Exeter Times, 1908-10-08, Page 4SCIIOOL
r1490, a.c• r
1908, 1" r
I Decree... per head
head of population, $SA.litt
herd cf population, $40,50
1 The rate .f customs taxation in
A full line of i 1890 teat 18.23. That iN to say $11.11:?
►sero levied on the average on every
SI $100 worth of goods imported into
I the country. Under the Liberal tar -
Sclgoo1 Book
and a 11 other ;ft the reduction has been gradual
until in 1901 the rate was o
School supplies. I Kirkton Fair
11000. IN PRIZES
It The ext. :IJ . t iUll given this year
lint Kirk tun Agiica1turaf Society,
No scholar should fail tOt last Friday wVae the hie,t ever given
Prize • h)• hnizon nti the
et oue of our Scribbler s
glenttpatrograulorgaproatividedaveil taskse,xcel-
and Pratice Books, and try i other societies in the neighborhood
for a copy of the Boy's Own V sit and tak; nonce. Thlist of
entriuesp ►vcrc nsay ahead ofe last year
Ann.wtl or the Girl's Own 1 and in nearly every class the corn -
A211 1, petition was keen.
1 Although the day tt as cold and rate
500 to be given away Ieof Ivhat the directors expect- axceisttendant„ ►►ae coed and far it.
. j cd.
Brownings Drug Stor
The Exeter Times
e • Instead of a balloon
,. other attractions were added anti ",
I proved to be far more interesting.
c The hurdle jumping was watched 1
1 with mush interest, bat the ladies'
Exeter, Ontario. harness. hitch and drive of one•
germs of Subscription $1.00 per third of a mile was a thriller, and
Pier in advance. $1.50 may be would make the famous John Gil-
lisr;ed If not so paid. To United pin's ride look an ordinary catiter,
abates subaeribere, $1.59 strictly in 'there avert only two entries, bliss
idvanoe. .No. paper discontinued Clara Stewart. of 'Farquhar and
Miss Hilda Thiel, of Mitchell. and
they gave the crowd their money's
worth. At the word "„o" the girls
commenced to harness their horses
and completed the hitching process
at the same time. Miss Thiel got
off first with Miss Stewart a second
behind and the way they raced over
the route would snake Geers or Mo -
Ewen. the noted drivers. throw up
their jobs.
Miss Stewart passed her opponent
at the first turn and continued to
lead to the finish.
The horse racing, tt'.hich was good,
was watched by a large and inter-
ested crowd.
In the evening a concert was giv-
en by the Imperial Male Quartette
and was well attended.
The society has also made a decide
ed improvement to the grounds by
the addition of a new grand stand,
(Special tor foals of 1908 sired by
Uncle John, Geo. t pearin, 1 and 2;
J. 93. Epplett ; It. McCollough.
Carr I& Beatty for best carriage or
roadster Boal of 1908, lien. ,Wilson.
James More for the best grade calf
L. PQs(office Department underer nine Mntmonhthiesous, J.for N. dlazlewbestbake{]
iatt>••% -- urea' tirQlu IIPyel jIousehold flour.
Capable Management De -1
M. 'ante �::. , '
Management Bank of Commerce, Exeter, silver
SETVes Your Support 1 medal, value $10 for best single car
o' for McLean. Harvey
turnout, A. B. Creighton.
Harvey Bros. Exeter for best loaf
bread baked from their Star Flour.
----- Geo. Spcarin.
Special. Ladies harness. hitch and
drivo once around the track. Clara
Stewart, Hilda 'thiel.
2.25 Trot or .Pact=.
Billy B., \V. Stevens • I
Cleopatra, S. 'Collins, 2
Urcy bird, W. Lincc 3
Three Minute Trot or Pace.
1 'toastmaster. f.. Murdock. 1
Jap. W. Kuntz. 2
Maggie 13., 0. Broderick. 4 3 2
Rath all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. The
lists to which every eubscriptiou is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
:Any person or persons who takes
a paper regularly from a post office,
!whether addressed in bis name or
another's, or whether he has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for
paymen t .
If a person orders his papers dis-
c ntioued he must pay all arrears.
or the publisher may continue toI
send it until payment is made, and
then collect the whole •amount
'whether the paper is taken or not.
