HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-08, Page 2A,*0-04,,00.0.04110204.11
Peter O'Brien was happy. He
was a ten -year-old boy, with a
freckled face and patched cluthes.
Ills feet wore bare, itis cap was
torn; but the sun was waren, the
sky was blue, and he was gay as
the robin singing in the maple -tree
ueruss the street. Peter was dig-
ging with a stick in the bare, brown
earth by the side of the little board
walk that led to his front -yard gate.
He was pretending to make a flower
Down the street came Miss Ray,
Peter's teacher when school kept.
It was the spring vacation now.
"Good morning Peter !" she said.
"What are you planting?"
'Ruses," said Peter, "and pan-
sies. This stick is a rose -bush —
red roses. These lituiies in a row
arc pansies."
"Why don't
"I haven't any
them," said Peter.
"You may come over this after-
noon for an hour to clear up my
yard, and I'I1 pay you ten cents,"
said Miss Ray. "Then you can buy
a package of mixed flower seeds—
'Wild Garden Seeds,' they are
sometimes called. I'll show you
how to fix the ground and plant the
seeds. You can't get roses and
lilies that way, but you can get pan-
sies and ever so many other kinds
of flowers.,,
Peter's whole fact smiled as he
said, "Thankou, Miss Ray." Then
le looked doubtfully at the stick he
was digging with. "It won't make
a very big hole," he said.
"It doesn't take a big hole to
plant seeds in," said Miss Ray,
"but the ground has to be dug up
first to make it loose and soft, so
the tiny rootlets can push through
it. I'll let you take my spade and
rake; this afternoon, and we'll see
what you can do."
Every day after that Peter work-
ed in his garden, and every day
Miss Ray came to see how he was
getting along. First•,he spaded up
every bit of the garden so it was
loose and soft as far down as his
spade could reach. Next, he
sprinkled on some plant -food which
Miss Ray let hila pay for by work-
ing for her. Then he raked his
flower -bed until it was smooth and
fine. Then, 0 joy! it was ready for
the seeds.
The seeds wore of all shapes and
sizes. There were more than twee-
ts different kinds. Miss Ray and
Peter sorted them by their size, and
ee arated those that had many of
a kind. There were a great many
kinds which neither Miss Ray nor
any of the neighbors knew.
Peter planted the big seeds far
apart along by the fence; he plant-
ed the middle-sized ones in rows
or clusters through the middle of
the bed ; the fine, tiny seeds he
planted near the waik. For the big
seeds he made a hole one or two
inches deep, and dropped one seed
hn each hole. The middle-sized ones
.. put in little holes near togetner,
from one-eighth to one quarter of
an inch deep. The tiny ones he
mixed with a handful of earth and
sprinkled on the ground, then cov-
ered them with a newspaper held
down with stones until the sprouts
Over the big seeds Peter pressed
the ground with his foot, to maxe
it firm on top, so the air could not
pet in to dry the seeds. Over the
tniddle•sized seeds he firmed the
earth with a little board like a
shingle. Over the tiny seeds he pat-
ted the ground gently with his
One of the neighbors, seeing how
hard ho was working, gave him a
,.mall watering -pot, and Miss Ray
explained that he roust sprinkle the
ground night and morning, enough
o keep it damp, until the plants
dere up, then water it every day
,bless it rained.
When the flower plants sprout
cd, weeds came up, too, and these
Peter had to pull up without dis-
turbing the flowers. Miss Ray
showed him which were weeds
hickweed, pigwecd, sorrel, dande-
hon, plantain, clover and witch -
grass. "These are the moat com-
mon." she said, ''hut there are
ethers that will shote they aro
weeds as they grow. We can't bo
Kure at first which are weeds where
mixed seeds are planted."
it was laud to have to pull up
s..rne of the seedlings, too. but Miss
Ray explained that the middle row
must be thinned out to as much as
throe iii -hes apart, to give each
plant room to grow.
All summer long the seedlings
Frew and blo=s(nned. and when
frost -tine drew near Miss Ray help-
ed Peter dig np a dozen hidden
lants, put them in pots, and carry
them to the schoolroom, where then
bloomed nearly all winter long.
"I didn't suppoQe you could buy
a whole flower -garden for tee
tents." said Peter.
