HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-01, Page 8N:XETt<;R '1'1MES OCT 1st 1808, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+11 +++++++++++++++++++4r++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 Business is Goed With us Stocks are all complete, people are preparing for Fall anti Winter. We are ready to serve you, our stock is large and varied, Ladies Jackets and Dress Goods are going well, they are strong lines with us this season styles are very catchy. $15.00 ani $16,00 For Ladies tailor made Jacket in Black, Brown, Blue and Green, made from the finest pure wool Kersey cloth, trim- med with stitching and self strapping, Loose, Semi -fitting and Tight, or Corset fitted. It you want style in Jackets you must go to Stewarts, ask for ono of our Jacket cata- logues. ,$1.00 to $1.00 Fora !pig range of Ladies Tweed Beaver and Vicuna cloth Jackets, all colors, trimmed with strapping, Velvet, and Braids, We believe that our showing of Ladies, Girls and Childrens Jackets is the larg- est in the county. Come in and pass your judgement on the line. Our New Dress Good are going:welL'l'he'om- S bre Shevron stripes have first place They are certainly nice. They come in lovely Browns, Blues. Greens and Reds. The stripes are shaded with sof', rich autumn tints. Yes they are the finest we have ever shown. Make swell suits or odd skirts. 25c30c.,C 50c., three specials in Ladies new • f & fall vests. White and natural, soft. lofty finish. Elastic ribs perfect. fitting. You will ,like theist "they're great". "Seconds" another job lot of fine ribbed cotten hose, for big girls, boys and women, regular 30c. val- ues— but owing to slight defects in making' we are closing out the lot at 2 for 25 cts. Milliner our strong line. We are turning out Ladies' hate equal to any of the best City houses and at prices away by all odds in our favor. For "Newities" "Zippy" "Gingery Stylings" 0 Stewart's Irate. They are it. Farm produce taken same as cash. Potatoes, Dried Apples. Eggs, Butter and Live Poultry. S. A. BTEWA E T +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++4+ +d'++++++++#+++++++++++++•i' mfr++++++*+++++++++ RELIABLE WATCHES Perfect in Construction Positive in Performance We again call attention to our grade of WATCHES Good Material, Fine Finish, and Accurate Ad,justrnent are all combined in our High Grade Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but qual- ity, like anything else it is al- ways cheapest in the end, If you want a good reliable watch call on us. A. MARCHAND Wedding Rings a Specialty. NSW FfILL WINTER SUITINGS OVER COATINGS PANTiNGS AND VESTINGS In all the latest. Shades and Paten's, at reasonable prices See the New Fashion Plates for the Present Season. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, -- ONTARIO. ••••♦•••••••••NN♦••••••.• •LOCALS•• •••••••• 5••••••• Miss Laura Lamhrook is visiting f rlends in Oshawa. Messrs. Maurice and Clarence bier rctutned last trcck from west. • The Times sent 10 any address ill Canada to January 1st. 1909. Lor 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. \Vel. Ilooper are cis. - ;tiny friends at Farmers' %alis,. I'eun. Mrs. McDonald, of Chicago, is vis- iting ber parents. Mr. and Dtrs. John Snell. Mr`. \Vm. \Vood, of London, visit- ed fricttds in town during the past wcele. Mrs. James Tlerm who was quite ill for several days, is recovering nicely, Miss Iionthron, of Ilcnsall, visited her aunts here a few days .1iirinq the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and eon, of Sarnia, were the guests of Itev. and Mrs. Collins Monday. Mrs, Kay and children. of Colorado are the guests of Mr. J. A. Steuart, Mother of Mts. Iiay. Mr. and '1rs. Jas. Pedlar. of Pig- eon, Stich., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John