The Courts have decided that re-
fusing to take newspapers or period-
icals from the post office or remov-
ing and leaving them uncalled for
albite subscription remains unpaid, is
prima facia evidence of intentionall
The administration of the post of-
fice department by the Liberal Gov-
erntnent is the pride of their friends
and the envy of their opponents and
it ought to afford lbe greatest satis-
faction to every good Canadian
'Thi_ department under 1$ year of
Conservative management 11n(1 every
year :t large deficit in the accounts
averaging about three quarters of n
million dollars per annum. The
lie interest demanded reduced post-
age rates, but with the high annual
deficits staring them in the tics the
Conservative government could hold
out no hope.
In his budget speech in 1896. Mr.
Foster said, *There is now; a deficit
of somewhere near $800,000 in the
Postoffice Service. but I fear makes
the time somewhat distant when
what otherwise height bo fairly ask-
ed dor can be granted.'
When lair \Val. Mulock took charge
in 1896 for the Liberals the at once
tet to work to investigate and re-
In too years he reduced the deficit
to $17,602. and then reduced the
postage 111105 1► i1 Lin America from
3 cents to 2 scuts and from Canada
to Great Britain from 5 Conte per
half ounce to 2 cents per ounce
In 1902 the department in spite of
the :educed rates which Foeter had
said were impossible, were able to
thou a surplus of *5,109, and in 100E
a t;u rplus of $1.101,827. It should be
remembered loo, that (luring this
titue the until service wits extended,
not frilly in the settled portions of
Cats, la, but also le the .far north in
the Yukon and the Atilt' district:',
where no service was given by the
Cots •,•rvat ives.
This year the government alas de-
cided 10 .1.0 the big surplus fer the
direct benefit of the farming corn
I 1
2 2
3 3
1 1
2 4
Thousands of American women
in our homes are daily sacrificing
their lives to duty.
In order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children well dressed
and tidy, wotnen overdo. A female
weakness or displacement is often
brought on and they sutTer in silence,
drifting along from bad to worse,
knowing well that they ought to
'haat help to overcome the pains and
aches which daily make life a burden.
It is to these faithful women that
finial mail delivery has been 1111 VEGETABLE COMPOUND
accomplished (act ut Miohigan and
other parts of lite United States for
some time and has proved a great
boon. But the great expense involv-
ed deineveled eoneideration. So the,
rover noterit will intlodnce it grad-
ualli. 'first Along the existing stage
Thi :+ is truly a record to ;be proud
of -a record of progress and economy
that every elector should think over.
and shoe' his appreciation of by tot-
ing for its continuance on the 261!:.
The Public Debt.
'increase during (Cow
servative regime over •
Anneal itasrense
Increase during Lib
•tA) regime '
Annual increase e
k6,500,00) i
$277,960,.• 4.
conies as a boon anti a 1)lessing,
as it, did to Mts. W. Barrett, of 60-2
Moreau St., Montreal, who writes
to Mrs. Pinkha ni :
" For years 1 wan a great sufferer
from female weakness. and despite
every remj(ly given tee by doctors for
this trouble. I grew worse.
"One day a friend advised me to try
Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Com-
pound. I did so, and and thankful to
hay ;hat it made me strong and well."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from mots and herbs, has been the
standard �rentedy for female ills
and has positively cure(! thousands of
women who have 1,eeu troubled with
displacements, inhlammat ion, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -dawn feeling, flatulency,indiges-
t ion,llizziness,or nervous prost rat ion.
Why don't poll try it ?
Mrs.1'Inkhatn invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
t4be has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Maas.
Reserve Strength
is as necessary to loon and
women' in ordinary life as
to tho Athlete.
Tho regular use of "Bovril"
builds up a large reserve
of strength, which makes
sustained effort of mind
and body possible, and e!1-
abies the system to resist
attacks of• disease.
Eva, 1t. Birch. 3 4 3
High Jump Tor Ilorse., Stanley
Green and Iter( Floss divided first
and second; Edgar Hooper. 3rd.
Best Lady 'Drivers, bliss Catlin,
Sta(fa, Miss Morgan, 13rinsley.
Foot races,- 100 yards race, J.
Led5ou, \Y. Nethercott, 13. Hyde.
Two-thirds mile,- W. Netheroott
II. Hyde.
I'ublte 6Lcoot coutpetitioi. Salem
Kirk ton.
General Purpose.- Brood mare, J.
