Exeter Times, 1908-10-08, Page 1• • seta 8 URON &M1DDL +'SEX GAZETTE THIRTY-SIXTH YHAH—NO 1827 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCT 8th 1908, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I* ••••••..................................... JONES CLARKS' •••N••• Phone No. 32. LADIES WINTER COATS 22 ii 1 1 11 II2 .. 1' Everybody seems pleased with our Coats this season. We. too, are proud of our great. assortment. You get a distinctiveness of style here not shown elsewhere. Noth- ing but the newest and smart- est coats shown here. Our Beaver Coats from $10 to $12 Are Semi -fitting or Box style. With silk braid and velvet trimming or self strap- ping. They are very choice coats and our variety at those prices gives you a fine selec- tion. Our Beaver Coats from $15 to $18 Are. we consider, the hest coats on the market. They are either tight or box fitting and beautifully trimmed with silk braid and velvet. All the leading colors and smart- est styles shown in all out' Coats. OUR NEW DRESIS GOODS Have you seen about your New Fall Suit yet? It is a very important question now, and the easiest, quickest, and best way to do is to call here and see our Swell Range of New Goode. , , 50c. yard A choice line of fancy Tweeds it itallthe new shades also a fine line of plain cloths in Black, Blue, Green and Brown. 75c. yard Buys some of our choice fancy striped Suitings in Blue Green or Brown; or a nice plain Satin or Venetian cloth in any color you may choose. $1.00 yard This is the popular price for a Suit or Deese and our range is large in Fancy Strip• es, Fancy Tweeds, or plain cloths in all the leading colors andAfabt ice. $1.25 yard Something extra for this price. The hest Blacks, Blues Greens and Browns in plain cloths and some real swell striped effects. Ladies Fur -Lined Coats 1Ve have a very large range of Ladies Fur Lined Coats this season. No Lady wanting a coat should mise seeing theta. We know we can please You as we bought so many that, we got them at the price to sell. Every coat Guaranteed as we sell no poor furs. The very Best Rat Lined Coats for $iO, $55, $t;o, >dtl;, and $75. We also carry a fine lot of Men's Fur fined Coats. LADIES FURS The very choicest of Neck Runs, Muffs, Stoles, Coate' Caps. A big stock to choose from. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoos chilli wadi p ) 3(•3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• MONEY TO LOAN. We have a largo amennb of private funds Oen on farm and village properties ablowrato Interest. (((.ADMAN eo STANBURY Barristers 8ottoitors, Main SLIPxebee FRANK CAIRNS. Veterinary Sur geon. Sncceasor to A. It. Itain. say, V. 8. Treats all domestic ani- mals on most approved principalb. Special attention to dentistry. Office at Ramsay's old stand on Main street. Night call at Peter )l:twden's residence Main street. ERN EST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to Ivan at lowest rates. North west lands for sale. Office, Main Street. Exeter 1011 S 1 I 3 1;\ETKR LIC tiro ense.l Auctioneer. Hales con ducted in alt arts. Terms reasonable Orders can be left at the TiMEs Office it. We guarantee every we put out to do as we claim. $t 6.50 up Et) BOSSENIERRY , ZURICH Records .}nets. Liberal allow - Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con ante on old machines according and satisfaction guaranteed to worth. Drop in and see and hear the latest at.— THE t..—THE PURITY 1 1. 1 DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. s„ D. U. S., Honor grad+tate of Tort nto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & Stanbury'a Main street— EXETER. J W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C • P. 8,, Graduate Victoria Un fereltr. aline and reetdeoence. Dominion t.a oe r a to r r. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. WES AMU Trade your old talking machine off and have an Up-to-date Edison. ;lave a machine that gives pure rich toned music, with no scratch or metallic sound. The Edison is the only machine which will do MONEY TO LOAN W. have nnllmtte.t private funds for tnvasl —slit urn farm or village rroperty at lows. t tttt'treoN R C`ARLIN° (Can. Exp. Bldg./ Exeter Moss 0 Inters,•. DICKSON & CARLiNO, artistes, nolfcttota Notaries, Oonveysaoerm Commis -I nen, Solicitor, for the ileum. Rank. Ere. tis weep teLoaa et loose rata' of Interest OPTICIC t—MAIN BTHEIST, IIRII;TZR. a. C.RLtwa R. £, L. R. Dfdfas011 Lois Thomas& Nutter Civil Engineer & Architect (L.te Depot men t of rublie WWI*, O....1& ) Oonsu)tinr Yebaineer for 1tnnloiprl and Conner Work. rfe'tri, r•ilrnvta, Nowerage and Waterwneke sr.tem Whar, ems, Ih!.lre• and K,-e.foraad ('�n.re•e pboe.• t i4n44n Oatufe DR. R. 1 . ROULSTON, L. D. S. D. 1). 19., Dentist. limber of C. D. y., of Ontario and Honor nate of Toronto University. :—Over Dickson e Cavil's Willis Powell SALE: REGISTER A..c:.cn •ai• of farm and personal prolrt ty. Lot 14. Con. 10., Ilay 1 1-2 miles south of 'Luricli on Thursday, Oct. 16t11 at one o'clock. E. Bo:•sen- berry, Auctioneer. Gorge Bchocllig, proprietor. Thursday, 0(1.,22. 1908, farm farm stook and implements. lot 25, Con. 1 t'eborne, John Welsh. prop. Thos Cnineron and 11. 8. Phillip.•, Austr: Tuw.d.y, Oct 20i It, farm stook and Iti.pl.rroute. Lot 22, eon 2, t'ebstne at 12 O'ck.ek noon. A. Campbell. Prop • 7ihc . Cstrnoren. Ault. 01, Wvilari:d-tj, October 11th at 12 e ti .ek. an DI 15. cone( scion 4, Hat- ters, librtors, rtgis.attd Clydesdale and work horses, high grade farts stnek, imple- ments an 1 household furniture. Wm. Tower.. pro),tietor ; Thos Caw ren. *oath Nor. if School Report EXETER SCCHOOL REPORTi ROOM IV. Sr. 4 Honors Iteginald 2lissett 91, Clarence Heywood 88, Mary (Davis 80, Preston !Dearing 79, David Ball 75. ('ass Willie Snell 70, :Gordon Taylor 601 Jr. 4 llonors ;Willie Heideman 96, limbic Wood 91, Nary Acheson 91, 'Irene Rivers 88, Lulu Snell 88, Madeleine Carling 87., Qrene Hardy 87, Nellie Jones 85, Flory !Bla- ney 83, Jean Beldon 81, stella South- cott 81, Viola Rowe 75. Pass Gordon Penbale 73, Edna Brock 73. Fred Mc- Pherson 72, Ariel Beverley 70s Leon Treble 69. Mussell Balkwill 67. No. on roll 35 average attendance 30. C. VOL',SER ROOK VI. Sr. II lloniors Maud Ilioks . 03, Edith !Davis 81, Pearl Jackson 80 Jennie Mussell 79, Joseph Craig 79, Lula Hastings 78, Fannin Bawey 78, Alrna Mack 77, Marjorie Seldom 76, Joseph Ferguson 175. ('ass Harry Parsons 71. Jr. II Honors Lola Zuefle 92, Mel- ville (Madman 81, May Harness 82 Gordo't Ford 79. Pass Stanley Me.- Palls c:Palls 74, Allen Carter 70, Gerald FitFon 70. Bertha Ilorney 70, Emily Dinney 69, Dorothy White 67, Doro- thy Kunz 67. No. enrolled 36 average attend- ance 91.3. If. M. KINSMAN. ROOM V. Sc. III. honors Blanche Quance 02, Linder IIarvey 90, Ernest "Harvey 89, Lola Taylor 86, Marion Illatc)I- ford 84, Rota Rowe 81. Pass Marry Snell '74, Oscar Anderson 73, Ethel Balkwill 72, Lula nestle 71. Muriel Jones 67, Thornton Fear 64, t Jrno Sweet 63, Oliuver Hodgert 61. Jr. III. Honors Florence Rowe 88, Harper Rivers 83, Lillie Marchand 81, 'Mildred Heywoodnod 81 Maggie Case 80, Lulu lledden 80,.41ive Mo. - Donald 79, Willie Manson 78, Ethel Dal 78, LaBelle IIandford 78, Jessie Brickwood 70. Pass Beatrice Hod- gert 72, fleeter Rowoiiffe 72, IAnnid Day 71, Alberta Knight 