I'cdl:u last Meek. Nits. John :Willis. who visited friends here for some week?, return- ed last week to her home in Mar• lettc, Mich, ?dr. Mussell E. !fanning, of Dun- gannon, and a former Exeter boy, was in town last Thursday calling on friends. Mrs. Ed. Drew. accompanier] by her granddaughter Dorothea. left Monday morning for their home at • Ontario. Calle. blessrs. Crossley'and Iiu to the n evangelists are expected here on Nov. 29th to commence a series of evan- gelistic cervices. Mrs. 11. W. Downs and daughter, of Exeter. arc the guests at the re- sidence of H. .1. tiihhings this 'we,rk. Clinton New arra. • Two rinks of Exeter bowiers at- tended the tournatncnt at Crediton last Friday. resulting in Mr. Taman's rink winning the trophy. a ease of 'silverware. •'Prat" the fine fox terrip•r..be:onR- ing to Hugh Spackman, was found dead last Sunday morning. it is not known if it were killed or 1'o:.'on& by some malicious person. Mrs. Geo. Weir, of Leamington and Mr. ('has Manning. of (Cleveland. were attending the funeral of the late Mrs. R. 1:. Mann'ng. at Clinton last week and on Thursday called on friends in town Rev. Galvin. of Parkhill. a fortn- cr pastor here, prcachcd Educational sermons in the Main Street church Tali Sun•117. Rev. .Fear went to Il.lerton for the day where he preached Anniversary sermons. Bo- ttle NEW GOODS THE OLD RELIABLE intoour store one door north of To our Patrons and the Public Step We take Pleasure in inviting you to our inspection of Post Office, and see our NEW STOCK of !fine Merchandise for Fall and winter Season, an unusual tress Goods, Mantles, Furs, "°'"°' of;- Giothing, Boots & Shoes, All Fancy and Stapi. Dry Goods. 1)11. OVENS EYE AND EAR BUR- Itotel.will llours 0.30 the m. Commercial pl m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday, October, !4ti.1 Apprentice wanted to learn dresi- making. Apply to Miss •Mary 'Pout. Remember the Field 1)ay games of the Exeter school to hu •held Ott. 9. Miss 'Tillie .1. White was 1n Tor -1 onto last week attending the funeral' of the late Mrs. \V. G. Boort To Whom it May Concern : ,This and have your groceries delivered on short forted; anyone selling goods on cred- it tofhr name of John It of Exeter North—.)ernes Herbert.rbert.rbert. notice. The best fresh Groceries always in ct Mr. \veidenli auanler. the principal of the school, is becoming settled in stock. \[r. D. Mack's house. formerly owis- cd by Mr. William Howard. Rino up Phone No 22 Mrs. Ilarrle and daughter. Mrs• Mahan. of London. and Miss Edy'th Gidley, of 11131h, were the guests of Mr. and lips. Michie.! Gid ley for a few clays least week. Mr. Fred Tient, of Zion left Tues- day for \1'cy'burti, Husk., where lie expects to purchase land. Mr. Meru last week sold his farm on the 9th concession Usborne consisting of fifty acres for the sunt of $4,025. Snell Rowe ••••••••••••••••••••••• Those wishing furs repaired or re- modelled should bring them in this month in order to secure reduced prices. M. BALK\VILL, Andrew st. Exeter. ♦♦••••♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦NN•♦• Remember the Field I)ay games of Owing to a breakdown in ithe the Exeter school to be Itch! Oct. 0, gasoline engine the river pump was Mrs. Andrews, of Clinton, is vis - out of commission several /lay's last week. The engine was .Gotten in shape lust Friday morning and the sprinkling, wagon was able to snake its regular rounds. Mr. G. W. Harrison. manager of the Canadian flank of Commerce. re- turned Monday morning after a trip to New York. Mr. Harrison desires to secure. a .suitable residence in town and if any one has ane to rent they will confer a favor by advis- ing ]rim. A young lady was in .town last Friday endeavoring to secure the co-operation