13. •Epplett ; 11. ti. MCCo'lough. foal
J. B. Epplett, R. S. McCo11ough,
Johnston, Three (year old filly or
gelding, John 7)elbridge, J. Decher,
11. DicCollough. Two year old filly
or gelding. J. Decher, 11. Berry, A.
!ley. One year old filly or gelding,
J. Walsh. It. DlcCollough ;
Hazlewood. Team in harness. Henry
Nceb; W. J. I'ym.
Agricultural- Brood .mare ®,
Hazelwood, Win. Hanson, Geo. Spear -
in ; deal, •11. !tae. Wm. .Oke. )Geo.
Spcarin ; S3 !year old filly or ,gelding.
\\'m. Oke, 11. 13crry, .1. Norris; 2
year old, P.. Birch. I:. Brown. J.
Hodge; 1 year old. J. Kelland. jD.
Hazelwood ; (team in harness. W.
Sadler, W. Hyde, J. Deoher.
heavy Draught- Brood mare. Wm.
Oke. Geo. Spearin, It. Berry ; foal,
It. Berry, Geo. Spcarin. 1). IFazel.e
wood ; .3 year old, R. Birch...\V m.
Oke; J. Norris. Two year old dilly
or gelding, W. Oke; 1I. Berry; LW.
Hansen. One tyear old filly or geld-
ing, S. N. Shier. Team in harness.
C. Robbins.
Itomisters.-Brood made, J. Decher
Wm. (lay. Foal. .W. flay; J. lech-
er. Three year old!, A. 1f. Creighton,
C. Thiel. Two year old, E. Rae: A.
I1enson. One gear old, 1'. McNaugh
ton ; J. 'Decker. Single roadster, C.
Robbins; C. t5paokmnn ; 1''. Heol.
span '"ondsters, W. Oke; J. Reiland.
Saddle horse, 11. Rees.; J, (Sawyer.
SlwC;u: Tony saddle, ,T. Sawyer.
Carriage.-Ilrood marc, I3. Wilson
J. Beattie. (Foal, I3. Wilson: J.'Deat-
tie. Three year old, A. II. Creighton,
A. Ether'ington. Two year old, Thos.
Near ; J. 1t. Moore. One year o_d.
J. Barr ; I', Seebeck. Single car-
riage, 'A. 13. Creighton; H. McNeil;
Joe. Senior. Span Carriage horses.J.
Bulls. -Aged 1)urhnnt 'hull, John
Ilodge. Two tyear old Durham bull,
J. Robinson. 2 year old Ilolstein, 11.
Durltatii.'-Milel► cow, .1. More ; ,.'.
Itobitt'on. Two wear old 'heifer, F.
Ilaruiitbit 1 and 2.rear old ,heifer,
J. Robinson. 1 and 2 hull calf, 'P,
Hamilton; 1t. N. Shier. 'heifer .all.
F. Hamilton. 1 and 2.
Jersey. -Mitch cow, .\V. IMaok,:;
Hooper Bc Sous. '1'tvo year o!d heifer,
Hooper •& *Soni 1 and 2. Year- old
heifer, Hooper '& 'Sone, 1 and 2. Bull
calf. W. Mack.
Polled Angu4.-.1. N. Ilazlewood ;
llaziewood Brae.
holstein.- 11. A. Dinsmore took
first for 'illicit cow and bull calf.
Grade Cattle. -Milch cow, .T.'More.
Atkinson Bros. Two year old heifer
W. Stephen -son, 3. Robinson. Otto
year old heifer, 1'. llamilton ; J. N.
Ilazlewood. Heifer calf, A. E. Shier
,1. N. Hazlett -volt. Steer calf, J. N•
11az:enood 1 and 2. 'Two year old
r.tcer, 11. ,Crozier 1 and 2. One year
old nl.ecr, .1. More ; .J.N. llazlowood.
!Fat cow or heifer. .1. Robinson : Ate
kinson 'llros. !Fal steer, It. Dawson
first and (second.
Oxford Tow n•.- .1. Mountain took
ri:1 pt'17.t t 111 this Class.
Leicester, -Jas. Bay took n11 4he
pi izes in this class.
altiop'hire '!)owns.-\Ve. Hay took
all prizes in this elass.