71, Joe Fol - lick 70, Anna Bell 69, May Nineties combo 67, Mable Knott 6767, Edgar Horney 65, Gordon Richardson 64, Maurice Senior 62, Willie Kydd 61, Eddie Anderson CO. No. on roll 47 average attendaneci 39. ELSIE 8f. McCALLITM.' ROOM VII. Jr. II. Jack Hurdon 87, Edn t Johns '77, Mary Day 77. Russell Marshall -,3 Marguerite (Pickard 57. No. on roll 44 average attendance 36. P. W. HOWARD. ROOM VIII. Br. pt. 41. Rhoda Cornish 85, Alio Tayloo 85,Drew Knight 80, Violet Welsh 79, Herbert Hector 76, Frank OFanson 76, Mildred (lardy 75, /Mer- vin Russell 70. Mid. pt. II. Lillie Walker 81. Millie 'Walker 80, /Willie Jacobi 76, Willie Davis 70, Irene Mor - lock 64. Jr. pt. •II. Alvin /Cornish 83, Czar 'Harness 81. George Kelly AP, Clifford Mallet 76. Willie Brown 75, Clarence Morley 72, Vera Sweet 70, Lon !►earino 68. Milton Medford 65. No. on roll 38 average attendance :i.9. M. V. MARTIN. B. 8. NO. 6, 13813ORNE. Tic following is the relrorts of the examinations held during the month of 3eptetnber. :'+r. IV. total 4;,0 marks. Lulu Gel - baa :117. -Rhea Godtolt 339. Itay Fletcher 317. Jr. IV. total 460 marks Emma Heywood at4. Sr. lil. total 275 marks ,Jean Camp- bell 168, Earl Coward 165. Jr. 111. total 250 marks Inez Creery 1309, Hoy Goulding 272, Edward Kellett -253. Erie Coward 207. Sr. 41. total 500 tnsrks Din Cornish 488. Hardwick -Cornish 151. ;4ny Clark 414,'Inia Heywood 356. .1r. I1. total (160 marks Gordon iluncan 215, (Davit: tCr,ery 215. Lloyd) .Hohni 162, Jessie A. Hamilton. S. B. No. 10, t'SBORNE. 1'ellotvitig is the report of S. S. No. 10, Usborne, for the month of ti r tNames intaller of mer- it. V class, Mary .t V May Horton, Archie Morgan :, Blos- som Asirlerson, Earl Triffey ; .1r. IV. Vera Whitlock. Arthur Cole. Myra Morgan, Tom Glenn.; .(r.Ill, Horton MacDougall : 13r. ')i. .Johnny Morton, .in, \Vhitoek. Joe Kernick ; Jr 11. Myrte •l'Ym. Ernest i'ym ; Pt. It 11. Cann. Nelie Anderson. Ilela Cann. \Wille Horton, Ityron Triffey„ Arthur Triffey. daze Kernick, :1.. Horton, Robert Heath. No. on rol. 70; attendance.- 21. J. V. .\tinsr:*,Teacher•. S. 8. NO 2. USB(OHNE. Fullowine is the report 01 H. P. No. 2 )Urterne, for the month of Sou. tutor. Mims are in order of merit. Fifth 0::045.— May Daryl). E. it.tnkin : Sr. Fourth, Cooraey Itrown. Anne Turnbull, Meryl Snell Teresa Coward. Viola Iletikin, Willie .14- frey, Charlie Alli=on, Milton ilo.l;r.•rt Sr. 1rd.. L:ewelyam1 Stewart, .lean AIIi'on, Jessie ilodgert, Joanna Mon- teith. !Annie Pollen, Nelle (hour. Jr. 3rd.. irare''! Turnbull. Garfield (tows. Char:: • 1Cdw:ard, Ju0ur HMI - gert. Sr. 2nd. hazel ihfnkin, Ethel McDonald. Saline Stewart. 4. Cottle, Harold Jeffrey, Mni y McDonald. Sr. part if. Charlie Cottle, Gladys lhu- can. Charlie Turntnil. Charlie Mon- teith, Eddie 1'o:len, Mollie Williams, Sr. 1st. Vio:ct Stewart, Jana. •nod- lgert. 'Millie Pollen. Jr. 1st, IPob- crta Monteith. Charlie Jeffrey, Nel• sots Ilunkin. Lowest let.. A. 'Rundle, p • • R. P. No. 4. STEI'iUTN. F lotw'ng is Ile revert of B. R. t No. 4, Stephen for the month of&i'-1 .s�sistia $1.00 per year in advance Mabe Coxwerth, Gordon Cornish, C Brown, Caretce Eilber, Harry Bch wartz. Third, Ia. Eilbcr, ' Emerso Roeszer, Edna Amy, Laving Smith Second, Eddie Cornish. Jos. 8chviartz Croton Morlock, Joey l)rokenshire Mervin Cozworth, Emerson Wein A Aubin. Br. Pt. 1I Adeine (Vein. 1C Morock, Carrie Schroeder, Olive Cor nish. Jr. l't. 41 Mary \\rids, (Haze l'reszcator. l't. 1, Stela Cornish, M Wein, (;Rin Elkcr. Mabe C. Jennison. Teacher. • n S. B. No. 2. STEPIIEN. Following is the report of S. 6 No. 2., Stephen, for the month oin September. Sr. 1V, I,. Stahls. Jr IV, J. Coughlin, L. England : fir. II G. King, 'M. Epgland, V. . Cornish 1. stable : Jr. 111, M. Elms, C. Cough 1:n, L, Sims, C. Jones ; Jr. 1I S. tJones, Pt.11, M. Lawson, C. 6tahls ; Xt. 1., II. Coughlin, I. Ilrandou. T. Cornish, G. Sims. Hattie Chapman. Teacher. B. S. NO. 8, HAY.Tho following is the report of B. S, No. 8, flay, for August and Sep- tember. Names are in order of ner- it. Class IV Cora Trucmner, 3usic Klicnfeldt, Tnsnelda Trucmner. Br. III.