of one of ilia Epworth Leagues in getting up an entertain. - men! entitled "Iii the Union Sta- tion." The leagues did not take kindly to the proposition ant she moved on to some other place. ging ,Mrs. D. Johns. Miss Lila Johns returned !tonic from Clinton Monday. Mrs. Hill, of Parkhill. visited her sister. Mrs. Mack, the latter part of last week. Mrs. James Willis has (novel into town, having purchased a house from 11r. John Braun. Mr .'S, Handford who has been vis- iting her daughter in London, re- turned home Tuesday evening. Mr.,. tCrocker, who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Tait, has returned to her home in Ht. Marys. 1)r. Chisholm was on Monday pont' inated by the Conservatives of East Iluron to osptnati that riding at the coming elections. Miss Johnston has returned to The Women's Missionary society of tow a to again take charge of the the James street church held their Commercial department in the Ext. - quarterly tea at the home of Mr. ter High .Sohcol. an 1 Mrs. John Pedlar ou alonday At the Epworth League meeting evening east. Ater supper a splen -in the James street church oft Tues- �Mdf't,�ll �O,l did pregnene was given including (lay evening char life and .works of . , U tl to •, readings showing part of the Tenuysou were taken up by the Lit- erary committee. Two essays were st China by the lady missionaries given one on his life and the ember Auction Sale sent esti by the W. NI. B. on his. works. Several rif his writ. Rev. 1). W. Collins preached Liar- ings %fere seep .and recited. —of— vest Thanksgiving serni01?a in 8[. \Vouui's 1II41 ntc.— The regular Registered and High Grade Farm Paul's church, Mensal! last Sunday, ,ru sting c[ the \Vam. n'.s I,atitr.le Stock, dtnplements ani! House- tnornintz and evening. In the even- i hold Furniture. will beheld in Senior's hall on Fri - int: the congregation %Yes so .large daS', (k t. 2nd al. 3 o'clock. Rev. ]\ . Fri - Mr. Thomas Catncrutt has been its• that it was necessary to ,place chairs Mtrtin 'will give an address at :1.45 structcd to sell by Public Auction on in the aisles to accommodate it. Mr. , .\VI:DNIs3I)AY, OCT. xftlt, 1908. Percy Harding. etndent of the Iluron o clock on the 8anitariem at Hattie College, London. took charge of the services in the '1'rivitt Jletnorial church hc•r0 during .the day. THIS WEEK We are showing some Choice Stock in PIANOS from the best Canadian mak- eIs. Also three good second-hand ORGANS Sewing Machines the best the country produces All the latest novelties in Sta- tionery. Our prices for all the above goods are in your favor. Terms the most liberal you could desire Creek, its methods of treatment. At 12 o'clock noon„ staarp, on foods. etc. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Lul' 15, CON. 11, TI'. HUMERI, Cobblydick, •fres.: Mrs. Hastings. Sec the following, viz: The rain which fell oft iSfottdaynurses.—Teta 1egistcteel brood was welcomed by everyone, notw•ith- A Rcu'i,ar Storm Period ixgiir- marcs, 1 and ti years u!d '.lith foal, standing it was wast day and the in in September. will extend at draft ; 1 filly rising two years old, omen folks were compelled to post -)least two days in October. ri.:ring weligible for registration; 2 foals. cli- \tOI1) their Mon•l:ty wash. Farmers nliicit days stomp areas will 1)0 over Keble dot icl;tatratwu; 1 tills three were the encs to receive the most sections toward the Atlantic. and years old supposed lis be with foal; benefit. The fall {alotcinR lags not sharp anti -storm conditions—that is, 1 npatt or ►feintinge, 4 years uid near!, been completed and owing to rising barometer. northerly winds. (1 1alt; 1 general pubo c urate; i the baked condition of the around in and change to colder will fie advanc- gcldinit jwu ,setts old, draft ; 1 many places it was impossible to do from 't'cst to cast behind the storms. gelding three years old, carriage : any plowing. It is quite probable that reeler snow gelding two ,'cars old, caraiage, Fquails may come with the northern (;;,ltk.