1.'.neo:n -!tarn 'Iwo years old and
ov, r. Geo. 1'enhele : 11. A.:Danpmore.
(1, tr. '1'enile:4i took thereat of the
prizes in this e:nse.
Grade.- lve. Geo. 1'. nlin:e, J.
Mountain. t4)iearling e,1C. J. 11s4•.
Ewe iamb. .1. Ray. 1Fnt sheep • .1.
Itay ; Geo. J'enit:t!e.
Yorkshire, Aged bonr. W. Spir-
ting: G. iturgin. flow. R. Birch ; W.
ring. Boni lit tet ed in 1908, II,
It tel. *rote littered 1909, It. 1i:ch.
\V. Spa rling.
il,•rehire.-Aged 'boat', Dong'as &
Sett : R. 11. Donate. flaw -on /13rne
tee): the balance of prizes in this
'1•aniworth.-Dmtglas & Ron intik
all prizes in thi+ class.
1'(xt'LTitY ''
S':t'er laced a,vandotte•. W. 13.
Mci.aren 1 and 2; pair Lnng.h .ns.
W. it. 'McLaren ; pair Minorca". W.
11. ,McLaren; W. Spirting: Ply, -
mouth Itocke. tvhite. W. at. . 'Mc-
Laren. l'r. 'Plymouth Rorke, barred
W. it. McLaren. A. hush( fivh:te
ere -ted black Poland', G. nentl v. l
111 (2. Dark Drahtn:i.. W. it. M1e.
Lama, 1 nnd2. Light tiralunaa. W.
D. IM1eLaren. N. Pletcher. Orrii!i'ng-
len.. Oro. Jaren'-on. W. 11. ;.TeLir•n,
triad: f;p,aleb. W. lt. McLaren. r'r'.
Itmt,I i,i', 'Ales. *flotsam, Mary Mc-
Callum. Gim.•, A. lln.h, V. R. Mo.
Le reit. Turkeys. 'Douglas & Son.
(;tete, '1), foug'.as & sten a and 2
Derck.. Deng!as &. 'ion. 1 and 2. Rah-
t.'ts. W. It. McLer. n, Citroen Ferwl.
W. J. •l'ym, .1. liar. white i.cg'
horn,, a)ouglas & eon. Sicced 1.•u -
horn., \V. R. McLaren, A..Duffield.
itho•le Island iteds, A Switser, '1 and
11. Antedelnsion', A. Bw'eitzer, 1 and
:! (','ek.- N :VI 1 L•,e, 1 l\t re'.,
tet. W. lt. McL a r. ti. l'Ivmn•1111 noel:
wh•t,'. W. it. McLtn•n. G. ,Il nt!.ct
l':yrnonlli flocks. barred. W. 1t. Me-
Ler,•n. G. Bentley. White Leghorn.
The Hind You have Always Bought, and which has beets
In use for over 30 years, has borne tho sIgnatrtro of
and has been made tinder his per.
Nonni supervision erose it; infancy.
• Allow no one to dccei % e ,S oil in this.
All Counterfeits, Insitations and “Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the heath it of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
CastorIa is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
goric, Drops null Soothing Syrups. It IA P1t:lw811t. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It deet goys'Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures DIarrha)a and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
And Flatulency. It assiutilatea the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy 1111(1 natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea. -The Mother's friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You gate Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
NEW 7015 CITY.
Douglas & on 1 and 2. Brown Leg
horns, W, It. McLaren, W. Mack. Or-
phingtons, Gco. JJameson, 1 and 2.
Single 'top baggy, D. McLarty &
Son. Single open buggy, rubber tire
McLarty t& Son. Portland cutter. D.
McLarty & bon. Single piano box
cutter, W. Brown. Farm wagon, T.
Roadhouse. 'Iron abeam plows, 01 -
Brien Bros. 'Iron harrows, O'Brien
Brod. Gang plow, O'Brien Bros. Tur
nip Cutter, O'Brien Bros, •
Fall wheat, special, M. Brethour,
3. Ilodge. lull wheat. red, M. JJreth
our, J. Hodge. fIix rowed barley. (M.
Brethour. Large Oats, M. Brethour.
Common oats, white, 3. Ilodgge, J.
N. Ilazlewood. Large peas, M. Bre-
thour. Small 'peas, J. Ilodge, M.