—Luella 'Bunts, Lillie Messner, 0. Truemner. Belle Overholt. Pearl Broderick, Jr. IIL—lthienhold Mil- ler, Ferdinand 'Miller, Edwin Hart- man. Emily 8hroeder, Class II. -_ Flora •Klienfeldt, Tillie K untrz, G. Wiegand, Amelia Miler, 'Theodore Miller, Ottis Trtie mner, (Charlie Hartman, Ida 'Messner, Pt. IL—E. Messner, Norman IClienfeldt. Br. Pt. 1—Itudolf 'Miller, Clara Weignad, If. Recker, Ethel Klianfeldt, HerbertMessner. Jr. ff't. I—Nora Miller, C. Kuntz, Mary Miller, Beulah Weigand Christina Becker, Lillie liroderick„1I Truemner. Billie Messner, Agnes Hartman, A. C. 'Milligan, Teacher. 8, 13. NO. 5, UElJORNE The 'following is the re rt of B. B. No. 5. Uabornc. Class V.—Honors Hazel llissett 181. Wass, .Myrtle Moody 74. Sr. ;IV — Honors, Elva Ford 78, Fred Perkins 77. Pass Rut- Kestle 74, Willie Kernick (70, V. Moody 69, Austin Ford 62. Jr. JV Pass. Blanche Ford 74, Emma Fisher 72, Elsner 'McFalls 70. Jr. II—Pass, Maggie Moody 69. Pt. 'II— Honors, Without Larry Exeter Men Get in Trouble. .•1 T'w•uz an inthesterin' toime th' ' foive Exeter gintlewin had what at- tindid tit' Kirkton fair lasht Trolly an' accordin' to raports from Billy ' Taman. wan •'v th' par-rty, nn if annything he` bane overlooked yes can blame him, a good horse Braine cud get a good class here afore h shtruck town. Th' day wuz a foive wan fer out dure cxerco.iscs, a' I wuz invoitcd t chaperone th' par-rty, but heirs' es I knew .none iv tbim wuz acquainted wid th' jooties es chambermaid to livery horses, an' not knowiu' much about thirn mesilf, I respictfutly c1 ' cliued th' invitasion wid thanks, owe in to prissure iv ither business. Accordiri' to Dilly, he intinded drty in', but cz Mr. Harrison, th' gintte-• min what looks afhtcr th' Bank iv Commerce intherests in this district tverz holdin' th' !nines, not wan iv ithers made anny attimpt to ra- lave hint iv thitn, so Be job wuz hes. Ilowiver, tit' thrip to tKirkton wuz tnade in good toime, an' corners %vuz turned tvidout upsettin'. Th' fair grounds wuz attindid an th' afhternoon epint in lookin' over big punkins, wheelbarrows, :pretty gurrls, an. retro. nn' tetra. Iv coorsc they cudJent lave w'idout slipper an supper they took, but It wnz afltter supper an' whin they got ready fer home, that th' inthrestin' part iv th' day s procadings commen- ced. Billy sex )te dossent know touon about hitehin' up horses, nn dsesent want to tarn, an not wishi,n' to show th' rist iv th company hcz unfamil- iarty wid th' bastes. ran over to see George Burton just fer n tminnit. Whin he returned th' process 1v hitehin' up wuz slttarted, at least Dyer Bunton svtrz holdin' wan iv th horses outsoidc. ami wuz sbooin !very wan off fer fear the baste would git akcered an' rot away, whoilc insoido th' bar-rn Mr. Harrison, Dick Creech an' Wallace Clark witz thryin to la tate where th' bridle wuz to be put on th' ither horse They soon Bis ivered th' sltpot, but begorry, they tvussent used to drivin n horse avid- wo hits an overlooked th overcheok Miss Robinson. teacher.) bit. If coarse this diddcnt make th' ••f I r e o Orby Kestic 77. ('ass. Thelma Ford c 71, Roy, .Perkins 67. Ferrol .7liggins� 62. t harness jibe, 0114 Wallace, he