—(i !ugh !;rade tuilch cows;In ole list o[ exhibitors who won and rye5tern tangents of these 7 bteers rising .1 yea's; 2 fat heifers prizes at the Exeter fair we failed storms. 5 yearling stcena; 4 calves. to mention the name of W. J. neer, A Reactionary Storm 7'erio,l 15 1. 1tc stut 0 hogs; 150 hens ai.l harness rntker, 'y ho tion first oft central on the 4th, .rich and 6th. The pullets, two Lives of bees and 50(011 Z dentes 1•.tnes and first :tnd second chances are that disagreeable au- empty 1,0X.'. S tiirnnal nvea1her will continue into Implements—Lumber ‘wagon, Duck this !cried from the preceding per- wagon ; pair bubslciglis, new; !,air iod. with nut increase of e:ondiness• bub sleighs, been used; 1 top buggy' fall of the barometer and quiekeneri new j sup twiggy, heel! ecce; 1 cut - rain and snow storms on and touch- ter; LI Ipa:1Jtu1c spreaders.. ucar'q ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, 2 ins the 51h. The Moon is n: ex- new ; 1 binder, flew; z Mowers Principals. 1eems south declination at this time. nearly flew ; ,t utowet awl pea hal- also at first gnnrter, hence wind` wester • 1 hay leader; 1 steel hoist ++++++d-+1•++++++++++++++++♦ will naturally flow from rto:theriy rake; I ,harp halts rake; l 14 -hose h y� Q + directions in moat Tarts. nettling dina drill, stew; 2 walking plot'_ ; Curk- Tde Usborne and (Ribbert t.icakness and alltll lt111al a ,ill to the .I lit L'-1111160% 1 tiling i•:lpw, deft ; wencher• 1 large 2-fur:0w plow ; Z disks, 0110 1t, roil itx'r the Field Day gimes of new ; (3 setts iron harrows; 1 1ator the Exeter ,.ehool to be ,held Ort. U. roller ; L' snufflers; j hay rack ; 1 The James Street Methodist Snit hog and stuck rack ; 1 bag truck ; } held from the residence of her son- clay school held their annual Rally fanning mill; I rout pulper; 1 whect in-law, F.d. Christie, Saturday after- Day on Sunday last. ltev. Walter barrow ; C Kind ti tunes; 2 cars, noon to the Exeter Cemetery. fol- Milken of Kingsville, occupied the tope:, slings and fork; sets double President—,T. L. RUSSELL. Return tickets at single [site Oct. lowed by a large renlcourse of tor- pulpit. mi. Mrllsuit is :ut old Exr- %yolk harness; 1 101 t:tigle moll: Vice-President—W. 11. i'A88MOftF, oderllthtoNovemlper3rd.topointain rowing friends. ter Ioy' laaring attended our yobbo harn.ss: 1 act rubber nonrated sits- 1'ernagarni, points Mattawa to Port Ntrs. !tanning, wife of Russell F. ,Chou! s windier r r of years :Igo. Ili' rile hanrc5s, new : 1 50t bl;rck ►ennui_ DIRECTORS. Arthur. To Georgian Bay and Mack. Manning. of Dungannon, died at the sertnotts on Sunday ahot%cpd that he ed Lar ttcn5, sing:,, nett' ; J cutter WY, ROY, BORNBOL1i P. 0 inaw division; Port Arthur via N. N. home of her mother Mrs. Rowles, (n i9 a mall 01 no wean ability and pos- se os robe. and 2 pairs of horse blanket.. WN. BROOK WINCHSLBEA P. O. (Co., and to certain points in Quebec, Clinton. on .Monday of last cede.• senses a glrat deal of caanestness. 1 agricultural furnace kettle; 2 sue- T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0• New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and For a coil-iderable time she suffer -In flat morning he Kaye an excellent ear kettle.+; One :30 -lent la.id.r; 1 ROBERT NORRIS, Stara. Newfoundland ed from t•.hercular trouble andwen: address to the children nn the Christ1 fruit ladd• r-; 2 water troughs; ;a AGENTS, October 'and to Novemhar and; to London for treatment, returning Lf.. illustrated with p,ctnr,•s.. In quantity of lurulrr for racks a:::'. Muskoka Lakes, Penetang, Lake of n Clinton about [ice months ago to thaftrnoon a mass meeting of the gates; a quantity of 2 1-2, 3 tied JOHN F.88F.RY. Exeter. agent for Hays, Midland. Magaueh►wsn River, :'te home of her mother. '(here she S,lI il3 school was held an,l adder! 