Brethour. Timothy reed, ai. L'reth-
our, J. N. Hazlewood. White beans,
A. 'Lr, shier, W. \Visemaii. Corn, G.
Bentley, W. Ilanna. Sweet corn, A.
Shier, It. !toss. Ensilage corn and
cars, Ira. 'Marshall, Robt. Doupe.
Cucumbers T. Roadhouse.
Rural New Yorker, R. Selves, 3.
Ilodge. Pearl of Savoy, W. Hanna.
Beauty of Hebron. S. Dodge. EmI-
pire State, Hazlewood Bros. Any
variety correctly named, J. Ilodge,
It. Selves. Green Mountain, 'Adam
Shier. Collection correctly named.
0. Bentley. Three varieties not nam-
ed, G. Bentley. Six Swedish turnips.
A. 'Doupe. IL E. !Switzer. Field car-
rots. It. N. Shier. Adana Shier. Gar-
den carrots. J. Taylor. A. E. Shier ;
Mangel w•urzei. long red. Thos. Near,
A. Doupe. Mengel morsel intermed-
iates, J. Taylor. J. t'rq•thart. Sug-
ar u►angel, 11. 1:. Switzer. T. t,Ncar.
Blood Reefs, long, W. Sparlittg. W.
J 111345011. Turnip beets. A. • 'Shier
Ratcliffe lire:. Cabbage. white. W.
Jameson. A. E. Shier. Cabbage red.
W. Jameson. Winningstea(1 cabbage
\V. Jameson. '1'ometeee. 11. E. Swit-
zer. A. E. Shier. Cauliflower. W.
Jameson. Ce!ery, Ratcliffe Bros
It. ltob:nson. Citron. long. N. Swit-
zer, Dawson II'ros. Citron round,.
Ratcliffe. ilros, W. Sperling. Pump-
kin. W. Jatne.ion. W. Ilazlewood.
Watermelon. 11. 11. Doupe. 1'. John-
son. Muskmelon. Mary McLellan. W.
Ilanna. Parsnips, ltobt. Itobinson, R.
N. Shier. Matntnolh squash. Fred.
Johnson. Table squash, W. Wise.
tnan. Onions. white or yellow. 3.
Dunbar, N. Pletcher. Onions, red.
W. \%is(•tnan. Dawson (Bros. Coll.
vegetables. W. Jatncson, J. Taylor.
White turnips. 1''. Jchn•on. }farrow
W. Jameson. Cartoons. It. Selves.
Gravenstein. W. Spirting. North-
When the bread fir cake or pastry
comes from thc oven light, crisp
and appetising, you arc wont to
say you have had good luck with
your baking.
The "good luck" ilea i.. a rent
of the time when housekeepers pitted
their .ompctency against poor flour.
To- day good baking isn't a matter
of good luck in any home where
Royal Household Flour
Is in:cl.it.n;ly u.c.i.
In the hands ofcompetent bouse-
wivet it ti -ver fails because it is the
whitest, lightest, purest and best
baking flour to be had.
thc goodness of your baking is
du t to chance, your grocer is giving
you th; wrong kind or flour. Ask
fir Ogi.vi_'s Roy.' Household.
Ogilvie Roar Mills Co., Ltd.
ern spy, W. Sinclair. M. Brethour.
Blenheim pippins, M. McNeight, Rat-
cliffe Bros. 'Fallow water. Ratcliffe
25 lbs. butter, Hooper & sons, b
lbs table butter, 1t. Berry. tai. Crago.l
Coll. stuffi(d birds. W. Brown, N.1
Fletober; crayon or pastel any sutra
sect, J. Jameson, A. Jameson; Col-
lection of photos, J. Senior. Mrs.
flea:nen ; photograph, 3, Senior ; pen -
oil drawing, A. Jameson, J. Jameson ,.
painting on glass, H. C. 1'acey. Mrs.
Wickwire: painting in oil, figure,' J.
Jameson, Mrs. Wickwire; painting in
oil, landsoape, Mrs. F. J. ,Wickwire
Painting on china, Mrs. Wickwire, A.
Brethoan ; pen 'and ink sketch, ;Dirs.
It. Fletcher, N. Fletcher. Pyrography
M. Gilfillan. Mrs. FFeaman. Water
color, al. (iiltillan, Mrs. Wickwire.
Flowers.- Coll. ]rouse plants, N.