"Yen can't," laughed Miss tiny,
''hut ten cents' worth of seed. a bit
of land. and a boy who is willing
to work, nil together, can make a
arden that is fit for a king." - -
Youth's Companion.
Perhaps the loafer thinks his is
you plant some
money to buy
the only simple life.
"... >.'t , ,, Exhibition in London I'niter Pat -
tits. r ,�:; `s --- - - --..-' ...•_....
OF k' `e • tri roaage of the Queen. In thousands of houres Baby's
!4`<(s'yir • ' Extraordinary interest is being Own Tablets is the only medicine
displayed in the ideal house exhibi- Hi -eel when children are ailing, and
tion, which opens under the patron -1 the mother who keep this medicine
age of her Majesty the Queen at! on hand may feel as sufe as though
Olyutpia, on Oct. e. In a year there was a doctor constantly in the
which will be memorable in Lon- bolue. Baby's Own 'Tablets cure
don for splendid exhibitions, this ell stomach and bowel troubles,
promises to be in every respect one break up colds, expel worms, and
(•f the most popular, appealing as make teething easy. The mother
it does to all classes of the coin- has the guarantee of a government
enmity. analyst that this medicine contains
Put briefly, the exhibition is the. un opiate or poisonous soothing
first attempt by practical deuton -1 stuff. Mrs. B. H. Bunnytnan, Mat-
stratien to portray the ideal hoine tall, N. 8., says:—''I have used
eeption, construction and equip- Baby's Own Tablets for my little
niE nt. girl while teething and for consti-
On entering the amphitheatre the patiun, and think there is no lnedi-
vieitors will find hiniself in the sec- cine can equal thein." Sold by :lie-
ticns devoted to construction, de -
cc ration and sanitation. Every
type of metal work, flooring and
WILL DEPICT IDEAL nom:. 'ILLS ol: cllllnll(lon, Personally, as a man of very
Ia(1W 1(t (dlkf- TNf:M moderate means, 1 would rather go
anywhere fr,r a holiday than to
Scotland. To he invited as a guest
to bi)me great Scottish rnaasiun
with its private golf links, its
brawling trout and salmon stream,
its unequaled apparatus for grouse
shooting and deer stalking, and its
intoxicating scenery is, of course,
another mutter, although oven un-
der such circumstances. the expense
o' the journey and the prodigality
of the tips expected from one make.
the acceptance of hospitality any-
thing but a cheap undertaking.
Rut to go to Scotland as a non -
millionaire is to herd with peripa-
tetic tourists in the trains, ceaohes
and streamers that ,sake the tour
et the Niglands. To ho out of
things in Great Britain is to be
onurmouhly out of them, to belong
in fact to a totally different world
v: ith different standards, possibili-
ties and pursuits.
The number of these who are in
then,, however, seems to he always
increasing. On Aug. 11, the day
before grouse shooting opened, 20
special trains left a single London
station for Scotland and the north,
The great playing ground of the bearing a regular army of sports -
British aristocracy and of the Inert and their families, valets,
sporting rich is Scotland. There maids, chauffeurs and grooms,
is no co - entry in the world which pointers and setters.
depends so much for its living on
sport, says a writer in Harper's
A Hesiceet of Ottawa
finds Relief la Pe-lu-ria,
MR. RENE ST. JEAN, 210 St. tobacco smoke at intervals, and 'Weekly.
Patrick street, Ottawa, Ont., piactical methods for clearing it Millions of acres that fifty years
Can., writes: demonstrated. ego were let at. a peppercorn rent
Those who take interest in the in- cow bring in vast sums as grouse
I believed a year ago tI tei r charof home will doubtless moors and deer forests, and the
could stand anything. I workrd lot nt
hard, kept irregular hours, and did linger im n the furnishing sections. time is not far off when all Scotch-
e. willcaddiesor be. -
not mind the loss of a few meals,, There the rich and those of humbler men be sillies, a r •tt
Lut in six weeks I had changed to; means alike will have denu,nstrat_ ere, or will serve in some other ca -
a physical wreck i ed what art refinement, science and parity in the vast and expanding
theme dealers or by mil tit 23
cents a box from The 1)1.. \v il-
lianis' Medicine Co., Brockville,
building material, wood carving Ont.
and turning, beautiful pictures, en- d'
gravings, hangings and draperies, PLAYGROUND FOR ENGLISH.al tificial Bowers and ornaments,
fascinating new methods of light-
ing, in town and country houses,
ell types of geysers, stoves and ra-
diators will be displayed.
