DYSPEPSIA " A remedy which has rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect permanent cures even in Wf,e moat obstinate cases, is BURDOCK BLOOD BlTTERJ It sets by regulating and teenin; the digestive organs, removing costiveness, end increasing the appetite, and restoring health and vigor to the system Mrs. Allem Staeves, Springlield, N.B., writes:-" I have used Kan oeic Blare' Bitters and furl that few medicines can giro such relief in Stomach Troubles aril 1)y•Ix►y.ia. 1 wee trorh'e•l for.years with 1)y•pepsia anei could get no relief until i tried B. B. 11. I took throe battles and became cured, aryl now 1 can eat anything without it hurting me. I v►►11 re'_•0111111C11(1 It to all havin ; Stomach Trouh!o, half past eight, but you may be ns Married women, unless very- heau- late as you like. It IS even posssil►le tiful or very dashing, are put on that you will come down so late that one side when girls are present. the servants are bogy with other An Australian lady who had Leenthings and yeti' ge) out to the lit ing for years in Italy paid It visitkitchen and week yourself a chop' to Sydney last year ai;d afterward or bacon and et -vs and makefresh confided to her Italian friends howtea. No one will think anything of - glad she was to get hack to Italy. it. "In Australia,,' said she, "I wan NOTHING IS LOCKED UP, left out of everything because I and you may take what you, like was married, It was al•.:ays Ethel v.ithout asking. It may be that you who was :►s<ked, never me. If by • have to help wash up after- chance I did go I was sorry. 1 h d ward. Yes! Even in the most lux- sornethinir to cut and then was left uriuuss country houses this rugs alone, while all the young people talked to each other. its nice to }:appen. Servants are always an , . ten back to Italy, where a married uncertain quantity in Australia, • ttie►ennn is the only ore whn e^ounf.." and every Australian girl and w.'. And all clay long and all night Haan knows that she may be called the front tient will sterolwideopen upon to "do things" even when she goes to staff' with friends. and the 'strange folk he come But nobody minds. Nobody minds (11'ifting in %v 2 rr' never turned away anything, in fact. The Premier's wife is ironing her blouses in the wash house. Lord M.. the young Englishman, is cleaning his boots in the scullery. Four ladies and six men are washing up in the kitchen. The Premier is feeding the few{s. The daughter of the hoose is rolling hands. The minister's wife tho�sght crit pastry. Half a dozen people husband ens the most forgetful Ric, clearing away the breakfast man living. because he would go to table anei rnrrkin t beds. The three church and forget his tlot•:s, and maids have all gone off without no. no one cu; 'd make out what he was tire. The hostess is driving around in a buggy trying to find ethers. She will have hard work te► find them, but she has wired to the Reg- istry Office in Sydney to Peed up three more by to -night's train. 1a't us hope they come. Let rl$ hope they stay. at any rate till the next holiday, for the •tu'tratien clornes- t hag one direful habit. -she leaves when n holidxc conies 81'1)1nd. !dente the story of Lady F.,. a Chief Justice's wife. One night tho empty handed FOIRC:h.TH.1, 1NDEI:I). .1 mini te•r'ss wife, a doctor's wife, and a travelling (1)111'5 wife met one day recent:v. and were talking about the foreetfulie•ss of their hue - trying to 1 :.ash about. The (loci is wife thonght her husband WAS the 'nest forgetful. for lee would often ;tart fut to tee a patient and fe>rget h's n,ecliCiuc- casse, and therefore travel miles for nothing. • `]fell," said the 1 rat ening man's wife, "my husband heats that. Ile came borne the other day and pat- ted me on the cheek and said. 'I believe I have ?teen yo+v before. lit- tle girl. What is your c,amo l' "