Fletcher, J. Robinson. ;Ieraniums
J. Robinson N. Fletcher. Finales. J.
Robinson. Cacti, J. Robinson.
Fletcher. Rare (plants N. Fletcher,!
A. Duffield. Cut flowers. N. Fletch-
er._ Bouquet cut flowers, A. Duf-
field, N. Pletcher. Foliage plants. N.
Fletcher, J. Robinson.
Apples.- Gravensteins, W. Spar -i
ling. Northern Spy, \V. Sinclair. M.
Brethour. Blenheim pippins. M. Mc-
Neight, Ratcliffe Brae. Fallow wat-
er, Ratcliffe Bros, 8..Doupe. Talman
Sweet, Ratcliffe Bros., K. Doupe;;
Baldwins. M. Brethour, 8. Doupe.
Snows, M. Brethour. A. Doupe ; It.
Island Greeuinga, \V. Ilazlewood„ G.
Bentley.; Ring of Tompkins. W.
Sinclair ; Dlniden's Blush, M. Beeth
our ; :Mann, M. Brethour ; Alexan-
ders, J. Kirk, lt, !toss; Golden Rus-
sets, '1'. Near, 1). Balfo.tr ; 'Ren Davis
Ratcliffe 'tiros., J. Reiland; ,Itibson
pippins, D. Balfour, W. Ilazlewood ;
Colverts, '1). Balfour, R. Doupe; Pear
sweet, N. Switzer, M. Brethour ;
Duchess of Oldenburg. 3. Doupc,
Ratcliffe Bios ; Cayuga, M. I3rethour
It. Ito.;s ; Crab apples. red. A. Shier,
A, Doupe : Crab apples. yellow. Daw-
son Ilros., S. Doupe ; !;all pears. M.
I3rethour•. 11rs. llanham ; Winter do.
51rs. Hanham„ M. Brethour; Peaches
Mrs. lt. Fl •tchcr ; (:raps, w bite. Dl, s
Wickwire ; Grapes. ret!. It. Robin.-
obin.sty. 14. Donpe.
Cooper. ►cork. Thos. Elliot ; Coll.
pickles. W. Jameson. .1. Robinson !;
Canned peaches. .1. Robinson. Al. Mc-
e-Callum ; C Inned plum.:. .1. ltobinsott,
1i. Crngo ; Crimea currants. 11. t'ra-
go. M. Brethour ; Canned pears. 11.
Cragti. M. Brethour : Canned cherries
.1. Robinson. E. A. Shier ; Canned
Gooseberries. M. Bret hour, .1. Rob-
inson ; Canned t aspherries, 11. Cra-
g.). .1. Robinson ; Canned straw'ner-
.1. Robinson. A. Robinson : Cato
fit d toui:itor., 3. ttlquhart, R. Doupe
Coll. post3Zr stamps, A. Duffield ;Sec
carriage hat -nese, V. A. Taylor ; Set
team harness, 1''. A. Taylor: ITorne-
made bread. it. N. Shier. 'AI. Jameson
Iloney. 0. Bentley; !loopy extracted.
3;. Bentley; ielly. 3.. A. Shier. .1.
1'metier( ; ;Map:o engin., it. Donpe.
I:. 1 settle : .\iap:e syrup, A. Doupe.
11. 1:. :in-itzer : Any other variety of
cane .1 fruit. E. A. Shier. .51. Meth.
Counterpane crochetltd. 1:. Stilet
.1. itahinson ; C.unterpene knitted. J
ltob'n;on: Patchwork quilt, Mrs.
ltanh•un. Ni. Ilrethotlr ; Crary patch•
norI: guilt. Mrs. ilanlntn, 1t. Doupe;
undere:othing, .1. ltohin'on,
llanham ; Applique work.
liret!iour. Mrs. \V;ckwire: Arrasete.
work. it1• ltrethour, lira. \Vickwire,
Ttontnn embroidery. Mr!. linnharn,
Wickwire Venetian embroid-
ery. Mrs. llanham. A. •ilrethour;
ii:itts nbnrg lace. Mrs. P. Wickwire.
Mr . Fitton: Slipper''. Dirs. Ifanham,
11, i Brook ; Sofa pillow. Mrs, 1'.