In the section devoted to ventil-
ation not only will there be all
sorts of patent windows, fans, and
other devices, but a completely fit-
ted billiard room will be filled with
Twenty Trains From London for
Scotland in a Day.
"Eight bottles of Peruna brought invention have accomplished to organization that ministers to
back my strength."make the home beautiful and conn -
Mr. A. O. Harding, 503 W. 1401 fortuble. Leading firms will ex -
St., New York City, formerly one! hibit complete rooms furnished in
of the leading druggists of Prescott, various styles. Near by there will
Ont., has been presented with al 1•e a reinarkable display of antique
twenty-five year Medal of Honor inland historical furniture --one of to
Odd Fellowship. He writes as fol- most original ever arranged in Lon -
lows: den.
But the exhibition e. lb ion isi
t beIinotable
"Ever since—I have been hand-
ling n t ]e.
I in another direction. Furniture
Peruna, I have had a fine;
i and equipment, such excellent ad•
junctsl do not constitute a home.
(fence the promoters have arranged
that all that tends to make home
life social—its music and its recrea-
tarrh in all of its various forms. As tions—shall have place in the fore -
round of the splendid display.
compare, splendid for mothers and Ii►ere will be a section devoted to
excellent for children." music and indoor pastimes.
__ _ Every woman will seek the "baby -
land" section, with its model ere-
OPTOMISTIC TO THE ENI). che, model ard in a children's
Some time ago there was a flood hospital, children's furniture and
is Western Pennsylvania. An old games and toys of every descrip-
trade. Once a family buys a bot-
tle, I am sure of selling them more,
and it never fails to bring addition-
al customers.
"I have nothing better for ca -
fellow who had lost nearly every-
thing ho possessed was sitting on
the roof of the house as it floated
along, when a boat approached.
"Hello, John !"
"Hello, Dave!"
"Are your fowls all washed away,
John t"
"Yes, but the ducks can swim,"
replied the old man.
"Apple trees gone?"
"Well, they said the crop would
The practical housekeeper will
examine with interest the infinite
variety of cleaning materials, car-
pet sweepers, brushes, brooms.
laundry appliances, washing and
knife cleaning machines.
Give the Children a Chance.
Spanking doer not cure children of bed -
be a failure, anyhow." wetting. There is a constitutional cause
"I see the flood's away above for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summon, Box
your window." mos. Windsor, Ont„ trill send free to any
'That's all right, Dave. Them mother her successful home treatment,'
winders needed washin , anyhow. with lull ins', unions. Send no money, but
write her to -day it- your children trouble'
Visitor—So you've got a dog and
a cat for pets. They must be splen-
did companions for you.
Tommy—Oh not very! They won't
cat cake or jam.
Visitor—Well, what has • that to
do with it?
Tommy—Well, when there's any
cake and jam missing they don't
get blamed for it.
Father. who was conversing with
some of his children on "Truthful-
ness," remarked that. when he was
a boy, if he or any of his brothers
or sisters told a lic their mouths
were thoroughly washed with soap
and water. Little Tommy, who was
seated in the corner of the room.
exclaimed: "Papa, you would soon
get used to it."
5. Important Points of Sevin: Machine Construction
cJ Did you ever consider what the thousandth
of an inch might ratan in the al';justnit,blt
of the needle -stroke on a se\; il)g inachine i
J Or how many little int isible parts there
are which may run vtell for a month or
so in a careleslily-made machine, and then
by going wrong render it utterly useless?
CJ For the perfect construction and thorough
testing of the,e vital details you must de-
pend upon the honor and I eputation of
the maker.
g The makers of the Singer Swing Rlachino
enjoy a reputation \vouched for by millions
of Singer users all over the world.
9 These millions of Singer users have proved
the perfection of the Singer by years of
steady sewing.
c{ The Singer Sewing I0achine is built
a watch and runs like one.