shorts IN, L K. Fewoo, inn of l kirkloo Killed 10 Nolo. Dr. A. K. Ferguson, of 700 Bat erst street, Toronto. and a former resident of Kirkton vas fatally in- jured in a street car accident in Tor- onto Tuesday afternoon. The doc- tor was riding a bicycle when he fell beneath the wheels of a street car, the front wheel passing almost completely over his body, which was almost out in two. Until the arriv- al of an ambulance Dr. Ferguson was left where he fell to avoid the pain of moving .him. Although ter- ribly injared he wns still able to give his name and address when picked 119. ens up tL• check so s to make it look das.•nr. I Tie horses wuz at lasht put be- taoide ih -Wagon pole, but bejapdrs fit's 11iWIY, nary a wan iv us had th'' nerve to go forninst their kicklu' Inde, so N. 1). suggisted"t''hat in or- b (her to avoid anny disaster, that lb' Lames ati tugs tie rarnoved an hitch- ed to tli rig, an then back tit' bastes undlternath !Dike a tenrn iv foircln. Jin horses, an' accordin to hcz atrg- gistion th' hitch up wuzi made wid- out anny damage to anny wan, but not being too allure iv their job, th' fellow what droives th' throttin' horse fel Tom Murdock wuz axed to look t)=' annirnals over, an ret that tverythin' wuz all roight fer navi- aatin . "Gintlemin,' sez he. . "Ycz hcv done a foitte jots but begorry. if yes j would put on th' neck yoke an put th' tongue iv th wagots in it. yes plight get a betther shtart: Th' neck yoke what atom over look- • e41 intlt' hitehin , wuz finally put In its proper idiot, an' iverything taus ready fer th' return thrip. None iv th' ither gintlemin wankel to agin undhertake tit' job iv drivin so Mr. llarrison tour. /litigated to lo- ' cat e th tvay home, an 1i' did a foitte job until Itat hole wuz ruched, whin th' driver noticc,d wan iv th horses ilt disthress, an' wanted t0 shtop ivery tninnit, cause somethin' wuz nfloppin' an .;hwattin' it in Eli' fact "Ilegorry.' set lie' "th' rudder on that bloornin headgear. hes got twisted ngin, or bejapers lire name s 1)inni.. A cotton:we fl ox nplxnied on th' shpot an' an inventory taken agin, whin 1)ick discivcrcd th' bit what Wallace had pulled up whin he made ih check shorter. wuz ha gin on wan iv its ears. This matthcr twits remedied an' th ramainder iv th' thrip made in .silence afhtcr a vow wuz taken to niver tnintiori - ann)•- thing about lit' thrip to anny wan. het Hilly cuddent kape GC joke an towld me in confidence, 'u don't Fay a tour -red to thirst about it. Whalen The fall Lairs are all dust anti iter are now down to the realities of life Our cement ,mason, loan Ogden is doing work for Mr. J. V. Millsott ant Mr. Morley. Mr. Geo. Cook, an old and highly respected resident of this community passed away on Thursday in his 78t1 year. He was ,buried on Saturday at the Presbyterian cemetery at Gran toe. Sam. McDonald tvhile in Forest on business suddenly expired as he was about to get into his .buggy. Ills remains were brought to his brother Edgar's, on the loth of .iilanshard nd the funeral which was conducted ty the Foresters took plate on Mons lay. Miss Gertrude Emery who has been visiting at the Bell restaurant he guest of Miss Ethel Millson, has ...turned to her home at Renwick. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. berth, of Melo- yre. %were the guests of Mrs. Geo. Nilson on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Keith and sister of Pros- ect. were the guests of Mr. Phillip /rooks. Miss Ella Brooks is Leine for a va- at ion with her plrents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brook'. of 1. Marys spent. Sunday with Mr. Al- icrt Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. henry 1)elbridge, of Vialchelsen visited friends here on unday. 