6 inch Uk :uul full set of ditching UNborae and Iliddulph. I Lakefield, Madawlaskocankto depot har-. : td every possible care and att.•n- Nes were given by ltev. Jlillso i and tun:r : t41.1.11 Ipal ', slip h;ek.•1 , fop les. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent I hot•, Argyle ftp ('„o. 1.indsay tt1' e e :.on, but it was realized that little Mr. \Vcidrnhamincr. Pt»lei{'a1 of the shovels, hoes. etc.; fifty tons of first for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan. Halibur[on, Sharbut hake cis K. & P. •otald be done for her rand she accept- Exeter school. In the evennlg ltev. class timothy Lay ; quantity of clover B. W. F. BEAVERS. 1 Hy„ and points from Severn to North d the inevitable iwith the same Dlillson .leliteled a ties- 1•tir ring bay ; 65 drille of uiangolds and ter- Hay inclusive. Return limit on all Christian confidence and resignation sermon pointing un, that the Itoys ttilm• SACY•TfeaB. Farquhar. tickets, lusiveay, eturn December St h, Mall MS t 1hat held characterized all her life. are Canada's greatest asset and Household furniture.—'2 cook stet•- nt.n1)MA V 4 ' TA 4141 5 ', 4 '-else. or until close of navigation, it earlier, She leaves to mourn her tons s tans- that everything possible should be es; 1 (1-oeta%e organ; 2 dining -teem to points reached hi steamers. Full band and a rml, The funeral to wino to keep theist front itiindcrin. tab:es: 1 .tuz. d:nuig-roona chairs: G information from town agent. fhe Clinton eetnelery on 'Tuesday, lit:a :ri. H,• uiokr• of the evil. but kitrhes shah,; a q'1:unity of [.etc. NEW TELEPHONE - forprivate. Sl r. Ma . was a very litetral itt habit of 6wcarill.5 '';a.s stout wood. {•.I:Is, barrels. etc. J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agents former resident of Et[eter• and stated tical the •!pill emit.' not Positively two reserve as the leu DIRECTORY or write J. D. MCDONALD. Una Mrs. Ltpcinwa \Vhite, beloved learn it if the mets end your; nun pricier has sold his farm. Depot, Toronto. Ont. wife of David its;inohr, died at her did trot use it. Ile also pointed out T1.IIIIS.—A11 sutras of f5 and us•• The Bell Telephone Co - -` — -- home at the north end early Tturs- hots many a young than cou:d be der, cash ; pger that amount 12 P ,lay morning• the direct- cause of her helped (,y heinz made weIeom • to tlionlh.• crcdil will be given on fur - .1 nth heinu wcuto dysentery. The the different church services. lex- n:�hnig approved joint Reiss. or mpany of Canada deceased was born 78 year' ago in ceilent Music it as furnished for the discount of 5 wee cent p••r aminin Vali all near Toronto. At out 35 occasion. Tito choruses were •u n: for cash on •, edit amount., Th. 'In;str.cs of S. F. .o. 2. Hay is about to publish a new issue of wi:l . ter the school house for s:le years ago Mr, and Mrs. ilumohr by several small children also a \V M. TOWERS, Mr. T. (::\Si l'.Rt)N, mowed to McGillivray township dnett by \iis�,tp Lewis and Trrb:e !'tali. but, the Cllfftciai Telephone Directory on 5 array, Ostoner 10th. 1308, where they lived until about 9 years and a solo by Herbert SoutheottTic 1 . ding i.s 2H by fi5 anal in. yood for the llistrict of Western Ont-tgo whorl they sone to Ex.•:er. She On thewhole the Rally services .were '�11811111JStf,39 "H '.1 alnte t repair. Outside and nside ie .,urvivew by besides her aged hus- the hes that have ben heed in the Will plans,' note that we arl0, including the Village of is fa 1 wit h pine [watched lumber ban 1 fire children. Henry of Exeter. demos street choral' for a number of have to pay orae cent posfege Exeter. `an 1 floor matched maple. 