Sold MAY by
Singer Sewing Machine Company
312 Manniii Chambars 533 Coar d of Trade C'dg 884 Molts S:»sl
Magistrate Perry, of Goldfields, B.C., believes in making a
goodthing known. n. Writingeflar
! k, the great household
balm, he says:—"After a very i.ei •sial 1 have pr.ovedlam-Bak
eminently satisfactory. In my c.t t cured a skin rash of fi.c
year; standing which no doctor ha..: ^en able to do any goo.[
for. 1 would certainly encourage any person to kce', Gent -Bak
in his home." The magistrate isc mite right. Every home needs
Zam-Buk1 Unequalled for cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, blood
poisoning and all skin diseases. All stores and druggists cell it at
5o cents a iwx. -'are cure f.:r piles,
A Chicago man has just died from blood poison-
ing arising from ntgtect of a small sore. Don't
neglect a cut, a patch of enema, or an open sore
of any kind. The air is fall of poison germs
waiting to start up their evil results in neglected
s•,res, wounds, etc. In Zant-b'uk is safety. 'lam-
Ia.': . so highly antiseptic that applied to any
skinitseasc or injury it makes blood poisoning im-
possi.ile. In using 'Lam-Buk you have three
processes going on at once for Zam-Buk is healing
soothing and antiseptic. Try it without delay,
We appreciate the position taken by the man or woman who
says :—" If your preparation is what you claim, you should
have no objection to letting us try it before spending our mur.ey
on it." To every person taking this view we say, send one cent
stamp (to pay return postage) and name and date of this paper
to 'Lam-Buk Co., Toronto, and we will mail you a free trial box
ofZam-Buk. Zam-Buk is purely herbal, suitable for the delica tet
skin of little children, yet poeeriul enough to heal chronic sores,
of long years' standing. All druggists and stores, Sec. per box,
3 for $1 25.
o.,........... -
I3L:\_\lla'UL, t'�fYiati nr,Ul. t'ItF:N.. Teilahnwvoucan ..-caro tho e -i ist lolly workfu>; p!;,ns, fire
\Vhen the average mall fails to sn 'tay-m:tkinz xyrteror and shirt cuts of it:
Urias. frig, )lusiuus.. Men, toincresve error salary
make good rte begins to look around --to boast your partite, sYs'rRM, D.pt. is8,
for some one to blame it on. 161••3 WA l A til AVE., aut(tActo.
- - ! n�a WORK WE WANT REI.iABLit
A Good Medicine requfres little!.
L i5 Rf1 families to operate our
A(i\'ertlblllg. Dr. Thomas' I:Cle2trw : hikh--peed Ant loath. Knitting Machines
at le •roe; wI,,:a or spare tune knitting for
O i gained the gond name it now eia t.s•fe: go .1 w.azos. For all particieers
k•ld',•. •1111•: CANADIAN WHO,feKSALK 91:(•
t•t►)try9, not through elaborate ad- T'1t1reHh 11\U CU., Uept, w, Orlaia, Ontarf u. l
1 er•tisiug. but on its great merits! -
e: a remedy for bodily pains and 1 160 Acre Farm
ailments of the respiratory organs.
It has carried its flare with it 1 twig,.,•, large springs, milk sell 10 cents ganef,
•ee•Itaat f••r ill Linda fruit. mild climate, only
you in this way. Don't blame the child, i wherever it has gone, and it is •ne-thtrd ca.h. F. iammar, (l.Adoa, n• c.
the chances are it can't help it. This prized nt the antipodes as well as — — - ----
treatment also cures adults and axed c t latae. Doge :;mull, effect sure. FEATHER DYEING
people troubled with urine difficulties by ! ,hath,, arra comes sed Kid G1ora 4esn. err
day or night. Mother ---"Jane, you nlltfit choui e . eau ba .cut by past, ]t •'t
L.r oa Iii.• teat Dlace I.
between the two. R'ill yon marry, BiiITI8H AMERICAN DYEINC CO.
1SXTlt1;NIES I\' 1,IF1?• the man who loves you or the man'
F:xtulaut Young Father --My baby who can dress you 1" Daughter—
has just cut his first tr.r,th: "Alr,nnia as an up -to date girl I ~
Despairing Old /;randsire Myst. reply to your question that, ^ Mrs. Quiverful (to Mrs. Long's!