1 a t 9 \ c 8 70 JIiE ELECTORS OF SOUTH (HURON Gentlemen,—On the nod of Janu- ary last you did me the honor of electing the as your representative to the Dominion !1'arliment. for which I return my sincere and heart -felt thanks. As Parliament has been dissolved and another election will be hold ou Monday, October 26th [ am again a candidate for your sufferages. As I have only been per- mitted to have part of one session I think in justice to the constitu- ency as well as to myself, it is only fair to ask a renewal of your confi- dence for at least a lull (tenni. This d now ask at your hands. and shou!.I you see (it to tbus favor me. 1 promise you that no effort will be aparcd on my part to a Nance the best interests of my constituents and the wolfare of our growing and prosperous country. Before the close et the campaign I hope 10 have the privilege of tneet- ing with many of you personaliy and f Nitt•u`s:nu ,Hifi you the Rrca1 ut:ie leaves whieh are now so ear• eatty engaging the httcntion of he peop:c of this country. Agaot colisit;ng your ai,1t.i� Auction Sale of Valu. able Farm Property. Stock and Implements. 4r. Thomas Cameron has been in- e:I rune., to sell by )Public Auction ou Lot E. 1-2 Nn. 9, ('nn. 1, 1'sborne on Friday, Oct. Kith, (18, at one o'clock p. t» that valuable properly consisting of the east half of lot 7, 8 and the south half of lot 10 Con. 1, Usbnrne, contain- ing 2111 acres, on which there is erected a good brick dwelling, huge hank barn frame stable and shed. 1t is well suit- ed for general fatutir,g or grazing. This property will be sold in block or part to suit purchaser. There will also he sold at the same time, 2 work horses 2 stickling colts draft, 4 milcli cows due to calf in March and April, 19 steers two veers old, 8 heifers tan years old, 4 yearling steers, 4 yearling heifer*, 6 ea vos, a number of breeding ewes, 1 walking plots, 1 root p,ilper, 1 Tor- onto air motrr windmill and tank complete. Termet of Ileal Estate mule knoian eu Hay of rale. TE:HD1a.—All sl;me of $5 and utt- d• r, cosh ; ewer that afttma►t 12 mouths' are,Iit t. 111 Le Oven $n fur- n:shing approve.) Joint anis.. or P r St discount of 5 (tor cent Put'•thm oldeon the 10th, ea..h chi eredit anoints. (bo 12th, r isr Bros„ Props. of Steal Estate; _ LATEST AND BEST Use a NATIONAL STEEL RANGE HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE T. Kawkins & S�n Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Sinks, etc. We slake a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof- ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town, T. KAWKINS & SON FALL SUITINCS Just to hand the largest and best stock of Fall Suitings ever shown in town. We have received the Fall Plate of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Wear. Make your selections early and avoid the rush. W. JOHNS Merchant Tail( r Exeter, Ontario Liberal Meetings The following Meetings will be addressed by Mr. McLean the Liberal Candidate and others. Non. A. Grand Bend (Iirenner's 117111 Wednesday Oct, 11th.) Sliipka (If.anihan's Milli, 'l'llllrsday Oct, 15110 Exeter (Opera House, Friday Oct. 1fitJi.) G. McKay, will address the Exeter meeting. DUsIIwood (Zinitner's hall, Saturday Oct. 17th.) Other meetings will be announced n_xt week. k Mr. Garnet Ileyticod. of London, Mr. Jame,' Llliot, of the Roo, ••rent *utility at his home Here. fled bis alternephew',sgMthe. Alf. - Jainsi, Walter flaring life past 1 t'ar'o.(' is Sere. - • mcrin¢tbe Ilth is 'Itib>•TORZia try..... ' .01111ies r■ Ws lire 1