11.2 Mrs. IT 'leer. and Mia. n rind n. of yenta. on each paper going to the changes of nuns nntilee, rhange,of 'itch thick. Sale at ° p. m. \Vi'tn!p g. Mrs. Stephenson and Mrs. _ [sited States. Tine rn• ang TERM'S OP HALE H. 1). Tiler. cf ypaforth. The A GRAND l)F[ F.lt.—T11E TIMES that your aubscnbtion rnunt atreet addresses. nrrptdera for duplic. ate entries should he handed in at Bi :.nnths credit on furuilhittR el. ceased ''OR a 1111, ROW!' of the%ANO TORONTO •\VEE1iLY Kmonr.. Lo paid in advance. \Vier nppt, .,,! joint note?. or dive 1!"at once to Metho,l o irt,,,ch. imp funeral was A\11 CANA1iA iEARSiY.tt t1•R05i you see your subscription ex- N Lent ice ntYt:nttl allowed for cash. held from her late ,. sideece on Run- NOW 1t1lITiI, JANY, 1910 FOR R1.fp0 lilting remit 81.50 for another A. MARCHAND liter fptrther 1'trtitulara apply to day interment being in 1)11 Exeter on 'fur, TWO PAPERS PROM NOW fear w that ,roe will not j Toho lfrt ief- p gee. Or R. 8. 1'hiili�s Cemetery. TO JANY. 1909 POR 35 CENTS. miss any coping of The Tiines. Local Manager. AWet ' ` • Fall Millinery, Fall Dress Goods, Fall Footwear & Fall Clothing. A careful examination is requested. as we feel cenvinted that you will be thoroughly satisfied as to the high class of exhibits, prices too are very Jolt when you take inti consideration the Good Value. Carling Bros. the People's Store. where you get your money's worth. and the right change back. Conte in and see us, whether you buy or not, no trouble to show goods. Butter 20c., Egg 19c., Dried apples 5c., We want your Poultry highesb prices paid. CARLINC BROS. New Grocery and Shoe Stor 2 Doors North of Postoffice,oppositeWood's Meat Market Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women and Children, all sizes, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced. F(eSh VioCe(IeS and Shoes APPLES WANTED Bring in your apples now, will take any kind and pay 25 cents per cwt. The Caledonia Evaporating Co. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter. 4 J. G. EARL, Manager. ATTEND THE BEST! 2 ♦ on .'ngle harness. This error was made owing to the prizes on lint -netts not having been att•arited tvhi•n the books were turned into lite 'were- lary Monday afternoon. Mr. Iloer had an excellent display cf hnrnt•es and was Justly entitled to the prizes. The rennin; of the late Mrs. Sin- clair Tait, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L:tmnrie, De- troit on Wednesday of last wee t. tt etc 'brought here Tlturrday ev,•n'.Itg. Messrs. W. Haw kshaw and 1). S. Tait, the two eons, of St. Paul. arrive. cd Friday morning. The funeral was STRATFORD,. ONT. It is recognized as the LARD- A LIST, BEST. and MOST SuC-• C ESSFU 1. training school in Western Ontario. Three de- • partnlents:-- • COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND• TELEGRAPHIC.• Our graduates secure good po-• • sittons and forge to the front. • Write for our free catalogue, j you will find it interesting, • You may enter any time. • • SITUIiTIONS'.. with leading business houses await our graduates. Loose -Leaf Ledger and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. e Gregg Shorthand taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. THREE COURSES:— Stenography. Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter any day, write for particulars FALL TERM FROM SEPT. ist, Ciinlon ,Business PColle�e (iEO. SI OTT p GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY YS W M Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur-; HUNTERS ane Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. EXCURSION School House For Sale