List tooth has just cut lite' slthoug}i love is a very desirable `ery nt girl) -- "What do you
—_ thin, cluthes arc an absolute ne- aunt I" Servant-Girl—"Mrs. Long
cessl, .•., sends her compliments, and says
II ynu are out of aorta get a bottle of'Rerrorltn a oul(d you be so kind as to count
the 1 rat lnnic, ita.l y.,u w r1! he aurprj-*4 how
A Sure ('ere for Headache.—Bit- «eta deli tIo,l +e le` ofi111 r off. $I.ao It will he noticed in the Singer : •nlr children and see if you haven't•
ious headache, to which women areI
more subject than mon, becomes so sewing machine ('onipany•s adver- got one too many, as our Kitty!
acute .in some subjects that they Mrs. Baldwin--"'I'ttat husband of tl'ernent that there are three ad peon closed tasn't conie Ilone hoursad��school has
are utterly prostrated. The sto- Iltine is a most careless man. I ex- diest;es at the bottom of the an -
mach refuses font), and there is a 1 ( ct he'll lose his head some of not,nt--ement. Any one writing will --
51U IK►:AL
constant and distressing effort to
free the stomach from bile which
has become unduly secreted there.
I'armelee's Vegetable Pills are a
speedy alteratite, and in neutraliz-
ing the effects of the intruding bile
relieves the pressure on the nerves
which cause the headache. Try
"Why did Mrs. Youngmothcr
C(inr' down to this faiin to rusti-
cate ;'•
"1 think it was for the benefit of
a little son and heir."
Dobson—"There goes riggers, the
expert accountant. They say he's
gr.ing crazy." Jobson--"What's
the trouble 1" Dobson—'He's been
trying to straighten out his wife's
t uselwld accounts."
ISSUE NO. 19 - 09.
these days." Mrs. liunn--"I ace
he's lost the next thing to it --Lis
To Those of Sedentary Occupa-
tion.—Men who follow sedentary
occupations, which deprive them of
fresh air and exercise. are n ere
prone to disorders of the liver and
kidneys than those who lead active,
outdoor lives. The former will find
Parmelee'a Vegetable fills a re-
storative without question the most
efficacious on the market. They are
easily procurable, easilc taken, net
txpeditiously, and they are surpris-
ingly cheap considering their excel-
First Guest—"Ili, waiter, open
that window, please. I can't stand say rather that the village endures
this heat." n choral society with manly resigna-
Waiter—"Directly, sir." (Opens tion."
the window.)
Second (.nest (a little later) --
"Waiter, there's dratight enough
to give one a death of cold. Do
shut the window."
Waiter—"Yea, sir." (Shuts tho
tt indoor.)
First (,;nest--."Wniter, are you
mad 1 Why have you closed the
e inflow• 1 Open it again at once. '
Waiter ---"Very good, sir." (Goes
to landlord.) "Sir, one of the gen-
tlemen wants the window open, and
the other wants Inc to shut it. What
am I to clot"
Landlord --"Do what the gentle-
aein says who hasn't dined yet."
For Neuralgia, -,
__. .._ .
P� Rheumatism, PainHeadache, Etc.
ytho:esate--Lyman arcs. & Co., Taranto and Meatreat ; Lyman, Knox A C:a'kbon,
Tor•nto ; National Drug Co , London.
33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. !
The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices
pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annum and are in
our opinion a good speculative investment: Crown Reserve,
City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Terniscaming
and Tretheway are popular stocks and should increase in
please address them at the nearest \Vhen all other corn preparations
Ise .fiver nr• arod•etion ler 19014
cno of the three places to Iris post fail, try Holloway's Corn Cure. No "111 ••lr•tae• avow e12,000.0f(
ence in using it.
office. pain whatever, and no inconven' TT T T) T !'t
Mother --"Oh, Bobby, you naugh-
ty hos, you've been smoking !"
(Pause.) "Poor darling' De you
feel very had'!" Bobby (who Itas
been well brought up)—"Thank
you! T' m dying:"
These two desirable goal ifr••a-
lions. pleasant to the taste and at
the same time effeetual, are to he
found in Mother (;raves' \Vorrn Ex-
terminator. Children like it.
"The village boasts a choral so-
ciety, does tt not?"inquired the
visitor. The resident shook his
head. `'Boast," he said, "is not
pieciscly the right were!. I should
The Mild
of Virginia
offers splenlld ere, tnnitlea 1•rr .1... L r•,i•Ing,
fruit gr -wins, •f•itry,na and go,oral fanning.