\V:ekwit'e. 11. W. I'. Ileavers ; Chi:d
d res.. Mrs. Fitton. Mts. Wickwire;
lt,rp,t. M. (lrethonr. A. i)uf-
f:, :.t : Tea en -y. :\i. Brethour. Miss
G.Ifillan: T111 centrepiece and tray
c:ot h. lire. Pilton, M..1ameson : Din-
ner mat.. 1;. A. Shier, Miss 11..;ok;
Piano seirf. M. iirethour, \I. Jame.
eon : Pillow at ons, M. Jameson. '.1.
McCallum : Afghan wool. Dirs. Han-
ham, Mrs. Iteat:Gan; Afghan cotton,
1 TheMolsons�Bank
i (las 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all txl
Psiawpa4 Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transected.
Incorporated 1135:1.
CAPITAL • • • • .... $3 374.000 00
RESERVE FUND .... S3,3T4,000.00
�N•NNN••NN40404440.••00 •••••N.•N••••N•NN•!i
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Wiwi.t allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
HEAD OFFICE. TOAUt:!'l11 Es'rAlsl.IS1IED 1997
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, Geserai Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10,00
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,0
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Englan j
$5 and under 3 cents
Over ;5 and not exceeding $10 -6 cents
$l0 ;30 10 cents
" $30
66 16$50 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Cas
(Yukon excepted), and at the piinevpal banking points in the United States. Th
are negotiable at 53.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and
at small cost, and znay be obtained without delay. 116
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of
you. tinder Its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all
pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up• the nerves become strong as steel, so that
nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes Income bright, the
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and Mental
systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. The
various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know mar-
riage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially and
tree of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned dollars.
Peter E. Summers. of Kalamazoo, Mich.,
relates hie. perionce:
"1was troubled with Nervous Debility
for many years. I lay it to indiscretion
and exoe•ssa in early youth. I became
very despondent and didn't care whether
I worked or nota'' imagined everybody
who looked at me'guessed my secret.
Imaginative dreams at Hight weakened
me -my back ached,Thad pains in the
back of my head, hands and feet were
cold. tired in the morning, poor appetite,
fingers were ahaky,`eyes blurred, hair
loose, memory poor, etc., Numbness in
the fingers set in and the doctor told me
he feared paralysis .I took all klnda of
medicines and tried !many first-class
'physicians, wore an electric belt for
.[IOM[ 171111711(1117three months, went to Mt. Clemens for
baths, but received little benefit. While
at'Nt. Clemens I was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I had lost
all faith in doctors. Like n,drowning man I commenced the New -Method Treatment
and It raved my life. The improvement was like magic -I could feel the vigor going
through the nerves,. I was euredasaatally and physically.' I have sent them many
patients and will continue to do so."
CONSULhir TATION FlutE. ROOKS FREE. i(f unable to call write far a Question
Blank for Hose Treatment.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
No Honing --
No Grinding
701, 4/017. 1M �^
N.. a?.
_.vr ro
Steel Is relined Iron -iron w5hoS
air, dirt or foreign substance4i,se
with carbon. Carbo* gives tough.;
■est and strength -too much ui kse,
it brittle and worthiest; too Iittlb;S
soft aad pliable.1,
i Steel Caries according to the test
aced, tempering arta quality of tabor:
employed. Unless you have devoted'.:
all your (late t0 rte meaufacture re.1
knew the almost Impossible taeki
of judging the daished article. %To
break the article sad *amine,
grain, hammer• aad 41e. it to
the quality •f labor,*and ot'het-
equally destructive tests' is out et'
the question.. There is but one red'
test for you -take it aad try it la •
period of time.
• Cutlery steel -such as is used to
making Carbo Magnetic easors-.
must be of the finest selected grade
tempered uniformly throughout to •
diamond -like hardness. Fire. wroth its
varying temperature, will cot do this.
.: Tbirty, years of most careful re.'
'search aed study have shown a way
to add carbon to the Cubo Magnetic
rotor steel and merge it sndermoV J
throughout the metal byaseuet plot•..