Winters ars abort climate r.'ttirnt. L.,ud
good and soiling 1,•;..w its v.i ue. 1.111 tt.e Na.ina
■ value e..clr 'ear. ` •.ny r.nn,tl.t,n mu Ii,iue
-� ` — `� la Virginia. 1'. rt• f �r i•tf��rwall��•t l•r
A new Cote!t propoa,tion what:, ••nr)nes the U. SY, KI)J') 1r.
A meeting of creditors 1S seldom s»lo meat of Al cern et minmZ property ideally Cumral..k�ust .,1 Aariru'(nre.
los the purpose of expressing Con- located in the recognized mineral serve, only two
fidence in the man who can't pay biocka removed trcm eh• O•eat Ntr`nsmj, kigttt �
•f wey and Lt Rosa. Qat In at the Cut:om. TNs
ten cents on the dollar. ; ti where the money le made. ��C
• I we ars offering • Lampe. amcunt of Ulric& at G
cents per ahem, 11.00 par, no;eraonal :iaNNity, .
PttyaIeal Pain ant mental angnl.h afflict the on en instalment plan of 2 ants per share par
victims of .kin dienueoe (let rid of hnth by rub. month.
Mug weever'', Ceeete .ut the postal, itching, di.- q Only ■ few weeks ago we fatr:y pus our
figured face. The relief given 11 among the dents Into Termekaming, Nova Scotia and Gown
wuaderaof uadioiu• RCS!! VO from 40 to 30 cents per share. To -•y,
1 To -clay. Teml.kamieR Is ea erly hough! at 88, Nora Scotia
at 56, and Ciown �eserre .
11-!, ••i a girl gets a fellow on the
.. • .g '1,:• usually expects him to
tic a tine lovers' knot.
The egotist is the most dependent
of creatures; he has only himself to
Is!! l,•,, k r,►1.
"I3ijge t and Best"
Chewing Tobacco
Tramp—"Can you assist me aloe a 1.71. Figure these,
g' pton..
the road mum?" had}'
House—"Personally I cannot of the 9 we are Inverter our own monsy In Ulrtca. Coma
• Lot and so a r•g• lien,' for nap and ask for regular
market letter.
he will be most pleased to do so!" STEWART 8t LOCKWOOD
neon :ip
1 will unchain ray dog, and I know
When going away from home, or
at any change of habitat, he is a
wise nein who numbers among his
hr longings a bottle of Dr. J. 1).
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial.
Change of food and water in some
strange place where there are no
doctors may bring on an attack of
dysentery. He then has a standard
remedy at hand with which to cope
with the disorder, and forearmed
he can successfully fight the ail-
mient and subdue it.
"1 am not adroit. Each day I
do something that makes me wor-
ry „
"That's bad."
"\\'ell, each new worry makes lee
forget the worry of yesterday. It
might be worse."
A man with a fad can't under-
stand why so few others are inter-
ested in it.
18 Adelaide St. P. TORONTO
Ai, wins 51an4pd Sart and Alining l:•zchandl
Clerk—I came in to ask you, sir,
if you could raise my salary.
Employer—It isn't pay-day.
"I know it, sir ; but 1 thought I
would speak to you to -Clay."
"Well, go back to your desk, and
don't worry. I've raised it every Farmer
week you've been with us so far,
haven't Ii"
¢ll Piano
Bell Organs ate
also World f ,.Dietl
Howl for Fre. (*alai it
__ . No. Is to
Hie Bell Piano La cgoan co., gin.. Gu(i n, o,l
Women find itdifiie ult to make
a lasting iutprest1' 0 011 a soft ninn.
h• * mn. b mono? he eoutd save by sett* a
leatrhanks •.o aek•of.sl1- I rade', 11‘..111,• Bir
gine t•• •aw wood. pone/ vats. grind feed. &n.,
W• w.•ul.l n d 14 able to 'supply the delayed.
cut MO ad out and sen•11 to es to -Jay, 40 ,1 w•
w111 send y Gar free catalogue.
y os•
The best of Ceylon is in her teas. ! Address
Nowhere also do they grow to such!
pp•rteotioa. The best of Ceylon's tla•eieidi"Faleb se
n1'••,LImlt"'To este, Oct
ore in "daladi,"
NoatMal, Winnipeg. Vatee:uurer.