•s. of Electric Tempering. An eel's
elusive and severe telt of the OMAvI
blade results in an absolute uniformity -
M the line, and we are thus too' led to
•woos slonetNy /Mb'IIt111�'
every Carbo Magnetie razor ss•d.`
But test this int kowtow. gilt
014041w6 razor in,yosr own hastN
-or have your barber use it on yeas
• Drop ss • postal, or better /
come is aad see as aad we wilt
you oar mew Propositi,* for
,these risers tested without .bag*.
ties to porebase, its
kis po•klst'►Hat• ea.SAavag.^
W. S. Cole, (ilii ;gist
J. !tnh'it<ot►. til. 'irCt:Inrn: .\:,
patc113101i. l:. A. Sh:or. NI 4. Ii •;.•
haat; 11r,ttn ' ork. M. -;rC.,::•:gi.
SI r,. Il .nh,r.i : i s, sdt•n • re -k. ,:1r'.
Ilanh lin. ?!. .1 u: -(n : I: n t t r,! 'nee
in (otlt:11. 'I: . 11::';1 ,1::. ';:.s Sin•
Calliuu: (':I7. I ••. •:••`l. St►
Neiglit. Alt,. 1' 1', t1 : (' . , e • •v••
slut•., e.1. SIeC,lt•:tu. Mrs. \V •k • r ••
!lead work. J. Kelland, 51:.. �'•
(vire: Itng neat. M. Ih.l iuu:. '
J. Robinson : iland made g:or•'. I .
Do'ipe. .T. ltehin.on : rain won: ..,
stockings. .1. Robinson.. Mfg..
ham; !'lain woollen sock, NI Jamc-
tri j ,
sloopls of ins G000dioo Norm Ws
Any person who is the so:0 head
!of a family, or any male over 13
1 years 0:11 may homestead a quarter
sectoni of available Domin:o, land in
Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The appacan, most appear in (cram
at the bowfin:on Lands Agettoy or
Sub -agency for the district. Entry by
proxy may be had at the agency. on
rain conditions. by father. mother
in daughter, brother, or sister of
(!)ties: }S•,x months residence upon
an I cultivation of the land in each
t f thr:e years. A homesteader may
!ire within 71:110 miles of his home-
; stead on a ([arm of at !east 80 acres
• :Ealy owned and occup:ed lay him or
'.'s father, mothor, son, daughter.
brother or sister.
Is certain districts a hornestealvr
eoe.l stnntEng rrny 'pre-enlpt a
r sect:on a:ottgs;dc his home..
!'rice $3. per acre. 'Duties -et
:a Yrs:dc r':x mcnilts bleach of six
sirs from date of homestead entry
• ne:ud ng the Cure required to earn
areata' patent) and cultivtae
'ty acres extra.
e ha.n:'atea'le e':e has exhausted
. homestond right and cannot ob-
:t , pre-ernpt:ort may tnke a pur-
-lte. ! hrenette-t! e••rtn'n d:str:cts
1'. c• $3. per «c !its; ee.-Mast
• e'x i on'i .t. . .c:s of three
o•1:t:vate f i v •.c:..; atwl erect•
w'Orth $31;)Ji).
W. W. ('IIRV.
Dept) of the SIMirter of the In'.erior
h. 11.-Unauthnrireil pril4Srotion of this .dverdee
ment will not be paid for
•11; 'Voo:Ice. mitt•. Mrs. !Fitton.
1tl r -, Ilnnh•Int ; I)lrnieg en stockings.
M. McNeight. P. A. Shier ; ]!lending
tno patches, 11. McCalinnt. ii. Shier:
1 b:e cloylice. Mfrs. Wickwire. Mist
!;enol:: 'toilet mats. M. McCallum
l.1 r.. Wickwire: Crochet in wool. M.
Brook. 51re. Wickwire ; Pincushion.
11. McNeight. 1f. C. Fneey ; Machine
sewing. ,Mrs. linnh'itn. iI. W. 1•'. Bea-
vere ; .)'lain sewing. I3. W. F. Delv-
ers, 3. Robinson ; Huttoriholcs. Miss
Brook'. 3\i. McNeight ; Fancy bend-
kcrchiefe. Mr'. Itnnhatti, itirst. Fitton
Ilendkcrchief cane. 5I r.. \V.ckwirc.
M. Brook : Nett:u,. Hanham,
N1. ticCallurn : 1. l.: , , (at tort shirt -
%;net. Mrs. \\'ick'.t(1,, .'11r. Beaman.
Darning en r:4t. 7.1 r il:inhatn. M.
Brethour ; \Nock nit-l.irt, M. lireth-
ortr. .1. It.binsoal.